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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Äldre personers erfarenheter av att följa folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer under pandemin Covid-19 och dess inverkan på hälsan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Elderly individuals´experience abiding public health authority recommendations during the Covid-19 pandemic and its effect on health

Boström, Josefin, Lindbäck, Therese January 2021 (has links)
Abstrakt: År 2019 rapporterar media att ett nytt virus har tagit fart i Kina. Därefter kommer även utlåtanden från myndigheter, det har konstaterats att ett nytt virus som liknar lunginflammation börjat spridas i en matmarknad i Wuhan. När allvaret med virussjukdomen kontaterats hade viruset fått en snabb spridning till stora delar av världen. Myndigheter gick ut med rekommendationer för att minska smittspridning bland riskgrupper. De som tillhörde riskgrupperna var främst äldre och och multisjuka individer. Folkhälsomyndigheten i Sverige gick ut med rekommendationer till personer över 70 år. rekommendationerna uppmanade till social distansering. Bakgrund: Att bearbeta information och olika rekommendationer från myndigheter kan vara svårt och ibland skrämmande. Människor kan ha utvecklat en misstro för olika myndigheter. Det kan även finnas svårigheter att nå ut med en tydlig och innehållsrik information som alla förstår. Erfarenheterna av att leva efter rekommendationerna kan vara olika. Motiv: Motiv för denna studie är att ta reda på mer om erfarenheter hos äldre personer av att leva efter rekommendationer som kan innebära förändringar i vardagen. hur påverkas de äldre? Metod:Studien är kvalitativ. Semistrukturerade intervjuer analyseras med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Förhållningssättet är manifest med latent innehåll. Resultat: Resulterade i 3 kategorier: Att försöka ta till sig och förstå information, att anpassa sitt liv efter rekommendationerna samt att hälsan påverkas. Konklusion: Deltagarna upplevde diskriminering samt en påtaglig ensamhet när de förhöll sig till rekommendationerna. Specialistsjuksköterskan inom vård av äldre bör fånga upp dessa känslor på ett adekvat sätt för att kontruera passande omvårdnadsåtgärder för den äldre personen. / Abstact: Year 2019 media reports that a new virus began spreading in China. Thereafter authorities report of a new virus resembling  pneumonia began spreading from a food market in Wuhan. When the seriousness of the virus-based disease was established, the virus already spread to large portion of the world. Authorities published recommendations to stop the spread among risk groups. Those belonging to a risk group segment were predominantly elderly and multimorbid individuals. The Swedish public health authority published recommendations to individuals 70 years or older. Recommendations called for social distancing. Background: Processing information and recommendations from authorities can be difficult and sometimes daunting. People can develop a distrust toward authorities. There are also challenges reaching out with clear and rich content that everyone can understand. Experience abinding recommendations can vary. Motive: The motive of this study is to know more of the experience of elderly individuals abinding recommendations that can mean changes in these individuals´daily life. How are the elderly affected? Purpose: Eldrely individuals´experience abinding the public health authority recommendations during the pandemic Covid-19 and its effect on health. Method: The study is qualitative. By analysing semi-structured interviews with qualitative content analysis. The approach is manifest with latent content. Result: Results in 3 categories: To try gather and understand information, to adapt one´s life abinding recommendations and how health is affected. This resulted in 10 subcategories. Conclusion: Participans experienced discrimination due to age and a palpable sense of loneliness while abinding recommendations. Nurses working within geriatric care should pic up such sediments in an adequate fashion to construct appropiate care messures for the elderly individual.

Kontrolní činnost vybraných dozorových orgánů působících v oblasti ochrany spotřebitele / Control activity of selected supervisory authorities operating in the field of consumer protection

ZADRAŽILOVÁ, Klára January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate control activities of selected supervisory authorities in a sphere of consumer protection and to find the opinions and attitudes of selected business entities on supervisory authorities' activities. The thesis includes a questionnaire survey among consumers and controlled in-depth interviews both with business entities and with supervisory authorities. The questionnaire survey confirms or rejects hypotheses of the thesis. Controlled in-depth interviews with selected supervisory authorities focused on their controlling activities. Managed in-depth interviews with business entities aimed to find out their views and attitudes towards supervisory authorities, as well as to identify a scope and a process of controls carried out by supervisory authorities. The thesis further outline how the selected supervisory authorities could evaluate their work with consumers. Changes are mainly concerned with informing consumers of suitable and unsuitable business premises.

Det finns en stor korruption bland nyhetsmedier : En studie om nyhetsmediernas påverkan på Folkhälsomyndighetens trovärdighet under covid-19 / There is a lot of corruption in the news media : A study about the impact of the Public Health agency's credibility during covid-19

Gutierrez, Silvana, Måhlgren Radibratovic, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Covid-19 pandemin har påverkat många länder runt om i världen. Folkhälsomyndigheten i Sverige införde restriktioner och rekommendationer för att skydda samhällets befolkning från att smittas av viruset. I samband med pandemin har det uppkommit ett överflöd av nyheter gällande covid-19 inom både traditionella och digitala medier. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Folkhälsomyndigheten har påverkats utifrån de olika nyhetsmedier som informerat om covid-19 men även om det finns ett samband mellan studiens fynd och Folkhälsomyndighetens kommunikationsinsatser. Studien har använt sig av source credibility (Hovland et al. 1953) och media credibility (Westley & Severin, 1964; W.Roper, 1959; Bucy, 2003) teorierna som teoretiskt ramverk, relevanta forskningsstudier inom trovärdighet och medier och Folkhälsomyndighetens pandemiberedskapsrapport. Det empiriska underlaget i studien utgår från tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts med respondenter inom två åldersgrupper, 20–25 år och 65–70 år. Det har genomförts en tematisk analys för att hitta likheter och skillnader mellan respondenternas svar vilket utformat teman, public service och trovärdighet, nyhetskomsumption, källhänvisning och trovärdighet, språk och det visuella i samband med trovärdighet, respondenternas bild av Folkhälsomyndigheten, massinformation, Folkhälsomyndighetens påverkan av nyhetsmedier, digitala och traditionella medier och Folkhälsomyndighetens expertis. Studiens resultat visar att det uppkommer en svårighet med att mäta respondenternas trovärdighet till Folkhälsomyndigheten genom nyhetsmedier då det uppkommer andra faktorer som är mer påtagliga än faktorerna expertis och tillförlitlighet inom source- och media credibility teorierna. Dessa faktorer är respondenternas livsstil, vanor, journalistik, visuell påverkan, källhänvisning och public service. Det fanns samband med faktorerna och Folkhälsomyndigheternas sex kommunikationsstrategier och genom att myndigheten tar hänsyn till åldersgruppernas faktorer för trovärdighet kan det gynna deras risk- och konsekvensbedömningar inom kommunikationsarbetet inför kommande pandemier. Slutsatsen är att Folkhälsomyndighetens bild inte har påverkats av nyhetsmedierna. Digitala och traditionella medier har inte varit avgörande för respondenternas uppfattning av Folkhälsomyndighetens trovärdighet. Studien belyser även komplexiteten med trovärdighetsbedömningar då respondenterna hade svårigheter med att särskilja avsändaren, meddelandet och mediet. / The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many countries around the world. The Swedish Public Health Agency introduced restrictions and recommendations to protect society's population from being infected by the virus. In connection with the pandemic, there has been an abundance of news regarding covid-19 in both traditional and digital media. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the Swedish Public Health Agency has been affected based on the various news media that informed about covid-19, but also whether there is a connection between the study's findings and the Swedish Public Health Agency's communication efforts. The study has used the source credibility (Hovland et al. 1953) and media credibility (Westley & Severin, 1964; W. Roper, 1959; Bucy, 2003) theories as a theoretical framework, relevant research studies in credibility, media and the Public Health Agency's pandemic preparedness report. The empirical basis of the study is based on twelve semi-structured interviews conducted with respondents in two age groups, 20–25 years and 65–70 years. A thematic analysis has been carried out to find similarities and differences between the respondents 'answers, which designed themes, public service and credibility, news consumption, source reference and credibility, language and the visual in connection with credibility, respondents' image of the Public Health Agency, mass information, Public Health Agency's influence on news media, digital and traditional media, and the Swedish Public Health Agency's expertise. The results of the study show that there is a difficulty in measuring the respondents' credibility to the Public Health Agency through news media as other factors arise that are more obvious than the factors expertise and reliability within the source and media credibility theories. These factors are the respondents' lifestyle, habits, journalism, visual impact, source reference and public service. There were connections with the factors and the Public Health Authorities 'six communication strategies, and by the authority considering the age groups' factors for credibility, it can benefit their risk and impact assessments in the communication work before future pandemics. The conclusion is that the Public Health Agency's image has not been influenced by the news media. Digital and traditional media have not been decisive for the respondents' perception of the Public Health Agency's credibility. The study also highlights the complexity of credibility assessments as respondents had difficulty distinguishing between sender, message and medium.

From the "rising tide" to solidarity: disrupting dominant crisis discourses in dementia social policy in neoliberal times

MacLeod, Suzanne 26 March 2014 (has links)
As a social worker practising in long-term residential care for people living with dementia, I am alarmed by discourses in the media and health policy that construct persons living with dementia and their health care needs as a threatening “rising tide” or crisis. I am particularly concerned about the material effects such dominant discourses, and the values they uphold, might have on the collective provision of care and support for our elderly citizens in the present neoliberal economic and political context of health care. To better understand how dominant discourses about dementia work at this time when Canada’s population is aging and the number of persons living with dementia is anticipated to increase, I have rooted my thesis in poststructural methodology. My research method is a discourse analysis, which draws on Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical concepts, to examine two contemporary health policy documents related to dementia care – one national and one provincial. I also incorporate some poetic representation – or found poetry – to write up my findings. While deconstructing and disrupting taken for granted dominant crisis discourses on dementia in health policy, my research also makes space for alternative constructions to support discursive and health policy possibilities in solidarity with persons living with dementia so that they may thrive. / Graduate / 0452 / 0680 / 0351 / macsuz@shaw.ca

From the "rising tide" to solidarity: disrupting dominant crisis discourses in dementia social policy in neoliberal times

MacLeod, Suzanne 26 March 2014 (has links)
As a social worker practising in long-term residential care for people living with dementia, I am alarmed by discourses in the media and health policy that construct persons living with dementia and their health care needs as a threatening “rising tide” or crisis. I am particularly concerned about the material effects such dominant discourses, and the values they uphold, might have on the collective provision of care and support for our elderly citizens in the present neoliberal economic and political context of health care. To better understand how dominant discourses about dementia work at this time when Canada’s population is aging and the number of persons living with dementia is anticipated to increase, I have rooted my thesis in poststructural methodology. My research method is a discourse analysis, which draws on Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical concepts, to examine two contemporary health policy documents related to dementia care – one national and one provincial. I also incorporate some poetic representation – or found poetry – to write up my findings. While deconstructing and disrupting taken for granted dominant crisis discourses on dementia in health policy, my research also makes space for alternative constructions to support discursive and health policy possibilities in solidarity with persons living with dementia so that they may thrive. / Graduate / 0452 / 0680 / 0351 / macsuz@shaw.ca

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