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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos komandos organizavimo ugdymo institucijose prielaidos / The organizing of Team work for Social pedagogical Help in the Educational institutions

Žemaitytė, Giedrė 09 June 2004 (has links)
New challenges and possibilities for society, traditional attitude, emphasising the importance of factual knowledge, does not fit the developing society and its activity needs. In educational institutions education, orientied to special skills, abilities and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, exausted its possibilities in attitude of modified requirements of activity system and the needs of society. Developing a social service system for children and families, the subject matter of students’ social favour needs becomes very topical and important while foreseeing the organisation forms, trends, modes and methods of social aid at school. Society and different state institutions, as well as education system, consider the needs of social aid at school to be a certain generally acknowled problem that has eventually to be solved. This problem is undesirable and menaces for the future in Lithuania. This conditioned the introduction of shifts of social educationists. The purpose of those educationists are to help to work productively with children and families which experience social risk, children with special needs, also to take up the activity of the prevention of alcoholism and drug-addiction as waell as healthy way of living and others. School in society is highly respected for developing functional skills, for the preparation for a professional career and forming the nationalism. While solving complicated maturity, social intergration, healthy way of living, social... [to full text]

Knygotyros branda ir vaidmuo Lietuvos moksle / The maturity of book science and its role in science of lithuania

Liepaitė, Inga 09 July 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – Lietuvos knygotyra nuo XIX amžiaus pradžios iki šių dienų. Darbo tikslas – atskleisti Lietuvos knygotyros brandą ir vaidmenį bendrame šalies mokslų sistemos kontekste. Darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti svarbiausių ir reikšmingiausių knygotyros organizaciją ir struktūrą formuojančių institucijų veiklą; išanalizuoti tęstinį mokslo darbų leidinį „Knygotyra“ ir knygotyros renginius; išryškinti žymiausius Lietuvos knygotyros kūrėjus ir per jų veikalus atskleisti pagrindines atitinkamu laikotarpiu jų darbuose vyravusias mokslo idėjas bei koncepcijas ir jų kaitą; taikant ekspertų anketinės apklausos metodą, įvertinti šiuolaikinės knygotyros būklę ir atskleisti ją sąlygojančius veiksnius bei aplinkybes, taip pat nustatyti ekspertų nuomonių atitikimo laipsnį tiriamuoju klausimu, siejant jį su objektyviai egzistuojančios tikrovės reiškiniais. Naudojantis publikuotų ir nepublikuotų šaltinių analizės, istoriografiniu, lyginamuoju, statistinės duomenų analizės, bibliografiniu ir ekspertų vertinimo metodais, prieita prie išvados, kad Lietuvos knygotyra yra brandus mokslas ir turi tarptautinės reikšmės statusą. Stipri mokslo tradicijų ir pagrindinių idėjų perimamumo tendencija leidžia kalbėti apie nacionalinės knygotyros mokyklos susiformavimą. Knygotyros brandą ir jos mokyklos egzistavimą liudija tokie požymiai kaip susiformavusi knygotyros institucinė sistema, tarptautinį pripažinimą pelnęs tęstinis mokslo darbų leidinys „Knygotyra“, užsienio mokslininkų aukštai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Book science has old and deep traditions in Lithuania. At the beginning of the 19th century book science has become the object of scientific discussions not only in Europe but also in Lithuania. There are two main periods of book science – primary and theoretical. It is important also to take note of period of modern book science which has been developing from 1990. The science and its creators have significant achievements which should be summed up. The object of this work is Lithuanian book science from the beginning of the 19th century to these days. The purpose is to show the maturity of book science and its role in the general context of sciences system of Lithuania. The main tasks are: to analyse the activity of the most important and significant institutions which are forming the organization ant structure of book science; to analyse the continuous publication “Knygotyra” and international conferences of book science which are organized in Lithuania; to bring out the foremost creators of Lithuanian book science and to show the main ideas and conceptions which were dominating in their studies as well alternation of that ideas and conceptions in particular period by appealing to their studies; to sum up the state of modern book science and show the factors conditioning it. There were used the methods of analysis of published and not published sources, historiographical, comparative, statistical analysis of data, bibliographical and estimation of experts methods in this... [to full text]

Viešojo administravimo etika Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje / Ethics of public administration in EU and Lithuania institutions

Dumbliauskaitė, Ieva 22 June 2005 (has links)
In final MA degree work it is reviewed ethics place in public administration institutions of EU and Lithuania, identified some problems and possible treats, discussed some EU ethics aspects in forming policy and examined the acknowledged common ethics principles, values and standards of EU. In the work it is estimated EU influence and new challenges upon ethics of Lithuania office employees after she became EU member. As well it is analyzed ethics infrastructure and its establishment development in public administration and government of state of Lithuania. It was attempt to look at office employee real values from the point of view of the current situation and values to be strived for after municipalities and ministries employee questioning. Summarizing findings some attention should be attract to the fact that in public administration system of Lithuania we feel the absence of ethics values emphasized in European Union, and there is need for office employees professional ethics improvement. In the work some appropriate recommendations for establishing and improving ethical infrastructure (conduct code, anticorruption services, ethic education and so on) in the Republic of Lithuania are presented.

Savivaldos institucijų socialinės paslaugos / Social services provided by local authorities

Petkūnienė, Rima 19 December 2006 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti ir įvertinti savivaldos institucijų teikiamų socialinių paslaugų šeimai efektyvumą ir kokybę, išryškinti socialinių paslaugų teikimo problemas praktiniu aspektu ir pateikti siūlymus šioms problemoms spręsti. Darbe keliama hipotezė, jog savivaldos institucijos neužtikrina aukšto teikiamų socialinių paslaugų šeimai kokybės ir efektyvumo lygio dėl nepakankamo socialinių paslaugų prieinamumo ir individualizavimo bei orientacijos į finansinę paramą, per mažai dėmesio skiriant alternatyvių paslaugų teikimui. Atlikus Lietuvos teisės aktų socialinių paslaugų srityje analizę ir išsiaiškinus bei įvertinus socialinės paramos šeimai sistemą Vilniaus ir Kauno miestų savivaldybėse, iškelta hipotezė pasitvirtino tik nevienodu mastu. Vertinant socialinių paslaugų sistemą nustatyta, kad Lietuvoje sukurtas nemažas socialinių paslaugų tinklas, tačiau kol kas šio tinklo aprėptumas, paslaugų įvairovė bei kokybė nėra pakankami. Socialinės apsaugos išlaidų struktūroje didelė dalis tenka piniginėms išmokos ir per maža socialinėms paslaugoms, konsultacijoms, užimtumo skatinimo priemonėms. Nėra pakankamas socialinių paslaugų individualizavimas, pastebimas socialinių darbuotojų trūkumas. Šiose srityse labiausiai pasigendama atitikimo teisės aktų keliamiems reikalavimams lygio augimo. / The aim of the work is to analyze and assess the effectiveness and quality of social services provided for families by local authorities, to demonstrate the practical aspect of problems of the provision of social services and to give suggestions concerning solutions to these problems. The work formulates a hypothesis that local authorities do not ensure high quality and effectiveness of social services provided for families due to limited availability and individualization of social services as well as orientation towards financial support, and due to insufficient attention to the provision of alternative services. The analysis of Lithuania’s legislation in the field of social services and the examination as well as evaluation of the system of social assistance for families in Vilnius and Kaunas City Municipalities have proved the hypothesis made, just to a differing extent. The assessment of the system of social services has shown that Lithuania has quite a large network of social services, however, the coverage of the network, and a variety and quality of services are not yet sufficient. Cash benefits make up a considerable portion of social security costs, whereas social services, consultations and measures promoting employment take up a too small portion. Individualization of social services is not adequate and a shortage of social workers can be observed. These fields mostly lack growth in the level of fulfilment of requirements set by legislation.

Miesto gyventojų požiūris į kultūros institucijų veiklą / The attitude of the inhabitants of the city towards the activities of culture and art institutions

Čepukienė, Danguolė 07 June 2005 (has links)
Nowadays Lithuanian society is dynamic and rapidly developing. Culture is like the system of values created by a human being. It integrates a public process of political, social, economical development and is able to accelerate social and economical development of the country. Institutions forming cultural processes find themselves in the crossing of the above-mentioned processes. The sociological survey on culture needs are needed not only to describe the state of culture but also to determine the changes, the tendency of public needs to be developed, the peculiarities of activities of culture institutions in the community of a city, useful contacts and culture perspectives. In improving the activities of culture institutions, it is very important to pay attention to a subjective aspect- the possibilities of human development. In order to determine the public needs for culture, the attitude towards the activities of culture and art institutions, the status of city culture, to determine the negative and positive evaluations of cultural activities, the research was implemented. During the survey, 200 inhabitants of Panevėžys City of 16-61 years old were interviewed. The hypothesis was raised- if the attention is paid to the opinion of inhabitants to the activities of culture and art institutions, the status of city culture, the peculiarities of activities of culture and art institutions in the community of the city, useful contacts and the perspectives of culture could be... [to full text]

Galimybių regioniniame mieste tenkinti bendruomenės sociokultūrinius poreikius studija / Study of the possibilities to meet the social-cultural needs of the community in the regional town

Stankevičienė, Laima 24 September 2008 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. 2000 m. Europos viršūnių susitikime Lisabonoje buvo priimta Strategija, kurios tikslas – pasiekti, kad ES per dešimtmetį taptų konkurencingiausia ir dinamiškiausia ekonomika pasaulyje, pajėgi darniai augti. Viena iš sąlygų – stiprinant socialinę sanglaudą. Todėl ir Lietuvoje dėmesys turėtų būti sutelktas į vieną iš svarbiausių sričių – žmoniškųjų išteklių ugdymą, investicijas į žmogų. Bendruomenė – viena svarbiausių socialinio gyvenimo savivaldos, bendradarbiavimo, socialinių subjektų bendradarbiavimo, kūrybiškumo, iniciatyvumo, vertybinio mąstymo ugdymo terpė. Kultūrinė (dvasinė) struktūra užtikrina kultūrinių – estetinių, dvasinių, aukštesnių vertybių patenkinimą. Todėl šioje studijoje bandėme diagnozuoti ir nurodyti galimybes kaip regioniniame mieste galima tenkinti bendruomenės sociokultūrinius poreikius. Prasminga bendruomenės sociokultūrinė veikla gali padėti kurti vieningą, tikslingą veiklą įprasminančią aukštesnėmis vertybėmis pagrįstą bendradarbiavimo, partnerystės sistemą. Bendruomenėje, kitose visuomenės sferose reikšmingus darbus gali nuveikti vadybos pagrindus gavęs kvalifikuotas socialinis darbuotojas, gebantis kritiškai, analitiškai mąstyti, bendradarbiauti ir mokyti kitus dirbti komandoje, būti pokyčių skatintoju. Vertindami Lietuvos regioninę politiką turime konstatuoti, kad periferijoje esančių bendruomenei įtaką darančių kultūros židinių (sociokultūrinių institucijų) veiklos, tenkinant ir ugdant bendruomenės poreikius, problema yra labai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the theme: European leaders approved the Strategy at Lisabon meeting in 2000. The goal of the strategy is to achieve that EU becomes the most competitive and dynamic economic of the world which is capable to grow harmoniously. One of the conditions is to strengthen the social cohesion. Therefore, the attention should be focused on one of the most significant sectors, i.e. on the development of human resources and on the investments into human, in Lithuania too. Purpose of the research is to provide study of the possibilities to meet the social-cultural needs of the community in the regional town Tasks of the research: 1. To reveal the intensity of the community’s cultural life; 2. To reveal the involvement of the youths in the activity of the social-cultural institutions. 3. To present the role of the social-cultural institutions and their activity possibilities in the regional towns. 4. To reveal the strategy of common activity of the social-cultural authorities. Hypothesis: The developmental interaction with the community would be much more effective if the common strategy of the activity of social-cultural institutions would be established in regional town. Methodical provisions and methods of the research: Culture is a system of values which can be acquired, formed, received and transferred. Person operates in particular environment as subject and object, therefore he/she has influence and create himself/herself. Therefore the relations of the... [to full text]

ES institucijų sąveika su interesų grupėmis / The interaction between EU interest groups and EU institutions

Martusevičius, Andrius 04 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe analizuojama ES interesų grupių sąveika su ES institucijomis. Aiškinamasi, kaip, kodėl ir kur interesų grupės veikia, ką atstovauja ir ar atstovaujami Lietuvos organizacijų interesai Europos Sąjungoje. Darbo tikslas – EP ir EK sąveikų su interesų grupėmis įvertinimas. Darbo tikslui pasiekti iškeliami šeši uždaviniai. Pirmiausiai, siekiama išanalizuoti ES veikiančių interesų grupių veiklą. Ištirti interesų grupių santykį su Europos Komisija ir Europos Parlamentu, išanalizuoti ES interesų grupių veiklos reguliavimą bei EK ir EP interesų grupių registrus, atskleisti Lietuvos organizacijų interesų atstovavimą ES. Darbe naudojami aprašomasis, analitinis, statistinės analizės ir kokybinio tyrimo pusiau struktūruoto interviu metodai. Po Bendrosios rinkos sukūrimo jaučiamas interesų grupių suaktyvėjimas ES lygmenyje, kas buvo įtakota europeizacijos ir eurointegracijos faktorių. Interesų grupės veikia EK, EP ir ET sprendimus. ES teigiamai atsiliepia apie interesų grupes, kadangi jos padeda spręsti „demokratijos stokos“ problemą. Aktyviausios interesų grupės yra teisėkūros stadijoje, kuomet siekiama pakreipti įstatymo svarstymus reikiama linkme. Labiausiai veikiamas interesų grupių veiklos laukas yra EK. EK pagal suteiktas funkcijas turi lemiamą vaidmenį ES politikos formavime. EK turi didelę patirtį bendraujant su interesų grupėmis ir yra priklausoma dėl jų teikiamos informacijos. EP neturi tokių funkcijų kaip EK, todėl nėra toks svarbus interesų grupėms. EP tampa svarbiu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis analyzes interaction between EU interest groups and EU institutions. It explains how, why and where interest groups operate, what they represent, and whether the interests of Lithuanian organizations are represented in the European Union. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate interaction of interest groups with EP and EC. In order to reach this objective six tasks have been set. First of all, the activity of EU operating interest groups is considered. Also, the thesis studies the relation of interest groups with the European Commission and the European Parliament, the regulation of the activity of EU interest groups, the registers of EC and EP interest groups, and the representation of Lithuanian organizations in EU. In the thesis the following methods are used: descriptive method, analytical method, the method of statistical analysis, and the method of quality research semi-structured interview. After the creation of the common market, interest groups have become more active, which has been caused by such factors as europeization and euro-integration. Interest groups influence the decisions of EC, EP and ET. EU has a favorable opinion about interest groups, because they help to solve the problem of “the lack of democracy”. Interest groups are most active in the stage of the law establishment, when they seek to influence the formation of laws. The sphere where interest groups are most active is EC. By its functions EC plays a key role in the formation of EU... [to full text]

Tarybos reglamentas (EB) Nr. 2201/2003 dėl jurisdikcijos ir teismo sprendimų, susijusių su santuoka ir tėvų pareigomis, pripažinimo bei vykdymo, panaikinantis reglamentą (EB) Nr. 1347/2000, ir jo įtaka Lietuvos civiliniam procesui / The council regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement judgements in matrimonial matters and the matters of paternal responsibilities, repealing regulation (EC) No. 1347/200, and its influence to lithuanian civil procedure

Lemeševas, Vladislavas 08 January 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe „Tarybos reglamentas (EB) Nr. 2201/2003 dėl jurisdikcijos ir teismo sprendimu, susijusiu su santuoka ir tėvų pareigomis, pripažinimo bei vykdymo, panaikinantis Reglamentą (EB) Nr. 1347/2000, ir jo įtaką Lietuvos civiliniam procesui“ nagrinėjamos šio ES teisės akto priėmimo priežastys, tikslai, taikymo sritis bei jo įtaka Lietuvos civiliniam procesui. Analizuojamas ES valstybių narių teismu jurisdikcijos nustatymo reglamentavimas, taip pat teismu sprendimu pripažinimo bei vykdymo taisyklės. Aptariami atvejai, kuomet teismu sprendimai pripažįstami bei vykdomi be exequatur procedūros. Dėmesys skiriamas ir centrinių institucijų bendradarbiavimo klausimu analizei. Darbe nagrinėjamos Briuselio IIa Reglamento galiojimo laike, erdvėje ir asmenų atžvilgiu problemos, kadangi jų tinkamai neįvertinus galimi netinkami šio ES teisės akto taikymo atvejai. Pabrėžiama, jog Briuselio IIa Reglamento netaikomas Danijai. Analizuojama Briuselio IIa Reglamento įtaka Lietuvos civiliniam procesui, akcentuojant, jog Briuselio IIa Reglamentas sudaro realias galimybes tam tikrus ES valstybių narių teismų sprendimus pripažinti vykdytinais ir juos vykdyti Lietuvoje be exequatur procedūros. Aptariamas Briuselio IIa Reglamento ir LR CPK juridinės galios klausimas. / In Master‘s thesis “The Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement judgements in matrimonial matters and the matters of paternal responsibilities, repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1347/200, and its influence to Lithuanian civil procedure“ the reasons of the enactment of this EU legal act, its purposes, the scope of regulation and its influence to Lithuanian civil procedure is analyzed. The reglamentation of jurisdiction of EU member states courts, as well as the rules of the courts decisions recognition and enforcement are analyzed. Specified issues, when the courts‘ decisions are recognized and enforced without exequatur procedure. Some attention is put on the analysis of the cooperation of the central institutions. In the thesis the problems of the application of the Regulation to the persons, its validity in time and space are analyzed, because the ascertation of these questions is important for proper application of this Regulation. It is emphasized, that the Regulation is not applied to Denmark. The influence of Brussels’ IIbis Regulation to Lithuanian civil procedure is analyzed, emphasizing that Brussels’ IIbis Regulation constitute real opportunities some EU members states decisions recognize and enforce in Lithuania without exequatur procedure. The question of legal power of Brussels’ IIbis Regulation and Lithuanian code of the civil procedure is analyzed.

Organizacinio klimato raiškos ypatumai aukštojo (universitetinio) mokslo institucijoje: diagnostinis aspektas / Peculiarities of Organizational Climate Expression in Institution of Higher Education (University): Diagnostic Approach

Obrikytė, Žaneta 12 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the paper is to analyse the expression of organizational climate in institution of higher education (university), i.e. in a chosen division (faculty) and its work teams (3 departments and the dean’s office) while using a full standardized test of climate crisis created and adapted by G. Merkys et al. (2005), retest the expression of humanistic approach towards human resource management. This Master’s paper is an independent part of a collegial diagnostic research project reflecting and systematizing the theoretical peculiarities of organizational climate concepts of different Lithuanian and foreign authors, emphasizing organizational climate and organizational culture differences in human resource management and organizational psychology; applying the specific methodological aspects of the concrete institution and its work teams; reasoning the data processed by typical SPSS program. The scientific research hypothesis that the organizational climate in institution of higher education (university) is uneven, uncongenial, therefore, demanding some specific managerial intervention has been proved partly. On May 4th, 2006 the author took part in the 6th conference for Junior Researchers “Urgent Issues of Economics and Management” organized by Šiauliai University, Faculty of Social Sciences, and read the article: “Organizational Climate Concept Treatment in Management and Organizational Psychology”.

Pagyvenusių žmonių griuvimų rizikos įvertinimas ilgalaikės globos institucijose / Falls risk assessment among elderly in long-term care institutions

Spirgienė, Lina 19 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate fall risk and predisposing factors for fall among the residents in long-term care institutions. Methods. Elderly care homes residents 48 men (mean ± SD, 78,6±7,0) and 101 women (mean ± SD, 81,6±6,4), all 149 residents, participated in the study. For investigation a questionnaire was used, which was made according literature and including following instruments: Environmental Falls Audit Tool – Individual, Falls Risk Assessment Tool and Risk Factor Checklist, Mini Mental State Examination. Results. The most frequently diseases among men and women were heart and vascular (89,6 % and 92,1 %) and eyes diseases (70,8 % and 75,2 %). Ambulatory aid was needed for a half of all residents (54,4 %); ambulatory aid, which respondents didn’t want to used were three times common for women than men (p=0,007). Most residents had low fall risk (72,5 %), but high fall risk was more common in women (14,9 %) than men group (4,2 %); there were no significant difference between groups. High fall risk significantly dominated among the residents older than 85 year in comparison with 65-74 and 75-84 year age groups. Residents who had lower education (p<0,001), were older (p=0,005) and took more medications (p=0,002) had higher fall risk scores evaluated by Fall Risk Assessment Tool. Residents who had such risk factors as unsafe mobility, over-reaches transfer, forgot gait aids, observed behavioural agitation, disorientation had more medium-high fall risk... [to full text]

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