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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensaios sobre crescimento econ?mico : os fundamentos do debate e a perspectiva evolucion?ria

Rocha, Roberto Pereira da 31 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:26:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 426902.pdf: 558822 bytes, checksum: ccb81b605bdf2a475483dbf53f1e1b1d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-31 / O objetivo dos dois ensaios que fazem parte desta disserta??o ? apresentar parte do debate sobre as vari?veis e os mecanismos que determinam e dinamizam o crescimento econ?mico dos pa?ses. A aten??o sobre este tema se justifica porque o crescimento econ?mico no longo prazo possibilita melhorias no bem estar da popula??o. O primeiro artigo faz uma retrospectiva desta discuss?o desde fase pr?-cl?ssica da economia e o segundo mostra a vis?o evolucion?ria do tema. Foi identificado que cada vez mais a quest?o do conhecimento ganha relev?ncia na compreens?o dos mecanismos que impulsionam o crescimento econ?mico e que na perspectiva evolucion?ria o crescimento dependeria crucialmente das condi??es de cada pa?s de inovar e se transformar continuamente. Na conclus?o s?o mostrados certos pontos onde existe converg?ncia ou continuidade, e outros onde h? diverg?ncia ou ruptura entre a economia evolucion?ria e outras abordagens.

Diverg?ncia e converg?ncia nas ondas longas : uma perspectiva te?rica evolucion?ria

Concei??o, C?sar Stallbaum 30 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 397385.pdf: 519126 bytes, checksum: cdd07b8996776cb6f8699e6f43e3a576 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-30 / Esta disserta??o emprega a concep??o evolucion?ria do pensamento econ?mico para explicar os diferentes padr?es de crescimento observados na economia mundial. Os pa?ses apresentam trajet?rias distintas de crescimento econ?mico decorrentes da ado??o de novas tecnologias e do papel das institui??es neste processo. Os diferentes ambientes institucionais influenciam os processos de inova??o e difus?o e, com isso, as trajet?rias de desenvolvimento dos pa?ses. Diante do car?ter evolucion?rio do sistema econ?mico, as mudan?as de paradigmas induzem aos padr?es de crescimento chamados de ondas longas. Em cada onda longa abre-se uma janela de oportunidade para os pa?ses se engajarem em um processo de crescimento e catching-up, onde firmas e economias nacionais podem adquirir novas posi??es ao adaptarem as novas formas organizacionais e sociais. Assim, as mudan?as nos paradigmas tecnol?gicos t?m efeito consider?vel no processo de catching-up, converg?ncia e diverg?ncia em cada onda longa. As evid?ncias emp?ricas apontam para o processo de converg?ncia da renda per capita entre os pa?ses da OCDE, para os Tigres Asi?ticos e uma diferencia??o das trajet?rias de crescimento entre as demais regi?es mundiais.

Caracteriza??o da interface entre cilindros de pilares de implante e ligas fundidas de Co-Cr com diferentes t?cnicas de fundi??o

Rodrigues Neto, Dimas Jo?o 19 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-26T14:53:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_DIMAS_JOAO_RODRIGUES_NETO_PARCIAL.pdf: 405454 bytes, checksum: d48967a61777e3e773d5a2112997ee13 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-26T14:53:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_DIMAS_JOAO_RODRIGUES_NETO_PARCIAL.pdf: 405454 bytes, checksum: d48967a61777e3e773d5a2112997ee13 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / For a satisfactory clinical performance, pre-fabricated Co-Cr cylinders must have metallurgical compatibility to Co-Cr based cast alloys. A uniform interface with adequate union and resistance, with absence of interfacial reaction and porosities must be obtained. The present in vitro study aimed to evaluate the metallurgical compatibility at the interface between pre-fabricated Co-Cr cylinders and alloys for Co-Cr compound casting applying different casting techniques. In manuscript 2 the metallurgical compatibility and the interface between implant and alloy cylinders were evaluated for Co-Cr casting with different melting temperatures. Methodology: Three pre-fabricated Co-Cr prosthetic implant cylinders (Neodent, Pi-Br?nemark, Dentium) were subjected to casting with Co-Cr alloy using different casting techniques (Flame Torch, Induction / Centrifugation, Induction / Vacuum). Optical microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to characterize the obtained microstructures. The elementary composition of the cylinders and diffusion characteristics in the interfacial region between molten alloy and cylinder were determined by dispersive energy spectroscopy (EDS). Vickers microhardness was measured at interface, cylinder and cast alloy. The ANOVA and Tukey test were used to evaluate microhardness values. In the manuscript 2 cylinders based on Co-Cr were overfused with alloys with different melting temperatures and all microstructural analysis and microhardness tests were performed. Results: In the manuscript 1 a union between pre-fabricated cylinders and Co-Cr based alloys was observed microstructurally. An ideal interface was obtained with absence of interfacial reaction or significant porosities with the casting with the induction techniques (centrifugation and vacuum), but excess of porosities and failures were observed with the Torch casting technique. In manuscript 2 a microstructural bond was observed between the alloys and the cylinder, evidencing that both high melt alloy and low melt alloy presented compatibility with the Co-Cr cylinder. Microhardness values, both in manuscript 1 and in manuscript 2 also proved to form a satisfactory interface. Conclusions: It was concluded from manuscript 1 and 2 that both high and low melt temperature Co-Cr have metallurgical compatibility to pre-fabricated Co-Cr cylinders, showing an ideal interface. However, the technique of casting applied is relevant, and the torch technique has been shown to be less indicated due to the lack of standardization of the obtained results. / Para um bom desempenho clinico, cilindros de pilares pr? fabricados de Co-Cr devem apresentar compatibilidade metal?rgica a ligas de sobrefundi??o a base de Co-Cr. Uma interface uniforme com adequada uni?o e resist?ncia, com aus?ncia de rea??o interfacial e porosidades devem ser obtidas. O presente estudo, in vitro, objetivou atrav?s do manuscrito 1 avaliar a compatibilidade metal?rgica na interface entre cilindros pr? fabricados de Co-Cr e ligas para sobrefundi??o de Co-Cr com diferentes t?cnicas de fundi??o. No manuscrito 2, foi avaliado a compatibilidade metal?rgica e a interface entre cilindro de implante e ligas para sobrefundi??o de Co-Cr com diferentes temperaturas de fus?o. Metodologia: Tr?s cilindros pr?-fabricados para pr?tese sobre implantes em Co-Cr (Neodent, Pi-Br?nemark, Dentium) foram sorefundidos com liga de Co-Cr com diferentes t?cnicas de fundi??o (Ma?arico, Indu??o/centrifuga??o, Indu??o/v?cuo). Microscopia ?ptica e Microscopia eletr?nica de varredura (MEV) foram usadas para caracteriza??o das microestruturas. A composi??o elemental dos cilindros e caracter?sticas de difus?o na regi?o interfacial entre liga fundida e cilindro foram determinadas atrav?s de espectroscopia por energia dispersiva (EDS). Microdureza de Vickers foi aplicada na interface, cilindro e liga fundida. Foi aplicado o teste de ANOVA e Tukey para avalia??o dos valores microdureza. No manuscrito 2, cilindros a base de Co-Cr foram sobrefundidos com ligas com diferentes temperaturas de fus?o e foi realizada toda analise microestrutural e testes de microdureza. Resultados: No manuscrito 1 observou-se microestruturalmente uma uni?o entre cilindros pr? fabricados e ligas a base de Co-Cr. Foi obtida uma interface ideal com aus?ncia de rea??o interfacial ou porosidades significantes com a fundi??o com as t?cnicas por indu??o (centrifuga??o e v?cuo), por?m excesso de porosidades e falhas foram observados com a t?cnica de fundi??o ? ma?arico. No manuscrito 2 observou-se uma uni?o microestrutural entre as ligas e o cilindro avaliado, evidenciando que tanto liga de alta fus?o, quanto de baixa fus?o apresentam compatibilidade ao cilindro de Co-Cr. Valores de microdureza, tanto no manuscrito 1 como no manuscrito 2 tamb?m comprovaram a forma??o de uma interface satisfat?ria. Conclus?es: Concluiu-se atrav?s do manuscrito 1 e 2 que ligas de alta e baixa temperatura de fus?o a base de Co-Cr apresentam compatibilidade metalurgica a cilindros pr? fabricados de Co-Cr apresentando uma interface ideal. Por?m, a t?cnica de fundi??o aplicada ? relevante, sendo que a t?cnica ? ma?arico se mostra a menos indicada devido a falta de padroniza??o dos resultados obtidos.

A prote??o jur?dica dos servi?os ecossist?micos : um dever fundamental ecol?gico

Ramm?, Rog?rio Santos 23 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T17:26:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_ROGERIO_SANTOS_RAMME_PARCIAL.pdf: 184649 bytes, checksum: bbdf793d455af326dbc06d96035cfd28 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T17:26:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_ROGERIO_SANTOS_RAMME_PARCIAL.pdf: 184649 bytes, checksum: bbdf793d455af326dbc06d96035cfd28 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-30T17:26:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_ROGERIO_SANTOS_RAMME_PARCIAL.pdf: 184649 bytes, checksum: bbdf793d455af326dbc06d96035cfd28 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-23 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The aim of this thesis is to identify the normative dimensions of the fundamental duty of individuals towards the ecological balance of the environment, identifying the nature of the obligations arising from that obligation. The link between the object of the constitutional protection of the environment and the concept of ecosystem services is evidenced, which makes it possible to reinterpret the content of the obligations imposed on individuals by virtue of this fundamental duty. Although the fundamental ecological duty has content associated with the fundamental right to the environment, invests individuals in autonomous subjective positions, which will constitute obligations of conduct with positive or negative content, aimed at the protection of ecosystem services. Another important point of the research is to understand the conceptual distinction between ecosystem services and environmental services. The positive obligations stemming from the fundamental ecological duty have the identical object of what is being called environmental services. One of the viable paths to the realization of these obligations is the incentive. In this context, the protector-receiver principle is identified as a normative source that bases the consolidation of a promotional legal system, complementary to the rules of command and control. The concrete instrumentalization of the protectorrecipient principle, especially in countries of intense social inequality, should be thought of as an instrument of environmental justice. Thus serving not only as a source of income for the poorest who engage in environmental services, but also as a way of valuing the habits and cultures of traditional peoples and communities, which, without gaining anything in return, contribute to the generation of ecosystem services. / A presente tese objetiva identificar as dimens?es normativas do dever fundamental dos particulares para com o equil?brio ecol?gico do ambiente, identificando a natureza das obriga??es que decorrem desse dever. Evidencia-se a vincula??o existente entre o objeto da prote??o constitucional do ambiente ao conceito de servi?os ecossist?micos, o que permite reinterpretar o conte?do das obriga??es que se imp?em aos particulares por for?a desse dever fundamental. O dever fundamental ecol?gico, muito embora possua conte?do associado ao direito fundamental ao ambiente investe os indiv?duos em posi??es subjetivas aut?nomas, que v?o se constituir em obriga??es de conduta com conte?do positivo ou negativo, voltadas ? prote??o dos servi?os ecossist?micos. Outro ponto importante da pesquisa ? a distin??o conceitual entre servi?os ecossist?micos e servi?os ambientais. As obriga??es de cunho positivo que decorrem do dever fundamental ecol?gico, tem o id?ntico objeto daquilo que se est? a denominar por servi?os ambientais. Um dos caminhos vi?veis para a concretiza??o dessas obriga??es ? o do incentivo. Nesse contexto, se identifica o princ?pio do protetor-recebedor como fonte normativa que fundamenta a consolida??o de um sistema jur?dico promocional, complementar ?s normas de comando e controle. A instrumentaliza??o concreta do princ?pio do protetor-recebedor, sobretudo em pa?ses de intensa desigualdade social, n?o s? pode como deve ser pensado tamb?m como um instrumento de justi?a ambiental, servindo n?o apenas como uma fonte de renda para os mais carentes que se empenhem em servi?os ambientais, mas tamb?m como forma de valoriza??o dos h?bitos e culturas de povos e comunidades tradicionais, que, sem ganhar nada em troca, contribuem com a gera??o de servi?os ecossist?micos.

A pr?tica pedag?gica na forma??o de professores com o uso de TDIS sob o foco das objetiva??es de Agnes Heller : Brasil e Portugal num estudo de caso m?ltiplo integrado

Paula, Marl?bia Corr?a de 19 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Educa??o em Ci?ncias e Matem?tica (educem-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-04T14:15:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 BRASIL E PORTUGAL_TESE_MARLUBIA-homologada.pdf: 5721263 bytes, checksum: cb53e974dc5cb180d47d929d27969dc8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-15T16:57:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 BRASIL E PORTUGAL_TESE_MARLUBIA-homologada.pdf: 5721263 bytes, checksum: cb53e974dc5cb180d47d929d27969dc8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-15T17:22:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BRASIL E PORTUGAL_TESE_MARLUBIA-homologada.pdf: 5721263 bytes, checksum: cb53e974dc5cb180d47d929d27969dc8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This study objective is to identify the pedagogical practices conducted by professors from Brazil and Portugal, described by them the existence of characteristics of the categories of the Theory of Quotidian presents in Agnes Heller?s objectifications (daily life and everyday things). Supports the thesis that professors trainers perform constituents actions of their pedagogical practices maintening objectifications in itself (of own particularities of man, as an individual). This complicate their actions, because it inhibits a praxis that raise the coverages of a reflection on theoretical components present in the profession practice necessary for the achievement of the movement of producer?s thoughts of objectifications to itself (genericity characteristic of social man, as a collective). This examination is being carried out in the research line of Technologies in Education in Science and Mathematics of the Graduate Program in Education in Science and Mathematics (PPGEDUCEM), of the Catholic Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) in the period in which it was held the Split PhD program in UTAD (University Tr?s-os-Montes de Alto Douro), in Portugal. Methodologically is a qualitative research with documentary sources and bibliographic references in which structured questionnaires were used as an instrument of data collection. Forming its strategy an Integrated Multiple Case Study, Yin (2015). The theme delimitation provided to analyze the professor?s pedagogical practices of eighteen Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), being eleven of Brazil, six in Portugal and one of Spain, in the relative period to the first semester of 2017. Masters, Doctors, Post Doctors professors were selected, who work with the initial and continuing training of teachers, these HEIs, preferably researchers in the area of teacher training. For the justification were performed four mappings, according to the pedagogical practice, teacher training and the use of the Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC), complex issues. At the end of these searches were made of the State of the art, on the pedagogical practice with use of TDCI, held in the teachers? training, in the last decade, in Brazil. The data analysis resulted from the use of Discursive Textual Analysis of Moraes and Galiazzi (2011), which culminated in emerging categories, presented in the form of metatexts for posterior and conclusive submission to the theoretical categories of Agnes Heller (1970). The journey of the research lies in the dialectic materialism that figures appropriations and requests that occur an intentionality focused on the production of contributions, in this case, for the pedagogical practices docents of teacher trainers. Thus, it was developed the following research question: What are the characteristics cited by teacher?s trainers concerning its pedagogical practices that evidence from these everyday actions and not daily? These characteristics demonstrate the presence of the elements of the Helleriana Theory of Daily Life in the pedagogical practices of teachers trainers, which denote the character of objectifications (in-itself; for itself), described the actions of the professors of the participating countries. The theorization result required of an Integrated Multiple Case Study, in this research strategy was performed under the analysis? units relative to the teaching pedagogical practice, the use of TDIC and the teacher training. For this reason, it was elaborated, in the end, a metatext cross-case where has shown a predominance of characteristic of daily life analogy; in both blocks and the lower incidence fell on intonation. The prevalence of these objectifications have direct impact on the practices and their recognition becomes a contribution to the processes of formation, whether initial, either continued, so the consciousness of objectifications provides the teacher trainer, a constant reformulation and refreshment of its pedagogical practices what intentionally and gradually becomes the actions of teachers in training. Furthermore, the Theory of Daily Life is also as a benchmark for elaboration of pedagogical practices thereby enabling an assessment of the levels of contained moral elevation, in these actions through the presence of criteria for interpreting the findings in its content. This contribution with a bias for a theoretical referral is essential to the result of a research that has by strategy the Integrated Multiple Case Study. / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo identificar nas pr?ticas pedag?gicas realizadas pelos docentes do Brasil e de Portugal, por eles descritas, a exist?ncia de caracter?sticas das categorias da Teoria do Cotidiano presentes nas objetiva??es de Agnes Heller (cotidianos e cotidianidades). Sustenta-se a Tese de que docentes formadores realizam a??es constituintes de suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas mantenedoras de objetiva??es em?si (de particularidades pr?prias do homem, enquanto indiv?duo). Isso dificulta as suas a??es, pois inibe uma pr?xis que eleve os alcances de uma reflex?o sobre componentes te?ricos presentes no exerc?cio da profiss?o necess?rios a realiza??o do movimento do pensamento produtor de objetiva??es para-si (de genericidade pr?prias do homem social, enquanto coletivo). Esta inquiri??o est? sendo realizada na linha de pesquisa de Tecnologias na Educa??o em Ci?ncias e Matem?tica do Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o em Ci?ncias e Matem?tica (PPGEDUCEM), da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) em per?odo no qual foi realizado o doutorado sandu?che na UTAD (Universidade Tr?s-os-Montes de Alto Douro), em Portugal. Metodologicamente ? uma pesquisa qualitativa com fontes documentais e bibliogr?ficas na qual foram utilizados question?rios semiestruturados como instrumento de coleta de dados. Constituindo quanto a sua estrat?gia um Estudo de Caso M?ltiplo Integrado, em Yin (2015). A delimita??o de tema proporcionou analisar as pr?ticas pedag?gicas dos docentes de dezoito Institui??es de Ensino Superior (IES), sendo onze do Brasil, seis de Portugal e um, da Espanha, no per?odo relativo ao primeiro semestre de 2017. Foram selecionados docentes mestres, doutores e p?s-doutores, que trabalham com a forma??o, inicial e continuada, de professores, dessas IES, ou seja, preferencialmente pesquisadores da ?rea de forma??o de professores. Para a justificativa foram realizados quatro mapeamentos, em fun??o de serem a pr?tica pedag?gica, a forma??o de professores e do uso das Tecnologias Digitais de Informa??o e Comunica??o (TDIC), temas complexos. Ao final dessas buscas foi constitu?do o Estado da Arte, sobre a pr?tica pedag?gica com uso de TDIC, realizada na forma??o de professores, na ?ltima d?cada, no Brasil. A an?lise dos dados decorreu do uso de An?lise Textual Discursiva de Moraes e Galiazzi (2011), que culminou em categorias emergentes, apresentadas na forma de metatextos para posterior e conclusiva submiss?o as categorias te?ricas de Agnes Heller (1970). O percurso da pesquisa situa-se no materialismo dial?tico que conduz apropria??es e solicita que ocorra uma intencionalidade voltada ? produ??o de contribui??es, neste caso, para as pr?ticas pedag?gicas docentes dos formadores de professores. Assim sendo, elaboramos a seguinte quest?o de pesquisa: Quais s?o as caracter?sticas apontadas pelos professores formadores a respeito das suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas que evidenciam a partir destas as a??es cotidianas e n?o cotidianas? Tais caracter?sticas evidenciam presen?a dos elementos da Teoria do Cotidiano helleriana nas pr?ticas pedag?gicas dos docentes formadores, que denotam o car?ter de objetiva??es (em-si; para-si), descritas nas a??es dos docentes dos pa?ses participantes. A teoriza??o fruto necess?rio do Estudo de Caso M?ltiplo Integrado, nesta estrat?gia de pesquisa, foi realizada sob as unidades de an?lise relativas ? pr?tica pedag?gica docente, o uso de TDIC e a forma??o de professores. Para isso elaborou-se, ao final, um metatexto cross-case onde se evidenciou um predom?nio da carater?stica de cotidiano: analogia; em ambos os blocos e a menor incid?ncia recaiu sobre entona??o. A preval?ncia dessas objetiva??es t?m impactos diretos sobre as pr?ticas e o seu reconhecimento torna-se uma contribui??o para os processos de forma??o, quer seja inicial, quer seja continuada, pois a consci?ncia das objetiva??es propicia ao docente formador, uma constante reformula??o e revigoramento de suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas o que intencionalmente e paulatinamente passar? as a??es dos professores em forma??o. Al?m disso, a Teoria do Cotidiano constitui-se tamb?m como referencial para elabora??o das pr?ticas pedag?gicas permitindo assim, uma avalia??o dos n?veis de eleva??o da moral contidos, nessas a??es por meio da presen?a de crit?rios para interpretar as constata??es, em seu teor. Essa contribui??o com vi?s para um encaminhamento te?rico ? essencial ao resultado de uma pesquisa que tem por estrat?gia o Estudo de Caso M?ltiplo Integrado.

Educa??o de jovens e adultos: uma perspectiva de alfabetiza??o com idosos / Young and adult education: a perspective of literacy with elders

Marques, Denise Travassos 13 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denise Travassos Marques.pdf: 1382737 bytes, checksum: 17e0494b7d3201c892ed41f4333ef2fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-13 / This present work aims at understanding why and how the educator.s education concerning the literacy of Young and Adults can influence the educator.s performance committed to human dignity and improving the knowledge about the educator.s education and about the elders. profile in the modern society, as well as analyzing the population growth of elders in Brazil and its repercussions to the social fields. It should be added to the economically poor elders the social consequences of an unproductive live which, most of the times, refrain them from conquering a better social life. These changes have had considerable impacts on the public policies. This study aims at taking a good look at the presence of elders in the literacy classrooms of the Education Program for Elders, as well as at the main role of the educators in the process of thinking and the paradigm which excludes the elders from the productive sectors. The document survey and the document analysis of the legislation relative to the elder as described in the work, give the educator the opportunity of performing the role of mediator and negotiator of the learning process, getting to know the social, psychological and biological conditions of the elderly student. For that, it is necessary for the educator to constantly update his or her knowledge of other scientific fields. The starting assumption is that the answers to the challenges facing the contemporary world demand the educators. education as a social educator, as well as the construction of knowledge that make the educators. development possible in order to consciously face the challenges put before the education of the society with the aim of contributing with a more humanitarian education. This work has been developed as part of the Research Program for Education Practices and for the Educators. Education, together with ICCON Research Group (Interdisciplinary and Constructive Knowledge) Post-graduation Program in Education at Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas. / O presente trabalho visa compreender porque e como a forma??o do docente na Educa??o de Jovens e Adultos pode exercer influ?ncia na a??o do educador comprometido com a dignidade humana e aprofundar os conhecimentos da forma??o do professor e do perfil do idoso na sociedade moderna, bem como analisar o aumento da popula??o idosa no Brasil e suas repercuss?es para os campos sociais. Aos idosos desfavorecidos economicamente somam-se decorr?ncias sociais da vida n?o produtiva que, muitas vezes, os impedem de encontrarem maior espa?o de valoriza??o social. Essas mudan?as j? est?o repercutindo nas pol?ticas p?blicas. Nesta pesquisa abordam-se a presen?a dos idosos nas salas de alfabetiza??o de Educa??o de jovens e Adultos, bem como o papel fundamental do pedagogo nesse processo de reflex?o e o paradigma que exclu? a participa??o dos educandos mais velhos no setor produtivo. O levantamento bibliogr?fico e an?lise documental das legisla??es referente aos idosos apresentados propiciam ao pedagogo desempenhar uma fun??o de mediador e articulador da aprendizagem, conhecendo a realidade social, psicol?gica e biol?gica dos educandos. Para isso ? necess?rio atualizar-se constantemente em outros campos cient?ficos. Partimos do pressuposto de que a resposta aos desafios que o mundo contempor?neo apresenta demanda por uma forma??o docente, no curso de Pedagogia, que vise o educador social e que possibilite a constru??o de conhecimentos para o desenvolvimento do educador consciente dos desafios impostos ? educa??o, no sentido de contribuir com uma educa??o mais humana. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Linha de Pesquisa Pr?ticas Pedag?gicas e Forma??o do Educador, junto ao Grupo de Pesquisa ICCON (Interdisciplinaridade e Constru??o do Conhecimento) do Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas.

N?meros naturais: abordagem do contexto hist?rico na pr?tica pedag?gica / Natural numbers: approach to the historical context in pedagogical practice

Sartori, Maria Ester de Siqueira Rosin 18 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Ester de Siqueira Rosin Sartori.pdf: 1301255 bytes, checksum: 6cdb89dafe916021328547ca383937c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-18 / Understanding the complexity and the contributions of a collaboration between history and mathematics and the need for approximation of mathematical knowledge to the universe of students, the research aims to see how the teachers of mathematics for the sixth year of primary education in the region of Campinas, Brazil , understand their pedagogical practice and what their knowledge of history, particularly on the history of mathematics, is in order to address and develop the concept of natural numbers. There is, by definition, that mathematics is presented as a knowledge contextualized and meaningful for students, so it came in a vacuum, either developed in a vacuum, but is the result of relationships and cultural needs as originating in primitive communities, in which science began to develop, walked up to the current issues through a multifaceted and complex developments and have in particular the history of the one-digit Universal history must therefore be considered as such for the teaching and learning. / Devido ?s possibilidades de compreens?o dos fen?menos sociais que interferem na forma como o conhecimento ? constru?do e como o aluno se apropria dele, esta pesquisa investiga as potencialidades da participa??o da Hist?ria na pr?tica pedag?gica do professor de Matem?tica, do sexto ano do ensino fundamental da regi?o de Campinas, S.P., na aprendizagem significativa e contextualizada dos N?meros Naturais e reflete sobre as possibilidades do trabalho integrado entre Hist?ria e Matem?tica, que contemplem a atua??o tanto do docente quanto dos investigadores quando pretendem abordar o conceito de n?meros naturais em sua pr?tica pedag?gica ou investigativa. Tem-se, por hip?tese, que a Matem?tica apresenta-se como um saber contextualizado e significativo para o aluno, portanto n?o surgiu no vazio, tampouco se desenvolveu no v?cuo, mas ? fruto das rela??es e das necessidades culturais origin?rias j? nas comunidades primitivas, nas quais as ci?ncias come?aram a se desenvolver, caminharam at? as quest?es atuais atrav?s de uma evolu??o multiforme e complexa e fizeram, em particular da Hist?ria dos algarismos, uma Hist?ria universal, portanto, deve ser analisada como tal para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem.

Um olhar sobre os formadores de formadores do UNIARAX?: identidades e pr?ticas

Lodi, Ivana Guimar?es 18 November 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivana Guimaraes Lodi.pdf: 1121239 bytes, checksum: cc21031c56978b5aab75c8d0e57e657c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-11-18 / This work is linked to research line: University, staff and professors qualification. It looks into the paths taken and the practices carried out by ten educators from the Superior Institute- Uniarax? - Centro Universit?rio do Planalto de Arax? (MG), restoring the different ways and the significance of self-construction and pedagogic practices in the qualification of future educators. The choice was for the qualitative research and for the methodology of oral History of life, a challenge for the historians who decide to use it. We highlighted the social-economic constitution of the subjects as an essential aspect in the search for the understanding of human subjectivity. More important than the interview technique was the search for the sensibility to comprehend the interviewees feelings and their importance in the process of self-construction as well as their educational actions. The paths taken, the ways and the meaning of the researched subjects revealed that people are not born teachers, but become teachers through several facts, life experiences, and sharing of experiences that constitute and institute them. People are teachers/professors and even in doubts, facing difficulties and re-arranging paths, education is seen as a means of change and one of the mediations for social transformation. / Este trabalho vincula-se ? linha de pesquisa: Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores. Busca investigar o caminho percorrido e as pr?ticas docentes, atrav?s de relatos orais, de 10 educadores do Instituto Superior do UNIARAX? Centro Universit?rio do Planalto de Arax? (MG), recuperando os diferentes sentidos e significados de sua auto-constru??o e de suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas na forma??o de futuros educadores. Optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa e pela metodologia de Hist?ria oral de vida, desafio para os historiadores que se prop?em a utiliz?-la. Foi valorizada a constitui??o s?cio-hist?rica dos sujeitos, ponto fundamental para uma an?lise de car?ter global, articulando o social e o individual na busca de entender a subjetividade humana. Mais importante do que escolher a t?cnica da entrevista, foi buscar a sensibilidade para compreender a express?o dos sujeitos entrevistados e sua representatividade no processo de auto-constru??o e de suas a??es educativas. As trajet?rias, sentidos e significados dos sujeitos pesquisados, revelaram que n?o se nasce professor, as pessoas tornam-se professores por uma s?rie de fatos, viv?ncias, conviv?ncias, que v?o constituindo-as e instituindo-as. Tornamo-nos professores/educadores, e mesmo entre d?vidas, dificuldades e at? mesmo realinhamento de rotas, a educa??o ? vista como caminho de mudan?as e uma das media??es para a transforma??o social.

Hist?rias de Professores de Artes Visuais: um rememorar de pr?ticas pedag?gicas e um olhar para a forma??o docente / Professors of Visual Arts stories: a recall of teaching practices and a look at the professor education

Crivari, Ana Maria da Silva Bittar 09 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Maria da Silva Bittar Crivari.pdf: 791094 bytes, checksum: e362774da8b41706cea7e5fbdef28215 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-09 / This research was based on Visual Arts professor s stories, proposing a rethinking teaching practices and professor education in this field. The teaching of art goes through major conceptual and methodological change, and has led to reflections and curriculum changes that require adjustments in teaching practice and professor education. We focus, in order to delineate the processes by which comes through art education and emancipation in the knowledge area constitut as a discipline, as well as the changing process in the legislation Brazilian education itself of Brazilian education. We seek to relive and recall teaching practices and the facilitation and specific students pedagogic education, developed in the classroom a School of Visual Arts professors who value the role of arts in education. We discuss the process of comprehensive and substantial art education and interlacing with the education future professors Arts. Through the Oral History methodology rescued the life history, the three Visual Arts professors experiences. The methodological procedures were semi-structured interviews with visual arts professors of a course in and promote a review of literature on art education and his plans.We emphasized during interviews, teaching practice, so we recall the experiences and lived meanings, which of course were used to review the present and prepare for the future. We believe in the contribution of these experiences, to train professors, showing how art can be revisited, taught and relearned. We understand that teaching process and learning art, mediated by professors' action seems to highlight the students relationship importance with the object of knowledge that we teach, creating the opportunity for this to be seized. / Esta pesquisa baseou-se em hist?rias de professores de Artes Visuais, propondo um repensar sobre as pr?ticas pedag?gicas e forma??o de professores desta ?rea de conhecimento. O ensino da Arte passa por grande mudan?a conceitual e metodol?gica, e vem provocando reflex?es e altera??es curriculares que demandam adequa??es na pr?tica docente e na forma??o de professores. Enfocamos visando a delinear os processos pelos quais vem passando o ensino da arte e sua emancipa??o na constitui??o desta ?rea de conhecimento como disciplina, bem como o processo de mudan?a na pr?pria legisla??o da educa??o brasileira. Buscamos rememorar as pr?ticas pedag?gicas e os elementos facilitadores na forma??o pedag?gica e espec?fica dos alunos, desenvolvidas, na sala de aula dos professores de um Curso de Artes Visuais e que valorizam o papel da arte na educa??o. Refletimos sobre o processo abrangente e substancial do ensino da arte e o entrela?amento com a forma??o do futuro professor de Arte. Por meio da metodologia da Hist?ria Oral resgatamos a hist?ria de vida e as experi?ncias de tr?s docentes de Arte Visuais. Os procedimentos metodol?gicos foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas com docentes de um Curso de Artes Visuais, al?m de uma revis?o bibliogr?fica sobre arte-educa??o e seus des?gnios. Enfatizamos no decorrer das entrevistas, as pr?ticas pedag?gicas, de modo a nos remetermos a experi?ncias e significados vividos, que naturalmente foram usados para rever o presente e preparar o futuro. Acreditamos na contribui??o destas experi?ncias, para a forma??o de professores, demonstrando como a Arte pode ser revisitada, ensinada e reaprendida. Entendemos que o processo de ensinar e aprender Arte, mediado pela a??o docente, parece evidenciar a import?ncia da rela??o do aluno com o objeto de conhecimento que queremos ensinar, criando a oportunidade de que este seja apreendido.

A alfabetiza??o e o letramento na vis?o de uma professora do 2? ano do Ensino Fundamental / The alphabetizing and the lettering under the vision of a teacher in the 2nd year of the fundamental school

Vaz, Lidia Silva Vaz e 07 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lidia Silva Vaz e Vaz.pdf: 340097 bytes, checksum: 37fdb33f3798df4154c0e346d62947f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-07 / This present research discusses the pedagogic practices used by a certain teacher from the 2nd year in the process of the development of the written language in a particular school in Hortolandia, a city pertaining to the large Campinas in the State of Sao Paulo. Using the autoscopic procedure, consisting in shooting the teacher s presentation and then showing her the recorded video scenes so that she could comment about her practices, this paper analyzed a relationship between alphabetizing and the lettering in those pedagogic practices. The data collected were organized in seven clusters of meaning, exploring the meaning and the senses produced by the teacher in relation to the classroom setting. They were: Interaction among the students, Interaction among the teacher and the students, Affection, Resources and Didactic Strategies, The use of a text in the classroom, The teacher s concerns in relation to the students and Remembrances of the teacher. Results point that in order to the teachers work in a perspective of articulation between alphabetizing and lettering they must valorize the interactions in the schoolrooms. These interactions take place between the teacher and the students and among the students themselves, and the mediation is supposed to take a fundamental aspect of learning. The question of affectivity, out of the mediation, is revealed as an important component in the articulation between alphabetizing and lettering. In this context, the importance of interventions, motivation, the usage of commendation, encouragement of affective motivations, which cooperate in promoting learning and the development of the being, must be considered. Adding to that, the articulation between alphabetizing and lettering is revealed to the teacher in the selection and usage of resources and didactic strategy used by her for turning the context of the class more dynamic and the learning of the language more livid in an alphabetizing environment. From these resources, there is a prominence for the use of the text. This, as a starting point in the work with the language, brings greater meaning to the learning. So the teacher chooses to use texts that make part of the student s context. She still works with the text so that the student understand the process of deciphering, and so valorizing both the specific aspects of the alphabetizing and the lettering, which are fundamental for learning a written language and not just one or another. Data also reveal that the remembrances of the teacher in her process of alphabetizing as student herself and even experiences lived along her way have strong influences in her/his pedagogic practice nowadays. These are experiences that give meaning to their pedagogic making. / A presente pesquisa discute as pr?ticas pedag?gicas utilizadas por uma professora do 2? ano no processo de desenvolvimento da l?ngua escrita em uma escola particular de Hortol?ndia, cidade pertencente ? Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas, no Estado de S?o Paulo. Utilizando o procedimento da autoscopia, que consiste em filmar a aula da professora e depois apresentar a ela as cenas videogravadas para que comente sobre sua pr?tica, o trabalho analisou a rela??o entre alfabetiza??o e letramento em tais pr?ticas pedag?gicas. Os dados coletados foram organizados em sete n?cleos de significa??o, que exploraram os significados e os sentidos produzidos pela professora em rela??o ?s pr?ticas da sala de aula. Foram eles: Intera??o entre alunos, Intera??o entre professora e alunos, Afetividade, Recursos e estrat?gias did?ticas, Uso do texto na sala de aula, Preocupa??es do professor em rela??o aos alunos e Lembran?as da professora. Os resultados apontaram que para a professora, trabalhar na perspectiva da articula??o entre alfabetiza??o e letramento significa valorizar as intera??es em sala de aula. Estas intera??es acontecem entre professora e alunos e entre alunos, sendo a media??o assumida como aspecto fundamental da aprendizagem. A quest?o da afetividade, por conta da media??o, ? revelada como componente importante na articula??o entre alfabetiza??o e letramento. Nesse contexto, considera-se a import?ncia das interven??es, da motiva??o, do uso do elogio e do incentivo, das manifesta??es afetivas que cooperam para a promo??o da aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento do indiv?duo. Ainda para a professora, a articula??o entre alfabetiza??o e letramento ? revelada na sele??o e utiliza??o dos recursos e estrat?gias did?ticas utilizados por ela a fim de tornar o contexto da aula mais din?mico e a aprendizagem da l?ngua mais viva em um ambiente alfabetizador. Desses recursos, h? um destaque para o uso do texto. Este, como ponto de partida no trabalho com a l?ngua, traz maior significado ? aprendizagem, assim, opta por usar textos que fazem parte do contexto do aluno. Ainda com o texto trabalha para que o aluno compreenda o processo de decifra??o valorizando tanto os aspectos espec?ficos da alfabetiza??o quanto do letramento, que s?o elementos fundamentais para a aprendizagem da l?ngua escrita e n?o apenas um ou outro. Os dados revelaram tamb?m que, para a professora, as lembran?as do seu processo de alfabetiza??o como aluna e at? mesmo experi?ncias vivenciadas ao longo de sua trajet?ria, t?m fortes influ?ncias em sua pr?tica pedag?gica atual. S?o estas experi?ncias que d?o base para o seu fazer pedag?gico.

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