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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ökad hållbarhet genom Green IS : En studie om digitala klimatverktyg i svenska kommuner och regioner / Improving environmental sustainability with the use of Green IS : A study of digital climate tools in swedish municipalities and regions

Österberg, Joakim, Jenebeck, Pontus January 2021 (has links)
Klimatfrågan är idag en världsomfattande utmaning och därmed krävs ett omfattande arbete för att minska vår klimatpåverkan. Parallellt i samhället har det skett en stor utveckling inom digitalisering och ökad implementation av informationssystem. Tidigare forskning belyser att informationssystem besitter en stor potential för ett mer hållbart arbete där kommuner och regioner innehar en viktig roll i att miljöanpassa sina verksamheter. Green IS (Green Information Systems) och Environmental Management Systems (EMS) är två termer som vuxit fram inom IS-sektorn. Det innebär att implementera informationssystem som stödjer miljöarbete och hållbarhet samtidigt som effektivisering och kostnadsreducering eftersträvas. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur kommuner och regioner i Småland använder sig av Green IS och EMS för ett mer hållbart klimatarbete. Studien ämnade att belysa vilken sorts system som används och huruvida det bidrog till ett minskat klimatavtryck. Kommuner och regioner är stora aktörer och det ses som viktigt att de ligger i framkant för en utveckling gentemot ett land utan fossila utsläpp. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar utfördes en kvalitativ små-N-studie på sex kommuner och regioner. Informanterna valdes ut strategiskt då de arbetade i olika roller på respektive miljöenhet. Insamling av empiriskt material utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer för en djupare förståelse inom området. Vidare tillämpades en tematisk analys för att strukturera det empiriska resultatet. Strategiska teman valdes ut för att framhäva hur kommuner och regioner verkar i det generella miljöarbetet, hur de använder informationssystem och huruvida det har hjälpt till för organisationen. Resultatet från den här studien visade att kommuner och regioner använde en mängd system och digitala verktyg inom verksamheten som kan härledas till Green IS och EMS. Majoriteten av organisationerna hade någon form av mjukvara för att beräkna och rapportera klimatdata, samt möjlighet att visualisera denna data. I organisationernas klimatarbete användes det för att samla in statistik för utsläpp och samtidigt identifiera kritiska områden. Det mynnade ut i att åtgärder har kunnat implementerats i avsikt mot ett mer effektivt miljöarbete. Det empiriska resultatet tyder på att det inte finns några kvantitativa siffror på hur användningen av Green IS och EMS har påverkat organisationernas klimatavtryck. Det har istället varit till hands genom ett effektivare sätt att identifiera kritiska områden genom beräkning och visualisering av klimatdata, som sedan har agerat underlag för åtgärder. Följaktligen har Green IS och EMS implementerats på flera sätt i kommuner och regioner vilket lett till indirekta minskningar i dess utsläpp. / Nowadays, the climate issue is a worldwide challenge and, thus, extensive work from individual actors and organizations is required to reduce our climate impact. In parallel, there has been major development in digitization and implementation of information systems (IS). Previous research highlights that information systems have great potential for more sustainable work.  The Information Systems, which go under the collective names of Green IS and Environmental Management Systems (EMS), have been implemented in organizations to support environmental work and sustainability, while striving for efficiency and cost reduction.                Municipalities and regions are major organizational actors and it is important that they are at the forefront of a development towards a country without fossil emissions. Thus, the purpose of this bachelor thesis research has been to investigate how municipalities and regions in Småland use Green IS and EMS for sustainability and climate work. The research study explored which type of these information systems are used in municipalities and regions in Småland and whether their use has contributed to reduced climate footprint. For this, a small-N-approach was selected in six municipalities and regions. The informants were purposively chosen as they work in different roles at environmental units of municipalities and regions. For the collection of empirical research data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the aforementioned informants to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the research topic. Furthermore, a thematic analysis was applied to present the research results and highlight how municipalities and regions operate regarding environmental work; how they use information systems for that purpose and whether this has helped the organization. The bachelor thesis research results show that municipalities and regions used a variety of Green IS, Environmental Management Systems and related digital tools.  Most of the organizations had some form of software and applications for calculating and reporting climate data, as well as the ability to visualize this data. Within the organization’s climate work, this was used to collect statistics for emissions and, at the same time, identify critical areas. This has resulted in measures being implemented in the pursuit of more efficient climate work. The research results indicate that there are no quantitative figures on how the use of Green IS and EMS has affected the organization’s climate footprint. Instead, it has provided a more efficient way to identify critical areas through calculation and visualization of climate data, which has been the basis for measurements. Concluding, Green IS and EMS were found to be implemented in several ways, indirectly reducing emission factors in the study’s surveyed municipalities and regions.

Application of persuasive systems design for adopting green information systems and technologies

Shevchuk, N. (Nataliya) 04 October 2019 (has links)
Abstract Critical environmental situation requires academics and practitioners of various disciplines join efforts at planning sustainable development of the society. In information systems research, Green Information Systems and Technologies domain is the one that directly contributes to strengthening environmental values of individuals, communities, and organizations. Abundance of technology influences people most of the time. Although this influence is not always positive, research on persuasive technologies and behavior change support systems searches for the beneficial ways to utilize the impact of information systems on the daily activities of individuals. Ability to assist with encouraging certain behaviors is a defining characteristic of many contemporary systems and devices. Building on the knowledge obtained from the health domain, this dissertation investigates using persuasive technologies for fostering pro-environmental behavior change. Theoretical frameworks of the articles included in the dissertation are based primarily on the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model, accompanied by the other prominent socio-psychological theories commonly utilized in information systems research. This dissertation focuses on finding out how to encourage people to adopt and continue using mobile applications designed to assist with acquiring sustainable habits and behaviors. The dissertation is composed of the historical analysis, systematic literature review, and four experimental studies that explore different aspects of persuasive Green IS/IT. Besides analyzing existing research using PSD model as a tool for evaluation, new empirical studies provide fresh insights on Green IS/IT designed for behavior change. Addressed topics include technology adoption and continuance intention, perceived persuasiveness, self-disclosure and risk, endogenous motivations, gamification, and cognitive absorption. Conducted statistical analyses investigate relationships among PSD constructs and other related concepts to discover factors that can convince people initiate and continue using Green IS/IT to develop or maintain environmentally sound practices. Overall, the results reveal a high potential of the PSD model to become a vehicle for enhancement of the existing Green IS/IT. The dissertation provides implications for both academics and practitioners as well as suggestions for the future evolvement of persuasive Green IS/IT research. / Tiivistelmä Ympäristön ja ilmaston vakava tilanne vaatii kaikilta osapuolilta kestävää kehitystä tukevaa toimintaa. Niin sanotut ‘vihreät’ tietojärjestelmät ja informaatioteknologiat pyrkivät vaikuttamaan ihmisten käyttäytymiseen vahvistamalla yksilöiden, yhteisöjen ja organisaatioiden ympäristöarvoja ja niiden mukaista käyttäytymistä. Yltäkylläinen teknologiatarjonta vaikuttaa käyttäytymiseemme koko ajan. Vaikka tämä vaikutus ei aina olekaan positiivista, vakuuttavien ja suostuttelevien teknologioiden sekä käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevien järjestelmien tutkimus pyrkii etsimään niitä hyödyllisiä keinoja, joilla tietojärjestelmien avulla voidaan vaikuttaa myönteisesti jokapäiväiseen elämäämme. Monien nykyaikaisten järjestelmien ja laitteiden perusominaisuutena voidaankin nykyään pitää niiden kykyä rohkaista ja kannustaa käyttäjiä myönteiseen kohdekäyttäytymiseen. Tämä väitöskirja rakentuu erityisesti terveystoimialalta omaksuttuun suostuttelevia teknologioita koskevaan tutkimustietoon ja pyrkii soveltamaan tätä ympäristöystävällisen käyttäytymisen vahvistamiseen. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen johtavana teoreettisena viitekehityksenä toimii Persuasive Systems Design -malli (PSD). Sen lisäksi hyödynnetään joitakin muita tietojärjestelmätutkimuksessa hyödynnettyjä sosiaalipsykologian teorioita. Väitöskirja keskittyy tarkastelemaan, miten voidaan kannustaa ottamaan käyttöön mobiilisovelluksia, jotka on jo alun perin suunniteltu tukemaan kestävän kehityksen kannalta myönteistä käyttäytymistä ja käyttäytymisen muutosta, sekä jatkamaan niiden käyttöä. Väitöskirja koostuu aihealueen historiallisesta analyysistä ja systemaattisesta kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä neljästä kokeellisesta tutkimuksesta, jotka tutkivat ’vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden vakuuttavia ja suostuttelevia ohjelmisto-ominaisuuksia. Sen lisäksi että olemassa olevaa kirjallisuutta on analysoitu PSD-mallia käyttäen, samaan malliin pohjautuvat empiiriset tutkimukset tuottavat tuoreita oivalluksia käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevaan suunnitteluun liittyen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan teknologian käyttöönottoa, aikomuksia jatkaa teknologian käyttöä, koettua vakuuttavuutta ja suostuttelevuutta, sensitiivisten tietojen jakamista ja siihen liittyviä riskejä, sisäsyntyistä motivaatiota, pelillistämistä sekä kognitiivista absorptiota. Tilastollisten analyysien avulla tarkastellaan PSD-mallin ydinkäsitteiden ja muiden konstruktien välisiä suhteita, jotta tunnistettaisiin niitä tekijöitä, joiden avulla voidaan vaikuttaa hyödyllisten ‘vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden käyttöönottoon ja käytön jatkamiseen, ja yleisemmin kannustamaan ympäristöystävällisiin käytänteisiin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat PSD-mallin merkityksen kestävää kehitystä tukeville tietojärjestelmille ja informaatioteknologioille. Suoritetun tutkimuksen perusteella ehdotetaan teemoja jatkotutkimusta varten. Väitöstutkimuksen tuloksilla on merkitystä sekä tieteenharjoittajille että käytännön soveltajille.

Green IS : a Systematic Literature Review

Chan, Ho Ki Bonnie, Johansson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis provides a systematic literature review of a selection among current papers andarticles on Green Information Systems (IS). The main focus is on the current state of Green ISin academic research. This study aims at gaining a deeper understanding and a clearer view ofthe state-of-the-art of IS for environmental sustainability research, with the goal of clarifyingthe diffuse idea of what Green IT/IS is, and what differentiates Green IS from Green IT.To support the objective of this study, the articles selected for data analysis were collected byusing a systematic literature review as research and analytical method. Within the thesis, adescriptive angle with an interpretative character is used to analyse the data extracted.A theoretical framework based on concepts from sustainability, Green IS and Green IT isemployed in order to analyse and compare terminologies and frameworks used in the studiedarticles. Furthermore, the different dimensions of sustainability and the various terms used todescribe Green IS are analysed comparatively.The result and analysis are discussed in a conclusion confirming the on-going ambiguity ofthe terms Green IT and Green IS and the transformative power of IS. This study aims tocontribute to our understanding of some of the existing problems that hinder further researchin the context of Green IS. Finally, we emphasise the importance of clear definitions in orderto advance the IS position for transforming society in a sustainable direction. / Program: Systemvetarutbildningen

Technologické a funkční inovativní trendy ERP / Technological and functional innovation trends of ERP

Strachota, Marek January 2015 (has links)
Current trends in ERP system were studied by conducting research and analyzes to see to what degree are current ERP trends reflected in existing ERP solutions that are being developed by both Czech and multinational vendors. For the purposes of the research a set of hypotheses was formulated and used to analyze the selected solutions. The research found two trends that are represented in the majority of selected ERP solutions. The application of cloud computing technology and the suitability to use particular solutions as two-tiered ERP. It was also found that all researched vendors to a certain degree implement the principles of Green ICT, although no vendor specifically labeled their software as Green ERP. It was also found that the term Social ERP doesn't appear to be an acceptable term for ERP vendors, although Social ERP functionality of some degree was found to be present in ERP solutions from multinational vendors.

Gröna informationssystem och Agenda 2030 : En kvalitativ studie hur kravhantering påverkar logistiksystems miljöeffekter / Green information systems and Agenda 2030 : A qualitative study of how requirements management affects the environmental effects of logistics systems

Engström, Frida, Wahlqvist, Philip January 2021 (has links)
Att arbeta mer miljövänligt och hållbart blir alltmer viktigt för många företag. Så även inom logistik- och IT-branschen. Gröna informationssystem har hyllats för sina positiva effekter. Dessvärre undersöks oftast inte dess effekter utifrån ett miljöperspektiv, vilken påverkan dessa har på miljön utan mer vilka organisatoriska effekter som uppnås av dess implementation. Det har även identifierats att flest antal fel i utveckling av informationssystem uppkommer genom kravhanteringsprocessen. Problemet adresseras genom att undersöka vilken effekt de gröna informationssystemen inom logistikbranschen har på miljön och hur dessa möjliggör för uppnående av miljömålen i Agenda 2030. Kravhanteringsprocessen studeras även för att undersöka dess inverkan på de möjliga positiva miljöeffekterna av informationssystemen. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte och forskningsfrågor har en kvalitativ studie genomförts med intervjuer hos tre IT-tjänsteleverantörer. Alla med ett gediget hållbarhetsarbete och kunder i logistikbranschen. Litteraturen i uppsatsen låg till grund för intervjuguiden och användes vid de semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuguiden är uppbyggd av sju kategorier. Dessa kategorier är gröna IS lösningar, miljöaspekter, organisatorisk påverkan, utmaningar, förhållningsregler, kravhantering och arbetsmetoder. Efter analys av de transkriberade intervjuerna identifierades ytterligare en kategori med relevans för studiens syfte, arbetsmiljö & hållbarhetsarbete. Dessa kategorier har varit betydelsefulla för utvecklandet av två modeller som förklarar kategoriernas påverkan vid utvecklandet av informationssystem som genererar positiva effekter på miljön. / Working more environmentally friendly and sustainable is becoming more important for a lot of organizations. Both in the logistics and IT industry. Green information systems have been acknowledged for their positive effects. Though when examined it is often not from an environmental view, effects on the environment, but instead on organizational effects from the implementation of the information systems. It has also been identified that most errors in the development of information systems occur through the requirements management process. The problem is addressed through examining the possibility of reaching the environmental goals in Agenda 2030 by the effects of green information systems in the logistics industry. The requirements management process was also studied to examine the impact of possible positive environmental effects by the information systems. To be able to answer the purpose of the research questions, a qualitative study was conducted with interviews with three IT service providers. All with genuine sustainability work and customers in the logistics industry. The literature in the thesis was the basis for the interview guide and was used in the semi-structured interviews. The interview guide is built upon seven categories. These categories are green IS solutions, environmental aspects, organizational impact, challenges, rules of conduct, requirements management and working methods. After analysis of the transcribed interviews, another category relevant for the purpose of the study was identified, work environment & sustainability work. These categories have been important for the development of two models that explain the categories' impact at the development of information systems that generate positive effects on the environment.

Grön IT och införande av Gröna IS i organisationer : En studie om sociala och individuella påverkansfaktorer

Skirby, Ann-Christine January 2022 (has links)
With the help of Green IT and Green Information Systems(Green IS), organizations can improve their sustainabilitywork with the help of technology. Previous research indicatesthat IT governance through frameworks contributes to moresuccessful implementations, and that one should study theindividual to a greater extent to find out their needs. Thepurpose of the study was to identify, prioritize and present tothe individual important social and individual influencingfactors in Green IS introduction into an organization. Thestudy was thus expected to contribute with the addition ofinfluencing factors to the future creation of frameworks forgovernance.A qualitative study was conducted where respondents invarying roles within an organization initially participated insemi-structured interviews. Interview data was designedbased on the social / individual influencing factors found inthe ISO / IEC 33000-based maturity model manage knowledgeand manage acceptance of change and development. Whatbecame the areas that formed the basis for future dataanalysis. Data were also analyzed based on previouslyidentified important influencing factors for the individualwhich were perceived usability, computer experience, usersupport and behavioral intent. As a final step in the study,they participated together in a workshop where the resultsobtained were discussed and prioritized according to thechosen model.Results and conclusions show that the most important factorsfor the participants in the introduction of Green IS aregovernance and support from management, throughincreased communication in the event of changed workroutines. It was also perceived as important to have a goodstructure for implementation and the right support, whichaccording to participants is assess to increase a perceivedusefulness. An indication was also made about ambassadorsfor cross-unit work for increased user support. Importantsystem properties were assessed to be harmonization in, forexample, reporting on environmental statistics and feedbackon sustainability work / Med hjälp av Grön IT och gröna informationssystem (Gröna IS) kanorganisationer förbättra sitt hållbarhetsarbete med hjälp av teknik.Tidigare forskning indikerar att styrning genom ramverk bidrar tillfler lyckade införanden, och att individen i högre grad bör studerasför att ta reda på deras behov. Syftet med studien var att identifiera,prioritera och presentera för individen viktiga sociala ochindividuella påverkansfaktorer vid Gröna IS införande i enorganisation. Studien förväntades därmed bidra med tillskott avpåverkansfaktorer till framtida skapande av ramverk för styrning.En kvalitativ studie genomfördes där respondenter i varieranderoller inom en organisation initialt deltog i semistruktureradeintervjuer. Intervjuunderlag utformades utifrån modellen ISO/IEC33000-based maturity model identifierade sociala och individuellapåverkansfaktorer hantera kunskap samt hantera acceptans tillförändring och utveckling. Dessa områden lade sedan grunden till förkommande dataanalys. Data analyserades också utifrån tidigarepåvisade viktiga påverkansfaktorer för individen vilka var upplevdanvändbarhet, datorerfarenhet, användarsupport och beteendeavsikt. Somsista steg i studien deltog respondenterna tillsammans i enworkshop där uppkommet resultat diskuterades och prioriteradesenligt vald modell.Resultat och slutsats visar på att de viktigaste faktorerna fördeltagarna vid Gröna IS införande är styrning och stöd från ledning,genom ökad kommunikation vid förändrade arbetsrutiner. Detupplevdes också som viktigt med en god struktur vid införande ochrätt support vilket enligt deltagare bedöms öka en upplevdanvändbarhet. Förslag gavs också om ambassadörer förenhetsöverskridande arbete för ökad användarsupport. Viktigasystemegenskaper bedömdes vara harmonisering vid exempelvisrapportering kring miljöstatistik och återkoppling kringhållbarhetsarbetet.

Investigating the antecedents to teaching green information technology (Green IT) : a survey of student teachers in Swaziland

Dlamini, Ricky Nhlanhla 09 1900 (has links)
Summary in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The natural environment is important for human existence and the ubiquity of Information Technology (IT) has negatively impacted on the natural environment. Green IT offers to address these negative effects. However, since Green IT practices are often not common knowledge, it is vital that they are taught to others. Teachers typically have the skills and opportunities to teach many people. The research problem was the lack of research focusing on the teaching of Green IT in the context of the urgent need for it and teachers’ limited knowledge and competencies relating to Green IT. The study employed a survey research strategy, involving exploratory factor analysis, ANOVA and structural equation modeling (SEM). The main findings indicate that allocating time and resources to improve student teachers’ level of awareness, perceived behavioural control and person-related beliefs would positively influence their intention to teach Green IT, and, in turn, their Green IT teaching. / Die natuurlike omgewing, wat so noodsaaklik is vir menslike voortbestaan, word negatief beïnvloed deur die alomteenwoordigheid van inligtingstegnologie. Groen IT-praktyke kan gebruik word om sodanige negatiewe effekte in te perk, maar aangesien die nodige kennis nie alombekend is nie, moet dit aan ander oorgedra word. Onderwysers het beide die vaardighede en die geleenthede om inligting aan groot groepe mense oor te dra. In dié geval was die navorsingsprobleem ‘n gebrek aan studies wat fokus op die dringende noodsaaklikheid van Groen IT-onderrig, asook onderwysers se beperkte verwante kennis en vaardighede. ‘n Opname is gebruik as navorsingstrategie, met eksploratiewe faktorontleding, variansie-ontleding (ANOVA) en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering (SVM). Ingevolge die hoofbevindinge sal die beskikbaarmaak van tyd en hulpbronne leerlingonderwysers se bewuswordingsvlakke verbeter, sowel as hul waarneembare gedragswetenskaplike beheer en hul persoonsverwante beskouinge, en ‘n positiewe uitwerking hê op hul voorneme om Groen IT te onderrig, wat weer op sy beurt hul Groen IT-onderrig sal bevoordeel. / Imvelo yemvelo ibalulekile ekubeni khona komuntu nokutholakala kobuchwepheshe bezokwazisa kuye kwaba nomthelela omubi emvelweni yemvelo. Ubuchwepheshe bezokwazisa obuluhlaza bunikeza izindlela zokubhekana nemiphumela emibi. Kodwa-ke, njengoba imikhuba yobuchwepheshe bezokwazisa obuluhlaza ayivamile ukuba ulwazi iv oluvamile, kubalulekile ukuthi ifundiswe kwabanye. Othisha sidalo sabo banawo amakhono namathuba ukufundisa abantu abaningi. Inkinga yocwaningo ukuntuleka kocwaningo okugxila ekufundiseni kobuchwepheshe bezokwazisa obuluhlaza esimweni sesidingo esiphuthumayo sabo, nolwazi olulinganiselwe lothisha kanye namakhono afanelekayo kubuchwepheshe bezokwazisa obuluhlaza. Isu lokucwaninga ucwaningo lwasetshenziswa, okubandakanya ukuhlaziywa kwesici sokuhlola, ANOVA kanye nokuhlelwa kwesifaniselo esiyisilinganiso (SEM). Ukutholwa okusemqoka kubonisa ukuthi ukwabela isikhathi kanye nezinsiza zokuthuthukisa abafundi othisha izinga lokuqwashisa, ukulawula kokuziphatha okubonwayo kanye nezinkolelo ezihlobene nomuntu zizoshukumisa kahle izinhloso zabo ukufundisa ubuchwepheshe bezokwazisa obuluhlaza futhi nemfundiso yabo yobuchwepheshe bezokwazisa obuluhlaza. / University of South Africa / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

Green Information Systems in der digitalen Gesellschaft - Eine multimethodische und multiperspektivische Analyse der Technologieakzeptanz

Warnecke, Danielle 02 March 2021 (has links)
Im Fokus der Dissertation steht die Erforschung nachhaltiger Effekte durch Informationssysteme, insbesondere Ansatzpunkte zur Nachhaltigkeitstransformation der Gesellschaft durch Methoden und Artefakte der Green Information Systems (Green IS). Als Green IS werden sozio-technische Informationssysteme bezeichnet, die neben wirtschaftlichen Kriterien der ressourceneffizienten Bereitstellung von Informationen, der Koordination und Kommunikation auch die ökologische und soziale Dimension gemäß der „Triple Bottom Line“ (Drei-Säulen-Modell der nachhaltigen Entwicklung) adressieren. Der Anwendungsbereich von Green IS liegt auf der Reduktion von Umweltbelastungen und der Bewältigung komplexer Umweltherausforderungen durch sozio-technische Informationssysteme. Neben Forschungsthemen der (Wirtschafts-)Informatik und der Wirtschaftswissenschaften werden Bereiche der Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften zu Fragen der digitalen Nachhaltigkeitstransformation, der Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung sowie Akzeptanzforschung behandelt. Aufgrund der Komplexität und Vielschichtigkeit des Themas wird ein multimethodischer Forschungsansatz verfolgt, indem sowohl qualitative als auch quantitative Methoden zum Einsatz kommen. Die zentralen Forschungsfragen lauten dabei wie folgt: FF1. Welchen Beitrag können Green IS auf Makro- und Meso-Ebene zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung leisten und welchen Reifegrad weisen sie auf? FF2. Inwiefern können digitale Geschäftsmodelle zur unternehmerischen und gesellschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitstransformation beitragen? FF3. Kann durch gezieltes Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing die Akzeptanz von Green IS in der Gesellschaft gefördert werden? Gemäß der Design Science Research werden Verfahren zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung für Smart City Mobilitätsstrategien und betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme (BUIS) des produzierenden Gewerbes konstruiert. Es wird ein Prototyp zum webbasierten Benchmark solcher Smart City Initiativen realisiert. Das entwickelte Geschäftsprozessmodell zeigt auf, inwiefern eine Transformation zur Plattformorganisation im Rahmen von Open Innovation für Industriebetriebe erfolgreich gelingen kann. Die quantitativen Erhebungen zeigen auf, das vor allem hochpreisige Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) für Geschäftsmodelle der Sharing Economy geeignet ist sowie, dass die Akzeptanz nachhaltiger IKT in der Gesellschaft bereits insbesondere bei Zugehörigen des "Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability" (LOHAS) vorhanden ist und der weiteren Förderung durch geeignete Verbraucher-Symbole bedarf.

"There is no business on a dead planet" : En fallstudie av interna kommunikationsprocesser om hållbara arbetssätt i IT-konsultbranschen.

Pettersson, Anna, Larsson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Sustainability has become increasingly important in global debates and in world politics, where the UN has formulated 17 sustainability goals. This has led to increased pressure on companies to focus more on sustainability. However, sustainability is a broad and difficult concept, where there is a lack of understanding of sustainable working methods. The purpose of the thesis is thus to study how companies transforms strategic approaches into something concrete and how it is communicated to organizations. Through a case study of a sustainability-leading IT consulting company, the research questions; "How does management translate sustainable strategies into concrete initiatives for communicating sustainable approaches?" and "What can be understood about the challenges of communicating sustainable ways of working through the organisations internal communicative processes?", is being answered. Based on the theoretical framework of the thesis, on Sensemaking and Double Loop Learning, the communication process has been mapped within the company, through semi-structured interviews supplemented with qualitative document analysis. The results show three main challenges: (1) to concrete sustainability and sustainable working methods; (2) to communicate and establish a unified understanding of sustainability and sustainable working practices throughout the organization; (3) to establish systems thinking for sustainable working methods.

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