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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Déficit na iniciativa de atenção compartilhada como principal preditor de comportamento social no transtorno do espectro autista / Deficit in initiative of joint attention as predictor of social impairment in preschool childreen with autistic spectrum disorder

Zanon, Regina Basso January 2012 (has links)
Existem duas modalidades de comportamentos de Atenção Compartilhada (AC), os de Resposta (RAC) e os de Iniciativa (IAC). O comprometimento na habilidade de AC é um dos sinais mais robustos do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), entretanto é o atraso na fala o sintoma mais frequentemente identificado pelos pais. Procurando explorar essa premissa, esse trabalho constitui-se por três estudos. No primeiro, realizou-se uma revisão crítica da literatura acerca dos comportamentos de IAC e RAC no TEA, apresentando modelos teóricos e evidências. Os outros dois estudos, de natureza empírica, investigaram, respectivamente: (a) os primeiros sintomas observados pelos pais e a idade da criança na ocaisão e (b) a relação entre a intensidade dos comprometimentos precoces na AC (IAC e RAC, separadamente) e o desenvolvimento sociocomunicativo subsequente das crianças. Participaram desses estudos 32 crianças com TEA, que foram avaliadas no Cincinnatti Children´s Medical Center. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised e o Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. Evidenciou-se que os comprometimentos no desenvolvimento da linguagem foram os sintomas mais frequentemente observados, porém os da socialização foram os mais precocemente identificados. Não foram encontradas associações significativas entre as variáveis IAC, RAC e o desenvolvimento sociocomunicativo. Os achados dos estudos foram discutidos à luz da teoria sociopragmática e foram contrapostos com outras investigações já realizadas acerca do tema. / There are two types of Joint Attention (JA) behaviors, the response (RJA) and Initiative (IJA). The impairment in JA ability is one of the signals more robust of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However the delay in the speech is the symptom most frequently identified by parents. This work is made up of three studies. At first, there was a critical review of the literature concerning the behaviors of RJA and IJA in ASD, presented theoretical models and evidence. The other two studies were empirical and aimed to investigate, respectively: (a) the type of first symptoms that arouses in caregivers of children with autism and the child's age by that time; and (b) the relationship between intensity of difficulties in the JA (IJA and IJA, separately) and the socio-comunicative development of children with ASD. Participants in these studies were 32 children with Autistic Disorder who were evaluated at Cincinnati Children's Medical Center. The instruments used were the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. It was evident that the difficulties in language development were the most frequently identified by parents. However the impairments in the social development were earlier observed. There were no significant associations between variables RJA. IJA and the development of communication and reciprocal social interaction. The findings of the studies were discussed in light of the socio-pragmatic theory and were contrasted with other previous research on this subject.

A participação dos atores universitários : um estudo do caso do Salão de Iniciação Científica da UFRGS

Silva, Jorge Paiva da January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem o propósito de analisar e refletir sobre a participação dos atores universitários, através de um estudo do caso do Salão de Iniciação Científica da UFRGS. Atores universitários aqui foram representados por professores, estudantes e técnicos. A proposta tem a preocupação com a inovação na educação superior. Trata-se de uma análise de fragmentos de percepções e perspectivas, que dão pistas a uma inovação na universidade, sendo esta em construção por aproximações à democracia participativa, incluindo estudantes, professores e técnicos. Entretanto, existe um contexto marcado pelo contraditório pela mediação da avaliação como um instrumento de controle na universidade, por conta da avaliação externa. Agentes externos do CNPq avaliam também o SIC, preocupados com a prestação de contas dos bolsistas PIBIC/CNPq. Ao mesmo tempo, há a avaliação educacional como um instrumento de construção do conhecimento e de responsabilidade democrática do conhecimento, avaliando outros sujeitos, como os voluntários em pesquisa. Por essa lógica de responsabilidade democrática, desafiamos o seu formato com aproximações da Avaliação Participativa (LEITE, 2005). Antes e depois do Salão de IC da UFRGS, também, as experiências nos falam de outros limites e possibilidades de participação dos atores universitários. Diante desse quadro complexo, procedemos à análise, interpretação e dialetização das potencialidades da participação, da democracia, da relação da universidade e sociedade através de percepções e perspectivas dos sujeitos universitários, engendrando os dados com o referencial teórico. Para o estudo do caso qualitativo do SIC, recortamos o período dos anos 2011 a 2013. Fizemos uso da análise documental e de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Pela análise do conteúdo, entrelaçamos o material empírico com o referencial teórico. Encontramos suporte teórico-epistemológico e conceitual em Denise Leite (como avaliações e Avaliação Participativa na universidade); Boaventura de Sousa Santos (refletindo sobre Democracia Participativa); Santo e Almeida-Filho (Universidade no Século XXI); e Joaquim Severino e Pedro Goergen (considerando a emergência de uma ética praxista em educação). Os resultados evidenciaram que o evento tem relevante importância aos sujeitos, mas que apresenta contradições. Na avaliação educacional, existem potencialidades a uma avaliação participativa. Houve avaliações externas e internas, apresentações públicas, regras estabelecidas para discutir o conhecimento produzido em pesquisa. Entretanto, quanto à premiação, os destaques são interessantes pelo mérito científico de quantos forem certificados, diferente do prêmio UFRGS Jovem, que é algo a ser repensado, enquanto discussão do valor meritocrático somente a um estudante. Nesse repensar, com relação ao processo decisório para a construção do SIC, técnicos e estudantes não participam da comissão organizadora do evento, ao passo que os professores acumulam diversas funções e papeis na universidade. Colocamos em evidência, também, os desafios aos rumos da virtualização da apresentação de pôsteres, antes físicos, agora virtuais. Apontamos benefícios significativos à avaliação interna, das bancas julgadoras, aproximando a sociedade do conhecimento produzido em pesquisa. Também tecemos considerações sobre as importantes contribuições das práticas de interação política e momentos de escuta ao outro enquanto avaliação educativa. Colocamos a questão da organização do momento “livre” de trocas de experiências, que precisa ser repensado. Sobre isso, colocamos a oportunidade da entrada do Salão de IC no conjunto de eventos da semana acadêmica do Salão UFRGS. Na medida em que identificamos o enfoque que se resumiu à divulgação coordenada do conhecimento, outras possibilidades interdisciplinares surgem como inovação pedagógica. Sendo esta pesquisa uma singela contribuição, o evento do tipo SIC é hoje uma realidade em todas as instituições beneficiárias do programa PIBIC/CNPq. Os resultados desta pesquisa não pretendem ser absolutos. Nossa intenção, acima de tudo, foi o de evidenciar um olhar sobre a questão de um evento que tem sua realização na semana acadêmica, mas implica desdobramentos como processo de formação científica durante o ano e desenvolvimento e aproveitamento curricular são certificados, sendo importante na aproximação da graduação com a pós-graduação. / This research aims to examine and get into reflections of university actors participation, through a case of study of the Salon of Initiative Science. University actors here were thought as professors, students and technicians. The subject concerns of some contribution for Higher Education innovation. It concerns of innovation in clusters, which get into closer contact from participating at the Salon of Initiative Science to a participative democracy. There is a context with some contradiction by evaluation mediation as a control instrument at the university, by the external assessment. The CNPq agents also assess the Salon of Initiative Science, in a sense of having the students to give account for their PIBIC/CNPq scholarships when presenting their works at the Salon. At the same time, there is an educations assessment as an instrument of knowledge construction and as a democratic responsibility, evaluating other individuals, like those volunteers for research. By this democratic responsibility logic, we think of the Participative Assessment contact. Before and after the Salon of Initiative Science of UFRGS, also, the set of experience has told us about limits and possibilities of participation. When we faced this complex frame, we had to proceed by examining, interpretating and dialectizing the participating potencial instance, the democracy, the university and society relationship, through perceptions and perspectives of the university actors. Through a qualitative case of study of this Salon, our piece of study was limited between years 2011 to 2013, we used document analysis and semistructured interviews. For the content analysis, we matched the empirical material and the theoretical reference. Then, we set the innovation movement construction, as they get closer or farther from the participative democracy reference. We were theoretical and epistemological and conceptual supported by Denise Leite (Evaluations, and Participative Evaluation at the university); Boaventura de Sousa Santos (reflecting of Participative Democracy); Santos and Almeida-Filho (University in the 21st Century); Joaquim Severino and Pedro Goergen (considering the necessity of the praxis ethics in education). The results showed that the event has relevant importance, but we faced some contradictions. By educational evaluation, there was potential for the Participative Evaluation. There were external and internal evaluations, the presentations were public, rules were set to discuss the knowledge produced by research. However, there is a merit logic that prizes students. On one hand, by the quality of works, students may be awarded. And they may be various or anyone. On the other hand, there is an award for the best one, the UFRGS Youth Prize. It was a competition among the best ones already selected. This evaluation is under questioned subject as meritocratic value only facing one student. Considering this discussion, the decision-making process for the Salon, students and technicians did not participate, only professors. On the other hand, professors have been increasing their tasks and duties and roles at the university. We set the significant benefit of internal evaluation, consisting of judging commissions, but also getting in contact with the society, making the knowledge available for them. We also commented on important contributions of practices of political interaction and moments of listening to others through educational evaluation. We also set to spot to challenge to virtual presentation of posters. We considered the end of free moment organized setting for exchange knowledge, as at the time of physical posters. Getting to known the Salon of Initiative Science was submitted to the set of events of the Academic Week of the Salon UFRGS, the focus necessarily went into coordinative publicization of the knowledge production. But we think new interdisciplinary ways may be on the spot as innovation for pedagogy. Considering this piece of research just one contribution, the Salon is today a reality in every institution which has the PIBIC/CNPq scholarship in Brazil. The results here do not intend to be absolute. However, above all, our intention was to give a glance at an event which happens every year through the academic week, but it is also a process through the year in which scientific formation, and development and credit addition curriculum are certificated, and important link between undergraduation and postgraduation.

Déficit na iniciativa de atenção compartilhada como principal preditor de comportamento social no transtorno do espectro autista / Deficit in initiative of joint attention as predictor of social impairment in preschool childreen with autistic spectrum disorder

Zanon, Regina Basso January 2012 (has links)
Existem duas modalidades de comportamentos de Atenção Compartilhada (AC), os de Resposta (RAC) e os de Iniciativa (IAC). O comprometimento na habilidade de AC é um dos sinais mais robustos do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), entretanto é o atraso na fala o sintoma mais frequentemente identificado pelos pais. Procurando explorar essa premissa, esse trabalho constitui-se por três estudos. No primeiro, realizou-se uma revisão crítica da literatura acerca dos comportamentos de IAC e RAC no TEA, apresentando modelos teóricos e evidências. Os outros dois estudos, de natureza empírica, investigaram, respectivamente: (a) os primeiros sintomas observados pelos pais e a idade da criança na ocaisão e (b) a relação entre a intensidade dos comprometimentos precoces na AC (IAC e RAC, separadamente) e o desenvolvimento sociocomunicativo subsequente das crianças. Participaram desses estudos 32 crianças com TEA, que foram avaliadas no Cincinnatti Children´s Medical Center. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised e o Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. Evidenciou-se que os comprometimentos no desenvolvimento da linguagem foram os sintomas mais frequentemente observados, porém os da socialização foram os mais precocemente identificados. Não foram encontradas associações significativas entre as variáveis IAC, RAC e o desenvolvimento sociocomunicativo. Os achados dos estudos foram discutidos à luz da teoria sociopragmática e foram contrapostos com outras investigações já realizadas acerca do tema. / There are two types of Joint Attention (JA) behaviors, the response (RJA) and Initiative (IJA). The impairment in JA ability is one of the signals more robust of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However the delay in the speech is the symptom most frequently identified by parents. This work is made up of three studies. At first, there was a critical review of the literature concerning the behaviors of RJA and IJA in ASD, presented theoretical models and evidence. The other two studies were empirical and aimed to investigate, respectively: (a) the type of first symptoms that arouses in caregivers of children with autism and the child's age by that time; and (b) the relationship between intensity of difficulties in the JA (IJA and IJA, separately) and the socio-comunicative development of children with ASD. Participants in these studies were 32 children with Autistic Disorder who were evaluated at Cincinnati Children's Medical Center. The instruments used were the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. It was evident that the difficulties in language development were the most frequently identified by parents. However the impairments in the social development were earlier observed. There were no significant associations between variables RJA. IJA and the development of communication and reciprocal social interaction. The findings of the studies were discussed in light of the socio-pragmatic theory and were contrasted with other previous research on this subject.

A participação dos atores universitários : um estudo do caso do Salão de Iniciação Científica da UFRGS

Silva, Jorge Paiva da January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem o propósito de analisar e refletir sobre a participação dos atores universitários, através de um estudo do caso do Salão de Iniciação Científica da UFRGS. Atores universitários aqui foram representados por professores, estudantes e técnicos. A proposta tem a preocupação com a inovação na educação superior. Trata-se de uma análise de fragmentos de percepções e perspectivas, que dão pistas a uma inovação na universidade, sendo esta em construção por aproximações à democracia participativa, incluindo estudantes, professores e técnicos. Entretanto, existe um contexto marcado pelo contraditório pela mediação da avaliação como um instrumento de controle na universidade, por conta da avaliação externa. Agentes externos do CNPq avaliam também o SIC, preocupados com a prestação de contas dos bolsistas PIBIC/CNPq. Ao mesmo tempo, há a avaliação educacional como um instrumento de construção do conhecimento e de responsabilidade democrática do conhecimento, avaliando outros sujeitos, como os voluntários em pesquisa. Por essa lógica de responsabilidade democrática, desafiamos o seu formato com aproximações da Avaliação Participativa (LEITE, 2005). Antes e depois do Salão de IC da UFRGS, também, as experiências nos falam de outros limites e possibilidades de participação dos atores universitários. Diante desse quadro complexo, procedemos à análise, interpretação e dialetização das potencialidades da participação, da democracia, da relação da universidade e sociedade através de percepções e perspectivas dos sujeitos universitários, engendrando os dados com o referencial teórico. Para o estudo do caso qualitativo do SIC, recortamos o período dos anos 2011 a 2013. Fizemos uso da análise documental e de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Pela análise do conteúdo, entrelaçamos o material empírico com o referencial teórico. Encontramos suporte teórico-epistemológico e conceitual em Denise Leite (como avaliações e Avaliação Participativa na universidade); Boaventura de Sousa Santos (refletindo sobre Democracia Participativa); Santo e Almeida-Filho (Universidade no Século XXI); e Joaquim Severino e Pedro Goergen (considerando a emergência de uma ética praxista em educação). Os resultados evidenciaram que o evento tem relevante importância aos sujeitos, mas que apresenta contradições. Na avaliação educacional, existem potencialidades a uma avaliação participativa. Houve avaliações externas e internas, apresentações públicas, regras estabelecidas para discutir o conhecimento produzido em pesquisa. Entretanto, quanto à premiação, os destaques são interessantes pelo mérito científico de quantos forem certificados, diferente do prêmio UFRGS Jovem, que é algo a ser repensado, enquanto discussão do valor meritocrático somente a um estudante. Nesse repensar, com relação ao processo decisório para a construção do SIC, técnicos e estudantes não participam da comissão organizadora do evento, ao passo que os professores acumulam diversas funções e papeis na universidade. Colocamos em evidência, também, os desafios aos rumos da virtualização da apresentação de pôsteres, antes físicos, agora virtuais. Apontamos benefícios significativos à avaliação interna, das bancas julgadoras, aproximando a sociedade do conhecimento produzido em pesquisa. Também tecemos considerações sobre as importantes contribuições das práticas de interação política e momentos de escuta ao outro enquanto avaliação educativa. Colocamos a questão da organização do momento “livre” de trocas de experiências, que precisa ser repensado. Sobre isso, colocamos a oportunidade da entrada do Salão de IC no conjunto de eventos da semana acadêmica do Salão UFRGS. Na medida em que identificamos o enfoque que se resumiu à divulgação coordenada do conhecimento, outras possibilidades interdisciplinares surgem como inovação pedagógica. Sendo esta pesquisa uma singela contribuição, o evento do tipo SIC é hoje uma realidade em todas as instituições beneficiárias do programa PIBIC/CNPq. Os resultados desta pesquisa não pretendem ser absolutos. Nossa intenção, acima de tudo, foi o de evidenciar um olhar sobre a questão de um evento que tem sua realização na semana acadêmica, mas implica desdobramentos como processo de formação científica durante o ano e desenvolvimento e aproveitamento curricular são certificados, sendo importante na aproximação da graduação com a pós-graduação. / This research aims to examine and get into reflections of university actors participation, through a case of study of the Salon of Initiative Science. University actors here were thought as professors, students and technicians. The subject concerns of some contribution for Higher Education innovation. It concerns of innovation in clusters, which get into closer contact from participating at the Salon of Initiative Science to a participative democracy. There is a context with some contradiction by evaluation mediation as a control instrument at the university, by the external assessment. The CNPq agents also assess the Salon of Initiative Science, in a sense of having the students to give account for their PIBIC/CNPq scholarships when presenting their works at the Salon. At the same time, there is an educations assessment as an instrument of knowledge construction and as a democratic responsibility, evaluating other individuals, like those volunteers for research. By this democratic responsibility logic, we think of the Participative Assessment contact. Before and after the Salon of Initiative Science of UFRGS, also, the set of experience has told us about limits and possibilities of participation. When we faced this complex frame, we had to proceed by examining, interpretating and dialectizing the participating potencial instance, the democracy, the university and society relationship, through perceptions and perspectives of the university actors. Through a qualitative case of study of this Salon, our piece of study was limited between years 2011 to 2013, we used document analysis and semistructured interviews. For the content analysis, we matched the empirical material and the theoretical reference. Then, we set the innovation movement construction, as they get closer or farther from the participative democracy reference. We were theoretical and epistemological and conceptual supported by Denise Leite (Evaluations, and Participative Evaluation at the university); Boaventura de Sousa Santos (reflecting of Participative Democracy); Santos and Almeida-Filho (University in the 21st Century); Joaquim Severino and Pedro Goergen (considering the necessity of the praxis ethics in education). The results showed that the event has relevant importance, but we faced some contradictions. By educational evaluation, there was potential for the Participative Evaluation. There were external and internal evaluations, the presentations were public, rules were set to discuss the knowledge produced by research. However, there is a merit logic that prizes students. On one hand, by the quality of works, students may be awarded. And they may be various or anyone. On the other hand, there is an award for the best one, the UFRGS Youth Prize. It was a competition among the best ones already selected. This evaluation is under questioned subject as meritocratic value only facing one student. Considering this discussion, the decision-making process for the Salon, students and technicians did not participate, only professors. On the other hand, professors have been increasing their tasks and duties and roles at the university. We set the significant benefit of internal evaluation, consisting of judging commissions, but also getting in contact with the society, making the knowledge available for them. We also commented on important contributions of practices of political interaction and moments of listening to others through educational evaluation. We also set to spot to challenge to virtual presentation of posters. We considered the end of free moment organized setting for exchange knowledge, as at the time of physical posters. Getting to known the Salon of Initiative Science was submitted to the set of events of the Academic Week of the Salon UFRGS, the focus necessarily went into coordinative publicization of the knowledge production. But we think new interdisciplinary ways may be on the spot as innovation for pedagogy. Considering this piece of research just one contribution, the Salon is today a reality in every institution which has the PIBIC/CNPq scholarship in Brazil. The results here do not intend to be absolute. However, above all, our intention was to give a glance at an event which happens every year through the academic week, but it is also a process through the year in which scientific formation, and development and credit addition curriculum are certificated, and important link between undergraduation and postgraduation.

Irregularidades sanitárias nas drogarias de Goiânia e aplicação com avaliação de uma ação educativa / Sanitary irregularities in drugstores in Goiânia and application with evaluation of an educational initiative

Moraes, Luciana Calil Samora de 27 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2014-11-18T12:37:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao - Luciana Calil Samora de Moraes - 2014.pdf: 2352150 bytes, checksum: fb38907e47d4bb3267ea7647c1c508b7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-11-18T13:32:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao - Luciana Calil Samora de Moraes - 2014.pdf: 2352150 bytes, checksum: fb38907e47d4bb3267ea7647c1c508b7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-18T13:32:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao - Luciana Calil Samora de Moraes - 2014.pdf: 2352150 bytes, checksum: fb38907e47d4bb3267ea7647c1c508b7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-27 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The Drugstores are places of great relevance because of services and products they make available to the community. The non-following of the sanitary laws and regulations which the drugstores are subject to can compromise the quality of services and products offered and harm the overall community health in which they are placed. It is responsibility of the Normative Institutions which oversight and regulate the sector to promote information and knowledge of the rules all the sector must abide to. The objective of this Study was to survey the drugstores in order to have a clear understanding of the main non-conformities and their causes. This way educational campaigns can be prepared to promote a better understanding and following of the legislation, and serve as a model for future actions of the Health Surveillance. The method of the Study consisted in analyzing 71 Intervention Cases related to Drugstores in the city of Goiania-GO that occurred between October of 2012 and October of 2013 analyzing the Before and After of these interventions. The Study was developed in three phases. 1º- check up of the level of obedience to the Sanitary Legislation by the Drugstores in Goiania. In order to raise information of the main irregularities, the demographics and social aspect, as well as the professional qualification of the Technician legally responsible for the Drugstore. 2º- promotion of Educational Workshops destined for the legally Responsible Technicians of the Drugstores participating in the study. 3º- overall evaluation of the Educational Initiative. The main non-conformities encountered were: lack of individual protection equipment(IPE´s) in 70,4% of the places and lack of Standard Operational Procedures(SOP) for discharge and use of IPE´s in 60,6%. Of the establishments that worked with prescription medicines of special control 37,3% were not sending the files to the ANVISA(National Oversight Sanitary Regulations Agency) accordingly. There were found erasures or lack of filling in 37,3% of the Drugstores surveyed in the study, and about 50% of the blanks on the forms, where filling was mandatory, were not properly filled , specially in regarding to antimicrobial medicine. The Educational Initiative was considered satisfactory when judging the reaction to the trainings and also the post training job performance. In regarding to learning, the right answers in the pre-test(before the training) were 271(61,18%) out of 450 questions, and in the post-test (after the training) were 368(81,78%) out of 450 questions evaluated. The study revealed the Drugstores in Goiania show many nonconformities in regarding to the sanitary legislation some of them of great sanitary risk to the community. The educational initiative in this study had a satisfactory reaction and there was a positive reaction to the application of what was learned. Also positive was the skills improvement of the technicians who participated in the Educational Initiative which shows the importance of such actions in order to promote knowledge on the nation´s Sanitary Regulations. / As drogarias são locais de grande relevância na oferta de produtos e serviços de saúde à comunidade. O não cumprimento das legislações sanitárias pertinentes ao setor de drogarias pode comprometer a qualidade dos produtos e serviços ofertados e causar prejuízos à saúde da população. Além de ações punitivas, cabe aos órgãos responsáveis pela regulamentação e fiscalização destes estabelecimentos, a promoção de informações e conhecimentos que auxiliem no cumprimento das legislações. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de realizar o levantamento das principais irregularidades em relação às legislações sanitárias nas drogarias de Goiânia e aplicar e avaliar uma ação educativa destinada aos responsáveis por estes estabelecimentos, com objetivo de promover melhorias no cumprimento das legislações sanitárias voltadas à regulamentação das drogarias e servir de modelo para ações futuras da Vigilância Sanitária. Foi realizado, no período de outubro de 2012 a outubro de 2013, um estudo de intervenção do tipo antes e depois junto a 71 drogarias localizadas na cidade de Goiânia-Goiás, desenvolvido em três etapas: 1ª) Diagnóstico sobre o cumprimento das legislações sanitárias pertinentes às drogarias de Goiânia, com o levantamento das principais irregularidades e do perfil sócio demográfico e profissiográfico dos responsáveis técnicos e/ou legais dos estabelecimentos. 2ª) Aplicação de uma ação educativa destinada aos responsáveis técnicos e/ou legais das drogarias inseridas no estudo, tomando como base informações obtidas a partir da fase do diagnóstico e 3ª) avaliação da ação educativa. Os resultados revelaram que as principais irregularidades encontradas na fase do diagnóstico foram: Falta de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI´s) em 70,4% dos estabelecimentos e falta de Procedimento Operacional Padrão (POP) para uso e descartes de EPI´s em 60,6%. Dos estabelecimentos que trabalhavam com medicamentos sob controle especial 37,3% estavam com o envio dos arquivos para a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA desatualizados. Foram verificadas rasuras ou campos sem preenchimento das receitas de 37,3% das drogarias e aproximadamente 50% dos estabelecimentos apresentaram problemas relacionados ao preenchimento dos campos obrigatórios para a dispensação de medicamentos antimicrobianos. A ação educativa realizada foi avaliada de forma satisfatória em níveis de reação e dos efeitos da ação no trabalho, na perspectiva dos treinados. Na avaliação da aprendizagem, o número de acertos no pré-teste foi de 271 itens (61,78%) e no pós-teste de 368 (81,78%) de um total de 450 itens avaliados. O diagnóstico inicial realizado demonstrou que as drogarias de Goiânia apresentam várias irregularidades em relação à legislação sanitária pertinente, sendo algumas de grande risco sanitário. A ação educativa realizada teve uma resposta de reação satisfatória ao treinamento e um efeito positivo quanto à aplicação dos conhecimentos adquiridos no trabalho e o questionário para avaliar a aprendizagem demonstrou que houve ganho de conhecimento por parte dos profissionais participantes da ação, reforçando a importância destas ferramentas como forma de atualização e disseminação do conhecimento e estímulo ao atendimento às normas preconizadas pela legislação sanitária do nosso país.

Intressentdialog och väsentlighetsanalys på Wästbygg : Hållbarhetsredovisning enligt det internationella ramverket GRI, Global Reporting Initiative / Stakeholder dialogue and  materiality analysis at Wastbygg : Sustainability reporting according to global standard GRI, Global Reporting Initiative

Carlsson, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Kraven från omvärlden om att företag ska ta ett aktivt ansvar för ett hållbart samhälle ökar hela tiden. Företagen ansvarar inte längre bara för att generera en god avkastning till sina aktieägare utan också för att agera för en hållbar utveckling. EU-direktivet som kom 2014 med krav på hållbarhetsredovisning i medlemsländerna införlivades i svensk lag den 1 december 2016 med start för räkenskapsåret 2017. Hållbarhetsredovisningen ska redogöra för hur företag arbetar med miljö, mänskliga rättigheter, sociala förhållanden och motverkande av korruption. Detta berör alla större företag i Sverige som för vart och ett av de två senaste räkenskapsåren uppfyller två av tre kriterier att ha överstigit; 350 miljoner kronor (40 miljoner Euro) i nettoomsättning, medeltalet anställda med 250 och en balansomslutning på 175 miljoner kronor (20 miljoner Euro). Wästbygg är ett entreprenad- och projektutvecklingsbolag som bygger och utvecklar logistikanläggningar, kommersiella fastigheter och bostäder. Företaget växer stadigt och har idag cirka 230 anställda. Nettoomsättningen uppnår till drygt 2 miljarder kronor. Inom de närmaste åren kommer man enligt lagen att behöva hållbarhetsredovisa. Syftet med magisteruppsatsen är att hjälpa Wästbygg att genomföra en intressentdialog och väsentlighetsanalys som är det inledande steget i en hållbarhetsredovisning enligt det internationella ramverket GRI. Resultatet ska visa på vilka hållbarhetsfrågor som intressenterna anser ska högst prioriteras och adresseras av Wästbygg. Detta kommer ligga till grund för Wästbyggs första hållbarhetsredovisning med ramverket GRI. Intressentdialogen genomfördes under våren 2017 genom webbaserad enkät, personliga intervjuer och dialog med blivande byggingenjörsstudenter. I väsentlighetsanalysen framkom det enhälligt att intressenterna anser att sociala aspekten hälsa och arbetsmiljö bör vara den högst prioriterade frågan för Wästbygg. Redan idag är frågan prioriterad då Wästbygg är ISO-certifierade enligt standarden för arbetsmiljö: OHSAS 18001. Andra hållbarhetsfrågor som intressenterna anser bör prioriteras av Wästbygg är de ekologiska aspekterna; utfasning av miljö- och hälsofarliga byggnadsmaterial och energieffektiva byggnader och byggarbetsplatser samt sociala aspekten etik och antikorruption.

Mitä lapsiryhmässä tapahtuu?:pienten lasten yhteistoiminta, sen rakentuminen ja kehittyminen spontaaneissa leikkitilanteissa

Kronqvist, E.-L. (Eeva-Liisa) 23 June 2004 (has links)
Abstract The study aimed at researching collaboration in a group of children under school age, its characteristics, organisation of activities and conflicts as well as the cultural and social routines developing through collaboration. The research problem was, firstly, how children's collaboration is organised and how it proceeds and which the characteristics of the organisation of the collaboration are. The characteristics of organisation refer to initiatives and responses to them, their consequences and results of action. Secondly, I wanted to study how the conflicts apparent in the activities are solved and what happens in action after a conflict is solved. Thirdly, the development of collaboration into social routines and differences in organisation between groups of differently aged children were studied. The theme of the study is connected with a research tradition in which children's development is seen in terms of participation in the social environment and the culturally conveyed world, its language, manners and habits. This study focused on children in their everyday activities, constructing their plays together, sharing activities and negotiating. The theoretical background of the study was based on sociocultural theories on one hand and a broad research tradition – systemic theories – on the other hand. Systemic theories also involve relational theories among which this study was contributed to especially by the conception of development and characteristics as relations as well as the significance of communication and collaborative regulation to control development. The collaborative situations that were studied were gathered from children's spontaneous play situations by means of videotaping. Samples containing phenomena under study were picked out from these materials. Then the data was divided into meaningful episodes of initiatives and conflicts that were analysed with a method designed for the analysis of video materials, searching for social routines uniform in content and theme built on the children's peer culture. According to the results, initiatives formed a small-scale yet impressive phenomenon that enabled the children to join in collaboration and with that in the sociocultural world. The children made plenty of initiatives, the most common of them being active verbal motions such as questions, proposals, commands and various motions related to play. There was an active response to these initiatives, but a remarkable number of them were also ignored. Most of the conflicts were connected with the use of things and toys. A strategy to maintain the collaborative relationship was most often chosen to solve them. The study revealed six different social routines in the children's peer culture. The most common social routine was sociodramatic play that is characterised by regular taking of turns in the collaboration, a long duration and positive results. The study also compared the initiatives, responses and conflicts of younger and older children. It was observed that non-verbal action in negotiation situations and the strategy of ignorance in conflicts were more typical of younger than older children. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia pienten, alle kouluikäisten lasten ryhmässä tapahtuvaa yhteistoimintaa, sen piirteitä, toiminnan organisoitumista ja konflikteja sekä yhteistoiminnassa kehittyviä kulttuurisia ja sosiaalisia rutiineja. Tutkimusongelmina olivat ensinnäkin miten lasten yhteistoiminta organisoituu ja etenee sekä millaisia piirteitä yhteistoiminnan organisoitumisessa ilmenee. Organisoitumiseen liittyvillä piirteillä tarkoitettiin aloitteita ja niihin annettuja vastauksia, näiden seuraantoja sekä toiminnan tuloksia. Toiseksi haluttiin tutkia miten toiminnassa ilmenevät konfliktit ratkaistaan ja mitä toiminnassa tapahtuu konfliktien ratkaisemisen jälkeen. Kolmanneksi tutkittiin yhteistoiminnan kehittymistä sosiaalisiksi rutiineiksi ja mitä eroja organisoitumisessa on eri-ikäisten lasten ryhmissä. Tutkimus liittyy teemallisesti tutkimusperinteeseen, jossa lasten kehittyminen nähdään osallisuutena sosiaaliseen ympäristöön sekä kulttuurisesti välittyneeseen maailmaan, sen kieleen, tapoihin ja tottumuksiin. Tämän tutkimuksen kohteina olivat lapset omassa arkipäivässään, rakentamassa yhteisiä leikkejä ja toimintaa jakaen ja neuvotellen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta perustui toisaalta sosiokulttuurisiin teorioihin ja toisaalta toiseen laajaan tutkimusperinteeseen – systeemisiin teorioihin. Systeemisiin teorioihin liittyvät myös relationaaliset teoriat, joista tähän tutkimukseen nousi erityisesti näkemys kehityksestä ja ominaisuuksista suhteina sekä kommunikaation ja yhteistoiminnallisen säätelyn kehitystä ohjaava merkitys. Tutkitut yhteistoimintatilanteet kerättiin lasten spontaaneista leikkitilanteista havainnoimalla käyttäen videointia apuna. Kerätystä aineistosta poimittiin tutkimukseen sellaiset otokset, joissa esiintyi tutkittavia ilmiöitä. Sen jälkeen aineisto jaettiin merkityksellisiin aloite- ja konfliktiepisodeihin, joita analysoitiin videomateriaalin analyysin tarkoitetulla menetelmällä ja hakien sisällöllisesti ja teemallisesti yhtenäisiä lasten vertaiskulttuuriin rakentuvia sosiaalisia rutiineja. Tulosten mukaan aloitteet muodostivat pienimuotoisen, mutta kuitenkin vaikuttavan ilmiön, joka mahdollisti lapsille liittymisen yhteistoimintaan ja sitä kautta sosiokulttuuriseen maailmaan. Lapset tekivät runsaasti aloitteita, joista yleisimpiä olivat aktiiviset kielelliset aloitteet kuten kysymykset, ehdotukset, käskyt sekä erilaiset leikkialoitteet. Aloitteisiin vastattiin aktiivisesti, mutta myös huomattavan paljon niistä jätettiin huomiotta. Suurin osa konflikteista liittyi esineisiin tai leikkivälineiden käyttöön. Niiden ratkaisemiseksi valittiin useimmiten yhteistoimintasuhdetta ylläpitävä strategia. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin kuusi erilaista lasten vertaiskulttuurin sosiaalista rutiinia. Eniten esiintynyt sosiaalinen rutiini oli sosiodraamallinen leikki, jota luonnehti säännöllinen vuorottelu yhteistoiminnassa, pitkä kesto sekä myönteiset tulokset. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin myös pienten ja isojen lasten aloitteita, vastauksia ja konflikteja havaittiin, että pienille oli tyypillisempää ei-kielellinen toiminta neuvottelutilanteissa ja huomiotta jättämisen strategia konfliktitilanteissa kuin isommille lapsille.

Posouzení zájmu o dobrodružné aktivity u žáků 2. stupně ZŠ / Evaluation of pupils' interest in adventure activities during school physical education lessons

Kabrnová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of pupils' interest in adventure activities during school physical education lessons Objectives: The aim of the master thesis is to evaluate the interest in adventurous activities of pupils aged 11 to 15 at the Elementary school Bronzová in Prague, based on a set up adventurous program. Methods: The research sample consisted of 145 pupils, aged 11 to 15, 78 girls and 67 boys. Data were gathered by a questionnaire, which included closed, semi-closed and open questions addressed to pupils. Further data were collected by teachers' observation. Gathered data were recorded in writing, graphically processed and evaluated. Results: Results showed that pupils were actively involved in the adventurous programme and were interested in adventurous activities within the physical education lessons. They have experienced the greatest adventure on the obstacles and during trust activities. Pupils do not seek adventurous activities during their free time. Keywords: adventure, experience, adventure education, initiative games, adventure programme

Effect of Adherence to the GOLD Guidelines on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Related Readmissions in a Community Hospital

Binder, William, Clark, Scott, Hall, Edina, Salek, Ferena, Glover, Jon January 2016 (has links)
Class of 2016 Abstract / Objectives: To assess the relationship between adherence to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations and the corresponding 30-day, all-cause readmissions rate in a community hospital. Methods: A retrospective chart review was conducted on patients admitted with the primary diagnosis of a COPD exacerbation. Medications administration records relevant to the GOLD guidelines were examined as separate independent variables in relation to a readmission within 30 days of discharge. Additional factors examined included: demographic data, resident of a long-term care facility, pre-index hospitalization, pulmonary consult, vaccines, length of stay (LOS), discharge medications, and follow-up appointments. Results: Electronic health records of 120 patients were reviewed and divided into non-readmitted patients (n = 65, mean age 73.4 ± 10.1 years), all-cause readmissions (n = 55, mean age 70.15 ± 9.69 years), and COPD-related readmissions (n = 21, mean age 70.7 ± 11.1 years). Patients with heart failure (p = 0.024), a LOS >5 days (p = 0.045), a pre-index hospitalization (p = 0.001), or who were long-term care residents (p = 0.024) experienced more all-cause readmissions. Females experienced less all-cause readmissions (p = 0.035). Significantly more patients with a pre-index hospitalization had a COPD-related readmission (p = 0.027). Lastly, adherence to the GOLD treatment parameters was not significantly different across all groups. Conclusions: COPD is a complex disease and adherence to the GOLD guidelines during an exacerbation is unlikely to significantly impact 30-day readmission rates.

Assessment of the quality of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance data in the World Health Organization African Region

Shaba, Keith January 2012 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Poliomyelitis (polio) is an infectious disease of high public health importance. In 1988, the World Health Organization (WHO) set the goal of polio eradication worldwide through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). A threeyear period of zero indigenous wild poliovirus in all countries, in the presence of highquality acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance, is the basis of an independent commission’s determination of when a WHO region or a country can be certified as polio free. AFP surveillance being one of the critical elements in polio eradication campaign, aims to report and investigate all cases of acute flaccid paralysis occurring in children aged less than 15 years using clinical, epidemiological and laboratory methods. The information collected is cleaned and entered, into a database and maintained in EPI Info format at the WHO country office of each of the 46 countries, the three sub regional offices or Inter country Support Teams (IST) offices and the WHO African Regional Office. In addition, data from sixteen polio laboratories in various African countries maintain records of the laboratory findings and results of confirmed polio cases. The quality of data generated through AFP surveillance and maintained in the African regional data base has not been critically and systematically reviewed and documented. This study therefore was designed to gather information and document the quality of AFP data base, a key component of the global polio eradication effort. A cross-sectional descriptive study involving the retrospective review of clinical and laboratory databases of AFP surveillance over a five year period (2004 - 2008) was designed. In this study, databases of CIFs containing clinical and laboratory data from AFP cases reported from all 46 countries of the WHO African Region comprising of 57,619 clinical and 59,843 laboratory records were critically reviewed.

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