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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information, makt och konspirationsteorier : En studie av informationskritiska användare / Information, Power and Conspiracy Theories : A Study of Critical Information Users

Heed, Malva January 2014 (has links)
Purpose–This study has examined the information behaviour and perception of information in a group ofinformation users who have a critical approach to the media and the information supply. Some of them call themselvesor are being called conspiracy theorists. The purpose was to examine how their information behaviour is influenced by the belief that the information is biased or inaccurate and what the information behaviour looks like when the user searches for discrepancies rather than a response to a question. Method–The study is based on transcribed interviews and email responses to interview questions. The model used to analyze the source material is Christine Bruceʼs seven categories of information literacy as presented in Seven Faces of Information Literacy. The outcome is compared with other user studies. Subsequently, the source material has been studied through Michel Foucaultʼs discourse theory. Focus is on power, anti-discourses and institutions. Findings–The analyses have shown that the informants have a sufficiently uniform information behaviour to be studied as a user group. Their information behaviour is focused on different strategies for evaluating information and understanding courses of events. This behaviour is based on a critical approach to what is considered as "truth" in the discourse. Originality/value–The user group has not been studied before in LIS research. Paper type–This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Studenters erfarenheter och upplevelser av informationskompetens i utbildningen

Aldén, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
Studenter vid högskolor och universitet ska utveckla informationskompetens. Syftet med den här studien är utifrån såväl campus- som distansstudenters upplevelser undersöka vilka kunskaper som anses viktiga för att kunna söka, finna och kritiskt använda sig av information. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av fenomenografisk variationsteori, sociokulturell teori och filosofisk hermeneutik. Det empiriska materialet inleds med fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer med studenter. Därefter har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av fyra kursers kursplaner och studiehandledningar i ämnena kriminologi och pedagogik, relaterat till informationskompetens genomförts. Studiens resultat visar att studenterna har varierande erfarenheter av informationskompetens, samt att de utvalda kursplanerna och studiehandledningarnas innehåll relaterat till informationskompetens utgår från olika perspektiv. I den kunskap som studenterna utvecklar i samband med författandet av inlämningsuppgifter och uppsatser fokuserar de på att bli godkända på respektive kurs. I studiens resultat problematiseras därmed hur den kunskap studenterna har förvärvat kan användas i deras framtida yrkesliv. Studien är en del av ett utbildningsprojekt som sker i samverkan mellan Universitetsbiblioteket och Lärande- och resurscentrum vid Mittuniversitetet gällande studenters informationskompetens. / Students at colleges and universities are to develop information literacy. The purpose of this study is to examine, based on experiences from both campus- as well as distance students, what kind of knowledge is important in order to search for, find and critically use information. The theoretical framework of the study constitutes of sociocultural theory, phenomenographic variation theory and philosophical hermeneutics. The empirical material starts with five semi-structured interviews with students. Following that, a qualitative analysis of content of four selected courses’ syllabus and study guidelines in relation to information literacy was carried out. The result of the study show that students have various degrees of experience of information literacy and also the contents of the chosen syllabus and study guides in relation to information literacy emanates from different perspectives. The knowledge which students develop in connection with the writing of essays and reports is the focus for students to pass their respective course. Therefore, the result of the study problemizes how the knowledge that the students have acquired can be used in their future professional life. This study is a part of an educational project in co-operation with the University Library and the Learning and Resource Centre at the Mid Sweden University regarding the students’ information literacy. / <p>Godkännandedatum: 2016-05-17</p>

Skolbibliotekarier i samverkan : Samarbete mellan skolbibliotekarier och lärare i Dalarna / School librarians in collaboration

Tallroth, Johanna, Andersson, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Title: School librarians in collaboration The focus of this text is to examine the collaboration between librarians and teachers and how this collaboration can help students achieve better results in school. The school library is often bypassed by teachers. In this lack of involvement and support lies a risk that the gain for students is less than it should be. The purpose of this study aims to investigate if there is any collaboration between the school librarians and the teachers and to what level. The theory used is Patricia Montiel-Overall´s Teacher and Librarian Collaboration (TLC). Seven interviews with school librarians was conducted. Due to being a small study, the material was transcribed into text and read through the perspective of the school librarians only. The findings show collaboration between teachers and librarians is present but to a low level and that administrators do not take such an active part in supporting the librarians. The study provides a glimpse into this field of research on collaboration between teachers and librarians.

Undervisning i informationssökning – Vad, hur och varför? : En kvalitativ och didaktisk studie av Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks undervisning i informationssökning / Teaching about information searching – What, how and why? : A qualitative and didactic study of Uppsala university library’s teachings about information searching

Rosén, Nils January 2020 (has links)
The thesis aim is to get an understanding of how Uppsala University Library teaches about information searching and with this gain an insight on positive and working aspects in the teaching and how it can be developed for the better. To achieve these aims, three didactic questions were used as an overall theme and as a base for the research questions. These questions consisted of what (content), how (methods) and why? (goals and purposes). The methods consisted of observations and semi-structured group interviews that were conducted from December 2017 to April 2018.  Another method that was used is a directed content analysis of legal texts and guidance documents that the informants deemed important for their work. In regard of what, the result showed that lectures were more basic on earlier semesters, and more advanced later into the education. The content was also adapted to students by subject-specific databases, search examples and exercises that reflected students’ subject, future profession and everyday life. However, I could also see signs of less adaption in some search examples and because certain content was more frequent and used on several occasions. For example, many lectures focused on going through databases, source evaluation, reference management, various types of material and the meaning of scientificity. Also, many informants meant that they were generalists and did not have time to familiarize themselves with students' subject in a greater extent. In the question how, it became apparent that active actions were frequent as well as adaptation in teaching. This was shown in the form of exercises, own search time, regular use of questions and that an active dialogue occurred with students and was deemed important. Various rhetorical aspects of the teaching were that the frequent use and need of computers made the informants’ eye contact and body language less apparent and limited. The informants often seemed well prepared on the content. Some exceptions from this occurred a few times where some signs of uncertainty in body language and speech were shown. In regard of this, most informants indicated that they had sufficient planning time; however, they could also have other tasks that took priority. Regarding the question why, many goals and purposes could be identified. The most common ones focused on information sources. Many informants, law texts and guidance documents emphasized the importance of getting knowledge about different types of materials, their advantages and disadvantages, using appropriate databases and to being able to search, evaluate and find information. The conclusions of the thesis are that the informants recognize and use many positive and working aspects that pedagogical literature and research says is important. Some examples are that they adapt the content in various ways to the students, let the students be active under the lessons, ask many questions, use evaluations and integrate guidelines. Regarding how the teaching could be developed, a conclusion is that it could be more adapted, advanced and more subject-specific if there was more time for librarians to teach and plan lectures. This could also contribute to a better relationship with the students, more time for collaboration with their teachers, being able to develop pedagogical methods and become familiar with the student’s subject. To achieve this, it could be appropriate that some librarians have a more dedicated role as well as prioritized tasks as library educators. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and information science.

För användarens bästa : En kvalitativ studie av UX-design och användarundervisning på högskolebibliotek / For the user’s benefit : A qualitative study of UX design and user instruction in academic libraries

Holmquist Kullin, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Introduction. The aim of this thesis is to investigate problems that users face when using a library discovery service, and determine which problems can be solved by UX design and which problems must be solved by information literacy teaching. A second aim is to examine how UX specialists and user instruction specialists cooperate and how these two specialties are shaped by each other and by the discovery service. Method. User problems were identified by analyzing documented reference questions from the library support chat. A survey based on the user problems was sent to UX specialists and user instruction specialists. The survey was followed by a focus group interview with the same participants. Survey data and transcripts of the focus group interview formed the data for analysis. Analysis. Qualitative analyses were carried out on the data. Theories on organizational structure and professional specialization formed the basis for analysis. Results. The results imply that UX design can be used to solve problems related to wayfinding and problems that can be solved by providing short on-screen instructions, while information literacy teaching can be used to solve problems that require a wide set of information literacy skills. Conclusion. Users’ successful use of the library discovery service requires information literacy teaching as well as continuous UX assessment and design. In the studied organization, UX specialists and user instruction specialists have found ways to cooperate in providing users with high quality services. For UX to be successful, a ”UX mindset” must be employed by all members of the organization. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Institutionella repositorier, Open Access och doktoranderna som banar vägen : En kvalitativ studie / Institutional repositories, Open Access and the doctoral students that pave the way : A qualitative study

Granström, Beate January 2020 (has links)
Motivation is low for publishing and self-archiving in institutional repositories according to previous research, which is an issue since the repository’s full potential cannot be reached if it is void of materials. Doctoral students are the future of academia and ought to be given tools and information to be able to make informed decisions about where and how to publish. The purpose of this study is to shed light on possibilities and problems regarding self-archiving in institutional repositories by examining doctoral students at the University of Borås, focussing on their opinions of and experiences with the institutional repository DiVA as well as their perceived risks and benefits with self-archiving. Qualitative data were generated through five semi-structured interviews over videocalls. Respondents were doctoral students at the University of Borås with different levels of experience with publishing and self-archiving. The data was coded thematically and analysed using qualitative content analysis. Theories of constructivism and information literacy were applied to discuss the results. The respondents were generally knowledgeable concerning different levels of Open Access but seemed unsure of the purpose and function of DiVA. All self-archived because of the University’s policy, however not everyone recognized the personal benefits. This study concludes that research practices can be identified and problematized by acknowledging disciplinary differences in scholarly communication. Doctoral students are in a unique position to take the lead in forming research traditions that fit the new scientific landscape.

Bibliotekarien som access point : En undersökning av artificiell intelligens inom svenska bibliotek / The librarian as an access point : A survey of artificial intelligence in Swedish libraries

Borg, Stina, Ferlin, Michael January 2021 (has links)
Introduction. Artificial intelligence is growing in society at large and within libraries specifically. There are both positive and negative consequences of this development. In this essay, ethical issues concerning bias, transparency and integrity are examined in a Library and Information Science context. Method and theory. Qualitative survey questionnaires with questions about how the libraries work with AI, the informant’s thoughts on ethical problems with it and how they saw the library’s future with AI were created and sent to employees at research libraries in Sweden. Nine answers to the questionnaires and one article formed the data for analysis. Employing Anthony Gidden’s structuration theory, the essay uses concepts like access point, ontological security and reembedding of trust. Analysis. A qualitative content analysis was carried out on the data. The analysis employed a thematic sectioning of the analyzed text, where the themes were developed through content analysis of the analyzed data in relation to the previous research presented in the essay. Results. Five different themes were sectioned out from the data; bias, integrity, transparency, curation and media- and information literacy. The answers were sectioned into these themes and compared to what the previous research said about the subject. The results are presented in a thematic overview where each section analyses the answers in the specific theme. Conclusion. When using and developing AI, the libraries can use ethical guidelines and curation to be aware of and counteract building bias into the systems. An important part of the libraries’ work for the development of the democratic society is media- and information literacy and teaching about information technology, which AI and the way it is developed is a part of. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

En modernisering av källkritisk undervisning / A Modernization of Teaching Source Criticism

Hansson, Johan, Nilsson, Kevin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna översikt har varit att presentera aktuella metoder för den källkritiska undervisningen i högstadiet. Vår frågeställning genom arbetet har varit, “vilka metoder kan lärare undervisa om inom källkritik för att lära ut ett källkritiskt förhållningssätt?” Genom systematiska sökningar i olika databaser valde vi ut tio artiklar som kunde hjälpa oss att besvara vår frågeställning. Dessa artiklar ligger till grund för vårt arbete och vi har strävat efter att hitta svensk, Nordisk och även internationell forskning. Artiklarna vi valt har behandlat källkritik som ett eget område inom skolan och samhället, men även i relation till ämnet svenska.  För att analysera resultatet av valda artiklar har vi använt oss av en tematiskt analys. Genom analysmetoden har vi kunnat urskilja utmärkande drag i forskningen och därefter kunnat benämna det som olika tema. Med våra tema fastställda kunde vi presentera de metoder som var mest framträdande i forskningen, men även visa på att det finns vissa begränsningar inom området. I resultatet lyfter vi bland annat fram tre viktiga nyckelfrågor i en digital sökprocess och presenterar även en metod som vi benämner lateral läsning. Den laterala läsningen syftar till att bredda digitala sökningar och undersöka information på flera olika hemsidor. Vidare presenterar vi vad forskningen förespråkar om undervisning gällande källkritik där vi också drar slutsatsen att forskarna inte är överens om undervisningen ska ske explicit, eller implementeras som en del av den ordinarie undervisningen.

Academic library instruction on critical evaluation of sources and information : A content analysis of Swedish university library websites / Undervisning i kritisk utvärdering av källor och information på universitetsbibliotek : En innehållsanalys av svenska universitetsbibliotekswebbplatser

Johansen, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis examines how Swedish university libraries are instructing their students on topics related to the critical evaluation of sources and information. The method of analysis was a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the external websites of Sweden’s public university libraries to determine what modes of instruction are being offered, and how these services are being described and made accessible to their users.  The coding of the websites divided their content into four main categories. The first two refer to asynchronous and inactive instruction: Information and Modules. The second two categories refer to synchronous and active instruction: Teaching and Tutoring. The results of the thesis indicate that the most popular modes of instruction related to critical evaluation of sources and information were informative webpages and active teaching which could either take the form of lectures or workshops with 12 out of the 15 libraries hosting or advertising these services.  The thesis concludes that instruction on topics related to critical evaluation of sources and information appears to be central, as most of the university libraries offer several modes of instruction on the topic. However, there were still variations in regard to the accessibility of the services although online instruction still proved popular in tutoring sessions. Moreover, the analysis of terminology and recurring words indicated an emphasis on ‘lower-level’ library skills related to how to recognize scholarly sources rather than ‘higher-level’ critical thinking. Finally, the results suggest that Swedish university libraries are engaging with instruction surrounding evaluation of sources and information although the scope and modes of instruction on the subject vary. This is a two year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science. / Denna masteruppsats undersöker hur svenska universitetsbibliotek instruerar sina studenter i ämnen relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information. Analysmetoden var en kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de externa webbplatserna vid Sveriges offentliga universitetsbibliotek för att fastställa vilka undervisningsformer som erbjuds och hur dessa tjänster beskrivs samt görs tillgängliga för deras användare. Kodningen av webbplatserna delade in innehållet i fyra huvudkategorier. De två första hänvisar till asynkron och inaktiv instruktion: Information och Moduler. De andra två kategorierna avser synkron och aktiv undervisning: Undervisning och Handledning. Resultaten av uppsatsen indikerar att de mest populära undervisningsformerna relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information var informativa webbsidor och aktiv undervisning som antingen kunde ta formen av föreläsningar eller workshops då 12 av 15 analyserade bibliotek som var värd för eller annonserade dessa tjänster. Uppsatsen drar slutsatsen att undervisning i ämnen relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information verkar vara central, eftersom de flesta universitetsbiblioteken erbjuder flera undervisningsformer i ämnet. Det fanns dock fortfarande variationer när det gäller tillgängligheten för tjänsterna, även om online-utbildning fortfarande visade sig vara populär i handledningssessioner. Dessutom visade analysen av terminologi och återkommande ord en betoning på biblioteksfärdigheter på 'lägre nivå' relaterade till hur man känner igen vetenskapliga källor snarare än 'högre' kritiskt tänkande. Slutligen tyder resultaten på att svenska universitetsbibliotek är engagerade i undervisning kring evaluering av källor och information även om omfattningen och undervisningssätten i ämnet varierar. Detta är en masteruppsats i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap.

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