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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Accumulation of trace elements in aquatic food chains due to sea-fill activities.

Mohamed, Fathimath January 2015 (has links)
Elevated levels of trace elements in the environment are of great concern because of their persistence, and their high potential to harm living organisms. The exposure of aquatic biota to trace elements can lead to bioaccumulation, and toxicity can result. Furthermore, the transfer of these elements through food chains can result in exposure to human consumers. Sea-fill or coastal fill sites are among the major anthropogenic sources of trace elements to the surrounding marine environment. For example, in the Maldives, Thilafushi Island is a sea-fill site consisting of assorted municipal solid waste, with multiple potential sources of trace elements. However, there is limited data on environmental trace element levels in the Maldives, and although seafood is harvested from close to this site, there is no existing data regarding trace element levels in Maldivian diets. Following the Christchurch earthquakes of 2011,

Spatial ecology of marine top predators

Jones, Esther Lane January 2017 (has links)
Species distribution maps can provide important information to focus conservation efforts and enable spatial management of human activities. Two sympatric marine predators, grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), have overlapping ranges but contrasting population dynamics around the UK; whilst grey seals have generally increased, harbour seals have shown significant regional declines. A robust analytical methodology was developed to produce maps of grey and harbour seal usage estimates with corresponding uncertainty, and scales of spatial partitioning between the species were found. Throughout their range, both grey and harbour seals spend the majority of their time within 50 km of the coast. The scalability of the analytical approach was enhanced and environmental information to enable spatial predictions was included. The resultant maps have been applied to inform consent and licensing of marine renewable developments of wind farms and tidal turbines. For harbour seals around Orkney, northern Scotland, distance from haul out, proportion of sand in seabed sediment, and annual mean power were important predictors of space-use. Utilising seal usage maps, a framework was produced to allow shipping noise, an important marine anthropogenic stressor, to be explicitly incorporated into spatial planning. Potentially sensitive areas were identified through quantifying risk of exposure of shipping traffic to marine species. Individual noise exposure was predicted with associated uncertainty in an area with varying rates of co-occurrence. Across the UK, spatial overlap was highest within 50 km of the coast, close to seal haul outs. Areas identified with high risk of exposure included 11 Special Areas of Conservation (from a possible 25). Risk to harbour seal populations was highest, affecting half of all SACs associated with the species. For 20 of 28 animals in the acoustic exposure study, 95% CI for M-weighted cumulative Sound Exposure Levels had upper bounds above levels known to induce Temporary Threshold Shift. Predictions of broadband received sound pressure levels were underestimated on average by 0.7 dB re 1μPa (± 3.3). An analytical methodology was derived to allow ecological maps to be quantitatively compared. The Structural Similarity (SSIM) index was enhanced to incorporate uncertainty from underlying spatial models, and a software algorithm was developed to correct for internal edge effects so that loss of spatial information from the map comparison was limited. The application of the approach was demonstrated using a case study of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus, Linneaus 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea to identify areas where local-scale differences in space-use between groups and singleton whales occurred. SSIM is applicable to a broad range of spatial ecological data, providing a novel tool for map comparison.

The Port of Berenike Troglodytica on the Red Sea : a landscape-based approach to the study of its harbour and its role in Indo-Mediterranean trade

Kotarba-Morley, Anna Maria January 2015 (has links)
The port site of Berenike Troglodytica - located on the Egyptian Red Sea coast - served the spice and incense routes that linked the Mediterranean World (specifically the Roman Empire) to India, Southern Arabia and East Africa. In the Greco-Roman period the site was at the cutting edge of what was then the embryonic global economy, ideally situated as a key node connecting Indian Ocean and Mediterranean trade for almost 800 years. It is now located in an arid, marginal, hostile environment but the situation must have been very different 2300 years ago, at the time of its founding. At the time of elephant-hunting trips during the Hellenistic period before the inception of its important role in the global markets of the day in the Roman period Berenike would have to have looked much different to what we can now imagine. What was it like then, when the first prospectors visited this location at the time of Ptolemy II? Why this particular place, and this particular landscape setting seemed such a propitious location for the siting of an important new harbour? Given the importance of the port over almost a millennium it is perhaps surprising that very little is known about the different factors impacting on the foundation, evolution, heyday and subsequent decline of the city; or the size, shape, and capacity of its harbour. The intention of this research is to address this shortfall in our knowledge, to examine the drivers behind the rise and fall of this port city, and to explore the extent to which the dynamics of the physical landscape were integral to this story. Using an innovative Earth Science approach, changes in the archaeological 'coastscape' have been reconstructed and correlated with periods of occupation and abandonment of the port, shedding light on the nature, degree and directionality of human-environment interactions at the site. This work has revealed profound changes in the configuration of the coastal landscape and environment (including the sea level) during the lifespan of Berenike, highlighting the ability of people to exploit changes in their immediate environment, and demonstrating that, ultimately, the decline of the port was partly due to these landscape dynamics. To further explore these themes the landscape reconstructions have been supplemented by semi-quantitative analyses of a suite of variables likely to influence the initial siting of new ports of trade. These have shown that although the site of Berenike was ideal in terms of its coastal landscape potential, possessing a natural sheltered bay and lagoon system, the choice of location was not solely influenced by its environmental conditions. Additionally, a detailed review of vessels that plied Red Sea and Indian Ocean routes is presented here in order to better understand the design and functioning of Berenike's harbour. This serves the purpose of identifying unifying features that provide more detail about the size and draught of vessels and the potential capacity of the harbour basin. By using this multi-scalar approach it has been possible to reconstruct the 'coastscape' of the site through the key periods of its occupancy and those phases immediately before and after its operation. This has wide-ranging implications for researchers studying ancient ports along this trade network as a larger database will tease out more details about how influential the landscape was in the initial siting of the port and its subsequent use and decline.

De brignatium à gesoriacum : les amers, les navires et les ports en mare externum sous l'empire Romain / From Brigantium to Gesoriacum : the Landmarks, the Boats and the Harbours in Mare Externum under the Roman Empire

Delacroix, Barbara 08 December 2016 (has links)
La navigation sur l’arc atlantique à l’époque romaine est un sujet immense qui pâtit encore trop souvent de l’avis sceptique de chercheurs obnubilés par la Méditerranée. Il a donc fallu détricoter le mythe de l’océan infranchissable par l’étude approfondie des éléments interdépendants constitutifs de la navigation fluvio-maritime et moteurs de l’économie de l’arc atlantique, à savoir : l’amer, le navire et le port. Aussi l’étude de l’organisation du commerce atlantique sur les voies fluviales et maritimes, de La Corogne à Boulogne-sur-Mer, a-t-elle abouti à l’établissement d’une typologie « atlantique » tripartite. / Navigation in the Atlantic arc – enlarged to the English Channel and the North Sea – in Roman period, is a vast topic that, too often, still suffers from the sceptical opinion of researchers obsessed with the Mediterranean. It has been necessary to unravel the myth of the impassable Ocean, by means of a deep study of the mutually dependent elements forming the maritime and fluvial navigation and driving force of the Atlantic arc economy: the landmark, the vessel and the harbour. Moreover, the study of the organization of the Atlantic trade through the maritime and fluvial routes, from A Coruña to Boulogne-sur-Mer, have result in the establishment of a three-party ‘Atlantic’ typology.

Autorské právo v informační společnosti a na vnitřním trhu Evropské unie / An Author's Right in the Information Society and Across the Internal European Union Market

Mikita, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Copyright law is a special category of civil law which, with the upswing of the Internet, has become important for different types of stakeholders in the global information society. The 'participative web' operates with content generated by users. This user-generated content has often disputable origins in terms of copyright clearance. The Internet has opened the possibility for developing new forms of communication between anonymous or individual users who are not easily identifiable. Especially peer-to-peer file sharing and recently the information services offered and operated by the so-called 'cyberlockers' are the reason of questioning the role of copyright protection online which needs a beneficial solution. Copyright infringement in the era of information society is a complex phenomenon with a multiplicity of contributing factors like the importance of information data with big business potential, personal attitudes shown by internet users towards the value and scarcity of intellectual property, or legal responsibility of internet service providers (ISP) who paradoxically act from the safety of the so-called safe harbours as intermediaries of information exchange, representing a new element in the communication chain between rights holders and users. Commercial and business models operating...

Commander au long cours depuis la Guyenne : les capitaines de navire bordelais au XVIIIe siècle / Commanding from Guyenne : Ship captains in Bordeaux in the 18th century

Candelon-Boudet, Frédéric 05 September 2018 (has links)
L’activité du port de Bordeaux en plein essor au XVIIIe siècle est bien connue des historiens modernistes. Paradoxalement, les développements consacrés aux professionnels embarqués sur les gréements sont plus rares, alors qu’une telle étude a déjà été réalisée pour la capitale de la Guyenne à la fin du Moyen-âge. Parmi les « gens de mer » demeurés dans l’ombre, les capitaines de navire se démarquent à plus d’un titre. Par la charge symbolique mais aussi juridique que revêt la fonction, en premier lieu, dans le convoi des hommes et des marchandises au-delà des océans. Par le champ de compétences étendu que recouvre la profession, ensuite. Les commandants de bord doivent en effet non seulement être en capacité de piloter un bâtiment au long cours, mais en outre diriger un équipage bigarré, tout en versant dans le commerce au moment jugé le plus opportun. Les capitaines apparaissent ainsi comme des acteurs incontournables des échanges maritimes à l'époque moderne, cernés par un océan d’archives dont l’importance des fonds conservés à Bordeaux, en dépit des ravages du temps, rend parfaitement compte. Par les perspectives de mobilité sociale offertes par le métier, en dernier lieu. Affiliée aux négociants avec lesquels elle partage une même communauté de vues et de pratiques, contrôlant l’information, brouillant les pistes entre les acteurs de l’échange, la figure du « capitaine-géreur » placée à la tête des expéditions maritimes ou paradant parmi les cercles mondains révèle une confusion des genres pouvant induire des changements d’état. Il s’agit de déterminer si le négoce à temps plein constitue un horizon accessible puis pérenne, parmi d’autres opportunités de reconversion à portée du groupe. Alors que le commerce colonial et négrier assure la prospérité de la capitale de la Guyenne, c’est l’identité de la profession via sa capacité à se fondre parmi les élites urbaines qui questionne, de la Régence à la Révolution française. / Modern historians have good knowledge of the 18th century growth of Bordeaux harbour activity. But works about crew members are scarce while paradoxically such a study had already been led for the « Guyenne » capital as early as in the end of the Middle Ages. Ship commanders stand out from all other rather discreet socio-professional categories related to sailors for many reasons : first, because of the symbolical and legal dimension of their occupation which implies their responsibility whenever it comes to the transportation of men and goods ; secondly, because of their huge fields of expertise, like to be able to steer boats over long distance, to handle crews of dozens of members or to carry out commercial transactions ; last, but not least, because of the social mobility offered by their position. Highly documented in a rich archive collection kept and preserved in Bordeaux, captains have turned into key players of the maritime trade of the modern era. By frequently working and diverting themselves with traders and ship owners, they developed a trusting relationship with them. The question is to determine how this cooperation was shaped, and to know if trading or ship armament were possible career changes within the reach of captains, and if not, how they could integrate the urban elites at work under the « Ancien Régime ». When the colonial and slave trade ensured the Bordeaux harbour’s prosperity, it is the identity of the merchant navy ship commanders working from the capital of « Guyenne » that will be here studied, from the Regency to the French Revolution.

Protection of Personal Data, a Power Struggle between the EU and the US: What implications might be facing the transfer of personal data from the EU to the US after the CJEU’s Safe Harbour ruling?

Strindberg, Mona January 2016 (has links)
Since the US National Security Agency’s former contractor Edward Snowden exposed the Agency’s mass surveillance, the EU has been making a series of attempts toward a more safeguarded and stricter path concerning its data privacy protection. On 8 April 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the CJEU) invalidated the EU Data Retention Directive 2006/24/EC on the basis of incompatibility with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the Charter). After this judgment, the CJEU examined the legality of the Safe Harbour Agreement, which had been the main legal basis for transfers of personal data from the EU to the US under Decision 2000/520/EC. Subsequently, on 6 October 2015, in the case of Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner, the CJEU declared the Safe Harbour Decision invalid. The ground for the Court’s judgment was the fact that the Decision enabled interference, by US public authorities, with the fundamental rights to privacy and personal data protection under Article 7 and 8 of the Charter, when processing the personal data of EU citizens. According to the judgment, this interference has been beyond what is strictly necessary and proportionate to the protection of national security and the persons concerned were not offered any administrative or judicial means of redress enabling the data relating to them to be accessed, rectified or erased. The Court’s analysis of the Safe Harbour was borne out of the EU Commission’s own previous assessments. Consequently, since the transfers of personal data between the EU and the US can no longer be carried out through the Safe Harbour, the EU legislature is left with the task to create a safer option, which will guarantee that the fundamental rights to privacy and protection of personal data of the EU citizens will be respected. However, although the EU is the party dictating the terms for these transatlantic transfers of personal data, the current provisions of the US law are able to provide for derogations from every possible renewed agreement unless they become compatible with the EU data privacy law. Moreover, as much business is at stake and prominent US companies are involved in this battle, the pressure toward the US is not only coming from the EU, but some American companies are also taking the fight for EU citizens’ right to privacy and protection of their personal data.

Aspects of money laundering in South African law

Van Jaarsveld, Izelde Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Money laundering involves activities which are aimed at concealing benefits that were acquired through criminal means for the purpose of making them appear legitimately acquired. Money laundering promotes criminal activities in South Africa because it allows criminals to keep the benefits that they acquired through their criminal activities. It takes place through a variety of schemes which include the use of banks. In this sense money laundering control is based on the premise that banks must be protected from providing criminals with the means to launder the benefits of their criminal activities. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 (‘FICA’) in aggregate with the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (‘POCA’) form the backbone of South Africa’s anti-money laundering regime. Like its international counterparts FICA imposes onerous duties on banks seeing that they are most often used by criminals as conduits to launder the benefits of crime. In turn, POCA criminalises activities in relation to the benefits of crime and delineates civil proceedings aimed at forfeiting the benefits of crime to the state. This study identifies the idiosyncrasies of the South African anti-money laundering regime and forwards recommendations aimed at improving its structure. To this end nine issues in relation to money laundering control and banks are investigated. The investigation fundamentally reveals that money laundering control holds unforeseen consequences for banks. In particular, a bank that receives the benefits of crimes such as fraud or theft faces prosecution if it fails to heed FICA’s money laundering control duties, for example, the filing of a suspicious transaction report. However, if the bank files a suspicious transaction report, it may be sued in civil court by the customer for breach of contract. In addition, if the bank parted with the benefits of fraud or theft whilst suspecting that the account holder may not be entitled to payment thereof, it may be sued by the victim of fraud or theft who seeks to recover loss suffered at the hand of the fraudster or thief from the bank. Ultimately, this study illustrates that amendment of some of the provisions of South Africa’s anti-money laundering legislation should enable banks to manage the aforementioned and other unforeseen consequences of money laundering control whilst at the same time contribute to the South African anti-money laundering effort. / Criminal and Procedural Law / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

Aspects of money laundering in South African law

Van Jaarsveld, Izelde Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Money laundering involves activities which are aimed at concealing benefits that were acquired through criminal means for the purpose of making them appear legitimately acquired. Money laundering promotes criminal activities in South Africa because it allows criminals to keep the benefits that they acquired through their criminal activities. It takes place through a variety of schemes which include the use of banks. In this sense money laundering control is based on the premise that banks must be protected from providing criminals with the means to launder the benefits of their criminal activities. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 (‘FICA’) in aggregate with the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (‘POCA’) form the backbone of South Africa’s anti-money laundering regime. Like its international counterparts FICA imposes onerous duties on banks seeing that they are most often used by criminals as conduits to launder the benefits of crime. In turn, POCA criminalises activities in relation to the benefits of crime and delineates civil proceedings aimed at forfeiting the benefits of crime to the state. This study identifies the idiosyncrasies of the South African anti-money laundering regime and forwards recommendations aimed at improving its structure. To this end nine issues in relation to money laundering control and banks are investigated. The investigation fundamentally reveals that money laundering control holds unforeseen consequences for banks. In particular, a bank that receives the benefits of crimes such as fraud or theft faces prosecution if it fails to heed FICA’s money laundering control duties, for example, the filing of a suspicious transaction report. However, if the bank files a suspicious transaction report, it may be sued in civil court by the customer for breach of contract. In addition, if the bank parted with the benefits of fraud or theft whilst suspecting that the account holder may not be entitled to payment thereof, it may be sued by the victim of fraud or theft who seeks to recover loss suffered at the hand of the fraudster or thief from the bank. Ultimately, this study illustrates that amendment of some of the provisions of South Africa’s anti-money laundering legislation should enable banks to manage the aforementioned and other unforeseen consequences of money laundering control whilst at the same time contribute to the South African anti-money laundering effort. / Criminal and Procedural Law / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

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