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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aprender na vila, aprender na vida : uma quest?o de tempo

Oliveira, Lisete Maria de 18 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-04-07T17:49:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LISETE_MARIA_DE_OLIVEIRA_COMPLETO.pdf: 3185862 bytes, checksum: 93cacdc3933a876c00a71c646827eea3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-07T17:49:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LISETE_MARIA_DE_OLIVEIRA_COMPLETO.pdf: 3185862 bytes, checksum: 93cacdc3933a876c00a71c646827eea3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-18 / This research aims at investigating how children at the 5th year of Primary School in a public municipal school of a low-income suburb of Porto Alegre perceive and/or build the notion of Time as a concept to be built throughout their education. The concept of TIME is examined from the perspective of sciences (Newton, Einstein), philosophy (Plato, Kant) and history (Whitrow, ?ries); including the approach of the building of notions of time according to Piaget (Genetic Epistemology) and Vygotsky (social/historical Psychology). This text aims at analyzing the times built/appropriated by the children, who are between 9 and 13 years old. This is a qualitative study, carried out through the analysis of class diaries and questionnaires dealing with time. The relevant data were extracted and grouped in categories, which made the identification of the following times perceived by the children possible: chronological time, childhood time and the time of violence. The perception of chronological time is the identification of marks of time, without the understanding of time periods or intervals; the perception of childhood time is seen as a playful period associated with child labor; and the time of violence is seen as an adult time, in some periods, perceived by children, who seek to impose their childhood time. This study concludes that the building of notions of time by children ? related to the social and cultural environment ? enables the perception of times other than the concepts of Time homogenously established in relation to the more comprehensive society. / A presente pesquisa objetiva investigar como as crian?as, do 5? ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola p?blica municipal da periferia de Porto Alegre, percebem e/ou constroem a no??o de Tempo, como um conceito a ser constru?do ao longo de sua forma??o. O conceito de TEMPO ? abordado a partir de pressupostos das ci?ncias (Newton, Einstein), da filosofia (Plat?o, Kant) e da hist?ria (Whitrow, ?ries); passando pela abordagem da constru??o das no??es de tempo, segundo Piaget (Epistemologia Gen?tica) e Vygostsky (Psicologia s?cio-hist?rica). O estudo busca analisar quais os tempos constru?dos/apropriados pelas crian?as, na faixa et?ria de 9 a 13 anos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, atrav?s da an?lise da escrita de di?rios de aula e de question?rios sobre o tempo, extra?dos os registros referentes ao tema pesquisado e agrupados por categorias, possibilitando identificar os seguintes tempos percebidos pelas crian?as: o tempo cronol?gico, o tempo de inf?ncia e o tempo de viol?ncia. A percep??o do tempo cronol?gico apresenta-se como identifica??o de marcos do tempo, sem a compreens?o de per?odos ou intervalos de tempo; a percep??o do tempo de inf?ncia revela-se sob a compreens?o de um per?odo l?dico associado ao trabalho infantil e o tempo de viol?ncia apresenta-se como um tempo adulto, em alguns per?odos, percebido pelas crian?as, que buscam impor seu tempo de inf?ncia. A pesquisa conclui que a constru??o das no??es de tempo pelas crian?as, relacionada ao meio cultural e social, possibilita a percep??o de tempos distintos aos conceitos de Tempo estabelecidos de forma homog?nea ? sociedade mais abrangente.

Do manic?mio ao CAPSI: o percurso brasileiro para as pol?ticas de sa?de mental infantil / From asylum to capsi: brazilian journey for mental health policies child

Cabral, Clariana Morais Tinoco 22 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-04-27T23:53:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ClarianaMoraisTinocoCabral_TESE.pdf: 713197 bytes, checksum: 7e577b2d623202be84a1ae4ccbd3e008 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-04-27T23:58:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ClarianaMoraisTinocoCabral_TESE.pdf: 713197 bytes, checksum: 7e577b2d623202be84a1ae4ccbd3e008 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-27T23:58:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ClarianaMoraisTinocoCabral_TESE.pdf: 713197 bytes, checksum: 7e577b2d623202be84a1ae4ccbd3e008 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-22 / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar o cen?rio hist?rico de constru??o das pol?ticas de sa?de mental para a crian?a no Brasil, desde sua matriz at? a cria??o do CAPSi. Teve como ?nfase a realidade de Natal/RN, escolhida em virtude da recenticidade da implanta??o do CAPSi, servi?o de sa?de mental de vanguarda na proposta de substitui??o ao modelo m?dico asilar historicamente estabelecido. Foram objetivos espec?ficos: a) resgatar e analisar, pela perspectiva da sa?de mental infantil, os documentos produzidos a partir das Confer?ncias Nacionais de Sa?de (CNS) e de Confer?ncias Nacionais de Sa?de Mental (CNSM); b) analisar o cen?rio hist?rico que perpassou a cria??o dos CAPSi no Brasil e na capital do Rio Grande do Norte (RN); c) identificar e analisar as pr?ticas e os discursos utilizados para legitimar a??es no CAPSi Natal. Para isso, submeteu-se ? an?lise de discurso foucaultiana dados de pesquisa documental em relat?rios e documentos oficiais, e de entrevistas semiestruturadas com t?cnicos respons?veis pela implanta??o do CAPSi Natal. Os relat?rios das CNS evidenciaram estas como espa?o de discuss?o sobre a crian?a, primeiramente a crian?a deficiente e posteriormente a crian?a diagnosticada com transtornos neur?ticos e psic?ticos graves, passando pela sa?de da parturiente enquanto pol?tica de controle da sa?de mental infantil. J? as CNSM se inseriram no processo pol?tico de reforma do modelo psiqui?trico, abrindo espa?o para o debate direto e efetivo do projeto de implanta??o dos CAPSi?s. Em Natal, esse projeto tem origem na demanda jur?dica para enfrentamento ao problema social do adolescente adicto. Gra?as ? luta travada pelos t?cnicos, o CAPSi Natal se efetivou com uma proposta de desinstitucionaliza??o e inclus?o, assumindo caracter?sticas efetivas de pol?tica em sa?de mental para a inf?ncia e juventude, as quais, atravessadas pela heran?a de exclus?o, encontram no s?culo XXI espa?o privilegiado para efetivas mudan?as, igualmente seu maior desafio. / The objective of this study is to analyze the historical setting of the development of mental health policies for children in Brazil, from initial initiatives to the implementation of CAPSi. The study focuses on the context of Natal / RN, which was chosen due to the recent inauguration of CAPSi, an innovative mental health service, aimed at replacing the traditional medical asylum model. The specific objectives of the study are to: a) collect and analyze, from the perspective of children's mental health, the documents produced from the National Conferences of Health (CNS) and the National Conference of Mental Health (CNSM); b) analyze the historical setting that led to the creation of CAPSi in Brazil and the capital of Rio Grande do Norte (RN); c) identify and analyze the practices and discourses used to legitimize actions in CAPSi Natal. To this end, a Foucaultian discourse analysis was carried out on bibliographic data, including research reports, official documents and semi-structured interviews with the officials responsible for the implementation of CAPSi Natal. CNS' reports provide evidence of these as places to discuss children, primarily disabled children, and children diagnosed with severe neurotic and psychotic disorders, even addressing health practices regarding women in labor, as well as policy control of infant mental health. The CNSM already implemented, in the political process of reform of the psychiatric model, paving the way for a direct and effective debate of the CAPSi's deployment project. In Natal, this project comes from the legal demand to face the social problem of substance abuse in the adolescent population. Thanks to the struggle waged by the technicians, the CAPSi Natal was accomplished with a proposal of de-institutionalization and inclusion, taking on effective policy features in mental health for children and youth, which, living through a heritage of exclusion, to find in, the XXI century, privileged space for effective change, also its greatest challenge.

Inf?ncia(s) e crian?a(s) sob o olhar da psicoterapia: concep??es de estagi?rias em Psicologia / Childhood (s) and child (ren) under the perspective of psychotherapy: conceptions and trainees in Psychology

Souza, Karina Carvalho Veras de 26 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-07-17T11:15:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KarinaCarvalhoVerasDeSouza_TESE.pdf: 1731098 bytes, checksum: a1c5a41216a6c7869e905f2dcb3667e6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-07-17T14:10:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 KarinaCarvalhoVerasDeSouza_TESE.pdf: 1731098 bytes, checksum: a1c5a41216a6c7869e905f2dcb3667e6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-17T14:10:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KarinaCarvalhoVerasDeSouza_TESE.pdf: 1731098 bytes, checksum: a1c5a41216a6c7869e905f2dcb3667e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-26 / Esta pesquisa objetivou descrever e analisar as concep??es de inf?ncia e crian?a no contexto da cl?nica psicol?gica infantil, para estagi?rias de psicologia. Parte do pressuposto em Vygotski, segundo o qual a hist?ria do desenvolvimento infantil e o nascimento cultural da crian?a definem sua condi??o de ator social. Nessa perspectiva, tomamos o processo psicoter?pico como dial?gico, no qual a crian?a produz sentidos acerca do lugar em que foi posta pelo adulto. Na situa??o de supervis?o cl?nica acad?mica, observamos reiterados argumentos dos estagi?rios relativos a n?o saber o que dizer ? crian?a e/ou aos pais; sobretudo diante da diverg?ncia entre a queixa relatada pelo adulto e o que a pr?pria crian?a apresentava. Para investigar o contexto das psicoterapias, realizamos a pesquisa de campo no Servi?o de Psicologia de uma universidade. Os participantes foram quatro estagi?rias de Psicologia que orientavam suas pr?ticas segundo a concep??o hist?rico cultural. Os instrumentos adotados na constru??o do corpus da pesquisa foram entrevistas semiestruturadas e registros de prontu?rios cl?nicos. A An?lise de Discurso, fundamentada nas ideias do C?rculo de Bakhtin, foi a ferramenta com a qual analisamos o discurso das estagi?rias, resultando no eixo denominado Concep??o de crian?a. Este se dividiu em outros tr?s subeixos: 1. Ser que desperta medo; 2. Crian?a: mobiliza??o peculiar e 3. Ser crian?a x Ser adulto. Conclu?mos que a concep??o de crian?a na cl?nica permanece referenciada pelo discurso do adulto sobre ela. Nesse sentido, a linguagem da crian?a; sua compreens?o da realidade, a forma de estabelecer rela??es, os modos de intera??o com o outro e modalidades de sofrimento ps?quico foram tomados numa refer?ncia marcadamente inferior em rela??o ao que o adulto pode apresentar quanto aos mesmos aspectos. Desse modo, ? preciso reconhecer que a crian?a tem uma viv?ncia e que ? esta que deve orientar, prioritariamente, os processos de interven??o na rela??o psicoter?pica. / This research aimed to describe and analyze the conceptions of childhood and child in the context of the Psychological Clinic's playground, for interns in psychology. Part of the presupposition in Vygotski, according to which the history of child development and the birth of a child define his condition of social actor. From this perspective, we take the psychotherapeutical process as dialogic, in which the child produces senses about the place in which it was put by the adult. In the situation of clinical supervision academically, we reiterated arguments of trainees for not knowing what to say to the child and/or parents; especially in the face of the divergence between the complaint reported by the adult and what the child had. To investigate the context of psychotherapies, we conducted the field research in the Psychology Department of a university. The participants were four interns in psychology that concentrated their practice according to the conception historical cultural. The instruments used in the construction of the corpus of research were semi-structured interviews and registre of clinical records. The Analysis of Discourse, based on the ideas of Bahtin?s Circle, was the tool of the analyze for discourse of interns, resulting in a shaft called Conception of child. This was divided into three other sub-shafts: 1. Being that arouses fear; 2. Child: Peculiar Mobilization and 3. Be child x be an adult. We conclude that the child's conception used in the psychological clinic remains referenced for the speech of the adult about her. In this sense, the language of the child; her understanding of the reality, her form of establishing relations, the interaction manners with other and her modalities of psychic suffering were taken in a reference markedly inferior to what the adult can present for the same aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that the child has an existence and that this is what must orientate, primarily, the processes of intervention in the relation into the psychothepary with child.

Repensando a socializa??o na educa??o infantil: o entendimento e as pr?ticas na forma??o docente do curso de pedagogia

Oliveira, Maria Patr?cia Costa de 26 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-12T15:21:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaPatriciaCostaDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1581563 bytes, checksum: a4bce0747c2f80ab1e5510489f5cb721 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-20T12:38:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaPatriciaCostaDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1581563 bytes, checksum: a4bce0747c2f80ab1e5510489f5cb721 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-20T12:38:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaPatriciaCostaDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1581563 bytes, checksum: a4bce0747c2f80ab1e5510489f5cb721 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-26 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Este estudo tem como tem?tica as contribui??es cr?ticas e pedag?gicas da SI-Sociologia da Inf?ncia para a forma??o e a pr?tica docente na EI-Educa??o Infantil especialmente na rela??o entre socializa??o infantil e aprendizagem escolar, na forma??o do curso de pedagogia. Com a perspectiva da SI, se investigou como socializa??o da crian?a na EI ? vista durante a forma??o em pedagogia. incluindo uma reflex?o cr?tica dos seus fundamentos e as experi?ncias dos est?gios nessas institui??es de ensino. Com uma abordagem qualitativa e compreensiva, se focou como locus de pesquisa o campo de forma??o no curso de Pedagogia da UFRN? Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, campus central, tendo como sujeitos os estudantes com experi?ncia no est?qio curricular da EI. Como objetivo geral, buscou-se contribuir na forma??o dos professores que poder?o trabalhar com crian?as, analisando as concep??es e as pr?ticas educativas relacionas ?s formas de socializa??o escolar da inf?ncia. Como objetivos espec?ficos, se examinou as mudan?as, da Idade M?dia at? os tempos contempor?neos, na configura??o das imagens de crian?a, inf?ncia e educa??o; tamb?m se revisou as teorias para a socializa??o infantil de orienta??o adultoc?ntrica e as cr?ticas que lhe s?o feitas pelas orienta??es interacionistas. A partir das falas dos estagi?rios, percebeu-se algumas de suas percep??es sobre a socializa??o das crian?as na EI: compreende? se e que se deve respeitar as express?es da individualidade e da auto-organiza??o das crian?as, mas se d? menos import?ncia a suas formas de socializa??o nas atividades controladas pelas professoras; a media??o das aprendizagens n?o visa desenvolver a autonomia das crian?as, pois o que se busca ? a conformidade das experi?ncias infantis aos objetivos pedag?gicos das professoras; a maioria dos estagi?rios considerava que o papel mais importante das a??es de professoras ? o controle social do grupo, por?m, reconheceram que paralelamente o que mais se destacava na socializa??o escolar era a intera??o entre as pr?prias crian?as. Concluindo, se poderia deduzir que para os futuros pedagogos, pela insufici?ncia dos seus conhecimentos sociol?gicos de forma??o, seria dif?cil que eles integrassem nas suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas a perspectiva das crian?as sobre a pr?pria socializa??o escolar. Ent?o, desde que n?o se tornasse mais um campo disciplinar teoricista e burocr?tico, a Sociologia da Inf?ncia traria muitas contribui??es na forma??o e para a a??o pedag?gica dos professores da Educa??o Infantil. / Cette ?tude a comme th?matique les contributions critiques et p?dagogiques de la Sociologie de l?Enfance (SE) pour la formation et la pratique de l?enseignant en l??ducation Infantile (EI), sp?cialement dans ler rapport entre socialisation infantile et apprentissage scolaire dans la formation de p?dagogie. Sous la perspective de la SE on a investigu? comment la socialisation de l?enfant dans l?EI est vue pendant la formation en p?dagogie, y compris une r?flexion critique de leurs fondements et les exp?riences des stages dans cettes institutions d?enseignement. Avec un approche qualitative et compr?hensif on a focalis? comme locus de recherche le champ de formation de p?dagogie ? l?UFRN-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, campus central, ayant comme sujets les ?tudiants avec exp?rience dans le stage curriculaire de l?EI. Comme objectif g?n?ral on a cherch? a contribuer sur la formation des enseignants qui pourront travailler avec des enfants, analysant les conceptions et les pratiques ?ducatives associ?es aux formes de socialisation scolaire de l?enfance. Comme objectifs sp?cifiques on a examin? les changements, du Moyen Age aux temps contemporains, de la configuration des images de l?enfant, enfance et ?ducation; ?galement on a r?vis? les th?ories pour la socialization infantile d?orientation adultocentrique et les critiques que lui sont pos?es par les orientations interactionistes. A partir des paroles des stagiaires on a per?u certaines de leurs perceptions sur la socialisation des enfants ? l?EI: on comprend qu?on doit respecter les expressions de l?individualit? et de l?auto-organisation des enfants, pourtant on donne moins d?importance ? leurs formes de socialisation dans les activit?s control?es par les enseignantes; la m?diation des apprentissages ne vise pas le d?veloppement de l?autonomie des enfants, parce que ce qu?est cherch? est la conformit? des exp?riences infantiles aux objectifs p?dagogiques des enseignantes; la majorit? des stagiaires consid?re que le r?le le plus important des actions des enseignantes est le contr?le social du groupe, cependant ils ont reconnu que parall?lement ce qui plus se d?gageait dans la socialisation scolaire ?tait l?interaction entre les enfants eux-m?mes. En conclusion, on peut d?duire que pour les futurs p?dagogues, par l?insuffisance de leurs connaissances sociologiques de formation, serait difficile qu?ils int?grassent dans leurs pratiques p?dagogiques la perspective des enfants sur leur propre socialisation scolaire. Alors, sous la condition de ne pas devenir davantage une autre champ disciplinaire th?oriciste et bureaucratique, la Sociologie de l?Enfance apporterait beaucoup de contributions ? la formation et ? l?action p?dagogique des enseignants de l??ducation Infantile.

Rela??o entre estresse precoce, fatores psiconeuroimunoend?crinos e o tratamento do c?ncer de mama

Bandinelli, Lucas Poitevin 18 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-05-11T14:56:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LUCAS_POITEVIN_BANDINELLI_PARCIAL.pdf: 719523 bytes, checksum: ea7e36f5e671ac6c3ddd0bad0608d569 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-11T14:56:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LUCAS_POITEVIN_BANDINELLI_PARCIAL.pdf: 719523 bytes, checksum: ea7e36f5e671ac6c3ddd0bad0608d569 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Introduction: Early life stress (ELS) has an important role in the response of psychoneuroimmunoendocrine systems and in the face of a situation as a major life stressor event such as the diagnosis of breast cancer, women with a history of childhood maltreatment may react diferente then others. Objective: To investigate the role of stress before its impact within the systems that regulate biological and psychological responses in the treatment of breast cancer. Method: The empirical study was an exploratory and correlational study with women newly diagnosed with breast cancer, where scales and tests were used for behavioral assessment and verification of the history of child maltreatment, as well as collection of peripheral blood To evaluate the expression of inflammatory markers. This dissertation was also composed by a narrative review, with a hypothesis proposal on the accumulation of stress throughout life and outcomes in the treatment of breast cancer. Results: There were 18 newly diagnosed women with breast cancer, mean age 45.2 (8.3). There were no significant differences between the group of patients and the control group, regarding cognitive scores and depression and anxiety. However, as women with breast cancer who score higher on the child abuse assessment scale had more traumatic symptoms, such as avoidance and hypervigilance. Similarly, women with higher traumatic symptoms had lower rates of inflammatory markers, such as IL-2 and IL-4. Conclusion: Women with a history of childhood maltreatment with more extreme traumatic reactions with respect to the impact of breast cancer discovery, as well as lower expression of inflammatory markers. The construction of the hypothesis was important for the data obtained in empirical research, taking into account the psychological and immunological impact in women with breast cancer who have a history of childhood maltreatment. / Introdu??o: O estresse precoce possui um papel importante na resposta dos sistemas psiconeuroimunoend?crinos e, diante de uma situa??o estressora como o diagn?stico do c?ncer de mama, avalia-se que respostas comportamentais e imunol?gicas diferentes podem ocorrer em mulheres com o diagn?stico de c?ncer de mama com o hist?rico de maus-tratos na inf?ncia. Objetivo: Investigar o papel do estresse precoce e o impacto no mesmo dentro dos sistemas que regulam as respostas biol?gicas e psicol?gicas frente ao tratamento do c?ncer de mama. M?todo: Realizou-se um estudo explorat?rio e correlacional com mulheres rec?m diagnosticadas com c?ncer de mama, onde utilizou-se escalas e testes para avalia??o comportamental e verifica??o de hist?rico de maus-tratos infantis, bem como coleta de sangue perif?rico para avalia??o dos n?veis plasm?ticos de marcadores inflamat?rios. Esta disserta??o tamb?m foi composta de uma revis?o narrativa, com a proposta de uma hip?tese sobre o ac?mulo de estresse ao longo da vida e desfechos no tratamento do c?ncer de mama. Resultados: Avaliou-se 18 mulheres, com m?dia de idade 45.2 (8.3). N?o houve diferen?as significativas entre o grupo de pacientes e grupo controle no que diz respeito a escores cognitivos e de depress?o e ansiedade. Contudo, as mulheres com c?ncer de mama que possu?am maiores escores na escala de avalia??o de maus-tratos infantis apresentaram mais sintomas traum?ticos, como evita??o e hipervigil?ncia. Da mesma forma, mulheres com maiores sintomas traum?ticos apresentaram n?veis plasm?ticos reduzidos de marcadores inflamat?rios, como a IL-2 e IL-4. Conclus?o: Mulheres com hist?rico de maus-tratos infantis possuem rea??es traum?ticas mais extremas no que diz respeito ao impacto da descoberta do diagn?stico do c?ncer de mama, bem como uma redu??o nos n?veis plasm?ticos de marcadores inflamat?rios. A constru??o da hip?tese se mostrou importante para compreender os dados obtidos na pesquisa emp?rica, levando em considera??o o impacto psicol?gico e imunol?gico nas mulheres com c?ncer de mama que possuem o hist?rico de maus-tratos na inf?ncia.

Reflex?es sobre uma interven??o para discutir g?nero no ensino fundamental : possibilidades de pr?ticas utilizando a literatura infantil

Botton, Andressa 15 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Psicologia (psicologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-02-08T11:53:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDRESSA_BOTTON_TES.pdf: 7537965 bytes, checksum: 8c57009755e608ee452906fbf2f0c16d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-02-16T10:45:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDRESSA_BOTTON_TES.pdf: 7537965 bytes, checksum: 8c57009755e608ee452906fbf2f0c16d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-16T10:54:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDRESSA_BOTTON_TES.pdf: 7537965 bytes, checksum: 8c57009755e608ee452906fbf2f0c16d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This doctoral thesis presents an intervention performed at schools to debate gender issues with children and their teachers, understanding the importance that these debates start to happen in childhood. In a qualitative research, with a feminist gender approach, we performed three researches: documentary analysis of children's books, intervention with children and interviews with school professionals, in addition to notes in the field diary. Our goal was to develop and to assess possibilities for a psychoeducational intervention about gender with elementary school children, and to get to know the teachers? perception about these issues in public school setting, approaching gender equality, women?s empowerment, and respect for sexual diversity as core themes. The intervention called ?Talking about gender? took place in a range of ten meetings with twenty-two state public school first-graders, with six and seven years old, for the reading of children?s books and/or for carrying out interactive-reflective activities focused on the work with the themes mentioned above. Moreover, we performed semi-structured interviews with four pre-school teachers. We noticed that there have been some children?s books available in the market able to approach these three themes in a playful and responsible way, enhancing the work about gender with children. This is due to the fact that we were able to promote, in the researched classroom setting, debates about gender stereotypes, reflections about inequalities still thrusted on boys/men and on girls/women, and a collaborative construction of alternatives to fight gender inequalities in society. However, we acknowledge the lack of guidelines to educate and to inform teachers about working with gender at school, resulting in approaches based on personal experiences, often making them insecure about how to act. Therefore, we understand that the intervention we performed may be embraced by teachers and other professionals who intend to raise awareness about fighting the exclusion and the violence caused by gender inequality, to encourage the existence of (more) spaces for similar activities,and to spread the potential of such debates. / Esta tese de doutorado apresenta uma interven??o realizada na escola para discutir sobre quest?es de g?nero com crian?as e suas professoras, entendendo-se a import?ncia de que essas discuss?es comecem a ser realizadas j? na inf?ncia. Em uma pesquisa de delineamento qualitativo e com uma abordagem feminista de g?nero, realizaram-se tr?s estudos: a an?lise documental de livros infantis, a interven??o com as crian?as e as entrevistas com as profissionais da escola, al?m das anota??es no di?rio de campo. Objetivou-se desenvolver e avaliar as potencialidades de uma interven??o psicoeducativa sobre rela??es de g?nero com crian?as do ensino fundamental e conhecer a percep??o de professoras sobre essas quest?es no ambiente escolar p?blico, abordando a igualdade de g?nero, o empoderamento feminino e o respeito ? diversidade sexual como tem?ticas principais. A interven??o ?Falando sobre g?nero? deu-se em dez encontros com vinte e duas crian?as do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola p?blica estadual, com idades entre seis e sete anos, para a leitura de livros infantis e/ou para a realiza??o de atividades l?dico-reflexivas focando na abordagem sobre as tem?ticas citadas. Al?m disso, realizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com quatro professoras da educa??o infantil. Percebeu-se que h? alguns livros infantis dispon?veis no mercado liter?rio capazes de abordar essas tr?s tem?ticas de forma l?dica e respons?vel, o que potencializa o trabalho sobre g?nero com crian?as. Isso porque, conseguiu-se proporcionar, no ambiente de sala de aula pesquisado, a problematiza??o de estere?tipos de g?nero, a reflex?o sobre as desigualdades ainda impostas a meninos/homens e meninas/mulheres e a constru??o conjunta de alternativas para o combate ?s desigualdades de g?nero existentes na sociedade. Todavia, identificou-se a escassez de diretrizes que formem e informem os/as professores/as para trabalharem sobre g?nero na escola, resultando em abordagens em n?vel individual e pessoal sobre essas quest?es o que, muitas vezes, gera inseguran?a na forma de agir. Com isso, entendese que a interven??o realizada poderia ser adotada por professores/as e/ou outros/as profissionais que pretendem sensibilizar as crian?as sobre o combate ?s exclus?es e viol?ncias causadas pelas desigualdades de g?nero, contribuindo para a exist?ncia de (mais) espa?os para pr?ticas como essa e para difundir suas potencialidades.

The Voice Kids Brasil : uma reflex?o sobre a inf?ncia contempor?nea na televis?o

Dias, Patr?cia Ruas 07 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Comunica??o Social (famecos-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-03-09T20:15:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PATRICIA_RUAS_DIAS_DIS.pdf: 22414185 bytes, checksum: 311f5acc60850a9c16db7ade0a5c9e16 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lopes (tatiana.lopes@pucrs.br) on 2018-03-15T14:07:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PATRICIA_RUAS_DIAS_DIS.pdf: 22414185 bytes, checksum: 311f5acc60850a9c16db7ade0a5c9e16 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-15T14:16:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PATRICIA_RUAS_DIAS_DIS.pdf: 22414185 bytes, checksum: 311f5acc60850a9c16db7ade0a5c9e16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This research aims to understand the characteristics of childhood in the contemporary world based on the analysis of the talent show The Voice Kids Brazil, as well as its participants. In this way, it was necessary to reflect on the cultural industry in what concerns celebrities, to understand the operation of the program through theories of cinema and literature, appropriation of concepts about childhood and its history, as well as investigation with the participants of the competition. For the development of the study the methodology used was literary analysis and interview. The interviews conducted served to prove the theories defended by the theorists used in the research. / Esta pesquisa objetiva compreender quais as caracter?sticas da inf?ncia na contemporaneidade a partir da an?lise do talent show The Voice Kids Brasil, assim como de seus participantes. Dessa forma, fez-se necess?ria uma reflex?o a respeito da ind?stria cultural no que se trata de celebridades, compreens?o do funcionamento do programa atrav?s de teorias do cinema e literatura, apropria??o de conceitos a respeito de inf?ncia e sua hist?ria, al?m de averigua??o junto aos participantes da competi??o. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, a metodologia utilizada foi an?lise liter?ria e entrevista. As entrevistas realizadas serviram para comprova??o das teorias defendidas pelos te?ricos utilizados na pesquisa.

Outras paragens: paisagem e inf?ncia em Manuel da Fonseca

Costa, Carla Santos da 28 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2017-07-13T21:11:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O Carla Vers?o Final- PDF.pdf: 730252 bytes, checksum: 8f7b5c94bb0682c60e27ee7d4821d8be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-13T21:11:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O Carla Vers?o Final- PDF.pdf: 730252 bytes, checksum: 8f7b5c94bb0682c60e27ee7d4821d8be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-28 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPEB / The present study proposed the reading of some of the short stories in Aldeia Nova (1942) and O Fogo e as Cinzas (1953) from the Portuguese writer Manuel da Fonseca. These analysis were developed under two principal interpretative plots: the representation of landscape and childhood. To do so, we had as pretension evaluate how the landscape, in the author?s narratives, acquires symbologies that link to the inseparable relation between the man and environment, his subjectivity and the physical space that surrounds him, relation that says much about the imaginary and the identity of these individuals. In a similar way we attend to the symbolic weight attributed to the infant characters and how they conceive the transit from childhood to grown up life, as well as the losses, the fears and frustrations. With this intention, we localize the production of Manuel da Fonseca in the social-historic context of Portugal in the beginning of the Twentieth century, having as initial point the imaginary of heroic greatness that borders all the Lusitanian history, until we come to the context of the Salazar dictatorship and its issues. Among them, the abandonment of small rural communities and the muting of these communities? individuals, aspects that show up in Manuel da Fonseca?s writing as commitment, placing him in the context of Portuguese Neorealism intentions, with denunciations that, imbricated in his productions that distance the plots of his authorship from the problematic propagandistic writing. / O presente estudo prop?s leituras de alguns contos das colet?neas Aldeia Nova (1942) e O Fogo e as Cinzas (1953) do escritor portugu?s Manuel da Fonseca. Essas an?lises foram desenvolvidas sob dois motes interpretativos: a representa??o da paisagem e da inf?ncia. Para isso, tivemos como pretens?o avaliar como o cen?rio, nas narrativas do autor, ganha simbologias que apontam para a rela??o indissoci?vel entre o homem e o meio, sua subjetividade e o espa?o f?sico que o rodeia, rela??o que diz muito sobre o imagin?rio e a identidade desses indiv?duos. De modo semelhante atentamos para a carga simb?lica atribu?da ?s personagens infantis e como elas concebem o tr?nsito da inf?ncia para a vida adulta, assim como as perdas, os medos e as frustra??es. Com essa inten??o, localizamos a produ??o de Manuel da Fonseca no contexto s?cio-hist?rico de Portugal no in?cio do s?culo XX, tendo como ponto de partida o imagin?rio de grandeza heroica que margeia toda a hist?ria lusitana, at? chegarmos ao contexto da ditadura salazarista e suas problem?ticas. Dentre elas, o abandono das pequenas comunidades rurais e o silenciamento dos discursos dos indiv?duos do campo, aspectos que aparecem na escrita de Manuel da Fonseca como um comprometimento, localizando-o no contexto das inten??es do Neorrealismo portugu?s, com den?ncias, que, imbricadas em suas produ??es distancia os enredos de sua autoria da problem?tica escrita panflet?ria.

Inf?ncias :o lugar do l?dico nas tramas do trabalho infantil

Oliveira, Indira Caldas Cunha de 15 October 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IndiraCCO.pdf: 1017568 bytes, checksum: 17cb589faeb8ac4c6ab80a68831a7ff9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-10-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Considering infancy as the socio-historic construction required from the researcher, not only gives problems to the natural character of the human development, that for a long period in the history of psychology has sown to be predominant, but before anything assumes the position in which the vision of the social condition, i.e., for the contexts of the insertion of the human being, is predominant. In this sense, it is not possible to talk about infancy in the singular, once the different developmental contexts enable different forms of immersion in the daily experiences, amongst which this research focuses on the experience of the ludic. According to various theories of development amongst which we emphasize the socio-historic, this element brings important contributions in the processes of the human being constitution. From the legal aspect this recognition is present in the Code of Practice of the Child and Adolescent which considers playing to be a right of the child. However, the childhood of many children have this aspect affected by many factors. It is in the context of this discussion that we developed this research which has as its objective investigate how children in a working environment experience playing on a daily basis. Four children, girls, took part in this research, who develop activities in the process of the usage of cashew nuts. We used interviews, observations, photographs and drawings. The perspective of analysis which guided this task is based on socio-historic and discursive studies. In this way, the elements which constitute the child s discourse, formed from the corpus were: be a child, the ludic culture, the work in the child s life and the perspective of future and change. The participants discourse showed to be conflicting, contradictory, arisen from a specific ideological formation. In the children s daily routine it was possible to verify that there is an existence of a rich ludic culture, even if it is lived in few moments of the day in consequence of the workload / Considerar a Inf?ncia enquanto constru??o s?cio-hist?rica requer, do pesquisador, n?o apenas problematizar o car?ter natural do desenvolvimento humano, que por um longo per?odo da hist?ria da Psicologia se mostrou predominante, mas, antes de tudo, assumir uma postura em que o olhar para as condi??es sociais, ou seja, para os contextos de inser??o do ser humano, assume posi??o de destaque. Nesse sentido, n?o ? poss?vel falar em inf?ncia, no singular, uma vez que os diferentes contextos de desenvolvimento propiciam diferentes formas de imers?o nas experi?ncias do cotidiano, dentre as quais esta pesquisa destaca a viv?ncia do l?dico. Segundo v?rias teorias do desenvolvimento, dentre as quais destacamos a s?cio-hist?rica, esse elemento traz importantes contribui??es nos processos de constitui??o do ser humano. Do ponto de vista legal, esse reconhecimento se faz presente no Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente, que considera o brincar um direito da crian?a. Contudo, a inf?ncia de muitas crian?as tem este aspecto comprometido, pelos mais diversos fatores. ? no contexto desta discuss?o que desenvolvemos esta pesquisa cujo objetivo foi investigar como as crian?as em situa??o de trabalho vivenciam o brincar em seu cotidiano. Participaram da pesquisa quatro crian?as, meninas, que desenvolvem atividades no processo de beneficiamento da castanha de caju. Utilizamos entrevistas, observa??es, fotografias e produ??o de desenhos. A perspectiva de an?lise que norteou essa tarefa fundamenta-se nos estudos s?cio-hist?ricos e discursivos. Dessa forma, os elementos constituintes do discurso da crian?a, constru?dos a partir do corpus,foram: ser crian?a, a rotina das crian?as, a cultura l?dica, o trabalho na vida das crian?as e perspectivas de futuro e de mudan?as. Os discursos das participantes se mostraram conflitantes, contradit?rios, oriundos de uma forma??o ideol?gica espec?fica. No cotidiano das crian?as foi-nos poss?vel verificar que h? exist?ncia de uma rica cultura l?dica, mesmo que ela seja vivenciada em uns poucos momentos do dia-a-dia, em decorr?ncia das ocupa??es com o trabalho

Os significados de ludoterapia para as protagonistas do processo: crian?as em atendimento

Morais, Munique Therense Costa de 29 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MuniqueTCM_DISSERT.pdf: 1905848 bytes, checksum: a11a7ccce5173e12b08f3e408a04120a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The ludic therapy in a Phenomenological-Existential perspective is conceived as a psychotherapeutic process in which, the listening and talking, mediated by playing activities, allow the child to deal with their grief/suffering. This study is based on the need to broaden the understanding of this modality of clinical intervention by emphasizing the speech of the protagonists in the process: children in therapy. The objective was to understand the ludic therapy from the children s perspective, knowing the meanings assigned to the therapeutic process, to the psychologist and to the involvement of the children in clinical consultations. The main ideas that underlie this research are presented in three theoretical chapters covering, respectively, the suffering of children and the demand for psychotherapy, the Phenomenological-Existential clinical psychology, and the psychotherapy for children, in Brazil, under this theoretical-methodological approach. The study was qualitative, on a phenomenological basis, and included six children as participants, aged between six and ten years, undergoing ludic therapy for at least six months, and referred by their own therapists. In the research s corpus construction, individual meetings were held and mediated by tools to support expressiveness (ludic and pictures/figures boxes), added by the storytelling of an incomplete story about a child s visit to the therapy session, and the request for the elaboration of a message to be passed to a child who will go to see a psychologist. The analysis of the data was based on a variant of the phenomenological method proposed by Amedeo Giorgi. The results reveal a lack of knowledge by the children about the psychologist s activities. Thus, the children develop fantasies about this intervention modality because of lack of information. These observations are consistent with the historical meanings assigned to clinical psychology, involving ideas of normality and guilt. The meanings associated with the motives for a referral to a psychologist highlight the conflict "be a problem versus having a problem" and an elitist conception of clinical psychology. Children understand the characteristics of the therapeutic process, such as the specifics of the therapist-client relationship and the notion of freedom. They also demonstrate remarkable pleasure in the therapeutic process. Finally, it was concluded that the meanings attributed to the ludic therapy by the children are consistent with that proposed in the literature about the children s psychotherapy process in the Phenomenological-Existential perspective. Moreover, the relevance of both the children s experience in the therapeutic setting and the meanings of these proceedings understood by the children are highlighted by the listening to the protagonists in the ludic therapeutic process. The comprehension of these aspects and their transference from the clients experience to the reflective field, promote advances in the understanding of child psychotherapy and indicate the need for further studies with children using this approach. / A Ludoterapia, em uma perspectiva Fenomenol?gico-Existencial, ? concebida como um processo psicoterap?utico em que a escuta e a fala, mediadas pelo brincar, possibilitam ? crian?a lidar com o seu sofrimento. Este estudo surge diante da necessidade de ampliar a compreens?o acerca desta modalidade de interven??o cl?nica, enfatizando, para tal, a fala das protagonistas do processo: crian?as em terapia. Objetiva-se compreender a Ludoterapia a partir da perspectiva infantil, conhecendo os significados atribu?dos ao processo terap?utico, ao psic?logo e ? participa??o das crian?as nos atendimentos cl?nicos. As principais ideias que fundamentam a pesquisa s?o apresentadas em tr?s cap?tulos te?ricos que abordam, respectivamente, o sofrimento infantil e a demanda por psicoterapia, a psicologia cl?nica Fenomenol?gico-Existencial, e a psicoterapia para crian?as, no Brasil, no ?mbito desta abordagem te?ricometodol?gica. O estudo ? qualitativo, de base fenomenol?gica, e tem como participantes seis crian?as na faixa et?ria entre seis e dez anos, em atendimento ludoter?pico h? no m?nimo seis meses, indicadas pelas pr?prias terapeutas. Na constru??o do corpus da pesquisa foram realizados encontros individuais com media??o de suportes expressivos (caixa l?dica e mala de figuras), utilizada uma hist?ria incompleta sobre a ida de uma crian?a ? terapia e solicitada a elabora??o de um recado a ser transmitido a uma crian?a que ir? ao psic?logo. A an?lise dos dados foi pautada na variante do m?todo fenomenol?gico proposta por Amedeo Giorgi. Os resultados revelam um desconhecimento pr?vio da atividade do psic?logo por parte de crian?as encaminhadas ? Ludoterapia, as quais, frente ? falta de informa??es, desenvolvem fantasias acerca desta modalidade de interven??o. Tais conte?dos mostram-se condizentes com os significados historicamente atribu?dos ? psicologia cl?nica, envolvendo ideias de normalidade e culpabilidade. Os significados associados aos motivos para um encaminhamento ao psic?logo evidenciam o conflito ser um problema versus ter um problema , e uma concep??o de psicologia cl?nica elitizada. As caracter?sticas do processo terap?utico, como as especificidades da rela??o cliente-terapeuta e a no??o de liberdade, s?o compreendidas pelas crian?as. Elas demonstram, ainda, not?vel prazer no processo terap?utico. Por fim, conclui-se que os significados que as crian?as conferem ? Ludoterapia mostram-se coerentes com o proposto na literatura sobre o processo psicoterap?utico infantil na perspectiva Fenomenol?gico-Existencial. Outrossim, ao ouvir as protagonistas do processo ludoter?pico, evidencia-se a relev?ncia tanto da experi?ncia vivida pelas crian?as no setting terap?utico, quanto dos significados atribu?dos por estas ao processo que, transpostos da viv?ncia como clientes para o campo reflexivo, propiciam avan?os no tocante ? compreens?o da psicoterapia infantil e apontam a necessidade de novos estudos com crian?as sobre tal tem?tica.

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