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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förnyelse och förbättring av II1310, Introduktionskurs i datateknik / Renewal and improvement of II1310, Introduction to Computer Studies

Eriksson, Robert, Mosquera Hollström, Isabella January 2012 (has links)
För nya studenter vid högskola eller universitet är det ofta många system och tillvägagångssätt att vänja sig vid. Just vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, och speciellt på ICT-skolan i Kista, är det många informationssystem att hålla reda på. Därför erbjuder ICT-skolan kursen ”II1310 Introduktionskurs i datateknik”, som trots namnet ämnar introducera nya studenter i skolans IT-miljö. Även om detta inte framgår av kursnamnet syftar kursen också till att ge en kunskapsgrund inom programmering. I takt med att IT-miljön och systemen på skolan förändras måste också kursen anpassas efter dessa förändringar. Tidigare år har små justeringar gjorts i kursen men ingen ordentlig insats har hittills fullgjorts. I projektet har vi med hjälp av en enkätundersökning, en intervju samt diskussioner med kursansvarig för introduktionskursen gjort en mängd förändringar och förbättringar av introduktionskursen. Bland annat har kursmålen och kursens övergripande syfte omarbetats för att förbättra precisionen och tydligheten i dessa. Dessutom har en ny programmeringsuppgift där studenterna får använda sig av C-programmering och LEGO-robotar tagits fram och testkörts. Kursupplägget och strukturen på föreläsningar och laboration har omarbetats för att ge ett bättre arbetsflöde och därmed hjälpa studenterna att uppnå kursens mål. Slutligen diskuteras även potentiella framtida förbättringar av kursen. / For new students arriving at college or university, there are often many systems and approaches to get used to. At the Royal Institute of Technology, especially at ICT in Kista, there are many information systems to keep track of. Therefore, the ICT school offers the course "II1310 Introduction to Computer Studies", which despite its misleading Swedish name which directly translates to "Introduction course in computer technology" intends to introduce new students to the school's IT environment. Although not part of the course name, the course also aims at providing a foundation of knowledge in programming. As the IT environment and systems in use at the school changes, the course must also change in order to adapt to these changes. In previous years, small adjustments were made in the course but no serious effort has been made to date. In the project we have with the help of a questionnaire, an interview and discussion with the course director for the introductory course made a lot of changes and improvements to the introduction course. Among other things, the course objectives and course overall aim has been redesigned to improve the precision and clarity of these. Additionally, a new programming assignment in which students make use of C programming and LEGO robots has been developed. The overall planning of the course and the structure of the lectures and the laboration has been redesigned to provide a better workflow and thus help students to achieve the course goals. Finally, we also discuss potential future improvements to the course.

Resurser och rättigheter : en undersökning av gruvindustrins inverkan i svenska Sápmi

Dahl, Johanna, Frykholm, Selma January 2023 (has links)
Den här undersökningen studerar intresseskonflikten mellan de renägande samerna och gruvnäringen i svenska Sápmi till följd av den gröna omställningen. Med bakgrund i historien och juridiken används teorier gällande platsidentitet och historietolkning samt hållbar utveckling för att analysera tre gruvkonflikter där problematiken stärks och förklaras med hjälp av tre empiriska intervjuer. Okunskapen visar sig i en stor oförståelse för samernas kulturella koppling till den plats de alltid brukat. De aktuella förutsättningar i form av ekonomi, juridiskt stöd och manskraft är snedfördelade vilket ger samerna begränsade möjligheter att göra sin röst hörd. Resultatet visar att den ignorerade historien är en tydlig påverkansfaktor i intressekonflikten men också de svårigheter som kommer av hur det juridiska ramverket är formulerat. För att närma sig en lösning på konflikten behöver avståndet mellan samerna och gruvindustrin minskas för att kunna nå ett samförstånd och syn på hur marken ska användas för att uppnå en hållbar framtid för alla.

Plan estratégico del Puerto de Ilo

Tello Burga, César Steven, Lipa Chalco, Henry, Aguilar Ronquillo, Karina, Arenas Díaz, Miguel Erick 07 November 2016 (has links)
La presente tesis desarrolla el Plan Estratégico del Puerto de Ilo para los próximos diez años, con el objetivo de ser el principal puerto de la región sur del Pacífico, a través de la implementación de estrategias propuestas como resultado de analizarlos desde múltiples perspectivas. La metodología empleada consistió en revisión bibliográfica y en visitas a instituciones como: (a) APN, (b) ENAPU, (c) SPCC, y (d) ENERSUR, y (e) TRAMARSA y se siguió el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico, mediante el cual se analiza la situación actual con el fin de diagnosticarlo, concluyendo que posee serios problemas de infraestructura y de gestión que lo hacen poco competitivo respecto a sus competidores; Se analizaron puertos exitosos a nivel mundial con el fin de tomarlos como referencia para revisar y adoptar sus buenas prácticas en el planteamiento de estrategias. A través del análisis de los factores externo e interno se identificaron como: (a) fortalezas: la ubicación geográfica e intermodalidad; (b) debilidades: estructura administrativa jerárquica y burocrática, infraestructura obsoleta y limitadas vías de acceso; (c) oportunidad: la integración ferroviaria Brasil – Bolivia – Perú, ejecución y ampliación de proyectos mineros y la diversificación de rutas marítimas de empresas brasileñas y bolivianas; y como (d) amenaza: excesivo tiempo de improductividad por el oleaje y tendencia mundial de circulación de buques de gran tamaño. Finalmente, luego de realizar el análisis competitivo se ha determinado los factores críticos de éxito para elevar su competitividad y con ellos contribuir al desarrollo del país. Las estrategias propuestas se enfocan en: desarrollo de mercado, penetración en el mercado, desarrollo de producto, basado en la concesión del puerto y generación de acuerdos comerciales con empresas de Brasil y Bolivia. Mediante el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) se hará el seguimiento y control de los objetivos a corto plazo permitiendo en el año 2025 ser un puerto productivo y competitivo. / This thesis develops the Strategic Plan of the Port of Ilo for the next ten years, with the goal of being the main port of the southern Pacific region through the implementation of strategies proposed as a result of analysis from multiple perspectives. The methodology consisted of literature review and visits to institutions such as :(a) APN, (b) ENAPU, (c) SPCC, y (d) ENERSUR, y (e) TRAMARSA and continued Sequential Model of the Strategic Process, where analyzed the current situation with the finality of diagnose it, concluding that has serious problems in management and infrastructure that make it uncompetitive compared with its competitors. This material analyzes worldwide successes ports to take them as a reference to review and choose the best practices in the formulation of strategies. Through the analysis of external and internal factors this thesis identified as: (a) strengths: geographic location and intermodal port; (b) weaknesses: hierarchical and bureaucratic administrative structure, outdated infrastructure and limited access roads; (c) opportunity: the railway integration Brasil – Bolivia – Perú, implementation and expansion of mining projects and diversification of routes maritime from Brazilian and Bolivian companies; and as (d) threat: excessive unproductive time by waves and global circulation of vessels size. Finally, to perform the competitive analysis of the port of Ilo it determined critical success factors required to increase their competitiveness, and they contribute to country’s development. The proposed strategies are focused in the following topics: market development, market penetration, product development, based in the concession of the port and making commercial agreements with the companies in Brazil and Bolivia. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) will do the supervision and control of the short-term objectives, expecting being a productive and competitive port in 2025.

The Negotiable Child : The ILO Child Labour Campaign 1919-1973

Dahlén, Marianne January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation examines the Conventions and Recommendations to regulate the minimum age for admission to employment between the years 1919 and 1973 – the ILO minimum age campaign. The adoption process has been studied in its chronological and historical context. The dissertation has three points of departure: that childhood is a historical construction and that the legal material is part of that construction; that the minimum age campaign suffered from a ‘hang-over-from-history’, namely, the history of Western industrialisation during the 19th and early 20th centuries; and, finally, that children had a subordinate and weak position in the minimum age campaign. The study was organised around five central themes: (1) the over-all theme of predominant conceptions of children and work; (2) the relationship between industrialised and colonised and developing nations; (3) the relationship between the child, the family and the state; (4) minimum age; and (5) the importance of school. The most important results of the study are that: (1) In view of the revolutionary changes during the 20th century the continuity in the minimum age campaign was remarkable. In 1919, the ‘child labour problem’ was an issue mainly for the Western industrialised word. By the end of the campaign, in 1973, the transformations in societies during the century had made ‘the child labour problem’ an issue mainly for the developing world and with different conditions and implications in many respects. The content and ‘grammar’ of the minimum age campaign was however never really challenged. (2) The study has verified that the minimum age campaign suffered from a ‘hang-over-from history’. The campaign built directly on the Western industrial experience during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The Western dominance in the ILO, the legal transplants, and the roots in the labour movement all contributed to the ‘hang-over’. (3) The minimum age campaign was modelled on the ‘norm of the Western industrialised childhood’. The norms and realities of childhood in other parts of the world were neglected of considered as provisional and inferior phases in relation to the Western ‘norm’. In this way, there were two separate childhoods in the minimum age campaign: ‘the normal’ childhood conceived for Western conditions and ‘the other’ childhood conceived for the ‘imperfect’ conditions of poor children in the colonised and developing nations.(4) In the minimum age campaign the ‘best interests of the child’ was negotiable and was subordinated in case of conflict with other interests.

La France et l’OIT (1890-1953) : vers une « Europe sociale » ? / France and ILO : towards a " social Europe "?

Souamaa, Nadjib 24 May 2014 (has links)
L’année 1919 a été décisive dans l’histoire sociale. En effet, elle fut marquée par la création de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), issue de la partie XIII du traité de Versailles. Cette institution à vocation universelle se plaçait dans la continuité d'expérimentations et de réflexions menées, depuis le XIXe siècle, sur le Vieux Continent. L’objectif des puissances européennes était de définir un cadre international de règles, communes aux Etats, pour empêcher à la fois les excès de certains patrons, les conflits avec les travailleurs, tout en combattant la pratique du dumping social et en garantissant une concurrence loyale, non seulement entre eux mais aussi à l’échelle internationale. La France joua un rôle majeur dans la rédaction de ces textes et dans la création de l’OIT, chargée de poursuivre ce travail. De ce fait, cette institution dut concilier l’européocentrisme dominant le BIT et sa vocation universelle. La solution apparut, durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à travers l’interrégionalisme développé par Paul van Zeeland, et que l’institution tenta de mettre en œuvre durant l’après-guerre et la guerre froide. Il s’agissait de créer des regroupements régionaux et de les faire coopérer dans les domaines politique, économique et social pour garantir la paix dans le monde ; l’Europe occidentale devait en être le laboratoire. Cette région, notamment la France, influença donc durablement les réflexions de l’OIT. / The year 1919 was decisive in the social history. Indeed, it was marked by the creation of the International Labour Organization (ILO), resulting from part XIII of the treaty of Versailles. This institution with universal vocation placed itself in continuity of experiments and of carried out reflections, since the 19th century, on the Old continent. The objective of the European powers was to define an international framework of common rules for States, to prevent at the same time excesses of some managers, the conflicts with the workers, while fighting the practice of the social dumping and guaranteeing a fair competition, not only between them but also on an international scale. France played a major role in the writing of these texts and the creation of the ILO, charged to continue this work. So this institution had to reconcile the europeocentrism dominating the International Labour Office and its universal vocation. The solution appeared, during the Second World War, through the interregionalism developed by Paul van Zeeland, and that the institution tried to implement during the post-war period and the cold war. It was a question of creating regional regroupings and of making them cooperate in the policy fields, economic and social to guarantee peace in the world; Western Europe had to be the laboratory about it. This region, in particular France, thus influenced durably the reflections of the ILO.

Indigenous Rights Policy and Terrorist Discourse: A Strategy to Stifle Mapuche Self-Determination in Chile

McKinnon, Reyna 01 January 2016 (has links)
When President Sebastián Piñera entered office in 2010 the Mapuche indigenous people were receiving two contrasting messages from the Chilean State. On the one hand, the government ratified ILO Convention 169, pledging to protect the indigenous right to prior consultation in programs that affect their communities. On the other hand, the government was involved in the oppression of Mapuche communities in the region of the Araucanía through militarisation and the application of the Anti-Terrorist Law to punish radical Mapuche activists that protest corporate encroachment on their land. While Piñera had the opportunity to legitimize the Mapuche demand for self-determination by implementing ILO Convention 169 according to international standards and putting an end to the “Mapuche Conflict,” instead the situation of the Mapuche political movement worsened under his leadership. The Piñera administration used indigenous rights policy and a discourse of terrorism as a strategy to delegitimize the Mapuche demand for self-determination in order to protect corporate profitability, a key factor in the Chilean neoliberal economic project.


程暐翔 Unknown Date (has links)
工業化以及資本主義的發展,徹底改變了產業與經濟結構,對勞動的生產力與生產價值產生了重大改變,而這些改變更對勞工的生存以及其老年生活產生了重大的改變與影響。資本主義的發展在帶動全球經濟發展的同時,卻也產生了相當多的社會問題,工業革命瓦解了傳統的社會關係,新產生的勞動人口成為了社會中的孤立個體,失業、生活水準低落、勞動傷殘等,成了普遍的社會現象。 在過去以農業為主的社會中,這些問題大多依賴家庭或家族這樣的團體來解決,就算國家有介入,也僅是非常有限的短期貧民救濟而已。直到十九世紀前半葉,歐洲以英國為起始,許多國家開始促進各種共濟團體的設立,也開始有國家介入規定應設立共濟基金,並在立法上擴大了雇主的責任,加重雇主在職業災害上的賠償責任。 從十八世紀開始西方各國進入工業化時代,經濟轉變的同時勞工問題也不斷發生,勞工藉由各種組織團體自助,或團結與資方不斷相互抗衡,加上政府立法、政策的介入,逐漸形成針對各種勞工問題的解決方式,直到1919年成立第一個國際性的勞工組織—「國際勞工組織」(簡稱ILO)是聯合國負責勞工問題的國際機構,為聯合國諸多機構中成立最早、地位十分重要的一個專門機構。其成立的時代背景和社會基礎,即是面對西方資本主義工業化革命,以國際公約和建議書等形式,提供解決勞工問題的策略。透過勞工立法和開展技術合作,促進"社會正義",維護"世界持久和平",使全人類不分種族、信仰或性別都有權在自由和尊嚴、經濟保障和機會均等的條件下謀求物質福利和精神發展。 本研究以國際勞工組織公約為核心,作為主要的研究範圍,檢討我國的老年保障架構,因國際勞工組織考量了各國國情與社會經濟發展的不同,其公約為最低基準的訂立,相關研究與建議書也僅提供綜合性的概念與建議,並非相當準確且精細的針對個別國家情況作立法建議,因此對於法令訂定及施行上的技術性層面問題,無法做直接且精準的解決,此為本研究的限制。不過國際勞工組織,對解決各種勞動問題所做的努力,勞工基本權力的維護,以及其公約普世價值的確立,都是各國在保障勞工權益,以及訂定相關法制時,不容忽視的準則。

Offentlig upphandling i förändring : Kan upphandlande enheter ställa krav på svenska kollektivavtal vid offentlig upphandling?

Karlsson, Niklaz, Kågebrand, Tomas January 2006 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen tar upp frågan huruvida upphandlande enheter kan ställa krav på svenska kollektivavtal vid offentliga upphandlingar utifrån både nationella och gemenskapsrättsliga regler. Ämnet är aktuellt och har genom blockaden i Vaxholms kommun väckt stor diskussion i media då ärendet i nuläget ligger hos EG-domstolen.</p><p>De juridiska områden som berörs är europeisk integrationsrätt, arbetsrätt och upphandlingsjuridik. För att besvara frågan har vi utrett vad är gällande rätt på området genom att undersöka relevanta rättsfall samt tagit upp hur frågan diskuteras i den svenska samhällsdebatten. Utifrån detta har vi svarat på frågeställningen och diskuterat kring en framtida lösning på problemet. I nuläget kan den upphandlande enheten inte ställa dessa krav men vi ser en eventuell förändring i framtiden.</p>

Offentlig upphandling i förändring : Kan upphandlande enheter ställa krav på svenska kollektivavtal vid offentlig upphandling?

Karlsson, Niklaz, Kågebrand, Tomas January 2006 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar upp frågan huruvida upphandlande enheter kan ställa krav på svenska kollektivavtal vid offentliga upphandlingar utifrån både nationella och gemenskapsrättsliga regler. Ämnet är aktuellt och har genom blockaden i Vaxholms kommun väckt stor diskussion i media då ärendet i nuläget ligger hos EG-domstolen. De juridiska områden som berörs är europeisk integrationsrätt, arbetsrätt och upphandlingsjuridik. För att besvara frågan har vi utrett vad är gällande rätt på området genom att undersöka relevanta rättsfall samt tagit upp hur frågan diskuteras i den svenska samhällsdebatten. Utifrån detta har vi svarat på frågeställningen och diskuterat kring en framtida lösning på problemet. I nuläget kan den upphandlande enheten inte ställa dessa krav men vi ser en eventuell förändring i framtiden.

Trabalho decente das mulheres da polícia civil do estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Decent work of women in police civil Rio Grande do Sul state

Arigony, Marcelo Mendes 01 April 2016 (has links)
This study discusses the work of women in the Civil State of Rio Grande do Sul Police, from the perspective of decent work criteria of the International Labour Organization. The research is affection to the field of sustainability, social, related to corporate social responsibility, in search of the necessary sustainable public management. The research question is related to the corporate environment and the care of vectors proposed by the ILO related to freedom, equality, fairness and dignity. The general objective was environmental analysis for women, based on decent work criteria. The theoretical framework deals with labor and public safety, divided into topics on sustainability, decent work, women's work, Civil Police and the Rio Grande do Sul Police. Data collection was carried out from various sources of evidence, making himself use of primary and secondary data. The study is qualitative, from an observation script and a flexible instrument made with open questions. The note took into account aspects of building, vehicles, staff and working conditions. In addition to observation, primary data were collected through interviews with ten delegates and police servants, and secondary data from documents. The interpretation was performed using content analysis procedure. The main results show that the Civil Police of RS incorporates a larger system of public security and is responsible for criminal investigation, among other functions. The woman went on to win opportunity from the 1970s and now occupies a prominent place, on par with men, despite some evidence of limited opportunities. The general perception is disagreement with the ILO indicators are excepting-criteria related to security and social dialogue, as well as stability and income, which were considered fully or partially met. In the other points there is no adaptation of police work to the vectors of the ILO, especially security, equality, opportunities, conciliation and working hours. The study brought as a result the transformation of empirical findings on scientific evidence able to assist the understanding of police work, especially the work of women. Also it provided notice of police work by the scientific perspective, increasing the need for new studies to broaden the understanding of the issue and contribute to more focused management strategies on sustainability by the bias of social responsibility. / Este estudo aborda o trabalho da mulher na Polícia Civil do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sob a ótica dos critérios do Trabalho Decente da Organização Internacional do Trabalho. A pesquisa encontra-se afeto ao campo da sustentabilidade, na vertente social, relacionada à responsabilidade social corporativa, em busca da necessária gestão pública sustentável. A questão de pesquisa está relacionada com o ambiente corporativo e o atendimento dos vetores propostos pela OIT, relacionados à liberdade, igualdade, equidade e dignidade. O objetivo geral foi a análise do ambiente para as mulheres, com base nos critérios do trabalho decente. O referencial teórico trata de trabalho e segurança pública, subdividido em tópicos sobre sustentabilidade, trabalho decente, trabalho da mulher, Polícia Civil e Polícia do Rio Grande do Sul. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de diversas fontes de evidência, fazendo-se uso de dados primários e secundários. O estudo tem natureza qualitativa, a partir de um roteiro de observação e um instrumento flexível composto com perguntas abertas. A observação levou em conta aspectos relativos a prédio, viaturas, funcionários e condições de trabalho. Além da observação, os dados primários foram coletados por meio de dez entrevistas com delegadas e servidoras policiais, e os dados secundários a partir de documentos. A interpretação foi realizada utilizando-se procedimento de análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados revelam que a Polícia Civil do RS integra um sistema maior de segurança, responsável pela investigação criminal, dentre outras funções. A mulher passou a ganhar oportunidade a partir da década de 1970 e hoje ocupa lugar destacado, em paridade com os homens, não obstante algumas evidências de limitação de oportunidades. A percepção geral é de desconformidade com os indicadores da OIT, ressalvando-se os critérios ligados à seguridade e diálogo social, bem assim estabilidade e rendimentos, que foram considerados total ou parcialmente atendidos. Nos demais pontos não há adequação do trabalho policial aos vetores da OIT, especialmente segurança, igualdade, oportunidades, conciliação e jornada de trabalho. O estudo trouxe como resultados a transformação de achados empíricos em evidências científicas aptas a auxiliar a compreensão do trabalho policial, em especial o trabalho da mulher. Proporcionou também a observação do trabalho policial pela ótica científica, potencializando a realização de novos estudos com vista a alargar a compreensão sobre a temática e contribuir para estratégias de gestão mais focadas na sustentabilidade pelo viés da responsabilidade social.

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