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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le langage préfabriqué en français parlé L2 : Étude acquisitionnelle et comparative

Forsberg, Fanny January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study investigates the use of formulaic language in spoken French produced by native and non-native speakers. It aims at describing the development of formulaic sequences in learners ranging from beginners to very advanced users. It draws on data from the InterFra corpus, which includes both formal and semi-formal learners. Four measures are used to characterize this development: extent of formulaic language used, category distribution, type / token ratio and frequency of types. </p><p>It has been shown that a user’s knowledge of formulaic sequences impacts heavily on language proficiency and idiomaticity. Because these sequences follow neither grammatical nor lexical rules, they constitute the last threshold for advanced L2 learners. In second language acquisition, the term formulaic sequence not only applies to strict idiomatic constructions, but it is also used to refer to sequences that appear to be acquired in a holistic manner during the first phases of acquisition. A categorization is therefore proposed that can account for native and non-native usage of formulaic sequences (prefabs). Five categories of prefabs are included: Lexical, Grammatical, Discourse, Situational and Idiosyncratic. </p><p>The extent of a learner’s use of formulaic language increases as the learner progresses, the largest amount found in the production of native speakers and very advanced learners. The learner’s distribution of categories moves towards native speaker distribution, albeit slowly. Situational and Idiosyncratic prefabs are found to characterize the early phases of acquisition, while Lexical prefabs are mastered later and are a major difficulty for L2 learners. Only very advanced learners who have spent considerable time in France produce the same proportion of Lexical prefabs as native speakers. Discourse prefabs constitute the most important category for all groups, including natives and non-natives. It can therefore be postulated that the main function of formulaic sequences in spoken French is that of discourse structuring and speech management. The development and use of formulaic language is explained within a framework of Frequency Effects. Coupled with other factors, frequency can account for why Lexical prefabs are hard to acquire and why formulaic sequences take a long time to master.</p> / The thesis is published and can be purchased by Peter Lang http://www.peterlang.com/index.cfm?vID=11369&vLang=E&vHR=1&vUR=1&vUUR=38

宗教與世俗教育的衝突與妥協~以聖約翰科技大學為例 / Conflict and Compromise between Religion and Secular Education~ a Case Study on the establishment of St. John's University

陳玉海, Chen,Y.H.Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的大學院校中,有近十分之一的學校具有基督宗教的傳統,他們或由宗教團體創辦,或由基督徒個人所辦理,這些具有宗教背景的院校在創辦過程中因台灣社會的特殊政經情勢,而面臨不同的挑戰,聖約翰科技大學(前新埔工專)亦為其中一所,該校於一九六七年創辦,當時為這些教會學校中唯一的工業專科學校,至今仍為科技導向的唯一大學,因此本文乃以社會學家韋伯(Weber,Max )論及《宗教拒世的階段與方向》中,宗教與世俗世界的衝突的本質性分析,探討該校在創辦歷程中,所遭遇的挑戰,以理解宗教與政治、經濟、知性在教育的場域中,所呈現的衝突與妥協的關係,以及行動者以如何的行動倫理承擔宗教與世俗之間的張力。 該校乃由台灣聖公會主導創辦,並由上海聖約翰大學、聖瑪利亞女校在台校友協助辦理,本文先追溯聖公會在中國大陸的教育事業發展,後詳述該校從倡議至創建後五年為止的過程,以及該校所形塑的學生人格教育、教學特色與宗教教育發展,最後論及創辦該校對台灣聖公會的影響,以上資料均由歷史文獻及與相關人士訪談蒐集之。 研究顯示,宗教團體透過教育機構來宣揚教義與接觸民眾,是基於知性的認知活動與宗教的內在意義上有相當的相似性而起,但教育機構自成立後,就會發展出自行運作的法則,追求有利於自身發展的知性追求與組織架構,不斷生產出擁護世俗價值的校友與由校友獲取的現世利益,並且回饋到學校自身,且宗教團體辦校因威脅民族自尊與神格化的政治領袖,而國家也試圖透過軍訓管理的手段掌控教育機構,宗教遂成為政治的競爭者。由於學校成為獲利並強化世俗價值的工具,違背了宗教遠離世俗財富的原則,學校經費來源逐漸依賴於學費與校友的捐款,也讓學校以基於供需原則的經濟理性為思考,以上均取代了宗教的建立普遍性同胞愛關係的原則,於是產生衝突。 然而教育機構自成立後,便透過校友的回饋形成自給自足的固有法則,為延續其生命而努力,而宗教面臨以暴力為後盾的政治力量也必須歸順之,同時若沒有配合政府的經濟發展的需要及校友的資金投入,宗教團體也無法繼續擁有一個穩定的宣教場域,因此宗教必須妥協於教育、政治、經濟的力量,才得以存活。 / About one-tenth of universities in Taiwan have a Christianity background; they are established by religious groups or individuals. These religious schools face different challenges at founding due to the distinctive social, economical and political status of Taiwan. St. John’s University (Former Hsin-Pu College of Technology) is one of these schools. It was founded in 1967 and till now it is still the only university of technology founded by religious groups. With the basis of the sociologist, Weber, Max’s theory and “Religious Rejections of the World and Their Directions", this article inspects the obstacles this school has met at its founding stage due to the conflicts between politics and religion, In order to find out the conflict and compromise relationship of religious, political, economic, and cognitive aspects in the education field and how action takers bear religious and secular based tensions by taking ethical actions. Hsin-Pu College of Technology was founded by Taiwan Episcopal Church with the assistance of Shanghai St. John’s University and St. Mary’s collage alumni in Taiwan. This article first discusses Episcopal Church’s effort in school founding in China, then investigates general and religious education of St. John’s University. Finally, this article probes into the effects of St. John’s establishment on Taiwan Episcopal Church. Data is collected through historical literatures and interviews with related individuals. Research indicates that religious groups, through ways of educational institutions establishment, aims to propagate religion. However, the establishment of education institutions will aid in the development of self-operating principles while in search for cognitive and organization structures beneficial for self-developments. Alumnae that support the secular values continue to be cultivated. Alumnae acquires spiritual or material benefits in this world will also contribute to the school. Moreover, religious groups that have established schools are often viewed as threats to national pride and godhood of political leaders, the government often attempts to monitor education institutions through military management. Religion therefore becomes a rival of politics. Schools become tools of profit and drift away from their original aim to promote religion because they need to meet economical needs which rely on tuitions and donations. After establishment, these religious educational institutions rely on alumni recompense. Also, in order to survive, these religious educational institutions often have to submit to the brute force from the politics. Religious groups cannot ensure stable preaching environments without cooperating with the government’s economic development needs, and funding from alumnae. Thus, religion must find a way to compromise with the force of education, politics, and economy for survival.

Sjuksköterskors beskrivningar av att befrämja hälsa hos patienter med schizofreni : En intervjustudie / Promoting health in patients with schizophrenia: Nurse`s descriptions : An interview study

Hedén Seger, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Too Cool for School : En kvantitativ studie om studierelaterad problematik bland gymnasieelever och deras inställning inför studierna - ur ett helhetsperspektiv

Andersson, Johanna, Landin Andersson, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka gymnasieelever i årskurs tre och deras motivation till att prioritera sina studier och prestera väl i skolan, samt undersöka vad som kan bidra till problematiken kring att vissa gymnasieelever inte är motiverade till att prioritera sina studier och prestera väl i skolan. Ett visst fokus riktas mot gymnasieelevers alkohol- och narkotikaanvändning, med syftet att undersöka huruvida detta samspelar med bristande studiemotivation. Studien utgår från tidigare forskning på området, vilken fastslår att det existerar ett samband mellan studierelaterad problematik och alkohol- och narkotikaanvändning, samt att andra omkringliggande aspekter i elevers liv kan vara avgörande för studierelaterad problematik och ungas användning av alkohol och narkotika. Tidigare forskning har, tillsammans med vårt teoretiska ramverk hjälpt oss att analysera och diskutera studiens resultat. Det teoretiska ramverket består av ett helhetsperspektiv och andra teoretiska begrepp som KASAM (känsla av sammanhang), gruppkultur, subkultur och avvikande beteende. För att uppnå studiens syfte har vi antagit en kvantitativ ansats och inhämtat vårt empiriska material via en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Vår data har genomgått sambandsanalyser med hjälp av Chi2-test, t-test och variansanalys (ANOVA). Studiens resultat visar att de flesta gymnasieelever sällan är motiverade att gå till skolan på morgonen och spenderar under 30 minuter om dagen på studier utöver skoltid. Samtidigt är det övervägande många som anser att det är av vikt att prestera väl i skolan. De flesta elever skolkar minst någon gång per termin och då på grund av en allmän skoltrötthet. Resultatet visar även att det finns ett samband mellan elevers omgivning och deras studiesituation. Vänners vanor kring skolk återspeglas exempelvis i hur ofta eleven själv skolkar. Detsamma gäller för elevens användning av alkohol och narkotika. Avslutningsvis visar också studiens resultat att det finns samband mellan alkoholanvändning (i vissa fall), cannabisanvändning (i de flesta fallen) och studierelaterad problematik.

Le sida au Togo : enjeux éthiques et théologiques / HIV/AIDS in Togo : ethical and theological challenges

Bitassa, Waguena Urbain 22 June 2017 (has links)
Le sida représente un défi pour l’humanité, comme le montre l’engagement des gouvernements et des organisations internationales. La lutte contre le VIH/SIDA reste à la croisée des chemins, eu égard à ses enjeux spécifiques et aux différentes sphères d’intervention : Etat-Eglise-ONG/Associations. L'enquête sociologique menée au Togo, s'est révélée un outil indispensable de questionnement préalable et de source de réflexion. La présente étude explore certains facteurs mêlant des intérêts et des conflits entre les différents protagonistes. Qu’en est-il du malade lui-même ? Au delà des stratégies de prévention et de prise en charge, une alliance multiforme, thérapeutique, institutionnelle explore un nouveau chemin. L’auteur ouvre des pistes pour une plus grande efficacité du travail des acteurs concernés initiant des lieux de dialogue et une vraie réflexion sur les nœuds éthiques et théologiques de la lutte contre le sida. La prise en charge insuffisante des malades impose aux acteurs une vision holistique de la personne en lien avec ses besoins fondamentaux. / HIV/AIDS is still a serious challenge for humanity as evinced by the commitment of Governments and International Organizations. The fight against it conjures many actors, given the specific challenges it poses and the different spheres of intervention it requires. This study explores the ambivalent interweaving of interests and conflicts among the different protagonists. What about the sick in all these? The sociological study carried out in Togo proved to be an indispensable source of reflection on the subject. Beyond strategies of prevention and care, this study proposes forming multifaceted - therapeutic and institutional - alliances as a new way forward. For the highest level of efficiency on the part of actors, the author proposes: initiating centers of dialogue and undertaking a true reflection on the knotty ethical and theological issues in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Inadequacies in the present system of care warrants a new holistic vision of the human person in line with all fundamental human needs.

A utilização da abordagem holística em administração: um estudo interpretativo das práticas gerenciais das empresas integrantes da Bolsa de Valores, mercadorias e futuros de São Paulo - BM&FBovespa - Brasil / Using the holistic approach in management: a interpretives study of managerial practices of \'novo mercado\' members of securities, commodities and futures exchange of San Pablo - BM&FBovespa - Brazil

Marins, Crounel 10 April 2015 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivos identificar indícios de uma abordagem holística nas práticas gerenciais das empresas, contribuir para a construção de um modelo com características holísticas para orientar o delineamento de práticas gerenciais, e classificar as empresas pesquisadas quanto ao estágio de institucionalização da utilização de elementos da abordagem holística em suas práticas. O holismo, já conhecido na Antiguidade, teve um significado moderno dado pelo pensador e estadista sul-africano J. C. Smuts, através da obra Holism and Evolution, de 1926. Para ele, holismo é um fator que orienta a evolução de todo o Universo, com a formação de estruturas que só podem ser devidamente tratadas como totalidades, numa sequência que começa com a matéria e a vida, passando pela personalidade humana, até chegar às organizações supra-individuais e aos sistemas de valores humanos. Epistemologicamente, o holismo é contraposto ao reducionismo, quer seja nas Ciências Naturais (atomismo), quanto nas Ciências Sociais (individualismo). Após Smuts, vários autores trataram do holismo, com diferentes propósitos, entre eles Quine (1951), Weil (1991), Esfeld (2001) e Descombes (2014). Em relação à Administração, Savory (1999), aborda o holismo com foco na questão ambiental. No Brasil, Almada et al (2004), Aligleri et al (2008), Cunha e Corrêa (2010), entre outros, com focos em atividades administrativas diversas, fizeram considerações que remetem à visão holística por parte da gestão, que consiste em enxergar totalidades, dentre as quais a própria empresa é uma delas, bem como as conexões que ligam estas totalidades. A pesquisa, qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva, utilizou a abordagem interpretativista, pela qual o pesquisador busca compreender uma realidade, que possui aspectos objetivos e subjetivos. As 20 empresas pesquisadas foram retiradas de amostra aleatória entre as empresas pertencentes do Novo Mercado da BM&FBovespa, que possuem requisitos mais rígidos quanto às práticas de Governança Corporativa. Os dados foram retirados dos relatórios anuais de atuação e de outros documentos disponibilizados nos sites das empresas, sendo constituídos por informações gerais, mais as práticas gerenciais orientadas para a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade social corporativa. A Teoria da Institucionalização forneceu critérios para classificar as empresas nos vários estágios de institucionalização do uso de elementos da abordagem holísticas em suas práticas. Para esta classificação, foi necessário construir um primeiro modelo, ou protótipo, para avaliação holística, visto não ser encontrado, nas teorias analisadas, modelo que pudesse ser utilizado. Este protótipo, o primeiro resultado da pesquisa, foi elaborado contrastando princípios holísticos, deduzidos da obra de Smuts, com a Teoria dos Sistemas, Teoria da Complexidade e Cibernética, mais a Teoria dos Stakeholders. Feitas as análises das práticas e as considerações finais para as empresas, observou-se uma alocação com grande homogeneidade pelos estágios citados, permitindo que se coloque como hipótese a ser testada em futuros estudos, que as empresas apresentam, no seu conjunto, uma trajetória de evolução no que concerne à visão holística de suas atividades e atuações na sociedade. Também foram observados mecanismos de evolução diferenciados e fatores limitantes para esta evolução. Finalmente, foi possível apresentar, através de deduções baseadas nos dados e nas teorias, também como hipótese a ser testada, que as empresas podem alcançar ganhos em diversas dimensões, ao utilizar uma abordagem holística nas suas práticas. Este estudo ajuda a cobrir uma lacuna importante das teorias administrativas modernas, qual seja, lidar com um mundo complexo, com ferramentais racionais, sem destruir o que caracteriza esta complexidade, a natureza holística da realidade. / This thesis aimed to identify evidence of a holistic approach in the managerial practices of companies, contribute to the construction of a model with holistic characteristics to guide the design of managerial practices, and classify companies in regards to the the institutionalization stage of the use of elements of holistic approach in their practices. Holism has ancient roots, but its modern meaning was defined by South African thinker and statesman J.C. Smuts, in his book Holism and Evolution, published in 1926. Smuts considers holism as a factor that guides the evolution of the entire universe, with the formation of structures that can only be properly treated as wholes , in a sequence which starts with matter and life, continues through human personality, and finally reaches supra-individual organizations and human value systems. In epistemological terms, holism opposes reductionism, be it in Natural Sciences (atomism), and in Social Sciences (individualism). After Smuts, several authors explored holism, such as Quine (1951), Weil (1991), Esfeld (2001) and Descombes (2014). In regards to Administration, Savory (1999) approaches holism with particular focus on environmental issues. In Brazil, Almada et al (2004), Aligleri et al (2008), Cunha e Corrêa (2010), among others, with focus in different administrative activities, have made allusions which explore holistic approaches in management, such as viewing the companies as totalities, as well as the connections between those totalities. This qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research utilized an interpretative approach, which helped the researcher understand a reality which contains objective as well as subjective aspects. Twenty companies were researched, chosen randomly among companies within the Novo Mercado segment of the BM&F Bovespa (São Paulo Stock Exchange), which has strict corporate rules. Data was collected in the companies\' annual reports and other documents available in the companies\' websites. Information collected was not restricted to general data about the companies, but also included managerial practices, sustainability and corporate and social responsibility. The Theory of Institutionalization provided criteria to classify companies, in various stages of institutionalization, in regards to the use of holistic approach in their practices. In order to obtain this classification, it was necessary to build a model, or prototype for holistic evaluation, as no such model had been found in previous studies. This prototype, the first result of the research, was built through comparisons between holistic principles, taken from the work of Smuts, with the Theory of Systems, the Theory of Cybernetics and Complexity, and the Theory of Stakeholders. After careful analysis of the companies\' practices, the research suggests that future studies should include an evaluation of the companies\' holistic approach of their activities and social endeavors. Also observed were different evolution mechanisms and factors that could limit this evolution. Finally, it was possible to present, based on deductions on data and theories, a hypothesis to be tested that companies can benefit by utilizing holistic approach in their practices. This study fills an important void in modern business theories, helping companies deal with a complex world using rational tools, which do not harm the complexity of the holistic nature of reality.

Ansiktsigenkänning: Effekter av kort- och långtidsretention

Lindman, Oskar, Lövdahl, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Igenkänning av ansikten har främst undersökts i form av korttidsretention. Via sådan forskning har det kunnat påvisas att människor generellt har en bättre förmåga till igenkänning av ansikten jämfört med visuella stimulus av liknande komplexitet. Det har även påvisats effekter av extraversion och kön på förmågan att känna igen ansikten. Denna studie undersökte långtidsretention av ansikten och detta i relation till extraversion och kön. Utöver detta undersökte studien relationen mellan igenkänning av ansikten och annat visuellt stimulus (hundar). Detta studerades genom en experimentell inomgruppsdesign där deltagarna utförde ett datorbaserat igenkänningstest direkt och 24 timmar efter inlärning. Extraversion mättes med självskattningsformuläret Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI R). Studien inkluderade 51 deltagare (31 kvinnor, 19 män, en icke-binär, M = 27.69 år). Resultaten visade en fördel för igenkänning av ansikten, men kunde inte påvisa någon skillnad i nedgång stimulusen emellan. Vidare visade resultaten en signifikant stimulus × kön interaktion, där kvinnor presterade bättre än män på igenkänning av ansikten men inte på igenkänning av hundar. En effekt av extraversion hittades enbart i extremgrupperna på kontinuumet extraversion. Slutligen visade studien att det inte fanns något signifikant samband mellan prestation på igenkänning av hundar och ansikten vid det första testtillfället. I studien diskuteras implikationerna ett holistiskt processande verkar ha på inlärning men inte på minneskonsolidering över tid. Studien belyser också brister i tidigare studier som undersökt extraversion i relation till ansiktsigenkänning och fördjupar sig i eventuella orsaker till uppmätta könsskillnader. / Face-recognition has foremost been studied with a focus on short-term retention. This research has concluded that in general people are a better in recognizing faces in comparison to recognition of stimuli with matching complexity. Studies have also shown that extraversion and sex affect face-recognition ability. This study investigated long-term memory retention of faces in relation to extraversion and sex. In addition, this study explored the relationship between recognition of faces, and another visual stimulus (dogs). This was conducted by using an experimental within-subjects-design in which the participants performed a computer-based recognition-test both immediately after the study phase, as well as 24 hours later. Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI R) was used to measure extraversion. The study had 51 participants (31 women, 19 men, one non-binary, M = 27.69 years). The results showed an advantage in recognition of faces but failed to show a difference in decline between stimuli. There was a stimulus × sex interaction, where women showed an advantage compared to men in recognition of faces but not regarding recognition of dogs. Extraversion was shown to have an effect on the performance only when the most and least extraverted was compared. Finally, there was no relationship between face-recognition and recognition of dogs in the short-term retention test. The study highlights shortcomings in earlier studies investigating extraversion in relation to face recognition and discusses possible reasons for the obtained sex differences. The study also discusses whether holistic processing is implicated in learning, but not with respect to long-term memory consolidation.

A educação estética através da Música no segundo setênio: aproximações entre Rudolf Steiner e Émile Jaques-Dalcroze / The aesthetic education through Music at the second period of child (from 7 to 14 years old): approach between Rudolf Steiner and Émile Jaques-Dalcroze

Nicoletti, Daniela Amaral Rodrigues 12 December 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa discute as contribuições do pensamento filosófico-estético e pedagógico de Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) e da Rítmica de Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865-1950) para os processos de ensino-aprendizagem em Música no contexto escolar, especialmente no período compreendido entre 7 e 14 anos de idade. A partir da pesquisa bibliográfica dos textos de ambos os autores, abarcando conferências, publicações e artigos, o trabalho consistiu, primeiramente, em sintetizar alguns conceitos fundamentais para a Antroposofia, ciência do espírito que Rudolf Steiner elaborou no início do século XX, como ampliação do campo de conhecimento das ciências naturais. Steiner adota a cosmovisão de Goethe e Schiller, bem como seu método cognitivo contemplativo, como alternativa ao materialismo mecanicista do pensamento cartesiano. O estudo revela a correspondência entre os pensamentos de Rudolf Steiner e Émile Jaques-Dalcroze em muitos aspectos, comprovando a hipótese da possibilidade de um fecundo diálogo e mútua complementação entre os dois contemporâneos. Dalcroze, em sentido inverso ao de Steiner, parte da observação e da intuição sobre sua experiência prática como docente de Música, compositor e intérprete, para a elaboração de uma filosofia estético-pedagógica. Dalcroze criou a Rítmica como um método ou um caminho para o desenvolvimento de uma escuta criativa, com o corpo inteiro, encontrando a musicalidade na expressão gestual e no movimento corporal. Ambos os autores apresentam uma concepção expandida de ritmo como princípio que urde toda a vida e toda arte, essencial a todo o processo educativo. Eles ainda trazem múltiplas contribuições importantes para a reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica em Música na atualidade, especialmente no tangente à arte de educar pelo ritmo, em que a improvisação e o aspecto lúdico potencializam a expressão criativa em aula. A dialética entre liberdade e estrutura, integrando escuta e corpo pela respiração e o movimento, e a concepção integrada das artes, como processos estésicos e poiéticos complexos, estendem a sua importância à apreciação dos repertórios modernos e pós-modernos na Educação Musical contemporânea. / This research discusses the contributions of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner\'s (1861-1925) philosophical, aesthetic and pedagogical thought and of Austrian-Swiss musician, composer and music educator Émile Jaques-Dalcroze\'s (1865-1950) Eurythmics to the Music teaching-learning process in elementary and secondary school, especially concerning children between 7 and 14 years of age. Based on bibliographical research comprehending original texts - papers and books - and conferences, this work aims at, first of all, providing a synthesis of some concepts that are fundamental to Anthroposophy - a spiritual science founded by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the XXth. century and intended to be an expansion of natural science\'s scope of knowledge. Steiner adopts Goethe\'s and Schiller\'s artistic cosmovision and their cognition method, founded on contemplative observation of nature, as an alternative for the mechanical philosophy of Cartesian materialism. The study shows the many matching aspects of Steiner\'s and Dalcroze\'s thoughts, showing that it is possible to establish a prolific and mutual complementary dialogue between these two contemporaries, given that the latter followed the inverse path of the former toward his aesthetic and pedagogical philosophy, taking as starting point an intuitive approach of his own practical experience as Music teacher, composer and performer. Dalcroze created the Eurhytmics as a method or way to develop creative listening with the whole body, finding musicality in gestural expression and body movement. Both authors present an expanded conception of rhythm as the essence of life, that which unites all the arts and should be a component of every educational process. They also bring great contributions to the consciousness about pedagogical practices in Music at present, specially concerning the art of education through rhythm, taking improvisation and its playful nature as resources to enhance the creative expression in class. The dialectics between freedom and structure, integrating listening to the body as a whole through breathing and movement, as well as their integrated conception of Arts as a complex aesthetic and poetic process expand its importance toward the appreciation of modern and postmodern repertoires in the contemporary Musical Education.

As “medicinas heréticas” e o holismo francês na primeira metade do século XX / ‘Heretical medicines’ and French holism in the first half of the twentieth century

Thomaz, Luciana Costa Lima 25 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-11-22T13:00:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Costa Lima-Thomaz.pdf: 8687977 bytes, checksum: 54cb7b48c29fd380301c6acd9e33e539 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-22T13:00:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Costa Lima-Thomaz.pdf: 8687977 bytes, checksum: 54cb7b48c29fd380301c6acd9e33e539 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Along the first decades of the twentieth century European and North American doctors became increasingly interested in medical practices rated heterodox and that overall sought to develop a more humane approach to medicine. Later on such practices became known as holistic, for their attempt to take all aspects of human beings into consideration. In France, that movement gained particular momentum in the interwar period and acquired peculiar features that distinguished it from the rest of Europe, Germany in particular, where medical holism was firmly consolidated by that time. Several of the most outstanding French holistic doctors coauthored a book entitled Médecine officielle et médecines hérétiques, published in 1945. This book can be seen as a manifesto against the contemporary official medicine, which according to the authors had surrendered to the evils of the modern civilization. Taking that book as point of departure, our analysis sought to understand the epistemological dialogue established between the holistic and the official medicines within the context circumscribed by the main lines of thought in the beginning of the twentieth century / Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, desenvolveu-se no cenário médico europeu e norte-americano um maior interesse por práticas médicas consideradas heterodoxas, que visavam, acima de tudo, uma medicina mais humanista. Posteriormente foram qualificadas como abordagens holísticas, por terem uma visão integradora dos diversos aspectos do ser humano. Na França, esse movimento apresentou um impulso maior no período entreguerras, com características próprias que o diferenciaram do restante da Europa, especialmente da Alemanha, onde o holismo médico encontrava-se bem consolidado no mesmo período. Em 1945 foi publicada a obra Médecine officielle et médecines hérétiques, reunindo personalidades importantes do holismo médico francês. A obra constituiu um manifesto frente à medicina da época, que, segundo os autores, necessitava de humanização, pois estava rendida aos males da modernidade. Nossa análise, apoiada nessa mesma obra, visa compreender o diálogo epistemológico entre a medicina holística e a hegemônica naquele período, dentro do contexto traçado pelas principais linhas de pensamento do início do século XX

Career Challenges and Coping Strategies of Swedish Elite Show Jumpers : A mixed-methods study / Svenska elithoppryttares karriärutmaningar och coping strategier : En studie med mixad metod

Reveny, Stephanie, Stafverfeldt, Elvira January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine perceived challenges and coping strategies of Swedish elite show jumpers from the holistic perspective. A mixed-methodology was used with a dominant qualitative design and a supportive quantitative design. Semi-structured interviews based on the holistic athletic career model and two surveys developed from the qualitative results were used to collect the data. The participants of the study were 5 Swedish elite show jumpers between the age of 24-29 (M=26.4, SD=2.06). The qualitative findings resulted in two category profiles of perceived challenges and use of coping strategies. The quantitative findings resulted in two individual profile for each participant. The findings identified five higher order themes of perceived challenges (psychological, financial, psycho-social, athletic and vocational) and three higher order themes of coping strategies (social support, problemfocused coping and emotion-focused coping). The individual profiles showed both similar patterns and individual nuances between the participants. Major challenges for the equestrians were financial, injuries and dealing with identity foreclosure. This study represents an effort to highlight the challenges met and coping strategies used by equestrians on elite level, to prevent ineffective coping and negative consequences such as a premature dropout. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka svenska elithoppryttares upplevda utmaningar och coping strategier utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv. En mixad metod användes med en dominant kvalitativ design och en stödjande kvantitativ design. Semistrukturerade intervjuer baserade på den holistiska karriärutvecklingsmodellen samt två enkäter utvecklade ur det kvalitativa resultatet användes för att samla in data. Deltagarna i studien utgjordes av 5 svenska elithoppryttare i åldrarna 24-29 (M=26.4, SD=2.06). Det kvalitativa resultatet gav två kategoriprofiler av upplevda utmaningar och användandet av coping strategier. Det kvantitativa resultatet gav två individuella profiler för varje deltagare. Resultatet identifierade fem överordnade teman av upplevda utmaningar (psykologiska, finansiella, psyko-sociala, idrottsliga och yrkesmässiga) och tre överordnade teman av coping strategier (socialt stöd, problemfokuserad coping och emotionsfokuserad coping). De individuella profilerna visade både liknande mönster samt individuella nyanser mellan deltagarna. De största utmaningarna för ryttarna var finansiella, skador och att hantera en sluten idrottsidentitet. Denna studie representerar ett försök till att belysa vilka utmaningar och coping strategier som används av ryttare på elitnivå, för att undvika ineffektiv coping och negativa konsekvenser så som ofrivilligt avslut av idrottskarriär.

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