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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kontokortsbaserade betalningssystem på Internet / Credit Card Based Payment Systems on the Internet

Andersson, Susanne January 1999 (has links)
Internationally most Internet trade related payments are performed with the use of a credit card based payment system on the Internet. Payment against invoice is still most common when trading over the Internet in Sweden. The security development, comfort and timesaving indicate that credit card based payment systems on the Internet soon will have a breakthrough in Sweden as well. The Swedish legislation concerning payment is neither especially extensive nor suited to electronic payments but to payments performed with notes and coins. When the legal effects, of a payment performed with a credit card based payment system on the Internet, set in is not fixed. My objective with this essay is to analyse when the legal act payment should be considered to have been realized, when the payment is performed with the use of a credit card based payment system on the Internet

Problems in the Classification Theory of Non-Associative Simple Algebras

Darpö, Erik January 2009 (has links)
In spite of its 150 years history, the problem of classifying all finite-dimensional division algebras over a field k is still unsolved whenever k is not algebraically closed. The present thesis concerns some different aspects of this problem, and the related problems of classifying all composition and absolute valued algebras. A tripartition of the class of all fields is given, based on the dimensions in which division algebras over a field exist. Moreover, all finite-dimensional flexible real division algebras are classified. This class includes in particular all finite-dimensional commutative real division algebras, of which two different classifications, along different lines, are presented. It is shown that every vector product algebra has dimension zero, one, three or seven, and that its isomorphism type is determined by its adherent quadratic form. This yields a new and elementary proof for the corresponding, classical result for unital composition algebras. A rotation in a Euclidean space is an orthogonal map that locally acts as a plane rotation with a fixed angle. All pairs of rotations in finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces are classified up to orthogonal similarity. A description of all composition algebras having an LR-bijective idempotent is given. On the basis of this description, all absolute valued algebras having a one-sided unity or a non-zero central idempotent are classified.

Känslouttryck i döda ting : Studie hur känslouttryck kan överföras till en rekvisitas form och uppfattas av betraktare

Uleander, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Detta arbete redovisar hur fysiska kännetecken för mänskliga känslouttryck, utan andra mänskliga attribut, överförs till rekvisita och uppfattas av betraktare. Kunskap i hur känslor blir till uttryck, är hämtat från boken Unmasking the face. En byrå, soffa och säng valdes till att uttrycka känslorna. Genom att tänka i animation och rörelse, skapades tolv modeller för känslouttrycken glädje, ilska, rädsla och förvåning. Möblerna och deras känslouttryck tecknades för att slutligen modelleras. Problemställningen besvarades genom en enkätundersökning i Skövde centrum på fyrtiotvå slumpmässigt utvalda personer. Glädje, ilska och förvåning uppfattades av majoriteten, även om förvåning var otydligare. Rädsla uppfattades av en mindre del. Generellt uppfattades rädsla som förvåning eller vemod. Examensarbetets syfte är att skapa underlag till att fortsättningsvis använda känslouttryck i döda ting. Exempelvis kommunicera känslor i terapeutiskt verktyg, dataspel eller andra mediala sammanhang.

Är hälsan beroende av anställningsform? : en jämförande studie av inhyrd och direkt anställd personal

Viklund, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Som en följd av samhällets utveckling väljer företag idag att periodvis hyra in personal från bemanningsföretag för att kunna klara av de nya krav som ställs. Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra det psykiska välbefinnandet hos arbetstagare i två olika anställningsformer i relation till den upplevda psykosociala arbetsmiljön. För att besvara syftet konstruerades en enkät som delades ut till två olika grupper av arbetstagare som arbetade på samma företag dock med olika förutsättningar. Hälften var inhyrda medan den andra hälften var direkt anställda av företaget. Totalt delades 78 enkäter ut och svarsfrekvensen blev 59 procent. Resultatet visade, trots skillnader i svarsfrekvens mellan urvalsgrupperna, att de inhyrda arbetstagarna hade ett högre psykiskt välbefinnande än de som var direkt anställda av företaget. Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön upplevdes något sämre av de arbetstagare som var inhyrda av företaget. När de olika psykosociala arbetsmiljöfaktorerna sattes i förhållande till varandra, var kontroll den faktor som de båda urvalsgrupperna upplevde lägst nivå av, högst nivå upplevdes det sociala stödet ha. Resultatet visade även på en signifikansnivå under 0.05 gällande anställningsform och det psykiska välbefinnandet, det fanns även ett signifikant samband mellan det psykiska välbefinnandet och upplevelsen av de psykosociala arbetsmiljöfaktorerna. Det fanns dock inget signifikant samband mellan anställningsform och upplevelsen av de psykosociala arbetsmiljöfaktorerna.

Classification of second order symmetric tensors in the Lorentz metric

Hjelm Andersson, Hampus January 2010 (has links)
This bachelor thesis shows a way to classify second order symmetric tensors in the Lorentz metric. Some basic prerequisite about indefinite and definite algebra is introduced, such as the Jordan form, indefinite inner products, the Segre type, and the Minkowski space. There are also some results concerning the invariant 2-spaces of a symmetric tensor and a different approach on how to classify second order symmetric tensor.

En annorlunda undervisningsform i religionsämnet : En studie om Abrahams Barns undervisningsmetod

Haddad, Christine January 2008 (has links)
This article is about Abrahams Children foundation and its teaching method called IE- method. It’s about how a teacher can use the IE- method in the religion lesson. There were some questions in this article that had to be answered and the questions are: - How is the form of the religion classes when a teacher uses the IE- method? - What happens in the class when you study the interaction and the communication? - Does the student’s participation increase when they work with the IE- method? - What are the advantage and the disadvantage with the IE- method? - Can the teacher use the IE- method in other classes? To get to the “correct” answer I used many methods like, observation in the class, qualitative interview with the teacher (Lisa Andersson) and with four students (Kim, Erik, Amanda, Patrik) and I also used questionnaire. I studied some books that are about the IE- method. I studied even some articles about the IE- method. I took help from Hjalmar Sundén’s part theori. The lessons begin with a teacher who is reading one story and then the children have to decide with character they want to write about and when they have wrote a text in an I- form they have to present their texts to everybody in the class. The study showed that the children is having very fun with the IE- method and they like to study with this method because when they write their texts there is no right or wrong. That is because they are writing about their feelings and thoughts and no one can say that they have wrong thoughts. The teacher and the children feel that the have grown because when they are writing their texts and then have to argue about their opinion they write better texts. Because the children have to argue about their opinion the interaction and the communication in the class is better. They all want to be heard from the other student’s and they all listen to each other. And because they are writing about their feelings everybody in the class participates. The advantage with the IE- method is that it includes everybody and by that I mean that IE- method includes the biggest religions and most of the children have those religions and they are interested to find out more. The disadvantage with the IE- method is that it’s a complement to other theoretic methods and a teacher can not use the IE- method only. The other disadvantage is that sometimes the teacher forgets to talk about the differences between these religions because she is too cut up with the similarities. A teacher can use the IE- method in other lessons like for example she can use it in a English lesson. She can correct the grammar in the texts and the language in the texts and when the children are arguing about their opinions.

Bild, färg och form : utifrån förskollärarens perspektiv

Kvarnvik, Ida, Oscarsson, Millan January 2008 (has links)
Vårt syfte med den här studien är att undersöka hur förskollärare tänker och arbetar kring bild, färg och formskapande inom förskolan och vilka faktorer de anser viktiga i den skapande verksamheten. Vi vill även se om det föreligger några skillnader då förskolan har tillgång till en ateljerista som arbetar i förskolans ateljé och då förskolan inte har det. Frågeställningarna är som följer: – Vilka faktorer anser förskollärarna viktiga i förskolebarns färg – och formskapande? – Vilken betydelse har tillgången till en ateljerista för den skapande verksamheten? Vi har i vår undersökning genomfört åtta intervjuer av förskollärare. Två av respondenterna var även utbildade till ateljerista. Två av respondenterna hade tillgång till en ateljerista och fyra hade inte det. Resultatet visar att det inte finns så stora skillnader i tankegångarna hos respondenterna vare sig de har tillgång till ateljé eller inte. Vi kunde även tyda att miljön kring barnet har en stor betydelse i båda fallen. Tyngdpunkten ligger vid kunskap och engagemang.

Svensk Form : En studie om hur föreningen Svensk Form styrs i bakgrund av regeringens uppdrag och föreningens mål

Aydin, Rojin, Refai, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
Swedish design is known all over the world and is seen in national as well as in international arenas. There is only one design organization in Sweden that has the task to represent Swedish design in public. The organization is Swedish Form and it is the oldest design organization in the world. It has a huge influence in our society, within design and form. In the end of 1990 the association received its first government assignment, which still continues. A large part of this assignment involves being a venue to form and design in addition to distributing knowledge about these to the public. How is an association like this, that has a government assignment and has to follow the association prescription with a responsibility to its members, being ruled? Swedish Form is an association with thousands of members that are an important part of the association’s activity. The members and the government are two considerable parts of Swedish Form that in various ways controls and gives directives to the association. How much space is given to Swedish Form by the government to control the activity by itself, and which directives do they have to follow? These are questions that will be clarified in this study, which is about how Swedish Form is ruled by the government’s demand and the association’s aim.

Fitting Objects Into Holes : On the Development of Spatial Cognition Skills

Örnkloo, Helena January 2007 (has links)
Children’s ability to manipulate objects is the end-point of several important developments. To imagine objects in different positions greatly improves children’s action capabilities. They can relate objects to each other successfully, and plan actions involving more than one object. We know that one-year-olds can insert an object into an aperture. Earlier research has focused on the start and goal of such actions, but ignored the way in between. This thesis shows that children are unable to fit an object into an aperture unless they can imagine the different projections of the object and rotate it in advance. The problem of how to proceed with an object-aperture matching was studied in 14- to 40-month-old children with a box, different holes and a set of fitting wooden blocks. Study I focused on how to orient a single object to make it fit. Studies II and III added a second object or aperture, introducing choice. In Study I there was a huge difference between 18 and 22 months in solving the fitting problem. Successful insertion was related to appropriate pre-adjustments. The older children pre-adjusted the object orientation before arriving at the aperture(s). The younger used a feedback strategy and that did not work for this task. To choose was more difficult than expected; one must not only choose one alternative, but also inhibit the other. Fifteen-month-olds were unable to choose between sizes and shapes, 20-month-olds could choose between sizes, 30-month-olds could choose between sizes and shapes, but not even 40-month-olds could choose between objects with different triangular cross-sections. Finally, the relationships between an object and an aperture, supporting surface or form were investigated. When comparing tasks requiring relationships between an object’s positive and an aperture’s negative form, between a 3D and a 2D, and between two 3D-forms, we found that the main difficulties is relating positive and negative form.

Lärares och elevers upplevelser av elevinflytande på gymnasiet

Hestner, Göran January 2009 (has links)
Enligt läroplanen för de frivilliga skolformerna Lpf 94 skall de demokratiska principerna genomsyra all verksamhet i skolan och eleverna skall till såväl innehåll som form beredas ett verkligt inflytande över sin undervisning. Såväl forskning som återkommande enkät­undersökningar som skolverket genomför visar emellertid att det råder stora brister i framför allt elevernas inflytande över innehållet. Den här uppsatsen försöker genom en fallstudie kasta ljus över djupperspektiven i detta med elevinflytande och genom intervjuer av lärare och elever på en gymnasieskola mer kvalitativt teckna förståelsen för elevinflytandets villkor. I analysen ställs resultaten mot John Deweys utbildningsfilosofi och jämförs utöver läroplanen även med tidigare forskning inom området. Såväl elever som lärare vittnar om ett högst begränsat elevinflytande över innehåll, men om ett relativt stort sådant över arbetsformer. Som elevinflytandets främsta förtjänst lyfter de båda upp dess positiva inverkan på trivsel och arbetsglädje. De främsta hindren för elevinflytandet upplevs av såväl lärare som elever utgöras av framför allt kursplanernas utformning, tidsbristen samt brister i elev­engagemanget. Sam­tidigt upplevs en konflikt mellan läroplanens krav på elevinflytande, kursplanernas utformning och tidsbristen i skolan, men även mellan demokratin och minoritets­skyddet. Eleverna upplevde även vissa lärares oengagemang som ett hinder.

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