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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Combinatoire algébrique liée aux ordres sur les permutations / Algebraic combinatorics on orders of permutations

Pons, Viviane 07 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans le domaine de la combinatoire algébrique et porte sur l'étude et les applications de trois ordres sur les permutations : les deux ordres faibles (gauche et droit) et l'ordre fort ou de Bruhat. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions l'action du groupe symétrique sur les polynômes multivariés. En particulier, les opérateurs de emph{différences divisées} permettent de définir des bases de l'anneau des polynômes qui généralisent les fonctions de Schur aussi bien du point de vue de leur construction que de leur interprétation géométrique. Nous étudions plus particulièrement la base des polynômes de Grothendieck introduite par Lascoux et Schützenberger. Lascoux a montré qu'un certain produit de polynômes peut s'interpréter comme un produit d'opérateurs de différences divisées. En développant ce produit, nous ré-obtenons un résultat de Lenart et Postnikov et prouvons de plus que le produit s'interprète comme une somme sur un intervalle de l'ordre de Bruhat. Nous présentons aussi l'implantation que nous avons réalisée sur Sage des polynômes multivariés. Cette implantation permet de travailler formellement dans différentes bases et d'effecteur des changements de bases. Elle utilise l'action des différences divisées sur les vecteurs d'exposants des polynômes multivariés. Les bases implantées contiennent en particulier les polynômes de Schubert, les polynômes de Grothendieck et les polynômes clés (ou caractères de Demazure).Dans un second temps, nous étudions le emph{treillis de Tamari} sur les arbres binaires. Celui-ci s'obtient comme un quotient de l'ordre faible sur les permutations : à chaque arbre est associé un intervalle de l'ordre faible formé par ses extensions linéaires. Nous montrons qu'un objet plus général, les intervalles-posets, permet de représenter l'ensemble des intervalles du treillis de Tamari. Grâce à ces objets, nous obtenons une formule récursive donnant pour chaque arbre binaire le nombre d'arbres plus petits ou égaux dans le treillis de Tamari. Nous donnons aussi une nouvelle preuve que la fonction génératrice des intervalles de Tamari vérifie une certaine équation fonctionnelle décrite par Chapoton. Enfin, nous généralisons ces résultats aux treillis de $m$-Tamari. Cette famille de treillis introduite par Bergeron et Préville-Ratelle était décrite uniquement sur les chemins. Nous en donnons une interprétation sur une famille d'arbres binaires en bijection avec les arbres $m+1$-aires. Nous utilisons cette description pour généraliser les résultats obtenus dans le cas du treillis de Tamari classique. Ainsi, nous obtenons une formule comptant le nombre d'éléments plus petits ou égaux qu'un élément donné ainsi qu'une nouvelle preuve de l'équation fonctionnelle des intervalles de $m$-Tamari. Pour finir, nous décrivons des structures algébriques $m$ qui généralisent les algèbres de Hopf $FQSym$ et $PBT$ sur les permutations et les arbres binaires / This thesis comes within the scope of algebraic combinatorics and studies problems related to three orders on permutations: the two said weak orders (right and left) and the strong order or Bruhat order.We first look at the action of the symmetric group on multivariate polynomials. By using the emph{divided differences} operators, one can obtain some generalisations of the Schur function and form bases of non symmetric multivariate polynomials. This construction is similar to the one of Schur functions and also allows for geometric interpretations. We study more specifically the Grothendieck polynomials which were introduced by Lascoux and Schützenberger. Lascoux proved that a product of these polynomials can be interpreted in terms of a product of divided differences. By developing this product, we reobtain a result of Lenart and Postnikov and also prove that it can be interpreted as a sum over an interval of the Bruhat order. We also present our implementation of multivariate polynomials in Sage. This program allows for formal computation on different bases and also implements many changes of bases. It is based on the action of the divided differences operators. The bases include Schubert polynomials, Grothendieck polynomials and Key polynomials. In a second part, we study the emph{Tamari lattice} on binary trees. This lattice can be obtained as a quotient of the weak order. Each tree is associated with the interval of its linear extensions. We introduce a new object called, emph{interval-posets} of Tamari and show that they are in bijection with the intervals of the Tamari lattice. Using these objects, we give the recursive formula counting the number of elements smaller than or equal to a given tree. We also give a new proof that the generating function of the intervals of the Tamari lattice satisfies some functional equation given by Chapoton. Our final contributions deals with the $m$-Tamari lattices. This family of lattices is a generalization of the classical Tamari lattice. It was introduced by Bergeron and Préville-Ratelle and was only known in terms of paths. We give the description of this order in terms of some family of binary trees, in bijection with $m+1$-ary trees. Thus, we generalize our previous results and obtain a recursive formula counting the number of elements smaller than or equal to a given one and a new proof of the functional equation. We finish with the description of some new $"m"$ Hopf algebras which are generalizations of the known $FQSym$ on permutations and $PBT$ on binary trees

Shear-flow instabilities in closed flow / Instabilités dans les écoulements de cisaillement dans un milieu confiné

Lemée, Thomas 12 March 2013 (has links)
Cette étude se concentre sur la compréhension de la physique des instabilités dans différents écoulements de cisaillement, particulièrement la cavité entraînée et la cavité thermocapillaire, où l'écoulement d'un fluide incompressible est assuré soit par le mouvement d’une ou plusieurs parois, soit par des contraintes d’origine thermique.Un code spectral a été validé sur le cas très étudié de la cavité entrainée par une paroi mobile. Il est démontré dans ce cas que l'écoulement transit d'un régime stationnaire à un instationnaire au-delà d'une valeur critique du nombre de Reynolds. Ce travail est le premier à donner une interprétation physique de l'évolution non monotonique du nombre de Reynolds critique en fonction du facteur d'aspect. Lorsque le fluide est entraîné par deux parois mobiles, la cavité entraînée possède un plan de symétrie particulièrement sensible. Des solutions asymétriques peuvent être observés en plus de la solution symétrique au-dessus d'une certaine valeur du nombre de Reynolds. La transition oscillatoire entre la solution symétrique et les solutions asymétriques est expliquée physiquement par les forces en compétition. Dans le cas asymétrique, l'évolution de la topologie permet à l'écoulement de rester stationnaire avec l'augmentation du nombre de Reynolds. Lorsque l'équilibre est perdu une instabilité se manifeste par l'apparition d'un régime oscillatoire dans l'écoulement asymétrique.Dans une cavité thermocapillaire rectangulaire avec une surface libre, Smith et Davis prévoient deux types d'instabilités convectives thermiques: des rouleaux longitudinaux stationnaires et des ondes hydrothermales instationnaires. L'apparition de ses instabilités a été mis en évidence à plusieurs reprises expérimentalement et numériquement. Alors que les applications impliquent souvent plus d'une surface libre, il semble qu'il y ait peu de connaissances sur l'écoulement thermocapillaire entraînée avec deux surfaces libres. Un film liquide libre soumis à des contraintes thermocapillaires possède un plan de symétrie particulier comme dans le cas de la cavité entrainée par deux parois mobiles. Une étude de stabilité linéaire avec deux profils de vitesse pour le film liquide libre est présentée avec différents nombres de Prandtl. Au-delà d'un nombre de Marangoni critique, il est découvert que ces états de base sont sensibles à quatre types d'instabilités convectives thermiques qui peuvent conserver ou briser la symétrie du système. Les mécanismes qui permettent de prédire ces instabilités sont également découverts et interpréter en fonction de la valeur du nombre de Prandtl du fluide. La comparaison avec les travaux de Smith et Davis est faite. Une simulation numérique directe permet de valider les résultats obtenus avec l'étude de stabilité de linéaire. / This study focuses on the understanding of the physics of different instabilities in driven cavities, specifically the lid-driven cavity and the thermocapillarity driven cavity where flow in an incompressible fluid is driven either due to one or many moving walls or due to surface stresses that appear from surface tension gradients caused by thermal gradients. A spectral code is benchmarked on the well-studied case of the lid-cavity driven by one moving wall. In this case, It is shown that the flow transit form a steady regime to unsteady regime beyond a critical value of the Reynolds number. This work is the first to give a physical interpretation of the non-monotonic evolution of the critical Reynolds number versus the size of the cavity. When the fluid is driven by two facing walls moving in the same direction, the cavity possesses a plane of symmetry particularly sensitive. Thus, asymmetrical solutions can be observed in addition to the symmetrical solution above a certain value of the Reynolds number. The oscillatory transition between the symmetric solution and asymmetric solutions is explained physically by the forces in competition. In the asymmetric case, the change of the topology allows the flow to remain steady with increasing the Reynolds number. When the equilibrium is lost, an instability manifests by the appearance of an oscillatory regime in the asymmetric flow. In a rectangular cavity thermocapillary with a free surface, Smith and Davis found two types of thermal convective instabilities: steady longitudinal rolls and unsteady hydrothermal waves. The appearance of its instability has been highlighted repeatedly experimentally and numerically. While applications often involve more than a free surface, it seems that there is little knowledge about the thermocapillary driven flow with two free surfaces. A free liquid film possesses a particular plane of symmetry as in the case of the two-sided lid-driven cavity. A linear stability analysis for the free liquid film with two velocity profiles is presented with various Prandtl numbers. Beyond a critical Marangoni number, it is observed that these basic states are sensitive to four types of thermal convective instabilities, which can keep or break the symmetry of the system. Mechanisms that predict these instabilities are discovered and interpreted according to the value of the Prandtl number of the fluid. Comparison with the work of Smith and Davis is made. A direct numerical simulation is done to validate the results obtained with the linear stability analysis.

Étude d’équations à retard appliquées à la régulation de la production de plaquettes sanguines

Boullu, Loïs 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Limites topológicos do modelo Gauge-Higgs com simetria Z(2) em uma rede bidimensional / Topological Limits in the Gauge-Higgs Model with Z(2) Symmetry in a Bidimensional Lattice

Aza, Nelson Javier Buitrago 04 November 2013 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos as teorias de gauge acoplada com campos de matéria em variedades bidimensionais. Para isso, descrevemos primeiro um formalismo em duas e três dimensões o qual é baseado na ideia de Kuperberg de definir um invariante topológico em três dimensões usando álgebras de Hopf e diagramas de Heegaard. O uso do formalismo é útil para este trabalho pois é fácil a identificação de limites topológicos sem resolver o modelo. Também escrevemos o modelo de gauge com campos de matéria usando uma fixação de gauge chamada de gauge unitário. Trabalhamos com o grupo abeliano $\\mathbb_$ e explicamos com detalhe o caso $\\mathbb_$. Calculamos as funções de partição e loops de Wilson para este grupo nos diferentes limites topológicos. Mostramos que existem casos nos quais os resultados dependem da triangulação mas de maneira trivial, estes casos foram chamados de quase-topológicos. / In this thesis we study gauge theories coupled with matter fields in two-dimensional manifolds. In order to proceed we first describe a formalism in two and three dimensions which is based on the idea of Kuperberg of defining a topological invariant in three dimensions using Hopf algebras and Heegaard diagrams. The use of this formalism is useful here because it is easy to identify topological limits without solving the model. Furthermore, we write the gauge model with matter fields choosing the unitary gauge. We work with abelians groups Z(n) and explain the Z(2) case in detail. We calculate partition functions and Wilson loops for this group in the different topological limits. We show that, there were cases in which the results depended on the triangulation but in a trivial way, these cases are called quasi-topological.

Efeito de não linearidades estruturais na resposta aeroelástica de aerofólios / Effect of structural nonlinearities in the aeroelastic response of airfoils

Pereira, Daniel de Almeida 04 August 2015 (has links)
A aeroelasticidade estuda a interação mútua entre os efeitos aerodinâmicos e estruturais. É sabido que essa relação muitas vezes se comporta de maneira não linear, causando diversos problemas, tais como flutter, oscilações em ciclo limite, bifurcações e caos. Tais fenômenos são difíceis de serem diagnosticados, podendo causar problemas graves à estrutura das aeronaves e também inviabilizar as suas operações. Dentre as principais fontes de não linearidades em sistemas aeroelásticos, pode-se citar as de origem aerodinâmica e estrutural. As de origem estrutural, por sua vez, podem ter caráter distribuído ou concentrado. Sabe-se que os efeitos estruturais concentrados denominados enrijecimento e folga são os de maior impacto na aeroelasticidade não linear. Desse modo, o objetivo desse trabalho é estudar a interação não linear entre duas não linearidades estruturais, ou seja, o enrijecimento associado à rigidez em torção e a folga presente nas articulações das superfícies de controle de seções típicas aeroelásticas. Experimentos em túnel de vento são realizados utilizando um dispositivo que permite variar a intensidade do efeito de enrijecimento e do tamanho da folga na articulação da superfície de comando. O modelo numérico de seção típica aeroelástica também é utilizado e validado com dados experimentais. Análises por meio de diagramas de bifurcação de Hopf e técnicas baseadas em espectros de potência são utilizadas. Todas as respostas aeroelásticas foram caracterizadas através de ferramentas de análise nos domínios do tempo e da frequência, como técnica de reconstrução de espaço de estados e os espectros de alta ordem (HOS), os quais são importantes na identificação dos tipos de acoplamentos não lineares. Resultados indicam que a combinação dos efeitos de enrijecimento e folga são responsáveis pelo comportamento subcrítico das bifurcações de Hopf e que a intensidade do enrijecimento tem influência direta nas amplitudes de ciclo limite. / Aeroelasticity is the field of engineering that deals with the mutual interaction between the aerodynamic and structural dynamics effects. It is known that this relationship often shows nonlinear behavior, causing various problems such as flutter, limit cycle oscillations, bifurcations and chaos. Such phenomena are difficult to predict and can cause serious problems to the aircraft structure and also they can jeopardize their operations. The unsteady aerodynamic and structural dynamics provide the main sources of nonlinearities in aeroelastic systems. Structural nonlinearities can be treated as distributed or concentrated effects. It is know that the nonlinear concentrated structural effects referred as hardening and freeplay have a significant impact on nonlinear aeroelasticity. The objective of this work is to analyze an aeroelastic system under the influence of combined structural nonlinearities, i.e., the hardening nonlinearity in the pitch airfoil motion and the freeplay nonlinearity in the control surface hinge. Wind tunnel experiments are carried out using one device that allows to vary the intensity of the hardening effect and the size of the freeplay gap in the control surface hinge. The numerical model of the typical aeroelastic section is also used and validated with experimental data. All aeroelastic responses are characterized by analytical tools in time and frequency domains. It was used the state space reconstruction technique and the higher order spectral analysis (HOS) to identify types of nonlinear couplings. The results indicate that the combination of hardening and freeplay effects are responsible for inducing the subcritical behavior on the Hopf bifurcations and that the intensity of the stiffness has a direct influence on the limit cycle amplitudes.

Construção de uma teoria quântica dos campos topológica a partir do invariante de Kuperberg / Construction of a Topological Quantum Field Theory from the Kuperberg Invariant

Silva, Anderson Alves da 28 September 2015 (has links)
Resumo Neste trabalho apresentamos, em detalhes, a construção de uma teoria quântica dos campos topológica (TQCT). Podemos definir uma TQCT como um funtor simétrico monoidal da categoria dos cobordismos para a categoria dos espaços vetoriais. Em duas dimensões podemos encontrar uma descrição completa da categoria dos cobordismos e classificar todas as TQCT\'s. Em três dimensões é possível estender alguns invariantes para 3-variedades e construir uma TQCT 3D. Nossa construção é baseada no invariante para 3-variedades de Kuperberg, o qual envolve diagramas de Heegaard e álgebras de Hopf. Começamos com a apresentação do invariante de Kuperberg definido para toda variedade 3D compacta, orientável e sem bordo. Para cada álgebra de Hopf de dimensão finita constrói-se um invariante. Por fim, apresentamos a TQCT associada com o invariante de Kuperberg. Isto é feito usando-se o fato de que o invariante de Kuperberg é definido como uma soma de pesos locais tal qual uma função de partição. A TQCT decorre dos operadores advindos de variedades com bordo. / Abstract In this work we present in detail a construction of a topological quantum field theory (TQFT). We can define a TQFT as a symmetric monoidal functor from cobordism categories to category of vector spaces. In two dimension, we can give a complete description of cobordism categories and classify all TQFT\'s. In three dimension it is possible to extend some specific 3-manifold invariants and to construct a TQFT 3D. Our construction is based on the Kuperberg 3-manifold invariant which involves Heegaard diagrams and Hopf algebras. We start with the presentation of the Kuperberg invariant defined for every orientable compact 3-manifold without boundary. For each finite-dimensional Hopf algebra we can construct a invariant. Finally we presente the TQFT associated with the Kuperberg invariant. This is made using the fact that the Kuperberg invariant is defined like a sum of local weights in the same way as a partition function. The TQFT is constructed from the operators given by manifolds with boundary.

Iterative matrix-free computation of Hopf bifurcations as Neimark-Sacker points of fixed point iterations

Garcia, Ignacio de Mateo 12 March 2012 (has links)
Klassische Methoden für die direkte Berechnung von Hopf Punkten und andere Singularitaten basieren auf der Auswertung und Faktorisierung der Jakobimatrix. Dieses stellt ein Hindernis dar, wenn die Dimensionen des zugrundeliegenden Problems gross genug ist, was oft bei Partiellen Diferentialgleichungen der Fall ist. Die betrachteten Systeme haben die allgemeine Darstellung f ( x(t), α) für t grösser als 0, wobei x die Zustandsvariable, α ein beliebiger Parameter ist und f glatt in Bezug auf x und α ist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Matrixfreies Schema entwicklet und untersucht, dass ausschliesslich aus Produkten aus Jakobimatrizen und Vektoren besteht, zusammen mit der Auswertung anderer Ableitungsvektoren erster und zweiter Ordnung. Hiermit wird der Grenzwert des Parameters α, der zuständig ist für das Verlieren der Stabilität des Systems, am Hopfpunkt bestimmt. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Gleichungssystem zur iterativen Berechnung des Hopfpunktes aufgestellt. Das System wird mit einer skalaren Testfunktion φ, die aus einer Projektion des kritischen Eigenraums bestimmt ist, ergänzt. Da das System f aus einer räumlichen Diskretisierung eines Systems Partieller Differentialgleichungen entstanden ist, wird auch in dieser Arbeit die Berechung des Fehlers, der bei der Diskretisierung unvermeidbar ist, dargestellt und untersucht. Zur Bestimmung der Hopf-Bedingungen wird ein einzelner Parameter gesteuert. Dieser Parameter wird unabhängig oder zusammen mit dem Zustandsvektor in einem gedämpften Iterationsschritt neu berechnet. Der entworfene Algorithmus wird für das FitzHugh-Nagumo Model erprobt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie für einen kritischen Strom, das Membranpotential eine fortschreitende Welle darstellt. / Classical methods for the direct computation of Hopf bifurcation points and other singularities rely on the evaluation and factorization of Jacobian matrices. In view of large scale problems arising from PDE discretization systems of the form f( x (t), α ), for t bigger than 0, where x are the state variables, α are certain parameters and f is smooth with respect to x and α, a matrix-free scheme is developed based exclusively on Jacobian-vector products and other first and second derivative vectors to obtain the critical parameter α causing the loss of stability at the Hopf point. In the present work, a system of equations is defined to locate Hopf points, iteratively, extending the system equations with a scalar test function φ, based on a projection of the eigenspaces. Since the system f arises from a spatial discretization of an original set of PDEs, an error correction considering the different discretization procedures is presented. To satisfy the Hopf conditions a single parameter is adjusted independently or simultaneously with the state vector in a deflated iteration step, reaching herewith both: locating the critical parameter and accelerating the convergence rate of the system. As a practical experiment, the algorithm is presented for the Hopf point of a brain cell represented by the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. It will be shown how for a critical current, the membrane potential will present a travelling wave typical of an oscillatory behaviour.

Limites topológicos do modelo Gauge-Higgs com simetria Z(2) em uma rede bidimensional / Topological Limits in the Gauge-Higgs Model with Z(2) Symmetry in a Bidimensional Lattice

Nelson Javier Buitrago Aza 04 November 2013 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos as teorias de gauge acoplada com campos de matéria em variedades bidimensionais. Para isso, descrevemos primeiro um formalismo em duas e três dimensões o qual é baseado na ideia de Kuperberg de definir um invariante topológico em três dimensões usando álgebras de Hopf e diagramas de Heegaard. O uso do formalismo é útil para este trabalho pois é fácil a identificação de limites topológicos sem resolver o modelo. Também escrevemos o modelo de gauge com campos de matéria usando uma fixação de gauge chamada de gauge unitário. Trabalhamos com o grupo abeliano $\\mathbb_$ e explicamos com detalhe o caso $\\mathbb_$. Calculamos as funções de partição e loops de Wilson para este grupo nos diferentes limites topológicos. Mostramos que existem casos nos quais os resultados dependem da triangulação mas de maneira trivial, estes casos foram chamados de quase-topológicos. / In this thesis we study gauge theories coupled with matter fields in two-dimensional manifolds. In order to proceed we first describe a formalism in two and three dimensions which is based on the idea of Kuperberg of defining a topological invariant in three dimensions using Hopf algebras and Heegaard diagrams. The use of this formalism is useful here because it is easy to identify topological limits without solving the model. Furthermore, we write the gauge model with matter fields choosing the unitary gauge. We work with abelians groups Z(n) and explain the Z(2) case in detail. We calculate partition functions and Wilson loops for this group in the different topological limits. We show that, there were cases in which the results depended on the triangulation but in a trivial way, these cases are called quasi-topological.

Efeito de não linearidades estruturais na resposta aeroelástica de aerofólios / Effect of structural nonlinearities in the aeroelastic response of airfoils

Daniel de Almeida Pereira 04 August 2015 (has links)
A aeroelasticidade estuda a interação mútua entre os efeitos aerodinâmicos e estruturais. É sabido que essa relação muitas vezes se comporta de maneira não linear, causando diversos problemas, tais como flutter, oscilações em ciclo limite, bifurcações e caos. Tais fenômenos são difíceis de serem diagnosticados, podendo causar problemas graves à estrutura das aeronaves e também inviabilizar as suas operações. Dentre as principais fontes de não linearidades em sistemas aeroelásticos, pode-se citar as de origem aerodinâmica e estrutural. As de origem estrutural, por sua vez, podem ter caráter distribuído ou concentrado. Sabe-se que os efeitos estruturais concentrados denominados enrijecimento e folga são os de maior impacto na aeroelasticidade não linear. Desse modo, o objetivo desse trabalho é estudar a interação não linear entre duas não linearidades estruturais, ou seja, o enrijecimento associado à rigidez em torção e a folga presente nas articulações das superfícies de controle de seções típicas aeroelásticas. Experimentos em túnel de vento são realizados utilizando um dispositivo que permite variar a intensidade do efeito de enrijecimento e do tamanho da folga na articulação da superfície de comando. O modelo numérico de seção típica aeroelástica também é utilizado e validado com dados experimentais. Análises por meio de diagramas de bifurcação de Hopf e técnicas baseadas em espectros de potência são utilizadas. Todas as respostas aeroelásticas foram caracterizadas através de ferramentas de análise nos domínios do tempo e da frequência, como técnica de reconstrução de espaço de estados e os espectros de alta ordem (HOS), os quais são importantes na identificação dos tipos de acoplamentos não lineares. Resultados indicam que a combinação dos efeitos de enrijecimento e folga são responsáveis pelo comportamento subcrítico das bifurcações de Hopf e que a intensidade do enrijecimento tem influência direta nas amplitudes de ciclo limite. / Aeroelasticity is the field of engineering that deals with the mutual interaction between the aerodynamic and structural dynamics effects. It is known that this relationship often shows nonlinear behavior, causing various problems such as flutter, limit cycle oscillations, bifurcations and chaos. Such phenomena are difficult to predict and can cause serious problems to the aircraft structure and also they can jeopardize their operations. The unsteady aerodynamic and structural dynamics provide the main sources of nonlinearities in aeroelastic systems. Structural nonlinearities can be treated as distributed or concentrated effects. It is know that the nonlinear concentrated structural effects referred as hardening and freeplay have a significant impact on nonlinear aeroelasticity. The objective of this work is to analyze an aeroelastic system under the influence of combined structural nonlinearities, i.e., the hardening nonlinearity in the pitch airfoil motion and the freeplay nonlinearity in the control surface hinge. Wind tunnel experiments are carried out using one device that allows to vary the intensity of the hardening effect and the size of the freeplay gap in the control surface hinge. The numerical model of the typical aeroelastic section is also used and validated with experimental data. All aeroelastic responses are characterized by analytical tools in time and frequency domains. It was used the state space reconstruction technique and the higher order spectral analysis (HOS) to identify types of nonlinear couplings. The results indicate that the combination of hardening and freeplay effects are responsible for inducing the subcritical behavior on the Hopf bifurcations and that the intensity of the stiffness has a direct influence on the limit cycle amplitudes.

Hyperarbres et Partitions semi-pointées : aspects combinatoires, algébriques et homologiques / Hypertrees and semi-pointed Partitions : combinatorial, algebraic and homological Aspects

Delcroix-Oger, Bérénice 21 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude combinatoire, algébrique et homologique des hyperarbres et des partitions semi-pointées. Nous étudions plus précisément des structures algébriques et homologiques construites à partir des hyperarbres, puis des partitions semi-pointées.Après un bref rappel des notions utilisées, nous utilisons la théorie des espèces de structure afin de déterminer l’action du groupe symétrique sur l’homologie du poset des hyperarbres. Cette action s’identifie à l’action du groupe symétrique liée à la structure anti-cyclique de l’opérade PreLie. Nous raffinons ensuite nos calculs sur une graduation de l’homologie, appelée homologie de Whitney. Cette étude motive l'introduction de la notion d’hyperarbre aux arêtes décorées par une espèce. Une bijection des hyperarbres décorés avec des arbres en boîtes et des partitions décorées permet d’obtenir une formule close pour leur cardinal, à l’aide d’un codage de Prüfer. Nous adaptons ensuite les méthodes de calcul de caractères sur les algèbres de Hopf d’incidence, introduites par W. Schmitt dans le cas de familles de posets bornés, à des familles de posets non bornés vérifiant certaines propriétés. Nous appliquons ensuite cette adaptation aux posets des hyperarbres. Enfin, au cours de notre étude une généralisation des posets des partitions et des posets des partitions pointées apparaît : les poset des partitions semi-pointées. Nous montrons que ces posets sont aussi Cohen-Macaulay, avant de déterminer à l’aide de la théorie des espèces une formule close pour la dimension de l’unique groupe d’homologie non trivial de ces posets / This thesis is dedicated to the combinatorial, algebraic and homological study of hypertrees and semi-pointed partitions. More precisely, we study algebraic and homological structures built from hypertrees and semi-pointed partitions. After recalling briefly the notions needed, we use the theory of species of structures to compute the action of the symmetric group on the homology of the hypertree posets. This action is the same as the action of the symmetric group linked with the anticyclic structure of the PreLie operad. We refine our computations on a grading of the homology : Whitney homology. This study is a motivation for the introduction of the notion of edge-decorated hypertrees. A one-to-one correspondence of decorated hypertrees with box trees and decorated partitions enables us to compute a close formula for the cardinality of decorated hypertrees, thanks to a Prüfer code. Moreover, we adapt computation methods of characters on incidence Hopf algebras, introduced by W. Schmitt for families of bounded posets, to families of unbounded posets satisfying some additional properties, called triangle and diamond posets. We apply these results to the hypertree posets. Finally, we unveil a new family of posets : the semi-pointed partition posets, which generalize both partition posets and pointed partition posets. We show the Cohen-Macaulayness of these posets and obtain, thanks to species theory, a closed formula for the dimension of its unique homology group, which extend the ones established for partition posets and pointed partition posets

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