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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kristen i det senmoderna : Unga frikyrkligas identitet i senmoderniteten

Hummerdal, Johannes January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how young members of Free Churches relate to issues connected with lifestyle and identity, based on the changed conditions for the self in late modernity. More specifically, I want to examine how they deal with the increased degree of detraditionalisation and institutional individualization in late modernity. My research-question is: How do young members of Free Churches relate to issues connected with lifestyle and identity, with the increased degree of personal freedom and institutional individualization in late modernity as a starting point? The empiric part of the essay is carried out by qualitative in-depth interviews with five young members of Free Churches. These semi-structured interviews are focused on a number of different areas of the changed conditions for the self in late modernity. My theoretical perspective has been constructed from the theories of Anthony Giddens, Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim. From these theories a focus on certain relevant areas of the condition of the self in late modernity, has developed. These are work, consumption, marriage, love, sexuality, body and health. The general way of relating to issues of lifestyle and identity that I could interpret from my interview-respondents’ answers was that they exercised a form of opposition against the dominant way of life in late modernity, in issues that can be connected to detraditionalisation. Examples of such issues are those related to marriage and sexuality. But they relate more according to the dominant late modern way of life, in issues that can be connected to the institutional individualization, such as issues of work, consumption and body.

"HUR ska jag göra det?" : pedagogers syn på och utformning av individanpassad undervisning i skolår 3 / "HOW am I supposed to do that?" : an illustration of how pedagogues view and design individually based education in schoolyear 3

Johansson, Maria, Musslinder, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
I dagens skola är individen och dennes behov i fokus. Detta uttrycks i skolans läroplan, Lpo 94. Läroplanens intention är att undervisningen skall individanpassas utifrån varje elevs behov och förutsättningar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger individanpassar undervisningen. Vidare är studiens syfte att belysa pedagogers syn på individanpassad undervisning och vad det är som styr deras utformning av den. Antalet respondenter i studien har varit fyra pedagoger, som alla är verksamma i skolår 3. Studien utgörs av en fallstudie med observationer och intervjuer, vilka har analyserats och tolkats. Resultatet visar att pedagoger använder sig av ett varierande arbetssätt för att möta varje enskild elev. De använder planeringsbok, arbetsschema eller beting i arbetet med att individanpassa undervisningen, vilket innebär att eleverna arbetar självständigt och att uppgifterna ofta är självinstruerande. Pedagogerna anser det enklare att individanpassa i matematik och svenska än i idrott, engelska och de natur- och samhällsorienterande ämnena. Studiens resultat visar att en av fördelarna med individanpassad undervisning är att den utgår just från den enskilde eleven. När undervisningen anpassas efter elevens förmåga och behov, leder det till att eleven känner glädje och en känsla av att den kan. Pedagogerna synliggör i detta sammanhang också möjligheten som ges att kunna utmana de duktiga eleverna. Studiens resultat visar att pedagoger vill arbeta mer individanpassat än vad de gör idag, men ser de yttre faktorerna som hinder för detta. / In the school of today, the individual's needs are the focus. This is expressed in Lpo 94. The intention of the curriculum (Lpo 94) is that education should be adjusted to the needs and conditions of every pupil. The purpose of the study is to examine how pedagogues adjust education to the individual. Furthermore, the purpose is to illustrate pedagogues' view on individually based education, and what dictates how it is carried out. Four pedagogues, all working in school year 3, responded to the study. This case study used observations and interviews, which have been analysed. The result shows that pedagogues use a variety of ways to meet the needs of every single pupil. They use planning books, working schedules and/or assignments as learning tools. This implies that the pupils work independently, and that work is often self-instructive. The pedagogues state that it is easier to adjust to the individual's needs in mathematics and Swedish than in physical education, foreign languages, social studies and science. All pedagogues see from a pupil's perspective when talking about the advantages with individually based teaching. They emphasize that the advantage is the possibility to adjust to the abilities and needs of each individual pupil, which leads to a more positive pupil and sense of accomplishment. Individually based teaching also gives the pedagogues the possibility to challenge high achieving pupils. All pedagogues want to work more individually based, but see external factors as impediments.

"Förhoppningsvis når man alla någon gång" : - en kvalitativ studie om individanpassad undervisning

Andersson, Kajsa-Stina, Karlström, Pernilla January 2009 (has links)
Litteratur som berör begreppet individanpassad undervisning framhåller både positiva samt negativa aspekter, vad beträffar detta arbetssätt. Med denna bakgrund fann vi det intressant att undersöka hur verksamma pedagoger i grundskolans tidiga år, uttrycker sig om individanpassad undervisning. För att studera hur det ser ut i verksamheten, valde vi att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer som teknik för insamlande av data. Det material som samlats in har analyserats och beskrivits med hjälp av teorianknytning. Resultatet visade att tidsrelaterad individualisering är den form som tillämpas mest i undervisningen, men respondenterna poängterar också betydelsen av att anpassa undervisningen till den nivå där eleven befinner sig, det vill säga svårighetsrelaterad individualisering. Respondenterna vidhöll även att denna arbetsform är till fördel för de svagpresterande eleverna, något som skiljer sig från den forskning som framkommit inom området. En annan intressant aspekt som vi kunde urskilja utifrån resultatet, var att det fanns motsättningar mellan pedagoger och forskare huruvida individanpassad undervisning, är en illusion eller verklighet. Ett hinder som respondenterna lyfter fram är att det i dagens skola förekommer stora klasser med bara en pedagog, vilket innebär att det kan vara svårt att få tiden att räcka till för att organisera en individanpassad undervisning. / Literature that contains the concept individual tailored education show both positive and negative aspects, regarding this method. With this background, we found it interesting to examine how active teachers, in the compulsory school, express about individual tailored education. In order to study how it is in the reality, we have chosen to use us of a qualitative method, with interviews for collecting of information. The information that was gathered have then been analyzed and described with the aid of theory connection. The result showed that timerelated individualization is the most common type that teachers applies in their education, but the respondents also points out the importens to adapt the education on the basis of each individual, in another word difficultrelated individualization. The respondents maintained also that this work form is to advantage for the pupils who have difficulties, something that distinguish from research within the area. The study also showed another interesting aspect, namely that there were contradictions between teachers and researchers, whether individual tailored education is an illusion or if it is reality. An obstacle that the respondents points out is that the school of today has big classes with only one teacher, which means that it, according to time, can be difficult to organize individual tailored education.

Individualiseringens identiteter : Perspektiv på identitet i en individualiserad och globaliserad värld

Nordin, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på vad individualiserat identitetsskapande genom bloggning består utav. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i att globaliseringens omvärldsförändringar förändrat människors möjligheter till identitet, och att bloggning är del av en ny typ av identitetsskapande. För att undersöka identitetsskapande genom bloggning analyserar studien en bloggskola på nätet framtagen av tre kvinnliga framgångsrika "bloggentreprenörer", Clara Lidström, Anna-Karin Nyberg och Frida Ramstedt. Bloggskolan syftar enligt dem till att lära bloggare hur man bäst ska framställa sig själv för att synas och expandera på nätet, samt göra bloggen till en lyckad affärsverksamhet. Studien syftar till att utveckla förståelsen för hur samtidens framträdande sociala aktiviteter genom diskurs formar social verklighet och därmed identitet. Frågeställningarna handlar om hur man konstruerar sitt individualistiska jag när man bloggar, vilka mönster som präglar detta jag, samt vilka externa diskurser bloggidentiteten påverkas av. De teoretiska ramar som studien utgår från är Zygmunt Baumans, Ulrich Becks och Anthony Elliott & Charles Lemerts respektive perspektiv på det individualiserade samhällets identiteter, i litteratur från 2000-talet. Metoder som använts är textanalys med innehållsanalys som främsta verktyg. Även diskurspsykologiska teorier såsom rollteori och humanistisk teori (Potter & Wetherell, 1987, s 97, 99) har använts för att betrakta självet i bloggvärlden. Studien kom bl. a fram till att identitetsskapande genom bloggning till stor del vilar på kontextuellt och socialt skapade värden, att bloggidentiteten är nära besläktad med företagsvärlden, samt att självet framställs genom retoriska strategier byggda på egenintressen. / This study focuses on how individualized forms of identities are constructed within the sphere of blogging. The premiss of the study is that changes in society brought about by globalization has changed peoples ways of forming identities, and that blogging functions as a new kind of tool for identity-construction. The object of analysis is a webbased blogging-course made by three successful female bloggentrepreneurs, Clara Lidström, Anna-Karin Nyberg and Frida Ramstedt. The purpose of the course is according to them to teach bloggers how to portray themselves in the best way, with the aim of becoming visible in the blog-world, expand and turn blogging into business. The purpose of the study is to contribute with observations of how contemporary social activities - through certain discourse - forms social reality and by that, identity. The question formulation is about how the individualized identity is created through blogging, what patterns this identity is made up of, and also what external discourses the blogging-self is affected by. The theoretical framework include the theorization of Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck and Anthony Elliott & Charles Lemert, with their various perspectives on identity in an individualized society, in literature of the 21st century. Methods used are text analysis, with content analysis as the primary tool. Role-theory and humanistic theory originated from discourse psychology have been used to understand and portray the blog-identity. The study resulted in the conclusion that the constuction of identity through blogging is to be regarded as dependant of contextual and socially constructed values, that the blog-identity is closely related to the businessworld and that the self is displayed via rethorical techniques derived from various self-interests.

Jag bor tillsammans med den jag vårdar : En kvalitativ sociologisk studie om stöd till anhörigstödjare / I live with the person I care for

Vilbertsson, Anna, Blirup, Annelie January 2012 (has links)
Denna sociologiska C-uppsats handlar om stöd till anhörigstödjare. Den har ett hermeneutiskt förhållningsätt och data har samlats in genom kvalitativ metod. Fokus har riktats till Gislaved, Gnosjö, Vaggeryd och Värnamos kommuner (GGVV regionen). Efter kontakt med kommunernas anhörigsamordnare väcktes intresset att undersöka de olika stöden till anhörigstödjare som finns i GGVV regionen. Då stöden gått från att erbjudas i samma form till alla, till att erbjudas individuellt fanns ett intresse av att undersöka vilka stöd kommunerna erbjuder. För att få en djupare förståelse av stöden har det även undersökts vilka stöd som finns, vilka som tar emot stöden, hur gemenskapen upplevs, men även hur anhörigstödjare anser att stöden påverkar dem. Efter intervjuer, deltagande observationer samt en livshistoria fanns tillräckligt med material att analysera data med hjälp av teoretiska begrepp. De teoretiska begrepp som använts är Gemeinschaft och Gesellschaft, livsformen Främlingen samt Empowerment. Analysen visar att GGVV regionen erbjuder stöd av olika former som exempelvis träffar för anhörigstödjare, Må bra dagar och Gapet. En betydelsefull familjär gemenskap verkar innefattas på alla de olika stödformerna. Anhörigstödjarna upplever att stöden ger dem ny energi, kraft samt att de lättare att prata om sin situation med andra personer i liknande situation. Stöd vi studerat når generellt ut till en viss grupp av människor, kvinnor över 65 år och dessa kvinnor har svensk etnisk bakgrund. Dessutom erbjuder de fyra kommunerna inte samma former av stöd till anhörigstödjare. / This sociological essay is about support for relatives prop. It has a hermeneutic attitude, and data were collected through qualitative methods. The focus has been directed to the municipalities of Gislaved, Gnosjö, Vaggeryd and Värnamo (the GGVV region). Contact with relative’s supporters caused interest to examine the various relatives prop that are available in the GGVV region. As the support changed from being based on general terms to be individualized, an interest aroused to investigate what support the respective municipalities offer. To gain a deeper understanding of the support, the beneficiaries have been examined as well as the experience of the community and how the families believe that the supports affect them. Through interviews, participant observations, and a life story, sufficient material was gathered for analyzing the data using theoretical concepts. The theoretical concepts used are Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft, The Stanger and Empowerment. The analysis shows that the GGVV region offers support for various forms of family gatherings for example, "feel good days" or "the Gapet". A significant family community seems to be included in all of the forms of assistance. The families feel that the support gives them new energy, and give them strength to talk about their situation. Unfortunately, the support we have studied only reach out to a certain group of people, women over 65, with a Swedish ethnic background. Besides four of the municipalities we reviewed do not offer the same assistance relatives prop.

Bedömning och betyg : grundskolelärares uppfattningar kring tidigare och tydligare kunskapsbedömningar

Gustafsson, Linn January 2009 (has links)
The school is under constant change and school reform on the conveyor belt. In 2009 the Swedish government introduced new directives for the elementaryschool, including multi-national sample, written testimonials from grade one and grade with several grades rose from grade six. The purpose of this study is to examine currently active primary teacher perceptions of the pupils' learning and development might be affected by those earlier and clearer knowledge assessments, and how teachers perceive this reform on the basis of the Swedish school's motto "a school for all". The study was carried out with a phenomenological approach where the method has been depth interviews with five active primary teachers from grades one to six in a school. The results show that teachers perceive that the earlier and clearer assessments will affect students differently according to student performance and knowledge. Stronger students according to teachers can be affected positively while the weaker students may be affected more negatively. For a school for all in accordance with the new reforms should exist, calls for teachers to access to resources that do not currently exist. Furthermore, future research could evaluate the consequences of how students' learning and development are affected by these reforms.

The Context of an Urban Social Problem : Case study of Youth Unemployment

Ekane, Duone January 2010 (has links)
The advent of urbanization has paved the way for the emergence of varied social problems amongst which is youth unemployment. The occurrence of youth unemployment varies across countries with its nature and extent been determined by the local context in which it prevails. Youth unemployment in Cameroon is a major problem prevailing in urban areas in the country, based on the high rate of unemployed young people in the country. This study was set to analyze the prevalence of youth unemployment as an urban social problem with the goal of providing a better understanding of its prevalence. The problem was analyzed around the individual and structural perspectives with the aid of the individualization concept and human capital concept. Three themes constituted the central issues that guided the study of the problem; they are; views on causes, its impact, and measures adopted to address it. The premise behind these themes was geared towards outlining governmental as well as public opinion on the causes of the problem, as well as analyzing the measures the government has adopted or set in place in a bid to mitigate the occurrence of unemployment amongst youth.

Ledarskapstilar i klassrummet : Utifrån lärarperspektiv

Messo, Khatoun January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to see how teachers experience their own leadership style and how they did to get their leadership to work in the classroom. The purpose was also to understand the teachers’ actions, what they think is best for the students’ development and how they describe the leadership in the classroom. I interviewed six female teachers and they all have had many experiences since this is their profession. My research was based on Stensmo (2000). There are five dimensions this leadership is based on. These are planning, control, grouping, motivation and individualization. In this study I will perform how the teachers plan and organise their work based on students and work styles. The method I used in this study was the qualitative method in which I as an interviewer posed questions to my informants. The further into the studies I came I perceived that the teachers had different leadership styles. Some educators had authoritarian tendencies, while some had democratic leadership style and the others had a different leadership which had an intermediate form; some of the authoritarian elements, but also moved towards the democratic leadership style. The last method that one of these six teachers used had a situational leadership style as her management style varied depending in what situation she was in. So the results of this study do not only depend on what specific method you use for one kind of class. It is the activity in the classroom that decides how a teacher should be and which method she should use. The teacher should be well prepared and planned before she enters the classroom. Clear rules and instructions give a functioning leadership in the classroom. The teaching should be fun and interesting and all students should have equal opportunity to achieve goals.

Svensson, Jessica, Johansson, Josefin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur engelskundervisning kan bedrivas i år 4, 5 och 6. Vi är intresserade av att se hur olika lärare i olika skolor arbetar och vilka undervisningsmetoder de använder sig av samt hur förutsättningarna i elevgruppen inverkar på valet av metod. Vi vill också undersöka hur valet av undervisningsmetod påverkar elevernas intresse och motivation i ämnet. Frågeställningarna är följande:</p><p>• Vilka metoder använder engelsklärare i sin undervisning och hur kan detta se ut i praktiken?</p><p>• Hur tar engelsklärarna hänsyn till elevgruppen och varje elevs individuella behov när det gäller val av undervisningsmetod?</p><p>• Vilken påverkan har valet av undervisningsmetod på eleverna vad gäller deras intresse och motivation i engelskämnet? Skiljer sig lärarnas uppfattningar om elevernas inställning från elevernas egna?</p><p>För att kunna genomföra studien har vi valt att intervjua fem engelsklärare i år 4-6 i en och samma kommun i Sverige. För att få reda på elevernas motivation och intresse i ämnet har vi gjort en enkätundersökning i de klasser där intervjurespondenterna undervisar.</p><p>Resultatet visar att lärarna är ganska lika då det gäller val av undervisningsmetod. Samtliga lärare är kommunikativt inriktade men är inte särskilt insatta i olika undervisningsmetoder utan grundar sig istället på styrdokumentens syn. Vi kan dock se att de har influenser av metoden Communicative Language Teaching i sin undervisning. Eftersom lärarna inte medvetet använder sig av någon specifik metod blev vår andra frågeställning svår att besvara och vi fick istället inrikta oss på hur de gör för att individualisera undervisningen. Lärarna och eleverna har inte alltid samma uppfattning om elevernas motivation. Vi upptäckte att ett bra klassrumsklimat, höga men rimliga krav samt användandet av flera material än läromedlet har en positiv inverkan på motivationen.</p> / <p>The aim with this study is to see how English education can be practiced in the Swedish grades 4, 5 and 6. We are interested in seeing how different teachers in different schools work and what teaching methods they use. At the same time we want to see how the pupils’ needs and interests affect the choice of teaching method. We also want to study how the choice of method influences the pupils’ motivation in the English subject. Our question formulations are:</p><p>• What methods do English teachers use in their teaching and how can they be practiced?</p><p>• How do English teachers take every pupil’s individual needs in consideration when it comes to the choice of teaching method?</p><p>• What effect does the choice of teaching method have on the pupils when it comes to their interest and motivation in the English subject? Do the teachers’ opinions about the pupils’ attitudes differ from the pupils’?</p><p>To implement this study we have chosen to interview five English teachers in the Swedish grades 4-6 in the same commune in Sweden. To find out about the pupils’ motivation and interest in the subject we have done a questionnaire study in the classes where the respondents in the interview are teaching.</p><p>The result shows that the teachers are similar when it comes to the choice of teaching method. All teachers have a communicative approach but are not particularly conversant in different methods. Instead they base their thoughts on the view of the curriculum and the syllabus. However, we can see that they in their teaching, have influences from the method Communicative Language Teaching. Due to the fact that the teachers do not use a specific method, our second question formulation was difficult to answer and instead we had to focus on how they implement individualization. The teachers and the pupils do not always have they same opinion about the motivation of the pupils. We discovered that a good classroom climate, high but reasonable demands and the use of more materials than the teaching aid have positive affects on the motivation.</p>

Undervisning för elever med särskilda matematiska förmågor : En studie om hur lärares undervisning i grundskolans tidigare år bedrivs och anpassas till elever med särskilda matematiska förmågor. / : A study of how teachers teaching in primary school are conducted and adapted to students with special mathematical abilities.

Karlsson, Linda January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see how some teachers in primary school creates and adapts their mathematics teaching for students with special mathematical abilities. It also aims to identify opportunities and challenges that teachers see in creating a teaching adapted to these students. In this study, qualitative interviews has been done to collect data. The interviews were conducted with five teachers who all are active in the primary school. The study results show that there is great variation in how the interviewed teachers create their mathematics teaching for students with special mathematical abilities. The use of mathematics book proved to be significant for how this adaptation took place. The result also shows that the teachers’ explanations for the choice of the adaptations that they make in teaching vary. Some of the teachers stressed that the teaching they were carrying made it possible for adaptation in the normal teaching while others stressed that they made adjustments to fit the current student best. The result showed two challenges that many of the teachers saw in the creation of a teaching adapted for students with special mathematical abilities. These challenges were time and group.

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