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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fick gymnasiereform och skollagsändring 2011 några konsekvenser? : En undersökning av Gymnasiebibliotekets integrering i undervisningen. / Did high school reform and changes in school legislation 2011 have any consequences? : A survey of the integration of high school libraries in teaching

Bennison, Malin January 2013 (has links)
This essay investigates the integration of the school library into teaching in one of Sweden’s senior high schools and the effects of the new education act which gives school libraries a stronger standing. A second purpose is to investigate teachers’ views on professional responsibility with regard to the development of information literacy. Through an email survey different aspects of library integration are investigated. The integration level is assessed according to the library taxonomy for teachers by David V. Loertscher. The results show that teachers do not use the school library to any great extent and only a small percentage has developed their library use after the reform. Although some teachers have increased their use of the library they still see it mainly as a source of material and do not see the school librarian as a resource for the development of new teaching methods. The studies limitation was that the survey was only answered by 34 %. The conclusion is that in order to improve the school libraries’ standing and higher levels of integration in line with Loertscher’s taxonomy, stronger support is needed from school management, principals and politicians as well as clearly assigned responsibilities and awareness of the school library’s potential as a learning resource. / Program: Bibliotekarie

"Det är som ett eget skapande..." : Medicinska bibliotekariers syn på pedagogik i en föränderlig värld

Magnusson, Ingrid January 2006 (has links)
<p>De svenska universitets- och högskolebiblioteken har genomgått stora förändringar, inte minst under de senaste decennierna. Utvecklingen av informationsteknologin, utbildningsväsendets expansion samt nya pedagogiska modeller inom universitet och högskolor har medfört förändrade förutsättningar för bibliotekarierna att utöva sitt yrke. Mot bakgrund av detta är syftet med studien att ur ett professionsteoretiskt perspektiv undersöka hur bibliotekarierna själva upplever att den pedagogiska rollen samt användarundervisningen har förändrats. Jag har även haft för avsikt att undersöka vad de upplever som pådrivande i utvecklingen av den pedagogiska rollen och användarundervisningen. Föremål för min undersökning har varit bibliotekarier anställda vid Medicinska biblioteket, Umeå universitetsbibliotek. Undersökningen har påvisat att bibliotekarierna numera upplever undervisningsrollen som integrerad del i bibliotekarierollen. Den pedagogiska rollen och undervisningsverksamheten utvecklas i hög grad utifrån det förhållningssätt bibliotekarierna intar till den egna yrkesrollen, medarbetarna, andra närliggande professioner (som till stor del utgör målgruppen), samt till en föränderlig omvärld. Utvecklingen av den pedagogiska rollen och utbildningsverksamheten bygger även på det individuella ansvaret hos bibliotekarien för den egna kunskapsutvecklingen samt viljan att ingå i en ständig läroprocess.</p>

Gymnasieelevers informationskompetens : En studie i sju klasser i gymnasiets år 3 / Information Literacy and Students in Secondary Education : a Study of Seven Upper Secondary School Classes

Lordh, Anneli January 2009 (has links)
<p>This master's thesis examines information literacy and students in secondary education. The study is framed within a sociocultural perspective of learning and the method used is questionnaires. The major question posed is how and where students seek information. Other questions are if the students critically evaluate and analyse in­formation sources and if teachers and school librarians cooperate with each other in order to help the students with their assignments.</p><p>The findings indicate that most students regard information seeking as fact-finding or finding the right an­swers to the question. Only one third of students experienced information seeking as seeking and using informa­tion for understanding a topic. The first place the students look for information is the Internet. Half of the stu­dents think they have been trained in information seeking. More boys than girls believe they have been trained. Three quarters of the students do not think they need more training in information seeking. Two thirds of the students think they have been sufficiently trained in source evaluation and more boys than girls believe they have been sufficiently trained. Just over half of the students do not think they need more training in source evaluation.</p><p>A good half of the students think the school library is quite important and almost half of the girls and one third of the boys visit the library once or twice per month. The cooperation between the teachers and the librari­ans does not work as well in the schools as the teachers and librarians wish but is improving. The majority of the teachers and librarians think their cooperation needs to be improved. The majority of the teachers think there is a correlation between information seeking and learning outcomes. All the librarians think the library is a resource that ought to be integrated in the students' education.</p><p>My conclusion is that the majority of the students are not information literate. To be information literate, the students need to have the ability to locate and evaluate the required information. Information seeking as scruti­nizing and analysing is a pre-requisite for lifelong learning.</p>

"Statistiskt sett har ju NE också fel" : en kvalitativ studie rörande gymnasiebibliotekariers uppfattningar och undervisning kring Wikipedia

Jensen, Malene, Törnqvist-Andersson, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine how Swedish upper secondary school librarians and related staff relate to the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. The research is placed in the all-embracing context of information literacy and source criticism on the Internet. The study was carried out in the form of qualitative interviews and based on two theoretical bases: firstly, the concept of cognitive authority stipulated by Patrick Wilson, and secondly the idea that Wikipedia has a draw towards late modern epistemological assumptions. The latter theory was also associated with the perceptions of knowledge among the library staff interviewed. According to the results, there seems to be a connection between a) the library staff’s perceptions of knowledge, b) the library staff’s actual knowing about Wikipedia, c) the library staff’s attitudes toward Wikipedia and d) the teaching performed by the library staff about Wikipedia. The results also suggest the cognitive authority of the traditional encyclopaedia to be strong, especially among those within the library staff not very familiar with Wikipedia. Those positive to Wikipedia possibly represent perceptions of knowledge with a draw towards the late modern. Finally, possible solutions regarding the improvement of information literacy and of Wikipedia usage among the upper secondary school pupils are discussed.

Varför ska jag vara med, jag har ju bara årskurs ett? : – pedagogers resonemang kring begreppet informationskompetens.

Rudenstam, Louice January 2010 (has links)
Skolverket har under våren 2010 tagit fram en ny rapport om IT användning och ITkompetens bland elever på grundskolan. Rapporten visade en positiv utveckling bland elever i skolåren 7‐9 men bland elever i grundskolans tidigare år var resultaten inte desamma. Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån en utbildningspraktik förstå konsekvenserna av hur pedagoger resonerar kring värdet av att vara informationskompetent. Ett begrepp som innefattar sökstrategier, en källkritisk medvetenhet och allämna kunskaper på och om Internet. Europeiska Unionen (EU) beslutade 2006 att varje enskild medborgare är i behov av åtta nyckelkompetenser för att på bästa sätt anpassa och utveckla sig inom vår snabbt växande samhällsutveckling. Den fjärde nyckelkompetensen är en digital kompetens vilket inkluderar begreppet informationskompetens. Denna kompetens är något skolverksamheten skall förmedla till sina elever, där skolans uppdrag redan framhåller att ”leverna skall kunna orientera sig i en komplex verklighet, med ett stort informationsflöde och en snabb förändringstakt”(Skolverket, 2000:5). I studien intervjuas sex verksamma pedagoger från grundskolans tidigare år, med ett strategiskt urval från två olika grundskolor i södra Sverige. Utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv försöker studien fånga en bredd av aspekter på problemområdet genom att belysa både individuella, samhälleliga men även sociala utgångspunkter. Den teoretiska inramningen har jag därför valt att dela in och analysera utifrån tre tänkbara relevansområden attityder, didaktisk problematik och kognitiv kommunikation. I studien fann jag att de intervjuade pedagogerna hade en förståelse för begreppet informationskompetens men förde resonemanget ofta på en teknisk och materiell nivå. I studiens resultat och analys kunde jag urskilja hinder som pedagogerna byggde upp och som till viss del styrde deras resonemang. Resultaten belyser pedagogernas egna tekniska kompetens och för vissa en teknisk rädsla som ett av hindren, men även ett upplevt generationsglapp mellan elev och pedagog. Ett annat hinder åskådliggör en didaktisk problematik där pedagogerna efterfrågar struktur, riktlinjer och guidning inom området. Att den kompetens pedagogerna tillägnat sig genom fortbildning inte stannar av vid materiella tillgångar eller programkunskap, utan att de tillägnar sig och förmedlar en informationskompetens som grund i den digitala undervisningen. Om pedagogerna skall komma förbi sina upplevda hinder till informations‐ och kommunikationstekniken behövs ett ansvarstagande både från rektorer och pedagoger. Samtliga inom skolverksamheten måste tillägna sig en förståelse för hur en informationskompetens är grunden till en digital undervisning med Internet som utgångspunkt. Begreppet måste ses som ämnesoberoende och integreras i undervisningspraktiken för att eleverna skall kunna tillägna sig det enorma digitala utbud vi idag ställs inför.

Är sociala medier mest ett hinder? Ungas lärande i sociala medier

Hyltegård, Sara, Olsson, Catarina January 2013 (has links)
A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions that occur there. The accessibility which social media brings, means that you can reach and be reached in several ways and there are many different ways in which information can be disseminated. Social media supports the learning process. The aim of this study is to examine how upper secondary schools students' use of social media and how it can be used as a tool for informal learning. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective where interaction and social cohesion is a big part. A quantitative survey was distributed among third year students in a secondary school. The results of the survey show that students use a lot of social media, that they consider themselves proficient in information literacy, and that it is difficult to see that informal learning might occur in social media.

En studie i hur gymnasieelever ochlärare upplever att en personligdator påverkar elevernas lärande : med särskild fokus vid upplevda fördelar och nackdelar

Fällström, Jon January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge exempel på hur personliga datorer kan upplevas av eleveroch lärare på gymnasienivå. Metoderna som används är intervju med elever och lärare samtanalys av styrdokument och tidigare forskning inom området. I dag vill man från regeringsoch skolverkets håll förstärka skolans roll som förmedlare av kunskap inom IT-området. Dettalas om digitalkompetens, en färdighet man menar är nödvändig för att idag och i framtidenkunna verka i samhället. Att utrusta elever och lärare med personliga datorer i så kallade entill-en projekt är något som den senaste tiden vunnit mark. I Umeå väljer man hösten 2008och framåt att ge samtliga elever som börjar studera vid någon av de kommunala skolornatillgång till sådana datorer inom vad man benämner som elevdataprojektet. I denna studieintervjuar jag elever och lärare från en av de skolorna i kommunen.Både elever och lärare är i huvudsak positivt inställda till att få tillgång till och arbeta medpersonliga datorer. Lärarna ser bland annat fördelar i kunna anpassa lärandet till enskildaelever, att datorn förenklar inlämningar och spridning av information, att man nu lättare fårtillgång till information/material och att elever i behov av särskilt stöd har stora fördelar.Bland nackdelarna nämns bland annat okoncentration under lektionen att elever med godadatorkunskaper får större fördelar än andra och att personliga datorer ställer krav på elevernaseget ansvar. Eleverna menar att datorn låter gör det lättare att fåt tag på information, att manarbetar effektivare, att det är roligt att arbeta med en personlig dator. Nackdelar man uppleverär bland annat okoncentration under lektionerna, att datorn är tung att bära omkring och attelever med god datorkunskap har större fördelar än andra.Slutsatser som dras är bland annat att lärarens användande och integrerande av datorerna iundervisningen hur stor inverkan på upplevda fördelar och nackdelar samt att den ökadeokoncentrationen bör problematiseras då det i slutändan är osäkert om vad som är ökadokoncentration och vad som synliggjord okoncentration.

Informationskompetens : En fenomenografisk undersökning av skolledares uppfattningar om informationskompetens

Olsson, Therese January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my “two years master thesis” was to examine school administrators perceptions about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control, perceptions about what role the teachers and the librarians have in teaching students information literacy and perceptions about the collaboration between these groups. My questions have been: Have the school administrators reflected upon the conception of information literacy? What conceptions do school administrators have about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control? What role do they consider the teachers and the librarians to have in making all students information literate? How do they consider the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians work? What role do they consider themselves to have on a management level to make all students’ information literate? I used a phenomenographical method and carried out six qualitative interviews with school administrators from five senior high schools in the municipality of Gävle. Both public schools and independent schools were included in the study.   Most of the school administrators considered information literacy to be the same as criticism of sources, which they also considered as one of the most important information literacy skills. Only one of the school administrators thought that information literacy is about arranging the information. All of the school administrators thought that the teachers have the main responsibility for the education in information literacy. The  librarians were by the school administrators considered not to be used at their full potential and the perceptions about the librarians tasks was that they were to be a guidance in databases, tempt students in to reading by talking about books and ask students critical questions through the information literacy process. The school administrators thought that the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians was satisfying. All of the school administrators thought that they should provide the right conditions for collaboration between the groups, but that the school administrators should not run the project. One of the reasons why the school administrators in my essay focused on criticism of the sources and not on the arranging of information can be due to that information literacy is vaguely described in the school curriculum. A conclusion in the study is that the school administrators have insufficient knowledge and insight in how the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians work and that the school administrators do not allocate enough time for the teachers and librarians to collaborate.

Ingen examen utaninformationskompetens? : En studie om universitetsbibliotekariers uppfattning av informationskompetens i relation till studenter och undervisning / No graduation without information literacy? : A study of universitylibrarians’ perceptions of information literacy in relation tostudents and education

Johansson, Mikael, Fransson, Victor January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to examine university librarians’ perceptions of information literacy, of students’ information literacy and of education in information literacy. The focus is on how they perceive the students’ information literacy development during their university studies. Also of interest in this study is how librarians think that their teaching in information literacy should be included in the students’ other courses.   Three librarians at a Swedish university library were interviewed using qualitative interviews. The material from the interviews was then analyzed with Bruce’s model of different conceptions of information literacy and Limberg’s and Folkesson’s categories for methods and goals for education in information seeking.                       The results show that information literacy is of high importance for the students to be able to graduate. The students’ information literacy level differs amongst them, but it is clear that it actually develops during their university studies. The education in information literacy should be integrated gradually with the students’ other courses and there should also be a connection with what the students study at the time. To make this work, the teachers have to inform the librarians about the students’ tasks. This also shows that it is very important to have a working collaboration between teachers and librarians, between university departments and libraries. The responsibility for students’ developing in information literacy should be shared by librarians, teachers, the university and students themselves.

Ingen examen utaninformationskompetens? : En studie om universitetsbibliotekariers uppfattning av informationskompetens i relation till studenter och undervisning / No graduation without information literacy? : A study of universitylibrarians’ perceptions of information literacy in relation tostudents and education

Johansson, Mikael, Fransson, Victor January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to examine university librarians’ perceptions of information literacy, of students’ information literacy and of education in information literacy. The focus is on how they perceive the students’ information literacy development during their university studies. Also of interest in this study is how librarians think that their teaching in information literacy should be included in the students’ other courses.</p><p> </p><p>Three librarians at a Swedish university library were interviewed using qualitative interviews. The material from the interviews was then analyzed with Bruce’s model of different conceptions of information literacy and Limberg’s and Folkesson’s categories for methods and goals for education in information seeking.</p><p>                     </p><p>The results show that information literacy is of high importance for the students to be able to graduate. The students’ information literacy level differs amongst them, but it is clear that it actually develops during their university studies. The education in information literacy should be integrated gradually with the students’ other courses and there should also be a connection with what the students study at the time. To make this work, the teachers have to inform the librarians about the students’ tasks. This also shows that it is very important to have a working collaboration between teachers and librarians, between university departments and libraries. The responsibility for students’ developing in information literacy should be shared by librarians, teachers, the university and students themselves.</p>

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