Spelling suggestions: "subject:"high mtech"" "subject:"high dtech""
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Functional proof of a flat slide valve as a 4/3-way proportional valveAengenheister, Stefan, Liu, Chao, Broeckmann, Christoph, Schmitz, Katharina 25 June 2020 (has links)
With a flat slide valve concept, when compared to conventional piston spool valves, reduced leakage and increased service life could be achieved. In order to achieve a reduction of leakage flows and guarantee the adjustability of the valves at the same time, a correct design of the pressure compensation is essential. The magnitude of force depends on both the operating point of the valve and the position of the slider. Due to the design of the flat slide valve, it is possible to use ceramic semi-finished products for the main stage, which consist of control plates and a slide plate. The geometries are simple enough to be inexpensively manufactured with sufficient accuracy, using a ceramic pre-product using laser cutting technology. This article introduces the concept of the flat slide valve for a proportional 4/3-way valve. The design of the valve, including the design of the metallic main stage is presented. This includes the design of the flow channels, which have to be suitable for ceramic materials. Furthermore the design of the actuator and hydraulic circuit for testing is presented. With the shown design, the function of a 4/3-way valve, known from piston spool valves, can be implemented with a linear behavior between slide plate deflection and opening flow cross section.
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影響高科技研發人員過度工作因素及工作類型之探討郭若蘭, Daphne J. L. Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以Spence和Robbins(1992)工作狂熱建構中的內在驅迫因素和工作樂趣因素為基礎,並加入外在驅迫因素,來探討高科技研發人員過度工作的不同因素對於工作時數以及健康生活工作等層面變項的預測力或關聯性,最後由因素劃分出過度工作者類型,並比較不同類型過度工作者的差異性。本研究採問卷調查法,以249位台灣北部地區的高科技研發人員為樣本以及52位高科技行政人員為工作時數的對照組。研究結果發現:(1)研發人員與全國製造業工作者及高科技行政人員相較下,有顯著的過度工作現象。(2)外在驅迫因素意指源自專業工作環境而迫使個體長時數工作的各影響因素。針對研發人員,包括工作負荷過重、產業特性、組織文化酬賞等外在驅迫因素,以及內在驅迫因素,皆對過度工作具有顯著的預測力。而外在驅迫因素對研發人員過度工作的相對預測力高於內在因素。(3)對於健康生活工作三層面的影響性而言,內在因素中的內在驅迫有廣泛不利於三層面的顯著影響性而屬於健康生活工作的危險因子,內在因素中的工作樂趣則相對地於三層面皆有顯著助益而在三層面居於保護因子的角色;外在驅迫因素中的工作負荷過重,對於生活層面有顯著的不良影響,但對健康和工作沒有顯著影響。(4)辨識出三類型的過度工作研發人員,其中內在驅迫高工作樂趣低的「被驅迫狂」在各層面皆有最不利的行為表現,屬於積極的健康定義下的高危險群,內在驅迫高工作樂趣高的「幹勁狂」則較「被驅迫狂」有顯著較高的生活滿足,內在驅迫普通而工作樂趣高的「幹勁者」雖然長時數工作,但各層面狀況反而有優於全體研發人員平均值的傾向。最後,本研究針對上述研究結果做更深層的探討,並說明在個人層次和組織層次實務上的意涵。 / Two internal factors, “driveness” and “enjoyment of work” from the workaholism model of Spence and Robbins (1992), and “external force” factors were adopted to investigate the phenomenon of excessive work (defined as long hours of working) in the population of high-tech R&D professionals. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of these factors on high-tech R&D professionals’ working habits, as well as on their health and life styles. These factors were used to categorize high-tech R&D professionals further. The results showed (1) R&D professionals worked significantly longer hours than high-tech administrative staff and workers in manufacturing industry. (2) “Work overload”, one external force factor, compared to other factors, predicted best to R&D professionals’ hours of working. Moreover, the amount of variance explained by the external force factors was relatively larger than the internal factors. (3) Driveness was constantly found to be a risk factor for one’s holistic health, whereas the enjoyment of work was found to be a protective factor. The third factor, work overload, influenced one’s health only on one’s social life. (4) Three types of overworkers were identified: the nonenthusiastic workaholics (NWs), the enthusiastic workaholics (EWs), and the enthusiasts (Es). Among these overworkers, the NWs acted most consistently with the indicators of unhealthiness, showing that the NWs may be most vulnerable to health complaints, unsatisfied social life, and inefficient work habits. The EWs, though acted similarly as the NWs, were not as extreme as the NWs and had higher life-satisfaction than the NWs. As for Es, who also worked long hours, their health complains were the least of all workers and they had relatively healthy life styles than the other two kinds of workers. Implications of the internal and external factors on the high-tech R&D professionals, as well as the typology of the overworkers, were discussed.
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中共軍事思想之研究 / China's Evolving Military Theory郎錫恭 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的在於瞭解,對中共而言,什麼是軍事思想,其「軍事思想」的發展階段為何,其演進過程的內容及影響軍事思想發展的因素等。 / Clearly,China's military theory was largely shaped by Mao's military theory of people's war concept, perception of global and regional strategic environment, as well as China's own capabilitiy and priority. Mao Zedog has emphasized to fight "a early, large and nuclear war" under the context of people war.Deng Xiaoping changed Mao's policy,emphasizing a military construction under peaceful environment, and fight a local war. Jiang Zemin made further change, switching to emphasize fliilitary buildup based on quality and high technology,and to fight a local under high technology condit ion.These changes reflect how Chinese military theory has adapted to changing environment. This paper discusses what is junshi sixiang means in Chinese military vocabulary, the evolution of China's military theory, and factors influencing its development.
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台灣GPS廠商創業的經營管理之研究---以新禾航電股份有限公司為例 / A study of a Taiwanese enterprise GPS Firms' operation and management ---A case of San Jose Technology,Inc.陳明發, Chen, Ming Fa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之個案雖屬高科技公司,但經過學理之印證後,可發現其經營管理之方法也離不開文獻之範疇,主要是採用Timmons及 Shane之創業模式來加以剖析,雖然研究者將Timmons之模式運用於創業前期,而將Shane之模式運用於創業後期,或許有些牽強,但目的是為了方便敘述,好讓讀者容易理解。
一、 新創公司創業前期的管理作法為何?
二、 新創公司創業後期的管理作法為何?
一、 新創公司在創業前期會善用其核心能耐以尋找商機,同時以外部資源取用補足內部資源及能力之不足,並加強創業團隊成員之專長互補與共識,提高創業成功的機會。
二、 新創公司在創業後期之技術管理上會著重利基性及差異性之思維,在行銷管理上會以客戶需求為導向,在組織管理上則會特別重視風險管理並適時網羅人才以增強組織的陣容,並以創新來提高報酬。 / The newly start-up company will face the different management difficulties during the starting period. The study distinguished the start-up period into Earlier Period of the Start-up and the Later Period of the Start-up.
The selecting company of the thesis is classified as the high-tech industry. We use the Timmons Model to analyze the Earlier Period of the Start-up, and use the Model of Scott A. Shane to analyze the Later Period of the Start-up.
The main research questions of the thesis are :
1. What’s the right management method in the Earlier Period of the Start-up Company?
2. What’s the right management method in the Later Period of the Start-up Company?
The conclusions of the research are:
1. In the Earlier Period, the company must (1) make a good use of its core competency to catch the good chance, (2) use the external resources to strengthen the lack of the internal resources or capability, (3) strengthen and increases the complementarity of the abilities of the start-up entrepreneurial team.
2. In the Later Period, the company must (1) focus on the niche market and attach importance to the differentiation on the Technology Management issue, (2) take the customer demand-oriented method as the principal on the Marketing Management issue, (3) pay attention to the risk management, recruit the talented person or team on the Organizational Management issue.
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台灣高科技產業財務金融管理人員職能分析與訓練規劃之研究 / A study on compency analysis and career training for financial holding administrative professional in Taiwan high-tech industry蘇郁翔, Su, Yu Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀我國科技產業財務人員訓練機制,雖尚不及外國企業相關規範;但可窺見其逐漸建立相關體制。專業財務人員技能論之,其策略參與、維繫投資人關係、募資籌資方式優劣分析等嶄新技術專業,和結合軟性技能、個人特質的多元多樣能力,使得科技產業財務人員脫離舊有財會人員範疇,以整合型財務專業人員目標邁進。我國科技產業對於財務人員訓練,應適當修正相關機制因應市場環境,建立完整一連串的財務人員養成機制,取得企業專有高階專業的財務人員,為企業在多變競爭環境中注入成功因素。 / Impact of the global economic and environmental trends and under the regional economic union's influence, Taiwan’s economic model from produced for sale abroad product in the past, has transferred and moved the production line toward the better position condition countries, in accordance to complicated and diversified industrial environment. Our country export trade continues to present delivers by tech industry related occupies the export main part; the tech industry is the more capital and fast changing industry, and it receives the higher order superintendent regarding the business finance steady operation and the perfect management mechanism. In order to achieve the enterprise business targets, training of outstanding, foresight for the financial professionals is the modern tech industry groups’ newborn goal, remarkable financial officer is the key aspect that the enterprise continues forever to grow.
Discovered based on this study that nowadays the professional skills required for financial professionals, without the traditional finance and accountant the skill, in the practice, the soft skill and individual special characteristic will make the difference performance for individual and the organization achievements. The widespread market and the cultural knowledge, the strategy plan and the organizing faculty, good communication coordinated ability and the team cooperation, the negotiations skill, becomes the enterprise regarding emergency case's strain capacity to assign details the financial professional’s datum. But in the fosters, education and training mechanism, the domestic enterprise human resource management department provides the financial training system is hard to be able to bring the good result. The reason comes from approximately in is unable at the right moment to revise the training project fast to obey the financial environment, as well as worried that takes the operating time and the subjective impression facilitates. Compares to the small and medium-sized enterprise, the large enterprise group with has the complete enterprise university and the training system, however, compares with the overseas same industrial enterprise, not is obviously related regarding the higher order financial professionals fosters mechanism, the enterprise higher management staff does not involve the internal specialists training program, causes the practical training result to stagnate at a management level only. Specially appointed financial director, normally admires by take from other enterprises through offering them a higher pay package, but not from the internal raise, the far inferior to overseas enterprise systematization's financial professionals foster system.
Finally, Taiwan’s tech industry financial professionals foster mechanism, although was not good as oversea enterprises related standard, but may sneak a peek at it to establish the related system gradually. For the specialized financial professional skills, its strategy participation, maintains the relationship with investors, to solicit the capital fund raising way fit and unfit quality analysis and so on brand-new technical specialty, and combined with soft skill, individual special characteristic's multi-dimensional diverse ability, causes the tech industry financial professionals to be separated from the old finance and accounting personnel category, makes great strides forward by the conformity finance specialists goal. Our country tech industry fosters regarding the financial professional, still should revise the related mechanism suitably in accordance to the market environment, establishes the complete a succession of financial professional foster mechanism to obtains the enterprise appropriation higher order specialized financial professionals, add the successful factor for the enterprise in the changeable environment of competition.
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反武器擴散:資料採礦技術於我國戰略性高科技貨品出口管制之應用 / Counter proliferation: the application of data mining technologies in Taiwan strategic high-tech commodities export control management邱建凱, Chiou, Chien Kai Unknown Date (has links)
WMD (weapons of mass destruction) proliferation and nuclear terrorism are the gravest dangers that the world faces. The international society established counter proliferation regimes and export control systems to prevent the proliferators from acquiring WMD and the related commodities that can be used in producing the weapons. However, there are limitations in export control systems. The trade security and facilitation should be both considered, while the proliferators attempt to establish procurement networks to circumvent export control systems and globalization has introduced challenges from the emergence of increasing number of global corpora¬tions and increasing volume of dual-use trade. By using the data mining tool of link analysis, the thesis attempts to develop a methodology to increase the coerciveness and accuracy of detecting problematic shipments from ordinary export activities in order to improve the export control management. From the research, it suggests that data mining is a feasible solution to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of export control. It can be used for discovering entities with not only explicit but also implicit proliferation concerns from a large quantity of datasets and increase the cost and difficulties of circumventing export control so that the proliferation activities are to be contained or hindered. Based on the findings, the thesis established an export control management model with data-mining solutions.
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Public financing of risky early-stage technologyGalope, Reynold 24 August 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the role of public investments in inducing small firms to develop risky, early-stage technologies. It contributes to expanding our understanding of the consequences of research, innovation, and entrepreneurship policies and programs by investigating in more depth the effect of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program on the innovation effort, ability to attract external capital, and other metrics of post-entry performance of small business start-ups using a new sample and estimation approach.
Unlike prior R&D subsidy studies that concentrated almost exclusively on European countries, this dissertation focused on small business start-ups in the United States using a new scientific survey of new firms. It integrated the Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS) from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation with the SBIR recipient dataset from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and used advances in statistical matching to achieve better comparability between the treated and control groups of small business start-ups. The integrated KFS-SBA dataset, which contains both recipient and non-recipient small firms, and statistical matching allowed us to empirically construct the counterfactual outcomes of SBIR recipients.
This dissertation balanced the pre-treatment characteristics of SBIR recipients and non-recipients through propensity score matching (PSM). It constructed the comparison sample by identifying non-recipients with nearly identical propensity scores as those of SBIR recipients. Consistent with the propensity score theorem, observations with the same distribution of propensity scores have the same distribution of observable characteristics. PSM made the comparison and treatment samples homogenous except in SBIR program exposure, making the fundamental assumption of ignorability of treatment assignment more plausible.
Using the realized outcomes of observationally similar non-recipient start-ups as the counterfactual outcomes of SBIR recipients, we found empirical evidence of the input additionality effect of the SBIR program. Had they not applied for and granted SBIR R&D subsidies, recipient start-ups would have spent only $185,000 in R&D, but with SBIR their R&D effort was significantly increased to $663,000, on average. The treatment effects analyses also found a significant positive effect of SBIR on innovation propensity and employment. However, it appears that public co-financing of commercial R&D has crowded-out privately financed R&D of small business start-ups in the United States. A dollar of SBIR subsidy decreased firm-financed R&D by about $0.16.
Contrary to prior SBIR studies, we did not find any significant "halo effect" or "certification effect" of receiving an SBIR award on attracting external capital. However, we discovered a different certification effect of the SBIR program: SBIR grantees are more likely to attract external patents. This finding also confirms that innovation requires a portfolio of internal and external knowledge assets as theorized by David Teece and his colleagues.
This dissertation's empirical results may be relevant to the Small Business Administration, SBIR participating agencies, the U.S. Congress, other federal, state and local policymakers, small high-tech start-ups, and scholars in the field of science, technology, and innovation policy.
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Public Financing of Risky Early-Stage TechnologyGalope, Reynold V 07 December 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the role of public investments in inducing small firms to develop risky, early-stage technologies. It contributes to expanding our understanding of the consequences of research, innovation, and entrepreneurship policies and programs by investigating in more depth the effect of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program on the innovation effort, ability to attract external capital, and other metrics of post-entry performance of small business start-ups using a new sample and estimation approach. This study integrated the Kauffman Firm Survey from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation with the SBIR recipient dataset from the U.S. Small Business Administration and used advances in the micro-econometrics of program evaluation to empirically construct the counterfactual outcomes of SBIR recipients. We found empirical evidence of the input additionality effect of the SBIR program. The treatment effects analyses also found a significant positive effect of SBIR on innovation propensity and employment. However, it appears that public co-financing of commercial R&D has crowded-out privately financed R&D of small business start-ups in the United States. A dollar of SBIR subsidy decreased firm-financed R&D by about $0.16. Contrary to prior SBIR studies, we did not find any significant “halo effect” or “certification effect” of receiving an SBIR award on attracting external capital. What we discovered is a different certification effect of the SBIR program: SBIR grantees are more likely to attract external patents. This finding confirms that innovation requires a portfolio of internal and external knowledge assets as theorized by David Teece and his colleagues.
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是誰驅動中關村的發展?全球化下的科技園區與城市發展 / Who Drives the Growth of Zhongguancum? Science Park and Urban Development in China under Globalization林松甫, Lin, Sung Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲透過回顧中國的科技產業政策以及地方治理模式的轉變,來說明這樣的分散樣貌,是源自於中國在改革開放後的地方治理權責下放導致北京市轄下的各區縣都採用了一種近似於滾動開發的模式來大興土木以追求快速的成長的情況。換言之,在中關村,土地開發帶來的多階段收入在地方政府的眼中的重要性幾乎超越了對創新能力的追求。本研究將以上述脈絡為主旨,深入探討中國在全球化的壓力以及治理結構轉型過程的拉扯下,致使中關村的發展進入到一種看似快速但卻相當矛盾的情結當中,並進而勾勒出現今中關村的空間樣貌。 / China has been trying to catch up with the Western world since its economic reform. In the process, China imitated the successful experience of Silicon Valley in the U.S. and trying to establish special science parks to speed up technological upgrading and innovation. Beijing’s Experimental Zone for Developing New- Technology Industries, which later was named Zhongguancun(ZGC), was the first one following this policy and proven to be the most successful one in China. However, the prosperity of ZGC or any other science park in China does come with a price. There is a lot of problems raised referring to the highly growing land price such as the overwhelming high rent has affected smaller innovative enterprises to survive in Beijing.
The thesis tries to discuss the production of space in Beijing’s ZGC through two theoretical views: The Innovation Theory and The Growth Machine Theory. This thesis argues that there are two different forces which have driven ZGC to its status today. The first is China’s overall goal of economic catching up strategy that gives ZGC the legitimacy to develop and grow with relatively greater freedom from existing regulations. The second is Beijing’s various district governments’ strategy in using the construction of science parks as a site to generate economic development. This thesis argues that China’s tax reformation in 1994 has reinforced the importance of land politics to a higher level, through which the development of real estate sector of ZGC has played an important role for the creation of an innovation cluster. As a result, the local government, together with its land politics, eventually plays the leading role in ZGC’s production of space and makes the best use of ZGC’s shining brand.
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