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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sherlock Holmes versus otec Brown, dvojí pojetí žánru / Sherlock Holmes versus Father Brown - two conceptions of the genre

HÁJKOVÁ, Barbora January 2007 (has links)
this diploma thesis compares and contrasts the works of two different classics of the detective genre. Not only does it describe two different literary characters and their detective methods, but it also explores how the fiction is influenced by the attitudes and experiences of the very authors, i.e. A.C.Doyle and G.K.Chesterton. Besides comparing different thematic features, attention is also given to literary method and style.

Den postmoderna Sherlock Holmes : En klassisk detektiv i en konspirationsthriller

Schunnesson, Helle January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine the British television series Sherlock with a genre and narration analysis and to examine how the classic detective genre has developed in terms of narration and to connect it with changes in the contemporary society. The main questions are how the material coincide and differentiate with the original genre the classic detective story as well as the postmodern genre the conspiracy thriller. The methods used are genre and narrative analysis in an attempt to position the narrative of the material within the detective story genres traditional narrative. The analysis is based on functionalist theory about the functions of media texts, genre and narrative theory as well as postmodern theory. The premise is the view on texts as symbolic actions, and the hermeneutic task to disclose that symbolism. The findings of the paper is that Sherlock contain a high amount of intertextuality and join both the classic detective and the conspiracy thriller. The evolution of the genre can be accredited to changes in society’s conflicts and ideals, which in the modern era of the classic detective were questions of class society, a new judicial system and the decline of organized religion and in contemporary society are questions of globalization, infinite networks and conspiracies.

Genusnormer i barn- och ungdomslitteratur på mellanstadiet : – En analys av Enola Holmes och kidnappningsmysteriet, samt Enola Holmes och den försvunna flickan

Karlsson, Ellen, Ångerud, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar Nancy Springers böcker Enola Holmes och kidnappningsmysteriet (2018) och Enola Holmes och den försvunna flickan (2019). Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur genus skildras i barnlitteratur, utifrån två barn- och ungdomsböcker utläses hur dessa representerar respektive skiljer sig från traditionella genusnormer. Samt hur dessa böcker kan användas som pedagogiska redskap i undervisning om genus. Detta är en genusanalys som använder sig av en kvalitativ textanalys. Analysen visar att det finns kvinnliga karaktärer som är genusbrytande i Enola Holmes böckerna, där huvudkaraktären är den litterära personen som bryter mot genusnormer mest. Dock visar analysen också att det inte finns några tydligt genusbrytande manliga karaktärer i böckerna. Vidare diskuteras denna saknad av normbrytande manliga karaktärer och dess konsekvenser för undervisning och böckerna i sig.

Not So Elementary: An Examination of Trends in a Century of Sherlock Holmes Adaptations

Camp, Nathan 05 1900 (has links)
This study examines changes over time in 40 different Sherlock Holmes films and 39 television series and movies spanning from 1900 to 2017. Quantitative observations were mixed with a qualitative examination. Perceptions of law enforcement became more positive over time, the types of crime did not vary, and representation of race and gender improved over time with incrementally positive changes in the representation of queer, mentally ill, and physically handicapped individuals. The exact nature of these trends is discussed. Additionally, the trends of different decades are explored and compared. Sherlock Holmes is mostly used as a vehicle for storytelling rather than for the salacious crimes that he solves, making the identification of perceptions of crime in different decades difficult. The reasons for why different Sherlock Holmes projects were created in different eras and for different purposes are discussed.

Entreprenörskapets oskrivna berättelser : En studie om utvecklingen av idén om en affärsidé

Gröhn, John Henrik, Eriksson, Stefan January 2016 (has links)
De produkter och tjänster som syns ute på marknaden är oftast resultatet av en lång berättelse i entreprenörskapets rum. I entreprenörskapsrummet sker ett samspel mellan människor vilket gör att varje inblandad person har en egen förståelse för vad som har hänt i denna utvecklingsprocess. Den här studien ämnar undersöka och öka förståelsenför de händelser som har utspelat sig innan ett erbjudande har blivit redo för marknaden, detta genom att de involverade personerna får återge sin egen berättelse. Studien undersöker ett nystartat fallföretag som håller på att utveckla sin affärsidé. I uppsatsen presenteras studien och dess utförande i form av en berättelse där Sherlock Holmes och dr Watson har huvudrollerna. Vi utgår från ett konstruktionistiskt synsätt och ett abduktivt angreppssätt har tillämpats. Vi ser att människor identifierar möjligheter utifrån deras unika bakgrund som även formar deras motiv. Motiven ger oss en inblick ivarför och hur samspelet mellan idé och människor sker. / The products and services available on the market are often the result of a long story in the entrepreneurship discourse. When practicing entrepreneurship people interact with each other, thus every person involved has its own understanding of what has occurredduring the development process. The aim of this study is to examine and deepen our understanding of the events before an offer is ready for the market; this by letting the involved persons tell their own story. The study examines a case of a startup company which is currently developing its business idea. In the thesis the study and its execution is presented in the form of a story starring Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Constructionism and an abductive method are applied. Finally we can see that people identify opportunities based on their unique background which also forms their motive. The motives give us an insight in why and how the interaction between idea and people is played out.

The role of adaptations in the reconfiguration of Dr. John Watson within the Sherlock Holmes canon

Carli, Eduarda de January 2017 (has links)
As histórias de Sherlock Holmes cativam inúmeros leitores desde que o primeiro romance foi publicado em 1887 pelo autor escocês Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As aventuras vividas pelo grande detetive Sherlock Holmes e seu companheiro Dr. John Watson têm sido adaptadas para outras mídias desde 1890, e épocas diferentes apresentam diferentes interpretações das personagens. Duas das mais recentes adaptações televisivas, Sherlock (2010 –), da BBC, e Elementary (2012 –), da CBS, se passam na contemporaneidade, inspirando uma reconfiguração das personagens, principalmente a de John Watson, considerando o fato de que ele não é mais o principal narrador das histórias na mídia audiovisual – o narrador fílmico é quem cumpre esse papel –, abrindo novas possibilidades para os papéis da personagem. Tais possibilidades motivam esta dissertação, que propõe um estudo da caracterização da personagem literária nos romances Um estudo em vermelho (1887) e O cão dos Baskerville (1902), para então considerar sua nova caracterização nas duas séries televisivas mencionadas acima. O trabalho, portanto, está dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro apresenta uma introdução ao autor e a relação com sua própria obra, além de um panorama histórico das adaptações fílmicas e televisivas, enfatizando as caracterizações de Watson nelas. O segundo apresenta as teorias que alicerçam a análise, particularmente a narratologia literária de Mieke Bal (2009), a narratologia fílmica de Peter Verstraten (2009), e as considerações de Jason Mittell (2015) acerca da personagem televisiva. Os capítulos três e quatro trazem as análises dos romances e séries de televisão respectivamente, focando nas (re)configurações da personagem Watson. Ao final deste trabalho, esperamos ter contribuído para um aprofundamento e diversificação dos estudos de personagem a partir de referenciais narratológicos, linha de estudos pouco desenvolvida, especialmente no Brasil. Da mesma forma, pretendemos demonstrar como adaptações televisivas exploram e amplificam o papel de personagens-narradoras, dando a elas e a outras personagens mais autonomia na obra audiovisual. / The Sherlock Holmes stories have captivated innumerous readers since the first novel was published in 1887 by Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The adventures lived by the Great Detective Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. John Watson have been adapted to other media from as early as 1890, and different times present different portrayals of the characters. Two of the latest television adaptations, BBC’s Sherlock (2010 –) and CBS’s Elementary (2012 –), are set in contemporary times, inspiring a reconfiguration of the characters, especially John Watson, considering the fact that he is not the main narrator of the stories in the audiovisual medium – the filmic narrator fulfills that function –, opening new possibilities for the character’s roles. These possibilities motivate this thesis, and we propose a study of the characterization of the literary character in the novels A Study in Scarlet (1887) and The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), so that we can consider the new Watson’s characterization in the two television series aforementioned. Therefore, the thesis is divided into four chapters. The first presents an introduction to the author and his relation to his own work, along with a historical overview of film and television adaptations, emphasizing Watson’s characterization. The second presents the theoretical framework of the analyses, particularly the literary narratology as proposed by Mieke Bal (2009), film narratology as proposed by Peter Verstraten (2009), and Jason Mittell’s (2015) considerations about television characters. Chapters three and four are dedicated to the analyses of the novels and television series respectively, focusing on Watson’s (re)configurations. By the end of this work, we hope to have contributed to the further development and diversification of character studies with the use of narratological references, an undeveloped line of studies, especially in Brazil. In addition, we hope to demonstrate how television adaptations explore and amplify the role of character-narrators, giving them and other characters more autonomy in the audiovisual work.

The role of adaptations in the reconfiguration of Dr. John Watson within the Sherlock Holmes canon

Carli, Eduarda de January 2017 (has links)
As histórias de Sherlock Holmes cativam inúmeros leitores desde que o primeiro romance foi publicado em 1887 pelo autor escocês Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As aventuras vividas pelo grande detetive Sherlock Holmes e seu companheiro Dr. John Watson têm sido adaptadas para outras mídias desde 1890, e épocas diferentes apresentam diferentes interpretações das personagens. Duas das mais recentes adaptações televisivas, Sherlock (2010 –), da BBC, e Elementary (2012 –), da CBS, se passam na contemporaneidade, inspirando uma reconfiguração das personagens, principalmente a de John Watson, considerando o fato de que ele não é mais o principal narrador das histórias na mídia audiovisual – o narrador fílmico é quem cumpre esse papel –, abrindo novas possibilidades para os papéis da personagem. Tais possibilidades motivam esta dissertação, que propõe um estudo da caracterização da personagem literária nos romances Um estudo em vermelho (1887) e O cão dos Baskerville (1902), para então considerar sua nova caracterização nas duas séries televisivas mencionadas acima. O trabalho, portanto, está dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro apresenta uma introdução ao autor e a relação com sua própria obra, além de um panorama histórico das adaptações fílmicas e televisivas, enfatizando as caracterizações de Watson nelas. O segundo apresenta as teorias que alicerçam a análise, particularmente a narratologia literária de Mieke Bal (2009), a narratologia fílmica de Peter Verstraten (2009), e as considerações de Jason Mittell (2015) acerca da personagem televisiva. Os capítulos três e quatro trazem as análises dos romances e séries de televisão respectivamente, focando nas (re)configurações da personagem Watson. Ao final deste trabalho, esperamos ter contribuído para um aprofundamento e diversificação dos estudos de personagem a partir de referenciais narratológicos, linha de estudos pouco desenvolvida, especialmente no Brasil. Da mesma forma, pretendemos demonstrar como adaptações televisivas exploram e amplificam o papel de personagens-narradoras, dando a elas e a outras personagens mais autonomia na obra audiovisual. / The Sherlock Holmes stories have captivated innumerous readers since the first novel was published in 1887 by Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The adventures lived by the Great Detective Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. John Watson have been adapted to other media from as early as 1890, and different times present different portrayals of the characters. Two of the latest television adaptations, BBC’s Sherlock (2010 –) and CBS’s Elementary (2012 –), are set in contemporary times, inspiring a reconfiguration of the characters, especially John Watson, considering the fact that he is not the main narrator of the stories in the audiovisual medium – the filmic narrator fulfills that function –, opening new possibilities for the character’s roles. These possibilities motivate this thesis, and we propose a study of the characterization of the literary character in the novels A Study in Scarlet (1887) and The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), so that we can consider the new Watson’s characterization in the two television series aforementioned. Therefore, the thesis is divided into four chapters. The first presents an introduction to the author and his relation to his own work, along with a historical overview of film and television adaptations, emphasizing Watson’s characterization. The second presents the theoretical framework of the analyses, particularly the literary narratology as proposed by Mieke Bal (2009), film narratology as proposed by Peter Verstraten (2009), and Jason Mittell’s (2015) considerations about television characters. Chapters three and four are dedicated to the analyses of the novels and television series respectively, focusing on Watson’s (re)configurations. By the end of this work, we hope to have contributed to the further development and diversification of character studies with the use of narratological references, an undeveloped line of studies, especially in Brazil. In addition, we hope to demonstrate how television adaptations explore and amplify the role of character-narrators, giving them and other characters more autonomy in the audiovisual work.

The role of adaptations in the reconfiguration of Dr. John Watson within the Sherlock Holmes canon

Carli, Eduarda de January 2017 (has links)
As histórias de Sherlock Holmes cativam inúmeros leitores desde que o primeiro romance foi publicado em 1887 pelo autor escocês Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As aventuras vividas pelo grande detetive Sherlock Holmes e seu companheiro Dr. John Watson têm sido adaptadas para outras mídias desde 1890, e épocas diferentes apresentam diferentes interpretações das personagens. Duas das mais recentes adaptações televisivas, Sherlock (2010 –), da BBC, e Elementary (2012 –), da CBS, se passam na contemporaneidade, inspirando uma reconfiguração das personagens, principalmente a de John Watson, considerando o fato de que ele não é mais o principal narrador das histórias na mídia audiovisual – o narrador fílmico é quem cumpre esse papel –, abrindo novas possibilidades para os papéis da personagem. Tais possibilidades motivam esta dissertação, que propõe um estudo da caracterização da personagem literária nos romances Um estudo em vermelho (1887) e O cão dos Baskerville (1902), para então considerar sua nova caracterização nas duas séries televisivas mencionadas acima. O trabalho, portanto, está dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro apresenta uma introdução ao autor e a relação com sua própria obra, além de um panorama histórico das adaptações fílmicas e televisivas, enfatizando as caracterizações de Watson nelas. O segundo apresenta as teorias que alicerçam a análise, particularmente a narratologia literária de Mieke Bal (2009), a narratologia fílmica de Peter Verstraten (2009), e as considerações de Jason Mittell (2015) acerca da personagem televisiva. Os capítulos três e quatro trazem as análises dos romances e séries de televisão respectivamente, focando nas (re)configurações da personagem Watson. Ao final deste trabalho, esperamos ter contribuído para um aprofundamento e diversificação dos estudos de personagem a partir de referenciais narratológicos, linha de estudos pouco desenvolvida, especialmente no Brasil. Da mesma forma, pretendemos demonstrar como adaptações televisivas exploram e amplificam o papel de personagens-narradoras, dando a elas e a outras personagens mais autonomia na obra audiovisual. / The Sherlock Holmes stories have captivated innumerous readers since the first novel was published in 1887 by Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The adventures lived by the Great Detective Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. John Watson have been adapted to other media from as early as 1890, and different times present different portrayals of the characters. Two of the latest television adaptations, BBC’s Sherlock (2010 –) and CBS’s Elementary (2012 –), are set in contemporary times, inspiring a reconfiguration of the characters, especially John Watson, considering the fact that he is not the main narrator of the stories in the audiovisual medium – the filmic narrator fulfills that function –, opening new possibilities for the character’s roles. These possibilities motivate this thesis, and we propose a study of the characterization of the literary character in the novels A Study in Scarlet (1887) and The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), so that we can consider the new Watson’s characterization in the two television series aforementioned. Therefore, the thesis is divided into four chapters. The first presents an introduction to the author and his relation to his own work, along with a historical overview of film and television adaptations, emphasizing Watson’s characterization. The second presents the theoretical framework of the analyses, particularly the literary narratology as proposed by Mieke Bal (2009), film narratology as proposed by Peter Verstraten (2009), and Jason Mittell’s (2015) considerations about television characters. Chapters three and four are dedicated to the analyses of the novels and television series respectively, focusing on Watson’s (re)configurations. By the end of this work, we hope to have contributed to the further development and diversification of character studies with the use of narratological references, an undeveloped line of studies, especially in Brazil. In addition, we hope to demonstrate how television adaptations explore and amplify the role of character-narrators, giving them and other characters more autonomy in the audiovisual work.

En studie i Sherlock : En komparativ studie utifrån tre svenska översättningar av A study in scarlet ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv / A study in Sherlock : A comparative study of three Swedish translations of A study in scarlet out of a didactical viewpoint

Josefsson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att se vilka skillnader som går att urskilja mellan tre olika svenska översättningar av Arthur Conan Doyles A study in scarlet. Vidare syftar studien också till att se hur dessa skillnader förhåller sig till den så kallade nyöversättningshypotesen, som menar att varje ny översättning blir allt mer lik källtexten, samt de olika översättningsideal som varit norm under respektive tillkomsttid. Genom dels en kvantitativ analys och dels kvalitativ närläsning studeras språkliga, kulturella och övriga faktorer. Studien visar att nyöversättningshypotesen främst går att verifiera gällande språkliga faktorer och att samtliga översättningar till stor del speglar sina respektive samtiders översättningsideal. Det gör att lärare i de flesta fall kan välja översättningar efter hur bra deras respektive samtidsideal passar läsningens didaktiska syfte. Studien visar också på olika aspekter i A study in scarlet som i översättning försvårar läsarens förståelse av texten, vilket också är nyttigt för lärare att vara medvetna om i val av utgåva.

Två mästerdetektiver, ett fall : En analys av Sherlock Holmes och domare Dees första gemensamma fall - / Two Great Detectives, one case - : An analysis of Sherlock Holmes and judge Dee's first joint case

Ejelöv, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen ingår i kursen Skapande svenska C, 30 hp inom ämnet Litteraturvetenskap vid Umeå Universitet.</p>

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