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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os fragmentos atenienses de Simônides. Um estudo das fontes epigráficas anteriores a 480 a. C. / The Athenian Fragments of Simonides: A Study of the Epigraphical Sources before 480 BC.

Robert Brose Pires 11 February 2008 (has links)
RESUMO Serão investigadas, nesta dissertação, as origens da democracia ateniense através da análise de quatro epigramas de Simônides de Ceos e da contextualização de alguns outros. Partindo do assassinato de Hiparco por Harmódio e Aristogíton e traçando suas conseqüências, tanto do ponto de vista mítico quando político, tentaremos demonstrar como o povo, agora identificado como mesmo ideal de igualdade perante a lei (isonomia), foi capaz de afastar tanto o perigo de uma helotização da Ática, quanto o de uma submissão ao império aquemênida, ao vencer duas batalhas decisivas, cujo relato foi preservado em inscrições que chegaram até nós sob o nome de Simônides por transmissão literária ou epigráfica ou ambas. Também iremos lidar com todos os aspectos relativos à composição, caráter e transmissão de cada um dos quatro epigramas comentados, além de fornecer uma tradução de todos os outros - incluindo os novos fragmentos elegíacos recentemente descobertos - que possam ter alguma relevância para o assunto em questão. / The origins of Athenian democracy are herein surveyed through the analysis of four Simonidean epigrams and the canvassing of several others. Starting from the murder of Hipparchus by Harmodius and Aristogeiton, and following its consequences, both mythic and political, we shall proceed to demonstrate how the people, now identified with the same democratic ideal, was able to eschew both the danger of helotization by Sparta and submission by the Persian Empire by its winning two decisive battles recorded in inscriptions that came down to us either through literary or epigraphical transmission or both. We shall also deal with all aspects surrounding the composition, nature and transmission of each of the four epigrams, besides providing a translation of all other epigrams - including the newly discovered elegiac fragments - that may bear any relevancy to the subject under appreciation.

Rome et le prince dans les "Odes" d'Horace : construction d'une mythologie impériale romaine / Rome and the princeps in Horace's "Odes" : construction of a Roman imperial mythology

Schilling, Maryse 10 December 2018 (has links)
Avec l'avènement du prince en 27 av. J.-C. s'ouvre à Rome ce qu'on appelle le siècle d'Auguste et qui correspond à une période de révolution à la fois politique, mais aussi culturelle. Auteurs et poètes étaient engagés dans cette réflexion collective sur les fondements de la Ville, son identité, ses rapports avec son prince et ses dieux, I'imperium d'Auguste et les modèles à offrir à la nouvelle génération. La thèse entend étudier la manière dont le poète latin Horace participa non seulement au renouvellement des formes poétiques à Rome, mais aussi à ces réflexions sur le nouus status. Comment la lyrique archaïque grecque qu'il tente d'acclimater à Rome dans ses Odes, mais aussi les mythes grecs qu'il réélabore et fait entrer en résonance avec les enjeux du principat, lui permettent d'évoquer les relations privilégiées de Rome et de son prince ? / With the accession of the princeps in 27 BC, begins in Rome the "Age of Augustus" - a period of political, but also cultural revolution. Authors and poets joined this collective thinking about the foundations of the City, its identity, its relationship with its princeps and its gods, the imperium of Augustus, and the ideals to offer to the new generation... This dissertation aims to analyse how the Latin poet Horace took part not only to the renewal of the poetic forms in Rome, but also to these reflections around the novus status. ln which way the archaic Greek lyric, that he tries to adapt to Rome in his Odes, as well as the Greek mythology, that he recreates to make them echo the challenges of the Principate, make it possible for Horace to conjure the privileged relation ship between Rome and its princeps?

L'immortalité chez Pindare : la parole inspirée entre religion et poésie

Carrière-Bouchard, Ulysse 08 1900 (has links)
C’est par une généalogie de l’immortalité poétique en Grèce archaïque, depuis une immortalité ne concernant que le renom jusqu’à une forme de survie personnelle, que s’ouvre cette recherche. Arrivé à Pindare, une étude approfondie de sa première Néméenne, au moyen de la théorie de l’énonciation de Benveniste et de la narratologie de Genette, permet de détailler comment se construit, dans l’épinicie, un régime temporel de l’éternité, dans lequel le poète inscrit le vainqueur qu’il célèbre. Je me penche alors sur la formation, dans l’épinicie, d’un réseau de concepts dont font partie la mémoire, la vérité, la lumière et l’or, réseau servant à créer une connotation d’immortalité. Ce réseau est ensuite analysé au travers des relations sociales qui le déterminent, au moyen du matérialisme historique et de l’herméneutique négative. Il en ressort que ce réseau marque la construction d’une idéologie aristocratique, dont la structure est détaillée grâce au concept d’hégémonie de Gramsci, ce qui laisse voir que l’immortalité poétique, chez Pindare, a pour fonction de poser un ordre social comme éternel. L’immortalité religieuse de Pindare est placée dans ce contexte et interprétée comme une autorité extra-littéraire devant asseoir la forme non traditionnelle d’immortalité poétique de Pindare, recours rendu nécessaire par un ébranlement de l’autorité littéraire. Ainsi, le développement exacerbé, en Grèce archaïque, de l’immortalité poétique, est réinterprété comme le produit d’une crise généralisée de l’autorité, une lutte des classes devant mener à la défaite de l’aristocratie terrienne et à l’émergence de la polis de la Grèce classique. / This research opens with a genealogy of poetic immortality in Archaic Greece, from an immortality of renown down to a form of personal survival. A detailed study of Pindar’s first Nemean, through Benveniste’s enunciative linguistics and Genette’s narratology, shows how the epinician constructs a temporal regime of eternity, in which the poet inscribes the victor. I proceed to analyze how, through the epinician, a network of concepts comprising memory, truth, light, and gold, is used to create a connotation of immortality. The social relations that determine this network are then analyzed through historical materialism and negative hermeneutics. From there, it appears that this network shows the construction of an aristocratic ideology, whose structure is then detailed through Gramsci’s concept of hegemony. This reveals how Pindar’s poetic immortality serves to ground a social order as eternal. Pindar’s religious immortality is then cast within this context and interpreted as an appeal to an extra-literary authority whose role is to legitimize the non-traditional form of poetic immortality developed by Pindar, an appeal made necessary by an undermining of literary authority. Thus, the increasing development of poetic immortality throughout Archaic Greece is reinterpreted as the product of a general crisis of authority, of a class struggle that would lead to the defeat of the landed aristocracy and the emergence of the polis of Classical Greece.

La emisión erótica en la poesía griega: una familia de redes de integración conceptual desde la antigüedad hasta el siglo XX

Pagán Cánovas, Cristóbal 25 June 2009 (has links)
Tras exponer la metáfora aristotélica, la Teoría de la Metáfora Conceptual y la Teoría de la Amalgama (blending), propongo que esta última constituye un cambio de paradigma. Con la Teoría de la Amalgama establezco un patrón conceptual con que generalizar sobre varios estudios de figuración verbal, en distintos periodos de la poesía griega de amor: lírica griega arcaica, la aparición de las flechas del amor en los periodos arcaico y clásico, canciones populares medievales, y dos poetas del siglo veinte: Ritsos y Elytis. Todas estas imágenes poéticas comparten un patrón que responde a una red genérica de integración conceptual: la EMISIÓN ERÓTICA. Los principales factores de variación son la asignación del papel de emisor a la persona amada o a un agente externo, y la especificación del esquema de imagen EMISIÓN: luz, viento, o un objeto lanzado. La cultura y el contexto fijan otras restricciones que se pueden estudiar sistemáticamente. / This dissertation discusses Aristotle's approach to metaphor, Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Blending Theory, and proposes that the latter constitutes a change of paradigm. I use Blending Theory to model a conceptual pattern generalizing over several case studies of verbal figuration, in different periods of Greek love poetry: ancient Greek lyric, the emergence of the arrows of love in the archaic and classical periods, medieval folksongs, and two 20th century poets, Ritsos and Elytis. All these poetic images share a conceptual pattern that can be modelled with a generic integration network of EROTIC EMISSION. Variation in the realization of the pattern crucially relies on assigning the role of the emitter to the loved person or to an external agent, and on the instantiation of the EMISSION image schema, like light, wind, or an object. Culture and context impose further constraints that can be studied systematically.

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