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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die belangrikheid van die gesin in gemeentelike bediening

Strydom, Zagarias Richard Andries 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Skrywers oar die gesin kom al hoe meer tot die slotsom dat die gesin onvervangbaar is in die sosialiseringsproses van die mens. Die gesin is noodsaaklik vir die modeme mens se soeke na vastigheid, geborgenheid en identiteit. Die oorspronklike verhouding tussen ouer en kind binne die kerngesin is onvervangbaar. Die vraag wat in die studie aan die orde kom is of die modeme gesin wel so 'n belangrike plek inneem in die huidige samelewing. Is die gevolg van al die probleme waarmee die moderne gesin le kampe het en die wisselvallige wereld waarin ons lewe nie juis dat die gesin se plek as veilige hawe al hoe meer bedreig word nie? Daar moet altyd in die bediening aan die gesin onthou word dat die gesin 'n ontwikkelende sisteem is. Daar moet veral by die behoeftes in die verskillende lewensfases aangesluit word. ln God se handeling met. die mens vind ons dat daar 'n baie noue verband is tussen die gesin en die verbond. Soos tewens die hele gemeente, is die gesin ook "'n koninklike priesterdom . .. . . . die eiendomsvolk van God". (1 Pet. 2:9) Die kerk staan voor die wonderlike uitdaging om in die tyd waar daar 'n besondere behoefte aan sosiale verhoudings bestaan, die behoefte te vul met iets wat God self gee, iets wat veel grater as sosiale vriendskap is... . . . koinonia! Des te meer die kerk se invloedsfeer in die samelewing krimp en mense nie meer aktief by die instituut inskakel nie, des te belangriker word die gesin. In die gesekulariseerde samelewing word die gesin die konkrete kontakpunt waarmee die kerk op die plaaslike vlak sy invloedsfeer binne mense se daaglikse leefmilieu kan laat geld. Die studie vra vir 'n andersoortige bediening waarin die behoeftes van die gesin aangespreek word en waar die gesin primer die fokus is. Dit moet 'n bediening aan die gesin en 'n bediening deur die gesin wees. Die gemeente moet gesinne leer en aan hulle demonstreer wat God se doe! met die gesin is. Die kerk is by uitstek in die posisie om die wye verskeidenheid van gesinstipes in die samelewing te kan bedien. Die kerk kan ook gesinne help om aanpassings te maak in 'n veranderende samelewing. 'n Gesinsbediening kan 'n uitstekende nuwe fokus word vir die missie van die kerk. / Researches on the family came to the conclusion that the family is irreplaceable in the socialising process of a person. The family is necessary for the modern persons need for stability, security and identity. The original relationship between a parent and child in the family is irreplaceable. The question which arises in this study is whether the modern family is so important in the current society. Is the result of all the problems which the family faces and the changeable world not that the family as secure harbour is in danger? In the ministry it must always be borne in mind that the family is a developing system. Special attention must be paid so that all the different phases of life are included. In God's involvement with man, we find that there is a very close relationship between the family and the sacrament. As is the entire church, so is the family " ...... priests of the King, ..... God's own people" (1 Pet. 2:19). In a time where there is an exceptional need for social relationships, the church is faced with a great challenge to fill this need with something that is from God, something far more fulfilling than social friendships .... Kononia. The further the churche's influence declines in a society and people withdraw from involvement within the institution, the more important the family becomes. In a secularized society the family becomes the concrete point of contact through which the church can, at local level, use its influence within peoples daily life environment. This study calls for another type of ministry in wt)ich the needs of the family can be addressed and where the family becomes the primary focus.· It must b~ a ministry to the family and through the family. The congregation must educate families as well as demonstrate God's purpose with the family. The church is pre-eminently in a position to serve the various types of families in society. The church is also able to help families to make adjustments in a changing society. A family ministry can become an excellent new point of focus for the mission of the church. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theolgy)

De Lourenço Marques à Maputo : genèse et formation d'une ville / From Lourenço Marques to Maputo : genesis and shaping of a town

Vales, Teodoro Cândido 17 June 2014 (has links)
S'appuyant sur une approche historique, cette thèse interroge le processus de formation et de transformation de la capitale du Mozambique, et pour ce faire analyse les liens qui se sont noués, au cours des XIXème et XXème siècles, entre changements économiques, transformations institutionnelles et évolutions des formes urbaines. Située en position excentrée par rapport au reste du Mozambique, et proche de l'Union Sud-Africaine, Lourenço Marques passe successivement du statut de factorerie, à celui de bourg, puis de ville portuaire. La création, au cours du XIXème siècle, des axes de liaison, routier puis ferroviaire, avec le Natal fait de Lourenço Marques le débouché maritime des produits miniers d'Afrique du Sud et explique le développement économique de la ville. Pendant toute la période de sa formation, ce sont les plans d'urbanisme, élaborés par des ingénieurs militaires puis des architectes venus de Lisbonne, qui encadrent les extensions de la ville devenue capitale de la Province du Mozambique. Comme de nombreuses villes coloniales, Lourenço Marques devient le terrain d'expérimentation de méthodes de planification (tracés viaires, lotissement, zonage), élaborées dans différents pays européens, dont le Portugal. Pendant toute la période coloniale, ingénieurs et architectes portugais réussissent tant bien que mal à maîtriser la croissance de la ville européenne, restreignant l'accès des « africains » à cette dernière. La création à proximité du centre-ville d'un quartier « indigène » témoigne d'une volonté de séparation raciale de la part des colonisateurs. L'accession en 1975 du Mozambique à l'indépendance se traduit par l'exode des portugais et l'ouverture des portes de la ville aux africains. Cette décision soudaine produit une sorte d'appel d'air pour la population des campagnes et amorce un processus de croissance démographique rapide de Lourenço Marques devenue Maputo. Multipliant les plans d'urbanisme (qui ne sont jamais approuvés), les autorités du Mozambique indépendant rencontrent de plus en plus de difficultés à maîtriser un processus de développement qui se traduit notamment par de nombreux quartiers informels (lotissements, bidonvilles) et peinent à développer les activités économiques garantissant des emplois stables aux nouveaux habitants. / This thesis is based on a historical approach. It addresses the process whereby the capital city of Mozambique was shaped and transformed, and analyses the links that appeared during the 19th and 20th centuries between economic change, institutional transformations and the evolution of urban morphology. The location of Lourenço Marques is peripheral in Mozambique. The city is close to the Union of South Africa, and was originally a trading outpost. It later became a feitoria, small town, then a coastal city. The creation of road and, later, of rail networks with the Transvaal in the 19th century meant that Lourenço Marques became the maritime gateway for South African mining products, which explains the city's economic development. During the period in which the city was shaped, its extensions were managed through plans drawn up by engineers and army officials, and, later, by architects who came from Lisbon. It is at this point in time that the city became the capital of the Province of Mozambique. Like many other colonial cities, Lourenço Marques was subject to a wide range of planning experiments (street patterns, subdivisions, zoning) designed in various European countries, including Portugal. During the entire colonial period, Portuguese engineers and architects somehow managed to contain the growth of this European town, by restricting African people's access to it. The fact that a quarter was created near the city centre for the “indigenous population” reflects the fact that colonizers wanted racial separation. When Mozambique became independent in 1975, the Portuguese exodus took place and the city was opened up to African people. This sudden decision generated mass immigration from the countryside and initiated the rapid demographic growth of Lourenço Marques, whose name then became Maputo. The authorities of Mozambique came up with many town planning documents (which were never approved), and found it increasingly difficult to manage the development process – many informal quarters appeared (subdivisions and shanty towns) – and to generate economic activities that would give permanent jobs to the new population.

Contraintes et potentialités naturelles de quelques sites portuaires antiques de Méditerranée et de mer Noire (Fréjus, Ampurias, Kition, Istanbul, Orgamé) / Natural Constraints and potentials of some ancient harbours in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (Frejus, Ampurias, Kition, Istanbul, Orgame)

Bony, Guénaëlle 04 July 2013 (has links)
Il y a 7000 ans BP, la stabilisation du niveau marin a entraîné la formation de deltas. Ces zones deltaïques abritent des milieux aux degrés de protection différents favorables à une activité maritime. Cependant, ces espaces sont soumis à des contraintes naturelles : à l'échelle de la longue durée, l'alluvionnement des deltas entraîne la mobilité des littoraux et le colmatage des milieux portuaires ; à l'échelle de l'événement, les tempêtes, les tsunamis et la mobilité crustale entraînent la destruction, la submersion ou le soulèvement des zones portuaires. Ce travail porte sur l'étude des contraintes et des potentialités environnementales de cinq ports antiques répartis dans le monde Méditerranéen en marge de deltas. L'objectif est d'estimer le poids de ces contraintes sur les sociétés via une approche statistique. Pour quatre des sites d'études, l'alluvionnement est le forçage majeur. A Kition et Orgame, l'impact de l'alluvionnement est indirect. La fermeture des baies marines par l'édification de cordons littoraux crée des environnements lagunaires propices à l'installation de zones portuaires. En revanche, Fréjus et Ampurias sont soumis à un alluvionnement direct qui a rapidement colmaté les bassins. A partir de l'époque romaine et avec l'invention de la pouzzolane, des zones portuaires sont installées en milieu littoral ouvert, comme à Istanbul. Dans un contexte tectoniquement actif, les tsunamis constituent la contrainte majeure opérant sur le port byzantin de Théodose à Istanbul. Un dépôt grossier et chaotique, contenant du matériel marin et archéologique remanié, compose une partie de la séquence stratigraphique de colmatage du bassin et témoigne de ce forçage. / The stabilization of sea level at 7000 years ago led to the formation of deltaic areas. These areas constituted sheltered environments particularly conducive to maritime activity. However, these areas were also subject to natural constraints for human occupation: at long timescales, high sediment supply to deltaic areas led to significative coastal changes and the infilling of harbour areas; at shorter timescales, high-energy events and crustal mobility led to the destruction, submersion and/or uplift of harbour areas. This work focuses on the study of environmental constraints and potentialities governing five ancient harbours, located on deltaic margins in the Mediterranean. The study aims to semi-qualitatively measure of the weight of these constraints on harbour cities, using statistical approach. High sediment supply is the major natural forcing. At Orgame and Kition, the closure of marine bays by coastal barriers led to the formation of lagoon environments conducive to the installation of harbour areas. Frejus and Ampurias were subject to direct siltation which quickly infilled the harbour basin. The invention of the pozzolan in Roman times means that harbours could be constructed in coastal areas open to the sea and away from river mouths, such as Istanbul harbour. In a tectonically active context, tsunamis are the major constraint acting in the Byzantine harbour of Theodosius in Istanbul. There, the stratigraphic sequence contains a coarse and chaotic deposit composed of reworked marine and archaeological material which demonstrates the societal impacts of such a natural and destructive forcing agent.

An assessment of the chemical contamination and the diet changes of the harbou porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) stranded along the southern North Sea / Évaluation de la contamination chimique et changement du régime alimentaire des marsouins communs (Phocoena Phocoena) échoués au sud de la mer du Nord

Mahfouz, Céline 26 November 2014 (has links)
De part l'importance et la diversité des pressions anthropiques en mer du Nord, les mammifères marins en tant que prédateurs supérieurs se trouvent de plus en plus exposés à ces activités (trafic maritime, activités industrielles et portuaires, surpêche, pollution chimique, etc.). Les campagnes d'observation SCANS et SCANS II mises en place en 1994 et 2005 pour estimer l'abondance des petits cétacés, ont mis en évidence un changement majeur dans la distribution du marsouin commun (Phocoena phocoena) en mer du Nord avec un déplacement du Nord vers le Sud. Ce changement peut être lié à une migration de ses proies préférentielles en mer du Nord et/ou à une afaptation de son régime alimentaire par rapport à la disponibilité des proies. Parallèlement, à ces modifications de distribution spatiale, un nombre croissant d'échouage de marsouin commun en Manche Orientale et sur les côtes belges a été observé depuis une dizaine d'années avec une augmentation conséquente ces deux dernières années. Pour étudier les causes responsables de ces échouages, un des objectifs de cette étude a été d'évaluer l'état de la contamination chimique des animaux échoués en relation avec l'état sanitaire des individus. L'analyse de deux familles de composés chimiques (éléments traces métalliques et polluants organiques persistants) sur des animaux échoués sur la période 2006-2013 révèlent des concentrations significativement plus élevées dans les organies des animaux présentant des pathologies que celles obtenues chez les animaux sains. Cette tendance a déjà été observée en Atlantique Nord pour le marsouin. Les comparaisaons des niveaux de concentration mesurées avec ceux d'études antérieures effectuées sur des marsouins échoués dans la même zone ou dans le Golfe de Gascogne suggèrent que l'augmentation du nombre de marsouins échoués n'est pas liée à une dégradation du milieu en terme de pollution chimique. Pour déterminer le régime alimentaire du marsouin commun, trois techniques complémentaires ont été utilisées : l'analyse des contenus stomacaux, des isotopes stables (carbone et azote) et des acides gras dans différents tissus. Pour ces deux dernières méthodes, les signatures obtenues pour le marsouin ont été comparées à celles de leurs proies potentielles. Les résultats ont mis en évidence la présences des gobies, merlans, lançons, sprats, trisopterus sp., harengs et sardines comme proies potentielles. Le déplacement des marsouins du nord jusqu'au sud de la mer du Nord a été attribué à la baisse de l'abondance du lançon dans le nord, ainsi qu'à la ré-invasion du sud de la mer du Nord par la sardine, probablement suite au changement climatique. Enfin, cette étude confirme la nécessité d'utiliser une approche multi-analyses qui intègre des informations complémentaires à différentes échelles de temps pour étudier le régime alimentaire de ces prédateurs supérieurs. / The North Sea is heavely impacted by human activities such as overfishing and pollution. Due to their position as top predators in the ocean, marine mammals are becoming increasingly affected by anthropogenic activities. The large-scale surveys SCANS in 1994 and SCANS II in 2005 that were held in the North Sea to estimate the abundance of small cetaceans highlighted a major shift in the distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the northern parts of the North Sea to its eastern parts. Alongside, over the past few decades harbour porpoises stranding has increased in the southern North Sea particularly along the French and Belgian coastal waters. Since the contaminant exposure presents, among others, a potential threat to harbour porpoises inhabiting the North Sea, the first objective of the present study was to assess the contamination status of this species in the southern North Sea. On the other hand, the distribution and abundance of marine mammals is expected to follow the distribution of their main prey species. Hence, the second objective of this study was to investigate whether the changes in the distribution of porpoises in the southern North Sea may be a result of the changes in prey availability. Moreover, the third objective was to evaluate the interest of combining three methods to investigate the diet of harbour porpoises : stomach contents, stable isotopes (carbon and nitrogen) and fatty acids analyses. First, the contamination status was evaluated through the determination of two components of chemical contaminants (metals and persistent organic pollutants) in tissues of harbour porpoises stranded along the southern North Sea between 2006 to 2013. Several chemical contaminants presented higher concentrations in diseased animals compared to healthy animals. In addition, some metallic contaminants showed bioaccumulation with age. Comparison with previous study suggests that the population status of harbor porpoises in term of chemical concentration has been stable from 1994 to 2013. This work suggested that the increase in the number of stranded individuals is not related to the decline in the quality of the environment. Secondly, the shift in the abundance of harbour porpoises was evaluated and interpreted in the light of prey species abundance. Three techniques were used in order to determine the diet of porpoises. Results highlighted the presence of gobies, whiting, sandeel, sprat, trisopterus sp., herring and sardine as potential preys. The shift of the abundance of porpoises form the northern parts of the North Sea to its southern parts was attributed to the sandeel abundance decline in the northern parts of the North Sea along with the re-invasion of the southern North Sea by the sardine species, probably in response to climate change. Finally, the value of a multi-approach dietary analysis was evaluated. Besides overcoming the limitations of each method, combining different techniques that integrate diet over days and weeks allowed gaining more complete understanding of harbour porpoise's diet.

Předávání osobních údajů do zahraničí / Transfer of personal data abroad

Jeřábková, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of the work is to evaluate the stage of development of the rules for tranfer of personal data for the European union to the third countries. First it gives necessary information regarding the protection of personal data in general including the key terms, basic principles and also the legal framework. The second part explains the legal mechanism of tranfer of personal data from EU abroad with the use of the term "adequate protection." Possible methods of such tranfer which are in compliance with the requirement of provision of the adequate protection to the protection ensured in the European Union are given. The third part concentrates on the development of the negotiations between the United States and the European Union about the transfer of personal data of air passengers and resulting legal arrangement. The work also describes current trends and provides possible future development of this sphere.

Du commerce maritime à l'industrie (1660-1845) : l'élite négociante de Landerneau face aux défis / From maritime trade to industry (1660-1845) : Landerneau’s merchant elite in front of challenges

Thomin, Jean-Pierre 15 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de présenter les stratégies du négoce landernéen de la fin du XVIIe siècle au milieu du XIXe siècle. L’implantation de la Marine Royale à Brest à la fin du XVIIe siècle pour préparer la « Seconde guerre de Cent Ans » la perte du marché anglais pour les crées du Léon, les guerres incessantes entre 1744 et 1815, les crises de toute nature, la perte du marché espagnol et de ses colonies dans les années 1820, voilà autant de défis à relever pour la communauté marchande landernéenne. Elle développe un commerce actif et saisissant toutes les opportunités, s’efforce d’y faire face. Renforcée par des apports allogènes, elle se transforme en groupe dominant, s’installant au sommet de la hiérarchie financière et, en 1721, s’empare du pouvoir local dans une ville qui devient pleinement négociante. Elle peut ainsi orienter l’action publique au service de ses ambitions et, réaliser ainsi un équipement portuaire adapté aux besoins de trafics en expansion. Près de ce poumon économique s’édifient les hôtels particuliers témoignant de la réussite des négociants. Lorsqu’au début des années 1820, la Révolution libérale espagnole et l’émancipation des colonies ferment définitivement ces marchés aux toiles bretonnes, le principal groupe marchand de la ville engage, cas unique en Bretagne, une étonnante reconversion industrielle, afin de se positionner en leader sur les marchés de fournitures militaires. Cette révolution, indispensable pour répondre aux exigences de prix et de qualité du donneur d’ordres, aboutit à la création en 1845 de la Société Linière du Finistère, qui devient la plus importante entreprise privée du Finistère, salariant jusqu’à 4 500 employés. / In this thesis, we aim at presenting the merchants strategies in Landerneau from the end of the XVIIth century to the middle of the XIXth century. The French Navy based in Brest at the end of the XVIIth century – in order to prepare for the « Second Hundred Years’ War » - as well as the loss of the English market by the crées (linen canvas) of Leon, the constant wars betwenn 1744 and 1815, the crisis of all kinds, the loss of the Spanish market and its colonies during the 1820’s, constituted several challenges to address for Landerneau’s merchants’ commmunity. Developping an active trade, this community tried to face every new opportunity. Reinforced by external additions, it became a dominant group, getting the upper place of the financial hierarchy. In 1721, it managed to take over the local government, making the town to fully becoming a trade place. The public policy could then be turned to serve the goals set up by this group, like building new harbour facilities, matching with the needs of an expanding traffic. The beautiful mansions built nearby this economical backbone, are as many testimonies of the merchants’ achievement.When, at the beginning of the 1820’s, the Spanish liberal revolution and the emancipation of the colonies definitly closed those markets to canvas from Brittany, an amazing industrial restructuring was engaged by the main merchant’s group of the town, in order to become leader on the market of military supply. This is a unique case in Brittany. This revolution, essential to respond to the price and quality requiered by the payer, leaded to the creation in 1845 of the Société Linière du Finistère (Linen Society of Finistère), which became the main private compagny of Finistère, employing up to 4500 people.

BREEAM Communities - ett verktyg inom kommunal planering?

Granath, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats utgör en explorativ fallstudie om certifieringssystemet BREEAM Communities och dess möjlighet att fungera som ett verktyg för svenska kommuner i plan- och exploateringsprocesser. Sedan ett par år tillbaka pågår de första projekten i Sverige där BREEAM Communities används. Företagen Diligentia och PEAB var först ut att använda verktyget vid utvecklingen av sina stadsdelar Masthusen och Varvsstaden i Västra Hamnen i Malmö. Uppsatsen utgörs i första hand av en kvalitativ intervjustudie med anställda vid Diligentia, PEAB och Malmö Stad, vilken genomfördes våren 2012. Studien kompletterades med två intervjuer med anställda vid Norrköpings kommun, detta eftersom Norrköpings kommun vid tidpunkten för intervjuerna, övervägde en användning av certifieringssystemet vid utvecklingen av stadsdelen Saltängen. Intervjustudien tar utgångspunkt i intervjupersonernas erfarenheter och tankar kring BREEAM Communities’ inverkan på arbetsprocessen och vilka hållbarhetsaspekter som hanteras inom de två projekten i Västra Hamnen. Därefter diskuteras om och hur en kommun skulle kunna använda verktyget i stadsutvecklingsprojekt. I Västra Hamnen kom initiativet att använda BREEAM Communities från de privata markägarna. Dessa uppger att verktyget fungerat som ett stöd i hanteringen av hållbarhetsaspekter i de pågående projekten. Uppsatsen pekar på att BREEAM Communities också kan bidra med fördelar i kommunala plan- och exploateringsprocesser. Vid dessa processer har verktyget potential att fungera som ett stöd och ge inspiration för att integrera hållbarhetsaspekter. Verktygets tillämpbarhet har påverkats av att det är ett relativt nytt verktyg som utvecklas kontinuerligt. Under hösten 2012 lanserades en omarbetad version av verktyget med ett nytt och förenklat upplägg. Utveckling av BREEAM Communities och det faktum att Sweden Green Building Council avser att svenskanpassa och översätta manualen kommer underlätta användningen framöver, oavsett om verktyget används i syfte att certifiera ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt eller endast som stöd och inspiration. / The study aims to explore BREEAM Communities’ potential to be used as a tool within municipal planning in Sweden. Since a few years BREEAM Communities is being applied in two development projects in the Western Harbour in Malmö. The use of the tool was initiated by the private landowners Diligentia and PEAB for the development of Masthusen and Varvstaden. By qualitative interviews with employees at Diligentia, PEAB and Malmö Municipality the experiences of using the tool are being explored. The interviews took place during the spring 2012 and focus on BREEAM Communities’ impacts on the process and the sustainability issues being addressed within the projects, followed by a discussion on the possibilities for a municipality to use BREEAM Communities. Additional interviews with civil servants at Norrköping Municipality gave supplementary perspectives on the possibilities to use BREEAM Communities as a tool within urban planning. Likewise the private landowners express that BREEEAM Communities has been a tool for addressing and integrating sustainability aspects in the development of Masthusen and Varvsstaden, this study indicates that BREEAM Communities has potential to benefit in municipal urban planning. The tool has potential to provide support and inspiration to integrate sustainability aspects from an early stage throughout the process. BREEAM Communities is a rather new tool, and it is continuously developing which has impacts on its applicability. In 2012 a new, simplified and more streamlined scheme was launched. The development of the scheme and the fact that Sweden Green Building Council will make a Swedish adjustment and translation of BREEAM Communities the will simplify the use of tool significantly.

SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES - AN EXPERIMENT IN LIVING WELL : Northern European examples of sustainable planning

Bratel, Yael January 2012 (has links)
This study examines the concept of sustainable lifestyles. It is concluded that the concept of sustainable lifestyles is derived from the bigger term sustainable development and that the concept sustainable lifestyles exists as an antipode to unsustainable lifestyles. Sustainable lifestyles are still a new concept within the academic field of urban planning and design and some confusion regarding the definition remains. Three case studies were made investigating urban planning for sustainable lifestyles. The sites were Houthaven in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Royal Seaport in Stockholm Sweden and Western Harbour in Malmö, Sweden. Urban planning for sustainable lifestyles was explicitly carried out in the Royal Seaport, in the other two cases the concept of sustainability was approached more generally but nonetheless the methods used were quite similar in all three cases. How people in the society of today are seen as responsible for e.g. buying ecological food, driving ecological vehicles and living a sustainable lifestyle, are analysed through the approaches of governmentality and biopower. There has been a shift from a centralised governing of sustainability implementations to a decentralised one where the individual responsibility stands in focus. There are different views of what a sustainable behaviour and lifestyle could incorporate. According to the technocentric approach, technical solutions to environmental problems are sufficient, but according to the ecocentric approach, behavioural changes are needed in order to obtain sustainability. This has implications for the planning of sustainable lifestyles. In some cases technical solutions are favoured in front of behavioural ones and the other way around. The two tracks of understanding leads to two different pathways of sustainability and a need to recognize and comprehend the differences are crucial in planning for sustainable lifestyles. Sustainable behaviour and habits relate to actions, which e.g. minimizes the use of natural resources or incorporates the switch from an unsustainable habit to a sustainable one. Sustainable behaviour is often referred to as pro-environmental behaviour and circles around consumption. There are several ways of replacing unsustainable habits with sustainable ones discussed in this study. / <p>email: bratel@kth.se</p>

Brandstation i Frihamnen / Fire station in housing development district in Stockholm harbour

Tillberg, Erika January 2012 (has links)
En brandstation ställer specifika krav på funktionalitet och flöden - som i det här examensarbetet har fått generera rumsligheter och arkitektoniska händelser. Brandbilarna står uppradade i ett stort och rymligt garage. Ljuset flödar in genom portarna och det stora glastaket. Om hundrafemtio år kanske det inryms en konsthall här istället - så som i Magasin 3 en bit bort.

Návrh mrakodrapu pro EVOLO Skyscraper Competition 2011 / Designing a Skyscraper for the EVOLO Skyscraper Competition 2011

Smékal, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The Monaco shore extention project consists of few housing resorts, floating breakwater, commertial zones and a harbour. The largest and most complex is the Skyscraper resort on an artificial semifloating island in the middle of a lagoon between the shore and the floating breakwater. Its main purpose is housing which is situated to several floors of the base ring, to the white wings protruding from the skyscraper and to the skyscraper itself. There is also a hotel for 500 visitors in this structure as well as the visitors center, observation platform, technical support, wellness and fit centrum. The resort is accesible via two main connecting streets – one going from the Hercule harbour, second comming to the resort from the main Monaco roundabout next to the Fairmont hotel. Traffic is than in front of the skyscraper redirected either to the hotel frontyard or to the underground parking wings for visitors, or to the parking zones for residents or to the supply zones. Other functions the resort offers are 2 commertial promenades on the gound and 2np floors accesible from the perimetr of the island’s harbour, other commertial zone is more to the the middle of the island, where the visitor, cultural, wellness and restaurant centers are also situated. The cultural multipurpose center accompanies cinema, theater and exhibition features as well as the School of fine arts. For the residents themselves the resort features several facilities – endless swimming pool, the chapel, relaxation pools, 2 parks and all the facilities accessible also for visitors. The island is constructed as semifloating – partly supperted by large piles and coissons, partly floating. Energetic selfsufficience is provided by desaltation plant, solar fotovoltaic plant, energetic piles and gray water treatment plant.

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