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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Transition Towards Net-Zero Emissions: Implications for Banks and Their IT Strategies / Omställningen mot Nettonollutsläpp: Implikationer för Banker och deras IT-Strategier

Ahmed, Shadab, Hilal, Ismail January 2023 (has links)
In response to the ever-intensifying urgency for environmental preservation, the imperative for sectors with substantial carbon footprints to adapt and drive the transition to a low carbon economy is apparent. Sustainability transitions, signifying systemic changes towards sustainable socio-technical systems, emerge as critical in this context, especially within the banking sector. This industry, anchored by its pervasive Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, stands as a key actor in the paradigm shift towards global sustainability. This study investigates the implications of the global transition towards net-zero emissions by 2050 for the IT strategy of banks. This transition necessitates significant changes in the banking sector’s practices, with a particular focus on reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainable operations. The paper presents an in-depth investigation of the factors that banks need to address when adapting their IT strategy to align with these imminent changes. The research methodology followed a qualitative research design, with semi-structured interviews conducted among banking sector practitioners serving as the primary data collection method. Additionally, the study applied the Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) framework to analyze the adoption of sustainable practices in the banking sector. This framework allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of the transition towards net-zero emissions, considering the intertwined aspects of technology, organization, and environment. The findings of this research reveal significant insights into the key drivers and strategies required for banks as they make decisions about their IT strategies, particularly in response to the transition towards net-zero emissions. The urgency of environmental sustainability and its integration into strategic planning have emerged as primary drivers, leading to the adoption of Green IT for balancing operational efficiency with environmental responsibility. This strategy has influenced banks’ responses and adaptation by prompting introspective resource management, integrating sustainability into organizational culture, and shaping an environmentally conscious workforce. In conclusion, despite facing various complexities, banks are demonstrating resilience and adaptability in their transition towards sustainability, indicating a future of continuous innovation and transformative practices firmly rooted in sustainability. The findings from this research significantly contribute to the existing body of knowledge, offering deeper insights into the interplay between banking practices and the urgent transition towards net-zero emissions. Future research could further enrich this understanding byassessing the effectiveness of banks’ sustainability initiatives, their achievements against set sustainability targets, and the evolving role of Green IT in driving sustainable banking. / Det växande behovet av miljömässig hållbarhet markerar tydligt nödvändigheten för sektorer med storakoldioxidavtryck att anpassa sig och driva övergången till en ekonomi med minskade koldioxidutsläpp. Övergången till hållbarhet, som innebär systematiska förändringar mot hållbara socio-tekniska system, framstår som avgörande i detta sammanhang, särskilt inom banksektorn. Denna bransch, förankrad av sin omfattande IT-infrastruktur, är en viktig aktör i det paradigmskifte som leder mot global hållbarhet. Denna studie undersöker vad den globala övergången mot nettonollutsläpp fram till 2050 innebär för bankernas IT-strategier. Denna övergång kräver omfattande anpassningar inom banksektorn, med särskild inriktning på att minska energiförbrukningen och främja hållbara verksamhetsmetoder. Rapporten presenterar en djupgående undersökning av de faktorer som banker behöver ta hänsyn till när de anpassar sin IT-strategi för att möta dessa förestående förändringar. Studiemetoden följde en kvalitativ forskningsdesign, med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförda bland experter och yrkesverksamma inom banksektorn som den primära metoden för datainsamling. Studien applicerade dessutom ramverket Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) för att analysera införandet av hållbara praxis i banksektorn. Detta ramverk möjliggjorde en omfattande förståelse för den flerdimensionella naturen av övergången mot nettonollutsläpp, med hänsyn till de sammankopplade aspekterna av teknik, organisation och externa faktorer. Studiens resultat ger värdefulla insikter om de huvudsakliga drivkrafterna och strategierna som bankerna behöver för att fatta beslut om sina IT-strategier, särskilt i samband med övergången till nettonollutsläpp. Det kritiska behovet av miljömässig hållbarhet och dess integrering i strategisk planering har vuxit fram som centrala drivkrafter, vilket har lett till att Grön IT har antagits för att balansera operativ effektivitet med miljömässigt ansvarstagande. Denna strategi har påverkat bankers respons och anpassning genom att stödja självgranskande resurshantering, integrera hållbarhet i organisationskulturen, och forma en miljömedveten arbetskraft. Sammanfattningsvis, trots mångfald av utmaningar, visar banker motståndskraft och anpassningsförmåga i sin övergång mot hållbarhet, vilket indikerar en framtid av kontinuerlig innovation och omformande metoder som är starkt förankrade i hållbarhet. Resultaten från denna studie bidrar till det befintliga kunskapsfältet, och erbjuder djupare insikter i samspelet mellan bankpraxis och den kritiska övergången mot nettonollutsläpp. Framtida studier kan ytterligare berika denna förståelse genom att utforska effektiviteten i bankers hållbarhetsinitiativ, deras framsteg mot uppsatta hållbarhetsmål, och den utvecklande rollen för Grön IT i att driva hållbar bankverksamhet.

Deriving an Natural Language Processing inference Cost Model with Greenhouse Gas Accounting : Towards a sustainable usage of Machine Learning / Härledning av en Kostnadsmodell med växthusgasredovisning angående slutledning inom Naturlig Språkbehandling : Mot en hållbar användning av Maskininlärning

Axberg, Tom January 2022 (has links)
The interest in using State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) Pre-Trained Language Model (PLM) in product development is growing. The fact that developers can use PLM has changed the way to build reliable models, and it is the go-to method for many companies and organizations. Selecting the Natural Language Processing (NLP) model with the highest accuracy is the usual way of deciding which PLM to use. However, with growing concerns about negative climate changes, we need new ways of making decisions that consider the impact on our future needs. The best solution with the highest accuracy might not be the best choice when other parameters matter, such as sustainable development. This thesis investigates how to calculate an approximate total cost considering Operating Expenditure (OPEX) and CO2~emissions for a deployed NLP solution over a given period, specifically the inference phase. We try to predict the total cost with Floating Point Operation (FLOP) and test NLP models on a classification task. We further present the tools to make energy measurements and examine the metric FLOP to predict costs. Using a bottom-up approach, we investigate the components that affect the cost and measure the energy consumption for different deployed models. By constructing this cost model and testing it against real-life examples, essential information about a given NLP implementation and the relationship between monetary and environmental costs will be derived. The literature studies reveal that the derival of a cost model is a complex area, and the results confirm that it is not a straightforward procedure to approximate energy costs. Even if a cost model was not feasible to derive with the resources given, this thesis covers the area and shows why it is complex by examine FLOP. / Intresset att använda State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) Pre-Trained Language Model (PLM) i produktutveckling växer. Det faktum att utvecklare kan använda PLM har förändrat sättet att träna tillförlitliga modeller på och det är den bästa metoden för många företag och organisationer att använda SOTA Naturlig Språkbehandling (NLP). Att välja NLP-modellen med högsta noggrannhet är det vanliga sättet att bestämma vilken PLM som ska användas. Men med växande oro för miljöförändringar behöver vi nya sätt att fatta beslut som kommer att påverka våra framtida behov. Denna avhandling undersöker hur man beräknar en ungefärlig totalkostnad med hänsyn till Operating Expenditure (OPEX) och CO2~utsläpp för en utplacerad NLP-lösning under en given period, dvs slutledningsfasen. Vi försöker förutspå den totala kostnaden med flyttalsoperationer och testar mot en klassificerings uppgift. Vi undersöker verktygen för att göra mätningar samt variabeln Flyttalsoperationer för att förutspå energiförbrukning.

Application of persuasive systems design for adopting green information systems and technologies

Shevchuk, N. (Nataliya) 04 October 2019 (has links)
Abstract Critical environmental situation requires academics and practitioners of various disciplines join efforts at planning sustainable development of the society. In information systems research, Green Information Systems and Technologies domain is the one that directly contributes to strengthening environmental values of individuals, communities, and organizations. Abundance of technology influences people most of the time. Although this influence is not always positive, research on persuasive technologies and behavior change support systems searches for the beneficial ways to utilize the impact of information systems on the daily activities of individuals. Ability to assist with encouraging certain behaviors is a defining characteristic of many contemporary systems and devices. Building on the knowledge obtained from the health domain, this dissertation investigates using persuasive technologies for fostering pro-environmental behavior change. Theoretical frameworks of the articles included in the dissertation are based primarily on the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model, accompanied by the other prominent socio-psychological theories commonly utilized in information systems research. This dissertation focuses on finding out how to encourage people to adopt and continue using mobile applications designed to assist with acquiring sustainable habits and behaviors. The dissertation is composed of the historical analysis, systematic literature review, and four experimental studies that explore different aspects of persuasive Green IS/IT. Besides analyzing existing research using PSD model as a tool for evaluation, new empirical studies provide fresh insights on Green IS/IT designed for behavior change. Addressed topics include technology adoption and continuance intention, perceived persuasiveness, self-disclosure and risk, endogenous motivations, gamification, and cognitive absorption. Conducted statistical analyses investigate relationships among PSD constructs and other related concepts to discover factors that can convince people initiate and continue using Green IS/IT to develop or maintain environmentally sound practices. Overall, the results reveal a high potential of the PSD model to become a vehicle for enhancement of the existing Green IS/IT. The dissertation provides implications for both academics and practitioners as well as suggestions for the future evolvement of persuasive Green IS/IT research. / Tiivistelmä Ympäristön ja ilmaston vakava tilanne vaatii kaikilta osapuolilta kestävää kehitystä tukevaa toimintaa. Niin sanotut ‘vihreät’ tietojärjestelmät ja informaatioteknologiat pyrkivät vaikuttamaan ihmisten käyttäytymiseen vahvistamalla yksilöiden, yhteisöjen ja organisaatioiden ympäristöarvoja ja niiden mukaista käyttäytymistä. Yltäkylläinen teknologiatarjonta vaikuttaa käyttäytymiseemme koko ajan. Vaikka tämä vaikutus ei aina olekaan positiivista, vakuuttavien ja suostuttelevien teknologioiden sekä käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevien järjestelmien tutkimus pyrkii etsimään niitä hyödyllisiä keinoja, joilla tietojärjestelmien avulla voidaan vaikuttaa myönteisesti jokapäiväiseen elämäämme. Monien nykyaikaisten järjestelmien ja laitteiden perusominaisuutena voidaankin nykyään pitää niiden kykyä rohkaista ja kannustaa käyttäjiä myönteiseen kohdekäyttäytymiseen. Tämä väitöskirja rakentuu erityisesti terveystoimialalta omaksuttuun suostuttelevia teknologioita koskevaan tutkimustietoon ja pyrkii soveltamaan tätä ympäristöystävällisen käyttäytymisen vahvistamiseen. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen johtavana teoreettisena viitekehityksenä toimii Persuasive Systems Design -malli (PSD). Sen lisäksi hyödynnetään joitakin muita tietojärjestelmätutkimuksessa hyödynnettyjä sosiaalipsykologian teorioita. Väitöskirja keskittyy tarkastelemaan, miten voidaan kannustaa ottamaan käyttöön mobiilisovelluksia, jotka on jo alun perin suunniteltu tukemaan kestävän kehityksen kannalta myönteistä käyttäytymistä ja käyttäytymisen muutosta, sekä jatkamaan niiden käyttöä. Väitöskirja koostuu aihealueen historiallisesta analyysistä ja systemaattisesta kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä neljästä kokeellisesta tutkimuksesta, jotka tutkivat ’vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden vakuuttavia ja suostuttelevia ohjelmisto-ominaisuuksia. Sen lisäksi että olemassa olevaa kirjallisuutta on analysoitu PSD-mallia käyttäen, samaan malliin pohjautuvat empiiriset tutkimukset tuottavat tuoreita oivalluksia käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevaan suunnitteluun liittyen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan teknologian käyttöönottoa, aikomuksia jatkaa teknologian käyttöä, koettua vakuuttavuutta ja suostuttelevuutta, sensitiivisten tietojen jakamista ja siihen liittyviä riskejä, sisäsyntyistä motivaatiota, pelillistämistä sekä kognitiivista absorptiota. Tilastollisten analyysien avulla tarkastellaan PSD-mallin ydinkäsitteiden ja muiden konstruktien välisiä suhteita, jotta tunnistettaisiin niitä tekijöitä, joiden avulla voidaan vaikuttaa hyödyllisten ‘vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden käyttöönottoon ja käytön jatkamiseen, ja yleisemmin kannustamaan ympäristöystävällisiin käytänteisiin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat PSD-mallin merkityksen kestävää kehitystä tukeville tietojärjestelmille ja informaatioteknologioille. Suoritetun tutkimuksen perusteella ehdotetaan teemoja jatkotutkimusta varten. Väitöstutkimuksen tuloksilla on merkitystä sekä tieteenharjoittajille että käytännön soveltajille.

Resource Allocation Algorithms for Event-Based Enterprise Systems

Cheung, Alex King Yeung 30 August 2011 (has links)
Distributed event processing systems suffer from poor scalability and inefficient resource usage caused by load distributions typical in real-world applications. The results of these shortcomings are availability issues, poor system performance, and high operating costs. This thesis proposes three remedies to solve these limitations in content-based publish/subscribe, which is a practical realization of an event processing system. First, we present a load balancing algorithm that relocates subscribers to distribute load and avoid overloads. Second, we propose publisher relocation algorithms that reduces both the load imposed onto brokers and delivery delay experienced by subscribers. Third, we present ``green" resource allocation algorithms that allocate as few brokers as possible while maximizing their resource usage efficiency by reconfiguring the publishers, subscribers, and the broker topology. We implemented and evaluated all of our approaches on an open source content-based publish/subscribe system called PADRES and evaluated them on SciNet, PlanetLab, a cluster testbed, and in simulations to prove the effectiveness of our solutions. Our evaluation findings are summarized as follows. One, the proposed load balancing algorithm is effective in distributing and balancing load originating from a single server to all available servers in the network. Two, our publisher relocation algorithm reduces the average input load of the system by up to 68%, average broker message rate by up to 85%, and average delivery delay by up to 68%. Three, our resource allocation algorithm reduces the average broker message rate even further by up to 92% and the number of allocated brokers by up to 91%.

Resource Allocation Algorithms for Event-Based Enterprise Systems

Cheung, Alex King Yeung 30 August 2011 (has links)
Distributed event processing systems suffer from poor scalability and inefficient resource usage caused by load distributions typical in real-world applications. The results of these shortcomings are availability issues, poor system performance, and high operating costs. This thesis proposes three remedies to solve these limitations in content-based publish/subscribe, which is a practical realization of an event processing system. First, we present a load balancing algorithm that relocates subscribers to distribute load and avoid overloads. Second, we propose publisher relocation algorithms that reduces both the load imposed onto brokers and delivery delay experienced by subscribers. Third, we present ``green" resource allocation algorithms that allocate as few brokers as possible while maximizing their resource usage efficiency by reconfiguring the publishers, subscribers, and the broker topology. We implemented and evaluated all of our approaches on an open source content-based publish/subscribe system called PADRES and evaluated them on SciNet, PlanetLab, a cluster testbed, and in simulations to prove the effectiveness of our solutions. Our evaluation findings are summarized as follows. One, the proposed load balancing algorithm is effective in distributing and balancing load originating from a single server to all available servers in the network. Two, our publisher relocation algorithm reduces the average input load of the system by up to 68%, average broker message rate by up to 85%, and average delivery delay by up to 68%. Three, our resource allocation algorithm reduces the average broker message rate even further by up to 92% and the number of allocated brokers by up to 91%.

Model zralosti Green ICT jako východisko při zavádění Green ICT praktik v malých a středních podnicích / Green ICT maturity model as a starting point for the implementation of Green ICT practices in small and medium-sized enterprises

Mlejnek, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The general topic of this thesis is Green ICT and its support. But specifically is this work focused on Green ICT maturity model, as a starting point for the implementation of Green ICT practices in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic. The main goal of this thesis is therefore the definition of this maturity model. This definition primarily consists of defining the questions, possible responses and assigning weights for these responses from the perspective of Green ICT maturity. By answering these questions, Green ICT maturity of any small or medium-sized enterprise can be measured. To achieve the main goal, the areas of Green ICT and Green ICT maturity levels for small and medium-sized enterprises were defined. However, for making this maturity model a relevant result of the thesis, testing it in practice was necessary. For this purpose was therefore created an interactive website with self-assessment form, through which companies were able to evaluate their Green ICT. Than the results of this self-assessment, were analyzed. The personal benefit of this thesis is definition of the Green ICT maturity model with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises, including implementation and verification in practice. This part is considered as practical. For theoretical part I consider defining the areas of Green ICT for small and medium-sized enterprises, which is also seen as personal benefit.

Införande av grön-IT : Genom TOEM framework - en kvalitativ studie

Scherman, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The IT sector contributes to a large part of the world'semissions, for that reason it’s becoming more important toimplement green-IT within organizations. Theimplementation of green-IT in organizations is a complexprocess and the knowledge within the area is lacking. Tobroaden this research area this qualitative study has examinedfactors that affect the implementation of green-IT with analtered version of the TOE framework. With the frameworksfactors Technology, Organization, Environment andMotivation the study’s interview questions were designed andexamined on five interviewees. After a thematic analysis ofthe collected data the result showed that multiple sub-factorsof the framework were not consistent. The result implied thatthe TOEM frameworks subfactors government regulationsand resources did not have any effect on the adoption ofgreen-IT. What rather affected the adoption of geen-IT wasthe prioritization of green-IT within the organization. UsableIT-support for green-IT also resulted in being an importantaspect that moreover affects the motivation for green-IT, anaspect that wasn’t a subfactor of the TOEM framework. / IT-sektorn står för en stor del av världens utsläpp, därför blirdet allt viktigare att införa grön-IT inom organisationer.Införandet av grön-IT i en organisation är en komplexprocess och kunskapen inom området är bristande. För attutöka detta kunskapsområde har denna kvalitativa studieundersökt faktorer som påverkar införandet av grön-ITgenom en tillämpad version av ramverket TOE ramverket.Genom ramverkets faktorer Teknologi, Organisation, Miljöoch Motivation utformades studiens intervjufrågor somundersöktes mot fem intervjudeltagare. Efter en tematiskanalys av den insamlade datan visade resultatet att flera subfaktorer till ramverkets faktorer inte överensstämde.Resultatet påvisade att TOEM ramverkets sub-faktorerstatliga regleringar och resurser inte hade någon påverkanpå införandet av grön-IT. Vad som snarare påverkadeinförande av grön-IT var Grön-ITs prioritering inomorganisationen. Användbara IT-stöd för grön-IT resulteradeäven i att vara en viktig aspekt som dessutom påverkarmotivationen för grön-IT, en aspekt som inte var en subfaktor i TOEM ramverket.

Grön IT och införande av Gröna IS i organisationer : En studie om sociala och individuella påverkansfaktorer

Skirby, Ann-Christine January 2022 (has links)
With the help of Green IT and Green Information Systems(Green IS), organizations can improve their sustainabilitywork with the help of technology. Previous research indicatesthat IT governance through frameworks contributes to moresuccessful implementations, and that one should study theindividual to a greater extent to find out their needs. Thepurpose of the study was to identify, prioritize and present tothe individual important social and individual influencingfactors in Green IS introduction into an organization. Thestudy was thus expected to contribute with the addition ofinfluencing factors to the future creation of frameworks forgovernance.A qualitative study was conducted where respondents invarying roles within an organization initially participated insemi-structured interviews. Interview data was designedbased on the social / individual influencing factors found inthe ISO / IEC 33000-based maturity model manage knowledgeand manage acceptance of change and development. Whatbecame the areas that formed the basis for future dataanalysis. Data were also analyzed based on previouslyidentified important influencing factors for the individualwhich were perceived usability, computer experience, usersupport and behavioral intent. As a final step in the study,they participated together in a workshop where the resultsobtained were discussed and prioritized according to thechosen model.Results and conclusions show that the most important factorsfor the participants in the introduction of Green IS aregovernance and support from management, throughincreased communication in the event of changed workroutines. It was also perceived as important to have a goodstructure for implementation and the right support, whichaccording to participants is assess to increase a perceivedusefulness. An indication was also made about ambassadorsfor cross-unit work for increased user support. Importantsystem properties were assessed to be harmonization in, forexample, reporting on environmental statistics and feedbackon sustainability work / Med hjälp av Grön IT och gröna informationssystem (Gröna IS) kanorganisationer förbättra sitt hållbarhetsarbete med hjälp av teknik.Tidigare forskning indikerar att styrning genom ramverk bidrar tillfler lyckade införanden, och att individen i högre grad bör studerasför att ta reda på deras behov. Syftet med studien var att identifiera,prioritera och presentera för individen viktiga sociala ochindividuella påverkansfaktorer vid Gröna IS införande i enorganisation. Studien förväntades därmed bidra med tillskott avpåverkansfaktorer till framtida skapande av ramverk för styrning.En kvalitativ studie genomfördes där respondenter i varieranderoller inom en organisation initialt deltog i semistruktureradeintervjuer. Intervjuunderlag utformades utifrån modellen ISO/IEC33000-based maturity model identifierade sociala och individuellapåverkansfaktorer hantera kunskap samt hantera acceptans tillförändring och utveckling. Dessa områden lade sedan grunden till förkommande dataanalys. Data analyserades också utifrån tidigarepåvisade viktiga påverkansfaktorer för individen vilka var upplevdanvändbarhet, datorerfarenhet, användarsupport och beteendeavsikt. Somsista steg i studien deltog respondenterna tillsammans i enworkshop där uppkommet resultat diskuterades och prioriteradesenligt vald modell.Resultat och slutsats visar på att de viktigaste faktorerna fördeltagarna vid Gröna IS införande är styrning och stöd från ledning,genom ökad kommunikation vid förändrade arbetsrutiner. Detupplevdes också som viktigt med en god struktur vid införande ochrätt support vilket enligt deltagare bedöms öka en upplevdanvändbarhet. Förslag gavs också om ambassadörer förenhetsöverskridande arbete för ökad användarsupport. Viktigasystemegenskaper bedömdes vara harmonisering vid exempelvisrapportering kring miljöstatistik och återkoppling kringhållbarhetsarbetet.

Belief and actual behaviour in green information technology within a South African tertiary institution

Chiyangwa, Tawanda Blessing 02 1900 (has links)
Most research in green IT tend to focus on the practices of large IT vendors and companies. There is therefore a need to examine the beliefs and actual behaviour of IT users about green IT, as it significantly impact of energy consumption and computer design on the broader society. The main question to be answered was ―Are IT users generally concerned with regards to green IT issues?‖. Therefore the main purpose of this study was thus to evaluate the beliefs and actual behaviour of IT users regarding green IT in South Africa through a survey that was completed by university students and lecturers. The paucity of available research on this subject pertaining to South Africa justifies the importance of conducting this study. A hypothesised research model based on the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) was used to evaluate the main factors contributing to green IT awareness in an empirical study. A mixed research method was used as the paradigm which combines aspects from both interpretive and positivist research approaches. A questionnaire was used to collect data from university students and lecturers. The data was captured and analysed for convergent validity. The reliability of measurement items was tested using Cronbach‘s alpha. Structural Equation Modelling was used to model latent variables under conditions of non-normality. Subjective norm was the main factor contributing to intended belief and actual behaviour / School of Computing / M.A. (Computer Science)

La réduction des impacts environnementaux des technologies de l’information par le droit

Catto, Lionel 08 1900 (has links)
Loin d’être des produits immatériels, les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) ont un réel impact environnemental tout au long de leur cycle de vie. L’Éco-TIC est le point de rencontre entre le développement durable et les TIC. Le droit de l'Éco-TIC est l’ensemble des règles de droit régissant les rapports entre les technologies de l’information et le domaine environnemental. Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’examiner les normes juridiques, notamment en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, qui permettent de limiter l’impact environnemental des technologies de l’information lors des trois phases du cycle de vie des TIC. Tout d’abord, nous nous penchons sur l’étape de la conception des TIC. À cette étape, les réglementations en matière d’écoconception, l’utilisation des terres rares et l’interdiction de l’obsolescence programmée sont particulièrement pertinentes. Ensuite, nous examinons comment les entreprises tentent de réduire la consommation énergétique des TIC lors de la phase d’utilisation, notamment par le biais de la responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise (RSE). Nous verrons également que les centres de données se multiplient afin de répondre à une demande toujours plus forte. Enfin, nous traitons de la fin de vie des TIC, phase pour laquelle l’Union européenne a créé des directives en matière de réutilisation, réduction et recyclage qui influent sur le plan international. / Information and communication technologies (ICT) are far from being intangible goods and do have an environmental impact during their entire life cycle. Green IT stands at the crossroads of sustainable development and ICT. Green IT law consists of a set of rules governing the relations between information technologies and environment. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the European and North American legal standards regulating the environment impacts of ICT throughout the three phases of their life cycle. In the first part, the design phase of ICT is examined. At this stage, existing regulations on eco-design, the use of rare earth elements, and the interdiction of planned obsolescence are of particular relevance. The thesis then studies how companies are trying to reduce the use-phase energy consumption of ICT, notably through the Corporate Social Responsability. The issue of the multiplication of data centres, due to an ever-growing demand, is also discussed. In the end, the thesis considers the end-of-life phase of ICT and the directives created by the European Union that affect recycling and waste reduction management at an international level.

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