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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La scuola hegeliana dal 1818 al 1831. Interpretazioni e sviluppi della filosofia di Hegel da parte dei suoi primi seguaci e collaboratori

Bertani, Corrado 09 July 2024 (has links)
La dissertazione vuol essere la prima ricostruzione complessiva dell’attività e dell’opera filosofica della scuola hegeliana negli anni dal 1818 al 1831, cioè dalla nomina di Hegel a professore a Berlino fino alla sua morte. Essa si compone di un’Introduzione, dieci capitoli e due appendici. L’introduzione si propone tre obiettivi: 1) spiegare in che senso si possa e si debba parlare di ‘scuola’ a proposito della cerchia dei seguaci di Hegel; 2) mostrare, sulla base delle fonti, che i contemporanei (non solo gli hegeliani, ma anche filosofi e intellettuali di tendenze diverse) erano del tutto consapevoli dell’esistenza di tale scuola; 3) spiegare le ragioni per cui l’opera dei primi hegeliani è stata finora trascurata dalla storiografia filosofica. Il capitolo 1 intende: tracciare la storia della scuola hegeliana dall’ottobre 1818 al novembre 1831; chiarire le cause dell’adesione all’hegelismo e la struttura delle relazioni interpersonali all’interno della scuola; provare che i membri della scuola pensavano a se stessi come ai portavoce di una filosofia impersonale; stilare una bibliografia primaria degli hegeliani; infine, ipotizzare e giustificare la distinzione di quattro obiettivi principali della loro attività filosofica. I capitoli dal 2 al 9 prendono in esame gli scritti attinenti alle singole parti del sistema hegeliano (nessuno dei quali è mai stato oggetto di studi specifici fino ad ora). Si inizia (capitolo 2) con la Propedeutica filosofica di G. A. Gabler (1827); che si rivela essere un tentativo di ‘avviamento’ alla filosofia mescolato a elementi di teoria dello spirito soggettivo e ricalcato sulle prime tre parti della Fenomenologia dello spirito, di cui offre anche un commentario sui generis. Il capitolo 3 è incentrato sulla prima parte del sistema hegeliano. Ampio spazio è riservato ai Lineamenti di filosofia della logica di H. W. F. Hinrichs (1826), primo e malriuscito tentativo di proseguire e ‘completare’ la teoria logica secondo l’impostazione hegeliana. Altri approfondimenti concernono i tentativi più antichi di spiegare il significato della dialettica, della contraddizione e della struttura del concetto secondo Hegel. Il capitolo 4 considera la seconda parte del ‘sistema’, la filosofia della natura, e la prima sezione della terza parte, la filosofia dello spirito soggettivo. In entrambi tali ambiti la scuola fu quasi del tutto silente nel periodo considerato. Nel primo caso l’unica eccezione è data da un breve compendio di Leopold von Henning sulla teoria dei colori di Goethe (1821). Nel secondo caso ci si imbatte in un astruso trattato di psicologia filosofica di J. G. Mussmann, che a un’attenta analisi si rivela come opera eclettica. Pienamente ‘ortodosso’, invece, è risultato il Sistema della morale filosofica di K. L. Michelet (1828), protagonista del capitolo 5. L’indagine ha svelato che tale opera vuol essere un rifacimento più esauriente e comprensibile della Moralità dei Lineamenti. A tal fine Michelet ha attinto a piene mani all’etica aristotelica, che ha riformulato in chiave dialettica e di cui si è servito per interpretare diversi punti centrali della teoria hegeliana della moralità. Dopo la moralità è la volta dell’eticità. A tale riguardo sono stati studiati due scritti di von Henning risalenti ai suoi primi anni di attività al fianco di Hegel, che affrontano l’uno il tema dello svolgimento storico dei princìpi etici, l’altro il problema delle epoche della storia universale. Sempre nel capitolo 6 si fa cenno allo storico Heinrich Leo e al filosofo della storia Christian Kapp, quest’ultimo citato spesso nelle fonti, ma erroneamente, come hegeliano. L’esposizione prosegue con le tre sezioni dello spirito assoluto, che furono i settori in cui la scuola fu più prolifica. Tale circostanza spiega l’ampiezza dei capitoli 7-9, tutti preceduti da una panoramica generale e contenenti una ricca varietà di posizioni. In ambito estetico (capitolo 7) spiccano: gli scritti con cui Hinrichs e C. F. Göschel proposero una lettura ‘fenomenologica’ del Faust di Goethe; una monografia di H. T. Rötscher su Aristofane (1827), nella quale trovano sistematica applicazione la filosofia della storia di Hegel e le sue osservazioni sulla commedia attica; una esposizione e critica della Critica del giudizio di Kant ad opera di Bruno Bauer; i primi studi storico-letterari di K. Rosenkranz; infine alcuni interventi sul romanticismo letterario, che integravano ciò che Hegel diceva nelle lezioni di Estetica. Un quadro molto vario e complesso offre pure la filosofia della religione. Un’analisi dettagliata è dedicata alla Religione nel suo rapporto interno alla scienza di Hinrichs (1822), agli Aforismi su non-sapere e sapere assoluto di Göschel (1829) e ai Pensieri sulla morte e l’immortalità di Ludwig Feuerbach (1830). Altri ritratti, più brevi, hanno per oggetto uno studio giovanile di D. F. Strauß sull’apocatastasi; la critica riservata a Schleiermacher, a nome della scuola, da Rosenkranz; la ‘dogmatica cristiana’ di K. P. Marheineke, portavoce dell’hegelismo nella Facoltà teologica berlinese; infine un saggio sullo «sviluppo della coscienza religiosa» di K. Conradi (1831). Chiude il capitolo l’elenco delle recensioni di filosofia e storia della religione apparse sugli «Jahrbücher» tra 1827 e 1831. Il capitolo 9 è diviso in due parti. La prima cerca di indicare le ragioni della centralità della storia della filosofia per la scuola hegeliana, propone una panoramica dei suoi risultati principali in tale ambito, infine descrive il saggio di Michelet sull’etica di Aristotele del 1827. La seconda parte è dedicata alla dissertazione di H. G. Hotho sulla filosofia di Cartesio (1826). Tali opere sono le prime testimonianze scritte dell’interpretazione ‘hegeliana’ del pensiero aristotelico e cartesiano. Le Conclusioni tirano le fila delle indagini condotte nel corso della trattazione. Vi si rileva come l’esame delle fonti abbia confermato l’ipotesi di partenza che l’attività degli hegeliani sia stata orientata verso quattro obiettivi, spesso compresenti. Vi si mostra, inoltre, che tale attività fu guidata e condizionata da due fattori: le finalità concrete del lavoro svolto dai seguaci di Hegel, e il loro desiderio di concorrere a realizzare il programma ‘ideologico’ che lo stesso Hegel aveva tracciato fin dal suo insediamento a Berlino. Chiudono la dissertazione due appendici e una bibliografia della letteratura primaria. La prima appendice contiene un regesto dei corsi di lezione tenuti (o solo annunciati) dai seguaci di Hegel dalla fine del 1818 alla fine del 1831, a Berlino e in altre università tedesche. La seconda appendice propone un profilo bio-bibliografico di quindici autori, riferito agli inizi della loro carriera universitaria e alle forme del loro rapporto istituzionale e personale con Hegel. Tra i documenti qui riprodotti, di cui diversi sono inediti, si segnalano i pareri di Hegel sull’attività didattica dei suoi Repetenten, le tesi difese dagli hegeliani per conseguire il dottorato o l’abilitazione, infine un saggio di Hinrichs sulla dialettica, del 1824.

Linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole

Kubeka, Amos Soweto 17 February 2015 (has links)
We firstly numerically recalculate the Ricci tensor of non-stationary axisymmetric space-times (originally calculated by Chandrasekhar) and we find some discrepancies both in the linear and non-linear terms. However, these discrepancies do not affect the results concerning linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole. Secondly, we use these Ricci tensors to derive the Zerilli and Regge-Wheeler equations and use the Newman-Penrose formalism to derive the Bardeen-Press equation. We show the relation between these equations because they describe the same linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole. Thirdly, we illustrate heuristically (when the angular momentum (l) is 2) the relation between the linearized solution of the Einstein vacuum equations obtained from the Bondi-Sachs metric and the Zerilli equation, because they describe the same linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole. Lastly, by means of a coordinate transformation, we extend Chandrasekhar's results on linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole to the Bondi-Sachs framework. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Applied Mathematics)

Christoph Demantius - Tympanum militare 1600 a 1615. Edice a analýza sbírky / Christoph Demantius - Tympanum militare 1600 a 1615. Edition and analysis

Dobošová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses its attention on life and work composer, poet, music theorist Christoper Demantius and his two collections compositions Tympanum militare (1600, 1615). First part of diploma thesis brings on updated composers biography, evaluation his creation and detection of all contexts with bohemian music culture in age before the Battle of White mountain. In the second part author makes thorough text and music analysis of both collections Tympanum militare. The obtained results includes into wider music-historical context. The part of this thesis is edition of collection from 1600.

L'autofiction, essai sur la fictionalisation de soi en littérature

colonna, Vincent 20 March 1989 (has links) (PDF)
L'Autofiction et sa réception jusqu'en 1989. La fictionalisation de soi comme phénomène littéraire universel. Les indices de Fiction. L'Auteur et son personnage fictif. Autofiction et roman autobiographique. L'autofiction est-elle un genre ? Mise en abyme. Métalepse. Intrusions d'auteur. Réception. Genre.Hermann Hesse. Dante. Gombrowicz. Doubrovsky. Balzac. Cervantes. Goethe.Barthes.

Hermann Kretzschmars Kompositionen

Schröder, Gesine 31 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Beschäftigung mit Hermann Kretzschmars Kompositionen bereichert das Gesamtbild dieser musikschriftstellerisch und musikpolitisch wirkungsmächtigen Persönlichkeit. In dem Beitrag werden Kretzschmars Bearbeitungen für Männerchor und deren Bezug zu seinen Schriften untersucht; seine Originalkompositionen für dieselbe Besetzung werden mit Rücksicht auf die Leipziger Harmonielehre der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts betrachtet, seine Chorsätze für gemischten Chor dienen als Dokument für Kretzschmars formale Ambitionen und für seine Arbeitsweise. Für die Geschichte der musiktheoretischen Unterweisung am Leipziger Konservatorium in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts kann Kretzschmars einseitig nur bestimmte Genres bedienendes Werk eine Quelle darstellen.

Raffiniert ... oder lieber roh?

Schröder, Gesine 08 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Neun Jahre nach der russischen und französischen Erstveröffentlichung erschien 1922 im Russischen Musikverlag neben der englischen schließlich auch eine deutsche Übersetzung von Rimsky-Korsakows berühmtem Traktat. Exemplarisch wird die Rezeption von Rimsky-Korsakows Schrift untersucht 1. in nach 1922 geschriebene deutschsprachigen Instrumentationslehren 2. in Dokumenten des hochschulischen Unterrichts 3. in der deutschsprachigen Historiographie der fraglichen musiktheoretischen Teildisziplinen 4. anhand Kompositionen aus der Zeit um 1930. Die mit dem Orchester verbundenen Klangideale hatten sich gewandelt. Man legte Wert auf Trennschärfe und erstrebte einen Klang, der ein gespaltener genannt und als Gegensatz zu einem verschmelzenden konstruiert wurde. Man suchte eine rohe, holzschnitthafte Orchestration. Den tiefen klangtechnischen Einsichten Rimsky-Korsakows und dem Raffinement des russischen Orchestrators konnten und wollten sich die Musiker dennoch nicht entziehen. Im Konflikt zwischen der Faszination durch seine Schrift und der neuen Klangmode zeichneten sich alsbald mehrere Lösungen ab. Besonders eine war erfolgreich: Rimsky-Korsakows ausdrückliche Empfehlungen ließen sich gegen den Strich bürsten oder auch allzu wörtlich nehmen; genau das verbürgte in den Dreißiger Jahren Expressivität. / Nine years after the Russian and eight after the French first publications, the German, alongside the English translation of Rimsky-Korsakov’s famous treatise was eventually published by the Edition Russe de musique in 1922. In answering this question, the following has been taken into account: i) orchestration guides written in German after 1922; ii) documents from education institutions; iii) German historiography of the theoretical discipline in question; and iv) works by German composers who are known to have reacted against Rimsky-Korsakov’s model of orchestration. The sound ideal associated with the orchestra had changed. Selectivity was emphasized and composers sought to create an orchestral sound that was seen as ‘split up’ and thought of as the opposite to something merging and melting. The new composers sought a raw, woodcut-like orchestration. Some musicians nonetheless could not or did not want to escape from the deep technical insights of Rimsky-Korsakov, from the sophistication and raffinement of the Russian orchestrator. The conflict between the fascination by his writing and the new sound fashion soon offered multiple solutions. Especially one of them was successful: Rimsky-Korsakov\\\'s explicit recommendations could be understood against the grain, or could be taken too literally: in the thirties just this guaranteed expressivity.

Fictional worlds and focalisation in works by Hermann Hesse and E.L. Doctorow / Philippus Wolrad van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, Philippus Wolrad January 2011 (has links)
The main focus of this study concerns the contribution of focalisation to the creation of fictional worlds through the combination of the “building blocks” of a fictional world, namely the central focalising and focalised character(s), focalised social contexts, events and spaces, in Hermann Hesse’s Demian (1919), Narziß und Goldmund (1930), E.L. Doctorow’s Welcome to Hard Times (1960) and Homer & Langley (2009). The relationship between the focalisers and their social contexts influence their human, subjective perspectives and represented perceptions of their textual actual worlds. Focalisation is constructive in the synergistic relationship between the “building blocks” that leads to the creation of fictional worlds. Chapter 2 discusses the theoretical basis of the thesis which is formed by the concepts of M. Ryan, L. Doležel, R. Ronen and T.G. Pavel with regard to possible worlds and fictional worlds. G. Genette’s and M. Bal’s theories provide the foundation of this study with regard to this concept as regards focalisation. Chapter 3 contextualises focalisation and fictional worlds as possible worlds in Hesse’s and Doctorow’s fiction and as such constitutes part of a twofold basis for the following analyses and comparisons. Four textual analyses of the individual novels by Hesse and Doctorow then follow. In the textual analysis of Demian the notions of M. Bal, M. Ryan and A. Nünning provide a theoretical basis that is specifically relevant for the argument that through his consciousness the individual, Emil Sinclair, creates the fictional world, i.e. by “transforming” textual actual world components into individualised fictional world ones. The views of Viktor Frankl, feminist activists against prostitution such as M. Farley, M.A. Baldwin and C.A. MacKinnon as well as the views of Talcott Parsons (in conjunction with those of G.M. Platt and N.J. Smelser) offer a theoretical underpinning for the analysis of the social context as the product of the mindset in the community in Doctorow’s Welcome to Hard Times and the mindset of the focaliser, Blue, that concurs with the mindset of the community. Focalised events are considered as psychologically credible and as contributing to the fictional world in Hesse’s Narziß und Goldmund. In this textual analysis the theoretical points of departure were based on theories proposed by D. Cohn, M. Ryan and S. Chatman. Concepts advanced by J. Lothe, J. Lotman, H. Lefebvre, L. Doležel, N. Wolterstorff and D. Coste comprise the theoretical basis of the analysis of social spaces in Doctorow’s Homer & Langley. Chapter 8 consists of comparative analyses of the said focalised “building blocks” of Hesse’s and Doctorow’s novels. The analyses and comparisons argue that focalising characters “filter” their actual worlds and “transform” them through their individualistic and subjective representations, as actual people do. Even if characters are “non-actual individuals” their mindsets or physical, social and mental properties (Margolin, 1989:4) are like those of actual people, i.e. “psychologically credible”. Ryan (1991:45) identifies “psychological credibility” or “a plausible portrayal of human psychology” as an “accessibility relation”, i.e. one that allows the mental properties of a fictional character to be accessible from and possible for the actual world. The interaction between a focalising character and his social context that affects his consciousness and focalisation is comparable to the interaction between a hypothetical actual person and his social world, that would also influence his mindset and how he communicates about the actual world. Perspectives of characters such as Sinclair, Blue, Goldmund and Homer Collyer are recognisable to hypothetical actual world readers as psychologically credible. In the light of Bal’s (1990:9) argument that the whole text content is related to the (focalising) character(s), one could say that the elements of a textual actual world become, as it were, focalised “building blocks” of the fictional world. The central finding is that focalisation contributes to the creation of fictional worlds. The relationship between a fictional world and the actual one becomes apparent in literary texts through focalisation that transforms the textual actual world and its elements, i.e. the central (self-focalising) character, the social context, events and space(s), through a focaliser’s consciousness. The focaliser’s consciousness in Hesse’s and Doctorow’s fiction is marked by psychological credibility. A fictional world is comparable to the actual world with regard to other accessibility relations that Ryan (cf. 1991:31-47) identifies, but focalisation specifically allows a fictional world to become possible in actual world terms by creating credibility of this kind. A fictional world is plausible not in mimetic terms, as a factual text presents itself to be, but in possible terms, i.e. through the comparability of human psychology in fictional worlds and the actual world. Focalisation significantly contributes to the creation of a fictional world through the interaction between psychologically credible subjectivity and the imaginary level of the text on which the textual actual world obtains human value through focalisation. A fictional world is, in this sense, a possible world and, in fact, comes about through being a possible world. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Fictional worlds and focalisation in works by Hermann Hesse and E.L. Doctorow / Philippus Wolrad van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, Philippus Wolrad January 2011 (has links)
The main focus of this study concerns the contribution of focalisation to the creation of fictional worlds through the combination of the “building blocks” of a fictional world, namely the central focalising and focalised character(s), focalised social contexts, events and spaces, in Hermann Hesse’s Demian (1919), Narziß und Goldmund (1930), E.L. Doctorow’s Welcome to Hard Times (1960) and Homer & Langley (2009). The relationship between the focalisers and their social contexts influence their human, subjective perspectives and represented perceptions of their textual actual worlds. Focalisation is constructive in the synergistic relationship between the “building blocks” that leads to the creation of fictional worlds. Chapter 2 discusses the theoretical basis of the thesis which is formed by the concepts of M. Ryan, L. Doležel, R. Ronen and T.G. Pavel with regard to possible worlds and fictional worlds. G. Genette’s and M. Bal’s theories provide the foundation of this study with regard to this concept as regards focalisation. Chapter 3 contextualises focalisation and fictional worlds as possible worlds in Hesse’s and Doctorow’s fiction and as such constitutes part of a twofold basis for the following analyses and comparisons. Four textual analyses of the individual novels by Hesse and Doctorow then follow. In the textual analysis of Demian the notions of M. Bal, M. Ryan and A. Nünning provide a theoretical basis that is specifically relevant for the argument that through his consciousness the individual, Emil Sinclair, creates the fictional world, i.e. by “transforming” textual actual world components into individualised fictional world ones. The views of Viktor Frankl, feminist activists against prostitution such as M. Farley, M.A. Baldwin and C.A. MacKinnon as well as the views of Talcott Parsons (in conjunction with those of G.M. Platt and N.J. Smelser) offer a theoretical underpinning for the analysis of the social context as the product of the mindset in the community in Doctorow’s Welcome to Hard Times and the mindset of the focaliser, Blue, that concurs with the mindset of the community. Focalised events are considered as psychologically credible and as contributing to the fictional world in Hesse’s Narziß und Goldmund. In this textual analysis the theoretical points of departure were based on theories proposed by D. Cohn, M. Ryan and S. Chatman. Concepts advanced by J. Lothe, J. Lotman, H. Lefebvre, L. Doležel, N. Wolterstorff and D. Coste comprise the theoretical basis of the analysis of social spaces in Doctorow’s Homer & Langley. Chapter 8 consists of comparative analyses of the said focalised “building blocks” of Hesse’s and Doctorow’s novels. The analyses and comparisons argue that focalising characters “filter” their actual worlds and “transform” them through their individualistic and subjective representations, as actual people do. Even if characters are “non-actual individuals” their mindsets or physical, social and mental properties (Margolin, 1989:4) are like those of actual people, i.e. “psychologically credible”. Ryan (1991:45) identifies “psychological credibility” or “a plausible portrayal of human psychology” as an “accessibility relation”, i.e. one that allows the mental properties of a fictional character to be accessible from and possible for the actual world. The interaction between a focalising character and his social context that affects his consciousness and focalisation is comparable to the interaction between a hypothetical actual person and his social world, that would also influence his mindset and how he communicates about the actual world. Perspectives of characters such as Sinclair, Blue, Goldmund and Homer Collyer are recognisable to hypothetical actual world readers as psychologically credible. In the light of Bal’s (1990:9) argument that the whole text content is related to the (focalising) character(s), one could say that the elements of a textual actual world become, as it were, focalised “building blocks” of the fictional world. The central finding is that focalisation contributes to the creation of fictional worlds. The relationship between a fictional world and the actual one becomes apparent in literary texts through focalisation that transforms the textual actual world and its elements, i.e. the central (self-focalising) character, the social context, events and space(s), through a focaliser’s consciousness. The focaliser’s consciousness in Hesse’s and Doctorow’s fiction is marked by psychological credibility. A fictional world is comparable to the actual world with regard to other accessibility relations that Ryan (cf. 1991:31-47) identifies, but focalisation specifically allows a fictional world to become possible in actual world terms by creating credibility of this kind. A fictional world is plausible not in mimetic terms, as a factual text presents itself to be, but in possible terms, i.e. through the comparability of human psychology in fictional worlds and the actual world. Focalisation significantly contributes to the creation of a fictional world through the interaction between psychologically credible subjectivity and the imaginary level of the text on which the textual actual world obtains human value through focalisation. A fictional world is, in this sense, a possible world and, in fact, comes about through being a possible world. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Role K. H. Franka v byrokratickém aparátu protektorátu Čechy a Morava / The Role of K. H. Frank in Administration of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

MUŽÍK, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The qualifying work first talks about the political career and personal life of Karel Hermann Frank, a former state secretary and a German state minister for the territory of the Protectorate. His typical double-role of the Reich and the Autonomous autorities of the administrative system of the Czech-Moravian space is described in detail. Frank's position was also investigated outside of this state in relation to the offices of the former Czechoslovak border, the NSDAP and the leading posts in Berlin. This analysis was carried out not only on the basis of professional literature in the Czech, English and German languages, but also on the basis of the chosen official correspondence of K. H. Frank. This has led to research that has confirmed, or overturned, and has greatly enriched what historians have been researching in this historical area.

Linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole

Kubeka, Amos Soweto 17 February 2015 (has links)
We firstly numerically recalculate the Ricci tensor of non-stationary axisymmetric space-times (originally calculated by Chandrasekhar) and we find some discrepancies both in the linear and non-linear terms. However, these discrepancies do not affect the results concerning linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole. Secondly, we use these Ricci tensors to derive the Zerilli and Regge-Wheeler equations and use the Newman-Penrose formalism to derive the Bardeen-Press equation. We show the relation between these equations because they describe the same linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole. Thirdly, we illustrate heuristically (when the angular momentum (l) is 2) the relation between the linearized solution of the Einstein vacuum equations obtained from the Bondi-Sachs metric and the Zerilli equation, because they describe the same linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole. Lastly, by means of a coordinate transformation, we extend Chandrasekhar's results on linear perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole to the Bondi-Sachs framework. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Applied Mathematics)

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