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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A família no discurso dos membros de famílias homoparentais / The family in the speech of members of gay families

Luiz Celso Castro de Toledo 29 October 2008 (has links)
A união entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, um dos arranjos familiares característicos de nosso tempo, segue gerando controvérsias em vários países, participando da agenda de movimentos por direitos sexuais, interpelando autoridades religiosas e políticas, membros do judiciário e profissionais da área de saúde. Nesse ínterim, famílias homoparentais se constituem, criam e adotam filhos. A Psicologia e suas ramificações tiveram papéis destacados historicamente na configuração das condições de enunciação a respeito dessa temática. A reflexão crítica sobre a experiência dessas famílias a partir de sua perspectiva, sem reproduzir o discurso normativo, é rara. O objeto deste estudo foi o discurso sobre a família proferido por 10 homens membros de família homoparentais residentes em Ribeirão Preto e arredores, com média de idade de 35 anos. As 10 entrevistas em profundidade foram analisadas a partir do referencial da análise de discurso e da obra de Michel Foucault, discutidas à luz da literatura do campo construcionista que pensa a sexualidade como fenômeno social. Discutiu-se que os entrevistados referem-se de formas distintas às suas famílias de origem e às suas famílias atuais, homoparentais. Às famílias atuais foram associados sentimentos amorosos intensos, o companheirismo e a rapidez na decisão de morar juntos. Os enunciados sobre as famílias de origem foram marcados por menções à rejeição, à violência, à morte, perdas e sofrimento. Vários dos homens entrevistados mostraram-se temerosos ante a possibilidade de serem rejeitados por parentes próximos, colegas de trabalho, membros do judiciário e psicólogos em função de sua orientação sexual ou de seu pertencimento a uma família homoparental. Ao discorrerem sobre essa temática, os entrevistados construíram cenas enunciativas marcadas por uma acentuada assimetria de poderes. Diante da exposição pública de sua orientação sexual e de sua família homoparental, restaria aguardar, pedir ou torcer pelo reconhecimento e pela aceitação social. Defenderam reiteradamente a normalidade de si mesmos, de suas famílias e filhos. Todos externaram o desejo de tornarem-se pais e destacaram os sentimentos amorosos como o critério mais importante para a escolha de uma criança para adoção. Todo discurso é uma produção cujas ondições de possibilidade dependem do contexto de sua enunciação. A construção discursiva dos membros dessas famílias acerca do que seria a família homoparental está ocorrendo sob condições desfavoráveis, pois se elas ganharam visibilidade social nos últimos anos, também foram alvo de ataques e tiveram sua legitimidade e cidadania contestadas por instituições centrais para a vida cotidiana, tais como a Igreja, o poder legislativo e judiciário. Devem ser considerados, portanto, os riscos de utilizarmos termos como homoparentalidade ou gay families no âmbito dos estudos e práticas em Psicologia. Psicólogos (dentre outros profissionais de saúde) participaram da construção da imagem do homossexual como uma outra espécie, associada à doença, ao pecado e ao crime e deveriam ter cautela para não defini-las como mais uma espécie deficitária de família. / Among other family arrangements of our times, same sex-couples in several countries are controversial, a theme that is part of the sexual rights movement agenda challenges religious, juridical and political authorities, and health care professionals. In the meantime, new gay families are created, take care and adopt children. Psychology had a leading role in the history of the discourse conditions on this issue. A reflexive and critical literature about these families experience in their own perspective is rare. The aim of this study was the discourse about family constructed by 10 men that are members of gay families residing in the neighbourhood of Ribeirão Preto, a medium size city in São Paulo State interior. Ten in-depth interviews were conducted with men, average age of 35 years old. They were analyzed within the discourse analysis framework, based on Michel Foucaults work and the social constructionism literature that assumes sexuality as a social phenomenon. It was discussed how the interviewees distinguished their families of origin from their current family. Their current families were associated to intense loving feelings, partnership and the impulsiveness in their decision to share a home. The discourses related to their family of origin were marked by mentions of rejection, violence, death losses and suffering. Several of the interviewed men were concerned and frightened by the possibility of being rejected by close relatives, co-workers, members of the judicial power and psychologists due to their sexual orientation or due to their belonging to gay families. When they mentioned this theme, they constructed narrative scenes marked by a relevant power asymmetry. If their sexual orientation and their belonging to a gay family was exposed, they would have to wait, asking or hoping for social recognition and acceptance. The interviewed also repeatedly claimed the normality of their family, children and their own. All of them have expressed the desire of being a parent. When indicating the best criteria for selecting a child for adoption, they would choose their loving feelings. Discourse production is conditioned by and depends of the context of its enunciation. The discursive construction by members of such families conceptualizing homoparental families is occurring under un-favorable conditions, since, despite gay families have obtained social visibility during last years, they have also been subjected to critics and have had their legitimacy and citizenship contested by important institutions of daily life, such as churches and legal and politic sphere. Finally, we ask for caution of using terms like homoparentship or gay families within psychology studies and practices, considering that psychologists (amongst other health professionals) participated in the construction of the homosexual as another human species, associated to diseases, sins and crimes. We should take care in not to define homoparental families as another non-normal and problematic family.

A parentalidade em famílias homossexuais com filhos: um estudo fenomenológico da vivência de gays e lésbicas / The parenthood in homosexual families with children: a phenomenological research of gays and lesbians experiences

Claudiene Santos 03 February 2005 (has links)
Atualmente, presenciamos múltiplos tipos de família, como: famílias nucleares, monoparentais, reconstituídas, com filhos biológicos e/ou adotivos, dentre as quais encontramos famílias homossexuais. Há uma escassez de trabalhos sobre essas famílias e percebe-se a forte presença de preconceito e discriminação nos mais diversos segmentos e contextos sociais, em especial, no que diz respeito às questões homossexuais e de gênero e de como isso influenciaria na educação das crianças. Esse estudo visa compreender como homossexuais entre 20 e 55 anos, vivenciam a paternidade, a maternidade e/ou parentalidade e que significados lhe atribuem. A fenomenologia ancorada à filosofia do diálogo de Buber foi o referencial teórico-metodológico adotado nesta pesquisa para alcançarmos o objetivo proposto. Foram entrevistados seis homens e nove mulheres homossexuais com filho(a)(s) biológicos e/ou adotivos que formaram famílias monoparentais, adotivas, reconstituídas ou nucleares. Os resultados apontam um maior preparo psíquico e socioeconômico para a chegada de uma criança, em especial quando o desejo de ter filhos ocorre após a tomada de consciência da homossexualidade e/ou formação do vínculo conjugal homossexual. As funções parentais são exercidas pelos(a)s colaboradore(a)s os com nuances da relação intersubjetiva EU-TU. Foram relatadas situações de preconceito quanto ao exercício da parentalidade e/ou à expressão da homossexualidade, nas famílias de origem, no trabalho e entre os amigos, os quais puderam ser diminuídos por intermédio da convivência e conhecimento das situações vivenciadas. Alguns do(as)s colaboredore(a)s deixaram entrever uma homofobia internalizada, principalmente em relação à sua própria homossexualidade, que os aproxima das palavras princípio EU-ISSO. O modelo heterocêntrico de família é recorrente nos discursos assim como a falta de referenciais de famílias homossexuais. / At present, we are witnessing multiple family forms such as nuclear families, single parent families, and reconstructed families with biological and/or adopted children. Among these we find homosexual families. There is a shortage of works about those families. We strongly perceive the presence of prejudice and discrimination concerning homosexual questions with respect to more diverse segments and social contexts, especially about the homosexuality issue and how it would influence in the children?s education. Our goal is to understand how homosexuals between 20 and 55 years experience fatherhood, motherhood, and/or kinship and what meanings they attribute to these. The phenomenology anchored in the philosophy of of Buber\'s dialogue was the theoretical-methodology referential referred to and adopted in this research to reach the proposed goal. Six men and nine homosexual women, with biological and/or adopted children, who formed single parent, adopted, rebuilt or nuclear families were interviewed. The results aim towards a greater socio-economic and psychological preparation for the arrival of an infant, especially when the wish to have a child occurs after consciousness of the homosexuality and/or the formation of the conjugal homosexual link. The parental function is exercised by both, with nuances from the intersubjective relationship of ME-YOU. Situations of prejudice, especially as regards the sexual papers examined for this research are also related, as well as the expression of homosexuality, in the families of origin, at work among friends, in which could be decreased through the experience and knowing of the situations experienced. Some of the collaborators showed during the study an internalized homophobia, mainly in relation to his/her own homosexuality, which approach them to the principle ME-IT. The heterocentric model of family appears in the speech as well as the lack of homosexual families references.

Statusové poměry stejnopohlavních párů / Status relations of the same sex couples

Štýbnarová, Nicole January 2016 (has links)
Summary: The goal of this thesis is to monitor legal rights available to homosexual couples in order to establish a family. In the first part, I am trying to clarify what kind of social unit is currently considered to be called a family. Further in the first part I am analysing the most common means of getting an offspring available for homosexual couples. I also analyse the way those means are regulated in Czech Republic, prospectively I am presenting influence of the Strasbourg court on the evolution of subject legal frame in Europe. The main mean of gay couples to obtain a descendant, for the purpose of this thesis, is the artificial insemination method, which is analyzed in detail in the second part. I am both concerned about the historical evolution of it and its social picture and acceptation. Further I narrow my focus to application of this method for lesbian couples and I present studies to show how families with two mothers are working. Presented studies are held in both psychological and sociological point of view and they show, if and how the child is affected with growing up with homosexually oriented parents. In the third part I analyze artificial insemination from the legal point of view. First I introduce legal regulation in liberal European countries which I consequently compare with the...

Dynamics of conflict in lesbian intimate unions : an exploratory study

Ochse, Angela 23 February 2010 (has links)
The pre-1996 anti-gay/lesbian laws have been repealed and today South Africa’s constitution recognizes and protects the rights of homosexual people. The adoption of a new constitution in 1996 included a Bill of rights prohibiting discrimination on sexual orientation and opened up the space for the recognition and protection of the rights of homosexual people. The Equality Clause, Section 9 in the Bill of Rights, prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation by the state and all other persons. The Civil Union Act, passed in November 2006, is the fruition of LGBTI peoples'lobbying for protection and recognition which was made possible by the new constitution. Although Parliament has passed more than 30 progressive laws that include the protection and recognition of LGBTI people, since 1994 there is still a great amount of stigmatization of the homosexual way of life. Not only is the homosexual couple made invisible in many instances, but the couple must also face prejudice from all sectors of society. The dominant hetero-normative narrative of relationships, has led to an “othering” of same-sex couples and families. Thus, despite equality in terms of the law, lesbian relationships are assumed to be inferior to heterosexual relationships because they are not conventional and are plagued by stereotypes and misconceptions. Unlike heterosexual women, lesbian women must contend with a society in which their lifestyle is not the norm. The impact of this oppressive cultural context on the individual and her intimate union is the subject of this study. Fifteen South African lesbians were interviewed in order to gain in-depth understanding of the potential stressors that intervene to shape their relationships, and their coping mechanisms, within the prevailing social and political milieu. The study outlines a variety of stressors as potential sources of conflict for lesbian couples thus contributing to building understanding of the dynamics of lesbian intimate unions. Additionally, in response to homophobic conceptions which are still dominant in society, the women reveal particular ways of representing themselves and their relationships. Different discourses are appropriated in an effort to present themselves in a more ‘favourable’ light. They valorise their relationships, adopt strategies to guard themselves and withstand stigmatisation. These actions however, also present certain stressors for their relationships. This exploratory study contributes to the growing body of literature on homosexuality, serving to counteract stereotypes and shed light on the dynamics specific to lesbian relationships. It highlights systemic, contextual, familial and intimate issues and the ways in which gay women contend with them. Copyright / Dissertation (MSocSci)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Sociology / unrestricted

Disclosure practices of adolescents raised in same-gendered families

Kruger, Liana 14 June 2011 (has links)
The concept of “family” has rapidly changed over the past few years. The prevalence of more and more children raised in same-gendered families has brought to mind the question of disclosure. This qualitative case study explored the disclosure practices of adolescents raised in same-gendered families in an attempt to understand how adolescents negotiate their unique family structure throughout their daily lives. The data in this study was analysed using thematic content analysis. It was found that both positive and negative experiences influence the adolescents raised in samegendered families decision to disclose and that disclosure of family structure usually takes place after careful negotiation based on the grounds of either a close relationship, common ground or a perceived urgency. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Humor and Attitude Toward Homosexuals: The Case of Will & Grace

Cribbs, Heather 17 July 2009 (has links)
Data collected from a survey questionnaire disseminated to college students was used to examine the relationship between humor in the mass media on audience attitude. This research study attempted to link the comedic nature of media with a heightened tolerance toward unpopular messages by looking specifically at the show Will & Grace. Results supported the hypothesized positive relationship between humor on attitudes toward the show, as well as attitudes toward real life homosexuals. In addition, distraction and interpersonal communication served as mediators between humor and attitudes. Results supported positive relationships between humor and both distraction and interpersonal communication, and supported the mediated path involving distraction. But the interpersonal communication mediated path was negative. Results, implications, and recommendations for future research are discussed.

Vem skulle ha trott det här? Bögen och Muslimen, bästa vänner : En kvalitativ undersökning av representation och stereotypisering i webbserien Skam

Kloo, Wilma, Blekic, Narcis January 2020 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this thesis is to examine how the homosexual character Isak Valtersen and muslim character Sana Bakkoush are represented and stereotyped in the popular norwegian webbseries Skam. This is to be interpreted based on Stuart Halls representation theory and stereotyping theory. The three research questions are as follows: (1) How is the main character Isak Valtersen portrayed in connection to his sexuality in the norwegian webb-serie Skam. (2) How is the main character Sana Bakkoush portrayed in connection to her Islamic faith in the norwegian webb-serie Skam. (3) How does the stereotyping in the representation of Isak Valtersen and Sana Bakkoush differ from one another. When analysing the webb-serie we identify the stereotyping by using observation points from Stuart Halls stereotyping theory. The four observation points are (1) Tropes, (2) Essentializing, (3) Reductionist, (4) Exclusion.  Method/Material: The method of this study is a narrative analysis through a holistic content reading. The narrative analysis is based on Seymour Chatmans model of narrative structure. The points researched in the narrative structure are characters, settings, actions and happenings. These are summarized as the form of content.  The material further consists of two seasons of the norwegian webb-series Skam, season three and four. Out of these seasons a selection of scenes are furthure analysed. The selection of scenes is based on the observation points (1) Tropes, (2) Essentializing, (3) Reductionist, (4) Exclusion.  Main results: The character Isak Valterssen is opposing the process of stereotyping almost completely according to Stuart Hall's theory of stereotyping. The character Sana Bakkoush on the other hand does fall into a few categories of stereotyping. Sana is stereotyped on a larger scale than Isak yet both characters are portrayed as multifaceted and therefore contribute to breaking stereotypes according to Stuart Hall.

Homosocial, Homoerotic, Bisexual, and Androgynous Bonds in Shakespeare’s Comedies

Sokolovic-Cizmek, Klarisa 10 November 2003 (has links)
In the thesis I inquire into the nature of the same-sex bonds in Shakespeare’s comedies. I discuss seven pairs of characters and demonstrate how in his comedies, Shakespeare first created homosocial relationships, later homoerotic relationships, then bisexual relationships, and, finally, a couple that may be described as androgynous. I demonstrate that in the early comedies the relationships are primarily homosocial and serve the purpose of self-realization. The self-realization includes reaching of a balance between a “feminine,” and a “masculine” self, with the goal of becoming a mature, androgynous human being. Although there are some homoerotic undercurrents in both the male and female relationships created during this period, I do not believe that these relationships are intended to represent a permanent sexual orientation. I see them as a part of the pattern that occurs in most of the plays, which possibly reflects Shakespeare’s concept of the process of maturing into an adult who is ready to accept the bonds of marriage. All of Shakespeare’s comedies contain homosocial relationships, sometimes with homoerotic undercurrents. The primary purpose of these relationships is the realization of the self. A young person enters into a relationship with another young person, a coeval, who resembles him/herself in numerous ways. They spend a lot of time together, involved in activities that are of interest to both of them. They see themselves in their friend. They identify not only with the persona, but also with the physique of the friend. Therefore, the (homo)erotic undercurrents that are present in some of the relationships are in fact the realization of the characters’ own eroticism and sexuality and are therefore not directed at the other character with the aim of gratification of sexual desire. The relationships with (homo)erotic undercurrents are merely a stage in the development of the self, and do not constitute a permanent sexual orientation. The final stage in the above pattern is marriage. Once the character has realized him/herself, (s)he is ready to marry. The homoerotic undercurrents begin to emerge in 1598, and in 1599 Shakespeare creates Antonio and Sebastian as his first homoerotic couple. In the same play appear the first three bisexual characters: Olivia, Orsino, and Sebastian. Again, since the three characters reach self-realization and marry at the play’s end, the issue of bisexuality can be interpreted either as a lifestyle, or as a stepping stone in one’s development toward adulthood and marriage. Another possibility is that the occurrence of bisexuality and the androgynous twins Viola and Sebastian serve to open up space for an inward marriage. In other words, the twins represent the climax of the pattern of self-realization through friends and lover, and add the notion that the better we know ourselves, the more we are aware of our androgyny. In the pattern that I trace through the four comedies, I demonstrate how Shakespeare uses homosocial, homoerotic, and bisexual relationships as means of learning about the true self, the self which reaches beyond the boundaries of gender, into—androgyny.

The Psychological and Social Consequences of HTLV-III Infection: Homosexuals in Orange County, CA

Kaisch, Kenneth Burton 01 May 1986 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the psychological and social consequences experienced by homosexual men who learn that they have positive results on the HTLV-III antibody test, but who have not yet developed AIDS or ARC. Employing a census survey of the membership of three California homophile organizations (n=l905), 30 HTLV-III positives and 55 negatives completed a biographical questionnaire, the IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire, the IPAT Depression Scale, and the Coping Strategies Inventory. Results indicate that HTLV-III positives show considerable disorganization after hearing test results, have clinically high levels of anxiety (n=lO), and clinically high levels of depression (n=l4). Positives were also quite guarded about sharing the results of their testing, and experienced negative effects in social (n=l5) and occupational functioning (n=lO), and reported pervasive changes in their sexual activity (n=30). Twelve subjects reported suicidal ideation after they heard the results of their testing, but only one subject reported a suicide attempt. The methodological limitations of the study were examined, with an emphasis on the limitations of the survey method and difficulties with the follow-up procedures. Speculations to account for the reported behaviors, implications for counseling HTLV-111 positives, and suggestions for future research with this population were also discussed.

Adolescent Peer Perceptions Reflected in the Yearbooks of Mormon Homosexual and Heterosexual Men

Pruden, David C. 01 May 2003 (has links)
This study explored the peer perceptions of adolescent heterosexual males and their homosexual counterparts who had not disclosed their feelings of erotic same-sex attraction to their classmates. The study focused on members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a conservative Christian denomination with clear doctrinal prohibitions against homosexual behavior. The handwritten messages from peers found in the senior high school yearbooks of 30 heterosexual and 30 same-sex attracted adolescent men were content analyzed to examine similarities and differences in the themes that emerged from the data. The results indicated that there is a difference in the kind of activities that are common in the lives of these heterosexual and same-sex attracted males. The same-sex attracted men received messages predominately from female peers concerning their talent and themes connected with the arts. The heterosexual men received more of their messages from male peers addressing the topics of sports, recreation, and invitations to engage in shared activities. The research raises questions about the well being of young men who may not identify with most of the dominant images of masculinity available to them. The absence of an adequate cultural script for same-sex attracted youth who must reconcile their sexual feelings with the beliefs of their conservative religious traditions is discussed.

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