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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O movimento de software livre e a produção colaborativa do conhecimento

Sanches, Wilken David 25 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wilken.pdf: 1398546 bytes, checksum: 829e2098dbfebfbb3ec091d6b72d1bfd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-25 / This dissertation approaches the construction of a collaborative model of knowledge production disseminated by the Free Software Movement and its opposition to the current law of intelectual property. It describes the genesis of the free software movement as well as how it has become consolidated as an independent domain of knowledge production. In order to better illustrate the model of production proposed by the Free Software Movement and its virtual communities, this paper presents an analysis on the Debian project´s organization and structure for the making of decisions. It explores the limitations of the current model of intelectual property and how it has become a powerful tool for making knowledge a prisoner of private institutions. At last, this dissertation presents how this new model of collaborative production surpasses the software development and begins to influence different areas of knowledge, leaving behing the idea of intelectual property and becoming a concept of intelectual inheritance / A dissertação trata da construção de um modelo colaborativo de produção do conhecimento pelo Movimento de Software Livre e seu embate com a atual legislação de propriedade intelectual. É descrita a gênese do movimento de software livre e como ele vem sendo consolidado como um campo autônomo de produção do conhecimento. Para exemplificar o modelo de produção proposto pelo Movimento de Software Livre e suas comunidades virtuais, é feita uma análise da organização e da estrutura para tomada de decisões do projeto Debian. A dissertação explora as limitações do atual modelo de propriedade intelectual e como este vem se tornando uma poderosa ferramenta para o aprisionamento do conhecimento dentro de instituições privadas. Por fim, é apresentado, de que forma esse novo modelo de produção colaborativa ultrapassa o desenvolvimento de softwares e passa a influenciar outras áreas do conhecimento, abandonando a idéia de propriedade intelectual e aproximandose do conceito de patrimônio intelectual

O movimento de software livre e a produção colaborativa do conhecimento

Sanches, Wilken David 25 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:56:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wilken.pdf: 1398546 bytes, checksum: 829e2098dbfebfbb3ec091d6b72d1bfd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-25 / This dissertation approaches the construction of a collaborative model of knowledge production disseminated by the Free Software Movement and its opposition to the current law of intelectual property. It describes the genesis of the free software movement as well as how it has become consolidated as an independent domain of knowledge production. In order to better illustrate the model of production proposed by the Free Software Movement and its virtual communities, this paper presents an analysis on the Debian project´s organization and structure for the making of decisions. It explores the limitations of the current model of intelectual property and how it has become a powerful tool for making knowledge a prisoner of private institutions. At last, this dissertation presents how this new model of collaborative production surpasses the software development and begins to influence different areas of knowledge, leaving behing the idea of intelectual property and becoming a concept of intelectual inheritance / A dissertação trata da construção de um modelo colaborativo de produção do conhecimento pelo Movimento de Software Livre e seu embate com a atual legislação de propriedade intelectual. É descrita a gênese do movimento de software livre e como ele vem sendo consolidado como um campo autônomo de produção do conhecimento. Para exemplificar o modelo de produção proposto pelo Movimento de Software Livre e suas comunidades virtuais, é feita uma análise da organização e da estrutura para tomada de decisões do projeto Debian. A dissertação explora as limitações do atual modelo de propriedade intelectual e como este vem se tornando uma poderosa ferramenta para o aprisionamento do conhecimento dentro de instituições privadas. Por fim, é apresentado, de que forma esse novo modelo de produção colaborativa ultrapassa o desenvolvimento de softwares e passa a influenciar outras áreas do conhecimento, abandonando a idéia de propriedade intelectual e aproximandose do conceito de patrimônio intelectual

Complex pleasures : designing optional interactions for public spaces

Helgason, Ingi January 2017 (has links)
This research aims to contribute to knowledge about the design of interactive systems sited in public spaces. In particular, the study concerns "optional interactions" where systems invite interaction from passers-by. These systems are action-orientated ratherthan goal-oriented, are designed to encourage engagement, and offer positive and rewarding experiences through the activity of interaction. This is in contrast to systems that provide functional services that are actively sought out by people, such as ticketvending machines or cash dispensers. This thesis asserts that this kind of optimal, designed experience can be examined and understood through comparisons with approaches taken by new-media artists working in interactive, technological media. Artists have different priorities, and use different methods to those employed by Human-Computer Interaction researchers, and this study aims to further understanding of the potential of these artistic approaches for interaction designers. The setting for these optional interaction systems is any public or semi-public environment, including museums, galleries, shopping centres, foyers and urban settings. As well as understanding the public and social context of these interactions, the experiential aspects of interaction are of primary importance in this study. The work is conducted with the aim of providing practical and theoretical resources to interaction designers tasked with creating engaging interactive systems that initiate and sustain experiences that are highly regarded by the participant. The thesis presents a designframework titled the Optional Interactions Design Framework.

Remembering to remember : a practice-based study in digital re-appropriation and bodily perception

Chevalier, Cécile January 2016 (has links)
Through the evolution of digital media technology, social networks and more recently Web 3.0 (e.g. Cloud-based) technologies, culture and memory is being transformed, both in relation to how memories are represented, and how they may be engaged with or re-accessed. As digital technology alters ways in which knowledge is produced, stored, connected and shared, new terrains, tools and artefacts are formed; new cultural practices alter the ways in which we remember and the ways in which memory is processed, destabilising traditional “historically encoded social habits: religion, authority, morality, traditional values, or political ideology” (Diamantaki 2013). This doctoral project consists of two parts exploring questions of memory in contemporary time. The practice work submitted develops various imaginaries and investigates how to enable mnemonic practices so that works function as memory palaces where bodies and ‘collective' and ‘networked memories' (Hoskins, 2010) can be realised. The work, briefly summarised, includes communal activities in public spaces (a series of workshops and heritage day events, Rendezvous, centrally social activities organised between Fabrica and various charitable organisations in Brighton). It includes a series of installation works, as a transitional process of memory between body, object, an investigation of ubiquitous technology, are investigated – iremembr (2009-15); Rendezvous (2010-15); Untitled#21 (2012). And it leads to the development of an installation piece, (2013-15), that seeks to offer or extend the possibilities of the act of remembering, of memory, as a post-Internet experience; a complex temporal, social, spatial and material, overlapping and merging human and silicon memory. In this, the written component of the combined and larger project, questions concerning memory and digital technology, and how to explore them, are taken up in theoretical terms, and the works I have produced returned to and explored in these contexts. A central project here has been to locate new forms of qualities of ‘digital' memory in a memory map or topology that builds on adapts, and develops other models. Aspects of zones of memory are explored centrally in each of the later thesis chapters each of which also takes up a particular aspect of my practice. The intention – and the contribution to the development of critical thinking around the digital – particularly critical thinking that comes through digital media art practice, is to question how digital technology intervenes in the process of memory; how the concept of digital memory is being thought about; leading me to investigate what does this new digital terrain do as it overlaps and re-writes to some extent the older ones? How does it change ‘how memory happens'.

OSN a problematika mezinárodního toku informací / UN and issues of international flow of information

Motlová, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine whether promoting the free flow of information at the international level through the UN is effective as a solution to global communication inequalities. The first part of the thesis follows the development of global communication system and the importance of information at international level. The second part deals with the activities of the UN in this area. Conclusion summarizes the individual chapters. The analysis leads to the conclusion that promoting the free flow of information has no effect under the current conditions on the reduction of inequalities in the global communication system.

O programa de inclus?o digital do governo brasileiro: an?lise sob a perspectiva da interse??o entre ci?ncia da informa??o e intera??o humano computador / The digital inclusion program of the brazilian government: analysis under a perspective intersection between the information science and the human computer interaction.

Silva Neto, Calixto 17 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:36:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Calixto Silva Neto 1.pdf: 2800121 bytes, checksum: 5ac0686f78e5828008716ac22f09a175 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-17 / This study aims at the analysis of the human-computer interaction within the scope of digital inclusion, through the perspective of Information Science by performing a reflection on the Brazilian Government Program for Digital Inclusion. The human-computer interaction is discussed as a component of the process of dissemination and recovery of information through computers, as well as whether digital inclusion is agreeable to endusers, and if proximity of the areas of Computing and Information Science is provided. Information Science and humancomputer interaction are presented through their stories, objectives, evolution and justification. Several variables implied therein are discussed such as the computer, software, memory, metaphors, mental model and digital inclusion. Research, conducted through data search and a questionnaire, aimed at assessing results of the Brazilian Government Program of Digital Inclusion in Elementary Schools. / Estudo sobre an?lise do papel da Intera??o Humano- Computador na inclus?o digital, pela perspectiva da Ci?ncia da Informa??o, fazendo uma reflex?o do Programa de Inclus?o Digital do Governo Brasileiro. Discute a Intera??o Humano- Computador como uma componente do processo de dissemina??o e recupera??o da informa??o, por meio de computadores, analisando se a inclus?o digital ocorre com agradabilidade aos usu?rios a ela destinados, e promove uma aproxima??o entre as ?reas da Computa??o e da Ci?ncia da informa??o. Apresenta a Ci?ncia da Informa??o e a Intera??o HumanoComputador com suas hist?rias, objetivos, evolu??o e justificativas. Discorre sobre as diversas vari?veis implicadas no caso, como o computador, softwares , mem?ria, met?foras, modelo mental e a inclus?o digital. Pesquisa, por meio de levantamento de dados e question?rio, para investigar em escolas de Ensino Fundamental alguns dos resultados do Programa de Inclus?o Digital do Governo Brasileiro.

解讀報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 / Comprehending the Image of Information Society Newspapers Construct

陳雅萍, Ya-Ping Chen Unknown Date (has links)
始於資訊社會論述瀰漫,資訊社會相關口語俯拾可得,信誓旦旦,並觀察到報紙做為一權力爭奪發聲的動態場域而資訊新聞相關版面從有到無漸趨固定之態勢,本論文第一個研究問題即是:資訊社會是何光景?---看報紙建構出如何的資訊社會圖像;接著以批判的傳播政治經濟學取向解讀此圖像是如何被產製出來的。前者(建構圖像)以系統化歸納資訊版新聞的報導主題與隱喻語言的使用為兩條取徑來呈現報紙建構的資訊社會圖像;後者(解讀圖像)則關注傳播活動如何在資源(物質與符號資源)分配不公允的情況下被設定或限制,挖掘資訊社會圖像的產製環境、生產條件與生產關係等文化製造的資訊,以瞭解文化產品(資訊社會圖像)的深層社會意義。 研究結果發現:資訊版新聞以資訊商品為首席主角及幾乎全使用正面情緒的隱喻語言所鋪陳出來之資訊社會圖像,其產製環境實與「台灣資訊社會論述發展之歷史脈絡下,國家機器與資訊產業資本家的共生結構」、及「報業經濟環境產生變化時,資訊業與報業的經濟關係」有關。轉而進入新聞產製過程,探討產製資訊新聞的過程中如何得以與社會既有權力互動,並且歸納出「國家機器」與「資訊產業界」之共生結構消息來源佔資訊版發聲位置將近八成,而資訊社會圖像產製於此等權力架構中。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究背景 2 第二節 研究問題與論文架構 5 第三節 章節安排 6 第二章 文獻探討與研究取向 8 第一節 文獻探討 8 1. 資訊社會文獻探討 8 2. 資訊社會定義的探討 12 3. 資訊社會論述的批判觀點 17 4. 資訊新聞與科學新聞相關研究 20 5. 小結 22 第二節 研究取向 23 1. 「建構」資訊社會圖像之研究取向 23 1.1 新聞的報導主題 24 1.2 隱喻 25 2. 「解讀」資訊社會圖像之研究取向 28 2.1 政治經濟學與批判的傳播政經研究 28 2.2新聞產製V.S.權力 31 3. 小結 34 第三章 研究方法 36 1.研究對象與抽樣 36 2.分析單位與研究範圍 37 3.類目的建構 38 3.1 一般資料 38 3.2 報導主題 39 3.3 隱喻語言 54 3.4 消息來源 55 第四章 研究結果 57 第一節 報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 57 一、 資訊版新聞的報導主題歸納 57 1. 資訊版新聞的報導主題歸納統計分析 57 2. 合併類目分析 73 3. 加入「頭條╱非頭條新聞」變項 77 4. 小結 79 二、隱喻語言的分析 80 小結 97 第二節 解讀報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 99 一、資訊社會圖像產製的政經環境 99 1. 全球資訊化浪潮的成形 100 2. 資訊產業在台灣的發展 101 3. 台灣的資訊政策 102 4.資訊社會論述中「國家機器」與「資訊產業資本家」的共生結構 105 5. 大眾化報紙紛設資訊相關版面V.S.市場利潤 108 5.1 固定資訊相關版面紛紛現身 108 5.2資訊相關版面設立背景 110 二、新聞產製V.S.權力 114 1. 新聞組織常規 114 1.1 記者採訪路線與消息來源 115 1.2 時間概念對新聞的影響 117 1.3 客觀的新聞專業意理 118 2. 資訊版是誰的天下? 119 2.1 消息來源的偏向 119 2.2 在資訊版新聞發聲的消息來源 120 第五章 結論 124 第一節 研究結果 124 第二節 研究限制 127 第三節 對未來研究的建議 128 參考書目 131 附錄一 140 附錄二 148 附錄三 149 附錄四 151 / The first question this thesis want to ask: what is Information Society (hereafter, IS)?---what kind of image of IS newspapers construct; then comprehending how the image is produced in the approach of critical political economy of communication. The former (constructing image) selects two approaches, inducting the themes of news reports and the metaphor language systematically in the page of information news, to present the image of IS newspapers construct; and the latter (comprehending image) concerns how communicative activities are influenced or limited under the situation of unequal distribution of resources (material and symbolic resources). Try to dig out the information of the productive environment, conditions, and relations of the image and so on about culture production to comprehend the deeper social meaning of the image. The research found: In the page of information news (Liberal Times is the research object in this thesis), the image of IS is made of the chief leading role, information commodity, and the metaphor language which almost shows positive emotion. The productive environment of the image is related with the symbiosis structure of Taiwan state apparatuses and the capitalist of information industries in historical context in Taiwan and the economic relations between the press and information industries when the economic situation of the press changed. Also, by entering the process of making news, this article discusses how social existing powers interact in making information news, and the research found the IS image is produced from a powerful structure made of information industries and state apparatuses. These two kinds of sources occupy almost 80% of speaking location in the page of information news.

「資訊社會」之知識地圖建構 / Building a knowledge map on the subject of information society

沈東玫, Shen, Tung Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用共被引分析法與社會網絡分析法,以資訊社會代表文獻為研究對象,進行文獻間的主題相關性分析,希望透過對資訊社會代表文獻之共被引分析與社會網絡分析,能瞭解資訊社會研究所涵蓋的學科領域、文獻之間的集群性、及歷年研究趨勢。本研究以1962年至2010年的資訊社會代表文獻為研究範圍,研究資料取自Webster於2006年所撰寫的《Theories of Information Society》與《The Information Society Reader》二本著作,經整合後得出89篇代表文獻做為本研究之研究樣本。其次,再以WOS資料庫對此89篇代表文獻進行共被引次數檢索,製成共被引矩陣。除了瞭解代表文獻間的共被引強度外,並以SPSS軟體進行相關係數分析與集群分析,此外,利用UCUNET軟體計算出文獻中心性,及將文獻間的關係繪製成多元尺度圖與社會網絡圖,最後,透過研究年代的區隔,計算不同時段共被引情形的變化,以觀察資訊社會領域發展趨勢。 本研究結果歸納如下:1.資訊社會代表文獻被引用次數概況:(1)整體而言,資訊社會代表文獻歷年被引用次數趨於穩定;(2)資訊社會代表文獻受到社會學與地理學領域高度引用。2.「資訊社會」之知識地圖:(1)資訊社會代表文獻共被引次數普遍偏低;(2)資訊社會領域之核心文獻;(3)資訊社會領域可分為社會學、地理學及資訊科學與圖書館學子群。3.資訊社會之發展趨勢:(1)資訊社會知識地圖演變;(2)資訊社會共被引次數衰退。 本研究結果可應用於館藏規劃與評估,界定重要的圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位評估資訊社會相關館藏是否足以支援研究。同時可將研究之分析應用於資訊社會學術研究,提供研究人員近年來資訊社會共被引學科之變化及研究主題趨勢等相關資訊,作為資訊社會學者進行研究規劃之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to find out what disciplines Information Society covers. By Co-citation Analysis, this study highlighted the major disciplines in the Information Society field and identified the main literature and their relationship. This research takes representative Information Society literature from 1962 to 2010 as research scope. Firstly, by Bibliometrics, the total of 89 representative literature of Information Society was extracted from “The Information Society Reader” and “Theories of Information Society” written by Frank Webster in 2005 and 2006 respectively. Secondly, the co-citation times between 89 literature was investigated through Web of Science and thus a co-citation matrix was build to reveal the co-citation strength of literature. Co-relation and cluster analysis between literature were also explored by SPSS software. In addition, this study uses UCUNET software to analyze centrality and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Society. The major findings are as follows: 1. On the citation strength: (1) Cited times of Information Society literature have been growing stable in recent years. (2) Information Society literature is highly cited by disciplines of Sociology and Geography. 2. Knowledge map of Information Society: (1)Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature are low;(2) The core literature of Information Society field; (3)Sociology, Geography and Information Science are main disciplines in Information Society area. 3. Development of Information Society: (1) Development of knowledge map of Information Society; (2) Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature have been declining in recent years. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection planning and assessment, and identify the core journals and books. It assists libraries or information centers in evaluating the adequacy of Information Society collections to support research. Meanwhile, it provides researchers with recent trends of Information Society research.

Elektroninės valdžios įtaka visuomenei / Influence of E-governance upon Society

Grigaravičienė, Regina 17 March 2006 (has links)
Theses deal with opportunities of e-government, possible changes in the society after implementation of e-government projects, provision of high level electronic public services (EPS) which are recommended by the EU program documents. They also analyse supply and demand of e-government services in the society, level of society satisfaction by e-government services, influence of e-government to the sphere of rapidly developing and improving technologies. Theses present and analyse samples of e-government services of foreign countries which enable to assess shortcomings of services, future perspectives of other countries. Theses analyse e-government situation in Lithuania.

Information-based Economy And E-government: Transformation In The Public Administration

Terzi, Mahir 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
&ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / , which is today&rsquo / s economy that is a proof and indicator of development level for the countries now on, comes on the scene with its new organizing model on the infrastructure of its own, which is called &ldquo / Information Society&rdquo / . The phenomenon of administration introduces to &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / for reinforcing the roots of &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / now. The objective of this study is to research the transformation of state, authoritarian and dominant power, that &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / gives direction in the environment of &ldquo / Information Society&rdquo / and to determine the locus and focus of &ldquo / e-government&rdquo / as a new organizing model especially in the dilemma between administration and management, and in the dilemma between politics and administration by using the theories of public administration, keeping the variance of culture in mind. In addition, to have a systematic knowledge of the relation between &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / , &ldquo / Information Society&rdquo / and &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / as a whole composes of the theme of this thesis. For this purpose, questionnaire has been conducted in the Ministry of National Education, which is responsible for forming the society of the future, to understand whether there is a systematic knowledge on the relation between &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / , &ldquo / Information Society&rdquo / and &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / as a whole. Moreover, it has been aimed to discover what the mental formulations of participants are. Questionnaire results reveal that there is no systematic knowledge on the relation between &ldquo / Information-Based Economy&rdquo / , Information Society&rdquo / and &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / as a whole in the Ministry of National Education, and that the participants are apt to perceive &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / within the context in which they are in terms of professions, status and backgrounds. Questionnaire results also show that the responses given by the participants concerning &ldquo / e-Government&rdquo / are more or less the same due to the hierarchical organization of knowledge and official knowledge in particular.

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