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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leucemias e proximidade de residência a linhas de energia elétrica na cidade de São Paulo / Leukemia and proximity the residence to electric power lines in Sao Paulo city

Ciliane Matilde Sollitto 03 April 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi o de investigar a relação de casos notificados de leucemias na faixa etária de 0 a 19 anos e proximidade de residência com linhas de energia elétrica na cidade de São Paulo, entre os anos de 1997 e 2004. Para este propósito, foram geocodificados os casos notificados de leucemias em crianças e adolescentes com idade entre 0 e 19 anos, registrados na cidade de São Paulo por meio de banco de dados fornecido pelo Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional (RCBP-SP); os casos da doença na faixa etária especificada foram georreferenciados em relação às linhas de energia elétrica, aos distritos administrativos da cidade e aos setores censitários. Assim pode-se calcular a incidência dos casos georreferenciados para o município de São Paulo utilizando como base os dados demográficos do censo de 2000, publicados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e calcular a incidência dos casos georreferenciados de acordo com o local de residência e a distância das linhas de energia elétrica, construindo mapas temáticos a partir de instrumentos disponíveis nos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) da cidade. Desta forma foi demonstrado que os casos georreferenciados de leucemia em crianças e adolescentes com idade entre 0 e 19 anos, registrados no RCBP-SP, no período de 1997 a 2004, têm uma distribuição homogênea, quando observados em relação ao município como um todo, porém ao especificar-se a distribuição pelas distâncias das residências em relação às linhas de energia elétrica, denota-se que a incidência revela-se maior à distância de 200 metros (22,46/100.000 hab.), do que às distâncias de 400 (14,97/100.000 hab.), 600 (16,08/100.000 hab.), 800 (21,17/100.000 hab.) e 1000 metros (20,07/100.000 hab.) e que esta incidência também é maior quando comparada com a incidência geral do município (19,34/100.000 hab.). / The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of reported cases of leukemia at the age from 0 to 19 years old and their residence proximity to power lines in the city of Sao Paulo, between the years 1997 and 2004. For this purpose, the leukemia childhood cases notified by Cancer Register Population Base of Sao Paulo city were geocoded and georreferenced in relation to the electric power lines, administrative districts and census sector of the city. Thus, we could calculate the incidence that cases utilizing the demographic bases from 2000 Brazilian census and the incidence according to the distances of electric power lines, producing the thematic layer maps from Geographical Information Systems - GIS. Our results demonstrated that childhood leukemia cases, notified by RCBP-SP from 1997 to 2004 in Sao Paulo city, have homogeneous distribution when observed all the territory, however, the highest value of incidence occurred in a 200 meters of distance the electric power lines (22,46/100.000 inhab.), when compared with 400 (14,97/100.000 inhab.), 600 (16,08/100.000 inhab.), 800 (21,17/100.000 inhab.) and 1000 meters (20,07/100.000 inhab.), and it is also biggest when compared with entire territory (19,34/100.000 inhab.).

Dinâmica espaço-temporal de populações do patossistema leprose dos citros em condições naturais de epidemia / Spatio-temporal dynamics of populations of the citrus leprosis pathossystem under natural epidemic conditions

Ana Beatriz Costa Czermainski 12 February 2007 (has links)
A leprose dos citros, causada por Citrus leprosis vírus (CiLV), é uma doença endêmica nas regiões produtoras do estado de São Paulo que causa sérios prejuízos à produção. O vírus é transmitido exclusivamente pelo ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis e medidas de controle da doença visam principalmente reduzir a população do vetor através de aplicações de acaricidas. Apesar do controle da doença ser determinado por meio de amostragens da população do ácaro, não há nenhum estudo de longo prazo que correlacione a população do vetor com a incidência da doença. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os padrões de crescimento temporal e os padrões espaciais da distribuição do ácaro e da doença e estabelecer uma associação entre as duas populações. A população do ácaro e os sintomas de leprose foram monitorados durante três anos sob condições naturais de epidemia, em um talhão de laranja doce, variedade Valência enxertada sobre limão cravo, A população de B. phoenicis apresentou flutuações, mas com picos crescentes ao longo do período. As oscilações na sua densidade dependeram principalmente da fenologia das plantas e menos das condições climáticas. O crescimento da incidência da doença foi lento e seguiu comportamento logístico. Apesar de não ser sistêmica a leprose dos citros comporta-se como poliética com acúmulo de inoculo de ano para ano. A infecção em ramos é a principal causa do caráter cumulativo da doença. Através de regressão logística, a probabilidade de doença foi modelada em função de covariáveis construídas de forma a captar informação da vizinhança das plantas no tempo passado a respeito da incidência do ácaro e da própria doença. Não houve correlação entre o nível de doença numa avaliação e a quantidade de ácaros em avaliações anteriores, em períodos pregressos de até 70 dias. O padrão espacial de plantas com sintomas foi altamente agregado e não correspondeu à distribuição espacial de plantas infestadas pelo ácaro, que foi fracamente agregada. A probabilidade de infestação e de infecção nas plantas foi modelada como dependente do estado das plantas vizinhas, quanto às próprias características, através de modelos autologísticos. A probabilidade de plantas estarem infestadas pelo ácaro não depende de sua vizinhança estar ou não hospedando a praga, ao mesmo tempo. Já a probabilidade de doença em uma árvore depende de árvores vizinhas estarem doentes naquele momento. O padrão espacial da incidência de plantas com sintomas visíveis provavelmente reflete o padrão de infestação pelos ácaros contaminados por CiLV, pois existe uma subpopulação de vetores inserida na população de B. phoenicis. O controle da doença baseado na população de B. phoenicis, não é portanto, recomendável. A amostragem para a tomada de decisão de controle deve ser pautada pela presença de sintomas e ácaros e não somente pela presença de ácaros. / Citrus leprosis, caused by Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV), is a disease endemic to the producing regions of the state of São Paulo, where it has a heavy impact on production. The virus is transmitted exclusively by the Brevipalpus phoenicis mite and disease control measures aim to reduce the vector population mainly by acaricide applications. Although the disease control is based on mite population samplings, there are no long-term studies available that correlate the vector population with the disease incidence. The objective of this study was to characterize temporal and spatial growth patterns of the mite, disease distribution and the association between the two populations. The mite population and citrus leprosis symptoms were monitored for three years under natural epidemic conditions, in a sweet orange stand of the variety Valencia, grafted unto Citrus limonia Osbeck. The B. phoenicis population presented fluctuations, although with increasing peaks along the study period. The oscillation density depended more on the tree phenology than on climate conditions. The disease incidence increased slowly under a logistic model. Although citrus leprosis is not systemic, it has a polietic performance and builds up inoculum year after year. The infection of branches is the main cause of the cumulative nature of the disease. The disease probability was modeled by a covariable constructed to capture information of the trees surroundings in the past, concerning mite incidence and the disease itself. There was no correlation between the disease level in one evaluation and the mite quantity in earlier evaluations, in antecedent periods of up to 70 days. The spatial pattern of trees with symptoms was highly aggregated and did not correspond to the spatial distribution of miteinfested trees, which was weakly aggregated. The probability of tree infestation and infection was modeled as dependent of the state of the surrounding trees through autologistic models. The probability of mite infestation of a tree does not depend on whether the neighbor trees host the pest or not, but on whether the neighbor trees are diseased at that moment. A vector subpopulation is inserted in the B. phoenicis population. The spatial pattern of tree incidence with visible symptoms probably reflects the infestation pattern by CiLV-contaminated mites. Sampling for decision taking regarding disease control must be based on the presence of symptoms as well as of mites, rather than on the mite population only.

Avaliação prospectiva de sintomas urinários em pacientes submetidos a radioterapia de pelve: infecção urinária ou cistite actínica / Prospective evaluation of urinary symptoms in patients submitted to pelvic radiotherapy: urinary infection or actinic cystitis

Vitor Fonseca Xavier 02 April 2018 (has links)
A incidência de infecção do trato urinário (ITU) em pacientes submetidos a radioterapia pélvica com sintomas de cistite varia entre 6% e 45%. O diagnóstico de ITU é tipicamente realizado através dos sintomas de cistite associados à leucocitúria. Não há evidências para essa abordagem em indivíduos submetidos a radioterapia na pelve, pois essa população pode apresentar sintomas de cistite secundários ao câncer ou ao seu tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a incidência de ITU em pacientes com sintomas de cistite submetidos à radioterapia pélvica. Realizou-se um estudo de coorte prospectivo cujos critérios de inclusão foram pacientes maiores de 18 anos, com câncer primário pélvico, tratados com intuito curativo e bom estado de performance. Foram excluídos pacientes em tratamento para ITU, usuários de cateteres urinários, pacientes em diálise, com cistostomia ou nefrostomia e uso de antibiótico durante o tratamento. O recrutamento ocorreu antes do início da radioterapia, realizou-se exame de urina tipo I e urocultura. Após o início do tratamento, foram realizadas consultas com avaliação semanal dos sintomas urinários segundo critérios do Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG). Em caso de aparecimento de novos sintomas urinários ou piora daqueles já existentes, aplicava-se questionário e colhia-se um segundo exame de urina tipo I e urocultura. O diagnóstico de ITU foi definido por urocultura com crescimento bacteriano maior que 104 CFU/mL. Entre setembro de 2014 e novembro de 2015 foram recrutados sequencialmente 112 pacientes. Destes, 29 (26%) não realizaram o primeiro exame. Entre os que realizaram o exame, 11 (10%) apresentaram urocultura positiva e foram excluídos. Restaram 72 (64%) pacientes no estudo. No seguimento destes, 24 (33%) pacientes apresentaram sintomas urinários novos ou piora dos sintomas pré-existentes. Apenas um (1,4%) paciente apresentou confirmação de ITU na segunda urocultura. Observamos uma incidência de ITU menor que a esperada. Isso pode ser explicado pela realização de urocultura pré-tratamento e exclusão dos pacientes com o exame positivo. Além disso, foi realizada investigação urinária apenas em pacientes sintomáticos. Esse controle da população estudada sugere que os dados da literatura relacionados à frequência de ITU até então sejam, na verdade, relacionados a pacientes com bacteriúria assintomática que desenvolveram sintomas devido à radioterapia. Dessa forma, concluímos que nosso achado é clinicamente muito relevante, pois através de uma avaliação prospectiva e controlada, encontramos uma incidência de ITU bem menor que a estimada até então pela literatura / The incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI) in patients undergoing pelvic radiotherapy with symptoms of cystitis varies from 6% to 45% and the diagnosis of UTI is typically made through the symptoms of cystitis associated with leukocyturia, findings that allow the use of antibiotics. However, there are no evidences for this approach in individuals undergoing pelvic radiotherapy, since this population may present symptoms of cystitis secondary to cancer or its treatment. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the incidence of UTI in patients with symptoms of cystitis submitted to pelvic radiotherapy and to identify correlated predictive factors. This was a prospective cohort study. Inclusion criteria were patients older than 18 years, with primary pelvic cancer in treatment with curative intent and good performance status. Exclusion criteria, patients being treated for UTI, use of urinary catheter, patients in dialysis, or with cystostomy or nephrostomy, and use of antibiotics during treatment. Patients were recruited before the beginning of radiotherapy, when urinalysis and urine culture were collected. After start of treatment, weekly consultations were performed with evaluation of urinary symptoms according to the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) scale. In case of new urinary symptoms or worsening of those already existing, a questionnaire was applied to analyze possible risk factors for UTIs and a second urinalysis and urine culture were performed. The diagnosis of UTI was defined as urine culture with a bacterial growth greater than 104 CFU / mL. From September 2014 to November 2015, 112 patients were sequentially recruited. Of these, 29 (26%) did not perform the first exam. Among those who underwent the test, 11 (10%) presented the first urine culture positive and were excluded, remaining 72 (64%) patients for the study. In the follow-up, 24 (33%) patients presented new urinary symptoms or worsened of pre-existing symptoms. In only one (1.4%) patient UTI was confirmed in the second urine culture. The incidence of UTI was lower than expected in this population. This can be explained by the performance of the pre-treatment evaluation with urine culture with exclusion of patients with positive exam. In addition, a urinary investigation was performed only in symptomatic patients. This control of the population studied suggests that the literature data related to the frequency of UTI so far may be related to patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria who developed symptoms due to radiotherapy. Thus, we conclude that our finding is clinically very relevant, since through a prospective and controlled evaluation, an incidence of UTI much lower than that estimated so far in the literature was detected

\"Incidência de pancreatite aguda em pacientes com traumatismo raquimedular agudo\" / The incidence of nontraumatic acute pancreatitis in acute spinal cord injury

Eduardo Henrique Pirolla 03 July 2006 (has links)
A pancreatite é o resultado da atividade corrosiva das enzimas digestivas pancreáticas e, independente dos vários agentes etiológicos e dos mecanismos etiopatogênicos, tem como resultado a ativação enzimática intra-parenquimatosa, a destruição tecidual e a necrose isquêmica. Trata-se de uma afecção, grave, com incidência aumentada em vítimas de traumatismo raquimedular. Nesses doentes, a suspeita clínica de pancreatite pode ser difícil, pois os sinais e sintomas podem estar diminuídos ou ausentes em decorrência do déficit sensorial esplâncnico. Avaliaram-se, prospectivamente, 78 doentes com traumatismo raquimedular internados no IOT-HCFMUSP, dosando-se os níveis séricos das enzimas amilase e lipase em 3 períodos de tempo pré-determinados, entre os dias de 1 a 3, de 10 a 12 e de 15 a 20 após o traumatismo. A incidência de pancreatite aguda foi maior nos pacientes com traumatismo raquimedular ASIA A e que apresentaram íleo adinâmico / Acute pancreatitis is a result of corrosive activity of pancreatic digestive enzymes, and many etiologic agents trigger acute pancreatitis by a variety of different mechanisms, but the ultimate result is a tissue destruction. The incidence in spinal cord injury patients is higher than the normal population. The clinical diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in spinal cord injury patients is hampered by a lower or lost visceral sensitivity, as a result in a necessity of laboratory investigations to confirm diagnosis. A prospective study with 78 acute spinal cord injury patients of The Clinical Hospital of the College of Medicine of University of São Paulo is performed. The incidence of pancreatitis is larger in patients of spinal cord injury ASIA A and with ileus paralytic

Développement, validation expérimentale et optimisation des traitements acoustiques des nacelles de turboréacteurs sous hauts niveaux acoustiques

Laly, Zacharie January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement et la validation des traitements acoustiques performants pour les nacelles des turboréacteurs, l’étude et la modélisation des liners sous hauts niveaux acoustiques avec écoulement d’air rasant et l’optimisation des technologies et propriétés des liners pour une meilleure réduction du bruit. Un nouveau modèle d’impédance acoustique basé sur l’approche du fluide équivalent a été proposé pour les plaques micro-perforées couplées à une cavité d’air ou à un milieu poreux. Le modèle proposé a été validé numériquement et expérimentalement et l’effet des hauts niveaux de pression sur les caractéristiques acoustiques des liners a été démontré. Une analyse de sensibilité a été réalisée pour évaluer les impacts des paramètres entre autres le diamètre de perforation, l’épaisseur de la plaque, le taux de perforation, la profondeur de la cavité, la résistance par unité de surface de l’écran résistif, le niveau de pression et le nombre de Mach sur les propriétés acoustiques des liners à un et deux degrés de liberté ainsi que les liners avec écrans résistifs. La technologie des liners avec écrans résistifs intégrés dans la cavité d’air ou collés sur les plaques micro-perforées a été étudiée et la contribution des écrans dans l’amélioration des performances d’atténuation acoustique des liners a été démontrée numériquement et expérimentalement. Ensuite, on modélise les liners en incidence rasante en proposant une approche analytique basée sur le développement limité en séries de Taylor pour déterminer le nombre d’onde complexe d’une conduite acoustique traitée par les matériaux absorbants. Enfin, on étudie la réponse acoustique des liners en incidence oblique.

Does a short term nutritional supplementation prevent malnutrition in ill children? Effectiveness of nutritional supplementation (ready-to-use therapeutic food and multi micronutrients) of 2 weeks in preventing malnutrition in children 6-59 months with infection (malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea)

Van Der Kam, Saskia 10 January 2017 (has links)
It has been generally recognised that sick children have an increased risk on malnutrition. An activated immune system requires more nutrients while illness is often associated with a lower absorption and decreased consumption because of lack of appetite. When these increased needs are not balanced with an adequate availability of nutrients, the sick child is at higher risk of developing malnutrition.Médecins Sans Frontières investigated the question whether this process is mitigated by simple short term nutritional supplementation given to sick children alongside medical treatment. Three Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT’s) were conducted. The first, in Democratic Republic of Congo, was a pilot; 180 children with malaria were randomised in 2 arms: 1 group receiving 2 weeks of ready to use therapeutic food (RUTF) and a control group. The children were followed for a period of 4 weeks. Children in the RUTF group showed a higher weight gain in the first 14 days compared to the control group, at day 28 the weight gain in both groups was similar.Thereafter, 2 RCT’s were implemented in Uganda and Nigeria using a similar methodology. Children with malaria, lower respiratory tract infection or diarrhoea (sample size of 2202) were randomised in three groups: supplemented with 2 weeks of RUTF, supplemented with 2 weeks of micronutrient powder (MNP), and not receiving supplementation after each disease episode. The incidence of malnutrition was compared after an observation period of 6 months. The trial in Uganda showed a reduction in malnutrition in the RUITF group with 31%, while in Nigeria, there was no significant reduction in the RUTF group. The MNP group did not show reduction in malnutrition in any site. In the group of moderate malnourished children the RUTF and MNP supplementations were not effective in preventing deterioration to severe malnutrition. However, when the studies were combined the RUTF group showed a lower mortality compared to the MNP group.Multi-variate analysis did not show a reduction of incidence of malnutrition in the supplementation groups. A strong association with morbidity was found. A higher frequency of diarrhoea was associated with an increased incidence of malnutrition. The association with malaria episodes was mixed; it was associated with a higher incidence of malnutrition in Kaabong, but in Goronyo a higher frequency of malaria decreased the incidence of malnutrition. In addition, a more frequent monitoring of the children and treatment of their illnesses was associated with a decreased incidence of malnutrition.The difference in effectiveness of supplementation between the sites can be explained by differences in food security and level of morbidity. It is argued that the fragile food security in Kaabong limits the supply of nutrients, and therefore supplementation with RUTF was effective. In Goronyo the high frequency of morbidity limits convalescence and therefore supplementation was not effective.It is likely that malnutrition is more effectively prevented when several interventions are combined like water and sanitation to prevent diarrhoea, malaria chemoprophylaxis and preventative and curative health and nutrition interventions.This dissertation will present the background, the methods of the trials and the results, followed by a discussion on the implications for programming and research. / Doctorat en Santé Publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Syphilis in the Americas: a protocol for a systematic review of syphilis prevalence and incidence in four high-risk groups, 1980–2016

Kitayama, Ken, Segura, Eddy R., Lake, Jordan E., Perez-Brumer, Amaya G., Oldenburg, Catherine E., Myers, Bethany A., Pourjavaheri, Paria, Okorie, Chinomnso N., Cabello, Robinson L., Clark, Jesse L. 10 October 2017 (has links)
Background: Syphilis infection has recently resurfaced as a significant public health problem. Although there has been a tremendous amount of research on the epidemiology of syphilis, there has been limited work done to synthesize the extensive body of research and systematically estimate patterns of disease within high-risk groups in the Americas. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to (1) summarize recent patterns of syphilis infection in North and South America among four high-risk groups (MSM, transgender women, sex workers, and incarcerated individuals) from 1980 to 2016, (2) identify and differentiate regional geographic epidemiologic characteristics, and (3) compare the epidemics of the economically developed countries of North America from the developing countries and public health systems of Latin America and the Caribbean. Methods/design: Primary studies reporting syphilis prevalence and/or incidence in at least one of the four high-risk groups will be identified from Medline/PubMed, Embase, Lilacs, SciELO, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, CINAHL, Clase, and Periódica, as well as "gray" literature sources (conference abstracts, country reports, etc.). Studies published from 1980 through 2016 will be included. Data will be extracted from studies meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria and a random effects meta-analysis of prevalence and incidence estimates will be conducted. Heterogeneity, risk of bias, and publication bias will be assessed. Pooled prevalence and incidence estimates will be calculated for comparisons based on geographic region, risk factors, and time period. Discussion: Our systematic review and meta-analysis aims to contribute to an improved understanding of global epidemiologic patterns of syphilis infection in most-at-risk populations. Through systematic classification of the existing literature, and comparison of disease patterns across regional, temporal and socio-behavioral differences, we hope to improve public health surveillance and improve efforts to control the spread of disease across the Americas. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CRD42016047306.

Alcohol-related traumatic brain injuries before and after the reduction of alcohol prices:observations from Oulu Province and Northern Ostrobothnia

Puljula, J. (Jussi) 06 November 2012 (has links)
Abstract Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an enormous health and economic problem. The proportion of alcohol involvement among subjects with TBI varies 34–51%. Acute alcohol intoxication increases the risk for head trauma compared with other parts of the body. Therefore, alcohol is a major, yet preventable risk factor for TBI. Alcohol taxes were reduced in 2004 and limits on tax-free imports from other EU countries were also removed. Within a year, total alcohol consumption increased by 10% in Finland. Alcohol-induced liver diseases and sudden deaths involving alcohol increased after the reduction. The effects of the reduction on the incidence and mortality of TBI were not known. Data on all TBI subjects admitted to Oulu University Hospital (1999, 2007) were gathered, as well as data on all fatal TBIs among the residents of Oulu Province (1999, 2006, and 2007). A cohort of subjects with head trauma admitted to Oulu University Hospital in 1999 was followed up until the end of 2009. Alcohol involvement was based on positive alcohol measurement or alcohol-related cause of death on death certificate or hospital chart notes made by health care providers. The incidence and mortality rates of moderate-to-severe TBI and alcohol involvement between the observation years were compared. Cumulative survival rates were calculated to demonstrate the effect of alcohol price reduction on the mortality of the head trauma cohort during a 10-year follow-up. The incidence of moderate-to-severe and fatal TBI was similar before and after the reduction of alcohol prices. After the reduction, the proportion of alcohol-related moderate-to-severe and fatal TBIs increased among middle-aged people, but decreased among young adults. The increase in TBIs among the middle-aged was mainly due to an increase in falls, whereas the decrease among young adults was due to a decreased number of suicides (particularly among young men). After the reduction of alcohol prices, harmful drinkers were significantly more likely to die than those who were not harmful drinkers. The overall incidence of moderate-to-severe and fatal TBIs did not increase after the reduction of alcohol prices, but the proportions of alcohol-related TBIs due to falls increased among middle-aged people. Our observations demonstrate that harmful drinkers and middle-aged people were the groups which suffered the most TBI-related harm after the reduction of alcohol prices. / Tiivistelmä Traumaattiset aivovammat aiheuttavat mittavia terveydellisiä ja taloudellisia ongelmia. Alkoholin vaikutuksen alaisena on vammautumishetkellä 34–51 % aivovammapotilaista. Akuutti päihtymystila lisää riskiä saada pään alueen vamma verrattuna muihin vartalon osiin. Alkoholi on merkittävä ja estettävissä oleva aivovammojen riskitekijä. Vuonna 2004 toteutettiin merkittävä alkoholin veronalennus sekä poistettiin muista EU-maista tuotavien verottomien juomien rajoitukset. Alkoholin kulutus lisääntyi 10 % vuoden aikana. Alkoholin aiheuttamat maksasairaudet sekä äkkikuolemat lisääntyivät alkoholin veronalennuksen jälkeen. Vaikutuksia traumaattisten aivovammojen ilmaantuvuuteen ja kuolleisuuteen ei ole vielä tutkittu. Tiedot kerättiin Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa hoidetuista aivovammapotilaista (1999 ja 2007) sekä Oulun läänin alueella aivovammoihin kuolleista (1999, 2006 ja 2007) vainajista. Vuonna 1999 pään vamman vuoksi Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa käyneitä potilaita seurattiin vuoden 2009 loppuun saakka. Tiedot alkoholin käytöstä perustuivat positiiviseen mitattuun alkoholipitoisuuteen sekä asiakirjamerkintöihin alkoholin käytöstä. Lievää vaikeampien traumaattisten aivovammojen ilmaantuvuutta, kuolleisuutta sekä alkoholiin liittyvien tapausten osuutta verrattiin tutkimusvuosien välillä. Vuonna 1999 päätään loukanneiden pitkäaikaisseurannassa tutkittiin alkoholin veronalennuksen vaikutusta kuolleisuuteen. Lievää vaikeampien aivovammojen ilmaantuvuus sekä aivovammakuolleisuus pysyivät samansuuruisina ennen ja jälkeen alkoholin veronalennuksen. Veronalennuksen jälkeen alkoholiin liittyvien aivovammojen osuus lisääntyi keski-ikäisillä mutta väheni nuorilla. Keski-ikäisillä havaittu alkoholi liitännäisten aivovammojen lisääntyminen johtui pääasiallisesti siitä että kaatumisvammoja tapahtui enemmän, kun taas nuorten kohdalla havaittu väheneminen johtui itsemurhien vähenemisestä. Alkoholin veronalennuksen jälkeen alkoholia haitallisesti käyttävien kuolleisuus lisääntyi merkittävästi verrattuna niihin, jotka eivät käyttäneet alkoholia haitallisesti. Lievää vaikeampien aivovammojen ilmaantuvuus sekä kuolleisuus eivät lisääntynyt alkoholin veronalennuksen jälkeen, mutta keski-ikäisten alkoholiin liittyvät kaatumistapaukset lisääntyivät. Havainnot osoittavat, että erityisesti haitallisesti alkoholia käyttävillä sekä keski-ikäisillä oli suurempi riski saada aivovammoihin liittyviä ongelmia veronalennuksen jälkeen.

Intellectual disability in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986

Heikura, U. (Ulla) 22 January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate intellectual disability (ID) in children, with focus on occurrence, associated biomedical and sociodemographic factors, probable psychiatric problems and temporal variations in the occurrence of ID and the associated factors in an interval of 20 years. The study population consisted of two birth cohorts of children born in northern Finland, the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (NFBC 1986, N = 9,432 live-born children) and the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC 1966, N = 12,058 live-born children). Temporal changes in ID were studied by comparing NFBC 1986 with NFBC 1966. The same definition of intellectual disability (intelligence quotient ≤70), time of follow-up (up to 11.5 years), case ascertainment methods and data sources were used. Data were collected from questionnaires, registers and records. In NFBC 1986 the incidence of ID was 12.62/1,000 by age 11.5 years and prevalence 11.23/1,000 live-born at age 11.5 years. Associated biomedical aetiology could be found in two thirds of the cases. Genetic disorders were the largest aetiological category (36.1%) associated with ID. Maternal disadvantage (unskilled worker, basic education only) had the largest impact on the incidence of ID, while among single independent factors, maternal prepregnancy obesity (body mass index ≥30) showed the highest risk for ID (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.5, 5.3) in the offspring. According to the assessments by the teachers at school children with ID had 4.9 times more likely probable behavioural problems than their peers not having ID. In an interval of 20 years, there was no change in the incidence or in the prevalence of ID between NFBC 1986 and NFBC 1966. However, a shift occurred from more severe levels of ID towards mild ID, so that both the incidence and prevalence of mild ID increased by 50% whereas more severe ID decreased by 50%. Temporal changes appeared in the proportions of aetiological categories (NFBC 1986 vs. NFBC 1966) with a statistically significant decrease of Down syndrome and paranatally originating causes (traumas/asphyxia). The proportion of chromosomal disorders other than Down syndrome increased, as did malformations of the central nervous system. Among sociodemographic factors associated with ID, indicators of socio-economic disadvantage retained their status as having the largest impact on the incidence of ID. Over the 20 years, the mother being single, living in a remote area and mother's older age at time of delivery had lost their association with ID. Only one new maternal sociodemographic factor, prepregnancy obesity, had emerged as having an association with ID with a statistically significant difference between NFBC 1986 and NFBC 1966. In conclusion, these results indicate that although the occurrence of ID remained the same in northern Finland over a period of 20 years, temporal changes have taken place in the biomedical and sociodemographic factors contributing to the incidence and prevalence of ID. There are also factors that have retained their status as associated disadvantageous factors. Studies like this with repeatedly collected data in the same geographical area, describing the occurrence of ID, and analysing associated biomedical and sociodemographic factors, are valuable for evaluating developments in the health care and service system. They are also of value for future planning of services for individuals with ID. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kehitysvammaisuuden esiintyvyyttä lapsilla, siihen liittyviä lääketieteellisiä etiologisia ja sosiodemografisia tekijöitä, mahdollisia psykiatrisia ongelmia sekä kehitysvammaisuuden esiintyvyydessä ja siihen liittyvissä tekijöissä tapahtuneita muutoksia 20 vuoden aikana. Tutkimusjoukko muodostui kahden syntymäkohortin lapsista, jotka olivat syntyneet Pohjois-Suomessa, Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986 (NFBC 1986, N = 9432 elävänä syntynyttä lasta) ja Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1966 (NFBC 1966, N = 12058 elävänä syntynyttä lasta). Kehitysvammaisuudessa tapahtuneita ajallisia muutoksia tutkittiin vertaamalla Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986:ta Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1966:een. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin samaa kehitysvammaisuuden määritelmää (älykkyysosamäärä ≤70, seuranta-aika 11.5 vuoteen saakka), tiedonkeruun menetelmiä ja tietolähteitä. Tiedot kerättiin kyselylomakkeista, rekistereistä ja asiakirjoista. Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986:ssa kehitysvammaisuuden ilmaantuvuus oli 12.62/1000 11.5 vuoden ikään mennessä ja vallitsevuus 11.23/1000 11.5 vuoden iässä. Kehitysvammaisuuteen liittyvä lääketieteellinen etiologia pystyttiin selvittämään kahdessa kolmasosassa tapauksia. Geneettiset häiriöt muodostivat suurimman etiologisen luokan (36.1%). äitiin liittyvillä epäedullisilla sosiaalisilla tekijöillä (kouluttamaton työntekijä, vain peruskoulutus) oli suurin vaikutus kehitysvammaisuuden ilmaantuvuuteen, kun taas yksittäisistä sosiodemografisista tekijöistä korkein riski (vaarasuhde 2.8, luottamusväli 1.5, 5.3) oli äidin lihavuudella (painoindeksi ≥30) raskauden alussa. Koulussa opettajien arvioiden mukaan kehitysvammaisilla lapsilla esiintyi mahdollisia käytöshäiriöitä 4.9 kertaa useammin kuin ei-kehitysvammaisilla lapsilla. 20 vuoden aikana Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohorttien 1986 ja 1966 välillä ei ollut tapahtunut muutoksia kehitysvammaisuuden kokonaisilmaantuvuudessa eikä -vallitsevuudessa. Kuitenkin tuli esiin siirtymä vaikeammasta lievempään asteeseen siten, etta lievän kehitysvammaisuuden ilmaantuvuus ja vallitsevuus lisääntyivät noin 50%, kun taas vaikeamman väheni 50%. Lääketieteellisten etiologisten luokkien osuuksissa tuli esiin ajallisia muutoksia (Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986 vs. Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1966) siten, että Downin syndrooman sekä syntymän aikaan ajoittuvan vamman ja hapenpuutteen osuudet vähenivät tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Keskushermoston epämuodostumien sekä muiden kromosomihäiriöiden kuin Downin syndrooman osuudet kasvoivat. Kehitysvammaisuuteen liittyvistä sosiodemografisista tekijöistä sosioekonomisen huono-osaisuuden osoittimet säilyttivät asemansa suurimpana ryhmänä. 20 vuoden aikana äidin naimattomuus, asuminen syrjäseudulla sekä korkeampi ikä lapsen syntymän aikaan olivat menettäneet yhteytensä kehitysvammaisuuteen. Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986:n ja Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1966:n välillä tuli esiin vain yksi uusi kehitysvammaisuuteen tilastollisesti merkitsevästi liittyvä sosiodemografinen tekijä, äidin lihavuus raskauden alussa. Yhteevetona voidaan todeta, etta vaikka kehitysvammaisuuden kokonaisesiintyvyys oli pysynyt samana Pohjois-Suomessa 20 vuoden aikana niin esiintyvyyteen liittyvät etiologiset ja sosiodemografiset tekijät olivat osittain muuttuneet. Tämänkaltaiset tutkimukset, joissa peräkkäisinä ajanjaksoina kerätään tietoja samalla maantieteellisellä alueella ja jotka kuvaavat kehitysvammaisuuden esiintyvyyttä sekä analysoivat siihen liittyviä lääketieteellisiä ja sosiodemografisia tekijoitä, ovat hyödyllisiä arvioitaessa terveydenhoidossa ja palvelujärjestelmässä tapahtunutta kehitystä. Niitä voidaan hyödyntää myös suunniteltaessa tulevaisuudessa palveluja kehitysvammaisille henkilöille.

Factors associated with injuries in road-runners at a local athletic club

Hendricks, Candice January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc (Physiotherapy) / Across the world, physical inactivity was found to be associated with cardiovascular and chronic diseases of lifestyle which often leads to an increased rate of various physical disabilities and premature death. To combat these high incidences of chronic diseases of lifestyle, WHO strongly encourages people to become physically active on a daily basis to reduce the risk of premature death. Running has thus become the preferred choice of physical activity by thousands of people to help improve their overall health and wellbeing. Apart from the health benefits&nbsp; that running provides, it can also predispose the runner to potential injury especially when runners follow an inappropriate training programme and have inadequate knowledge about factors causing injury. Therefore, baseline data about the prevalence, incidence of injury and the identification of the aetiological factors associated with running injuries are needed to develop and implement preventative programmes to allow runners to optimally perform in training and races without injury. In South Africa, there is limited research available on the incidence of injury in runners yet there is an annual increase in participation in races such as Two Oceans and Comrades marathon which could lead to an increase in the number of running injuries.Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of injuries and identify the various risk factors that are associated with injuries in road runners at a local athletic club. Methods: A prospective cohort study design over a 16 week period using quantitative research methods was used. A sample of 50 runners had consented to participate in the study. The participants had to complete a self-administered questionnaire and clinical measurements of BMI, Q-angle, leglength, muscle strength of lower leg and ROM of hip and knee were recorded. The participants had to complete an injury report form to record any new injuries sustained over the 16 week period of the study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18 and software SAS v9 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) was used for data capturing and analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were done to summarize the data and was expressed as frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. Injury prevalence and cumulative incidence was calculated as a proportion rate along with 95% confidence interval. The Poisson regression model was used to analyse the association between running injury and the independent variables of interest such as demographics, anthropometric measurements, training methods, running experience and previous injury. The alpha level was set as p< 0.05. Results: The study found that the majority (92%) of the participants (n=46) sustained running injuries in the past prior to the study. A total of 16 participants sustained a number of 50 new injuries over the 16 week study period. Thus the prevalence rate of injuries was 32%. The incidence rate of injuries for this study was 0.67 per 1000km run at a 95% confidence interval of 0.41, 1.08. Furthermore, the most common location of new injuries reported were the calf (20%) and the second most common location was the knee (18%). PFPS was the most common type of knee injury diagnosed, followed by lumbar joint sprain. The results showed that none of the identified factors (running distance, stretching, age, Q-angle, BMI, running experience, leg-length discrepancy and previous running injuries) were directly associated with running injuries. However, a marginal significance was found for running distance (p = 0.08) and leg length discrepancy (p = 0.06). Conclusions: The study found a high prevalence and incidence rate of injury thus the need for preventative programmes have been highlighted. There was no statistical significance found between the identified factors and risk of injury however, there was clinical relevance found between factors identified. One major limitation was the small sample of participants and the short duration of study period. Thus, future research is needed to further determine possible factors associated with running injuries over a longer period and including a larger sample. The results of the study will be made available to all the stakeholders (runners, coaches and medical team) to implement in athletic club. / South Africa

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