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Habitação coletiva popular na área central de Campinas: tendências e caracterização / Popular collective habitation in Campinas central area: its characteristics and conditionsCamila Moreno de Camargo 13 April 2010 (has links)
A cidade de Campinas, como resultado das transformações econômicas e urbanas experimentadas nas três últimas décadas, teve redefinido seu perfil e seu papel de centro urbano médio, assumindo características de sede de uma metrópole emergente no interior do Estado, inclusive com a concentração dos socialmente excluídos. Tomando como referência o processo de estruturação urbana e a origem e história da habitação popular na cidade, essa dissertação de mestrado se apresenta enquanto resultado do trabalho de pesquisa iniciado a partir de estudos sobre as tendências recentes de configuração das áreas centrais metropolitanas, que apontam para a presença de cortiços, enquanto alternativa habitacional popular crescente. Destaca-se a importância em se alterar de forma significativa o perfil de condição de apropriação da moradia na cidade, que ainda se estrutura na produção ou aquisição de novas unidades habitacionais nos bairros periféricos, considerando outras tendências na movimentação e distribuição espacial da pobreza. A pesquisa consiste na análise e caracterização das habitações coletivas populares existentes na área central de Campinas, a partir das características e condições físicas, e a forma de ocupação e apropriação dos imóveis identificados como habitação coletiva popular. Além disso, organizamos os depoimentos coletados junto aos atores envolvidos com a questão, de forma a apontar os conflitos, as regras internas estabelecidas e as perspectivas e principais anseios desta população. A pesquisa justifica-se, tendo em vista a constatação da presença relevante deste tipo precário de habitação - identificada ora como cortiços, ora como hotéis e pensões - em contraponto à ausência de dados sobre os mesmos. / The city of Campinas had its medium urban center profile redefined as a result of urban and economic transformations experienced in the last three decades. The city has assumed the characteristics of an emerging metropolis in the State of Sao Paulo, including the concentration of socially excluded people. This master\'s thesis is a result of a research started from studies on recent trends in the central metropolitan areas settings, that indicate the presence of beehives growing like a popular alternative habitation. The main references for this thesis are the process of urban structure and the popular habitation origin and history in the city. It is highlighted the importance of significative changes in the ownership habitation condition in the city, that is still structured in the production or acquisition of new houses units in suburbs, taking into account other trends in the movement and spatial distribution of poverty. This research consists in the analysis and characterization of popular collective habitation in Campinas central area, its characteristics and conditions, the way of occupation and ownership of property identified as popular collective habitation. It was organized the testimonies gathered from the actors involved in the situation, to point out the conflicts, internal rules set and the main perspectives. The relevant existence of this type of poor housings - identified as beehives or hotels and pensions - and the lack of data on them justify this research.
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A pré-fabricação em concreto armado aplicada a conjuntos habitacionais no Brasil: o caso do Conjunto Habitacional Zezinho Magalhães PradoFabiana Cerávolo 22 November 2007 (has links)
A pesquisa aqui efetuada tem por objetivo o estudo do conjunto habitacional Zezinho Magalhães Prado, interpretado como uma expressão dos objetivos modernos que buscavam, através da introdução de processos industriais na construção civil, resolver os problemas sociais, particularmente, a carência de moradias. Tais objetivos foram formulados na Europa após a I Guerra Mundial e aqui no Brasil conheceram uma perspectiva própria, dentre outras questões, justamente em função do atraso industrial do país. Os autores do projeto são os arquitetos Vilanova Artigas, Fábio Penteado e Paulo Mendes da Rocha. O projeto é tido como paradigmático da sua época em termos de concepções e inovações tecnológicas, algumas bem sucedidas, outras não. Através de entrevistas de profissionais envolvidos com o projeto e a obra do conjunto e de material iconográfico e documental, o trabalho busca contribuir para remontar uma parte da história que se perdeu com o fim do órgão que foi responsável pela sua construção, a CECAP (Caixa Estadual de Casas para o Povo). / The paper here developed intends to study the housing project Zezinho Magalhães Prado, interpretated as an expression of the modern goals, searching to solve social problems, in particular the lack of habitation, through the introduction of industrial processes in construction. Those goals were formulated in Europe after the World Was I and here in Brazil a unique perspective was known by that time, among other questions, due to the country\'s industrial underdevelopment. The authors of the design project were Vilanova Artigas, Fábio Penteado and Paulo Mendes da Rocha. The project is known as a paradigm in terms of concept and technological innovations, some of which well succeeded, some of which, not as much. Over interviews with professionals involved to the design project and the construction of the housing project, and iconographic and documental material, this paper intends to contribute to the reconstruction of part of the history that got lost with the end of the public organ responsible for its construction, the CECAP (Caixa Estadual de Casas para o Povo).
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Habitar híbrido: interatividade e experiência na era da cibercultura / Hybrid habitation: interactivity and experience in the cyberculture eraCarlos Augusto Joly Requena 07 December 2007 (has links)
A pesquisa \"Habitar híbrido: interatividade e experiência na era da cibercultura\" buscou estudar as transformações ocorridas na família contemporânea e em seus modos de vida, verificando os impactos das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação no cotidiano doméstico e social do habitar híbrido e interativo advindo da virtualidade, analisando a concepção projetual de arquitetura, sua produção e o resultado espacial alcançado em projetos de habitação, fornecendo critérios que possam auxiliar na reflexão sobre o design e a domesticidade. / The research \"Hybrid habitation: interactivity and experience in the cyberculture era\" aims to study the transformations occurred in contemporary family and their way of life, verifying the impacts of new information and communication technologies at hybrid dwelling, in the social and domestic quotidian, succeeded by virtuality; analyzing architectures project conception, its production and its spatial result in habitation projects, supplying criteria that can be helpful for designing and domesticity reflections.
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Gestão de obras habitacionais construídas por mutirão. / Building management works by mutual-help.Vicente De Capitani Ojeda 16 June 2010 (has links)
A construção de habitação por meio de sistema de mutirão, ainda utilizada por alguns órgãos públicos a fim de reduzir os custos da obra e ajudar na redução do déficit habitacional no país é o foco deste trabalho. Seu objetivo é a avaliação da gestão de obras de mutirão, com o desenvolvimento de critérios para estudar a gestão do empreendimento, abordando gestão de produção, gestão de suprimentos, gestão de pessoas, gestão ambiental, gestão de segurança, gestão de custos e qualidade do produto. Com esse fim, o trabalho apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre mutirão, com histórico e conceitos, define os critérios para a avaliação da gestão de execução da obra e a avalia em dois casos. Ambos tiveram uma avaliação regular, sendo a parte do planejamento a mais crítica. A duração da obra ficou condicionada às dificuldades encontradas fora dela - falta de recurso e problemas na compra de material. / The housing using a self-construction with mutual-help still used by some agencies to reduce the production costs and help reduce the housing deficit in the country is the focus of this work. Your goal is to evaluate the management of mutualhelp works with the development of criteria to study the project management, covering production management, supply management, personnel management, environmental management, security management, cost management and quality of the product. To this end, the work presents a bibliographic review of mutual-help building, with history and concepts, defines the criteria for evaluating the management performance of the work and judges it in two cases. Both had a regular assessment, being part of planning the most critical. The duration of the work was conditioned to the problems encountered outside the work - lack of resources and problems in the purchase of equipment.
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Urbanização e ambiente urbano no distrito administrativo de Icoaraci, Belém-PA / Urbanization and urban environment in the district Icoaraci, Belém - PAMario Benjamin Dias 05 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a problemática da cidade de Belém- PA, especialmente o distrito de Icoaraci - cujo objetivo foi o de estudar a urbanização e o ambiente urbano como produtos do processo de (re) produção, apropriação e consumo do espaço urbano na Amazônia. As reflexões sobre o ambiente urbano ganharam grande importância no final do milênio em função da crise ambiental que atinge o planeta como um todo em função da forma de como o homem vem se relacionando com a natureza. Nesse contexto, a realidade analisada não se explica por si própria, ela faz parte de uma relação mais ampla que é da cidade e da região Amazônica dos quais estão inseridas na lógica da reprodução do capital na Amazônia, que se reproduziu e se reproduz na região em suas diferentes fases. Portanto, o distrito de Icoaraci apresenta, principalmente, na periferia dos bairros e ocupações urbanas, graves comprometimentos relacionados ao ambiente urbano e, conseqüentemente, comprometem a qualidade de vida de uma parcela significativa da população, especialmente, as que vivem nas várzeas dos rios e igarapés e periferias dos bairros carentes de toda sorte de serviços e infra-estrutura. / This work analyses the problematical in the Belém-PA city, particularly the district Icoaraci object whose gone the study its urbanization and its urban environment with of the result of the process of production, reproduction, appropriation and consume of its urban space Amazônia. The reflections about the urban environment gained great importance at the end of this millennium on account of the environment crisis that hits the planet, with all in function in the form with man to come if relation with nature. In this context, the analyzed reality doesn\'t explain for itself, it takes part of a larger relation that belongs to the city and the Amazonian region , inserted in the reproduction logic of the capital the Amazônia that reproduced and reproduces itself in the region in different phases. Therefore, the Icoaraci district shawls mainly of the periphery of neighborhoods (and urban occupation) serious engagements related to the urban environment and consequently affect the life of a great part of the population, particularly the ones that live at the borders of the rivers, igarapés and peripheries of the poor neighborhoods which needs infra-structure.
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A construção social do risco em Ouro Preto - MG / The social risk construction in Ouro Preto - MGTatiane Araujo Ferreira 23 May 2014 (has links)
A cidade de Ouro Preto registra diversas ocorrências de movimentos de massa em seu distrito sede e apresenta quantidade considerável de bairros localizados em áreas de risco. A atração exercida pela indústria mineradora e, mais recentemente, pela atividade turística e educacional, resultou no direcionamento e na intensificação da expansão urbana para as áreas onde se recomenda a não construção. Tais atividades, em conjunto, contribuem para a saturação da ocupação nos terrenos estáveis, os quais são alvos de intensa valorização, principalmente quando localizados na zona de proteção especial, dificultando sobremaneira o acesso à moradia pelos grupos menos favorecidos. A espacialização dos riscos resulta da atuação histórica e degradante dos sujeitos sociais sobre elementos físicos predisponentes e traduz escolhas políticas relativas ao planejamento e à gestão do território urbano. A abordagem geográfica do risco consiste na análise de sua tradução espacial, ou seja, na compreensão da sua localização, na sua caracterização, nas suas causas e nas consequências, atentando-se para a relação entre a sociedade e a natureza. Assim, objetivamos, nesta dissertação, analisar, sob a perspectiva da construção social do risco, o processo de formação das áreas de risco suscetíveis à ocorrência de movimentos de massa no distrito sede de Ouro Preto, por meio da articulação entre condições do meio físico, sujeitos sociais e práticas de gestão. Para tanto, fez-se necessário o resgate do processo de ocupação no município de Ouro Preto e a análise da relação entre as condições naturais, a degradação ambiental, a valorização do espaço e as práticas de gestão na formação e intensificação dos riscos. Por fim, verificamos as condições de habitabilidade e os impactos socioambientais encontrados nas áreas mais problemáticas, por meio de trabalhos de campo em bairros selecionados / The city of Ouro Preto records various incidents of soil movement at the headquarters district and has a substantial quantity of territories localized at risk areas. The attraction exerted by mining industry and mostly recent touristic and educational activities resulted in intensification of urban expansion towards area not recommended for occupation. These aggregated activities contribute to saturate the occupation in the stable land, which are object of intense appreciation, mainly when situated in special protection zones, complicating the access to housing by disadvantaged groups. The spatial distribution of risks results of historical and degrading action of social subjects on predisposing physical elements and construe political choices related to management and planning of urban territories.The geographical approach of risk consists in its spatial analysis perceiving location, characterization, causes and consequences being observant to the relation between society and nature. Thereby, this dissertation objective is in the perspective of social risks construction to analyze the risk areas formation susceptible to soil movement at the Ouro Preto headquarters district by the articulation between physical environment, social subjects and management practices. To achieve this dissertation purposes was necessary the study of occupation process in Ouro Preto and the relationship analysis between natural conditions, environment degradation, spatial appreciation and management practices to the formation and intensification of risks. Finally, it is verified the habitability conditions and social environmental impacts found at risk areas by fieldwork
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A atividade projetual do arquiteto orientando o desenho de mobiliário em habitações popularesMartinelli, Raquel 24 March 2005 (has links)
The plan of national urbanization of the beginning of century XX, segregated diverse segments of society, culminating with the formation process of the belt
peripheries without infrastructure. A century later, we are witnesses of the evolution of urban and social exclusion process. Today only proletarian politics of habitation aren t enough, but life human beings urge action in the direction to try to revert conditions sub.
Exactly knowing that any initiatives that come to contribute for the habitational deficit reduction are comings well, this work still searchs for the improvement of the conditions of functionality and comfort in the interior of the popular habitations from the study of the furniture alternative that composes them. / O plano de urbanização nacional do início do século XX acabou por segregar os diversos segmentos da sociedade, culminando com o processo de formação das grandes periferias sem infra-estrutura. Um século mais tarde, somos testemunhas da evolução desse processo de exclusão urbana e social. Hoje não só são necessárias políticas de habitação proletárias, como urgem ações no sentido de tentar reverter condições subumanas de vida. Mesmo sabendo que quaisquer iniciativas que venham a contribuir para a diminuição do déficit habitacional sejam bem vindas, esse trabalho busca ainda alternativas para a melhoria das condições de funcionalidade e conforto no interior das habitações populares a partir do estudo do mobiliário que as compõe.
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How have First Nations’ past sites of habitation influenced present-day ecology on the Central Coast of British Columbia?Fisher, Julia 05 January 2016 (has links)
Humans have transformed much of the earth’s surface through a wide range of activities of varying intensities and scales, shaping the landscape we see today. The combination of time and complex human-environment interactions within the Hakai Lúxvbálís Conservancy on the Central Coast of British Columbia has resulted in a landscape with many anthropogenically-generated modifications, such as shell middens which can be found at sites with histories of long-term habitation. Globally, shell middens (and in general, habitation sites) have been found to be factors in shaping site ecology. This thesis seeks to investigate this relationship between human activity and occupation and the landscape.
The goal of this project is to examine the legacies from past land use, and subsidies from shell middens, within the present-day plant communities. I conducted an observational study to determine if species richness and overall plant communities on these habitation sites differed from sites without a history of intense occupation. To do this I selected ten habitation sites with known extensive shell middens and paired them with ten control sites with similar site conditions (but without the same site history or shell middens). I measured species abundances within 540 1 m x 1 m quadrats. I also surveyed a select group of culturally significant plant species and culturally modified trees within belt transects at each site. Data regarding the water table level and soil and foliar samples were also collected. A variety of environmental factors, along with the site history were evaluated as explanatory variables. Principal component analyses were used to describe how the gradients within the vegetation communities at three vegetation layers (ground, herb, shrub) to see if they respond differently to long-term site use. The habitation sites were found to be characterized by N-rich plant communities, which were significantly different from the plant communities on the control sites at the ground layer, herb layer, and with all layers combined, at both transect distances analysed, but the shrub layer was only significantly different when the entire transect was considered. The results show plant community composition is most strongly influenced by a combination of factors including site type, canopy cover, slope, topography, and distance from shore, with the weight of their importance depending on what vegetation layer is considered. The habitation sites had a lower average species richness at all layers, compared to the control sites, and their plant communities were shown to change differently with distance from the marine shoreline. Habitation sites also differed by having higher soil nutrient content, lower water table levels, and contained culturally important plant species that were absent on the control sites.
This research highlights the influence that humans have had on landscapes in this region. This study shows how the patterns within the plant communities at the habitation sites differ from what is expected within the Coastal Western Hemlock zone. The research improves our understanding of the factors influencing vegetation patterns on the Central Coast of British Columbia with this examination of the complex intersection of historical practices and environmental changes. / Graduate
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La répétition dans le projet de l’habitation collective, les grands ensembles de Toulouse / The repetition in the project of collective housing, the larges estates of ToulouseCourbebaisse, Audrey 16 October 2015 (has links)
Dans les habitations collectives, nous observons la répétition en séries de fenêtres, de balcons, de façades, de logements et d'immeubles identiques. Idéologique au XIXème siècle avec la pensée d'un l'homme type pour raison de rendement social, idéaliste avec le projet d'une productivité industrielle, politique des grands ensembles, la série d'une même cellule dans le même immeuble ou d'un même immeuble dans un ensemble est le paradigme de l'habitation collective. Cette répétition n'est pas un thème reconnu de la recherche en architecture comme le type, reproduction d'une même caractéristique dans des objets différents. En posant la question de cette répétition dans le projet et de ses conséquences sur la singularité des œuvres nous ouvrons une voie de la recherche en architecture. Les grands ensembles offrent l'homogénéité de conditions nationales et Toulouse, celle de conditions locales, nécessaires à la généralisation des résultats. A partir des permis de construire et d'enquêtes de terrain, nous avons constitué un état des lieux des 17 grands ensembles toulousains. La méthode d’étude s’appuie sur la réversibilité de l’analyse architecturale et du projet et, en l’absence d’écrits des architectes du corpus sur leur démarche, sur l’homologie entre la répétition et la composition beaux-arts à laquelle ils ont été majoritairement formés. L'analyse opère avec et par le dessin, espace du projet. Dans chacun des 17 grands ensembles, l’étude des configurations des séries aux différentes échelles de répétition permet de connaitre les logiques libres et imposées et d'interpréter le parti de l’architecte. Une lecture transversale des œuvres permet de recenser les conjugaisons des variables formelles et structurelles des séries et leurs ajustements et de constater que la répétition intervient à des moments différents du projet. / In collective habitats, we can observe repetitions in series of windows, balconies, facades, housing and identical buildings. Ideological during the 19th century, with the idea of a stereotype human for social return reasons, idealistic with the project of industrial productivity, housing estate policies, the series of a same cell in the same building or that of a same building in an ensemble, is the paradigm of collective living. This repetition isn't a recognized theme in architectural research as is the type (reproduction of a same characteristic in different objects). By asking the question of this repetition in the project and by its consequences on the singularity of works we open a path to architectural research. The estate policies offer homogeneity in national and in local (Toulouse) conditions which are necessary to the generalization of results. We have constituted an analysis of the current situation from the building permits and in field research of the 17 major Toulousian estates. The study method is based on the reversibility of the architectural analysis and on the project, and considering the absence of written work from the architects in the consensus concerning their approach on the homology between the repetition and the beaux-arts composition with which they have generally been trained. The analysis operates with and through drawing and space of the project. In each of the 17 estates, the study of the configuration of the series on different scales of repetition, allow to be aware of the liberal and imposed logics and to interpret the architects decision. A transversal reading of the works allows an inventory of the variable conjugations whether formal or structural of the series and their adjustments et to establish if the repetition intervenes at different moments of the project.
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Comparative Analysis of Electrodynamic Toroidal Radiation Shielding ConfigurationsRosenberg, Max 01 December 2018 (has links)
Beyond the protective confines of Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere, spacecraft are subject to constant bombardment by high-energy charged particles originating from our Sun in the form of Solar Particle Events (SPEs), and from outside the solar system in the form of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs). The harm these particles do can be reduced or mitigated outright through radiation shielding. Because protons and other charged particles comprise most of these radiation particles, strong magnetic fields could be generated around spacecraft to deflect incoming charged radiation particles. This thesis investigates the performance of specific configurations of toroidal superconducting solenoids to generate magnetic fields that deflect incoming energetic protons via the Lorentz force. Bulk material shielding configurations using various thicknesses of liquid water are similarly investigated, as are combination shielding configurations combining the best-performing toroidal shielding configurations with a small bulk material shield surrounding the spacecraft.
The water shielding configurations tested included shields of uniform thicknesses from 1 cm to 10 cm surrounding an Apollo CSM-sized cylindrical candidate spacecraft. Water shielding was found to be very effective at reducing the SPE dose, from a 86\% reduction at 1 cm of water to a 94\% reduction at 10 cm. However water shielding was found to be minimally effective against the much higher energy Galactic Cosmic Ray protons, with no dose reduction at 1 cm and a paltry 1\% reduction at 10 cm.
The toroidal shielding geometric configurations tested consisted of either 5 or 10 primary toroidal shields surrounding the candidate spacecraft, as was the addition of smaller nested toroidal shields inside the primary toroids and of toroids on the spacecraft's endcaps. The magnetic field strengths tested were 1.7 Tesla, 8.5 Tesla, and 17 Tesla. The best geometric configurations of electrodynamic shielding consisted of 5 primary toroidal shields, 5 total nested shields placed inside the primary toroids, and 2 total shields on the spacecraft's endcaps. The second best geometric configuration consisted of 10 primary toroidal shields plus two total endcap shields. These configurations at 1.7 Tesla reduced the SPE dose by 87\% and 87\%, and reduced the GCR dose by 11\% and 10\%. At 17 Tesla, these configurations both reduced the SPE dose by 90\%, and reduced the GCR dose by 76\% and 61\%. Combining these two configurations with a 1 cm-thick shield of water improved performance against SPE protons to 95\% and 93\% at 1.7 Tesla, and a 97\% and 96\% reduction at 17 Tesla. GCR dose reductions decreased slightly.
Passive material shielding was found capable of providing substantial protection against SPE protons, but was minimally effective against GCR protons without very thick shielding. Electrodynamic shielding, at magnetic field strengths of 1.7 Tesla, was found to be similarly effective against SPE protons, and marginally more effective against GCR protons. Combining the best toroidal shielding configurations, at magnetic field strengths of 1.7 Tesla, with water shielding yielded high protection against SPE protons, but still marginal protection against GCR protons. Increasing the magnetic field strength to 17 Tesla was found to provide very high protection against SPE protons, and to significantly reduce the radiation dose from GCR protons. Of all shielding configurations tested, only those electrodynamic configurations with magnetic fields of 17 Tesla were able to reduce the GCR dose by more than half.
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