Spelling suggestions: "subject:"identita""
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[pt] Esta dissertação buscou empreender uma genealogia e análise crítica de processos feministas de subjetivação. Como ponta de partida, foram usadas uma experiência que faz parte da trajetória da pesquisadora e o estudo de caso dos grupos de Consciousness-Raising (C-R). Fenômeno popular do feminismo americano dos anos 70, C-R foi uma ferramenta adotada pelo Women s Liberation Movement por meio da qual mulheres organizavam-se com uma metodologia própria para responder perguntas usando exemplos de suas vidas pessoais, além das próprias emoções. As respostas eram tratadas como dados a serem analisados e comparados, de modo a pensar coletivamente o que é ser mulher e identificar opressões estruturais da sociedade. Baseada em vasto levantamento documental, relatos e literatura da época, esta pesquisa pretendeu compreender o funcionamento da dinâmica dos grupos de C-R e pensar criticamente, a partir de autores pós-estruturalistas, pós-colonialistas e da teoria queer, nas diversas implicações políticas e subjetivas de ferramentas e práticas de subjetivação feministas. Com foco nas relações entre C-R e a questão da diferença foi investigado o surgimento e materialização da política identitária nos movimentos feminista e LGBT+, e analisado o papel da cultura material na construção e consolidação de valores normativos dentro e fora desses movimentos. / [en] This thesis sought to undertake a genealogy and critical analysis of feminist subjectification processes. Its starting points were a personal-academic experience of the researcher and the case study of the Consciousness-Raising (C-R) phenomena from the American second-wave feminist movement. C-R was a tool developed and widely adopted by the Women s Liberation Movement, in which women organized themselves using their own methodologies to answer questions based on their personal lives and emotions. The answers were used as data to be analyzed and compared in order to provoke collective reflection on what it means to be a woman and to identify structural oppressions. Based on vast archival research, personal testimonies and feminist literature produced at the time, this thesis aimed to comprehend the dynamics of C-R groups to reflect critically - drawing from post-structuralist, post-colonialist and queer theory - on the several political and subjective implications of feminist subjectification practices and tools. Through focusing on the relationship between C-R and the issue of difference, it also analyzed the development of Identity Politics within the feminist and LGBT+ movements, as well as the role
played by material culture in the construction and consolidation of normative values within and outside said movements.
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«Negra soy, color bonito»: el papel de la «raza» en la identidad de los afrodescendientes en el Perú / «I am black, nice color»: The role of «race» in the identity of Africandescendants in PeruValdivia Vargas, Néstor 10 April 2018 (has links)
This document is based on a recent study on the relation between ethnicity, culture, «race» and ancestry among Afro-Peruvians. Findings show that while construction of the «black» or Afrodescendant identity in Peru holds the cultural dimension as a central component, it mainly - and fundamentally- revolves around the idea of the existence of a «black race». According to these «racialized» identity criteria, the boundaries of an Afro-descendant «we» cover only those with certain phenotypic markers that Afro-Peruvians themselves consider as defining membership in the «black race». The phenotypical «evidence» of «blackness» thus appears as a kind of «necessary condition» for the «black»/Afro- Peruvian identity. This form of self-identification poses a threat to the political discourses and projects of Afro-Peruvian organizations seeking to build a «de-racialized» Afrodescendant identity, one that is linked to a historical memory of the African diaspora which, nonetheless, seems to hold a weak presence among our country’s people of African descent. / El documento se basa en una reciente investigación sobre la relación entre etnia, cultura, «raza» y ancestralidad entre los afroperuanos. Los resultados permiten concluir que si bien la construcción de la identidad «negra» o afrodescendiente en el Perú tiene como un eje centra la dimensión cultural, principalmente —y de modo fundamental— gira en torno a la idea de la existencia de una «raza negra». Según estos criterios identitarios «racializados», las fronteras de un «nosotros» conformado por los afrodescendientes sólo abarcan a aquellas personas que tienen ciertos marcadores fenotípicos considerados —por los propios afroperuanos— como definitorios de la pertenencia a la «raza negra». La «evidencia» fenotípica de la «negritud» aparece así como una suerte de «condición necesaria» para la identidad «negra»/afroperuana. Esta forma de autoidentificación representa un desafío para los discursos y proyectos políticos de las organizaciones afroperuanas que procuran construir una identidad afrodescendiente «des-racializada» y vinculada a la memoria histórica de la diáspora africana —la cual,sin embargo, parece tener una débil referencia entre los afrodescendientes de nuestro país—.
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Transformaciones territoriales y análisis geográfico en ámbitos patagónicos de montañaBondel, Conrado Santiago 16 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
El estudio de las transformaciones territoriales en esta parte del Sur del país obedece en especial a dos circunstancias de distinta índole. La primera vinculada a la investigación y su potencial trascendencia teórica y práctica en contextos académicos y profesionales interesados por comprender las características de la instalación humana en ámbitos sujetos a importantes cambios. La segunda responde al desenvolvimiento incierto de las comarcas andino patagónicas frente a hechos, propuestas y proyectos referentes a cuestiones de decisiva impronta regional. Se trata de territorios en plena gestación identitaria, donde es habitual lo dubitativo y confuso, aún desde perspectivas históricas y literarias, que son en las que normalmente se asientan las raíces regionales. En los recientes años '90 y en concordancia con los ajustes propios del nuevo orden mundial, se observan re-acomodamientos locales inscriptos en modalidades que obligan a la revisión profunda. Modalidades postmodernas que pueden identificarse como espacios de consumo. Es la condición cultural la que imprime nuevas estructuras espaciales de fuertes proyecciones anímicas enraizadas en lo simbólico y lo estético, donde las transformaciones se suceden a partir de una resignificación de la naturaleza. Desde allí es que se hacen planteos hipotéticos en busca de explicaciones, atendiendo a las valorizaciones que existen para con la Patagonia Andina. Aquellas que implican una preeminencia singular de los aspectos afectivos y emocionales por sobre los económicos, aunque con el turismo como el vector principal de transformación y a cuyo derredor se entremezclan situaciones conflictivas. Es ésta la dirección del análisis que busca esclarecer dudas a partir de la producción de conocimiento geográfico con sentido "examinador" de la realidad. Fenómenos como los de dispersión, neoruralidad y fragmentación espacial, se muestran como los resultados más visibles en materia paisajística y con ello estamos ante un marco problemático y complejo. Con la sistematización de una significativa cantidad de información involucrada y una fuerte carga empírica proveniente de la convivencia profesional de varios años con la mayor parte de los problemas abordados, se presenta un aporte al cuerpo teórico de la Geografía preocupada por los ámbitos montanos, así como también su proyección hacia la explicación geográfica regional y su eventual insumo para el Planeamiento y la Gestión Territorial. Se analiza el conjunto territorial ofreciendo una perspectiva integradora en escenarios novedosos que, desde nuestra disciplina pueden abordarse con la posibilidad cierta de orientar una importante cantidad de estudios sectoriales que ya se manifiestan, en particular por requerimientos políticos. Con la Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42 en el foco del análisis, la tesis se abocó a incursionar en la realidad andino patagónica, identificando, sistematizando y valorando los conflictos de estirpe territorial como camino explicativo. / The study of the territorial transformations in this part of the South of the country is especially due to two different kinds of circumstances. The first one is linked with geographical research and its potential significance in theory and practice within academic and professional contexts interested in understanding the features of human settlements in areas subject to important changes. The second one responds to the uncertain development of the Patagonian mountain 'regions' (comarcas andino patagónicas) faced with events, proposals and projects referred to matters of decisive regional treads. It is about territories which are taking full shape for identity where doubtfulness and confusion are frequent, even from their historic and literary perspectives by which regional roots, normally, are likely to be consolidated. In the late 90', and in accordance with the own adjustments of the new world order, local re-accommodations registered as modalities that require a deep revision can be observed. Post-modern modalities that can be identify as spaces of consumption. It is the cultural condition which stamps new spatial structures with strong emotional projections deeply rooted in symbolism and aesthetic, and where transformations happen to be from a deep meaning for Nature. At this particular point, hypothetic considerations in search for reasons are made with regard to values that are concern with Patagonian Andes mountains. Those which give singular pre-eminence to emotional and affectionate aspects above the economical ones, despite the fact that tourism as the main vector of transformation, and within its environment conflicted situations become intermingled. This is the direction of the analysis that expects to clarify doubts from the production of geographic knowledge on closer examination at reality. Phenomena such as dispersion, neo-rural areas and space fragmentation are shown to be as the most visible results concerning the landscape matter. Therefore, we are faced with a difficult and complex framework. A contribution to theoretical Geography concerned about mountain areas, as well as its projection towards a regional geographic explanation and its eventual input to the Planning and Territorial Administration is introduced, together with the systematization of a lot of relevant information involved, and a large amount of empirical work which came from professional coexistence dealt with most of the problems over the years. The territory is analysed as a whole, and an integrated perspective in original scenarios is offered. This can be dealt with by our discipline with a certain possibility to give guidance on a great number of sectorial studies. In fact, they have already been known, particularly, by political requests. The thesis, with the Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42 in the focus of the analysis, went into greater detail about the Patagonian Andes Mountains reality. It identified, systematized and assessed the difficulties concerning the territorial lineage as an explanatory framework.
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[pt] Este trabalho investiga os processos de negociação identitária no curso de
entrevistas de pesquisa com ocupantes de terrenos e prédios na cidade do Rio de
Janeiro nos últimos dois anos. A premissa central para a organização desta
investigação se baseia nos conceitos de neutralização do desvio e das técnicas de
controle da informação, concebidos por H. Becker e E. Goffman, respectivamente.
Tais conceitos referem-se às técnicas interacionais através das quais os indivíduos
negociam rótulos e identidades em interação, de forma a se alinharem
preferentemente com as expectativas sociais canônicas de normalidade, ao passo
em que se afastam discursivamente de estigmas sociais. Nosso arcabouço teórico
baseia-se em autores que consideram nossas identidades não como substância fixa
ou concebida aprioristicamente, mas como fluidas, fragmentadas e passíveis de
negociação no curso das interações. Os dados foram analisados através de dois
recortes, com base em Biar (2012): no primeiro, utilizamos a sociolinguística
interacional, prioritariamente os conceitos de enquadre e proteção da face
concebidos por Goffman (1959; 1974). Identificamos o uso nas entrevistas de
recursos linguísticos que incluem hesitações, vagueza no fornecimento de
determinadas informações, não nomeação de atos desviantes, dentre outros.
Identificamos ainda um esforço discursivo por parte dos entrevistados no sentido
de alterar os enquadres propostos inicialmente pelos entrevistadores. O segundo
recorte analisa as narrativas geradas por estes participantes com base nas
categorias de causalidade e sistemas de coerência de Linde (1993).
Argumentamos que estas relações podem igualmente ser usadas pelos falantes
para construir aproximação ou afastamento das atividades tidas como desviantes
e, consequentemente, fazem parte do processo de negociação identitária. / [en] The present investigation aims at analyzing the identity construction
processes that emerge in the course of research interviews with homeless activists
who have been occupying lands and buildings in Rio de Janeiro over the last two
years. The central premise for the organization of this research is based on the
concepts of deviance neutralization and information control techniques,
designed by Becker and Goffman, respectively. These concepts relate to
interactional techniques by which stigmatized individuals negotiate their identities
in interaction, so as to preferably align themselves with the canonical societal
expectations of normality, while they deviate discursively from stigma. Our
theoretical framework is based on authors who consider our identities not as a
fixed substance nor as designed outside discourse, but as fluid, fragmented and
subject to negotiation in the course of real interactions. Data were analyzed
through two layers based on Biar (2012): the first applies the interactional
sociolinguistics perspective, primarily the concepts of framing and face work as
conceived by Goffman. We have identified the use of several linguistic resources
including hesitations, vagueness in the supply of certain information, non- naming
of deviant acts, among others strategies employed by our interviewees in order to
present themselves in a positive light. This investigation also has identified a
discursive effort on the part of respondents to amend the framings initially
proposed by the interviewers. The second analytical layer considers narratives
generated by these participants in accordance with causality relations and systems
of coherence as designed by Linde (1993). We argue that these relations have
been used by interviewees to either denote association with or distance from the
activities regarded as deviant, and therefore they form part of the identity
negotiation processes.
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"Exister à bout de plume". Un recueil de nouvelles migrantes au prisme de l'anthropologie littéraire / "To exist through writing". A collection of short stories through the prism of literary anthropology / "Esistere in punta di penna". Una raccolta di racconti migranti nell'ottica dell'antropologia letterariaAidara, Aminata 16 June 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche concerne le rapport à la lecture et à l’écriture d’une communauté de jeunes issus de l’immigration. L’hypothèse est que l’expression littéraire incarne un tiers espace d’expression culturelle, entre la famille et la société pour des jeunes dont la vie familiale est d’avantage traversée par l’Histoire et les questions mondiales le plus contemporaines. Au fil des représentations découlant d’un recueil de nouvelles qui a été créé ad hoc pour cette thèse, Exister à bout de plume. Nouvelles migrantes, est démontrée la façon dont l’écriture fictionnelle ou autobiographique symbolise une prise de parole importante permettant aux individus qui l’emploient d’avoir une meilleure conscience de soi. À travers une première partie dédiée à la recherche de terrain et l’autre se fondant sur l’analyse des entretiens et des nouvelles du recueil, ressort l’importance d’une visibilité pour les questionnements, problématiques, ressentis, espoirs et revendications des jeunes issus de l’immigration dans une époque où le modèle assimilationniste montre plus que jamais la saveur amère de ses fruits et les fractures sociétaires qu’il n’a pas pu empêcher de laisser se creuser. En mettant en avant des thèmes comme : la quête identitaire, les obstacles et l’ambition caractérisant leurs premiers pas dans la société, la recherche de légitimité et l’envie de raconter, directement ou pas, le parcours de leurs parents – ces jeunes écrivains amateurs se réapproprient activement leur bagage culturel et leur apparence. Ils s’engagent dans l’écriture pour que ça ne soit plus seulement l’apanage des voix littéraires dominantes. Pour qu’on prenne connaissance de leurs propres regards sur eux-mêmes, enfin sortis de la condition limitée d’objet d’étude sociologique ou anthropologique pour se faire sujets via l’écriture. / This research focuses on young people of immigrant background with the aim of investigating the distinctive manner in which this community relates to literature as a means of expression. The hypothesis we explore is that these young people, whose life tends to be especially permeated by history and contemporary global issues, may find in literature a third space of cultural expression, alongside family and society. As the various images arising from a collection of short stories created especially for this dissertation - Exister à bout de plume. Nouvelles migrantes – succeed one another, it emerges that fictional and autobiographical writing enables those who resort to it as a means of expression to find their own voice and gain deeper self-awareness. The first part of the dissertation is dedicated to field research, while the second part provides analyses of the short stories and the interviews of the authors. The analyses reveal how important it is to make visible the problems, struggles, feelings, hopes and claims of young people of immigrant background, especially in times in which the bitter fruits of the assimilationist model and the social fractures this model was unable to prevent become more and more apparent. The young amateur writers reclaim their cultural background and their appearance emphasising themes such as the search for personal identity, the obstacles and ambitions characterising their first steps into society, the search for legitimacy and the desire to narrate, more or less explicitly, the personal trajectories of their parents. The engagement of this community with the literary means appears to be motivated by the desire to reclaim themes that tend to be considered exclusive purview of dominant literary voices. The literary means seems to allow the authors to escape the role of mere object of sociological and anthropological investigation and become Subjects narrating themselves from their own point of view. / L’oggetto di questa ricerca è il rapporto alla lettura e alla scrittura di una comunità di giovani di seconda generazione d’origine immigrata. L’ipotesi formulata vede nella manifestazione letteraria la concretizzazione di un terzo spazio d’espressione culturale e di autorappresentazione, tra famiglia e società, che si giustifica attraverso le questioni storiche nonché contemporanee che questi giovani si trovano ad affrontare nel loro percorso di crescita ed evoluzione personale. Analizzando le rappresentazioni risultanti da una raccolta di racconti creata ad hoc per questa tesi, Esistere in punta di penna. Racconti migranti, si spiega il modo in cui la scrittura di finzione o autobiografica riesce a simbolizzare una presa di parola importante che permette agli individui che l’utilizzano d’avere una migliore coscienza di sé. Attraverso una prima parte dedicata alla ricerca sul campo e l’altra basata sull’analisi delle interviste e dei racconti della raccolta, emerge l’importanza di rendere visibili domande, problematiche, sentimenti, speranze e rivendicazioni dei giovani d’origine immigrata in un’epoca, la nostra, in cui il modello assimilazionista mostra più che mai il sapore amaro dei suoi frutti e la sua impotenza di fronte alle sempre più laceranti fratture sociali. Mettendo in primo piano temi come : l’indagine identitaria, gli ostacoli e le ambizioni che caratterizzano i loro primi passi nella società, la ricerca di legittimità e la voglia di raccontare, direttamente o meno, il percorso dei loro genitori, questi giovani scrittori alle prime armi, si riappropriano attivamente del loro bagaglio culturale e della loro apparenza fisica. Si impegnano nella scrittura affinché questa non sia più sola prerogativa di voci letterarie dominanti, permettendoci quindi di conoscere lo sguardo che hanno su se stessi e il mondo che li circonda, persone liberate infine dalla condizione limitata d’oggetto di studio sociologico o antropologico per esistere diversamente come soggetti « in punta di penna ».
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[pt] Esta pesquisa se dedica à reflexão sobre os efeitos do etnocídio em relação à presença
indígena no meio urbano e periférico a partir de estudo de caso ligado à minha própria
vida e à experiência social de minha avó, Dona Dora, remanescente Potyguara e
migrante da Paraíba. Dialogamos com estudos sobre os fenômenos das etnogêneses e
retomadas identitárias que se confrontam com o processo miscigenatório e de violência
étnico-racial que se deu junto ao fato colonial. Na metodologia utilizada, exploramos
o modelo (auto)etnográfico e prestigiamos a escuta atenta da oralidade ancestral,
através de vovó e sua história de vida. No âmbito das ciências sociais, nos interessa
compreender sobre os problemas que perpassam a subalternização de pessoas
afroindígenas na formação da sociedade nacional. Para Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,
o sujeito subalterno é concebido como ausente nas práticas discursivas da
representação política e social, aqui rompemos com isto e contribuímos para a
produção de conhecimento afroindígena a partir de reflexões sobre vida,
ancestralidade e memória. / [en] This research aims to reflect on the effects of ethnocide in relation to indigenous
presence in urban and peripheral areas, based on a case study linked tomy own life
and the social experience of my grandmother, Dona Dora, a Potyguara remnant and
migrant from Paraíba. We dialogue with studies on the phenomena of ethnogenesis
and identity recovery, which are confronted with the miscegenation process and
ethnic-racial violence that took place together with the colonial fact. In the
methodology used we explore the (auto)ethnographic model and honor the attentive
listening of ancestral orality through grandma and her life story. In the field of social
sciences we are interested in understanding the problems that permeate the
subordination of Afro-indigenous people in the formation of national society. For
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, the subaltern subject is conceived as absent in the
discursive practices of political and social representation, here we break with this and
contribute to the production of Afro- indigenous knowledge, from reflections on life,
ancestry, and memory.
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[pt] O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é investigar as produções de sentidos que
são (des)construídos por voluntários que atuam no atendimento às pessoas em
situação de refúgio no Centro de Atendimento ao Refugiado, mantido pela
Associação São Vicente de Paulo (ASVP) e localizado no bairro de Botafogo, zona
Sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Uma vez que intentamos compreender os sentidos
promovidos por voluntários em diferentes perspectivas, os dados foram gerados,
por meio da entrevista qualitativa, com um psicólogo, uma recreadora infantil e um
professor de português como língua estrangeira, todos ofertantes de assistência
voluntária a refugiados. A fim de alcançarmos nossos objetivos, lançamos mão dos
postulados teórico-metodológicos do arcabouço da Análise da Narrativa, uma vez
que, por meio deste ferramental, podemos promover a investigação sobre como os
voluntários avaliam os refugiados a que atendem; as motivações para
(des)continuidade da oferta da prática assistencial que desempenham; bem como
analisar a maneira como os voluntários desenvolvem suas práticas identitárias, que,
neste trabalho, são entendidas como performáticas, fluidas e emergentes durante o
fluxo interacional. Os dados aqui observados apontam para o trabalho voluntário
como uma arena socio-interacional em que são operacionalizados sentidos e
sistemas de coerência díspares, que perpassam pelo domínio discursivo religioso,
educacional, jurídico e clínico. / [en] The objective of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the productions of
meanings that are (de)constructed by volunteers who work in order to assist people
in refugee situations at the Refugee Service Center, maintained by the Associação
São Vicente de Paulo (ASVP) and located in neighborhood of Botafogo, south zone
of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Since we tried to understand the meanings promoted
by volunteers from different perspectives, the data was generated, through
qualitative interviews, with a psychologist, a children s entertainer and a Portuguese
teacher as foreing language, all offering voluntary assistance to refugees. In order
to achieve our objectives, we made use of the theoretical-methodological postulates
of the Narrative Analysis framework, since, through this tool, we can promote
investigation into how volunteers evaluate the refugees they serve; the motivations
for (dis)continuity in offering the care practice they perform; as well as analyzing
the way in which volunteers develop their identity practices, which, in this work,
are understood as performative, fluid and emerging during the interactional flow.
The data observed here point to voluntary work as a socio-interactional arena in
which disparate meanings and systems of coherence are operationalized, which
permeate the religious, educational, legal and clinical discursive domain. / [es] El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es investigar las producciones de
significados que son (de)construidos por voluntarios que trabajan para ayudar a
personas en situación de refugiados en el Centro de Atención a Refugiados,
mantenido por la Associação São Vicente de Paulo (ASVP) y ubicado en el barrio
de Botafogo, zona sur de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Como intentamos comprender
los significados promovidos por los voluntarios desde diferentes perspectivas, se
generaron datos, a través de entrevistas cualitativas, con un psicólogo, un animador
infantil y un profesor de portugués como lengua extranjera, todos ofreciendo
asistencia voluntaria a los refugiados. Para lograr nuestros objetivos, hicimos uso
de los postulados teórico-metodológicos del marco del Análisis Narrativo, ya que,
a través de esta herramienta, podemos promover la investigación sobre cómo los
voluntarios evalúan a los refugiados a los que sirven; las motivaciones para la
(dis)continuidad en la oferta de la práctica de cuidado que realizan; así como
analizar la forma en que los voluntarios desarrollan sus prácticas identitarias, las
cuales, en este trabajo, se entienden como performativas, fluidas y emergentes
durante el flujo interaccional. Los datos observados aquí apuntan al trabajo
voluntario como un ámbito sociointeraccional en el que se operacionalizan
significados y sistemas de coherencia dispares, que permean el dominio discursivo
religioso, educativo, jurídico y clínico. / [de] Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, die Sinnproduktionen zu untersuchen,
die von Freiwilligen, die im Flüchtlingszentrum des São Vicente de Paulo Vereins
(ASVP) arbeiten und im Stadtviertel Botafogo im Süden von Rio de Janeiro
ansässig sind, (des)konstruiert werden. Da wir die von Freiwilligen in
verschiedenen Perspektiven geförderten Bedeutungen verstehen möchten, wurden
die Daten durch qualitative Interviews mit einem Psychologen, einem
Kinderbetreuer und einem Portugiesischlehrer als Fremdsprache, die alle
freiwillige Unterstützung für Flüchtlinge anbieten, generiert. Um unsere Ziele zu
erreichen, greifen wir auf die theoretisch-methodologischen Postulate des
narrativen Analyserahmens zurück, da wir mithilfe dieser Instrumente die
Untersuchung darüber fördern können, wie Freiwillige die Flüchtlinge bewerten,
die sie betreuen; die Motivationen für (Dis)Kontinuität des Angebots der
unterstützenden Praxis, die sie ausüben; sowie die Analyse, wie Freiwillige ihre
identitären Praktiken entwickeln, die in dieser Arbeit als performativ, flüssig und
emergent während des interaktiven Flusses verstanden werden. Die hier
beobachteten Daten deuten darauf hin, dass Freiwilligenarbeit als
soziointeraktionale Arena fungiert, in der unterschiedliche Sinn- und
Kohärenzsysteme operativ sind, die durch religiöse, Bildungs-, rechtliche und
klinische Diskursdomänen durchdrungen sind.
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Les échanges scolaires, espaces de négociation identitaires. Le cas du projet Comenius. San Vito (Sardaigne, IT), Rennes (Bretagne, FR), Coalway (Gloucerstershire, UK) / School partenerships a negociacion espace. The case of a Comenius project. San Vito Sardinia, Rennes (Brittany), Coalway (Gloucerstershire, UK) / I progetti di scambio scolastici uno,spazio di negoziazione. il caso di un progetto Comenius. San Vito (Sardegna), Rennes (Bretagne), Coalway (Gloucersterhire)Rivieccio, Paola 03 July 2014 (has links)
Les projets d’échanges scolaires, dont le projet Comenius, sont accueillis avec un grand enthousiasme par les enseignants comme une promesse d’ouverture, à travers la mobilité dans d’autres pays et à travers la rencontre entre des enfants locuteurs de langues différentes. Dans notre étude, nous souhaitons problématiser cette idée d’ouverture, souvent donnée pour acquise, et le ferons à travers la notion de « négociation identitaire ». A travers deux séries d’entretiens qui ont eu lieu avant et après l’échange et la rédaction des Autobiographies des rencontres interculturelles nous avons essayé de comprendre quelles identités linguistiques et culturelles sont valorisées et trouvent un espace de négociation dans le cadre d’un échange qui implique trois écoles primaires situées en France (Bretagne), en Italie (Sardaigne) et en Grand Bretagne (Gloucestershire). / School partnerships, as Comenius project, are welcomed by European teachers who see in them an opportunity for their pupils to broaden their horizons through motilities inside Europe, thank to which they can meet other children from different countries. In this study I’d like to review the idea of “broaden horizons” in the context of a school exchange program and I’ll try to do it by turning to the notion of “identity negotiation”. Through the analysis of two series of interviews taken before and after the exchange and the redaction the of Autobiographies of intercultural encounters we’ll try to understand which identities find a place of negotiation in a Comenius project which involves three primary schools situated in France (Bretagne), Italie (Sardaigne) e England (Gloucerstershire). / I progetti di scambio scolastici, tra cui il progetto Comenius, sono accolti con ungrande entusiasmo iniziale da parte degli insegnanti che vedono in essi una promessa diapertura attraverso una mobilità verso altri paesi europei e attraverso l’incontro tra bambinilocutori di lingue diverse. Ciò che desideriamo fare attraverso il presente studio èproblematizzare l’idea di apertura che è spesso data come un risultato scontato di questiprogetti. Per fare questo ricorreremo alla nozione di « negoziazione identitaria ». Attraversodue serie di interviste realizzate prima e dopo gli incontri e la redazione delle Autobiografiedegli incontri interculturali cercheremo di capire quali identità possono essere valorizzate etrovano uno spazio di negoziazione nella realizzazione di uno scambio scolastico checoinvolge tre scuole primarie appartenenti alla Francia (Bretagna), Italia (Sardegna) eInghilterra (Gloucerstershire).
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Los avatares de la identidad de la mujer en tres obras chilenas de la postdictadura: 'Nosotras que nos queremos tanto', 'La muerte y la doncella' y 'La hija del General'Medalla, Maria Enriqueta 18 October 2012 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is a study of three works: Marcela Serrano’s novel We Who Love Us So Much (1992), Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden (1992) and its filmic version directed by Roman Polanski, and the documentary directed by Maria Elena Wood, The General’s Daughter (2006). Through the representations of subjectivist female characters in the works, we analyze what we call the vicissitudes of female identity in relation to the agitated sociopolitical circumstances that Chile lived from the sixties to 2006. In those decades, we observe the process of the construction of a revolutionary identity that culminates with the election of the Popular Unity government (1970-1973). Then, we examine the breakdown of female revolutionary identity during the violent repression known as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) after the coup d’état. Finally, we investigate the reconstitution of the identity of the women on the political left, a process assumed independently (rather than collectively) by women of varied characteristics and political orientations during the re-democratization period and until 2006. By analysing the female characters moving in literature, theatre, and film, we observe that these characterizations have helped to inform the readers/viewers through sharing stories of women, their limitations, their personal and collective visions presenting their doubts and fears on matters pertaining to them as female entities. But the greatest finding in this study is to discover that cultural products contain a number of female characters that can overcome their limitations in fiction, as is the case for women working in public spaces such as Michelle Bachelet, a “historical character” from The General's Daughter. They are firmly committed to the reality of women’s lives in Chile and deliver an optimistic message; women must continue integrating other women in order to end the discrimination that still exists in Chile.
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Los avatares de la identidad de la mujer en tres obras chilenas de la postdictadura: 'Nosotras que nos queremos tanto', 'La muerte y la doncella' y 'La hija del General'Medalla, Maria Enriqueta 18 October 2012 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is a study of three works: Marcela Serrano’s novel We Who Love Us So Much (1992), Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden (1992) and its filmic version directed by Roman Polanski, and the documentary directed by Maria Elena Wood, The General’s Daughter (2006). Through the representations of subjectivist female characters in the works, we analyze what we call the vicissitudes of female identity in relation to the agitated sociopolitical circumstances that Chile lived from the sixties to 2006. In those decades, we observe the process of the construction of a revolutionary identity that culminates with the election of the Popular Unity government (1970-1973). Then, we examine the breakdown of female revolutionary identity during the violent repression known as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) after the coup d’état. Finally, we investigate the reconstitution of the identity of the women on the political left, a process assumed independently (rather than collectively) by women of varied characteristics and political orientations during the re-democratization period and until 2006. By analysing the female characters moving in literature, theatre, and film, we observe that these characterizations have helped to inform the readers/viewers through sharing stories of women, their limitations, their personal and collective visions presenting their doubts and fears on matters pertaining to them as female entities. But the greatest finding in this study is to discover that cultural products contain a number of female characters that can overcome their limitations in fiction, as is the case for women working in public spaces such as Michelle Bachelet, a “historical character” from The General's Daughter. They are firmly committed to the reality of women’s lives in Chile and deliver an optimistic message; women must continue integrating other women in order to end the discrimination that still exists in Chile.
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