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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mångfaldsplanens påverkan på rekrytering : En kvalitativ studie om chefer inom bank- och finansbranschen / Diversity policies impact on recruitment : A qualitative study of managers in the banking and finance industry

Espling, Kim, Hagström, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Invandringen till Sverige har ökat de senaste åren. Detta ställer organisationer inför nya utmaningar då det gäller att rekrytera och kunna tillgodogöra sig den kompetens som den nytillkomna befolkningen besitter. Sveriges riksdag vill främja mångfalden på svenska arbetsplatser och har lagstadgat att organisationer aktivt måste arbeta med mångfaldsarbete. Till följd av att direktiv saknats har rekryteringsförfarandet präglats av att chefer tenderar att rekrytera individer som liknar dem själva, vilket resulterar i homogena gruppkonstellationer. Denna företeelse benämns som homosocial reproduktion. Vikten av en mångfaldsplan är därav väsentlig för att organisationens mångfaldsarbete skall vara genomgående i hela organisationen. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera chefers uppfattning om hur rekrytering sker utifrån organisationens mångfaldsplan Metod: Då syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera enskilda individers upplevelser har en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod använts. Sju individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts i relation till vår teoretiska referensram. Slutsatser: Studiens resultat visar tydligt på chefers bristande engagemang för att läsa mångfaldsplanen. Vidare har föreliggande studie visat att cheferna upplever att mångfaldsplanen inte går att applicera på de lokala kontoren, vilket resulterar i att HR:s informationsspridning fallerar. Studien har därav visat att mångfaldsplanen inte påverkat chefers rekryteringsförfarande. Föreliggande studie har visat att chefer rekryterar enligt personliga preferenser och har diversifierade gruppsammansättningar i form av varierande kön, ålder, arbetslivserfarenhet och akademisk bakgrund. Föreliggande studie har visat att etnicitet inte involveras i chefernas definition av mångfald vilket kan tyda på etnisk underordning. / Background: Immigration to Sweden has increased in recent years requiring organizations to utilize the newly arrived population. The Swedish Parliament wishes to promote diversity in Swedish workplaces and has laid down a law stating that organizations must actively work on diversity. Due to the absence of a directive, the recruitment procedure has been characterized by managers tending to recruit individuals similar to themselves, which has resulted in homogeneous group configurations. This phenomenon is called homosocial reproduction. The importance of a diversity policy is therefore essential for diversity to be continuous throughout the organization. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the manager's perception of how recruitment is based on the organization's diversity policy. Method: Since the purpose of the study is to describe and analyze individual experiences, a qualitative survey method has been used. Seven individual semi- structured interviews have been conducted in relation to our theoretical reference framework. Conclusion: The results of the study emphasize the manager's lack of commitment to reading the diversity policy. Furthermore, the present study has shown that managers perceive that the diversity policy cannot be applied at local offices, resulting in HR failing to disseminate the information. The study has also shown that the diversity policy did not affect the manager's recruitment process. The present study has shown that managers recruit according to personal preferences and have diversified group compositions in the form of varying gender, age, work experience and academic background. The present study has shown that ethnicity is not involved in the manager's definition of diversity, which may indicate ethnic subordination.

Chefsroll, en genusrelaterad föreställning? : En studie om kvinnor på mellanchefsnivås uppfattningar av sin chefsroll i en mansdominerad bransch

Outinen, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate and describe the perceptions women has of being in middle management position in male-dominated industries. Five qualitative semi-structured interviews have been conducted, and the empirical material analyzed from a phenomenographic perspective. The analyzed data resulted in four categories; Job satisfaction is strengthened by the feeling of security, the Organization task-orientation has a negative impact on the leadership, Traditional notions of masculinity and femininity requires adaptation, Good leadership requires some special features. Conclusion show that women in middle management-positions perceived to have strong support in their management role in the male-dominated industries, however, there are indications that these industries also require a certain type of leadership behavior. Women consider themselves even perceive a shift in the focus of what should be prioritized depending on which department they are in. Male-dominated departments often leads to down prioritizing relationship-oriented tasks, as the women think is an essential part of leadership

Jakten på den ideala ledaren : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors möjlighet att bli chef / The search of the ideal leader : A qualitative study of women's opportunity to become a manager.

Johansson, Tova, Larsson, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Sverige är och har länge varit ett land som ligger i framkant när det gäller jämställdhetspolitik, trots detta fortsätter männen att dominera de ledande positionerna. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka chefer inom en organisation i bilbranschen, för att urskilja hur de ser på ledarskap, rekrytering och kvinnors möjligheter att avancera till chefspositioner. Åtta chefer på olika anläggningar inom samma organisation intervjuades semistrukturerat. Samtliga chefer i studien är män, eftersom vi vill utöka den tidigare forskningen med ett perspektiv från de som står överst i maktordningen. Empirin analyserades med hjälp teorier om homosocial reproduktion, oreflekterad/reflekterad magkänsla, beslutsfattande med system 1 och 2, rollöverensstämmelse och tre synsätt på kvinnligt ledarskap. Utifrån empirin gjordes även jämförelser med den tidigare forskningen som bland annat behandlar homosocialitet och kvinnor och mäns möjligheter att bli chef. Slutsatsen av studien är bland annat att cheferna visar homogena mönster mellan hur de beskriver sig själva och vad de söker efter hos en chefskandidat. Samtidigt använder de gärna sig av magkänsla vid rekrytering, vilket kan öka risken för homosocial reproduktion. Detta kan eventuellt hindra kvinnor att båda träda in i och avancera till chefspositioner i organisationen. Vissa av cheferna talar om en kultur som finns i företaget där kvinnor har svårare att bli accepterade som chefer än män. Ett annat mönster vi finner i empirin är att cheferna uppvisar föreställningar som överensstämmer med teorin om rollöverensstämmelse. Att den kvinnliga könsrollen och ledarskapsrollen är svåra att förena är ytterligare en potentiell bidragande faktor till att kvinnliga chefer möter hinder både vid avancemang till högre positioner och i sin roll som ledare. Flera av cheferna uppmärksammar att det finns strukturella problem som hindrar kvinnor från att bli chefer generellt i samhället, dock är det få som uppger att de ser några strukturella problem eller att kvinnor skulle möta hinder inom den egna organisationen.

Shoot-fighting, bodies in emotional pain : a translocal study in masculine gendering of violence, aggression and control

Stenius, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
Betyg VG / SIDA

Men in Politics : Revisiting Patterns of Gendered Parliamentary Representation in Thailand and Beyond

Bjarnegård, Elin January 2009 (has links)
Male parliamentary dominance, rather than the corresponding female parliamentary underrepresentation, is the object of study in this thesis. This shift in focus implies a gendered analysis centered on men and men’s practices. The thesis contributes to our understanding of how male dominance is maintained and reinvented by empirically studying male parliamentary dominance in clientelist settings. Worldwide trends of parliamentary representation are analyzed statistically and constitute the starting-point for a case study of male political networks in Thailand. Clientelism is a strategy used by political actors to increase predictability in politically unpredictable settings. The thesis shows that clientelism is an informal political practice that requires the building and maintenance of large and localized networks to help distribute services, goods and/or money in exchange for political support. Where political parties also use candidate selection procedures that are informal, exclusive and localized, there are ample openings for clientelist practices to translate into political power and ultimately parliamentary seats. This study also coins and develops a new concept: homosocial capital. It shows that clientelist networks are and continue to be male dominated because homosocial capital, a political capital accessible only to men, is needed for electoral success. Homosocial capital has two main components: a perceived pragmatic necessity to build linkages to those with access to important resources in society and a more psychological desire to cooperate with individuals whose behavior can be understood, predicted and trusted.

Marginally Male: Re-Centering Effeminate Male Characters in E. M. Forster’s A Room with a View and Howards End

Clark, Damion 12 May 2005 (has links)
In this thesis I argue that understanding Forster’s effeminate male characters is central to understanding the novels that they appear in. Tibby in Howards End and Cecil in A Room with a View are often viewed as inconsequential figures that provide comic relief and inspire pity. But if, instead of keeping them at the margins, readers put Tibby and Cecil in direct contact and conflict with the dominant themes of gender identity, gendered power structures, and gender equality in these novels, these characters develop a deeper significance that details the fin de siècle’s ever-changing attitudes regarding prescribed gender roles for both men and women. Indeed, by examining Forster’s feminized male characters, one can chart the development of these roles in both the larger world and Forster’s prescription for gender evolution in his novels.

Hang on to the Words : Knowledge Tokens, Hierarchies, and Concurrent Narratives in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Trilogy

Appleton, Jack January 2020 (has links)
Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Trilogy has received substantial critical attention inthe fields of ecocriticism, the ethics of bioengineering, and feminist theory. However, the vast majority of this criticism has focussed on Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood, the first two books in the trilogy. By displacing human narrators in MaddAddam, the third and final book, Atwood re-contextualises the entire trilogy asno longer being a meticulously researched speculative fiction, and instead a type of fable, along the lines of Jean-François Lyotard’s “A Postmodern Fable.” Through this shift, Atwood asserts the need to replace the perception of a progression of metanarratives in contemporary cultural thought with concurrent, transitory micronarratives. This thesis is divided into three main sections, each examining the different communities which Atwood depicts. The first section uses the work of Zygmunt Bauman and Jean-François Lyotard on the state of knowledge in the postmodern habitat to explore how Atwood presents a fracture between scientific and narrative knowledge, which the Compounds in her novels propagate to impose a hierarchy over their citizenship. The second section moves to a more character focussed perspective, using Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s development of ‘homosocial’ triangles, it examines how the character Crake internalises the enforced societal hierarchy between scientific and narrative knowledge, and uses these non-sexual terms to perform a sexual triangle containing himself and other characters. The final section explores the shift of perspective in the third novel, and how the displacement of humanity as the centre of the narrative exposes the unsustainable position of appealing to metanarratives of progression. Through this analysis, Atwood can be seen to be exposing the fallacy that new knowledge usurps old knowledge, and that all contexts of understanding exist simultaneously, appearing, disappearing, and reappearing where they have interpretive utility.

”Detta måste ske i mörkret” : Barnkvävning och barnamord i Västbo härad i Småland 1860–1949 / ”This must be done in the dark” : Child suffocation and infanticide in Västbo district in Småland 1860–1949

Dyberg, Simon January 2022 (has links)
In the following essay I have studied child suffocation and infanticide in Västbo district in Småland 1860–1949. This has been done with a quantitative study of the district's death and funeral books which have shown the reduced frequency of the phenomena over time. I have also been able to point to a connection where child suffocation tended to occur in cases where the parents were married. Infanticide, on the other hand, was in most cases caused by an extramarital affair. Based on theories concerning the role of marriage,combined with the assumption that a female ideal is constructed on the basisof two counter-images, I have been able to show how the child murderer was seen as a greater threat to the social morality, compared with the married woman who suffocated her child in her sleep. Thus, there was also a greater tendency to punish the former more severely. In the qualitative part of thestudy, I have reviewed the district court's records concerning child murderers. Based on a theory that pregnancies, births and morality fell within the scope of a female sphere of responsibility, I have analyzed the actions of to the accused woman's homosocial group. Here, the study has been able to shed light on a significant female presence. This was partly reflected in the gender distribution of witnesses, as well as in how the authorities seemed to show aconfidence in the female sphere to bring clarity to the case.

Nobody's Darlings: Reading White Trash in Supernatural

Burnell, Aaron C. 06 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Perspektiv på Patron : Bruksägaren och statsministern Christian Lundeberg (1842–1911) / Perspectives on the Paternalistic Proprietor : Foundry Proprietor and Prime Minister. Christian Lundeberg (1842-1911)

Hall, Bo G January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation is a biography of the industrialist and statesman Christian Lundeberg, a leading and stongly pronounced conservative actor in Swedish political life during the decades around1900, but nowadays almost forgotten. The purpose is to identify the main forces – convictions as well as external factors – behind his actions. He was very influential within  a range of important sectors, i.a. compulsory national service, repeated interventions to keep the iron ore of Norrland under Swedish ownership,  establishment of a regular conservative party and the decision on the vote to right (for men) in 1907. His most well-known action was as Swedish Prime Minister and head architect behind the peaceful dissolution in 1905 of the union with Norway. However for a long time biographies have not been regarded as ”real” scientific work within the concerned academic Swedish circles. For this reason the introductory chapter analyses these discussions  and  concludes that time now is ready for the genre to come in from the cold , enumerating six criteria regarded to be of paramount importance. These are being observed in the consecutive parts of the study. The following chapter studies the concept of paternalism as defined within Swedish professional circles, forming a background to the remaining parts of the dissertation. In their turn these present thorough reviews both of Lundeberg’s activities as a paternalistic foundry proprietor in the local family owned community of Forsbacka and of his contributions on the central political level. The final chapter summarizes the driving forces behind Lundeberg’s activities in stating that he was not an ultraconservative person, a priori opposing all progress.  Instead as the years passed he developed a clear readiness for compromise solutions. Three key concepts are said to be central to the understanding of his person: “Fatherland”, ”Responsibility” and “Duty”.  Throughout all his life he adhered to many of the paternalistic principles and values he learnt at an early age in Forsbacka. His present anonymity is explained  by the fact that he in a retrospective very often is considered as being defeated in a number of political convictions now regarded as important.

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