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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La coopération fiscale entre Etats dans la lutte contre la fraude et l'évasion fiscales internationales / Interstate cooperation against international tax fraud and tax avoidance

Laumonier, Alexandre 27 November 2017 (has links)
Si la fraude et l'évasion fiscales sont aussi anciennes que l'impôt lui-même, la mondialisation et la numérisation de l'économie ont placé les Etats face aux limites de leur pouvoir fiscal, pouvoir qui demeure intimement lié à leur compétence territoriale. Plus récemment, c'est la crise financière de 2007-2008 qui a attiré l'attention de l'opinion publique mondiale sur l'importance du phénomène de fraude et d'évasion fiscales internationales et le rôle essentiel qu’y tiennent les paradis fiscaux. Les outils juridiques conventionnels traditionnels à la disposition des Etats ont montré toutes leurs limites, et ce tant en matière de détection des situations à risque que d’échange d’informations ou d’assistance au recouvrement. S’est ainsi faite jour la nécessité, pour certains Etats, de relancer, sur le plan international, des actions de nature coopérative d’un nouveau type pour tenter d'endiguer les pertes budgétaires massives ainsi subies ou consenties. Ces actions, participant tant de la « soft law » que de la règle de droit, menées par l'OCDE comme par l'Union européenne, se concentrent sur deux aspects fondamentaux que sont, d'une part la transparence fiscale et, d'autre part, la lutte contre les pratiques d'érosion de la base imposable et de transfert des bénéfices vers des Etats ou territoires à fiscalité faible ou nulle. L'analyse de ces tentatives de réforme de la fiscalité internationale conduit à s'interroger non seulement sur la méthode utilisée ainsi que sur le contenu des réglementations qui en découlent, mais également sur les perspectives d'avenir de la lutte contre la fraude et l'évasion fiscales internationales. Face aux carences du « nationalisme fiscal », il convient donc de s'interroger sur la pertinence d'une mondialisation de l'impôt lui-même, et ce tant au niveau de la base imposable que des taux d’imposition. / Tax fraud and tax avoidance are as old as tax itself. Economy’s globalisation and digitalazation have however confronted States with the limitations of their tax power that remains dependant on their territorial boundaries. More recently, the 2007-2008 financial crisis has drawn the attention of the public opinion on the extent of international tax fraud and avoidance as well as on the key role tax heavens play in this frame. The traditional and conventional legal tools States can use have reached their limits in the field of detection of potential risky tax’s situations, exchange of information as well as collection assistance. Some States are willing to revive, on an worldwide level, the international tax cooperation, so as to curb massive budgetary losses they either undergo or consent to. These measures, which are based on « soft law » or on real right rules, are lead by the OECD and the European Union in order to face two main purposes. The first one deals with tax transparency whereas the second one tackles with base erosion and profit shifting towards States and territories with low or nil tax levels. The analysis of these attempts to amend international tax rules leads up to question about the used methods, the regulation’s content and their perspectives. While facing the lacks of « tax nationalism », it is necessary to wonder about the relevancy of globalising taxes themselves through both their basis and their rates.

La justice sociale face à l'impôt. Étude sociologique de l'évitement fiscal dans une perspective de philosophie politique / Social justice in front of tax. Sociology of tax avoidance in view of political philosophy

Bocquillon Liger-Belair, Philippe 18 November 2016 (has links)
Reposant sur l’analyse sociologique de quarante-neuf entretiens qualitatifs auprès de contribuables et spécialistes de l’évitement fiscal, ainsi que sur la lecture des philosophes majeurs de quatre grandes doctrines contemporaines de la justice sociale, cette thèse de doctorat vise à décrire et à comprendre les pratiques actuelles d’évitement fiscal des contribuables, personnes physiques et entreprises.La norme sociale s’avère plutôt favorable à l’évitement légal de l’impôt, et relativement permissive vis-à-vis de l’évitement illégal. Une analyse en sociologie de la déviance montrera les dangers que cette dynamique fait penser sur les finances publiques et sur la capacité de l’État à lever l’impôt dans le futur. Alors, l’étude des cadres axiologiques de ces phénomènes sociaux permettra d’établir une typologie idéal-typique des contribuables à partir des doctrines utilitariste, égalitariste libérale, libertarienne et communautarienne. Elle tentera de comprendre pour chaque groupe d’individus ainsi constitué les manières de penser et d’agir face à l’impôt, à partir notamment de la modélisation du « ras-le-bol fiscal ». Cette typologie pourra aussi être appliquée aux pratiques d’évitement des multinationales.Finalement, des recommandations originales et argumentées permettront de passer d’une vision comptable et juridique des finances publiques à une perspective de long terme basée sur les principes de justice. / This thesis is based on a qualitative survey among forty-nine taxpayers and tax specialists, as well as the study of the major philosophers of four different theories of social justice: utilitarianism, liberal egalitarianism, libertarianism and communitarianism. It aims at bringing to light tax avoidance and tax evasion strategies as well as the social and individual frames that allow such practices. This is conducted based on a social deviance analysis. Our work will confirm why taxpayers generally are in favour of (legal) tax avoidance. We have also observed a certain acceptance of (illegal) tax evasion. Our sociological and philosophical analysis will provide explanations for this situation. It will also offer new perspectives about the direct and side effects of this dynamic. We have established an ideal-type analysis grid that has allowed to better understand the social norm about tax, both from individual and firm perspectives. We have also created a theoretical model to explain the so-called tax “ras-le-bol”, as a breakeven threshold for taxes. We have eventually proposed original criteria for social justice based on our experience and research work that intends to open up new horizons for rebuilding a fair and sustainable tax and redistribution system.

Um estudo sobre o processo de adesão ao programa de integridade da lei 12.846, de 1º de agosto de 2013, e seus efeitos sobre os controles internos em empresas nacionais e multinacionais / A study on the adherence process to the law 12.846, August 1, 2013 integrity program, and its effects on internal controls in national and multinational companies.

Patrícia Reis Carvalho de Castro 30 November 2016 (has links)
Diante dos escândalos contábeis e fraudes corporativas reportadas nas últimas décadas em diversos países do mundo, incluindo o Brasil, aprovou-se, em agosto de 2013, a lei anticorrupção brasileira 12.846, com o objetivo de responsabilizar administrativa e civilmente pessoas jurídicas que pratiquem atos contra a administração pública, nacional ou estrangeira. Embora seja notório o esforço do governo federal brasileiro no combate à corrupção, a legislação carecia de orientações sobre mecanismos e procedimentos internos de integridade, auditoria e incentivo à denúncia de irregularidades, demandando o preparo de documento complementar, publicado em março de 2015, através do Decreto 8.420. O presente estudo investiga o grau de conhecimento sobre o programa de integridade da lei anticorrupção, bem como sua existência e aplicabilidade, por meio da análise da percepção dos respondentes de uma amostra de empresas nacionais e multinacionais. Avaliam-se também os efeitos do programa de integridade estabelecido na lei anticorrupção sobre os controles internos das organizações e a opinião de auditores independentes sobre o monitoramento destes controles, com o advento da nova legislação. A amostra contempla 32 empresas de capital aberto associadas à ABRASCA (Associação Brasileira de Companhias Abertas) e 25 firmas de auditoria vinculadas ao IBRACON (Instituto dos Auditores Independentes do Brasil). Para coletar as respostas, utiliza-se o método survey, operacionalizado através de um formulário comercializado pela empresa Vroman Systems Inc (Form site) e enviado eletronicamente para o grupo de empresas selecionado. Em relação aos achados, destaca-se a confirmação de que a função do compliance officer foi criada após a regulamentação da lei anticorrupção, indicando que a legislação impactou o número de funcionários das organizações. Também se constata que as empresas respondentes, associadas à ABRASCA, têm alto grau de conhecimento e aderência aos parâmetros do programa de integridade da lei anticorrupção. Além disso, as firmas de auditoria associadas ao IBRACON confirmam que o programa de integridade da lei anticorrupção afetou o modelo de trabalho das auditorias independentes no Brasil. Dentre as recomendações para aprofundamento da pesquisa, sugere-se expandir a amostra para empresas de capital fechado, independentes de associações, e buscar entender se o programa de integridade da lei anticorrupção beneficia a performance financeira das empresas estabelecidas no Brasil. / In the face of corporate accounting scandals and frauds reported in the last decades in several countries, including Brazil, the Brazilian anti-corruption law 12,846 was approved in August 2013, with the purpose of charging administratively and civilly persons who commit acts against public, national or foreign administrations. Although the efforts of the Brazilian federal government to combat corruption are notable, the legislation lacked guidance on mechanisms, internal integrity procedures, audit and incentives to whistleblowing, resulting in the preparation of a supplementary document published in March 2015, through Decree 8,420. This study investigates the extent of knowledge about the anti-corruption integrity program law, as well as its existence and applicability, through the analysis of a sample of national and multinational companies. The effects of the integrity program, established in the anti-corruption law, on internal controls of organizations and the opinion of independent auditors on the monitoring of these controls, with the advent of new legislation, are also evaluated. The final sample includes 32 public companies associated with ABRASCA (Brazilian Association of Listed Companies) and 25 audit firms linked to IBRACON (Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil). In order to collect the answers, the survey method is used, and conducted through a form marketed by Vroman Systems Inc (Form website) and sent electronically to the selected population. Regarding the results, the analysis shows that the function of the compliance officer was created after the regulation of the anti-corruption law, and indicates that the legislation affected the number of resources at these organizations. It also notes that the surveyed companies, associated with ABRASCA, have a high degree of knowledge and adherence to the parameters of the anti-corruption integrity program law. In addition, audit firms associated with IBRACON confirm that the anti-corruption integrity program law has affected the working model of independent audits in Brazil. For further research, it is recommended that the sample be expanded to include private companies and independent associations, and that the analysis should seek to understand if the anti-corruption integrity program law benefits the financial performance of the corporations in Brazil.

Interpretação e relação de conceitos, institutos e formas do direito privado com normas do direito tributário: a influência dos princípios de direito privado e das cláusulas gerais do novo Código Civil na formação das normas de direito tributário / Interpretação e relação de conceitos, institutos e formas do direito privado com normas do direito tributário: a influência dos princípios de direito privado e das cláusulas gerais do novo código civil na formação das normas de direito tributário

Jobim, Eduardo de Sampaio Leite 09 June 2008 (has links)
Com a entrada em vigor do novo Código Civil, Lei n. 10.406, de 10 de janeiro de 2002, as cláusulas gerais passaram a ocupar papel de destaque no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, em especial no direito privado. Observamos, todavia, que pouca relação tiveram as referidas cláusulas com o direito tributário, restando imperiosa uma análise dogmática objetivando esclarecer os limites dos operadores do direito no manuseio de instrumentos que arejam o sistema jurídico. Dispositivos legais como os da função social dos contratos, do abuso do direito e da fraude à lei foram consagrados fazendo necessário um exame dos métodos mais adequados para a interpretação dessa espécie normativa e principais efeitos tributários. Tenta-se ainda demonstrar que o exame da causa no negócio jurídico é tema central para a interpretação dos negócios jurídicos de direito privado que exercem influência sobre o tema da tributação. / The following work has the prime aim to investigate and to formulate conclusions on the relation between the Brazilian tax system and the Brazilian Civil Code. For about a century, starting perhaps around 1870, changes in political thought, in social and economic conditions, and in the law, began to take place at an ever-increasing pace. After the age o freedom of contract (perhaps best placed in the century between 1770 and 1870) it is not hard to identify a period of gradual decline in belief of freedom of contract. These developments during this period represented to some degree a reversion to older traditions which pre-dated the age of individualism and freedom of contract, but has equally influenced the elaboration of the Brazilian Civil Code, which came into force on 2002. There we can clearly see the freedom of the contract limited by the principal of the social destination of contract, and other general clauses such as the abuse of rights and the civil fraud. The following work intends to investigate how these specific articles of the Brazilian Civil Code influences the legal obligation to pay taxes and the freedom to make tax planning\'s.

A elusão tributária e os limites à requalificação dos negócios jurídicos / Tax audidance and the limits applicable to the reclassification of activities by tax authorities or the Brazilian tax legislator

Germano, Livia de Carli 12 May 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo examina os limites à requalificação dos negócios jurídicos no Brasil, seja pelas autoridades fiscais seja pelo legislador tributário (infraconstitucional) com a criação de regras específicas e gerais para o controle da elusão fiscal. Para tanto, considera-se a elusão fiscal como figura autônoma, buscando-se identificar os critérios para a delimitação desta zona cinzenta existente entre a conduta contra legem (evasão) e aquela que não contraria, quer direta quer indiretamente, o ordenamento (elisão), e que corresponde à prática de atos aparentemente lícitos mas que ferem indiretamente o ordenamento. A identificação de tais critérios coloca em relevo a importância da causa dos negócios jurídicos e a noção de ilicitude atípica que qualifica os atos e negócios aparentemente lícitos porém desprovidos de causa, engendrados exclusivamente com vistas à economia de tributos. Analisa-se então como o ordenamento positivo brasileiro trata esta categoria de atos e negócios, buscando delimitar o que a administração fiscal está autorizada a fazer no combate à elusão fiscal. Em seguida, passa-se ao exame do controle da elusão fiscal realizado pela via legislativa, analisando-se os limites ao estabelecimento de regras específicas de prevenção ou de correção da elusão baseadas em ficções e presunções, as regras antielusivas constantes de convenções internacionais firmadas pelo Brasil, bem como a experiência estrangeira no estabelecimento de regras gerais antielusivas. Ao final, abordamos o conteúdo da regra geral antielusiva brasileira. / This research examines the limits applicable to the reclassification of activities by the Brazilian tax authorities or the Brazilian tax legislator (i.e., ordinary law) by means of specific and general anti-avoidance rules. For this purpose, we consider tax avoidance as an autonomous concept, which consists of those transactions that appear legitimate but are indirectly against rules, and we attempt to identify the criteria for delimitation of the gray area between an activity that represents a direct violation of Law tax evasion and one which does not infringe the law, either directly or indirectly valid tax planning. The identification of such criteria emphasizes the importance of the purpose behind a legal transaction and the idea of an illegality which is not expressly defined by law applicable to those acts and transactions that, despite appearing legitimate, have no substance and are exclusively structured for the purpose of saving taxes. We then analyze how Brazilian legislation treats such activities and transactions in order to identify the limits to which tax avoidance schemes can be regulated by Brazils tax authorities. Next, we examine how Brazilian tax legislation deals with tax avoidance, and analyze the limits on the establishment of specific anti-avoidance rules based upon fictions and presumptions, of anti-avoidance rules found in double tax treaties concluded by Brazil, and general anti-avoidance rules based upon other countries practices. Finally, we address the substance of the general anti-avoidance rule under the Brazilian tax system.

La Confédération Générale des Vignerons (du Midi) de sa création à sa fin. Un siècle de syndicalisme viticole (1907-1997). : un siècle de syndicalisme viticole (1907-1997). / The General Confederation of wine growers (to the South) from its creation to its end. A century of wine unionism (1907-1997).

Lauze, Jacques 07 December 2018 (has links)
Résumé.La CGV, Confédération reliant cinq syndicats viticoles languedociens a été créée en 1907 pour agir en tant qu’institution de l’interaction en réponse à la crise méridionale par la défense du vin naturel en utilisant le moyen de la poursuite et de la répression des fraudes. Cette création en tension, dans le corps et dans le processus d’interaction, a été suivie de plusieurs séquences, réussite-résistance-déclin-extinction s’articulant chacune à partir de singularités dont l’étude n’avait à ce jour, jamais été exhaustivement menée. Il s’agissait d’observer comment cette histoire s’est écrite en termes d’unité, de puissance et de cohérence pour l’organisation, puis en termes d’interactions entretenues avec d’autres centres de pouvoir et particulièrement les pouvoirs publics nationaux, puis européens.Cette observation a pu s’appuyer à titre principal sur l’exploitation des archives de l’organisation déposées à Narbonne ainsi que sur d’autres fonds régionaux, nationaux et européens, sur celle de la presse régionale et nationale, généraliste et spécialisée et sur quelques entretiens avec des acteurs encore actifs durant la période d’observation.Les choix fondateurs de la CGV lui ont permis à la fois d’accéder à une hégémonie nationale institutionnellement reconnue et à l’intégration partielle de ses services par l’administration d’Etat. Cette reconnaissance, fondée sur des valeurs d’intérêt public unanimement partagées, est entrée en résonnance avec une puissance viticole régionale affirmée par le lien confédéral créé, devenue dominante dans la nation. Cette construction a atteint son apogée en 1922 avant d’amorcer une phase de déclin liée à la mise en œuvre de nouvelles priorités, à un affaiblissement interne de l’organisation et à l’évolution de la position de l’Etat souhaitant reprendre en main sa mission de service public. Ce retournement a été aggravé dès la fin du premier conflit mondial par des difficultés liées à la montée en puissance de nouvelles priorités concernant la régulation du marché (prix du vin, distillation et alcools, importations, fiscalité) puis son aménagement (solution à apporter au problème algérien). Ces difficultés, d’abord surmontées ont ensuite donné lieu à des situations de rupture qui ont finalement emporté la CGV. Restaurée entre 1930 et 1940 par la réussite du statut viticole, sa reconnaissance par les pouvoirs publics a d’abord été fortement altérée entre 1953 et 1956 par des orientations nationales qui se différenciaient des siennes et qui ont mis à mal son unité fondatrice et la solidité du lien confédéral. Après 1970, l’extension géographique du marché du vin à l’Europe et l’aggravation des tensions de la période précédente, transposées à une relation aux pouvoirs publics européens ont accéléré ce déclin. La CGVM, puissance viticole hégémonique en France, nationalement reconnue a progressivement reculé vers une situation de dépendance, aggravée après 1970 jusqu’à l’effacement. Cette histoire syndicale singulière s’est donc inscrite dans celle des rapports entretenus entre corps intermédiaires représentatifs et pouvoirs publics nationaux, puis européens. La CGV a d’abord bénéficié de l’intérêt qu’elle présentait en tant que puissance régionale et nationale représentative pour renforcer leur action, mais a ensuite été confrontée à un mouvement inverse d’affirmation autonome de leur mission de service public et de prise de décision guidées par une orientation capitaliste libérale en relation avec le poids de centres d’intérêts concurrents et antagonistes alors que sa représentativité s’affaiblissait jusqu’à l’extinction. / AbstractThe CGV, General Confederation for wine, is an organisation linking five Languedoc wine unions that was created in 1907 in order to act as an institution for interaction to answer the southern crisis with defending natural wine using prosecution and fraud repression. This creation being tense both in the interaction content and process, was followed by several sequences, success-resistance-decline-extinction, each articulated on the basis of singularities never comprehensively studied so far.It was about observing how this story was written in terms of unity, of power and consistency for the organisation, then in terms of interactions with other powerful centres and organisations and particularly national authorities, then European ones.This observation was primarily based on the exploitation of the archives of the organisation filed in Narbonne as well as on other regional, national and European funds, also based on the regional and national press, either general or specialised, and based finally on some interviews with still active players during the observation period.The founding choices of the CGV enabled this organisation both to reach an institutionally recognised national hegemony and a partial integration of its services by the state administration. This recognition, based on universally shared values of public interest, echoed with a regional wine-making power - a nationwide dominating organisation - stated by the creation of a confederate link. This construction reached its peak in 1922 before initiating a phase of decline linked to the implementation of new priorities, to an internal weakening of the organisation and to the evolution of the position of the State wishing to control back its public service mission.This reverse was aggravated by the end of the first world conflict by difficulties related to the rise of new priorities concerning market regulation (wine price, distillation and alcohol, imports, taxation) then its development (solution to be given to the Algerian problem). These difficulties, first overcome, and then gave rise to situations of break that finally ended the CGV.Restored between 1930 and 1940 by the success of the viticultural status, its recognition by the public authorities was first strongly altered between 1953 and 1956 by national orientations that differed from its own ones and that undermined the confederal bond founding unity and strength. After 1970, the geographical extension of the wine market to Europe and the worsening of the tensions of the previous period, transposed to a relation with the European public authorities accelerated that decline. The CGVM, hegemonic viticultural power in France, nationally recognised, gradually retreated into a situation of dependence, aggravated after 1970 and finally disappeared.This singular union history was therefore inscribed in the relationship maintained between representative intermediate bodies and national and European public authorities. The CGV first benefited from its interest as a representative regional and national power to strengthen their action, but was then confronted with a reverse movement of independent assertion of their public service mission and decision-making processes guided by a liberal capitalist orientation in relation to the weight of competing and antagonistic centres of interest while its representativity weakened to eventually end.

Éthique dans la recherche et démarcation. La scientificité de l'épidémiologie à l'épreuve des normes de confidentialité

Lechopier, Nicolas 27 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La recherche scientifique vise à produire des connaissances objectives, tandis que l'éthique s'intéresse à la réalisation des valeurs. Malgré l'éloignement de ces deux domaines, cette thèse vise à montrer de quelle façon sciences et valeurs se forment et s'informent mutuellement. <br />Ce travail s'appuie sur une étude de cas, celui de la constitution de fichiers de données à caractère personnel par les épidémiologistes, et vise à éclaire les problèmes éthiques et épidémiologiques que suscitent ces fichiers. Une approche historique permet de retracer l'émergence en France de la loi du 1er juillet 1994 qui encadre – c'est-à-dire à la fois permet et contraint – de telles pratiques à finalité scientifique. Les notions directrices du questionnement éthique sur la recherche avec l'être humain (mesures invasives, respect des personnes, consentement, respect du secret médical) sont alors retravaillées sous un jour nouveau. <br />L'épidémiologie est une science située à mi-chemin entre clinique et santé publique, entre action et recherche, et elle se révèle profondément hétérogène dans ses pratiques. Une approche de terrain, centrée sur l'activité évaluatrice du Comité Consultatif sur le Traitement de l'Information en matière de Recherche dans le Domaine de la Santé (CCTIRS), a permis d'analyser les normes de qualité scientifique en ce domaine. <br />Questionner philosophiquement la mise à l'épreuve de la scientificité de l'épidémiologie dans le cadre des normes de confidentialité conduit (1) à raviver le problème de la démarcation science/non-science et (2) à souligner le rôle que certaines valeurs constitutives de l'intentionnalité scientifique ont à jouer dans le partage entre l'authentique et l'inauthentique en matière de recherche.

Confidentialité, bases de données et réseaux d'ordinateurs

Richy, Hélène 06 February 1978 (has links) (PDF)

La qualité en recherche: la construction d'une norme française

Muret, Arnaud 02 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
En octobre 2001, l'Association française pour la normalisation publie un fascicule de documentation intitulé: «Démarche qualité en recherche - Principes généraux et recommandations». Jusqu'à présent, les démarches Qualité au sens de celles promues par les organismes de normalisation et encadrées par des normes avaient été mises en oeuvre dans les entreprises à caractère industriel ou de service. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié les processus par lesquels la question de la Qualité a été introduite dans le domaine de la recherche française et nous avons tenté de savoir pourquoi les institutions politiques ont été amenées à compléter, par une norme de management, les dispositifs de régulation mis en place par la communauté scientifique elle-même. Ces interrogations ont semblé d'autant plus pertinentes que cette communauté s'est précisément structurée historiquement autour de «normes» explicites ou implicites supposées régir ses pratiques.

Dynamiques comparées de l'urbanisation en milieu tribal (Tunisie et Mauritanie)

Bisson, Vincent 03 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
La sédentarisation des nomades du monde arabe reconfigure les territoires et engendre de nouveaux espaces de négociation, parallèlement à la remobilisation des solidarités tribales ('açabiyyât) dans les anciennes localités. La comparaison de quatre villes, Douz et Kébili en Tunisie, Kiffa et Tijikja en Mauritanie, remet en cause l'opposition culturelle entre nouveaux pôles de sédentarisation et vieilles cités oasiennes. Dans un État "fort" (la Tunisie), les 'açabiyyât sont détribalisées, mais le droit coutumier est instrumentalisé. On assiste à un repli des communautés sur des enclaves foncières, et la ville de tribu est une ressource patrimoniale à défendre et à se partager. À l'inverse, dans un État "tribal" (la Mauritanie), on assiste à une ascension en direction de l'État. La tribu est sans impact spatial majeur au sein de l'espace urbain, mais la ville est érigée en étendard d'un néo-tribalisme en quête d'État à ponctionner.

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