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Black Fri-nay : En kvantitativ studie om konsumentbeteende kopplat till klädföretag som aktivt motsätter sig Black Friday-trenden / Black Fri-nay : A quantitative study of consumer behavior linked to clothing companies which actively oppose the Black Friday trendHögberg, Erik, Cedlöf, Tilda January 2020 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Black Friday slår årligen svenska försäljningsrekord men under de senaste åren har ett nytt fenomen observerats bland vissa klädföretag. Som en reaktion till den överkonsumtion och hållbarhetsproblematik som shoppinghögtiden för med sig har vissa företag börjat utföra ett aktivt avståndstagande mot Black Friday och andra shoppinghögtider och marknadsför sitt misstycke. Det är av intresse att se hur konsumenter, vilka är de som shoppinghögtider vänder sig till, ställer sig till dessa avståndstaganden och om de rent av kan ändra konsumenternas konsumtionsbeteende. SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga konsumentbeteendet kopplat till klädföretag som aktivt tar avstånd från shoppinghögtider som Black Friday genom uttalanden, försvårande av konsumtion eller annan sorts marknadsföring. Detta för att konstatera vilka effekter denna typ av avståndstagande kan ha på svenska konsumenter, deras köpbeteende och inställning till både konsumtion och företaget. GENOMFÖRANDE: En enkätundersökning har använts för att samla in data till studien och resulterade i svar från 245 respondenter. Statistiska samband mellan den beroende variabeln “Konsumtionsbeteende kopplat till grönt avståndstagande” och sju oberoende variabler har undersökts genom en multipel regressionsanalys. SLUTSATS: Studiens resultat menar på att en konsument som redan innan den stöter på ett grönt avståndstagande från ett företag ställer sig positivt till fenomenet, har en tidigare positiv inställning till både hållbar konsumtion och hållbar affärsutveckling samt litar på den hållbarhetsinformation hon blir marknadsförd uppvisar den största möjligheten att ändra sitt köpbeteende och börja konsumera mer av det avståndstagande företagets varor. / BACKGROUND: Black Friday hits new Swedish sales records every year but in the last years a new phenomenon has been observed among some clothing companies. In response to the overconsumption and sustainability problems that the shopping holiday brings with it, some companies have begun to actively distance themselves from Black Friday and other shopping holidays and market their displeasure. It is of interest to see how consumers, who are the target group of shopping holidays, react to these distancings and whether they can ultimately change the consumer behavior of consumers. PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to map consumer behavior associated with clothing companies that actively distance themselves from shopping holidays such as Black Friday through statements, consumption hinderance or other types of marketing. This is to ascertain which effects this type of distancing can have on Swedish consumers, their consumption behavior and attitudes towards both consumption and the distancing company. IMPLEMENTATION: A survey was used to collect data for the study and resulted in responses from 245 respondents. Statistical relationships between the dependent variable “Consumption behavior linked to green distancing” and seven independent variables have been examined through a multiple regression analysis. CONCLUSION: The results of the study point to the fact that a consumer who, even before experiencing the green distancing from a company, already supports the phenomenon, has a previously positive attitude to both sustainable consumption and sustainable business development, and trusts sustainability information he or she is marketed shows the strongest possibility to change his or her buying behavior and start consuming more of the distancing company’s products.
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Horské rekreační zařízení / Mountain Holiday ResortKobliška, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is a draft of a mountain holiday resort. The building is three-story, semi-basement and with one above-ground floor and attic. There are employee utility rooms and two social rooms with a bar in the basement. Five apartments with own bathroom and kitchenette are built in the two above-ground floors. The building is designed to be made of ceramic and concrete blocks with additional thermal insulation. The roof of the building is saddle with saddle dormers. The land for this new building is situated on a sloping terrain and is located in the western part of Modrava village. The thesis contains a documentary and drawing part and is processed as documentation for the execution of the construction.
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Stanovení výše pojistného plnění u chaty v Horních Loučkách poškozené pádem stromu / Determining the Amount of Indemnity in a Holiday House Damaged by a Fallen Tree in Horní LoučkySomogyi, Vanessa January 2019 (has links)
Subject of master’s thesis is determination of the amount of insurance benefits in a holiday house damaged by a fallen tree due to gale in Horní Loučky. The introductory part focuses on property valuation theory. It includes basic conecepts, legislation of property valuation and methods of valuation. Inseparable part of thesis is to outline the field of insurance and it´s procedures. Following part of master’s thesis contain own solution of this problematics. It determines default price of property valued, relative to three different time events. Default price is taken into account of building established by the analytical method. The determination of insurance benefits will be based on the itemized budget of the delivery and montage of newly replaced building construction. In part of analysing achieved results, we examine the impact of repairs made after damage on the value of the holiday house.
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Complejo Turístico Vitivinícola en Lunahuaná / Wine Tourism Center in LunahuanaSalinas Gamarra, Ernesto Andrés 09 August 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis consiste en la investigación y presentación del proyecto del “Complejo Turístico Vitivinícola en Lunahuaná”, en Cañete. Plantea llevar a cabo la infraestructura de una bodega vitivinícola y hotel que promuevan y difundan la vitivinicultura, invitando al poblador y al visitante a retomar contacto con una actividad rural, agrícola y cultural de dicha región. Además, se incluye el análisis territorial, los marcos conceptuales, históricos y referenciales para llevar a cabo la propuesta.
Se plantea reflexionar sobre las carencias y falta de infraestructura de calidad en Lunahuaná en cuanto a bodegas vitivinícolas se refiere, tomando como punto de partida el buen aprovechamiento del paisaje y el entorno geográfico que el lugar ofrece. Adaptándolo al terreno y brindando al usuario una experiencia completa y enriquecedora que otras bodegas poco sensibles al paisaje no ofrecen. / This thesis consists in the investigation and presentation of the project "Complejo Turístico Vitivinícola en Lunahuaná ", in Cañete. It is proposed to carry out an infrastructure of winery and boutique hotel that promotes and spreads the viticulture, inviting the villager and the visitor to a contact with a rural, agricultural and cultural activity of said region. In addition, it includes territorial analysis, conceptual frameworks, historical data and references to carry out the proposal.
It is proposed to reflect on the shortcomings and lack of quality infrastructure in Lunahuaná in terms of winery is concerned, taking as a starting point the good use of the landscape and the geographical environment that the place offers. Adapting it to the terrain and offering the user a complete and enriching experience that other wineries little sensitive to the landscape do not offer. / Tesis
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Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu rekreační a zahrádkářská chata v lokalitě obce Osová Bitýška / Comparison of Selected Methods of Valuation of Holiday Cottages and Garden Cottages in the Village of Osová BitýškaVojáčková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals at the beginning with the basic terms related with real estate appraisement, description of appreciated locality and description of individual appreciatment methods. In the practical part is described six holiday cottages in cottage area called Tři Dvory. The next their appraisement by using methods – according to regulations, cost method of valuation, the valuation by comparing the price and the valuation of substantive value, to compare choosen ways of valuation of property type holiday cottage in locality Osová Bítýška. The result will be valorization of appropriateness methods used for diferent types of valuation and their evaluation with the best method for choosen property type in the locality.
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Analýza vybraných způsobů ocenění nemovitostí typu rekreační a zahrádkářská chata v lokalitě Blansko a okolí / Analysis of Selected Methods of Valuation of Holiday Cottages and Garden Cottages in the Locality of Blansko and its SurroundingsDoskočil, Filip January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals at the beginnig part with the description of appreciated lokality, explanation of basic terms in real estate appraisement and description of valuation methods, that will be used in the practical part. The practical part deals with the description and valuation of six holiday cottages. In the final part of the thesis deals with the evaluation of the results the used methods and selecting the most suitable method for valuing holiday and gardening cottages in the area.
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Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu rekreační chata v lokalitě Hanušovice / Comparison of selected methods of valuation of a holiday cottage in the location of HanušoviceCejpková, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis, in its theoretical part, focuses on the basic concepts of the real estate valuations and the description of valuation methods followed by description of the selected locations. The practical part contains description of five specific objects of type Holliday Cottage in Hanušovice and then applies the valuation methods. In this work are used these valuation methods: - Awarding the comparative way according to valid Regulations - The expenditure method of valuation - Direct comparison method As a result will be an assessment of properties of the used methods and an evaluation of the most appropriate method for the type of property Holiday Cottage in this area.
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Letovisko Božkov. Příspěvek ke studiu proměn příměstské krajiny v době industrializace. / Summer resort Božkov. Contribution to study of transformation suburban landscape during the period of industrialization.Koubová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This degree work is devoted to the problems of recreational activities of Prague dwellers and interrelated change of the suburban landscape in the period of industrialisation. Particularly this work explores the period of 2nd half of 19th century and 1st decades of 20th century. In the theoretical part is briefly characterised the term industrialisation and relating term of the industrial revolution and further on this part is devoted to establishing and historical roots of recreational and leisure-time activities. The following chapter deals with the recreation in common in the period of industrialisation and relating particular chapter about the recreational activities of Prague dwellers in the explored periods. Theoretical part is concluded by the summary of scientifical study that explored the interwar Hradišťko summer resort. This study has served as an inspiration for the particular exploring mentioned in the empirical part of this work. This one is devoted to the conditions of the establishing and development of Prague- suburban Božkov summer resort in the interwar period. The conslusion of this work is devoted to genesis comparison of Hradišťko and Božkov summer resort.
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Cestovní ruch a cestování v 70. a 80. letech 20. století z perspektivy občanů ČSSR / Travel industry and travelling in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century from the perspective of Czechoslovak citizensFürstová, Dana January 2015 (has links)
The Master's thesis focuses on the phenomenon of travel from the perspective of Czechoslovak citizens who travelled to destinations offered by travel agencies, trade unions or their employers from the 1970s to 17th November 1989. The time span is defined by the memory of the living narrators, who can refer to their travel in adulthood. The economic and social situation is addressed in the first part of the thesis, followed by issues related to tourism. The main part consists of interpretation of biographical narratives focused on the phenomenon of travel. Synthesis of biographical exploration and acquired data can result in a personal as well as historic view of the travel phenomenon within the defined time span. Findings about travelling and travel industry are summarized at the end of this master's thesis with regard to the present. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Det var en lyckad semester! : Semesterfirande svenskars preferenser år 1938-1959 / It was a Great Vacation! : Preferences Among Swedish Holidaymakers 1938-1959Lewén, Aurora January 2011 (has links)
This licentiate thesis analyzes preferences among Swedish vacationers during the period of 1938-1959. The aim of the thesis is to closely examine these preferences in order to contribute to a more fully developed understanding of holiday-related consumption during the period. The thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the contents of the preferences and also analyzes the kind of consumption related to those preferences. The material on which this thesis is based consists of written recollections gathered from informants who, in response to a list of questions, described their own, past holiday experiences. An important overall result is that holidaymakers desired change. Informants sought contrast to their everyday lives. The strong desire for change had an impact on all areas of holidaymaking. Informants believed that the best way to relax was through a complete break from their ordinary lives. They appreciated meeting new people, being in new places and seeing different natural surroundings than what they encountered on a daily basis. All this meant that they needed to go away. Consequently, travelling was highly appreciated by the informants. The strong desire for change and the different expressions this took has not been fully understood before, nor has it been known that travelling was of such importance already at this time. That change and travel were such important aspects of holiday life provided strong incentives for consumption. A journey often required several modes of consumption, not only those that were directly travel-related. Travelling promoted consumption in a dynamic manner. / Licentiatuppsatsen gäller semesterfirande svenskars preferenser år 1938-1959. Uppsatsens syfte är att närmare undersöka preferenserna för att på så sätt bidra till en mer ingående förståelse av periodens semesterrelaterade konsumtion. En fördjupad analys görs av preferensernas innehåll. Dessutom analyseras vilken typ av konsumtion som kan knytas till preferenserna. Som material används nedskrivet minnesmaterial där informanter, även kallade meddelare, som svar på en frågelista redogör för egna, tidigare semestrar. Ett viktigt övergripande resultat är att semesterfirarna önskade omväxling. Det starka önskemålet om omväxling slog igenom på semesterns alla områden. Meddelarna ville ha kontrast till sina vardagliga liv. De menade vidare att de bäst fick vila genom att helt koppla av från sin vanliga vardag. De uppskattade att göra nya bekantskaper, att vistas på nya platser och i annan natur än den de såg till vardags. Allt detta innebar att de behövde åka iväg under semestern. Att resa var också mycket uppskattat bland informanterna. Det starka önskemålet om omväxling och de uttryck detta tog sig har inte varit känt tidigare, inte heller att uppskattningen av att resa var så stark redan vid den här tiden. Att omväxling och resa uppfattades som så viktiga i semesterlivet gav dessutom starka incitament till konsumtion. En resa krävde oftast flera slag av konsumtion. Resandet uppmuntrade dessutom till andra former av konsumtion än de direkt reserelaterade. Det är tydligt att det fanns en konsumtionsfrämjande dynamik i resandet. / Konsumtion och livsstilar i Sverige 1900-1965
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