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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parisavtalet och COP 26 - : om hur klimattoppmötena framställdes i Dagens Nyheter

Laxén, Jenifer, Sophia, Westrin January 2021 (has links)
Klimatkrisen är vår tids största utmaning för planeten jordens överlevnad. Politiker, klimataktivister och civila ställs frågande mot varandra över hur klimatkrisen ska skötas och på bästa sätt för att inte längre vara en kris. Klimatjournalistiken ska på bästa sätt få alla parter hörda korrekt. Denna uppsats avser att kritiskt analysera de klimatjournalistiska diskurserna efter klimatkonferensen i Glagow (COP 26) den 1 november 2021 och efter Parisavtalet som är ett internationellt klimatavtal som undertecknades 2016. I denna studie utförs en kritisk diskursanalys som undersöker och jämför hur Dagens Nyheter rapporterar efter dessa klimatkonferenser och hur klimatfrågan i DN gestaltades under dessa perioder.  Studien visar på att Diskurserna i DN har förändrats mellan då Parisavtalet slöts och dagens COP 26 avtal. Studien visade även på en större utveckling för att nå klimatmålet 1.5°C efter COP 26 jämförelse med Parisavtalet. Det finns motsättningar mellan civila, aktivister, forskare och makthavare. Makthavarnas diskurser är mer positiva angående klimatfrågan jämförelse med civila, aktivister och forskare.  Kopplat till gestaltningsteorin visar studien på att artiklarna blir något svåra för läsarna att tolka när det kommer till den politiska sidan, vad politikerna vill och tänker göra åt ämnet. Detta leder till en slags så kallad osäkerhetsgestaltning.

Knivdådet i Vetlanda : – En fallstudie om hur knivdådet och gärningsmannen bakom attacken gestaltades i media samt hur det initiala terrormotivet påverkade rapporteringen

Essenholm, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
Knivdådet i Vetlanda inträffade den 3 mars 2021 och strax efteråt, när det framkom att den misstänkte var utländsk medborgare, drabbades invånarna i Vetlanda av en “rasismvåg”. Därför var det vetenskapligt intressant att undersöka hur Vetlanda-Posten gestaltade knivdådet och gärningsmannen bakom attacken samt hur det inledande terrormotivet påverkade rapporteringen. Utifrån ett samhällsvetenskapligt perspektiv var det också relevant att undersöka Vetlanda-Postens dagordning, eftersom den påverkade vilka frågor mottagarna hade åsikter om, men även hur olika sakfrågor, personer eller situationer uppfattades. Syftet med denna studie är således att se hur knivdådet och gärningspersonen gestaltas utifrån det initiala terrormotivet. För att besvara frågeställningarna om hur knivdådet och gärningsmannen bakom attacken gestaltades samt hur det inledande terrormotivet påverkade rapporteringen bestod studien av en kvalitativ textanalys av 40 nyhetsartiklar från stadens lokaltidning Vetlanda- Posten. Utifrån resultatet av den kvalitativa textanalysen var beskrivningen av händelseförloppet saklig och gärningsmannen gestaltades på ett sådant sätt att skildringarna kan bidra till strukturell diskriminering och generell fördomsfullhet. I huvudsak associerades gärningsmannen med psykisk ohälsa och radikalisering, men i andra artiklar framställdes han även som talangfull och optimistisk om ett liv i Sverige. Resultatet, som sträckte sig från 4-10 mars 2021, visade även att det initiala terrormotivet påverkade bevakningen och att rapporteringen trappades ner över tid när det skälet dementerades.

Media och spelet om politiken : En kvantitativ studie om medias gestaltningar av partiledardebatter under 2010-talets valrörelser.

Bringefalk, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Swedish media have in earlier studies been shown to portray national politics as a game and the focus have not been on the actual politics. This have shown to have a negative effect on citizens trust for politicians and a growing cynicism against Swedish politicians have started. News portrayed as a game also lacks information valuable to citizens of a democratic country, especially during an election campaign for government. With these facts this thesis aims to study how Swedish party leader debates are portrayed in national newspaper media during the elections 2010, 2014 and 2018. That is the question for this thesis. The thesis will study how the debates is portrayed in the media and in what way. The method chosen to answer this aim is with a quantitative content analysis studying newspaper headlines during the election campaigns 2010, 2014 and 2018. Three of the biggest national newspapers were chosen to be studied; Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet and Expressen. The results show that news portrayed as a game is the majority share of the material. The election years 2010 and 2014 is dominated by news portrayed as game while the year 2018 differs with news portrayed as politics. The election campaign of 2018 may be a start of a new trend with less news portrayed as game or just a campaign more focused on politics than other years. The coming election years will show if it just were a break or a new trend focused on politics rather than game.

En Förändrad Bild Av Flyktingar : En Kvalitativ Bildanalys Av Hur Dagens Nyheter Gestaltar Ukrainska Flyktingar 2022 / A changed image of refugees : A qualitative image analysis of how Dagens Nyheter frames Ukrainian refugees.

Åsberg, Alva, Lagerstrand, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
In spring of february 2022 Russia attacked Ukraine because of indifferent politics and indifferences. This war has led to a massive refugee stream throughout Europe which has also led to news media following the events. The aim of this study was to analyze how Dagens Nyheter is visually framing Ukrainian refugees in pictures, since in 2015 earlier research has found evidence of news media portraying middle east refugees stereotypical. The questions examined were: How have refugees been visually portrayed in Dagens Nyheter 2022, does the proximity principle matter for the portrayal of refugees in images published in 2022 and have Ukrainian refugees been portrayed differently compared to refugees in 2015? To answer these questions a semiotic analysis has been used to study 10 pictures on Dagens Nyheter website. This study has acquired a qualitative method to look closer and in depth on the subject. The theories that have been used are framing theory and representation theory to get a better understanding of Dagens Nyheter and how they portray refugees. The findings of this study shows that news media have changed since 2015, the refugees are seen as travelers going from point A to point B. Refugees were rarely portrayed as poor or rich since the majority of pictures are seen as neutral.

“Alla ser ut att må toppen men man vet att det finns en annan sida av det också” : Unga kvinnors berättelser om hur de framställer sig själva och sina liv på Instagram. / “Everyone seems to be doing great but you know there is another side to it too” : Young women's stories about how they portray themselves and their lives on Instagram.

Andersson, Sanna, Wallin, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This study examines how young women portray themselves and their lives on Instagram. The platform is today a very popular social network with a lot of power and influence that is used on a daily basis by young women. The purpose of the study is to investigate how young women talk about how they present their lives and how they describe that their self-image is affected by Instagram. A qualitative study has been implemented using focus groups and a thematic analysis to answer the purpose. Four theories have been used that will form the basis of this study, which helps the study to find similarities and differences. Six previous frameworks have also helped the study reach its results. The study shows that there is a connection between how young women present themselves and their lives on Instagram together with how their self-esteem is affected by the platform. The most important result of the study is that there is a great aspiration and mind behind what is published on the platform. The women only show off when they are doing something fun or when they look good. Other results are that the women mainly publish selfies, when they are hanging out with friends and doing fun things such as traveling and on holidays. These are also the messages behind the women's posts and events. The application is a social forum where the women keep in touch with each other, both with friends, acquaintances and families. Other results are that the women never publish pictures they are not happy with and when they think they don't look good. The reason for this depends on uncertainty about how others will perceive them. A final result is that Instagram is used to share news and information. Instagram is one of today's holders of power.

Den medialiserade slutdebatten : En kvantitativ studie av medialisering i slutdebatter och hur det skiljer sig i kommersiella medier och public service / The mediatization of the final debate : A quantitative study of mediatization in final debates and how it differ in commercial media and public service

Jakobsson, Albin January 2023 (has links)
In line with the growing importance of today’s media the concept of mediatization has grown. Mediatization is described as the dynamic relationship between media and politics, and the process of change that has increased the influence of media. When it comes to research about mediatization in politics, it is still a somewhat undiscovered field. The previous research that has been made has for the most part focused on the news media’s coverage of the election campaigns, but not so much in other political contexts such as TV-broadcasted debates. This study has focused on the Swedish public service channel SVT and the commercial newspaper Aftonbladet, and their final debate before the Swedish election in 2022. Why these TV-broadcasted debates were focused on in this study, is because of their big impact on the election’s outcome. This impact is something that has grown bigger and bigger, and in today’s society, the final debates are the ones that have the biggest impact during the election campaigns. Because of this, the study is important and relevant for closing a research gap. The main purpose of the study was to compare the two debates, researching in which ways the debates differ in mediatization and looking into if there are any differences between public service and commercial media. To accomplish this, a quantitative content analysis was made, where several different variables designed according to previous studie’s indications on mediatization were looked at in the debates. All these indications that were studied, are indications on mediatization and are good tools to examine when researching mediatization. The results of the study showed that there were a difference between the two media’s when it comes to mediatization in their final debate before the election. Mediatization occurred in both, but the commercial media, Aftonbladet, were more embossed by mediatization. Of the four examined indications of mediatization, three were in favor of Aftonbladet. Interesting though is that the indication which is how commercialized the debate was, the commercial media (Aftonbladet) and the public service (SVT), almost had no difference between them. But looking at the greater picture, the commercial media’s debate was more mediatized and the difference was in the end significant.

När kriget kommer närmare : En krisretorisk analys av krisinformation i samband med Sveriges ansökan till Nato

Lundgren Widefjärd, Fredrika January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

“De reagerade ju bara på det när det blåsteupp, när det vart en grej” : En kvalitativ studie om Nent groups kriskommunikation och den potentiellapublikens attityder kring Nent group och Paradise Hotel

Kunalic, Ellen, Gadea, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka Nent Groups förtroende ur ett postkris kommunikativt perspektiv i och med nylanseringen avParadise samt förutsättningarna för det nya formatet utifrån tidigare tittare av Paradise Hotel. Denna studie är intressant ur ett vetenskapligt och samhällsperspektiv då det inte gjorts många studier på denna kris och det är intressant att undersöka detta då Nent group gjort stora åtgärder efter krisen vilket är vetenskapligt intressant och viktigt ur ett post-kriskommunikativt perspektiv. Det är även intressant ur ett samhällsperspektiv då det blev en stor kritikstorm mot Nent group på sociala medier på grund av de sexuella ofredanden som uppstod. Vi har även tagit hjälp utav den potentiella publiken med fokusgrupper för att få deras attityder kring händelsen och för att analysera förutsättningarna för den nya programskissen. Allt detta har gjorts med grund i gestaltningsteorin, kriskommunikation, image repair theory och reputation theory. Metod och material: Vår empiri har vi fått genom att ha haft kvalitativa intervjuer i form avfokusgrupper. Vi har haft tre fokusgrupper och respondenternas svar har sedan analyserats utifrån teman och sedan kopplats till vårt teoretiska ramverk. Resultat: Vårt huvudresultat visar på att Nent group skött krisen bra enligt teorierna och utifrån respondenternas attityder så är förutsättningarna positiva för det nya programmet även om det finns tveksamheter inom fokusgrupperna om det faktiskt kommer bli någonförändring.

Vad associeras egentligen med begreppet feminism? : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie av hur begreppet och identiteten feminism porträtteras i tidningarna Aftonbladet och Nyheter24. / What is actually associated with the concept feminism? : A quantitative and qualitative analysis of how the concept feminism and the identity around it is portrayed in the newspapers Aftonbladet and Nyheter24.

Edmark, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Feminism is a concept that stands for equality and it is being lively discussed in both political, private and media spheres. As a concept that is so discussed and that is essential in the fight for equality between men and women, it is essential to study what is connected to it. The aim with this study was to examine how the concept feminism and the identity feminist were being illustrated and constructed in the newspaper Aftonbladet and newssite Nyheter24. The methods for the study were quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis. The focus of the study was to see what was connected to the concept feminism, how different subjects were connected to it and in which context it was discussed. The theories that were used were social constructivism, discourses, the agenda setting theory, framing theory, binary oppositions, gender and previous research about feminism in media. In both the quantitative and qualitative analysis there were two discourses that defined feminism, and in the qualitative analysis we can also see a discourse around the identity feminist. The first discourse around the concept feminism was one that equated it with equality. It also painted it as a thing that you should have an opinion about, a movement that was connected to politics and society. Generally it gave the concept of equality a more political meaning with its descriptions. The other discourse around the concept feminism, which challenged the other one, was one that painted feminism as a sexist, hypocritical and men hating movement. The discourse separated feminism and equality, and while the people in the articles stood for equal rights between men and women, they were against feminism. The discourse also suggested that you could be a feminist the wrong way, at least if you were a man. The discourse around the identity feminist, that was explored in the qualitative analysis, showed the biggest difference between the news platforms. In both sources the feminist was described as a woman and almost never as a man or non-binary. In Nyheter24 the feminist was passive and a victim. In Aftonbladet the discourse was a bit more divided. It described the feminist as active and it included men in a more in a positive light. But when the female feminist was compared to a man it was suddenly described as passive.

Det här är en svart dag för Sverige : En komparativ studie i nyhetsdiskurs mellan Dagens Nyheter och Fria Tider i deras rapportering om knivådet i Västerås kontra skolattacken i Trollhättan / This is a black day for Sweden : A comparative study of news discourse between traditonal media and right wing populist media

Timm, Jimmy, Wahlström, Jens January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med den här kvalitativa innehållsanalysen har varit att undersöka hur ett högerpopulistiskt nyhetsmedie kontra ett traditionellt nyhetsmedie gestaltar knivdådet på Ikea i Västerås samt skolattacken i Trollhättan som skedde med kort mellanrum hösten 2015. De båda dåden fick stor uppmärksamhet och den redan intensiva debatten om invandring blossade upp ytterligare. Detta på grund av att dådet i Västerås begicks av en asylsökande, och det i Trollhättan av en ung svensk man med högerextrema åsikter som valde sina offer utifrån deras etniska ursprung.Det teoretiska ramverket innehåller tidigare forskning om alternativmedier, populism och journalistik. Vi har valt att använda oss utav två betydande teorier inom medieforskningen. Först gestaltningsteorin, främst med Scheufele och Entmans forskning som utgångspunkter. Sedan diskurs, med forskning av Foucalt och Fairclough. Valet av metod till vår studie är kritisk diskursanalys. Detta för att metoden lämpar sig väl för att undersöka politiska budskap i texter och tyda gestaltningar och diskurser. Det studerade materialet består utav fyra stycken nyhetsartiklar, två för respektive nyhetshändelse. Två stycken artiklar från den högerpopulistiska nättidningen Fria Tider samt två stycken från den mer etablerade morgontidningen Dagens Nyheter. Dessa jämförde vi sedan med varandra i en komparativ studie. Diskurser i dessa nyhetsartiklar har brutits ut med hjälp av ett analysschema för att operationalisera vårfrågeställning. Resultaten visar på två helt skilda nyhetsdiskurser och olika sätt att gestalta händelserna. Fria Tider gestaltar händelser till förmån för sin invandringskritiska agenda medans Dagens Nyheter agerar som en slags motpol med en betydligt mer objektiv gestaltning av händelserna. Den här studien vill bidra till förståelsen för vårt polariserade medieklimat, samt den oberoende journalistikens viktiga roll i samhället i en tid av nedskärningar och mediekonvergens. Det behövs en öppnare samhällsdebatt om frågor gällande invandring och kriminalitet för att inte ytterligare öka polariseringen av medielandskapet. / The purpose with this essay is to study how a right-wing populist alternative news medium, versus a more mainstream news medium, reports on two different news events. First off is the stabbings at the furniture store Ikea in Västerås, second is the attack on students at a middle school in Trollhättan by a masked adolescent armed with a sword. Both of which took place in the fall of 2015 in Sweden. Both events gained much attention from the news media, and sparked the already intense political debate on immigration issues. This due to the facts that the perpetrator at Ikea in Västerås was a refugee seeking asylum in Sweden, and the masked assailent in Trollhättan showed interest in right-wing extremist content on the internet as well as targeting students and faculty of immigration background.The theoretical framework consists of earlier research on populism, alternative media as well ason traditional journalism. We chose to work mainly with two distinguished theories within media and communication studies. The first theory is framing, based mainly on research done by Scheufele and Entman. The second theory is discourse, as defined by Foucalt and Fairclough. The method used for the study is a critical discourse analysis. This method together with the twotheories have been proven useful when studying political discourses and framing in political news articles similar to the ones we picked for our essay. The material used for this study consists off our news articles of which two are linked to each news event or “case”. Two of the articles are published by Fria Tider, a right-wing populist alternative news medium, while the other two by Dagens Nyheter, a well established and more mainstream oriented morning news paper. Different frames and discourses have been revealed in the material after our analysis, based on our schematics in an attempt to operationalise.The results points towards two widely different news discourses and ways of framing the news content. Fria Tider portrait the events in favour of their agenda of critical views on immigration and immigrants, whereas Dagens Nyheter acts as a counterpart with far more objective framing of the events. This study seeks to build a better understanding of today’s polarised media landscape, as well as the importance of independent journalism and news media in a society where the mass media experience cutbacks and convergence. A more explicit and honest public debate regarding immigrational issues is needed, to avoid further polarisation of the media landscape.

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