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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kundbaserat varumärkeskapital : En deskriptiv studie med syftet att undersöka hur generation Z värderar varumärkeskapitalet hos en konsumentprodukt

Lövgren Pouncette, Albin, Nielsen, Edith January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis was to investigate how generation Z values ​​the customer-based brand equity of a consumer product. Generation Z is an interesting generation to study since they have shown to differ in a variety of aspects from previous generations. To answer the purpose, a model has been constructed, which is based on previous research. The model consists of the components; brand awareness, brand associations/image, perceived quality and brand loyalty. Together the components form the cornerstones of the customer-based brand equity. Eight hypotheses were tested with the purpose of measuring the interrelationship between the components, and the relationship between the various components and the customer-based brand equity. Six of these eight hypotheses could be accepted. The result showed that the components brand association/image and brand loyalty have a positive impact on the customer-based brand equity, while brand awareness and perceived quality showed a non-significant result. The non-significant results were then further examined through t-test, with the purpose of trying to find possible reasons for the outcome. Moreover, the results showed that brand awareness has a positive correlation with both brand associations/image and perceived quality. Finally, the result showed that brand loyalty was positively correlated to both brand associations/image and perceived quality. For further research, it is proposed that a more comprehensive study consisting of more respondents from generation Z should be conducted. In addition, further research could be based on other consumer products and also examine whether there could be more or other components that should be considered when measuring customer-based brand equity. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur generation Z värderar det kundbaserade varumärkeskapitalet hos en konsumentprodukt. Det är intressant att undersöka generation Z då de på många sätt visat skilja sig från tidigare generationer. För att besvara syftet har en modell utformats som är baserad på tidigare forskning. Modellen består av komponenterna; varumärkeskännedom, varumärkesassociationer/image uppfattad kvalitet, och varumärkeslojalitet. Komponenterna utgör tillsammans grundstenarna för det kundbaserade varumärkeskapitalet. Åtta hypoteser utformades för samband inbördes mellan komponenterna samt även de olika komponenternas påverkan på det kundbaserade varumärkeskapitalet. Av dessa åtta hypoteser kunde sex av dem accepteras. Resultatet visade att komponenterna varumärkesassociation/image och varumärkeslojalitet har positiv påverkan på det kundbaserade varumärkeskapitalet, medan komponenterna varumärkeskännedom och uppfattad kvalitet visade ett icke signifikant resultat. De icke signifikanta resultaten som erhölls undersöktes vidare genom t-tester i ett försök att hitta en förklaring till resultaten. Inbördes bland komponenterna visade resultatet att varumärkeskännedom har ett positivt samband till både varumärkesassociationer/image och uppfattad kvalitet. Slutligen visade studien på att varumärkeslojalitet har ett positivt samband till både varumärkesassociationer/image och uppfattad kvalitet. För fortsatt forskning föreslås bland annat att en mer omfattande studie bestående av fler respondenter från generation Z genomförs. Utöver det hade det för fortsatt forskning varit intressant att basera studier på andra konsumentprodukter, och även undersöka om det finns fler eller andra komponenter som bör tas hänsyn till vid mätningen av det kundbaserade varumärkeskapitalet.

Reaching Generation Z : A qualitative study examining marketing communication channels for targeting Generation Z to establish brand awareness

Bäcklund, Erik, Martin, Kagstedt January 2019 (has links)
Brand awareness and its establishment among consumers has been a central theme in previous research on marketing as it is proven to indirectly induce purchase. It is thus seen as crucial for marketers to establish brand awareness. However, a research gap is apparent in regard to creating brand awareness among Generation Z. More specifically, this study focuses on which communication channel that is best suited for establishing brand awareness for this generational cohort. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explicitly analyse the linkage between these variables and provide a guideline for companies targeting Generation Z. To obtain a deeper understanding, previous research has been reviewed and an extensive data collection has been conducted including two methods; interviews and a survey to obtain empirical evidence and valuable insights. The qualitative data was of main focus with the quantitative data gave more of an overview. By combining and evaluating the empirical findings in relation to previous research and theory we could identify patterns and relationships that eventually led to the conclusion and final results of this thesis. The initial results concluded from this study underlined the importance of brand awareness since it was the first step for the purpose of inducing purchases. In addition, the results also highlight the importance of building upon brand awareness to establish brand liking as it will provide for the increase of purchase intention. For establishing brand awareness when targeting Generation Z, Instagram is a means of preference and should be considered as part of a mix of various communication channels in using integrated marketing communications.

Komparace vlivu sportovců a blogerů na nákupní preference studentů středních škol / Comparison of the athletes and bloggers influence on the behavioral intentions of secondary school students

Bernardová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
Title: Comparison of the athletes and blogger influence on the behavioral intentions of secondary school students Objectives: The main objective of this diploma thesis is to compare the influence of athletes and bloggers on the buying preferences of the students of Czech high school through marketing research. Methods: In the thesis are used two interdependent methods. The first of these methods is a questionnaire survey, which includes 508 respondents who were high school students during the survey. 32 respondents separated in two groups attended the second method, which is a focus group. Results: The research results show that athletes influence the behavioral intentions of secondary school students more than bloggers in every researched sphere. The main difference in effectivity is clear from the comparison between both groups by respondents. Keywords: marketing communication, shopping behaviour, reference group, generation Z, sports celebrity, influencer

Leading a Multigenerational Workforce in the Public Sector

Thompson, Cynthia A. 01 January 2017 (has links)
One of the demographic changes in the workplace is the presence of multiple generations working together. Some managers may find leading a multigenerational workforce a challenge, because the generational cohorts may have different work values and approaches to work. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how generational characteristics manifest in the workplace, how managers perceive a multigenerational workforce, and whether macro-level descriptions of generations creates stereotypes or recognizable indicators of behavior in the workplace. Mannheim's theory of generations and diversity management theory provided the conceptual framework for the study. Data were collected through interviews and a focus group discussion from 40 participants from the public sector. The participants consisted of members from the veterans, baby boomers, Gen Xers, and millennial cohorts. Summative content analysis was used to analyze data with the use of NVivo software, and member checking was used to enhance the trustworthiness of interpretations. The key themes from the analysis indicated that, among these 40 participants, intergenerational conflicts in the workplace were attributed to generational descriptors of work values, communication styles, productivity, work-life balance, leadership styles, organizational change, and the future of the public sector. The findings may enhance managers' understanding of generational perceptions and may help managers take steps to reduce intergenerational conflict in the workplace.

Teens, Behavior Change & the Environment

Dowd, Kim 01 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis document presents the research, synthesis and design work completed for a system for object reuse. This work presents a user-centered process culminating in a service design (ReUseIt) and design guidelines to be employed when working with an audience of teenage girls and designing for behavior change with respect to the environment. This document includes a literature review covering environmental concerns, the relationship of design for behavior change, Generation Z, game design, and the historic value of objects. Research methods documented include journaling kits and designer-led research workshops embedded within middle school and high school art classes. ReUseIt supports improved behavior in relation to the environment through positive feedback around the reuse of objects and attachment of stories to objects. It is a service with touchpoints in shopping malls and a Facebook application. Reflections are offered on the design process undertaken and suggested best practices for creating embedded workshops within middle and high school classes.

”JAG HAR ALLTID VELAT ARBETA INOM VÅRDEN” : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer och motivationer som påverkat elever vid vård- och omsorgsprogrammet i deras val av studier.

Sjöström, Jessica January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att genom en kvalitativ studie undersöka och analysera vilka faktorer och motivationer som påverkat elever vid vård- och omsorgsprogrammet i deras val av studier. De faktorer som undersökts är; lön, utvecklingsmöjligheter, att hjälpa människor/arbeta med människor, syn på yrket, arbetsmiljö och arbetsförhållanden, sociala faktorer: familjen, vänner etc., mobilitet/geografisk närhet, generationsfaktorn, samt anställningstrygghet. Dessa har sedan analyserats utifrån teorier rörande motivation, socialpsykologiska aspekter, sociala faktorer och teorier rörande generationen respondenterna återfinns inom. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer av fem stycken informanter i årskurs två på vård- och omsorgsprogrammet vid en gymnasieskola på en mindre ort i Sveriges inland. Resultatet av studien visar att valet av studier är en komplex situation där eleverna delvis gör ett medvetet val men samtidigt påverkas indirekt av en rad olika faktorer. Vissa faktorer utmärker sig mer än andra såtillvida att eleverna själva framhöll dessa som mer motiverande. Således tycks den huvudsakliga anledningen till eleverna valt att läsa vård- och omsorgsprogrammet vara viljan att hjälpa andra människor. Även möjligheten till utveckling framhölls som viktig. En faktor eleverna själva hävdar vara oväsentlig men som vid en närmare studie av empirin finns som ett återkommande mönster är de sociala faktorerna. Eleverna har föräldrar, släktingar och vänner som arbetar/har arbetat inom yrket och lever på en ort där yrkesvalen är något begränsade.

Kariérní předpoklady studentů / Career skills of students

ŠUSTER, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this work was to analyze the career skills of students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in relation to the subsequent career of graduates in selected work positions. The thesis works with the database of personality test results of students and with the database of graduate students. The work is examining whether there are statistical differences between the students of different study programs. Results of soft skills of graduates are compared to soft skills established by NSP.

The evaluation of a digital information literacy program

Sieberhagen, Elsabe Aneé 06 1900 (has links)
The thesis reports on the evaluation of a digital information literacy program (DILP) to determine the program’s effectiveness in enhancing students’ digital information literacy skills. The program was originally designed and developed for the South African student, as member of Generation Y, but was adapted to suit the demographics and characteristics of Generation Z. New learning technologies were incorporated to enhance students’ learning experience. One of the characteristics of information literacy programs that illustrate best practice is the evaluation of the program itself to judge it’s effectiveness and validate the program as a learning tool. A review of the literature confirmed the paucity of the evaluation of such programs using assessment of student learning through outcomes assessment instruments, based on information literacy competency standards, designed with proven validity and reliability. The literature review found no evidence of the evaluation of the effectiveness of such programs through meaningful assessment of student learning using outcomes assessment in South Africa. For these reasons, the evaluation of the DILP was undertaken. To evaluate the effectiveness of the DILP, a non-randomised quasi-experimental research design, focusing on a single-group pre-test/post-test design which incorporated a combined quantitative and qualitative research approach was used. The primary research instrument was a pre- and post-test. A group of students, belonging to Generation Y and Z, completed a pre-test, worked through the DILP and completed a post-test. Telephonic and e-mail interviews were used to collect further data. The statistical analysis is presented by using descriptive statistics (stacked bar charts for the quantitative data and pie charts for the qualitative data). Inferential statistics were used to reach conclusions beyond the immediate data presented in the charts. The final step was to judge the overall effectiveness of the DILP. The difference between the means was statistically significant, indicating that the DILP was effective in enhancing the digital information literacy skills of students. Based on this research, additional research could be the evaluation of a DILP designed specifically for “digital natives”; the development of online outcomes assessment instruments for web-based tutorials with proven validity and reliability and research in the area of integrating emerging learning technologies with such programs, evaluating their effectiveness. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Arbetsmotivation : En studie om ledarskapets påverkan på generation Z:s arbetsmotivation / Work motivation : A study of the influence of leadership on generation Z:s work motivation

Schellhas, Emilia January 2020 (has links)
I denna studie fokuseras ledarskapets påverkan på generation Z:s arbetsmotivation. Denna generation börjar etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden, vilket betyder att ledarskapet inom organisationer påverkas. Därför undersöker jag i denna studie hur man som ledare kan motivera generation Z på bra vis. Med intervjuer som primärdata är syftet med studien att undersöka grunden till arbetsmotivation, både ur generation Z:s perspektiv samt ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv. Den empiriska studien kommer sedan att analyseras utifrån grundad teori, där Gioias metodologi tillämpas. Här genereras teori där även existerande teori används för att stärka, bekräfta och skapa nya hypoteser utifrån den aktuella forskningen.

El centennial limeño como lector de información en el escenario digital: un estudio de las estrategias de lectura informativa frente a los hechos políticos / The Centennial from Lima as a consumer of information on the Digital landscape: A Study of Informational Reading Strategies of Political facts

Rosales Córdova, Manuel Marcelo 23 November 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objeto de estudio central las estrategias de información de la denominada generación centennial en la ciudad de Lima. Esta generación es caracterizada por tener un mayor vínculo con la tecnología a comparación de las anteriores. Este factor influye en sus formas de comunicarse y de obtener información, pues se desarrolla en un entorno periodístico e informativo distinto: el digital. El periodismo digital destaca por estar en constante cambio, está relacionado con el alto flujo de información y también cambia paradigmas que se tenía con el periodismo tradicional, pues las noticias se construyen progresivamente y llegan a su audiencia con mayor inmediatez. Esta investigación inició con la definición de los conceptos clave y la delimitación temporal de los centennials. En el segundo capítulo se ilustra el entorno en el que esta generación se desarrolló. Finalmente, a través de la herramienta de la entrevista, se procedió a analizar a profundidad los hábitos de los centennials para informarse sobre hechos políticos. / This investigation has as the main purpouse studying the information strategies of denominated centennial generation in Lima. This generation is caracterized for having a stronger link with technology, compared to the previous ones. This factor influences their way of communication and the way of how they get information, since this is developed in a journalistic and informative different environment: the digital. Digital Journalism stands out for being in constant change, is related with the high flow of information and also changes paradigms of traditional journalism, since news are constructed progressively and reach its audience faster. This investigation started with the definition of key concepts and temporary delimitation of centennials. In the second chapter the environment of development of this generation is illustrated. Finally, through interviews, it was proceed to analyze deeply centennials habits to get information about political facts. / Trabajo de investigación

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