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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När kultur var i rörelse : Kulturbegreppets förändring under sextiotalet, speglad genom tidskriften Ord&Bild

Klockar Linder, My January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to analyse and problematize the concept of culture and its changes during the 1960s. By examining articles out of the periodical Ord&Bild 1962-1972, I show how an aesthetically marked concept, closely related to the concept of art, changes into an anthropological perspective where attention is drawn to the social, economical, political and ideological aspects. This change is viewed in relation to the works of three prominent cultural theorists from the 1960s: Raymond Williams, Marshall McLuhan and Herbert Marcuse.</p><p>The change that the concept of culture undergoes can be illuminated in several ways. Epistemologically questions of art, its objectivity and relation to reality, are replaced by questions of the function of art and of its role as reproducing ideas and norms of a bourgeois society. Economical and social aspects are used as critical factors in discussing the role and conception of culture, a perspective that gives the discussion a political and ideological edge. Another related track of change is that attention is brought to the relationship between culture as norms and values and culture as art, also known as “high culture”. This means that the idea of an universal culture is criticized for its excluding tendencies. By the end of the decade, the concept of culture has lost its universal meaning and is, among other things, used to endorse and emphasize a specific identity. Culture is key concept in a critical discussion about society and is also seen as a way of changing this society. Culture can then be viewed as a “concept of struggle”.</p><p>The change that the concept of culture goes through is related to changes in the society as a whole, as well as to underlying ideas and visions about the society. The change must not be understood as a consequence of the political escalation during the 1960s, but is to be seen as a development parallel to this radicalization of society.</p>

I huvudet på Garibaldi : En studie kring skildringen av Garibaldi i biografier / In the head of Garibaldi : A study about the portrayal of Garibaldi in biographies

Jonsson, Cristoffer January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay is called In the head of Garibaldi – a study about the portrayal of Garibaldi in biographies and focuses on the literary portrayal of Garibaldi in biographies published in the early 20th century and the early 21st century. The purpose of the essay is to describe the possible changes in the way of portraying Garibaldi in biographies and compare the portraying to the portrayal of Garibaldi that Garibaldi himself gives in the American translation of his memoirs, which were published in New York 1859.I have in this study used a constructivist approach with focus on the attributes, ideals and roles of Garibaldi. Research and thoughts from a wide field of science has been used, for example the works on nationalism by Elie Kedourie and Ernest Gellner. The thoughts on biographies as a scientific genre as described in the anthologies Att skriva människan (Ambjörnsson, Ringby & Åkerman red.) and Med livet som insats (Rosengren & Östling red.) has also been of the utmost importance of the study.The results of the study shows that there has been changes in the way of portraying Garibaldi in biographies, as showed in the more unbiased portrayals in the newer biographies. A larger focus on criticism of the sources is also apparent in the newer biographies. In a comparison between the biographies and Garibaldi‟s memoirs it stands clear that the memoirs and the biographies portrays and depicts the myth of Garibaldi, with more or less focus on fiction.</p>

Kan den praktiska kunskapens teori hjälpa en präst att vara i sitt esse?

Hammarlund, Claes-Otto January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay describes how the author gradually gets a deeper understanding for his profession and the development of his professional skills, attitude and practice. </p><p>The essay contains two main narratives representing examples from the author´s occupational practice, and through those narratives he tells how his practice alters and develops. These stories are also the basis for considering different aspects on how to get good models for practising a profession when you are a beginner, and how to manage ethical dilemmas. </p><p>The starting point is when the author in the beginning of his career as a rural pastor is visiting a seriously ill parishioner at a province hospital. The course and the outcome of this call is surprising the young pastor, and the author tries to analyze the background to the outcome and assesses several possible explanations for the result of his call. </p><p>The narrative is used to examine the attitude, the professional skills and the social and existential context for the author at that time. The patriarchal patterns in the parish are illuminated and questioned. </p><p>In the second part of the essay the author investigates what will happen when pastoral cure transforms to psychotherapy, and how the author deals with phenomena in the therapeutical process such as idealization and secondary traumatization. </p><p>On basis of texts written by among others Ingela Josefson, Fredrik Svenaeus, Christian Nilsson and Ulla Ekström von Essen the author seeks explanation for the development of his practical knowledge. With references to philosofers as Plato, Aristotle, H.G. Gadamer, Hannah Arendt, Dreyfus&Dreyfus among others he discusses how the theory of practical knowledge can be used in describing the development of professional skill and professional ethics in a person being both curate and psychotherapist.</p><p> </p>

Kopparprisförändringars inverkan på lönsamhet i ett kabelföretag - modellering av risk

Rasmusson, Kristina, Rasmusson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

När väggarna talar : en gårds historia i relation tills dess interiör / When the walls are speaking : the history of a house in relation to its interior

Cavallin, Isabell January 2010 (has links)
<p>I den här uppsatsen undersöks en gård i Ljusdalsbygden i Hälsingland som kallas Utigården. På gården finns idag en byggnad som kallas mangelstugan där måleri och tapeter från 1806-1807 finns bevarat. Frågeställningen är när, hur och varför den inreddes samt vem eller vilka som kan ha utfört arbetet. Syftet är att frångå generella förklaringar, lägga ett mer individuellt perspektiv på en interiör och på så vis ge den ett mervärde. Arkivariska källor och litteratur tolkas tillsammans med den fysiska byggnadens interiör för att i viss mån kartlägga den sociala och ekonomiska kontexten som omgav interiören. Mangelstugan interiör visar också prov på hur måleri och tapeter verkade sida vid sida. Ur deras estetiska uttryck samt rumsplacering tolkas statusskillnader mellan de båda samt att mangelstugan bör ha varit en representativ byggnad. Stilinfluenser belyses också. Bland annat lyfter uppsatsen fram en fransk tapet som högst sannolikt varit förlaga till mellankammarens måleri i mangelstugan. Här säkerställs att allmogemålarna använde sig av förlagor, men att slutresultatet var unikt och personligt. Mangelstugans interiör visar prov på hur en sådan interiör kunde se ut på början av 1800-talet i en gård i ljusdal och ett möjligt scenario rörande upphovsmännen, där Ljusdalsmålarna Arve och HindriksOlle lyfts fram som potentiella upphovsmän, bidrar till att knyta fler värden till interiören vilket förhoppningsvis leder till ökade möjligheter att bevaras. I uppsatsen klargörs att gården bör ha flyttats till dagens gårdsläge troligen mellan 1802-1806 samt att mangelstugan uppförts efter flytten och av dateringarna att döma år 1806. Olof Jonsson brukade hemmanet när mangelstugan byggdes och inreddes. Hans bouppteckning visar att gården bör ha varit välställd. Utifrån detta diskuteras hur mangelstugan fyllde många funktioner. Representativitet, manifestation, exkluderande och inkluderande samt estetiska kvalitéer är exempel på sådana.</p> / <p>The focus of this essay is a building belonging to a farmhouse in Ljusdal, Hälsingland, called Utigården. The building has wallpaper and mural paintings preserved from the beginning of the 19th century. The aim of this essay is to investigate when, how and why the interior was made as well as by whom. This serves to put a more individual perspective on one certain interior instead of using more general explanations. This knowledge will lead to more knowledge and values being ascribed to this interior and hopefully an increased will to preserve it in the future. It gives us an example of how an interior from this time might look like, how traditional paintings are mixed with modern motives and wallpapers and how all of this together is symbolic and guides us through the rooms. Their aesthetic qualities shows that it was most probably a representative building. Different theories about influnces and inspiration are also illustrated. The mapping of certain social and economical factors serves to show the circumstances for when the interior was made as well as why. Probably the farm was moved between 1802-1806 and this might explain the new building. Different theories of why it was important to invest in these representative building and what different values they might have fulfilled are also discussed in this essay. Representatation, including and excluding factors and aesthetic values are some of them. Two potential painters are discussed as having painted the interior. They are called Arve and HindriksOlle. A possible scenario is created around their connections to Utigården.</p>

Skallet från forntiden : en osteologisk analys av hundben från stenålderslokalerna Hemmor och Gullrum på Gotland samt en teoretisk studie av hundens rituella och funktionella roll under neolitikum

Brandt, Christina January 2010 (has links)
<p>The bark from prehistory – an osteological analysis on dog bones from the Stone Age settlements of Hemmor and Gullrum at Gotland and a theoretic study of the secular and sacred roles of the dog during the Neolithic.</p><p>Dog bones from two Pitted Ware Culture (around 2500 BC) settlements, Hemmor in När parish and Gullrum in Näs parish/Havdhem parish, at southern Gotland, Sweden are analyzed. The analysis contains a study of age, withers height and size estimation as well as skeletal changes and pathologies. The attempt of the analysis is to highlight the secular and sacred role of the dog during the Neolithic at Gotland. The dog bones were collected during excavations in the years 1890 and 1903 and were found across the entire surfaces of the settlements.</p><p>Although there were no specific dog breeds during the Stone Age, the dogs at Hemmor and Gullrum show a wide range of size (withers height spans from 39,74 cm to 56,47 cm) and may therefore have been used for different purposes depending on their size. The dogs were not eaten, but evidence of skinning is found. The results are compared with other analysis made on dog bones from similar settlements.</p><p>The analysis is complemented with a theoretic study of the functions of dogs in other parts of the world. Ethnologic studies of traditional societies show the importance and wide range of functions in which the dogs are used and can give us an idea of the corresponding functions at a Neolithic Gotland. The functions vary from pet and guardian of the settlement to fishing, hunting and ritual purposes.</p>

Heritage in Authority-Making : Appropriating Interventions inThree Socio-Political Contexts

Hammami, Feras January 2012 (has links)
The perpetual evolution of the value of heritage in urban development is producing newsocio-spatial realities, shaped by different relationships of power at multiple scales.Heritage has always played an important role in the construction of individual andgroup identities, but is now increasingly seen as a capital for the making of cityidentity. Although professional heritage practices have attempted to embrace a similaror parallel vision, they are likely to overlook how interventions in heritage challengeidentity, meaning and sense of place. This thesis employs methods of discursiveanalysis to investigate the evolution and the appropriation of heritage in three sociopoliticalcontexts: Botswana, a post-colonial society; Palestine, an occupied society;and Sweden, a developed Western society. It also uncovers the ways authority is put towork through the discursive field of heritage in historic environments.Heritage in Palestine under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, British Mandate, and theIsraeli Occupation has been engulfed by both armed and discursive struggles overhistory, identity, and superiority. Narratives of the ‘Holy Land’ in addition to thepressures of the occupation forces and international interventions have shaped currentheritage practices in the Historic City of Nablus. In Botswana, Western planning ideashave been promoted in both the colonial and post-colonial eras, with little attention tolocal culture. The socio-spatial realities this produces have divorced the Batswana fromthe familiar and played an authoritarian role in defining valuable heritage in thedevelopment of Shoshong village and Sowa town. Heritage in the town of Ystad,Sweden, has since the late nineteenth century been regulated and legitimized through aconsistent inscription of a medieval identity on the town landscape, overlooking socialand spatial consequences.These findings are presented in four papers that each addresses a specific aspect ofheritage in urban development. An introductory monograph links the articles,developing theoretical analyses on how heritage-authority relations. This discussiongoes beyond direct practices of authority in management of physical heritage. Instead,it uncovers how heritage is utilised to gain and reinforce authority over identity politicsin historic environments. It also sheds light on how discursive struggles over meaningin the three cases are influenced by a ‘universalized heritage discourse’. In thisdiscourse, heritage is perceived as physical things representing a specific version of thepast, framed by European values and controlled by professional expertise andconventional knowledge. This discourse is rooted in the ‘authorized heritage discourse’that emerged in Europe in the nineteenth century and disseminated globally throughinternational treaties on heritage. Situating site-specific interventions in their social,cultural, and political contexts would allow for productive dissonance, rather thannarrow mediations of competing views. The virtue of working with heritage in the faceof authority at different spatial scales is stressed as one way to build sufficient capacityin heritage practices, capacity that would allow individuals and social groups to freelynegotiate their identity against any intervention in their spaces of heritage. / Den ständigt pågående omvandlingen och utvecklingen av det kulturella arvetproducerar nya rumsliga villkor, formade av såväl intern socio-politisk dynamik somexterna krafter. Kulturarv har alltid spelat en central roll i individers och gruppersidentitetsskapande och uppfattas nu allt oftare även som ett kapital i konstruktionen avstäder och regioner. Dock saknar kulturarvspraktikerna ofta förståelse för de sociopolitiskakonsekvenserna och kan därmed inte på ett medvetet sätt hantera dessaaspekter. Denna avhandling undersöker utvecklingen av det kulturella arvet och dessinverkan i tre socio-politiska kontexter: Botswana, ett postkolonialt samhälle; Palestina,ett ockuperat samhälle; och Sverige, ett västerländskt samhälle. En analys av lokalainterventioner i de tre områdena visar hur auktoritet kommer till uttryck genomdiskurser om kulturarvet i historiska miljöer.I Palestina har - under det ottomanska styret, det brittiska mandatet och den israeliskaockupationen - det kulturella arvet utgjort en arena kännetecknad av såväl militär somdiskursiv kamp för historia, identitet och makt. Så till exempel präglar narrativ om ’detheliga landet’ nutida praktiker kring kulturarv i den av historien präglade stadenNablus. I Botswana har västerländskt utvecklade idéer för stadsplanering praktiseratsunder både den koloniala och den postkoloniala eran, vilket formaturbaniseringsstrategier ofta utan hänsyn till lokal kultur. Den sociala och rumsligaverklighet som därigenom skapats har lett till en tilltagande distansering mellanBotswanierna och deras kulturarv. Detta fick avgörande konsekvenser vid definitionenav värdefullt kulturarv under utvecklingen av Shoshong village och Sowa town. IYstad har det kulturella arvet under sena nittonhundratalet reglerats och legitimeratsgenom framhållandet av en medeltida identitet, en identitet som starkt formatstadsmiljön men men vars sociala och rumsliga konsekvenser inte beaktats.Dessa resultat presenteras i fyra artiklar, som var och en lyfter en specifikfrågeställning kring kulturellt arv. I en ”kappa” kopplas artiklarna samman ochanalyseras särskilt med avseende på hur det kulturella arvet involveras iauktoritetsskapande,. Analysen visar att auktoritet kommer till uttryck genomdiskursiva praktiker kring kulturellt arv. Samtidigt som varje fall präglas av enkontextuell och situerad diskurs, påverkas alla av en ’universell kulturarvsdiskurs’.Inom ramen för denna universella diskurs uppfattas kulturarv som fysiska tingomgärdade av sociala och kulturella erfarenheter ofta kopplade till europeiskavärderingar, under kontroll av professionella experter och i linje med konventionellkunskap. Denna diskurs har sina rötter i den ’auktoriserade kulturarvsdiskursen’ somväxte fram i Europa under artonhundratalet och spred sig globalt genom internationellkultursamverkan. En av avhandlingens slutsatser är att en situering av platsspecifikainterventioner i sina komplexa sociala, kulturella och politiska kontexter kan erbjuda enför samhället produktiv dissonans, snarare än den begränsning som oundvikligen blirföljden av ambitionen att snabbt komma fram till konsensus. Genom att synliggöra hurauktoritet kommer till uttryck genom kulturarvets olika rumsliga nivåer, kan en ökadkapacitet och förståelse för socio-politiska aspekter också byggas upp ikulturarvspraktiken. / QC 20120424

Projektkompetenser : en studie av NCC och Skanska / Project Capabilities : a study of NCC and Skanska

Holmlund, Elin, Svensson, Jennie January 2004 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning kring projektkompetenser är ett relativt nytt område, varför studien söker ge ett empiriskt bidrag rörande vilka kompetenser som krävs inför och under ett projekt. Byggindustrin har valts eftersom denna kännetecknas av storskaliga verksamheter med mycket tydliga projektorganisationer samt att projektverksamheten utgör företagens huvudsakliga verksamhet. Syfte: Syftet med denna historiska studie är att med hjälp av två fallföretag, NCC och Skanska, identifiera och belysa projektkompetenser över tiden inom projektbaserade organisationer. Metod: En komparativ fallstudie till största delen baserad på sekundärmaterial för att beskriva den historiska utvecklingen av fallföretagen. Resultat: I denna studie identifieras ett antal projektkompetenser vilka kan härledas till ett projekts olika delprocesser. Under anbudsprocessen är produkt- och marknadsval, finansiering samt riskhantering av stor betydelse. Utförandeprocessen karakteriseras av projektkompetenser såsom projektorganisering, samarbete, projektledarskap och stödteknik. Slutligen lyfts en tredje process fram, lärandeprocessen, där kunskaps- och erfarenhetsöverföring och utveckling av kompetenser är avgörande.

Kan den praktiska kunskapens teori hjälpa en präst att vara i sitt esse?

Hammarlund, Claes-Otto January 2010 (has links)
This essay describes how the author gradually gets a deeper understanding for his profession and the development of his professional skills, attitude and practice.  The essay contains two main narratives representing examples from the author´s occupational practice, and through those narratives he tells how his practice alters and develops. These stories are also the basis for considering different aspects on how to get good models for practising a profession when you are a beginner, and how to manage ethical dilemmas.  The starting point is when the author in the beginning of his career as a rural pastor is visiting a seriously ill parishioner at a province hospital. The course and the outcome of this call is surprising the young pastor, and the author tries to analyze the background to the outcome and assesses several possible explanations for the result of his call.  The narrative is used to examine the attitude, the professional skills and the social and existential context for the author at that time. The patriarchal patterns in the parish are illuminated and questioned.  In the second part of the essay the author investigates what will happen when pastoral cure transforms to psychotherapy, and how the author deals with phenomena in the therapeutical process such as idealization and secondary traumatization.  On basis of texts written by among others Ingela Josefson, Fredrik Svenaeus, Christian Nilsson and Ulla Ekström von Essen the author seeks explanation for the development of his practical knowledge. With references to philosofers as Plato, Aristotle, H.G. Gadamer, Hannah Arendt, Dreyfus&amp;Dreyfus among others he discusses how the theory of practical knowledge can be used in describing the development of professional skill and professional ethics in a person being both curate and psychotherapist.

"Och du, Birgit, kan du inte virka eller läsa en bok?" : - En studie av genusnormer i samhällskunskapsböcker för grundskolans mellanstadium 1962-1977

Johansson, Monica January 2009 (has links)
Under 1960- och 1970-talen utvecklas svensk socialpolitik starkt och sysselsättningsgraden stiger markant. Allt fler kvinnor börjar lönearbeta och hemmafrubegreppet luckras upp och försvinner mer eller mindre på ett decennium. Begreppet jämställdhet etableras i den politiska debatten och introduceras även för första gången i läroplan för grundskolan 1969. Den här samhällsutvecklingen märks mycket tydligt i läromedlen för mellanstadiet och på bara drygt tio år sker en enorm förändring. Från att vara starkt präglade av hemmafruidealet samt tydligt normativa vad gäller särskiljandet på pojkars och flickors egenskaper och intressen, till att mer eller mindre vara helt könsneutrala vad gäller de arbeten, utbildningar och fritidsintressen som illustreras och beskrivs i läroböckerna. Ändå visar det sig att utvecklingen i läroböckerna är något släpande i förhållande till den samhällspolitiska utvecklingen i stort. Detta kan bero på att läromedel ofta har en lång produktionstid och således tenderar att hålla fast vid gamla normer och fördomar längre än vad den samtida samhällsdebatten anger.

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