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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumer Identity Theft Prevention And Identity Fraud Detection Behaviours: An Application Of The Theories Of Planned Behaviour And Protection Motivation

Gilbert, John A. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Consumer behaviour has and may increasingly have a vital role to play in protecting personal data. Understanding the behaviours of consumers in preventing identity theft and detecting identity fraud is therefore key to creating programs that minimize exposure and potential loss. In this study, based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), an exploratory study elicited salient beliefs about identity theft prevention and detection behaviours. These beliefs were then used to create a survey to measure the strength of the salient beliefs, attitudes, intentions and behaviours, which was administered online and produced 351 valid responses. Statistical analysis was performed on eight behavioural groups, based primarily on principal component analysis of twelve behaviours. The groups were: using physical security, practicing password security, monitoring bank accounts and credit cards, getting a credit report, checking the land registry, using 'remember my password', clicking on a link in an e-mail, and giving out personal information over the phone. Results showed that beliefs with a significant influence on consumer intentions for a given behavioural group were a mix of beliefs about identity theft in general and beliefs about the behaviours in that group. While attitudes towards behaviours of consumers in any specific group had a significant influence on the intent to perform behaviours peculiar to that group, they had virtually no impact on the intent to perform behaviours in other groups. The intent to perform identity theft prevention and identity fraud detection behaviours uniformly had a statistically significant influence on actual reported behaviour, but much of the variance in behaviour was unexplained. An analysis of qualitative responses showed that gender, language and age all had significant impacts on respondents' likelihood of mentioning specific vulnerabilities, and prevention and detection measures.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Tělo, tělesnost a identita v románu Klub rváčů / Body, physicality and identity in Fight club novel

Alferyová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the issues of body, embodiment and indentity in relation to the novel Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. The duality between speech and embodiment is explored in depth, both in the story of the novel and in the author's narrative style. Furthermore, the issue of power in relation to the society as well as towards one's own identity is discussed.

La forêt québecoise en discours dans la première moitié du XXe siècle : représentations politiques et littéraires / Quebec Forest Discourses During the First Part of XXth Century : Political and Litterary Representations

Flamand-Hubert, Maude 03 July 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse fait la démonstration que les référents identitaires à la forêt de la société québécoise reposent sur la cristallisation de représentations qui ont pris forme et se sont diffusées dans la première moitié du XXe siècle. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons étudié les représentations scientifiques, économiques et culturelles de la forêt véhiculées par les élites dans l’espace public. Le corpus des sources est constitué de documents législatifs, d’œuvres littéraires et de la presse écrite. Le récit se divise en trois temps: 1905-1906, avec la création du ministère des Terres et Forêts (MTF); 1921-1922, avec l’adoption d’une première loi incluant la réalisation d’inventaires forestiers et l’aménagement des forêts; et 1937-1938, qui marque la fin d’une époque par le départ de Gustave Piché, le chef du Service forestier depuis sa création. En filigrane, on assiste au délicat travail d’adaptation des principes du mouvement conservationniste américain à la réalité québécoise. À cette chronologie politico-administrative se juxtapose celle des œuvres littéraires. La présence de la forêt ne se calcule pas tant à la quantité des œuvres dans lesquelles elle apparaît, mais par la qualité et la diversité des réalités forestières qu’elles dévoilent. Ces œuvres mettent en discours le caractère collectif et multidimensionnel de l’appropriation symbolique de la forêt et du territoire. Bien que les trames politico-administrative et littéraire semblent en apparence éloignées, celles-ci se rencontrent dans la première moitié du XXe siècle pour témoigner de la production discursive d’une frange de la société québécoise motivée à poser les bases d’une « mentalité forestière » à son image. / Our thesis demonstrates that identity referents to the forest of Québcécois society are based on the crystallization of the representations that took shape and spread in the first half of the 20th century. More precisely, we studied the scientific, economic and cultural representations disseminated by the elite in the public domain, by overlaying legislative materials, literary works and print media.Our thesis unfolds a narrative divided into three pivotal time: 1905-1906, with the creation of the Minister of Lands and Forests (MLF); 1921-1922, with the enactment of a first legislation supporting the implementation of forest inventories and forest management; and 1937-1938, marking the end of an era with the departure of Gustave Piché, Head of Forest Service since its inception. Implicitly, through the intricate work of adapting the American Conservation Movement to that of the Québécois reality.Juxtaposed to this political-administrative time frame, we considered literary works. It is not so much by the quantity of literary works addressing the forest, by which we can measure the presence of the forest in literary works, but more by the quality and by the diversification of forestry realities that the works disclose. These worksbringto the forefront the collective and multidimensional nature of forest and territorial symbolic appropriation.Although it may seem on the surface that there is a large gap between political-administrative and literary backgrounds, they do cross roads in the first half of the 20th century bearing witness to the discursive production of a fringe of Québécois society motivated to lay the foundation of a “forest mentality” faithful to its image.

Quête et construction identitaires dans l’œuvre autobiographique de Enrico Pea (1881-1958) / Identity search and construction in Enrico Pea’s (1881-1958) autobiografical work

Fabrèges, Mélody 10 December 2012 (has links)
Auteur autodidacte, Enrico Pea (1881-1958), romancier, nouvelliste, poète et auteur dramatique, est une figure atypique dans le paysage littéraire italien du XXe siècle. Une partie de l’œuvre narrative de Pea est caractérisée par sa dimension autobiographique qui n’efface cependant pas une tendance à composer ses œuvres par fragments. Nous proposons, dans cette thèse, de nous concentrer sur cinq œuvres de Enrico Pea, toutes caractérisées par leur dimension fragmentaire, qui représentent autant d’étapes dans sa construction identitaire et d’envisager ainsi, la dimension fragmentaire par le prisme du morcellement du « je » narratif. Fole (1910) est un recueil de contes et légendes de sa terre natale. Moscardino (1922), Il Volto Santo (1924) et Il servitore del Diavolo (1931) sont des œuvres autobiographiques en prose. Dans Moscardino et Il Volto Santo, le narrateur raconte l’histoire de sa famille et son enfance en Versilia auprès de son grand-père. Il servitore del Diavolo est une autobiographie en creux retraçant dans un climat fantasmagorique les années égyptiennes de l’auteur. Enrico Pea se tourne une nouvelle fois vers l’autobiographie vers la fin de sa carrière pour évoquer à nouveau le séjour égyptien dans Vita in Egitto (1949). Cette étude entend montrer que l’œuvre autobiographique de Enrico Pea, à travers la création du personnage de Pea-Moscardino, retrace les étapes de la construction identitaire de l’auteur mais également propose une autobiographie idéale reposant sur le mythe de l’écrivain autodidacte. Ce parcours s’accompagne d’une réflexion de l’auteur sur l’écriture autobiographique qui converge vers la définition d’une poétique de l’autobiographie. / Self-taught author Enrico Pea (1881-1958) was a novelist, short story writer, poet, playwright and is an unusual figure of the twentieth century Italian literary scene. Part of Pea’s narrative work is characterized by its autobiographical dimension which maintains however a tendency to be created in fragments. This thesis will focus on five pieces of work by Enrico Pea, all characterized by their fragmentary dimension and representing many steps in the construction of his identity. Therefore it considers this dimension gradually through the prism of fragmentation of the narrative "I". Fole (1910) is a collection of tales and legends from his homeland. Moscardino (1922), Il Volto Santo (1924) and Il servitore del Diavolo (1931) are autobiographical works in prose. In Moscardino and Il Volto Santo, the narrator tells the story of his family and childhood in Versilia with his grandfather. Il servitore del Diavolo is an autobiography subtly depicting the author’s Egyptian years in a dreamy climate. Enrico Pea uses the autobiography again towards the end of his career to portray once more his stay in Egypt in Vita in Egitto (1949). This study aims to show that Enrico Pea’s autobiographical work, through the creation of the character Pea-Moscardino, retraces the steps of the author’s self-identity construction, but also provides an ideal autobiography based on the myth of the self-taught writer. This work is accompanied by a reflection from the author on autobiographical writing and converges towards a definition of the poetics of autobiography.

Agustina Bessa-Luís et l’écriture de l’Histoire / Agustina Bessa-Luís’s Historical Fiction

Lentina, Alda 03 December 2012 (has links)
Lorsqu’Agustina Bessa-Luís (1922-) réécrit l’Histoire elle est guidée par la volonté de dénoncer l’absence des femmes dans l’historiographie traditionnelle. Notre lecture envisage la réinscription des femmes dans l’Histoire portugaise, ceci à travers le prisme de la « déconstruction » de son discours. C’est à travers une remise en question de l’objectivité historique, par la subjectivité et la multiplicité des points de vue, ainsi que par un travail intertextuel sur les textes sources révélant qu’ils sont des constructions, que les romans deviennent des métafictions historiographiques postmodernes. Elles élaborent à travers la parodie et l’ambivalence une Histoire carnavalesque, dessinant une image peu commune du Portugal. Ensuite, la romancière oppose à la vision officielle, une histoire au féminin, ceci pour documenter l’expérience et l’identité des femmes dans leurs multiplicités. La question de la mémoire et des jalons inhérents à la condition des femmes révèle un processus de construction identitaire dégageant deux modes d’inscription féminins dans l’Histoire, l’un autorisé, l’autre transgressif. Puis, le principe de la domination masculine est remis en cause à travers la question de la virilité comme un impossible modèle à atteindre. Dans les romans de l’écrivaine, les hommes deviennent des figures ambigües, représentant le désordre et la ruine dans la société hégémonique. Fuyants mais réconciliés, ils reformulent la masculinité et signent la mort du patriarcat. Enfin, sont examinés les derniers fondements régissant la relation homme/femme : la question l’hétérosexualité obligatoire et celle du couple. L’auteure montre la fin de l’altérité radicale entre l’Autre et l’Un, provoquant une ressemblance entre les sexes et remettant en cause la notion même de couple. Ainsi, si elle a démontré au long de son oeuvre que l’on peut être femme et homme de diverses manières, elle soulignera aussi que dans le couple l’union est impossible. / When Agustina Bessa-Luís rewrites History she is guided by the will to show the absence of women in History. Our reading will show the reintroduction of women in Portuguese History through the “descontruction” of its discourse. It’s through questioning the historic objectivity, by the variety of points of view and by an intertextual work with written sources, which reveal that they are human constructions, that the novels become postmodern historiographics metafictions. They elaborate through parody and ambivalence en carnival History, giving a different picture of Portugal. Then the novelist contrasts the official History with a Herstory in order to document the feminine experience and identity in all their multiplicities. The question of memory and phases that are inseparable from woman conditions, reveals a process of identical construction, which gives a report of two ways of feminine inscription into History, one authorize, the other transgressive. Then the principle of masculine domination is questioned through the matter of virility as an impossible model to attain. The men become ambiguous figures, who represent the disorder and decay of society. Fleing but reconciled they reform the masculinity and sign the death of patriarchate. Finally, the last foundations that govern the relation the relation between men and women, and the question of obligatory heterosexuality and the couple, are examined. The writer shows the end of radical otherness between the Other and the One which provokes a resemblance between sexes and questions the notion of the couple. Thus, if the author has shown in her novels, that we can be a man and a woman in different ways, she also shows that in a couple the union is impossible.

Riglyne vir hulpverlening aan seksueel gemolesteerde kinders / Guidelines for aid to sexually abused children

Hood, Olga 06 1900 (has links)
Summary in English / Text in Afrikaans / Awareness of and interest in the incidence of sexual child abuse has been increasing. The current prominence of this phenomenon in south Africa, . is evidenced by reports in the printed and electronic media. A study of the prehistoric era, ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and later shows that children have been sexua·lly abused throughout all ages. Yet, the sexual abuse of children is incompatible with the values and goals of authentic nurturing. i • Child sexuality can never ~e equated w1.th adult I sexuality. The child lacks the emotional~ mental, intellectual and physical capabilities to manage sexual contact with an adult person. He/ she is therefore not in a position to agree to intimate intercourse. This research project mainly focused on the relationship between the identification of and aid to the sexually abused child, and the personality functioning of adults who were sexually abused as children. An ontological-antropological approach to childhood has shown that the sexually abused child has the right to the school guidance teacher's respect for his dignity as child and a need for a response to his pain and yearning. The sexually abused child is situated in a distinctive lifeworld and sexual abuse has affective, social and physical consequences. Social relations are negatively affected and some children show self-destructive behavior. The establishment of an authentic and stable sexual identity is especially threatened. Children should be educated to resist the sexual advances of adults, while sexually abused children should be provided with adequate aid. Educators (guidance teachers) should therefore have the necessary guidelines at their disposal for the prevention and treatment of sexual child abuse. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Reflecting on a period of change in a governmental development agency : understanding management as the patterning of interaction and politics

Mukubvu, Luke January 2012 (has links)
Management was once described as the art of getting things done through the efforts of oneself and other people (Follett, 1941) and is functionalised through acts of planning, organising, leading and controlling tasks and people for pre-defined objectives. These four cardinal pillars of management are translated into various models, tools and techniques of best practice of how to manage. While acknowledging that the substance of the current management models, tools and techniques have for years broadly contributed to how organisations are run, my research sheds more light on the shortcomings underlying some of the assumptions and ways of thinking behind these models and tools. My research findings based on my experience in working for the Department for International Development suggests that management practice and organisational change occur in the context of human power relationships in which people constrain and enable each other on the basis of human attributes such as identities, attitudes, values, perceptions, emotions, fears, expectations, motives and interests. I argue that these human attributes, human power relations and the totality of human emotions arise in the social, and understanding the ways in which these attributes shape local interaction and daily human relating is critical in making sense of the reality of organisational change and management. I suggest that management practice occurs in the context of everyday politics of human relating. It is that type of politics that takes place within families, groups of people, organisations, communities, and indeed throughout all units of society around the distribution of power, wealth, resources, thoughts and ideas. This way of thinking has enormous implications for the way we conceptualise management theory and practice. I am suggesting that managers do not solely determine, nor do employees freely choose their identities, attitudes, values, perceptions, emotions, fears, expectations and motives. These human dimensions arise from social relationships and personal experiences. As such, it is simply not for a manager to decide or force other employees on which of these human attributes to influence their behaviour. I am arguing that the social nature of management practice and role of human agents is inherently complex and cannot, in the scientific sense, be adequately reduced to discrete, systematic, complete and predictive models, tools and techniques without losing some meaning of what we do in management.

Riglyne vir hulpverlening aan seksueel gemolesteerde kinders / Guidelines for aid to sexually abused children

Hood, Olga 06 1900 (has links)
Summary in English / Text in Afrikaans / Awareness of and interest in the incidence of sexual child abuse has been increasing. The current prominence of this phenomenon in south Africa, . is evidenced by reports in the printed and electronic media. A study of the prehistoric era, ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and later shows that children have been sexua·lly abused throughout all ages. Yet, the sexual abuse of children is incompatible with the values and goals of authentic nurturing. i • Child sexuality can never ~e equated w1.th adult I sexuality. The child lacks the emotional~ mental, intellectual and physical capabilities to manage sexual contact with an adult person. He/ she is therefore not in a position to agree to intimate intercourse. This research project mainly focused on the relationship between the identification of and aid to the sexually abused child, and the personality functioning of adults who were sexually abused as children. An ontological-antropological approach to childhood has shown that the sexually abused child has the right to the school guidance teacher's respect for his dignity as child and a need for a response to his pain and yearning. The sexually abused child is situated in a distinctive lifeworld and sexual abuse has affective, social and physical consequences. Social relations are negatively affected and some children show self-destructive behavior. The establishment of an authentic and stable sexual identity is especially threatened. Children should be educated to resist the sexual advances of adults, while sexually abused children should be provided with adequate aid. Educators (guidance teachers) should therefore have the necessary guidelines at their disposal for the prevention and treatment of sexual child abuse. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

A identidade forjada pela mídia: expressões cotidianoas reveladas por jovens das classes populares em roteiros pelos metrôs de São Paulo

Souza, Ana Daniela de [UNESP] 17 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-08-17Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:07:38Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_ad_dr_fran.pdf: 2399771 bytes, checksum: 7d4aee958b66be03b1b3c307ec18c4c6 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A avaliação dos aspectos da realidade de determinado segmento de jovens das classes populares, com mínima possibilidade de acesso a condições de trabalho formalizado - situação que os torna suscetíveis a cometerem infrações ou atividades tangenciais ao crime - e sua relação com a mídia, motivaram e suscitaram o objetivo deste trabalho enquanto processo de conhecimento. Nesta busca, procurou -se desvendar a influência dos meios de comunicação nas escolhas e aspirações no cotidiano dessas pessoas que vivem em situação de risco social na metrópole paulistana. O entendimento da construção de identidades recorreu às teorias que exploram as relações sociais na contemporaneidade, e também na observação participante da autora durante sua vivência e trajetos pelos metrôs de São Paulo-SP. São jovens os sujeitos desta pesquisa, conhecidos popularmente como manos, e é assim que eles se autodenominam e se reconhecem mutuamente. O contexto social em que vivem é marcado pela desigualdade social e econômica e, geralmente, estão envolvidos ou expostos ao universo da criminalidade. As atividades recorrentes ao universo da cultur a tais como a música, a dança e o grafite, assim como as outras vias que encontram para estabelecer participação social, formam os pilares em que eles se apóiam para a construção de sua identidade. Essas pessoas, em sua maior parte, moradores dos bairros p opulares e da periferia, quando envolvidos no laço coletivo para a superação da discriminação, têm seu cotidiano fortalecido por um conjunto de elementos que podem despontar em uma cultura construída como reação aos processos de exclusão social. Identidade e resistência convergem em uma ambígua formação de consciência crítica. A incitação ao consumo e a sedutora mídia tradicional e comercial influenciam esses jovens na construção de identificações. Avaliar e questionar medidas políticas para trazer melhores condições... / The evaluation of the aspects of the reality of a determined young people segment of the popular classes, with almost no access to legalized work - situation that makes them susceptible to commit infractions - and its relation with the media have motivated the objective of this work while a discovery process. This search aimed at unmasking the influence of the media in the aspirations and choices taken by those who live in a situation of social risk in the city of São Paulo. The understanding of the construction of the identities was based on the theories that explore contemporary social relations, and also on the scenes observed by the author during the time she spent on the subways of the city. The subjects of this research are young, popularly known as “manos”, and that is how they name themselves. Their social context is marked by social and economic inequality, and they are often involved in crime or exposed to it. Culture-related activities, such as music, dance and graffiti, as well as the ways they find to establish some social participation, form them pillars over which they build their identity. These people, mostly inhabitants of the popular quarters and the periphery, when involved in a collective flow t o overcome discrimination, have their daily life fortified by a set of elements that can result in a culture constructed as a reaction to the social exclusion process. Identity and resistance converge in an ambiguous formation of critical conscience. The i ncitation to the consumption and the seductive traditional and commercial media influence the youth in the construction of identifications. Evaluating and questioning political measures to achieve better conditions for society in general demand, above al l, to know the reality of a population that already is not on edge of society anymore, but in the central spot of social problems.

A identidade forjada pela mídia : expressões cotidianoas reveladas por jovens das classes populares em roteiros pelos metrôs de São Paulo /

Souza, Ana Daniela de. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Ângela Rodrigues Alves de Andrade / Banca: Waldenyr Caldas / Banca: Eneida Gonçalves de Macedo Haddad / Banca: Ubaldo Silveira / Banca: Raquel Santos Sant'Ana / Resumo: A avaliação dos aspectos da realidade de determinado segmento de jovens das classes populares, com mínima possibilidade de acesso a condições de trabalho formalizado - situação que os torna suscetíveis a cometerem infrações ou atividades tangenciais ao crime - e sua relação com a mídia, motivaram e suscitaram o objetivo deste trabalho enquanto processo de conhecimento. Nesta busca, procurou -se desvendar a influência dos meios de comunicação nas escolhas e aspirações no cotidiano dessas pessoas que vivem em situação de risco social na metrópole paulistana. O entendimento da construção de identidades recorreu às teorias que exploram as relações sociais na contemporaneidade, e também na observação participante da autora durante sua vivência e trajetos pelos metrôs de São Paulo-SP. São jovens os sujeitos desta pesquisa, conhecidos popularmente como manos, e é assim que eles se autodenominam e se reconhecem mutuamente. O contexto social em que vivem é marcado pela desigualdade social e econômica e, geralmente, estão envolvidos ou expostos ao universo da criminalidade. As atividades recorrentes ao universo da cultur a tais como a música, a dança e o grafite, assim como as outras vias que encontram para estabelecer participação social, formam os pilares em que eles se apóiam para a construção de sua identidade. Essas pessoas, em sua maior parte, moradores dos bairros p opulares e da periferia, quando envolvidos no laço coletivo para a superação da discriminação, têm seu cotidiano fortalecido por um conjunto de elementos que podem despontar em uma cultura construída como reação aos processos de exclusão social. Identidade e resistência convergem em uma ambígua formação de consciência crítica. A incitação ao consumo e a sedutora mídia tradicional e comercial influenciam esses jovens na construção de identificações. Avaliar e questionar medidas políticas para trazer melhores condições... / Abstract: The evaluation of the aspects of the reality of a determined young people segment of the popular classes, with almost no access to legalized work - situation that makes them susceptible to commit infractions - and its relation with the media have motivated the objective of this work while a discovery process. This search aimed at unmasking the influence of the media in the aspirations and choices taken by those who live in a situation of social risk in the city of São Paulo. The understanding of the construction of the identities was based on the theories that explore contemporary social relations, and also on the scenes observed by the author during the time she spent on the subways of the city. The subjects of this research are young, popularly known as "manos", and that is how they name themselves. Their social context is marked by social and economic inequality, and they are often involved in crime or exposed to it. Culture-related activities, such as music, dance and graffiti, as well as the ways they find to establish some social participation, form them pillars over which they build their identity. These people, mostly inhabitants of the popular quarters and the periphery, when involved in a collective flow t o overcome discrimination, have their daily life fortified by a set of elements that can result in a culture constructed as a reaction to the social exclusion process. Identity and resistance converge in an ambiguous formation of critical conscience. The i ncitation to the consumption and the seductive traditional and commercial media influence the youth in the construction of identifications. Evaluating and questioning political measures to achieve better conditions for society in general demand, above al l, to know the reality of a population that already is not on edge of society anymore, but in the central spot of social problems. / Doutor

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