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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MATHEUS BARCELLOS SOARES BRANDAO 31 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa analisará a ascensão e a complexificação da Web 2.0, situando-a sobre a emergência da tecnologia algorítmica. Os chamados algoritmos nascem no século XIX, tornando-se no presente século um dos maiores dispositivos tecnológicos referente à coleta, hierarquização, acumulação e coordenação de dados. Assim, este trabalho busca compreender como os algoritmos, em seu desenvolvimento, adquiriram inúmeras funções nas mídias sociais, transcendendo a finalidade de aumento da competitividade econômica das empresas no Vale do Silício. A referida pesquisa fará uma análise conjunta entre as escolas dos Estudos Críticos sobre Algoritmos, Estudos Críticos sobre Fronteiras e de Sociologia Política Internacional, a fim de compreender o que é e como nasce essa Fronteira Algorítmica, quais seriam os seus efeitos sociopolíticos e por que ela é algo que atinge em distintos graus toda a humanidade no século XXI. Após a introdução, a análise, o desenvolvimento e a discussão nos três primeiros capítulos, o último capítulo se destinará a comparar o Caso Snowden e o Escândalo da Cambridge Analytica, evidenciando semelhanças e afastamentos sobre como os algoritmos podem ser usados com fins que não se limitam à escala econômica e política, mas também são entidades capazes de influenciar a níveis psicológicos e sociológicos a raça humana. / [en] This research will analyze the rise and complexity of Web 2.0, placing it on the emergence of algorithmic technology. The so-called algorithms were born in the 19th century, becoming in the present century one of the greatest technological devices regarding the gathering, hierarchy, accumulation and coordination of data. Thus, this work seeks to understand how the algorithms in their development were acquiring numerous functions in social media, transcending the purpose of increasing the economic competitiveness of companies in Silicon Valley. This research will make a joint analysis between the schools of Algorithms Critical Studies, Borders Critical Studies and International Political Sociology, to understand what this Algorithmic Frontier is and how it is born, what would be its socio-political effects and why it is something that affects all of humanity in the 21st century to varying degrees. After the introduction, analysis, development and discussion in the first three chapters, the last chapter will compare the Snowden case and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, highlighting similarities and differences on how algorithms can be used for purposes that are not limited to economic and political scale, but they are also entities capable of influencing humans at psychological and sociological levels.

Giving Ignatian Exercises at ecclesial frontiers

Heiding, Sven Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, presuppose Roman Catholicism, but are today made by many who are not Catholics. Moreover, even Roman Catholics who make Ignatian Exercises often are not spontaneously inclined to obey Roman ecclesiastical authority. Neither avoiding the ecclesial dimension nor an authoritarian ‘follow the rules!’ provides spiritual directors with adequate orientation when working with issues at Church frontiers. This dissertation in pastoral theology seeks to navigate a middle position by moving beyond the individualism and the a-historical assumptions of the existing relevant literature. The dissertation remains close to the Ignatian primary sources, in the awareness that the Ignatian tradition needs to be constantly updated and that the contemporary ecclesial frontiers are not fully foreseen in the canonical texts. The main hypothesis is that a notion is needed of a ‘pilgrim Church’ in space and time, with Christians who are related to one another in a deep and fundamental sense. The minor hypothesis is that the individual needs to be open towards and prepared to learn from the Roman Catholic Church, in order to understand and to be profoundly moved by these exercises, but not necessarily to become a Roman Catholic. Having presented and discussed various approaches in the writings of twentieth-century and recent thinkers, this thesis puts forward its own ecclesiological position informed by Charles Taylor, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Karl Rahner. The aim is to take Ignatian studies forward by combining relational anthropology, hermeneutics and a sacramental understanding of the Church, and to apply this synthesis to the practice of giving Ignatian Exercises. The final chapter discusses a selection of cases in the light of my ecclesiological position. The synthesis and application claim originality.

Virtual frontiers and the technological state : contemporary American narratives in a global context

Flett, Edward Charles January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyses a series of threshold states located within contemporary culture. It investigates the effects of technology on spatial relations and human conditions in recent centuries, with a specific interest in the rise of virtual phenomena and the ongoing process of virtualisation. Key to the discussion is measuring the extent to which America and its narratives have influenced the virtual layer attached to contemporary global technological culture. Prevalent within this framework is the idea of the frontier as an idealised outpost, a lingering threshold state that is scrutinised in terms of its metaphoric power and socio-historical relevance. The research examines the points of interaction between the frontier, the virtual, and recent technology, as well as the areas in which technology has been produced, distributed, and consumed, as a means of building on ‘virtual frontiers’ and the ‘technological state’ as original critical concepts. Chapter one, from a socio-cultural and historical perspective, develops the idea of California as the location where the frontier spirit dispersed, transferring to an extent from land to body. Rich in posthuman ambience, the state functions as a hub from which to negotiate the position of the body in relation to the frontier: to look at the body as a frontier in itself, its virtualisation, and the now perennial dialectic between the positive and negative effects of technology on human/non-human interactivity. From the ashes of the 1960s, pockets of urban youth living in America’s inner cities gave birth to a subculture that is now globally recognised as Hip Hop. Despite Hip Hop always being a potent reflective surface, chapter two assesses its development and continuing capacity as a virtual and technological form of expression. In the decades between Malcolm X’s assassination and the election of President Obama, how has Hip Hop changed as a virtual arena and mode of resistance, as it has simultaneously been incorporated into the American mainstream? Indeed, as a cultural object and virtual space with the potential to carry evocative messages across thresholds, did Hip Hop even survive this transition? And what were the ramifications of its transformation? The third chapter examines the shadows emanating from the terrorist attacks on the US in 2001. The narratives from 9/11 are considered while investigating a diverse selection of transnational texts that touch on the subject, including works from Don DeLillo, Amy Waldman, Martin Amis, and Frédéric Beigbeder. Also considered is the day’s social and historical significance, and its power as a virtual event. More specifically, the impact on time, perception, and narrative structure is observed, each element appearing in the shadows that stretch out from the decades before and beyond the events of that clear blue September morning. Through characters in recent fiction by William Gibson and Hari Kunzru, the final chapter scans American consumption and the representations projected out from its brands and advertising. Within technological states now transmitted globally, the chapter reflects on the consequences of consumer culture as we venture further into the virtual and its realities, drawn through what Jean Baudrillard calls an irreconcilable conflict between ‘total integration’ and the ‘dual form’.


MARIA DAS GRACAS DE ALMEIDA CHAGAS 07 October 2003 (has links)
[pt] Web sites são projetos complexos, que incorporam elementos de Design e de Informática, para a disponibilização de conteúdo na World Wide Web. O presente trabalho parte da hipótese de que Web sites de grande porte, institucionais ou não, que demandam atualização rápida, diária e organizada, apresentam características de projetos de Desenho Industrial, onde é necessária a existência de registros que tornem possível sua reprodução e continuação. Sendo assim, sua documentação é uma ferramenta fundamental em seu processo de manutenção e gerência, e deve servir como uma ferramenta eficiente para o mesmo. A pesquisa aprofundou-se no processo de geração da documentação do Web site da PUC-Rio. Foram consideradas questões de Design e Informática presentes nesse processo, bem como questões de fronteira e interseção entre essas duas áreas, com o objetivo de levantar e analisar dados, e extrair recomendações e conclusões a respeito de questões metodológicas, formatos e formas de representação da informação envolvidas na geração de sua documentação, bem como o uso da mesma como uma ferramenta de apoio ao processo de desenvolvimento e manutenção do site em estudo. Foram identificados vários possíveis desdobramentos de caráter interdisciplinar para essa pesquisa e devido ao ainda pequeno número de publicações a respeito do tema aqui abordado, acredita-se que a mesma ofereça uma relevante contribuição para o preenchimento de lacunas existentes nas áreas de conhecimento relacionadas a documentação, manutenção e gerência de Web sites. / [en] Web sites are complex projects, that incorporate Design and Computing elements, for content publication in the World Wide Web. The present work has as a starting point the hypothesis that large scale Web sites (corporate ones or not), which demand fast, daily and organized updates have caracteristics of Industrial Design Projects, where it is necessary the existence of documents that make possible their reproduction and continuity. Therefore, the documentation is a fundamental tool that should work efficiently in its update and management process. This research work focus on the documentation process of PUC- Rio`s Web site. It has been taken into account Design and Computing issues present in this process, as well as issues present in the border and intersections of these two areas. The objective was to analise the data collected, and extract recommendations and conclusions about the methodologic issues, forms and formats of information representation envolved in the generation of PUC-Rios Web Site documentation and its use as a tool for the sites developing and updating process. There have been identified many interdisciplinary aspects of this research s theme that can be studied further on. And considering the small number of publications with similar approach, we believe this work represents an important contribuition to the areas related to Web sites documentation, updating and management.

Noblesse et pouvoir princier dans la Lorraine ducale (vers 1620-1737) / Nobility and princely power in the duchies of Lorraine (from the 1620s to 1737)

Motta, Anne 04 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les relations entre la noblesse et le prince dans les duchés de Lorraine au coursd’une période qui s’étend des années 1620 à 1737. Elle les explore dans le cadre d’un renforcement du pouvoirducal et dans une période de transition troublée.Dans cet État souverain des confins, la noblesse représentée par quelques puissantes familles issues del’ancienne chevalerie incarne l’élite sociale, morale, et politique. Étroitement associée aux responsabilités, elleest affectée au premier plan par les ruptures qui scandent le XVIIe siècle : la guerre, l’occupation française etl’exil. Autant d’évènements qui déstabilisent le service princier et éprouvent la fidélité au duc, fondementessentiel des rapports de la noblesse au pouvoir. Cette étude revisite les notions de service, de devoir etd’honneur, constitutives de l’identité nobiliaire.Après plus d’un demi-siècle de désordres, la paix de Ryswick (1697) ramène la stabilité et le princeretrouve ses duchés. Le rétablissement de l’État s’effectue dans une dialectique entre tradition et changement. Lanoblesse qui aspire à retrouver sa place auprès du duc est confrontée à de nouvelles incertitudes qu’elle surmontegrâce à la résurgence de la faveur princière et au prix d’une recomposition de l’ordre.L’équilibre des forces est mis à mal en 1729 avec l’avènement de François III dont le destin se joue pardelàles frontières. Détaché de son territoire patrimonial, le jeune souverain rompt le lien avec la noblesselorraine et met fin à l’impératif absolu du service princier.L’étude des relations entre la noblesse et le duc durant le long XVIIe siècle est une réflexion sur lasociété politique d’un État aux limites sensibles et aléatoires. / This study tackles the relation between nobility and prince in the Duchies of Lorraine during the periodthat spans from the 1620s to 1737. The academic frame in which it is explored is one marked by reinforced ducalpower and by much turmoil within a transitory period.In such a border-line sovereign state, the nobility as represented by a few powerful houses stemmingfrom ancient chivalric backgrounds, embodies the social, moral and political elite of the day. Closely involved inthe Duke’s wields of executive power, and more than any other social body, nobles suffered from the manypoints of rupture that punctuated the 17th century : wars, French occupation and exile did indeed challeng thePrince’s service. These points of rupture jeopardized the fidelity to the Duke, one of the essential foundations ofthe link between the nobility and Power. The study revisits such key-notions as service, duty, and honour,notions which shape up nobles’ identity.After more than a half-century of disorders of all kinds, the Ryswick Peace (1697) brought the situationback to a relative stability and the Prince regained his Duchies. Putting back the State to its feet implied adialectical tension between tradition and change. The nobility eager to regain former responsabilities isconfronted with new uncertainties that will be partly overcome by the resurgence of princely favours and areshuffling of the Order.The balance of forces is put at stake in 1729 when Francois III comes to the throne and his fate is tomaterialize beyond frontiers. Detached from its heritage territory, the prince unbinds the ties which linked thenobility and puts an end to the absolute imperative of a prince’s service.The study of relations between nobility and duke throughout the long 17th century consists in an overallquestioning of a political society in a border-conscious and border-moving state.

Conquering the Natural Frontier: French Expansion to the Rhine River During the War of the First Coalition, 1792-1797

Hayworth, Jordan R. 12 1900 (has links)
After conquering Belgium and the Rhineland in 1794, the French Army of the Sambre and Meuse faced severe logistical, disciplinary, and morale problems that signaled the erosion of its capabilities. The army’s degeneration resulted from a revolution in French foreign policy designed to conquer the natural frontiers, a policy often falsely portrayed as a diplomatic tradition of the French monarchy. In fact, the natural frontiers policy – expansion to the Rhine, the Pyrenees, and the Alps – emerged only after the start of the War of the First Coalition in 1792. Moreover, the pursuit of natural frontiers caused more controversy than previously understood. No less a figure than Lazare Carnot – the Organizer of Victory – viewed French expansion to the Rhine as impractical and likely to perpetuate war. While the war of conquest provided the French state with the resources to survive, it entailed numerous unforeseen consequences. Most notably, the Revolutionary armies became isolated from the nation and displayed more loyalty to their commanders than to the civilian authorities. In 1797, the Sambre and Meuse Army became a political tool of General Lazare Hoche, who sought control over the Rhineland by supporting the creation of a Cisrhenan Republic. Ultimately, troops from Hoche’s army removed Carnot from the French Directory in the coup d’état of 18 fructidor, a crucial benchmark in the militarization of French politics two years before Napoleon Bonaparte’s seizure of power. Accordingly, the conquest of the Rhine frontier contributed to the erosion of democratic governance in Revolutionary France.

Recherches sur les fédérés et l'armée romaine (de la fin du IIe siècle après J.-C. au début du VIIe siècle après J.-C) / Research on Federates and the Roman army (from the end of the second century AD to the beginning of the seventh century AD)

Sartor, Guillaume 08 December 2018 (has links)
La présente recherche sous la direction de J.-M. Carrié, a porté sur les fédérés (foederati), ces combattants barbares servant dans leurs contingents ethnico-tactiques sous commandement de leurs chefs ethniques. Les fédérés étaient fournis par des groupes ethniques alliés de l’Empire dans le cadre de traités (foedus/foedera, spondê/spondai, synthêkê/synthêkai) : des gentes foederatae, enspondoi, hypospondoi, ces termes soulignant le lien diplomatique entre l’Empire et la gens. A la dimension diplomatique, s’ajoute la dimension militaire exprimée dans le vocabulaire de l’alliance (societas, symmachia), de l’auxiliariat (auxilium) ainsi que dans celui de l’amitié (amicitia/philia). L’analyse terminologique montre que les auteurs anciens utilisent le vocabulaire classique comme un filtre qu’il faut dépasser pour appréhender les fédérés. Une analyse fine et contextualisée des sources restituant une stratigraphie sémantique et révélant les anachronismes d'historiens décrivant d'après la situation de leur époque des phénomènes passés, a permis de souligner cette évolution masquée par la continuité terminologique. L’apparition des termes techniques foederati et phoideratoi au Ve siècle ne doit pas tromper. Il faut interpréter le terme foederati à partir des années 400 comme le recours à un terme républicain ancien pour désigner un nouvel aspect d’une réalité connue des Romains – celle des contingents fournis par les alliés selon des traités – notamment depuis le basculement stratégique des guerres danubiennes sous Marc Aurèle qui annoncent les difficultés à venir de l’Empire au IIIe siècle – puis aux Ve et VIe siècles – et la nécessité pour ce dernier de trouver des solutions aux périls pesant sur l’ordre impérial : le recours au substantif foederati permettait de nommer des combattants levés par traités auprès de gentes établies sur le sol impérial (gentes foederatae intra fines imperii), les Goths incarnant, après Andrinople, les premières gentes établies par traités dans l’Empire, alors que le terme désignait les contingents ethnico-tactiques fournis par des gentes foederatae extérieures au territoire impérial. Il faut distinguer les foederati extérieurs fournis par les gentes foederatae extérieures des foederati impériaux fournis par les gentes établies dans l’Empire à partir des années 380-400. Si le phénomène des foederati est ancien, les admissions territoriales de gentes par foedera/spondai lui conférèrent de nouveaux aspects. Par l’établissement territorial de gentes intra fines imperii, l’Empire appliquait à des groupes un mode de gestion de relations romano-barbares réservé aux gentes extérieures au territoire impérial : la conclusion de traités. Pris dans une logique de rapports de force, sur son sol et sur ses confins, l’Empire devait utiliser ces gentes selon ses intérêts. L’étude montre que l’Empire tenta de maîtriser le phénomène en intégrant les foederati au système militaire impérial suivant des besoins militaires, tactiques et stratégiques. Le recours aux chefs comme médiateurs entre leurs gentes, leurs fédérés et l’Empire a été fondamental. La volonté de contrôle de l’Etat impérial se mesure également à l’intégration des foederati au système logistique (ravitaillement, rémunérations, entretien) de la machine de guerre impériale. On peut se demander si l’Etat impérial n’a pas conçu les foederati comme un outil permettant de gérer différemment les ressources militaires, humaines et financières nécessaires à la défense de l’Empire. A cette fin, l’idéologie impériale a développé un discours justifiant l’emploi par l’Empire de ses gentes foederatae avec des objectifs stratégiques répondant aux défis auxquels l’Empire fut confronté de la fin du IIIe siècle au début du VIIe siècle. / The federates (foederati, symmachoi, auxiliares) were soldiers recruited among barbarian groups (gentes) – settled inside or outside the Empire – who committed by treaties (foedus/foedera ; spondê/spondai) to provide the Emperor with warriors serving on their owns.The study tries to show that the Empire attempted to control this phenomenon by including the foederati to the imperial military system in accordance with military needs and specific tactics.The will of control from the imperial state is also measured by the integration of the foederati into the imperial logistical system during military operations (food supplies, payment, and maintenance).One can wonder if the imperial state didn’t create the foederati as a tool allowing to manage – in a different way – the military, human, and financial resources required to the defense of the Empire.To that purpose, the imperial ideology seems to have set up a speech to justify and legitimate the employment by the Empire of these gentes foederatae (enspondoi, hypospondoi) with strategic goals/aims, in agreement with the challenges the Empire was confronted by from the end of the 3rd century to the beginning of the 7th (century).

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