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And here we are allowed to do it - An ethnographic field study about the role of the palliative care nurses in UgandaSchaepe, Christiane January 2009 (has links)
Palliativ vård – vård i livets slutskede – är inte prioriterat i tredje världen. I Uganda grundades 1993 Hospice Africa Uganda (HAU), ett hospice som var tänkt som modell för andra afrikanska länder. Här utbildas bl a sjuksköterskor som har rätt att skriva ut morfin och andra läkemedel efter en nio månader lång kurs. I den här etnografiska fältstudien används observationer, intervjuer och gruppintervjuer för att undersöka sjuksköterskan roll inom palliativ vård i Uganda. I studien deltar sammanlagt 20 sjuksköterskor som jobbar på HAU, Mulago hospital och studenter i palliativ vård-kursen på HAU. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskanS roll är mångfacetterad. Utöver förskrivning av läkemedel är deras roll att utföra vården holistisk, där de tar hänsyn till fysisk, psykosocial och andlig smärta. I sitt arbete möter de många utmaningar men de har även möjlighet att förbättra patientens livskvalitet. / Palliative care – end of life care – is not a priority in developing countries. In 1993 Hospice Africa Uganda (HAU) was founded and chosen as a model for other african counties. Among other things nurses are authorised to prescribe morphine and other palliative care drugs after undergoing a nine months clinical palliative care course at HAU. In this ethnographic field study observations, interviews and group interviews are used in order to explore the role of the palliative care nurse specialist in Uganda. In total there are 20 participants involved in this study, who are working at HAU, Mulago hospital and students from the clinical palliative care course. The result of the study reveal that the role of the palliative care nurse specialist is multifaceted. Beyond prescribing drugs their role is to deliver holistic care by taking into consideration the physical, psychosocial and spiritual pain patients and their family can have. They encounter many challenges in their work but they also have the possibility to improve the quality of the patients life.
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An Exploration of Inclusive Living for People Living with Intellectual Disabilities: A Case Study of Camphill Community Northern Ireland.Berndalen, Janay, Lewis, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This paper examines the Camphill Community in Glencraig, Northern Ireland, as a casestudy for inclusive living for individuals with intellectual disabilities. This allows anin-depth understanding of the principles and practices of inclusive living, for peoplewith intellectual disabilities. The study is targeted at a four-representative sample ofindividuals working within the Camphill Community. The empirical data was analyzedusing the theoretical frameworks of the social disability model, holistic theory, and thecommunity therapeutic model. The results identified several fundamental principles andpractices that promote inclusive living, including mutual respect and recognition of eachindividual's dignity and worth, mutual support and shared responsibility, person-centredcare, social inclusion and accessibility, community life and inclusion, life-sharingpractices, meaningful work, and inclusive education for individuals with disabilities.The paper highlights specific practices within each of these categories, such asaccessibility in interior and exterior spaces, social activities and events that fosterinclusion, and the practice of meaningful work. This includes the methodologies usedby the Camphill Community. The findings of this study have important implications forimproving the lives of people with disabilities and promoting inclusive living practices.
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Interactive Communication Tool / Interactive Communication ToolIlkova, Vanda January 2023 (has links)
This report presents a design project undertaken by a Design+Change student seeking to create apositive and holistic change through design. The thesis project focuses on thinking and designing through the perspective of care to promote well-being of students in higher education. My collaborator, EUniWell, has expressed the need to enhance university services to improve students' well-being. As a designer, I was motivated to improve those services by incorporating tangible, visual, and other elements to foster more engaging and effective conversations between students and counselors. The intention was to meet the needs of a variety of learners and design an interactive and inclusive counseling experience. During the design process, I have explored different interesting topics, such as how tangible objects can help us reflect upon thoughts and how incorporating creativity into counseling can help students explore their emotions and experiences. In collaboration with career counseling professionals, I identified a need for students to develop self-awareness in times of uncertainty. As a service designer, I used various design methods and prototypes to explore how tangibility can serve as guidance inbuilding self-awareness and resilience in student counseling in higher education. To test the effectiveness of my counseling tool, I collaborated with health and career counseling services at my university. The designed tool serves as a visualization technique to support conversation during sessions held in different counseling settings and potentially offers a structured approach to self-reflection, allowing students to explore themselves in a welcoming and supportive environment. It has the potential to be a valuable resource for students seeking to gain a better understanding of themselves and their experiences. The tool allows different learners to reflect, identify and utilize students' resources (strengths) which I consider vital not only for students' well-being but also resilience, which is necessary for coping with changing circumstances in this ever-changing world we live in.
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Career Development of Successful Indian football players : Analysis of Media MaterialsHirani, Akansha January 2023 (has links)
Objectives of the study were 1) To investigate patterns of career development of two successful Indian football through media analysis. 2) To identify factors of career success in male v/s female Indian football players. Methodology: This is a career development narrative study where media analysis was used. Two famous Indian football players (Aditi Chauhan and Sunil Chhetri) were chosen based on he/she had represented India at National and International level and had an extensive career of 15-20 years. As the players were not available to be interviewed, several types of media data were retrieved and analysed.Narrative thematic analysis and Holistic form structural analysis was performed for the stories of the players. Findings: within first analysis, seven career development themes were identified; how their interest got developed in sports, their entry into Indian football, their settlement into their football positions, international level exposures received by each, barriers experienced & sacrifices made by each, career difficulties v/s career incline, and their journey towards transition v/s retirement in their careers. Underlining the career stories, three factors (athletic, psychological, and psychosocial) were identified followed by five themes(planning & goal setting, routine, mindset of the player, motivation, and support system) and six subthemes (fitness & diet, growth, internal motivation, parents, and family) of perceived factors of career success of the footballers. Within second analysis, types of narratives were identified. For Aditi it was sink or swim narrative and for Sunil it was performance narrative. Discussion: Both stories reflected the positive side and negative side of sports. From the whole person and whole career approach three major athletic career stages came up for the athletes’ stories which was initiation, development, and discontinuation stages. Media data focussed on whole athlete and whole career approach where training, competitions, and personal life events got covered. Thus, suggested that perceived factors of success played a key role in career development of Indian football players.
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Akupunktur. Patienters upplevelser av alternativ behandling med akupunktur - en kvalitativ intervjustudieEriksson, Monika, Larsson, Elisabeth January 2011 (has links)
Användandet av alternativa behandlingsmetoder, däribland akupunktur, ökar i många länder. Enligt WHO ska varje medlemsland verka för en ökad integration mellan skolmedicin och komplementär- och alternativmedicin. Enligt Socialstyrelsen bör sjuksköterskor söka information och implementera ny kunskap i den skolmedicinska sjukvården. Syftet var att undersöka patienters upplevelser av att ha valt och erhållit alternativ behandling med akupunktur för sina besvär. Ansatsen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med narrativ metod där manifest innehållsanalys användes för analysen. Resultatet utmynnade i sju kategorier; 1)”otillräcklig vård och behandling” där informanterna uppgav att akupunkturen hjälpt mot besvär där sjukvården inte räckt till, 2) ”patientcentrerad holistisk syn” där informanterna upplevde sig satta i centrum först när de valt alternativ behandling med akupunktur, 3) ”önskan om integrerad vård” där samtliga informanter uttryckte önskan av integrering av akupunktur enligt traditionell kinesisk medicin i den skolmedicinska sjukvården, 4) ”känsla av trygghet” där informanterna uttryckte större trygghet i akupunktur utförd enligt traditionell kinesisk medicin med en utbildning och kunskap som ansågs djupare jämfört med akupunkturen inom sjukvården som kändes ytlig, 5) ”känsla av ökat välbefinnande” där samtliga informanter upplevde ökat fysiskt och psykiskt välbefinnande efter att ha erhållit akupunktur enligt traditionell kinesisk medicin, 6) ”ekonomisk fråga” där alternativ behandlingsmetod med akupunktur ansågs dyr och 7) ” attityder” där informanterna upplevde blandade attityder angående val av behandling. Sammanfattningsvis tyder resultatet på att det kan finnas ett behov av ökad integration mellan skolmedicin och komplementär- och alternativmedicin med fokus på akupunktur som ett komplement för att öka den enskilda individens valfrihet av behandlingsmetod. Fortsatt forskning om effekten av akupunktur enligt traditionell kinesisk medicin för olika besvär behövs för tyngre evidens inom ämnesområdet och erkännande inom skolmedicinen. / Use of alternative treatment, including acupuncture, has increased in many countries. According to WHO, each member country should work for an increased integration of complementary- and alternative medicine into school medicine. According to The National Board of Health and Welfare nurses should seek information and implement new knowledge within school medicine. The aim was to explore why people choose alternative treatment such as acupuncture and their experiences of it. The approach was an interview with narrative method and manifest content analysis was used for the analysis. The result generated into seven categories; 1) ”insufficient care and treatment” where the informants stated that acupuncture had helped them with their troubles when school medicine was insufficient, 2) “patient-centered holistic approach” where the informants experienced the feeling of being put in the centre first when they chose an alternative treatment with acupuncture, 3) “desire for integrated care” where all informants expressed a wish for integration of acupuncture according to Traditional Chinese Medicine within school medicine, 4) “sense of security” where the informants expressed a larger sense of security for acupuncture in accordance with Traditional Chinese Medicine due to the education and knowledge that was regarded as more profound than the acupuncture within school medicine which felt more superficial, 5) “feeling of increased wellbeing” where all informants experienced an increased sense of wellbeing, both physical and mental, after having received acupuncture in accordance with Traditional Chinese Medicine, 6) “financial matters” where alternative treatment of acupuncture was considered expensive, 7) “attitudes” where informants experienced mixed attitudes regarding their choice of treatment. In conclusion, the result shows that there may be a need for an increased integration between school medicine and the complementary- and alternative medicine, focusing on acupuncture, as a complement to increase individual freedom in choosing treatment. Continuous research regarding the effect of acupuncture according to Traditional Chinese Medicine for different troubles is needed for a greater evidence within in the subject area and recognition in school medicine.
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LIGHTING MASTER PLANFOR MARCHAMALOSALT FLATSGarcia Rodriguez, Raquel January 2019 (has links)
The Marchamalo salt flats, built in the 18th century, are located near Cabo de Palos, Murcia (Spain), in a hot spot area with constant pressures of tourism and urban speculation. The salt flats are currently abandoned, but its landscape and ecological value still subsist. This Thesis aims to develop a low impact lighting Master plan for Marchamalo salt flats in which a comprehensive analysis is relevant for the design project. A holistic analysis method is employed which considers three agents: “Space”, “Humans” and “Light” to which the factor “Flora & Fauna” was added since the original method was developed for an urban context while the salt flats are located in a natural protected area. Each agent is studied in depth, separately and the interrelations between them. Applying the interpretation of facts and data developed in the analysis and by means of alternative urban lighting solutions like phosphorescence, portable lamps and smart controls; a customised urban lighting design is proposed based on the salt flats identity, preservation of darkness, multi-sensorial experience of the realm and the reconnection with the sky and nature. The lighting proposal will also be the guiding thread to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the heritage in the Region of Murcia in general, taking as a particular example the case of Marchamalo salt flat.
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Agape: Love as the Foundation of Pedagogy and CurriculumSpooner, Holly S. 08 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Responding Objects – Poetic Design and Healing SpacesHjort, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Today's social climate and working environments expose us to excessive expectations and demands and more and more people are diagnosed with stress-related illnesses. My degree project is an investigation of poetic design, healing spaces and fatigue syndrome and the importance of adapted health care environments that strengthen treatment and recovery. My mother has fatigue syndrome, she has been ill for over six years, and she still has severe symptoms that probably never fully will go way. So, the purpose of this project is, on the one hand an attempt to get a deeper understanding of her situation, and on the other, to shed some light on this illness that is getting more and more common, especially amongst women. Research shows that spending time in nature has healing effects for those with mental illness. Using my definition of poetic design as a method, I have transposed qualities of nature into an indoor environment that reconnects to humans deep and genetic relationship to nature. I am proposing a new type of health care space with a much-needed holistic approach. Focus is on treatments such as mindfulness, basal body awareness and yin yoga as well as different kinds of therapy and activities in a space close to nature. A holistic space including a garden, an indoor space and a piece of furniture that are designed to respond to the non-measurable and invisible symptoms of fatigue syndrome.
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EVALUATION OF HOLISTIC FACE PROCESSINGKonar, Yaroslav January 2012 (has links)
<p>Holistic processing has been deemed a crucial part of human face processing. There are three tasks that are indexes of holistic processing and each is used by many researchers for the purposes of demonstrating that either their participants have intact holistic processing or that holistic processing is impaired or missing. The tasks that demonstrate holistic processing are the face inversion, composite face, and the whole-part tasks. In this dissertation, I evaluate the hypothesis that holistic processing is important for face identification. A secondary hypothesis that is evaluated is whether the three indexes of holistic processing are related and whether they are tapping the same underlying process. Chapter 2 tests the first hypothesis in a large group of young adults and shows that the composite face effect (an index of holistic processing) is not related to accuracy on two identification tasks. Chapter 3 tested both hypotheses and showed that none of the holistic indexes are related to one another and they are unrelated to face identification accuracy. In Chapter 4, a large group of older adults are tested on the composite face task and a face identification task, similar to Experiment 2 from Chapter 2. Unlike the results for young adults, older adults show a significant positive correlation between the composite face effect and identification accuracy even though older adults perform worse on the identification task.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Direito material coletivo: uma proposta de sistematização jus-filosófica / The community material law: a proposal for a legal-philosophical systematizationCerullo, Alexandre 20 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-20 / This study aims at introducing the community material law in a
systematic way and at showing given its nature and particularities it is part of the
Brazilian legal system along with the private and public laws, being established as a
new branch of law.
Thus, this justifies the study due to the need of examining the new
Brazilian legal system and to the lack of systematization of the new branch,
disclosing common points of the main legislations it comprises, forming a sole body.
As a backdrop, the event surveyed takes into consideration the
breaking of paradigms and the deficiency of the private and public laws in protecting
goods, and collective rights. At the forefront, it proposes and indicates particularities
of the community material law that best meet the responses expected by the
community that, also due to their nature, are not similar to those of the individuals
and the State. Based on that, they become cohesive and are better tools to meet
their needs, qualifying it as a new branch of law.
The theoretical-methodological procedure proposes its systematization
by using the holistic theory of law (holistic philosophy) and shows that the current
paradigm is not based on linear or reductionist theories, but that all the social
problems faced by the science of law are part of a sole issue: human life s
sustainability. This is why the private and public laws are regarded for linear or
reductionist questions, and the community material law is regarded as a new branch
of law, with unique qualities for holistic matters.
Then, the major pieces of collective legislation are examined and
compared with the previous paradigms and the current one. The evolution is
analyzed as well as an attempt is made in order to categorize the new branch of law.
In conclusion, we observe that the community material law complements the
Brazilian legal system, forming a trilogy with the private and public laws / O objetivo desse estudo é apresentar sistematicamente o direito material
coletivo e, por sua natureza e particularidades, demonstrar que compõe o
ordenamento jurídico brasileiro ao lado do direito privado e do público, como novo
ramo do direito.
Com a inserção do direito material coletivo, justifica-se esse estudo frente
à necessidade de examinar a nova ordem jurídica brasileira e pela carência de
sistematização desse novo ramo do direito, ainda que nos moldes aqui propostos,
que desvende pontos comuns das principais legislações que o compõem, formando
um só corpo.
A hipótese pesquisada, em plano de fundo, considera a quebra de
paradigmas e a insuficiência do direito privado e do público na tutela de bens e
direitos coletivos. No plano principal, propõe e indica particularidades do direito
material coletivo que melhor atendam às respostas exigidas pela coletividade que,
também pela sua natureza, não se assemelham àquelas do particular ou do Estado.
A partir daí, se tornam coesas e melhor servem de instrumentos para atender às
suas necessidades, qualificando-o como novo ramo do direito.
O procedimento teórico-metodológico propõe sua sistematização
utilizando a teoria holística do direito (filosofia holística) e demonstra que o atual
paradigma não está fundado em teorias lineares ou reducionistas, mas todos os
problemas sociais a serem enfrentados pela ciência do direito fazem parte de um
único problema, a sustentabilidade da vida humana. Daí consideraremos o direito
privado e o público para as questões lineares ou reducionistas e o direito material
coletivo, como novo ramo do direito, com predicados ímpares, para as holísticas.
Em seguida, faz-se exame dos principais diplomas legais coletivos,
confrontando-os com os paradigmas anteriores e o atual, sua evolução e busca seu
enquadramento no novo ramo do direito e, concluindo, verifica-se que o direito
material coletivo vem complementar o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, compondo
uma trilogia com o direito privado e o público
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