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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cross-Talk Between Estrogen and Thyroid Hormones During Amphibian Development

Duarte Guterman, Paula January 2011 (has links)
It is generally thought that in amphibians, thyroid hormones (THs) regulate metamorphosis, while sex steroids (estrogens and androgens) regulate gonadal differentiation. However, inhibition of TH synthesis in frogs alters gonadal differentiation, suggesting instead that these two endocrine axes interact during development. Specifically, THs may be involved in male development, while estrogens may inhibit tadpole metamorphosis. However, we do not currently know the mechanisms that account for these interactions, let alone how such mechanisms may differ between species. To develop and test new hypotheses on the roles of sex steroids and THs, I first examined transcriptional profiles (mRNA) of enzymes and receptors related to sex steroids and THs during embryogenesis and metamorphosis in Silurana tropicalis. Tadpoles were exposed to either an estrogen synthesis inhibitor (fadrozole) or TH (triiodothyronine, T3) during early larval or tadpole development. Acute exposures of S. tropicalis to fadrozole or T3 during early development resulted in increased expression of androgen- and TH-related genes in whole body larvae, while chronic exposure to fadrozole during metamorphosis affected gonadal differentiation but did not affect tadpole development. On the other hand, acute exposure to T3 during metamorphosis increased the expression of androgen-related transcripts both in the brain and gonad. In S. tropicalis, the results suggested that cross-talk is primarily in one direction (i.e., effect of THs on the reproductive axis) with a strong relationship between TH and androgen status. Lastly, I established developmental transcript profiles and investigated T3 regulation of brain and gonad transcripts in Engystomops pustulosus. I then compared these results with S. tropicalis and an earlier study in Lithobates pipiens. While each species developed with similar profiles, they differed in their response to T3. Exposure to T3 resulted in either an increase in androgen-related genes (S. tropicalis) or a decrease in estrogen-related genes (E. pustulosus and L. pipiens). In conclusion, these data demonstrated that cross-talk mechanisms differ among these three evolutionary separate species, but in all cases, T3 appears to affect the balance of sex steroids, stimulating the androgen system and providing potential mechanisms of the masculinising effects of THs. These results will contribute to understanding the mechanisms of hormone interactions and their evolutionary basis in frogs.

Hur relevant är gonadskydd på män vid joniserande undersökningar? : En litteraturöversikt / How relevant is gonad protection on men during ionizing examinations? : A literature review

Isaksson, Axel, Mirindi, Marthe January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Dagens strålskyddsprinciper om gonadskydd är i grunden baserade på ALARA principen utöver de olika lagar och författningar som implementeras med tidens gång. Att uppnå diagnostisk kvalitet på bilden utan att ta bort vital information är därför av intresse för röntgensjuksköterskan. Felaktig placering av gonadskyddet kan leda till ökad stråldos samt informationsbortfall, eventuellt även omtag av bilden. Ökande stråldos ger högre risk för genetiska skador på arvsmaterialet samt risken att utveckla cancer. Syfte: Att undersöka förekomsten, mängden felplacerade gonadskydd samt effekten av felplacerade gonadskydd. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt baserat på kvantitativa artiklar genomfördes där elvavetenskapliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskades. Sökningar gjordes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och Google Scholar. Resultat: Resultat visar att felplacerade gonadskydd leder till omtag av röntgenbilder och patienter utsätts för mer stråldos. Det ökar risken för strålskador. Detta går emot ALARA-principen som ska tillämpas av röntgensjuksköterskor. Slutsats: Mycket av nyligt utkommen forskning pekar på att gonadskydd används ofta felaktigt och skapar då förutsättningar för ökad stråldos för patienten. Huruvida gonadskydd bör avskaffas är något som kräver mer forskning för att avgöra

Alterações morfológicas e hormonais das gônadas e da hipófise da garoupa Epinephelus marginatus (Teleostei: Serranidae) durante a inversão sexual / Morphological and hormonal alterations in the gonads and pituitary of the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Teleostei: Serranidae) during the sex inversion

Rodrigues Filho, Jandyr de Almeida 14 May 2010 (has links)
A inversão do sexo em peixes hermafroditas sequenciais (protândricos ou protogínicos) ocorre em decorrência de diversos fatores, dentre eles, fisiológicos, genéticos, podendo ser ainda decorrência do comportamento social. Nos peixes hermafroditas marinhos as alterações sexuais são acompanhadas por alterações anátomo-funcionais das gônadas, coloração e comportamento dos animais. A espécie Epinephelus marginatus (garoupa verdadeira), serranídeo da fauna nativa e amplamente difundida no litoral brasileiro, é um hermafrodita protogínico que apresenta dificuldade na manutenção de indivíduos do sexo masculino em seus cardumes e, além disso, encontra-se na lista de espécies sobreexplotadas. Utilizando-se técnicas de inversão sexual induzida, em cativeiro, para a obtenção de machos, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as alterações de alguns tecidos endócrinos durante o processo de inversão sexual, utilizando tratamentos com inibidores de aromatase (AI) e metiltestosterona (MT) em animais jovens. Ao longo de 90 dias de experimento a utilização do AI e do MT promoveu uma aparente desorganização da arquitetura gonadal padrão, massiva degeneração das células germinativas femininas, surgimento de centros melanomacrofágicos, proliferação de estruturas associadas ao sexo masculino (tecido intersticial e células germinativas masculinas) e a maturação das células germinativas masculinas. A utilização do andrógeno sintético MT (sozinho ou combinado com AI) possibilitou a obtenção de gônadas em fases mais avançadas de espermatogênese, inclusive a fase de espermiogênese inicial, com redução significativa dos valores do índice gonadossomático (IGS). Já com a utilização do AI foram encontradas gônadas em processos de intersexo mais clássicos após 90 dias experimentais. As análises de imunomarcação das células gonadotrópicas hipofisárias foram viáveis utilizando-se anticorpos de salmão e os resultados mostraram que as células produtoras de FSH (hormônio folículo-estimulante) e LH (hormônio luteinizante) distribuem-se pela proximal pars distalis e pars intermedia da adenohipófise. Os resultados obtidos com as análises imunohistoquímicas da hipófise demonstraram uma marcação de pouca intensidade utilizando-se o anticorpo anti-βFSH no grupo tratado com AI após 90 dias. A análise dos esteróides gonadais mostrou que nos animais tratados com AI, não houve diminuição na concentração do estradiol aos 90 dias, desta forma a alça de feedback negativo provavelmente foi acionada, e a produção de FSH diminuiu, causando o aumento da concentração plasmática de 11 cetotestosterona (11 KT) (via ação do LH). Já nos grupos onde o MT foi administrado, houve uma diminuição na concentração de estradiol após o tratamento, causando possivelmente uma menor intensidade na alça de feedback negativo na hipófise, sendo a ação do andrógeno sintético mais efetiva na espermiogênese nestes animais. As análises das gônadas e da hipófise sugerem a atuação do FSH no início da transição do sexo, sendo proposta a liberação desta glicoproteína como o gatilho para a inversão sexual em hermafroditas protogínicos. Estudos mais detalhados ao longo dos 90 dias de transição gonadal em E. marginatus precisam ser realizados para constatar o real envolvimento do FSH na inversão do sexo e verificar se a liberação do LH estaria envolvida com a produção de 11-ceto-testosterona, a espermiogênese completa e espermiação / The sex inversion in sequential hermaphrodite fish (protandrous or protogynous) occurs due to several factors, including physiological, genetics, and also can be associated with the social behavior. In marine hermaphrodite fish, the sex alterations are followed by anatomic and functional alterations in the gonads, color patterns and animal behavior. The species Epinephelus marginatus (dusky grouper), a native serranid and broadly distributed in the Brazilian coast, is a protogynous with problems in maintaining males in the shoal and, additionally, this species is part of the overexploited marine fish red list. Induction of sex change, in captivity, using aromatase inhibitors (AI) and 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) has been conducted with the purpose to study the morphophysiological alteration in some endocrine tissues in juveniles. During 90 experimental days, the use of AI and MT promoted an apparent disorganization of the standard gonad architecture, a massive degeneration of the female germ cells, the appearance of melanomacrophagic centers, a proliferation of the structures associated with the male sex (interstitial tissue and male germ cells) and the maturation of male germ cells. The use of the synthetic androgen, MT (alone or combined with AI) allowed the obtaining of gonads in a more advanced spermatogenesis phase, including an initial spermiogenesis phase, with a significant reduction of gonadossomatic index (GSI). With the use of AI, the gonads were found in a more classic intersex process after 90 days of experiment. The immunostaining analysis of the gonadotropic cells were viable using salmon antibodies and the results showed that FSH and LH cells were distributed in proximal pars distalis and pars intermedia in adenohypophysis. The immunohistochemistry analysis of the pituitary showed a low intensity of staining with the anti-βFSH in the AI group, after 90 experimental days. The analysis of the gonad steroids showed that in the animals from the AI group, there was no decrease in estradiol levels after 90 days, so the negative feedback loop probably was activated, the FSH secretion decreased, allowing the increase of plasma 11- ketotestosterone (11KT) (through LH action). In the MT groups there was a decrease in plasma estradiol, what probably decreased the intensity of the negative feedback loop in the pituitary, and in this case, the action of the synthetic androgen was predominant in spermiogenesis. The analysis of the gonads and pituitary suggest the action of FSH in the beginning of the sex transition, with the proposal that this glycoprotein acts triggering the sex inversion in protogynous hermaphrodites. We suggest that more detailed studies during the 90 days of gonad transition in E. marginatus must be done in order to find the real involvement of FSH in sex inversion and to elucidate the actual role of LH with 11KT production, the full spermiogenesis and spermiation

Contribución al conocimiento del erizo de mar Paracentrotus lividus (Lamark, 1816): ciclo gonadal y dinámica poblacional

González Irusta, José Manuel 17 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabajo de tesis doctoral pretende contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento de la biología y la ecología del erizo de mar Paracentrotus lividus desde la perspectiva de su explotación como recurso marisquero. Con este fin se han analizado dos aspectos de la biología de este invertebrado de interés para su explotación sostenible: el ciclo gonadal y la dinámica poblacional de la especie. Para abordar el estudio del ciclo gonadal se realizó un muestreo mensual en tres localidades situadas a lo largo del litoral de Cantabria. En cada localidad se muestreó en dos hábitats contrastados: charcos de marea y fondos infralitorales durante dos épocas de puesta, desde mayo de 2004 hasta septiembre de 2005. Además de muestrear erizos, se tomaron datos de temperatura y de concentración de clorofila para estudiar la relación de la reproducción con los factores ambientales. El ciclo gonadal de P. lividus en Cantabria comienza en el mes de marzo y se extiende hasta el mes de septiembre, con entre uno y dos periodos de puesta a principios de primavera y en verano, en función del año y la población. Las diferencias entre las distintas localidades muestreadas fueron más importantes a las observadas entre los distintos hábitats, si bien en líneas generales todas las poblaciones mostraron un ciclo gonadal similar. El fotoperiodo parece mostrar un importante papel en el control de la vitelogénesis, que se inicia en los meses con menos horas de luz y termina en los meses estivales, con duraciones máximas del día. Otras variables como temperatura y estado nutricional también pueden tener un efecto significativo sobre este ciclo y probablemente son las responsables de algunas de las variaciones del ciclo más importantes observadas en las distintas poblaciones.El estudio de la dinámica poblacional de la especie se realizó en la cala de La Soledad, en la localidad cántabra de Laredo. Durante 40 meses (desde julio de 2004 hasta octubre de 2007) se realizó un muestreo mensual en una zona de esta cala que albergaba una población de P. lividus con más de 16.000 erizos distribuidos en un área aproximada de 1.200 metros cuadrados. La zona de estudio se dividió en 15 cuadrículas imaginarias. En cada cuadrícula se lanzaba cinco veces un cuadrado de área conocida de 0,25 m2, para un total de 75 veces por muestreo. Todos los erizos encontrados dentro del cuadrado de área conocida eran medidos y la densidad anotada. De esta forma se obtenía una distribución de la frecuencia de tallas para la población analizada, así como datos de densidad para cada cuadrícula muestreada.Una vez obtenidas la distribución de frecuencias para todos los meses muestreados, se calculo un modelo de crecimiento para la especie mediante el seguimiento de cohortes. Además, se estudió el reclutamiento de la especie en la zona de estudio, se analizaron los desplazamientos de la especie mediante análisis de densidad en las distintas cuadrículas y se estimó la tasa de mortalidad para algunas de las cohortes estudiadas. El crecimiento de P. lividus en la localidad se ajustó a la curva de Von Bertalanffy, más concretamente a su adaptación estacional, pues presentaba importantes diferencias de crecimiento entre el verano y el invierno. Se obtuvieron dos modelos de crecimiento, muy similares entre sí en el valor de sus parámetros, que fueron unidos en un solo modelo con un valor de K de 0,245 ± 0,03 y un valor de L∞ de 69 ± 4 mm. El reclutamiento no mostró diferencias significativas entre los distintos años estudiados, observándose un doble periodo de asentamiento que coincide con lo observado en el estudio del ciclo gonadal. Además, se observó una relación significativa entre la densidad de juveniles y la densidad de adultos, que permite pensar en la existencia de un reclutamiento denso-dependiente. No se observaron migraciones para el conjunto de la población dentro de la zona de estudio, no obstante se observaron desplazamientos durante el desarrollo del erizo desde zonas de asentamiento hasta zonas de crecimiento, siendo estos especialmente intensos a partir de cierta talla. La mortalidad Z presenta un valor medio para el conjunto de cohortes analizadas de 0,256 para erizos con una edad comprendida entre los ocho y los veintisiete meses. En este periodo, la mortalidad no permanece constante, sino que desciende a medida que los erizos aumentan de talla. / The main objective of this work was to improve the understanding of the biology and ecology of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, from a fishery perspective. With this purpose, two interesting topics in the sustainable fisheries of this invertebrate were analyzed: gonad cycle and populations dynamics. The gonad cycle was studied in three localities along the Cantabrian littoral. In each locality, two habitats were sampled monthly: intertidal rock pools and infralitoral hard bottoms, from May 2004 to September 2005. In each sample, at least 15 sea urchins were collected for each habitat and locality. Moreover, temperature was measured and water samples were collected in plastic bottles to estimate chlorophyll concentration. The reproductive cycle of P. lividus starts in March and lasts until September, with one or two main spawning periods per year (depending on year and population) at the beginning of Spring and during the Summer. The differences between sea urchins from different localities but the same habitat were more important than between urchins of the same locality but different habitat, however all the urchins studied shown a similar reproductive cycle. The photoperiod shows an important role in the vitellogenesis control. This process starts in the months with the lowest photoperiod values and finishes in the highest. Other environmental variables as temperature or nutrional state are important too, causing some of the most important differences observed in the gonad cycle of the analyzed populations. The population dynamics were studied in the cove of La Soledad, in the cantabrian locality of Laredo. Along 40 months (from July 2004 to October 2007) the cove was sampled monthly in an area of 1.200 m2 with more than 16,000 urchins. This area was divided in a grid of 15 squares. In each of them, 5 randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats were sampled. All the urchins found in the quadrats were measured and its density counted, getting a frequency distribution of the population analyzed and density values of each square. A growth model for P. lividus was calculated knowing the monthly size-frequency distribution. Moreover, recruitment, migrations and mortality in the studied area were studied.P. lividus growth showed a good fit to the Von Bertalanffy curve, especially to the seasonality model, since the growth showed significant differences between the summer and the winter. Two growth curves were calculated, both of them very similar in growth parameters. Finally, both curves were joined in one model with a K value of 0,245 ± 0,03 and a L∞ de 69 ± 4 mm.The recruitment did not show significant differences between the studied years. A double settlement period was observed, coinciding with the spawning period described in the gonad cycle study. Moreover, a significant relationship between recruits' density and adults' density was observed, suggesting a positive density-dependent factor in the recruitment. The population did not show migrations in the study area. However, during the development of the urchins, movements were observed from settlement areas to growth areas, being especially important from a certain size. The mortality (Z) presented a mean value of 0.256 for all the cohorts analyzed in urchins with an age range between 8 and 27 months. In this period, mortality decreases with the urchins growth.

Alterações morfológicas e hormonais das gônadas e da hipófise da garoupa Epinephelus marginatus (Teleostei: Serranidae) durante a inversão sexual / Morphological and hormonal alterations in the gonads and pituitary of the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Teleostei: Serranidae) during the sex inversion

Jandyr de Almeida Rodrigues Filho 14 May 2010 (has links)
A inversão do sexo em peixes hermafroditas sequenciais (protândricos ou protogínicos) ocorre em decorrência de diversos fatores, dentre eles, fisiológicos, genéticos, podendo ser ainda decorrência do comportamento social. Nos peixes hermafroditas marinhos as alterações sexuais são acompanhadas por alterações anátomo-funcionais das gônadas, coloração e comportamento dos animais. A espécie Epinephelus marginatus (garoupa verdadeira), serranídeo da fauna nativa e amplamente difundida no litoral brasileiro, é um hermafrodita protogínico que apresenta dificuldade na manutenção de indivíduos do sexo masculino em seus cardumes e, além disso, encontra-se na lista de espécies sobreexplotadas. Utilizando-se técnicas de inversão sexual induzida, em cativeiro, para a obtenção de machos, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as alterações de alguns tecidos endócrinos durante o processo de inversão sexual, utilizando tratamentos com inibidores de aromatase (AI) e metiltestosterona (MT) em animais jovens. Ao longo de 90 dias de experimento a utilização do AI e do MT promoveu uma aparente desorganização da arquitetura gonadal padrão, massiva degeneração das células germinativas femininas, surgimento de centros melanomacrofágicos, proliferação de estruturas associadas ao sexo masculino (tecido intersticial e células germinativas masculinas) e a maturação das células germinativas masculinas. A utilização do andrógeno sintético MT (sozinho ou combinado com AI) possibilitou a obtenção de gônadas em fases mais avançadas de espermatogênese, inclusive a fase de espermiogênese inicial, com redução significativa dos valores do índice gonadossomático (IGS). Já com a utilização do AI foram encontradas gônadas em processos de intersexo mais clássicos após 90 dias experimentais. As análises de imunomarcação das células gonadotrópicas hipofisárias foram viáveis utilizando-se anticorpos de salmão e os resultados mostraram que as células produtoras de FSH (hormônio folículo-estimulante) e LH (hormônio luteinizante) distribuem-se pela proximal pars distalis e pars intermedia da adenohipófise. Os resultados obtidos com as análises imunohistoquímicas da hipófise demonstraram uma marcação de pouca intensidade utilizando-se o anticorpo anti-βFSH no grupo tratado com AI após 90 dias. A análise dos esteróides gonadais mostrou que nos animais tratados com AI, não houve diminuição na concentração do estradiol aos 90 dias, desta forma a alça de feedback negativo provavelmente foi acionada, e a produção de FSH diminuiu, causando o aumento da concentração plasmática de 11 cetotestosterona (11 KT) (via ação do LH). Já nos grupos onde o MT foi administrado, houve uma diminuição na concentração de estradiol após o tratamento, causando possivelmente uma menor intensidade na alça de feedback negativo na hipófise, sendo a ação do andrógeno sintético mais efetiva na espermiogênese nestes animais. As análises das gônadas e da hipófise sugerem a atuação do FSH no início da transição do sexo, sendo proposta a liberação desta glicoproteína como o gatilho para a inversão sexual em hermafroditas protogínicos. Estudos mais detalhados ao longo dos 90 dias de transição gonadal em E. marginatus precisam ser realizados para constatar o real envolvimento do FSH na inversão do sexo e verificar se a liberação do LH estaria envolvida com a produção de 11-ceto-testosterona, a espermiogênese completa e espermiação / The sex inversion in sequential hermaphrodite fish (protandrous or protogynous) occurs due to several factors, including physiological, genetics, and also can be associated with the social behavior. In marine hermaphrodite fish, the sex alterations are followed by anatomic and functional alterations in the gonads, color patterns and animal behavior. The species Epinephelus marginatus (dusky grouper), a native serranid and broadly distributed in the Brazilian coast, is a protogynous with problems in maintaining males in the shoal and, additionally, this species is part of the overexploited marine fish red list. Induction of sex change, in captivity, using aromatase inhibitors (AI) and 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) has been conducted with the purpose to study the morphophysiological alteration in some endocrine tissues in juveniles. During 90 experimental days, the use of AI and MT promoted an apparent disorganization of the standard gonad architecture, a massive degeneration of the female germ cells, the appearance of melanomacrophagic centers, a proliferation of the structures associated with the male sex (interstitial tissue and male germ cells) and the maturation of male germ cells. The use of the synthetic androgen, MT (alone or combined with AI) allowed the obtaining of gonads in a more advanced spermatogenesis phase, including an initial spermiogenesis phase, with a significant reduction of gonadossomatic index (GSI). With the use of AI, the gonads were found in a more classic intersex process after 90 days of experiment. The immunostaining analysis of the gonadotropic cells were viable using salmon antibodies and the results showed that FSH and LH cells were distributed in proximal pars distalis and pars intermedia in adenohypophysis. The immunohistochemistry analysis of the pituitary showed a low intensity of staining with the anti-βFSH in the AI group, after 90 experimental days. The analysis of the gonad steroids showed that in the animals from the AI group, there was no decrease in estradiol levels after 90 days, so the negative feedback loop probably was activated, the FSH secretion decreased, allowing the increase of plasma 11- ketotestosterone (11KT) (through LH action). In the MT groups there was a decrease in plasma estradiol, what probably decreased the intensity of the negative feedback loop in the pituitary, and in this case, the action of the synthetic androgen was predominant in spermiogenesis. The analysis of the gonads and pituitary suggest the action of FSH in the beginning of the sex transition, with the proposal that this glycoprotein acts triggering the sex inversion in protogynous hermaphrodites. We suggest that more detailed studies during the 90 days of gonad transition in E. marginatus must be done in order to find the real involvement of FSH in sex inversion and to elucidate the actual role of LH with 11KT production, the full spermiogenesis and spermiation

Drei neu identifizierte Gene in der Morphogenese von Caenorhabditis elegans: pcp-2, pcp-3 und gon-12 sind sowohl während dem dritten Larvalstadium, als auch im alternativen Dauerlarvenstadium aktiv und regulieren die Entwicklung reproduktiver Organe. / Three newly identified genes in morphogenesis of Caenorhabditis elegans: pcp-2 pcp-3 and gon-12 are active in the third larval stage and in the alternative dauer larval stage to regulate development of reproductive tissues.

Fröde, Stephan 29 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Energia digestível para reprodutores de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) / Digestible energy to silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) broodstocks

Tessaro, Lucelia 15 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:13:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lucelia Tessaro.pdf: 2574631 bytes, checksum: ca57438c0aba9b691b6d844030fa8eb8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / It was studied the effect of the different digestible energy levels (DE) on reproductive and animal performance and gonads and livers histological aspects of silver catfish broodstocks (Rhamdia quelen). The treatments were digestible energy levels of 2.850, 3.100, 3.350, 3.600 e 3.850 kcal.kg feed, in diets containing 30% digestible protein (DP. The animals were stocked in tanks of 16m2 under conditions of light and temperature natural. The temperature water of the tanks was monitored daily. pH and oxygen dissolved were measured biweekly. The fish were feed during 210 days and were evaluated, initial and final, length, weight, weight gain and condition factor, separately to males and females. For the reproductive parameters, from October 2009 to February 2010 the males were induce, monthly, by carp pituitary extract (2,5mg.kg male) for collect milt samples. In the reproductive session, the females were induced by carp pituitary extract (5,5mg.kg female) for evaluation to number of spawn females (%) and absolute and relative fecundity. In the same period, six males and six females in each treatment were killed to obtained, visceral, gonad and hepatossomatic index, and to histological characterization of maturation stages and hepatic aspects. The water quality remained in the levels recommended for the species. Animal performances to males and females were not affected by feed. In relation to the hepatic aspects, were observed cytoplasmic vacuolation and steatosis in females. For the males this hepatic alteration were not observed. For the reproductive parameters, males and females were not influenced. The Monthly variations on seminal parameters were observed and indicated a reproductive pike in the spring. The feds containing 30% of digestible protein and energy levels from 2,850 to 3,850 kcal.kg were not affect reproductive parameters to males or females, however, females feed on 3,100 to 3,600kcal.kg showed cytoplasmic vacuolation in hepatocytes. / O estudo avaliou diferentes níveis de energia digestível (ED) sobre o desempenho zootécnico, reprodutivo e aspectos histológicos do tecido hepático e gonadal de machos e fêmeas de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen). As rações testadas foram isoproteicas contendo 30% proteína digestível (PD) e 2.850, 3.100, 3.350, 3.600 e 3.850 kcal de energia digestível (ED) (kcal.kg ração-1) Os peixes foram alojados em tanques escavados sob condições de fotoperíodo e temperatura natural. A água dos tanques foi monitorada diariamente quanto a temperatura e quinzenalmente quanto pH e oxigênio dissolvido. Os animais foram acompanhados durante 210 dias e foram avaliados, separadamente por sexo, ao início e ao término do experimento, quanto ao comprimento padrão, peso médio, ganho de peso e fator de condição, este último apenas para os machos. Para os parâmetros reprodutivos, entre os meses de outubro a fevereiro, os machos mensalmente foram submetidos às análises seminais e espermáticas. Para tanto, os machos foram submetidos ao protocolo de indução hormonal empregando extrato pituitário de carpa em dose única de 2,5 mg.kg-1. Dentro do período reprodutivo, as fêmeas foram induzidas hormonalmente com protocolo semelhante, contudo utilizando 5,5 mg.kg-1. Após a indução foram avaliados o percentual de fêmeas desovantes e as fecundidades absoluta e relativa. No mesmo período em que as fêmeas foram submetidas a reprodução artificial, foram selecionados aleatoriamente e abatidos seis machos e seis fêmeas de cada tratamento. Os reprodutores foram dissecados para mensuração dos índices víscerossomático, hepatossomático e gonadossomático, bem como para caracterização histológica do estágio de maturação gonadal e do tecido hepático. A qualidade da água permaneceu dentro dos níveis recomendados para a espécie. Não foi verificado efeito (p>0,05) das rações para os parâmetros zootécnicos seja para machos ou fêmeas. Quanto aos aspectos hepáticos, foi verificada a ocorrência de vacúolos citoplasmáticos e esteatose nas fêmeas. O mesmo não foi observado nos machos. Para os aspectos reprodutivos, machos e fêmeas não foram influenciados pelos níveis energéticos testados (p>0,05). Os machos apresentaram, ao longo dos meses, características seminais e espermáticas que sugerem a ocorrência de um pico reprodutivo no final da primavera. Rações contendo 30% de proteína digestível e níveis de energia entre 2.850 e 3.850 kcal.kg de ração-1 não afetam os parâmetros reprodutivos de machos e fêmeas de jundiá, contudo, em fêmeas, rações contendo entre 3.100 e 3.600 kcal causam vacuolização nos hepatócitos, possivelmente pela deposição lipídica.

Reproductive physiology of the female three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus

Roufidou, Chrysoula January 2017 (has links)
Reproduction in vertebrates, including fishes, is under control of the brain-pituitary-gonad (BPG) axis. The female three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, produces egg clutches at intervals of a few days and spawns them in a nest built by male. Following ovulation, eggs are stored in the ovarian cavity surrounded by the ovarian fluid (OF). If spawning or spontaneous release do not occur, the eggs can undergo overripening, a phenomenon occurring both in nature and captivity. In this PhD thesis, the changes of reproductive hormones and vitellogenesis were studied at overripening of eggs and over the natural spawning cycle. OF properties were also examined at overripening of eggs and after treatment with sex steroids. Plasma levels of steroids: testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), 17,20β-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β-P) and 17,20β,21-trihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β,21-P) were measured by radioimmunoassay, and relative mRNA levels of the pituitary gonadotropins (fsh-β/lh-β), brain gonadotropin-releasing hormones (gnrh2/gnrh3) and kisspeptin and its receptor (kiss2/gpr54) by qPCR. Overripening of eggs was accompanied with a significant reduction in most of endocrine parameters of BPG axis (T, E2, 17,20β-P; lh-β; kiss2, gpr54). Low level of hormones could be advantageous for the overripe egg-bound females, since this would reduce further ovulations giving higher chances to survive and reproduce again. Over the 3-day spawning cycle, T and E2 were highly correlated, showed cyclicity with low levels at ovulation and increasing from 24 and 6 hours post-spawning (hps), respectively. Spawning may give rise to this increase as these rises did not occur if release of the eggs does not happen (overripe females). A peak at pituitary lh-β mRNA levels appeared 48 hps, a day before the next ovulation. No significant changes were found for the other studied hormones. Vitellogenesis was studied by measurement of the vitellogenin mRNA levels in the liver by qPCR. The levels were highest at 24 and 48 hps and were positively correlated to both E2 and T over the cycle. However, changes were small suggesting a rather continuous vitellogenesis over the stickleback spawning cycle which could be an advantage for a multiple spawner with a limited spawning season. Overripening reduced vitellogenin mRNA levels but did not abolish it. OF amount was diminished in overripe females and had a lower viscocity but higher dry weight and protein levels than in non-overripe ovulated females, suggesting that changes in OF properties are related to the egg overripening. The effects of steroids were studied using Silastic capsules. T and 17,20β-P induced an increase of OF amount, but protein levels were only increased in 17,20β-P-treated females, proposing a role of this steroid in the control of OF secretion. 1-D SDS-PAGE showed that OF contained several proteins, some of them came from eggs, but no consistent differences between groups. Concluding, the knowledge of the reproductive physiological changes is important for understanding their essential roles in the production of viable eggs in this species but also in the reproductive physiology of female fishes in general. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Identification of a Hybrid Lethal Gene on the X Chromosome of Caenorhabditis briggsae

Dougherty, John Kelly January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Mapping Hybrid Lethal Genes on the X Chromosome of C. Briggsae

Bittorf, Blaine E. 08 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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