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La conception de la justice selon Paul Ricœur : vers une réhabilitation phronétique de la reconnaissance / The conception of Justice in Paul Ricœur : towards a phronetic rehabilitation of recognitionNasr, Karine 07 June 2010 (has links)
Toute l’histoire humaine, dans son individualité ou sa collectivité, dénote la présence d’un sens de la justice qui se confirme universellement, dans tout espace-temps, même s’il s’affirme, paradoxalement, par une dénonciation de tout ce qui est vécu comme injuste. Notre choix s’est limité à la conception de la justice selon Paul Ricœur. Notre problématique se poserait ainsi : Dans quelle mesure la justice, aussi bien juridique que sociale et politique, saurait-elle réconcilier cette dialectique de l’universel et de l’historique ? Et, par conséquent, dans quelle mesure la justice telle qu’elle se déploierait à travers cette dialectique serait-elle une justice de reconnaissance, une justice qui serait plus juste parce qu’elle reconnaîtrait aussi la valeur d’une loi que la dignité de la personne ? Par ailleurs, Ricœur considère que pour étudier la justice, il faut passer d’un cercle concentrique à un autre. L’évolution des chapitres suivra l’élargissement de ces cercles. Le premier chapitre se focalisera sur leur point centre qui gravite autour des deux notions de la personne et de la justice. Le deuxième chapitre développera le premier cercle qui se limite à l’institution judiciaire et au droit pénal. Le troisième chapitre développera la notion de la justice de l’action à l’institution. C’est le cercle de la justice civile, le deuxième cercle concentrique. Le troisième cercle de la justice s’étayera sur les quatrième et cinquième chapitres. Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous nous intéresserons à la justice procédurale, à la formalisation d’un sens de la justice chez Rawls. Le cinquième chapitre débouchera sur une conception de la justice dans son rapport au pluralisme selon la philosophie de Michael Walzer et la thèse de Luc Boltanski et Laurent Thévenot. Le sixième chapitre développera la justice comme une « sagesse pratique ». La conclusion répondra à la question si la justice est reconnaissance. Nous passerons en revue la reconnaissance juridique, la reconnaissance sociale et la reconnaissance politique. / All the human history, in its individuality or its collectivity, shows the presence of a sense of Justice that is confirmed in every space-time even if it’s paradoxically affirmed by a denunciation of every unfair issue. Our choice is limited to the conception of Justice according to Paul Ricœur. The problematic statement would be the following: To what extent would the justice, either legal or social or political, be able to settle this universal and historical dialectic? Thus, to what extent would the justice, as it would be deployed through this dialectic, be a justice of recognition, a justice that would be fairer because it recognizes the law of a value as well as the dignity of a person? Moreover, Ricœur considers that, in order to study justice, one must pass from a concentric circle to another. The chapters’ progress follows these circles’ enlargement. The first chapter will focus on their center point which revolves around the notions of Person and Justice. The second chapter will develop the first circle which is limited to the judiciary institution and to the penal code. The third chapter will develop the notion of Justice from action to institution. This is the circle of the civil justice, the second concentric circle. The third circle of Justice will be expanded to the fourth and fifth chapters. In the fourth chapter, we will discuss the procedural justice, the formalization of a sense of Justice according to Rawls. The fifth chapter will be treating the conception of Justice in its pluralism according to Michael Walzer’s philosophy and Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thevenot’s thesis. The sixth chapter will develop the Justice as a “practical wisdom”. The conclusion will answer to the question if Justice is recognition. We will review the legal recognition, the social recognition and the political recognition.
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Länge leve dagens idrottsrörelse! : En studie om specialidrottsförbundens förändringsbenägenhetArvidsson, Erik, Lundell, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The Swedish sports movement has in recent years raised an age related drop-out problematic. Just like their Scandinavian neighbours the Swedish sports movement appeal less adolescent participants as they grow older. This was largely explained by scholars and the Swedish sports movement as a competitive rationale. Therefore The Swedish Sports Confederation (Riksidrottsförbundet) has introduced a subject of change to become a more inclusive sports movement where people can exercise independently of their competitive commitment. The purpose of the study was to investigate how the national sports associations will manage members’ lifelong commitment to sport. Attitudes to changes was evaluated through the use of interviews with executives and employees in the national sports associations in order to know how the suggested changes will be received. Overall, the participants present elements of a strong competitive culture that tries to prevent the proposed change. Some aspects consisted of time consuming processes, conflicts and differentiated organizing ideas within all organizations. Even though many sports associations argue they have challenging conditions, there are people within the organizations who try to neglect a competitive sports ideal. New forms of ideas might still attract more people to organized sports movement. The main conclusion is that the competitive logic is maintained within the national sports associations. Change of the sports movement’s behaviour patterns will always act in comparison to the historically competitive rationale and therefore also be influenced by it.
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L'appartenance à un réseau de distribution : contribution à l'étude des réseaux / The membership in a distribution network : contribution to the study of networksRichard, Sophie-Anna 24 November 2012 (has links)
Qu'est-ce qu'un réseau de distribution ? L'interrogation peut surprendre tant cette notion semble aujourd'hui incontournable. Pourtant force est de constater que la notion de réseau de distribution n'est pas encore parvenue à faire consensus. La première partie de la recherche a pour objectif d'éprouver chacun des fondements proposés. Fondé sur un groupe de contrats, il dévoile son aspect institutionnel à travers l'existence de normes privées, de relations de pouvoir et du partage d'une identité. Ces éléments invitent à y voir une communauté organisée autour d'un intérêt commun ayant une existence distincte de celle des membres. Pourtant, l'analyse du réseau de distribution empêche de considérer qu'il constitue une telle communauté. Dès lors, la recherche de la nature juridique du réseau de distribution permet d'avancer que cette notion est irréductible aux catégories juridiques existantes. La deuxième partie de la recherche affirme les particularismes de la notion. Le réseau de distribution est caractérisé par une synergie originale. Son régime juridique se construit sur un arbitrage entre les divers intérêts concernés par l'existence de cette structure. Ces constats permettent d'avancer qu'il constitue une notion propice à l'élaboration d'une catégorie juridique regroupant les organisations multipartites qui, fondées sur un groupe de contrats et une relation de pouvoir sans subordination, sont caractérisées par une synergie consistant en une affectation de moyens matériels et humains au développement simultané d'une activité économique globale et des activités de chacun des membres, créant une complémentarité, entre leurs intérêts personnels convergents mais différents, source d'un intérêt collectif. / What is a distribution network ? The question may surprise a few given the acceptance of the notion. However, we have to notice that this notion has not reached its quest of identity. The first part of the research aims at verifying the founding principles of each theory. Actually, it appears that the distribution network finds its place beyond the group of contracts qualification and below the qualification of Institution. Based on a group of contracts, it reveals its institutional aspects through the existence of private standards, relations of power and the sharing of an identity. These elements invite to see a community there organized around a public interest having an existence different from that of the members. Nevertheless, the analysis of the distribution network prevents from considering that it constitutes such a community. From then on, the research for the legal nature of the distribution network allows to move forward that this notion is inflexible in the existing legal categories.The second part of the research aims at asserting the particularisms of the notion of distribution network. The distribution network is characterized by an original synergy. Its legal regime builds itself on an arbitration between the diverse interests concerned by the existence of this structure. These reports allow to move forward that it constitutes a notion convenient to the elaboration of a legal category gathering multipartite organization, based on a group of contracts and a relationship without subordination, that are symbolized by a synergy that involves the allocation of material and human resources to the simultaneous development of both the global economic activity and the activity of each member of the group, creating a synergy between their different but convergent own personal interests, source of mutual interest.
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L'ordre juridique partisan / The partisan juridical orderPotier de La Varde, Eléonore 18 February 2013 (has links)
Etudier l’ordre juridique partisan, c’est affirmer qu’un parti politique constitue un ordre juridique. Pour cela, il faut d’abord montrer que les règles internes des partis répondent aux critères mobilisés par la doctrine pour qualifier la juridicité puis, en s’inscrivant dans la perspective du pluralisme juridique et en s’appuyant sur la théorie de l’institution, démontrer que le parti politique, en tant qu’institution, est un ordre juridique. Ce constat implique d’étudier ses relations vis-à-vis de l’Etat tant en ce qui concerne son encadrement que son contrôle ce qui permet de prendre la mesure de son autonomie. L’ordre juridique partisan n’est pas seulement un ordre juridique spécifique, c’est encore un ordre juridique flexible, perméable à la société qui l’entoure et au sein duquel le droit est instrumentalisé. La porosité de l’ordre juridique partisan vis-à-vis de son environnement se traduit par une conformation au contexte institutionnel dans lequel il évolue mais aussi par une adaptabilité aux évolutions du contexte social dans lequel il s’inscrit. Au sein du parti, le droit est mis au service de la justification des stratégies politiques et de nombreuses règles se voient contournées ou même jamais appliquées. Le droit disciplinaire, quant à lui, connaît une application circonstancielle motivée par des considérations d’opportunité politique ou résultant des rapports de forces internes au parti qui en font un droit négocié. / The study of the nature of partisan juridical order leads to affirm that a political party constitutes a juridical order. To do so, one must first establish that the internal rules of parties meet the criteria established by existing doctrine to decide that the threshold for lawfulness has been met ; and then, within the perspective of juridical pluralism and based on the theory of institutions, one must demonstrate that a political party, as an institution, is a juridical order. Such a finding implies the need to study the party’s relationship to the state, in both its regula tion and its control, so as to be able to measure its autonomy. The partisan juridical order is not only a specific juridical order; it is also a flexible juridical order, which is open to the society around it and within which the law is made instrumental . The porosity to its environment of the partisan juridical order results in its conforming to the institutional context in which it operates, but also in its adaptability to the evolution of the social context within which it fits. Within the party, the law is used to justify political strategies and a number of rules are bypassed or even never applied. As to disciplinary law, it is applied according to circumstances, and motivated by considerations of political opportunity or as a result of the internal balance of power within the party, which make it a negotiated law.
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Approche institutionnelle de la santé animale : place des compétences, des territoires et des collectifs dans la gestion de la santé des bovins laitiers en France / Territories, farmer's competencies and human networks to explain dairy cattle health results : proposition of an institutional economics frameworkRaboisson, Didier 10 June 2011 (has links)
Ce travail propose une analyse institutionnelle commonsienne de la gestion sanitaire des bovins en termes de compétences collectives et individuelles. Un modèle conceptuel institutionnel d'analyse de la santé animale est proposé comme alternative possible au modèle micro-économique néoclassique. La gestion de la santé est d'abord abordée à travers les compétences et capacités de l'éleveur au sein de l'exploitation, en mobilisant les relations individus - collectifs inorganisés. Le rôle des collectifs organisés dans la santé animale est ensuite identifié, avec l'identification de collectifs productifs et de collectifs sanitaires. Les compétences individuelles et collectives apparaissent territorialisées. Ce modèle est ensuite validé à partir de données issues de la Base de Données Nationale d'Identification des bovins et du Contrôle Laitier, pour 2005 et 2006. La mortalité des bovins laitiers et la qualité cytologique du lait (cellules somatiques, témoins d'infection de la mamelle) de chaque exploitation sont respectivement analysées à l'aide de modèles linéaires et de panels statiques et dynamiques. Un effet global des compétences de l'éleveur sur l'ensemble des troubles sanitaires de l'exploitation est observé. Les compétences doivent être au préalable révélées pour se traduire en capacités (actions). La spatialisation des modèles démontre enfin la dimension institutionnelle, souvent territorialisée, de la santé animale. L'analyse institutionnelle montre qu'une large part de la santé du troupeau repose sur les compétences individuelles des éleveurs et sur des compétences collectives. Ces compétences peuvent être révélées par un renforcement des interventions préventives et de la formation en élevage / This research analyzes cattle health through individual and collective competencies, based on Commons institutionalism. The first part defines a new institutional conceptual framework, alternative to the neoclassic microeconomic models, to study animal health. Health management is analyzed at farm level in terms of farmers' competencies and capabilities considering the relationship between individuals and unorganized going concern. It integrates thereafter organized going concerns and defines production focused organizations and health focused organizations. The competencies and capabilities have both territorial components. The model is validated empirically in the second part, using the national cattle identification database and the milk control program database, for 2005 and 2006. Dairy cattle mortality and milk bacteriological quality (somatic counts) are explained with linear models and static and dynamic panel models, respectively. A global effect of farmer's health competencies on the overall health issues of the farm is shown, but competencies must be translated into capabilities (actions) before impacting on health. The spatialization of the models reveals some territorial correlations that clearly show the effect of institutions on animal health. The institutional analysis shows that an important part of the herd health rests on the farmer's individual competencies, as well as on some collective competencies. These competencies can be strengthened and revealed into capabilities with more accurate and regular preventive interventions in farms and with more farmers' education
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La violence familiale aux limites des pratiques institutionnelles : les enjeux cliniques du traumatismeAttard, Céline 28 November 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche émane d’une réflexion sur la pratique clinique et institutionnelle et a trois objets d’étude ; la maltraitance familiale, le traumatisme et l’institution. Elle questionne leur articulation au regard d’un vecteur commun : la violence. Elle se situe dans le contexte institutionnel d’évaluation des situations de maltraitance familiale et cherche à appréhender les discours et les pratiques des institutions confrontées à la mise en scène de la violence dont un tiers se trouve victime. L’hypothèse générale soutient l’existence d’un lien entre maltraitance familiale et violence institutionnelle. Le dispositif de recherche est envisagé à partir de la prise en charge développée par les institutions du système de la protection de l’enfance. L’analyse qualitative des données est réalisée à partir de la méthode des cas et de l’observation systématique des événements et des individus en situation (Pedinielli et Fernandez, 2007 ; Marty, 2009). Cette recherche met en discussion la problématique de la violence dans l’institution, envisagée dans sa relation avec l’emprise (Ferrant, 2006). Elle articule sa réflexion sur les effets désubjectivants de la prise en charge des familles marquées par la violence du lien (Houssier, 2002). Elle questionne la place de l’agir envisagé comme une manifestation du vécu traumatique et les risques qu’il comporte dans l’inscription d’un processus de répétition et de destruction de sens (Penot, 2001 ; Bokanowski, 2005). Elle répond à la mise en évidence d’un impact traumatique sur les institutions et articule sa réflexion autour de son influence sur la qualité de la prise en charge. Parallèlement, elle discute de la fonction d’exclusivité du dispositif de la protection de l’enfance dans les pratiques institutionnelles, au détriment de la culture du réseau. / This research is based on a study on clinical and institutional practices and focuses on three points; domestic violence (family abuse), trauma, the institution; it is meant to analyse their common point: violence. It is part of the institutional context family abuse. It studies the discourse and practices of institutions confronted with violence. The general hypothesis supports the idea that there is a link between domestic violence and violence within the institution. There are two aspects in this research; one clear specific institution: “Centre Maternel” (Mother Care institution), responsible for the taking into charge of the family so to avoid a child placement procedure and institutions for the protection of children as part of a clinical process. The qualitative analysis of the data relies on the methodology of situations and systematical observation of events and individuals in situation. (Pedinielli, Fernandez, 2007; Marty, 2009). This research raises the questions of violence within the institution itself and its close relationship with the family situation (Ferrant, 2006). It links up with the effects of the de-subjectivation while taking in charge of the family (Houssier, 2006). It questions the place of action seen as a sign of the traumatic experience and the risks incurred in the process of repetition which leads to a gradual loss of significance (Penot, 2001; Bokanowski, 2005). It shows the obvious impact on institutions and its influence on the quality of the taking into charge of the institution. Broadly speaking, it raises the question of the child protection system, underlining its function of exclusivity as regards institutional to the detriment of the network.
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Organisierte und institutionalisierte Mozart-Pflege in Deutschland im 19. und 20. JahrhundertBrusniak, Friedhelm 02 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Entstehung und Entwicklung von Mozart-Organisationen und -Institutionen ist vor dem Hintergrund dessen zu sehen, was Gernot Gruber 1985 in seinem Buch über "Mozart und die Nachwelt" umrissen hat. Hier wird zu Recht die Bedeutung des Patriotismus in Deutschland im ausgehenden 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert hervorgehoben, der eine spezifische nationale Sichtweise förderte, deren Folgen auch für die Wirkungsgeschichte Wolfgang Amadé Mozarts bis in die Gegenwart spürbar sind.
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Att arbeta med ungdomar som har ett brottsligt beteende : En kvalitativ studie om SiS-personalens upplevelser och erfarenheter av återanpassning och smittoeffekter / Working with young people who have a criminal behavior : A qualitative study on the institutional staff's experiences of reintegration and negativ impactSiljendal, Caroline, Stenvall, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
Det vetenskapliga problemet som föreligger handlar om att institutionsvård inte visar de goda resultat det avser att göra. Ungdomar lär sig istället mer om kriminalitet under placeringstiden. Syftet med uppsatsarbetet är att beskriva och försöka förstå personalens upplevelser och erfarenheter av att arbeta med ungdomar för att återanpassa dem till ett liv utan kriminalitet, i institutionsmiljö där ungdomarna kan ha en negativ påverkan på varandra. Frågeställningarna fokuserar på respondenternas beskrivning av deras arbete för att ge förutsättningar för ungdomarna att återanpassas till ett liv utan kriminalitet samt hur de förhåller sig till risken för ungdomarnas negativa påverkan på varandra. Frågeställningarna har studerats genom en kvalitativ ansats och vi har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer inhämtat vårt empiriska material. Vi har intervjuat elva personer som arbetar på SiS-ungdomshem. Våra resultat har analyserats utifrån Goffmans teori om totala institutioner. Förutom denna teori har vi också tidigare forskning om smittoeffekt i institutionsmiljö, personalens arbete samt institutionsvård. Resultatet visar att personalen upplever att de har förutsättningar att återanpassa ungdomarna till ett liv utan kriminalitet. Resultatet visar vidare att de har olika metoder för att arbeta med detta samt att det skiljer sig mellan institutionerna och avdelningarna. Resultatet visar även att personalen upplever en risk med att placera ungdomar med likartad problematik på samma ställe och att ungdomarna då kan ha en smittoeffekt på varandra. Slutligen visar resultatet att vistelsetiden inte har betydelse för smittoeffekten mellan ungdomarna, det är personalens strategier och närvaro som är avgörande. / The scientific problem that exists in this study is that the institutional care does not show the good results they intend to do. Instead young people learning about crime during the stay at the institution. The aim of this essay was to investigate the experiences of the institution staff working with young people to adapt them to a life without crime, in an environment where the youth could have a negative impact on each other. The questions focuses on respondents' work in order to give young people a chance to adapt to a life without crime and how they relate to the risk of young people's negative impact on each other. The questions have been studied through a qualitative approach and we have through semi-structured interviews collected our empirical material. We have interviewed eleven people working at SiS-institutions. Our results have been analyzed based on Goffman's theory of asylums. In addition to this theory, we also have previous research on negative impact in institutional environment, the staff’s work and institutional care. The result shows that the staff has the potential to adapt the youth to a life without crime. The result also shows that they have different methods of working with this and that it differs between the institutions and departments. The institution stay should be so long that the youth can handle a care in open forms. The results also show that the staff see a risk of placing young people with similar problems at the same place and that young people may have a negative impact on each other. Finally, the result shows that the youth’s time at the institution does not have a bearing on the negative impact, it is the staff's strategies and presence that are crucial.
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Instituições e meso-instituições no financiamento de startups / Institutions and meso-institutions in the financing of startupsPereira, Helder Marcos Freitas 28 January 2019 (has links)
O financiamento de empresas em início de operação teve uma grande mudança causada pelo advento de novas tecnologias. A inovação dos softwares e da computação, principalmente após a virada do século, fez com que houvesse uma enorme redução nos custos para criação de novos produtos e serviços (Shane e Nicolaou, 2018). Entendendo que os ativos são heterogêneos, ou seja, são formados por múltiplos atributos (Barzel, 1997), a mudança tecnológica fez com que a retirada desses atributos do domínio público fosse bem menos custosa; entretanto, não houve alteração nos custos para se colocar estes produtos no mercado. Diante deste panorama, o financiamento para as startups é elemento primordial para o desempenho do segmento. Dada a importância do tema, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal verificar quais fatores são responsáveis por explicar diferentes resultados com relação ao ambiente de financiamento. Desta forma, à luz da teoria institucional de North (1990), entendida como as regras formais e informais de uma sociedade, e da abordagem das meso-instituições de Menard (2014), que entende que há camadas intermediárias entre o nível macro institucional e o nível micro institucional, pretende-se responder aos objetivos desta pesquisa. Assim, este estudo tem como principal hipótese que as instituições e as meso-instituições são importantes para explicar os resultados quanto ao financiamento das startups. A pesquisa desenvolvida é de cunho quantitativo e qualitativo e está dividida em dois capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, pretende-se analisar como as normas e regras têm influência no empreendedorismo de oportunidade, na inovação das empresas, no financiamento por meio do mercado de ações e na disponibilidade de capital de risco. No capítulo 2, à luz do trabalho de Mernard (2014), explorou-se o papel das meso-instituições no financiamento das startups. Este capítulo está dividido em três partes: na primeira foi analisado o papel das meso-instituições em uma perspectiva bottom-up, na segunda seção foram analisadas as incubadoras como meso-instituições responsáveis por auxiliar as startups na obtenção de recursos e na última parte foram analisadas as incubadoras como meio de impulsionar a inovação e a obtenção de recursos por meio de programas de fomento. Por fim, concluiu-se que as instituições são fatores significativos para explicar as variáveis testadas e que as meso-instituições importam para explicar os diversos resultados dentro do mesmo arcabouço institucional. / The financing of newly established companies has been greatly modified by the advent of new technologies. Software and computer innovation have led to a huge reduction in the costs of creating new products and services, especially since the turn of the century (Shane and Nicolaou, 2017). Considering that assets are heterogeneous - that is, they are formed by multiple attributes (Barzel, 1997) -, technological change has largely reduced the costs of removing these attributes from the public domain. Nevertheless, the costs of marketing these products remained the same. In this scenario, the financing of startup companies is a key element for the segment\'s performance. Given the importance of the theme, the main objective of this research is to verify which factors explain different results in relation to the financing environment. In light of the institutional theory by North (1990), understood as the formal and informal rules of a society, and the meso-institutional approach by Menard (2014), which understands that there are intermediate layers between the macro-institutional level and the institutional level, we intend to achieve the objectives of this research. Thus, the main hypothesis in this study is that institutions and meso-institutions are important to explain the results regarding the financing of startups. This research uses quantitative and qualitative methods and is divided into two chapters. In the first chapter, we intend to analyze how norms and rules influence entrepreneurship of opportunity, business innovation, financing through the stock market, and the availability of venture capital. In Chapter 2, in light of Mernard\'s (2014) work, the role of the meso-institutions in the financing of startups is explored. This chapter is divided into three parts: in the first we analyze the role of meso-institutions with a bottom-up perspective, in the second we analyze incubators as meso-institutions responsible for assisting startups in obtaining resources, and in the third we explore incubators as a means of boosting innovation and obtaining resources through development programs. We conclude that institutions are significant factors to explain the tested variables and that meso-institutions play a role in explaining different results within the same institutional framework.
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L'évolution de la spécificité institutionnelle libanaise / The evolution of the Lebanese institutional specificityDip, Carine 23 January 2012 (has links)
La spécificité institutionnelle libanaise repose sur un cheminement historique qui doit être appréhendé dans chacune de ses grandes étapes politiques. Cette spécificité est fondée sur l'existence des différentes communautés qui se côtoient sur le même territoire. En précisé la nature profonde revient à définir ces communautés sous leurs différents aspects. Il convient de prendre en considération, les mouvements de leurs membres dans les domaines religieux, intellectuels et politico-économiques, ainsi que dans leurs rapports sociaux, tels qu'ils peuvent apparaitre à la lumière des données historiques. Par ailleurs, décrire l'organisation religieuse et sociale de ces groupes et étudier la valeur de leur représentation dans les rouages de l'Etat, est tout aussi fondamental / The Lebanese institutional specificity rests(bases) on a historic progress which must be arrested(dreaded) in each of the big political stages. This specificity is based(established) on the existence of the various communities which mix on the same territory. Specified the deep nature means defining these communities under their various aspects. It is advisable to consider, the movements of their members in the religious, intellectual and politico-economic domains, as well as in their social reports(connections), such as they can apparaitre in the light of the historic data. Besides, to describe the religious and social organization of these groups and to study the value of their representation in machinery of state, is also fundamental
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