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Addressing difficulties with change, transition and progression in life: HBLUTM as an effective treatment for phobiasSchurian, Mare 22 July 2014 (has links)
Change cannot be denied and it is constantly prevalent in our external and internal worlds. How we adapt to change has an important impact on our lives as it can define the quality of our lives. I, the researcher, am interested in people’s change, how change affects people and how I can help them to progress fast and effectively.
Therefore the aims of this qualitative study are: 1) to introduce an alternative way to view phobias, and to 2) examine the effectiveness of an Energy Psychology method, HBLUTM, in the detection and resolution of phobias in the context of change, transition and/or progression. This study's findings confirm the wide-ranging effect the HBLUTM simple phobia treatment had on the 10 participants and suggests that the HBLUTM simple phobia protocol was successfully implemented to treat all the participants, thereby relieving them of their phobias of change or transition / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Personcentrerad vård till personer med demenssjukdom : Utifrån ett sjuksköterskeperspektivKy, Helen, Gustafsschiöld, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har visat att demenssjukdom kan ge en känsla av förlust och kamp. Det påverkar inte bara personens livskvalitet och framtidsplaner, utan även närstående. I denna komplexa situation uppger närstående vikten av empatisk förståelse från sjukvården. Därför har sjuksköterskor en viktig roll att finnas där för alla involverade parter och förhålla sig utifrån ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Problem: Brister i kommunikationen mellan personer med demenssjukdom och sjuksköterskor leder till ett mindre personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av personcentrerad vård till personer med demenssjukdom. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt utfördes med tio utvalda artiklar som beskrev sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av personcentrerad vård till personer med demenssjukdom. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor beskrev personcentrerad vård som svår att utföra på grund av tidsbrist. Andra faktorer som kunde påverka det personcentrerade förhållningssättet var brist på kunskap som ledde till vidtagande av andra åtgärder. En längre arbetslivserfarenhet och en högre ålder på deltagarna visade att det hade inverkan på om sjuksköterskor arbetade personcentrerat eller inte. Slutsats: Tiden är av betydelse för att sjuksköterskor ska kunna använda ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt till personer med demenssjukdom. Arbetslivserfarenhet samt kunskap och utbildning är två andra faktorer som spelar roll för att personen med demenssjukdom ska kunna bli sedd som en helhet. / Background: Earlier research shows that dementia can give a feeling of loss and struggle. It doesn’t only affect the person’s life quality and future plans, it can also affect the relatives of the person. In this complex situation the relatives experience that an empathic appreciation from health care is important. Therefor the nurse’s presence and person-centered approach has a central role to be there for all the involved parties. Problem: Lack in communication between persons with dementia and nurses can lead to a less person-centered approach. Aim: To describe nurses experiences of person-centered care to persons with dementia.Method: A general literature review that includes 10 articles describing nurse’s experiences of person-centered care to persons with dementia. Result: Nurses described personcentered care as something difficult to approach because of lack of time. Other elements that could affect the person-centered approach was lack of knowledge. This made nurses take advantage of other actions. Greater work experiences and a higher age of the participants showed if nurses used a person-centered approach or not. Conclusion: When applying person-centered care to persons with dementia time is of greatest importance to the nurse.Work experience, knowledge and education are other elements that will matter to the person with dementia to be seen as an entirety.
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Hållbar utveckling – hur ser pedagogerna på det? : En kvalitativ undersökning om förskolepedagogernas arbete med hållbar utveckling i förskolanToma, Andreea Lavinia January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study is to take a closer look at how certified preschool teachers integrate sustainable development in their daily work with children, and to gain a perspective into the teachers’ level of awareness regarding sustainable development. Drawing from a sociocultural perspective with elements of holistic learning methods, the present study is focused on interviews conducted by e-mail with preschool teachers from two different preschools located in suburban Stockholm. One of these preschools works more with sustainable development than the other, being enrolled in the Grön Flagg programme. The results from the semi structured interviews show that there are subtle differences in how teachers at the two preschools view and work with sustainable development. Teachers from the Grön Flagg preschool have more knowledge when it comes to integrating sustainable development. However, further studies are needed to gain a broader view into how preschool teachers gain this knowledge, whether it be in their workplaces or somewhere else. This study shows that working in a preschool that focuses on sustainability could generally increase teachers’ knowledge of and interest in sustainable development in their work with children.
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Sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till komplementär och alternativmedicin : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses views on complementary and alternative medicine : A literature reviewRutz, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Komplementär och alternativmedicin (KAM) är ett samlingsbegrepp för tusentals olika metoder och terapier som mestadels eller delvis står utanför den konventionella etablerade vården. De senaste årtiondena har KAM blivit en allt vanligare inslag i människors liv. Vårdpersonal möter KAM i sitt jobb antingen för att man integrerat metoder eller för att de möter patienter som använder KAM. WHO har uppmärksammat betydelsen av KAM som komplement till konventionell vård och menar att KAM bör bli en självklar del inom den etablerade vården. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till KAM. Metod: Metoden är en litteraturöversikt. Artiklar söktes i tre databaser och 14 vetenskapliga originalartiklar valdes ut till resultatet, tio kvantitativa, två kvalitativa och en två med mixad metod. Artiklarna analyserades enligt Forsberg och Wengströms (2015) analys i fem steg. Resultat: Resultatet utmynnade i fyra teman som var: KAM som en väg till holistisk vård, KAM som ett viktigt komplement till konventionell vård, Efterfrågan på kunskap och utbildning och Patientsäkerhet och efterfrågan på evidens. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna upplever KAM som ett komplement till konventionell vård, då det bidrar till en mer holistisk vård. Det finns dock en bristande kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om KAM, som skulle kunna kompletteras med mer utbildning. Efterfrågan på mer evidens framkom också. / Background: Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) is a generic term for thousands of methods that for the most part or partly is practiced outside of conventional care. The latest decades CAM has seen an upswing and have become more common in the everyday life of people. Caregivers encounter CAM in their job either because CAM have been integrated or because of that they meet patients that use CAM. WHO has brought up the significance of CAM as a complement to conventional care and claim that CAM should become a given part within the established healthcare. Aim: The aim was to examine nurses’ approach to CAM. Method: The method is a literary review. Articles was searched in three databases and 14 scientific articles were selected, ten of quantitative design, two of qualitative design and two with a mixed methods design. The articles were analyzed according to Forsberg and Wengströms (2015) analysis in five steps. Results: The results were summarized in four themes that was: CAM as a way to holistic healthcare, CAM as an important complement to conventional healthcare, A demand for knowledge and education and Patient safety and a demand for more evidence. Conclusion: The nurses perceive CAM as a complement to conventional care, as it contributes to a holistic healthcare. However, there is a lack of knowledge of among nurses about CAM that could be supplemented with more training. There is a need for more evidence and research.
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Studentidrottares upplevelse av att studera vid ett riksidrottsuniversitetAllmark, Jill, Thelin, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka studentidrottares upplevelse av att kombinera studier påakademisk nivå med elitidrott på ett Riksidrottsuniversitet. Specifikt undersöktesstudentidrottare som inte hade någon koppling till en elitmiljö, det vill säga studentidrottaresom elitsatsade men vars idrottsförbund inte hade ett samverkansavtal med lärosätet. I studiendeltog 12 intervjupersoner, fördelat på sex kvinnor och sex män i åldrarna 19–30 (M=22.83,S=2.88). Studien använde en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på den Holistiskakarriärutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019) och Karriärövergångsmodellen (Stambulova,2003). Resultatet klassificerades in i fyra kategorier; studentidrottares upplevda krav,barriärer, resurser och copingstrategier. Resultatet påvisade att det största kravet somdeltagarna upplevde var att de måste försörja sig ekonomiskt i form av studielån eller attarbeta parallellt med kombinationen, detta kunde medföra en stor stress för deltagarna. Denfrämsta barriären deltagarna upplevde var bristande stöd från lärosätet samt att de upplevdeatt studierna och idrotten blev lidande då de inte kunde prestera lika framgångsrikt i båda,vilket kunde medföra en känsla av otillräcklighet. Vidare upplevde deltagarna att socialstöttning från tränare, familj och vänner var den främsta resursen för att underlätta ikombinationen. Planering var studentidrottarnas mest använda copingstrategi för att hanterakraven i en dubbel karriär. / The purpose of the study was to investigate student athlete's experiences of studying at aNational Sport University in Sweden. Specifically, student athletes who had no connection toan elite environment were investigated, that is, student athletes who are elite athletes butwhose sports associations did not have a collaboration agreement with the university. Thestudy included 12 interviewees, divided into six women and six men aged 19–30 (M = 22.83,S = 2.88). The study used a semi-structured interview guide based on The Holistic AthleticCareer Model (Wylleman, 2019) and The Athletic Career Transition Model (Stambulova,2003). The result was classified into four main categories; student athlete's perceiveddemands, barriers, resources and coping strategies. The result showed that the biggestdemand that the participants experienced was that they had to support themselves financiallyin terms of student loans or working in parallel with the combination, this could cause a greatdeal of stress for the participants. The main barrier the participants experienced was a lack ofsupport from the university and that they felt that the studies and the sport were suffering asthey could not perform equally successfully in both, which could cause a feeling ofinadequacy. Furthermore, the participants felt that social support from coaches, family andfriends was the primary resource for facilitating the combination. Planning was the studentathletes' most used coping strategy to handle the demands of a dual career.
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Omforma - Forskning genom design – en undersökning om omformning av oanvända produkter i hemmetHollsten, Kajsa January 2019 (has links)
Våra hem fylls med produkter baserade på behov och önskemål och användningenav produkterna avtar efter en kortare tid då behovet att ersätta produkterna mednya känns lockande. Samhället är byggt för att avfallssystemet skall kunna ta övervåra produkter som vi inte längre använder.Den här studien undersöker hur man genom design kan uppmuntra till attanvända befintliga produkter i hemmet som man tröttnat på genom att omformadem. Studien stödjs av teoretiska grunder såsom hållbar utveckling, cirkulärekonomi, emotionell design, redesign och kritisk design. Empirin bestod avpilotstudie och semistrukturerade intervjuer med studiens målgrupp, som ärmiljömedvetna med en strävan efter en mer hållbar livsstil och som inte är direkttrendsökare.En omformning av en befintlig produkt studeras genom redesign sommålsättning för ett mer hållbart designförslag. Kritisk design som ett perspektivdiskuterar hur samhällets linjära ekonomi bör utvecklas och yrkesrollens kontextskulle kunna se ut i ett fiktivt, holistiskt system. Syftet är att förebygga ersättandetav nya produkter när man tröttnat på dem genom omformning av en befintligprodukt eller att produkter hamnar i avfallstrappan.Studiens slutsats visar ett alternativt designförslag genom prototyp i skala 1:1av en omformning av en befintlig klädställning, som respondent tröttnat på i sitthem. Designförslaget med en strävan mot ett mer hållbart alternativ som kan genytt liv till produkten och med hopp om återanvändning. Detta sker främst genompersonlig design som designinriktning, som är baserat på användarens uppfattningoch tycke. Ett fiktivt system presenteras i studiens diskussions del genom kritiskdesign och som även framför för hur studiens designförslag kan appliceras i ettstörre system. / Our homes are filled with products based on needs and desires and the useof the products decreases after a shorter period of time, when the need to replacethe products with new ones feels attractive. Society is built to allow the wastesystem to take over our products that we no longer use.This study examines how, through design, you can encourage the use ofexisting products in the home that you are tired of by reshaping them. The study issupported on theoretical grounds such as sustainable development, circulareconomics, emotional design, redesign and critical design. The empirical studyconsisted of a pilot study and semi-structured interviews with the study's targetgroup, who are environmentally conscious with a desire for a more sustainablelifestyle and who are not directly trendsetters.A redesign of an existing product is studied through redesign as the goalof a more sustainable design proposal. Critical design as a perspective discusseshow the linear economy of society should develop and the context of theprofessional role could look like in a fictional, holistic system. The purpose is toprevent the replacement of new products when they are tired of them by reshapingan existing product or that products fall into the waste staircase.The study's conclusion shows an alternative design proposal through a 1: 1scale prototype of a reshaping of an existing clothing rack, which the respondenttired of in his home. The design proposal with a quest for a more sustainablealternative that can give new life to the product and with the hope of reuse. This ismainly done through personal design as a design orientation, which is based onthe user's perception and liking. A holistic, fictitious system is presented throughcritical design that is part of the study discussion that also forms the basis for howthe study's design proposals can be applied in a circular system.
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How Educators Use Dogs to Support Children's Social, Emotional, and Behavioral DevelopmentRoberts-Schneider, Michelle Renee 01 January 2016 (has links)
Children's undeveloped social, emotional, and behavioral skills have long been a concern in early childhood classrooms. Numerous studies have illuminated how therapy dogs in pedagogical settings support children's holistic development, yet there is scant data on the integration of therapy dogs into the early childhood classroom. This study was guided by the progressive education theory and the concept of the human-animal bond, which collectively lay the foundation for how young children develop critical life skills in the presence of a therapy dog. A qualitative collective case study was used to examine how 3 early childhood educators used therapy dogs and viewed the support these dogs provide for the social, emotional, and behavioral development of children. Two educators from three Indiana public schools and 1 educator from an Indiana independent early education program participated in semi-structured interviews on their use of therapy animals in early childhood classrooms. Classroom observations, children's artifacts, and researcher field notes were used to triangulate the data. A within-case analysis was conducted for each site, followed by a cross-case analysis for comparisons and generalizations. Three themes resulted: a therapy dog (a) is an innovative teaching tool; (b) supports children's social, emotional, and behavioral development; and (c) enhances children's experiences. It is expected that these findings may give program administrators and early childhood educators the mechanics of effective therapy dog practices. Knowing the mechanics of therapy dog usage in the classroom and understanding the potential outcomes for young children, administrators and educators could build on this process, develop a more effective plan for their own program, or opt out of a therapy dog program entirely.
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Emotional-Social Intelligence: Development During Online and On-Campus Holistic Healthcare ProgramsBoute, Bradley J. 01 January 2017 (has links)
As with traditional healthcare providers, emotional-social intelligence (ESI) plays a role in the holistic practitioner-client relationship. It is important to determine if students in holistic healthcare programs increase their ESI, and subsequently better serve their clients. The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental study was to determine if online education can develop students' ESI at levels similar to that of traditional programs. This study is based on the theory of ESI and transformative learning theory. The sample consisted of 95 students in an online program and 61 in a traditional program. Multiple linear regression, ANCOVA, and Pearson Correlation's were used to explore the relationships between the independent variables professional standing, program delivery method, program progress, and number of classes with elements consistent with transformative learning theory, and the dependent variable emotional-social intelligence, as measured by the EQ-i 2.0 survey. The results of the study revealed no significant differences in the development of ESI between online and traditional methodologies, except within the self-expression category, for which online was higher. The number of transformative classes taken had no effect on the dependent variable. The positive social change implications of this study include a better understanding of the development of ESI for holistic healthcare, which could lead to a greater potential for success, as well as being better able to contribute to the stability of their communities through meeting the needs of those seeking their services. In addition, determining the relationship between transformative theories of learning and ESI development may assist in creating courses better suited to increasing students' ESI.
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Background: Person-centred care is a care model that favors the whole person to be seen, not only the disease. Caring person-centred means giving time and listening the patient about their health problems. This promotes the patients’ involvement in their care and that the care is based on the patients’ story. Patients and relatives experience that receiving insufficient time and information about the patient’s state of health makes person-centred care downgraded. Aim: To describe nurses' experiences of providing person-centred care. Method: Qualitative literature study with descriptive synthesis where eleven caring science articles used for result analysis. Results: Nurses experienced that the relationship with patients and the right conditions for person-centred care were basics for caring person-centred. Seeing the person behind the patient and motivating patients’ participation enabled a person-centred approach. Collaborating with colleagues, devoting more time to patients and personal conditions were both an opportunity and an obstacle to provide a person-centred caring. Conclusion: Seeing the person behind the patient and making patients involved is central in caring person-centred. It also requires the right conditions such as extra time, knowledge and functional cooperation for providing appropriate person-centred care. / Bakgrund: Personcentrerad vård är en vård som möjliggör att hela personen ses, inte bara sjukdomen. Att vårda personcentrerat innebär att ge tid till och lyssna på patienter om sitt hälsoproblem. Detta leder till patientdelaktighet och till att vården utgår från patientensberättelsen. Patienter och anhöriga upplever att de inte får tillräcklig med tid och information om patientens hälsotillstånd, vilket gör att personcentrerad vård kan bli nedprioriterad. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge personcentrerad vård. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie med beskrivande syntes där elva vårdvetenskapliga artiklar användes till resultatanalys. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor erfor att relationen till patienter och rätt förutsättningar för personcentrerad vård var grunden till att kunna ge personcentrerad vård. Att se personen bakom patienten och motivera patientdeltagande i sin egen vård möjliggjorde personcentrerat arbetssätt. Att samarbeta med kollegor, ägna mer tid till patienter och personliga förutsättningar var både möjlighet och hinder för att vårda utifrån personcentrerat arbetssätt. Slutsats: Att se personen bakom patienten och göra patienter delaktiga i sin vård är centralt för att kunna vårda personcentrerat. Det krävs även rätt förutsättningar så som mer tid, kunskap och fungerande samarbete för att kunna ge adekvat personcentrerad vård.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa analisa a dificuldade que os alunos de Faculdades de Design de
Moda do Rio de Janeiro demonstram na transposição das representações mentais
(ideia) para a representação real (desenho), redundando em um produto final, a
roupa, desvinculado da representação mental inicial. Nossa hipótese é a de que a
maioria carece de experimentar com reflexão, de perceber o todo e as partes que o
constituem, de ser incentivado a explorar e desenvolver suas competências,
ampliando suas habilidades, desenvolvendo uma visão holística do processo do
Design de Moda. O ponto de partida deste estudo foi a experiência da autora, em
sala de aula, fazendo uso da observação, da investigação e da identificação, a partir
de pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevista e questionário, dos fatores que impedem o
trânsito livre no processo de construção de uma roupa. Assim, o objetivo é propor
subsídios facilitadores a partir de uma metodologia que visa propiciar a autonomia
e consequente liberdade do aluno em um processo que envolve a Prática aliada à
Teoria, na tríade proposta: ideia – desenho – produto, à luz do ver, do perceber e
do construir. Tendo como suporte a aplicação de algumas técnicas artísticas, a partir
de constante experimentação, buscou-se promover, num primeiro momento, a
liberação de aspectos que bloqueiam a criatividade e que ampliam a visão espacial.
Concluímos também que é necessário desenvolver conhecimentos de técnicas/arte
de Modelagem, de Desenho Técnico, de Costura, que influenciarão na
materialização da ideia, representada no Desenho/Ilustração de Moda. / [en] This research analyzes the difficulty that students from Faculties of Fashion
Design in Rio de Janeiro demonstrate in transposing mental representations (idea)
to real representation (drawing), resulting in a final product, clothing, unrelated to
the initial mental representation. Our hypothesis is that the majority needs to
experiment with reflection, to perceive the whole and the parts that constitute it, to
be encouraged to explore and develop their skills, expanding their skills, developing
a holistic view of the Fashion Design process. The starting point of this study was
the author s experience, in the classroom, making use of observation, investigation
and identification, from bibliographic research, interview and questionnaire, of the
factors that prevent free transit in the process of building a clothes. Thus, the
objective is to propose facilitating subsidies based on a methodology that aims to
provide the student s autonomy and consequent freedom in a process that involves
Practice allied to Theory, in the proposed triad: idea - design - product, in the light
of seeing, of perceiving and building. Based on the application of some artistic
techniques, based on constant experimentation, we sought to promote, at first, the
release of aspects that block creativity and expand the spatial view. We also
concluded that it is necessary to develop knowledge of techniques / art in Modeling,
Technical Drawing, Sewing, which will influence the materialization of the idea,
represented in Fashion Design / Illustration.
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