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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Triad of Dilemmas in Sylvia Chang’s Films: Women in Love, Family and Society

Yang, Fanzhe 20 August 2019 (has links)
As one of the most prominent female film directors, Sylvia Chang has always had women as the main subject of her attention. Previous researchers focused on the analysis of female characters, and explored the awakening of female consciousness in her films, but they often ignored the analysis of male characters. Other scholars thought the female consciousness was very limited in her films. In this thesis, from the perspective of female consciousness, I would like to explore how women resolve dilemmas in Chang’s three films, 20 30 40 (2004), Murmur of the Hearts (Niannian念念, 2015) and Love Education (Xiang ai xiang qin 相爱相亲, 2017). I argue Sylvia Chang’s works demonstrate a new perspective of female consciousness: Women’s dilemmas are from the traditional gender roles in love, family and society. They can resolve these dilemmas by searching for self-identity, psychologically transforming, and reconciling. After their rebirth, women, as liberated individuals, can choose what role to fulfill, regardless of whether that choice is traditional or not. During this process, men are not always seen as barriers for women’s growth.

Traditional and Non-traditional Gender Role Stereotypes in Children’s Animated Films

Davidson, Rachael 01 December 2021 (has links)
As gender stereotypes could lead to adherence to rape myths later in life, it is important to study the potential development of gender role stereotypes. Based on the theoretical approach of Bandura’s social learning, this mixed methods study sought to expand the literature on children observing gender stereotypes through film viewing. A content analysis of verbal and body language of the highest grossing animated films between 2017-2019 was conducted. The results indicated that most main characters displayed both traditional and non-traditional gender role stereotypes, which is indicative of gender role flexibility. This shows promise that there could be a moderating affect with gender role flexibility, but further research is needed. However, the results found that there was no significant difference between the amount of gender role stereotypes across all the films. It was concluded that there is still a concern for children to be indoctrinated with traditional gender role stereotypes.

What do consumers say? : Exploring Consumers' Opinion on Femvertising in Fashion

Acharya, Anjali, Ristimäki, Lycke January 2019 (has links)
Fashion advertising has long been repudiated for fostering narrow and stereotypical imagery of women. Today consumers demand advertisements to be inclusive and real in their portrayals. As a result, there is an increasingly visible marketing phenomenon, called Femvertising, which merges the feministic ideology of empowerment and liberty with brand image and sales. The purpose of the study is to explore consumers’ opinions about femvertising by fashion brands. Within this, the thesis seeks to explore how consumers feel about these advertisements and the outcome they perceive these to have. Through snowballed sampling focused on reaching diverse people connected via social media, a wide array of thoughts and perspectives on femvertising is sought to fulfill the purpose. The research employs a mixed method with a deductive approach to analyze its findings in relation to literatures and theories reviewed. The study used an open-ended online questionnaire designed through literature review and advertising theories and distributed it electronically to collect data. Using snowball sampling, the respondents were gathered via social media, who further distributed the questionnaire. The findings demonstrated that our sampling mainly expressed positive responses to the femvertising due to its inclusive, diverse and empowering portrayals. Moreover, these advertisements were viewed as a harbinger of change within the fashion industry. They also, generally view the media and advertising to shape people’s perception about gender roles, albeit if femvertising and its ideals are implemented for the long-term. Within this, respondents also urged brands to ‘walk the talk’ and implement the portrayed ideals within their own businesses’ functioning for larger impact. The findings are useful for fashion marketers and researchers, by showing how femvertising within popular media culture is expected to push forward ideals of feminism both within the fashion industry and society. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of consumers’ opinions and perspectives on femvertising and its potential to profit brands and engender more empowerment and liberty to female gender-based roles.

Mannens erfarenheter av papparollen som stöd för sjuksköterskan inom barnhälsovårdens föräldrastöd : En litteraturstudie / The man’s experiences of the father role as support for the nurse in child health care parental support : a literature study

Anderberg, Louise, Moser, Mimmi January 2019 (has links)
Pappan är central för barnets utveckling, men kunskap och förståelse kring pappans erfarenheter av sin roll saknas. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att utforska och beskriva mannens erfarenheter av sin roll som pappa till barn under sex år. I resultatet ingår 13 kvalitativa artiklar och det framkommer fem teman: hantera biologiska skillnader, föra maskuliniteten vidare, ansvaret som familjeförsörjare och beslutsfattare, strävan efter jämställdhet och involvering samt emotionell och praktisk anknytning. Resultatet består av artiklar från flera länder: Norge, USA, Kanada, Irland, Finland, Tjeckien, Thailand, Polen, Sverige och Ghana. Den geografiska platsen och kontexten tenderar att ha en betydelse för de erfarenheter som män har av papparollen. I samhället behövs en medvetenhet och öppenhet för hur olika pappor erfar sin roll, men kunskapen kan också vara av betydelse för studerande inom olika vårdutbildningar som kan komma att möta pappor inom barnhälsovården. Förslag till fortsatt forskning kan vara hur samkönade par upplever sina föräldraroller. / The father is central to the child´s development, but knowledge and understanding of the father´s experiences of his role are lacking. The purpose of this literature study was to explore and describe the man´s experiences of his role as a father to children under six years old. The study resulted in 13 qualitative articles where five themes emerged: dealing with biological differences, passing on masculinity, responsibility as a family provider and decision-maker, striving for equality and involvement, and emotional and practical connection. The result consists of articles from several different countries: Norway, USA, Canada, Ireland, Finland, Czech Republic, Thailand, Poland, Sweden and Ghana. The geographical place and context tend to be significance for the experience´s men have of the father role. Society requires awareness and openness to how different fathers experience their role, knowledge may also be of importance to students in various health care educations who may come to meet fathers in the child health care. Suggestions for continued research may be how same sex couples experience their parenting roles.

A systems psychodynamic description of gender role experiences and gender transformation in a government organisation

Chaithram, Reshmika 11 1900 (has links)
The focus of this research was to describe gender role experiences and gender transformation from a systems psychodynamic stance. Women have fought to overcome past oppressions but society intended to label women continually as traditional homemakers. In organisations, women are still subjected to receiving certain non-challenging jobs, such as administrative tasks, secretarial and office assistant duties as compared to men who fulfil professional and managerial roles. Men, on the other hand, experience the daily pressures of living up to societal brandings, which regard them as tough bosses and breadwinners. Hermeneutic phenomenology enabled participants to share their lived gender role experiences. Furthermore, the hermeneutic paradigm assisted the researcher with an in-depth understanding of participants’ phenomenological experiences. The researcher therefore explored, analysed and described the phenomenological gender experiences of male and female employees and a transgender employee from a systems psychodynamic stance. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four male and four female participants. Men and women often projected positive behaviours onto each other that would result in them challenging and breaking the obsolete, stereotypical thinking handed out by society. The isolation and loneliness experienced by transgender persons manifest in unauthentic and false living. The organisation created high levels of anxiety in its employees’ which contributed towards male, female and transgender role experiences. Individual defence mechanisms were used as a method of addressing anxieties. Men, women and v transgender persons were affected by their constant need for recognition and advancement in the organisation but refused to show any concerns for fear of consequences from the leaders of the organisation. Men, women and transgender persons became containers and shared the emotional burdens of the organisation and their family life in different ways. Recommendations for gender transformative approaches are discussed to address issues of inequality in the organisation. / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The hairless imperative: gender, power, sexopolitics and depilation

Ekenhorst, Johanna 09 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Begränsad och befriad : En intervjustudie om unga kvinnors erfarenheter av kvinnliga könsroller i pingströrelsen / Limited and Liberated : An interview study on young women's experiences of female gender roles in the Pentecostal movement

Waldemarsson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
How the church views the female sex is an ongoing discussion, something that is noticeable in, among other things, the Christian newspaper Dagen, where there has been a recent debate about female leadership and the different or equal characteristics of the sexes. Against the background of this debate, this study is directed toward female gender roles in the Pentecostal movement. The purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge of young women's experiences of female gender roles in the congregation and the interaction with their individual views on gender. To meet the purpose, nine interviews have been conducted with young women who are active in Pentecostal congregations in southern Sweden. In the result, the informants' views on the gender perspective are first presented. Then follows their experiences of stated and implicit gender roles in religious activities. Finally, the informants' approach to their experiences from the congregation is presented. There is a variety of experiences of female gender roles, but a greater agreement in their general thoughts about gender roles. Being a woman in the congregation is explained both as something neutral and something distinctive, in a positive and negative sense. Overall, the conclusion has been drawn that the gender roles experienced by the informants can be experienced as both liberating and limiting for the individual.

Egentligen är det så att vi kvinnor som föddes på 1940-talet hade en väldig tur : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors förändrade livssituation och könsroll / In fact, we women who were born in the 1940s were very lucky : A qualitative study about women's changed life situation and gender role

Hultin, Julia, Sköld Ulfsdotter, Clara January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kvinnans livssituation har förändrats i det svenska samhället sedan 1940-talet och om kvinnorna själva upplevt skillnader/förändringar kopplat till deras könsroll och position. Vi har valt att undersöka kvinnornas livssituation utifrån tre områden: karriär, privatliv och relationer. Studiens frågeställning var ”Hur ser kvinnor i Halmstad på de förändringar av könsrollerna som ägt rum sedan 1940-talet?” Resultatet har samlats in via åtta livsvärldsintervjuer tillhörande den kvalitativa metodologin med en induktiv förståelseansats samt ett fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt. För att analysera resultatet har Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genussystem samt George Herbert Meads socialisationsteori tillämpats. Studiens huvudsakliga resultat visar att kvinnor märkt att det har skett stora förändringar av könsrollerna sedan 1940-talet. De är positiva och tacksamma för den samhällsstrukturella utvecklingen. Vi kan utläsa att kvinnorna är fast i de mer traditionella könsrollerna vilket visar att könsrollerna är svårförändeliga. Kvinnorna uttrycker dessutom en positiv inställning till att unga kvinnor i dagens samhälle har bättre förutsättningar för att stäcka ut sin kvinnliga roll. / The aim of the study is to investigate how women's life situation has changed in the Swedish society since the 1940s and whether the women themselves have experienced differences/changes linked to their gender role and position. We have chosen to investigate the women's life situation based on three important areas: career, private life and relationships. The study's question was "How do women in Halmstad view the changes in gender roles that have taken place since the 1940s?" The results have been collected via eight life-world interviews belonging to the qualitative methodology with an inductive understanding approach and a phenomenological approach. To analyze the results, Yvonne Hirdman's theory of gender systems and George Herbert Mead's socialization theory have been applied. The main results of the study show that women have noticed that there have been major changes in gender roles since the 1940s. They are positive and grateful for the social structural development. We can deduce that the women are stuck in the more traditional gender roles, which shows that the gender roles are difficult to change. The women also express a positive attitude to the fact that young women in today's society have better conditions for expanding their female role.

An Examination of Social Cognitive Precursors of Lesbians’ Vocational Interests

Plaufcan, Melissa R. 04 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Identity Discrepancy, Male Role Norms, and Mental and Physical Health

McKelvey, Daniel Kevin 15 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Male gender role norms were considered from a self-discrepancy perspective. The male gender role was divided into 4 perspective domain combinations based on the participant's perceptions: self-ideal/ought, other-ideal/ought, self-actual, other-actual. These categories were assessed using an adapted form of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Revised (Levant et al., 2007). It was hypothesized that large discrepancies between the perspective domains in a male's gender role concept would be significantly related to depression, anxiety, and lower general health quality, and this relationship would be moderated by the centrality of the perspective domains to the participant's gender role concept and by the centrality of the male gender role to the person's identity. High self-ideal vs. low self-actual discrepancy was related to increased depression and anxiety when moderated by perspective domain centralities. High other-ideal vs. low other or self-actual discrepancies were related to lower reported health quality.

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