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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Ethnic Barrier : An exploratory study of the perception of ethnic diversity within investment banks in Sweden / Den Etniska Barriären : En utforskande studie om uppfattning om etnisk mångfald inom investment banker i Sverige

Mekonnen, Michael, Tahir, Gara January 2021 (has links)
This paper aims to give an insight into how employees, with foreign backgrounds, at investment banks in Sweden perceive the industry with respect to ethnic diversity. Furthermore, it intends to investigate how employees within investment banks believe ethnic diversity can be improved with a focus on the recruitment process. The study uses grounded theory as a methodological approach to propel this equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI) research beyond the dominant understanding of the organizations. Furthermore, to collect data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine participants, of which seven of them had a foreign background. According to the findings of this paper, the perception of the industry is that there is a lack of ethnic diversity within the Swedish investment banking industry. Furthermore, the study found that the investment banker’s perceptions are that; there is a lack of relatable role models, a lack of relevant educational background among people with a foreign background, inequality regimes in the industry, and prevalent nepotism and network-based recruitment. The latter two reproduce ethnosociality, where the dominant group gets an advantage, and the minority gets excluded, in this case, people with a foreign background. Furthermore, when the interviewees were asked what may be done to increase ethnic diversity, they came up with ten different solutions, some of which contradicted one other and some concurring. This paper concludes that companies need to play an active role and take responsibility and put as much focus on ethnic diversity as gender diversity. / Denna uppsats syftar till att ge en inblick i hur anställda, med utländsk bakgrund, i investmentbanker i Sverige, uppfattar branschen med avseende på etnisk mångfald. Dessutom avser den att undersöka hur anställda inom investmentbanker tror att etnisk mångfald kan förbättras med ett fokus på rekryteringsprocessen. Studien använde grounded theory som ett metodologiskt tillvägagångssätt för att driva denna forskning om mångfald, rättvisa och inkludering bortom organisationernas dominant och rådande uppfattning. För att samla in data genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio deltagare, varav sju hade en utländsk bakgrund. Enligt resultaten i denna uppsats är uppfattningen av branschen att det saknas etnisk mångfald inom investmentbankerna i Sverige. Dessutom fann studien att anställdas uppfattning är att; det saknas relaterbara förebilder, det är brist på relevant utbildningsbakgrund bland människor med utländsk bakgrund, det finns ojämlikhetsregimer i branschen och det finns en utbredd nepotism och nätverksbaserad rekrytering. De två sistnämnda anses reproducerar etnosocialitet, där den dominerande gruppen får en fördel och minoritetsgruppen utesluts, i detta fall människor med utländsk bakgrund. När intervjuobjekten tillfrågades om vad som kan göras för att förbättra etnisk mångfald, kom de fram till 10 olika förslag, både motstridiga och överensstämmande. Denna uppsats drar slutsatsen att företag måste spela en aktiv roll, ta ansvar och fokusera lika mycket på etnisk mångfald som på jämställdhet.

Learning apart? : A quantitative study on the role of economic segregation and contextual effects on educational outcomes for Swedish youth

Kourkis, Carla January 2024 (has links)
Research on segregation's impact on educational outcomes has been extensive worldwide. Given Sweden's immigration levels and persistent patterns of economic residential segregation, this research aims to investigate how students' educational outcome is associatedwith area characteristics such as socio-economic deprivation, presence of residents with foreign background, and economic segregation. Results are evaluated for all students then separately by gender and students’ background status. Educational outcome is measured with the average merit value for students who finished the ninth grade in 2023. Regression analysis has been used as a method to conduct results. Surprisingly, economic residential segregation alone is associated with higher average school results. Yet, economic residential segregation is no longer a significant predictor of educational outcomes once other factors such as socio-economic deprivation and the share of persons with foreign background are accounted for. The findings suggest that a high proportion of residents with higher levels of education in the municipality has the most consistent and positive association with educational outcomes across all groups. Additionally, no significant association was found between educational outcomes and the presence of residents with foreign background, once socio-economic deprivation has been accounted for. In terms of gender, girls appear less affected by area characteristics compared to boys.

Etnisk identitet i en föränderlig värld : Upplevelser av etnisk identitet hos unga vuxna med utländsk bakgrund

Baggström, Marie, Carlsson Falk, Sofi January 2015 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att uppnå en förståelse över om och hur unga vuxna med utländsk bakgrund upplever att deras syn på sin etniska identitet har påverkats av en uppväxt i ett samhälle där de parallellt tillhör en majoritets- och minoritetsbefolkning. Studien syftar även till att undersöka om och hur deras etniska identitet har påverkat relationen till deras familj. Kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder har använts i form av en fokusgruppsintervju samt fyra individuella intervjuer. Materialet har analyserats utifrån sociologiska teorier om etnisk identitet. Utifrån insamlad empiri och analys av resultatet så dras slutsatsen att synen på den etniska identiteten är starkt situationsanpassad. Majoriteten av informanterna uttryckte en känsla av en "både och" identitet, där de upplevde två etniska identifikationer. Informanterna växlar mellan dessa identiteter beroende på vad som är mest passande utifrån aktuell situation. Studiens resultat visar även att familjen tycks spela en betydande roll för individernas syn på sin etniska identitet. / The purpose of this study is to obtain an understanding of whether and how young adults, with foreign background, feel that their views of their ethnic identity have been affected by growing up in a society where they are both part of a majority and minority population. This study also seeks to examine whether and how their view of their ethnic identity has affected their relationship with their family. Qualitative methods were used in this study, in terms of one focus group interview and four individual interviews. The material has been analyzed based on sociological theories of ethnic identity. Based on the collected empirical data, and the analysis of the results, the conclusion is that the perception of ethnic identity depends highly on the situation. The majority of respondents express a sense of double identity, where they experienced two ethnic identifications. They then switch between these identities depending on what is most appropriate based on the current situation. Another conclusion is that the family seems to play a significant role in the individuals views of their ethnic identities.

Att arbeta med kontroversiella frågor i en mångkulturell kontext : En intervjustudie med högstadielärare i de samhällsorienterade ämnena / Working with controversial issues in a multicultural context : An interview study with secondary school teachers in social studies

Bengtzelius, Arthur January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att bidra med kunskap om undervisning i kontroversiella frågor på skolor med en hög andel elever med utländsk bakgrund. Mer precist syftar arbetet till att synliggöra hur och varför lärarna låter kontroversiella frågor utgöra en del av undervisningen samt hur lärarna beskriver sin roll i undervisningssituationen och varför de väljer att göra på så sätt. För att svara på detta görs intervjuer med sex högstadielärare i de samhällsorienterade ämnena. Två utgångspunkter för undersökningen är att olika frågor upplevs som kontroversiella baserat på individens kultur, tro och identitet samt att lärarnas didaktiska överväganden påverkas av elevgruppens bakgrund och situation. Två analysverktyg nyttjas i syfte att sortera in lärarnas svar i olika kategorier där deras didaktiska överväganden behandlas. Resultatet pekar resultatet på att det inte finns någon generell preferens bland lärarna på dessa skolor att anta ett särskilt förhållningssätt till undervisning i kontroversiella frågor men att samtliga lärare delvis utgår från elevernas bakgrund i deras didaktiska överväganden kring undervisning i kontroversiella frågor. / This paper aims to contribute with knowledge about teaching controversial issues in schools with students of foreign background. Concretely the aim is to showcase how and why teachers teach controversial issues aswell as how and why teachers teach in a specific way when they teach controversial issues in the classroom. To answer this six interviews with secondary school teachers in the subjects of social studies, religion, history and geography is carried out. The premiss in this paper is that different issues are considerd controversial by individuals of different age, culture, faith, and identity, and also that teachers make different considerations in their teaching based on the students background and situation. Two analytical tools are used to sort different answers in to categories where the teachers considerations are brought up. The result of the study shows that there are no clear preferences among the teachers as to how controversial issues should be handled. However, the reslut also shows that all teachers base many of their considerations on the students background and situation and there are some preferences as to why controversial issues should be handled.

Det brinner i förortens ungdomsroman : bilden av unga män med utländsk härkomst i 2009 års samhällsrealistiska ungdomsroman.

Gherman Palmert, Siri January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper is to examine how young men of foreign background are pictured in the realistic adolescence novels of 2009. In my process of work I have used a classical schedule for literature analysis from which I have worked out a few questions to use on my texts. The questions are related to the main characters and some of the most important minor characters – all are young men with foreign background – and focuses on aspects of for example where they live, who their friends are and what they think about and dream of.</p><p>To put these pictures into a wider perspective I compare my results with the well known stereotype picturing of men with foreign background in media. I then discuss how or if this affects the young men’s picture of themselves and the majority society’s picture of them. Another part of my discussion is how school can provide good role models for their students and how and if we can work with these stereotypes. To relate to young men with foreign background I have used two culture studies.</p><p>The result of my analysis shows that the picturing of young men with foreign background tends to be stiff and static and closely stereotype. My conclusion is therefore that the picturing of young men with foreign background in the realistic adolescence novels of 2009 is familiar to the ones we can see in media. And from looking at the two culture studies I used, I can see that the stereotype pictures tend to affect how these young men picture themselves and also how the majority society pictures them. This can in the long run be dreadful for the self-image of these young men.</p>

Att investera i en karriär : Övergången mellan studier och arbete för studenter med utländsk bakgrund vid Växjö universitet

Broman, Erik, Flodin, Tim January 2009 (has links)
Numerous studies raise the topic of highly educated immigrants whose education and list of qualifications devalue in the context of the Swedish labour market. However, little is known of those with foreign background who enter into higher education in Sweden. Our study attempts to shed some light onto the value of higher education relative to that of a person’s ethnic background. The background material features nine in-depth interviews of foreign background academics, as well as data extracted from an extensive survey study previously carried out at Växjö University.  Initially, the quantitative data showed that students with foreign background, including Swedish-born children of immigrants, had not managed to find qualified work upon completion of studies to the same extent as their Swedish background counterparts. The individual stories given in interviews support the assumption that social capital, in the form of access to networks or membership thereof, may decide the physical location of individual careers. Those who stayed in the region were either brought up locally or had established themselves through work practice. In some respects, those who left can be considered outsiders, whose chances of finding work largely depended on their establishing themselves elsewhere. Some had managed to find qualified work beyond their own acquaintances, but only through a long period of unemployment or doing unqualified work. When it comes to the ethnic backgrounds of the interviewed, positive and negative aspects were brought up by some, while others did not consider it relevant with respect to their own careers. However, their stories provide examples of how ethnicity works as a deciding factor on the labour market in much the same way as, for instance, class and gender. In turn, this is an indication of underlying mechanisms on the labour market that rest on social ties.

Att investera i en karriär : Övergången mellan studier och arbete för studenter med utländsk bakgrund vid Växjö universitet

Broman, Erik, Flodin, Tim January 2009 (has links)
<p>Numerous studies raise the topic of highly educated immigrants whose education and list of qualifications devalue in the context of the Swedish labour market. However, little is known of those with foreign background who enter into higher education in Sweden. Our study attempts to shed some light onto the value of higher education relative to that of a person’s ethnic background. The background material features nine in-depth interviews of foreign background academics, as well as data extracted from an extensive survey study previously carried out at Växjö University. </p><p>Initially, the quantitative data showed that students with foreign background, including Swedish-born children of immigrants, had not managed to find qualified work upon completion of studies to the same extent as their Swedish background counterparts. The individual stories given in interviews support the assumption that social capital, in the form of access to networks or membership thereof, may decide the physical location of individual careers. Those who stayed in the region were either brought up locally or had established themselves through work practice. In some respects, those who left can be considered outsiders, whose chances of finding work largely depended on their establishing themselves elsewhere. Some had managed to find qualified work beyond their own acquaintances, but only through a long period of unemployment or doing unqualified work.</p><p>When it comes to the ethnic backgrounds of the interviewed, positive and negative aspects were brought up by some, while others did not consider it relevant with respect to their own careers. However, their stories provide examples of how ethnicity works as a deciding factor on the labour market in much the same way as, for instance, class and gender. In turn, this is an indication of underlying mechanisms on the labour market that rest on social ties.</p>

Det brinner i förortens ungdomsroman : bilden av unga män med utländsk härkomst i 2009 års samhällsrealistiska ungdomsroman.

Gherman Palmert, Siri January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine how young men of foreign background are pictured in the realistic adolescence novels of 2009. In my process of work I have used a classical schedule for literature analysis from which I have worked out a few questions to use on my texts. The questions are related to the main characters and some of the most important minor characters – all are young men with foreign background – and focuses on aspects of for example where they live, who their friends are and what they think about and dream of. To put these pictures into a wider perspective I compare my results with the well known stereotype picturing of men with foreign background in media. I then discuss how or if this affects the young men’s picture of themselves and the majority society’s picture of them. Another part of my discussion is how school can provide good role models for their students and how and if we can work with these stereotypes. To relate to young men with foreign background I have used two culture studies. The result of my analysis shows that the picturing of young men with foreign background tends to be stiff and static and closely stereotype. My conclusion is therefore that the picturing of young men with foreign background in the realistic adolescence novels of 2009 is familiar to the ones we can see in media. And from looking at the two culture studies I used, I can see that the stereotype pictures tend to affect how these young men picture themselves and also how the majority society pictures them. This can in the long run be dreadful for the self-image of these young men.

Naturen består av "grönt" : Kvantitativ studie av identifikationsmöjligheter i svensk barn- och skollitteratur 1750–2015 / Nature consists of "green" : Quantitative study of representation in Swedish children’s and school books 1750–2015

Israelsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Elever med utländsk bakgrund presterar generellt sämre i NO-ämnen än elever med svensk bakgrund. Det kan endast delvis förklaras med socioekonomiska faktorer och språksvårigheter. Det är däremot tänkbart att de försämrade resultaten för elever med utländsk bakgrund kan förklaras av normativ exkludering. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om läroplanens krav på alla elevers rätt till likvärdig undervisning uppfylls. De frågeställningar som ställs är om identifieringsmöjligheterna för elever med olika etnisk bakgrund har påverkats av kraven i Lpo94 och Lgr11, och om arbetet med skolans värdegrund återspeglar sig i förändringar av läroböckernas illustrationer. Studien är en kartläggning av förekomsten av synliggörande och normativ exkludering genom osynliggörande med fokus på elevernas förutsättningar inför högstadiet. Den består av en kvantitativ kartläggning av vilka som är avbildade i barn- och skollitteratur under 1750–2015 (utifrån etnicitet, kön och ålder). Den ska inte ses som en läromedelsanalys utan snarare som en analys av värderingar visade genom läromedels­inköp. Studien kan påvisa både långsiktiga trender och kortare fluktuationer i såväl andelen avbildade som graden av inkluderande avbildning. Ingen ökad grad av inkludering kunde detekteras under slutet av 1900-talet och under 2000-talet (förutom angående andelen barn i littera­tur för äldre barn). Märkbarapositiva effekter av Lpo94, Lgr11 och de senare årens värdegrundsarbete i skolan kan alltså inte detekteras. Det bör därför krävas nya typer av insatser för att kunna uppnå kravet på likvärdig undervisning för alla elever. / The purpose of this study is to examine if the Swedish ethnocentrism influences the education in biology in Swedish school: if students with different ethnical background have unequal opportunities to identification due to inequality in representation in Swedish school books, and of the current Swedish curriculum Lgr11 and the previous curriculum Lpo94 have had any effect on representation in Swedish school books. Students with non-Swedish ethnical background generally perform less well in science than students with Swedish ethnical background. It can only be partially explained by socio-economic factors or language skills. However, norm-based exclusion could be a major factor. This study focus on normative exclusion through invisibilizing. It reports an intersectional quantitative study of depiction of age, ethnicity, gender and national minorities in Swedish children and school books 1750–2015. It is not an analysis of text books as such but rather an analysis of values shown by purchases of educational material. The analyses revealed both long-term trends and shorter fluctuationsin the degree of depictions as well as in the degree of exclusion/inclusion. The study cannot find any detectable increase in ethnic or gender inclusion during the late 20thand the 21thcentury. Therefore, any significant positive effects of the national Swedish curricula Lpo94 and Lgr11 and the focus of core values (“värdegrund”) can be excluded.

Personvalet i det mångkulturella samhället : En studie av personvalets betydelse för kandidater med utländsk bakgrund

Fredriksson, Matilda January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine the importance of personal election for candidates of foreign background. I made this, first, by map and comparing the candidates of foreign background in the recent Swedish and Finnish parliamentary election. Second, I analyze what conceptions candidates of foreign background, who was nominated in the 2006 municipal election in Örebro, have about the personal election. The result from the first study shows that personal election had a negative impact on candidates of foreign background in both the Swedish and Finnish parliamentary elections. The result from the second study shows that candidates of foreign background have both positive and negative conceptions about the personal election.

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