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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educação profissional com indígenas : possibilidades de corazonar e melhor viver

Mülling, Juliana da Cruz January 2018 (has links)
A partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, as lutas indígenas por direitos possibilitam a construção de uma série de avanços nas políticas públicas relacionadas à educação. As pesquisas acadêmicas demonstram os esforços para a construção de escolas indígenas baseadas nos modos próprios de viver e aprender de cada povo indígena, e também indicam o crescente ingresso de estudantes indígenas em instituições de ensino superior, e da produção de sentidos para a expressão “intelectuais indígenas”. O atendimento a estudantes indígenas no âmbito da Educação Profissional, foco desta dissertação, é ainda mais recente, considerando-se a atual configuração da Rede Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, criada pela Lei nº 11.892, de 2008, e a implementação da Lei de Cotas, nº 12.711, de 2012. A partir da garantia de reserva de vagas para o ingresso de estudantes indígenas nesta modalidade de ensino, a pesquisa buscou registros de sua presença nos campi da Rede Federal no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como suas demandas para a Educação Profissional, considerando os desafios e as possibilidades de acolhimento pelos Institutos Federais de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica, especialmente a partir da experiência do Campus Sertão do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) Referenciando-se em experiências prévias, como o Magistério Intercultural Bilíngue, do Instituto Kaingang de Educação Ângelo Mainkhá Miguel, em Inhacorá, a pesquisa buscou delinear o campo da educação indígena específica e profissional. Para a construção empírica da pesquisa, empregou-se a metodologia da entrevista etnográfica. Na literatura, Rodolfo Kusch, Bartolomeu Meliá, Patrício Arias e Pablo Mamani dão suporte teórico para compreender o estar indígena e suas formas de se organizar para o trabalho. Esse estar confronta-se com o ser das instituições de Educação Profissional, fundamentadas na lógica modernista de práticas capitalistas. As implicações das relações entre a Rede Federal e as etnias que nela se inserem foram consideradas sob a perspectiva da descolonialidade, e com a potencialidade de corazonar (ARIAS, 2010) para as instituições e de melhor viver (BANIWA, 2011) para os povos indígenas. / Under the Federal Constitution of 1988, indigenous struggles for rights have made it possible for the construction of a series of advances in public policies related to education. Academic research has demonstrated the efforts towards the establishment of indigenous schools based on the ways of living and learning of each indigenous people and has also pointed out to the increasing numbers of indigenous students enrolling at higher levels of education as well as to the establishment of meanings to the phrase indigenous intellectuals. The focus of this dissertation, the admission of indigenous students into the scope of Professional Education is even more recent, considering the current configuration of the Federal System of Education, Science and Technology, created by Law 11.892 of 2008, and the implementation of the Law of Quotas, nº 12.711, 2012. From the guarantee of an affirmative action known as quotas for admission of indigenous students into this modality of education, this research has surveyed records of their presence in the Campuses of the Federal System of Professional Education in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as their demands for Technical Education, considering the challenges and possibilities of welcome and accompany provided to students by the Federal Institutes of Vocational, Scientific and Technological Education with special consideration to the experience at Campus Sertão, which belongs to the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) Based on previous experiences such as in the Indigenous Intercultural Bilingual Initial Teacher Education Course, at the Kaingang Institute of Education Ângelo Mainkhá Miguel, in Inhacorá, the research aims at outlining the field of specific professional indigenous education. For the empirical construction of the research, the methodology of the ethnographic interview was used. In literature, the works of Rodolfo Kusch, Bartolomeu Meliá, Patrício Arias and Pablo Mamani have provided theoretical support to understand the indigenous being and their ways of organizing themselves to work. This being confronts with the existing of the Professional Education Institutes, based on the contemporary logics of capitalist practices. The implications of the relations among the Federal System and the ethnic groups that are admitted into it were taken into account from the perspective of decoloniality, with the potentialiality of heartening (ARIAS, 2010) for the institutions and of well living (BANIWA, 2011) for the indigenous peoples.

Éléments de civilisation francophone dans l’enseignement du FLE (Elementi frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog kao stranog jezika) / Elements of Francophone Civilization in Teaching French as a Foreign Language

Manić Matić Vanja 14 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U našem radu reč je o elementima frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog jezika. Tokom rada sa učenicima i studentima nivoa znanja A1-B2 francuskog, primetili smo da su manje senzibilizovani za frankofonu kulturu, i da su više upoznati sa elementima francuske kulture, u ovom slučaju mislimo na teritoriju današnje Francuske. To nas je navelo da uradimo analizu frankofonih elemenata u udžbenicima francuskog kao stranog jezika, korišćenim na prostoru Srbije. Naš korpus ekscerpiran je iz sto dvadeset čitanki i metoda francuskog jezika, od Drugog svetskog rata do 2013. g., reč je o metodama koje su objavljene na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije, današnje Srbije i Francuske.<br />U prvom delu rada objašnjeni su razlozi izbora teme, ciljevi rada kao i sama njegova struktura. Takođe je prikazano mesto koje zauzima učenje francuskog kao stranog jezika u obrazovnom sistemu aktuelne Srbije.<br />Nakon toga izložen je teorijski pregled stavova kada su u pitanju pojmovi civilizacija, kultura i jezik, neodvojivi u učenju stranog jezika, kao i pojam interkulturalnosti, koja je jedna od nezaobilaznih kompetencija u nastavi stranih jezika danas. Potom je dato viđenje francuske i frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog iz perspektive bivše i sadašnje teritorije naše države.<br />U trećem delu rada objašnjen je pojam Frankofonije, razlozi zašto je značajna u nastavi francuskog, koja je njena uloga i šta ona zapravo danas predstavlja. Takođe je definisan pojam frankofonog elementa i dat opis udžbenika francuskog jezika, korišćenih od Drugog svetskog rata na prostoru današnje Srbije, kao i tematske kategorije prema kojima su klasifikovani frankofoni elementi.<br />Četvrto poglavlje posvećeno je analizi korpusa koji je prethodno podeljen u sledeće tematske kategorije: &bdquo;jezički varijeteti&ldquo;, &bdquo;geografija&ldquo;, &bdquo;slavne ličnosti, kulturni spomenici, istorija&ldquo;, &bdquo;grafičke umetnosti, skulptura i arhitektura&ldquo;, &bdquo;književnost&ldquo;, &bdquo;muzika&ldquo;, &bdquo;film&ldquo;, &bdquo;štampa i dokumentarni tekstovi&ldquo; i &bdquo;stripovi&ldquo;. U ovom delu rada prikazani su frankofoni elementi kroz osnovni pedagoški materijal, njihova upotreba, kao i jezičke kompetencije za koje su predviđeni.<br />U poslednjoj fazi rada predložen je dodatni pedagoški materijal, nekoliko autentičnih frankofonih dokumenata, kao i njihova primena u nastavi francuskog kao stranog jezika, sve u cilju njihove bolje iskorišćenosti.<br />VIII<br />Na osnovu urađene analize izvodi se zaključak da frankofoni elementi nisu dovoljno zastupljeni u nastavi francuskog jezika i da bi trebalo da budu više prisutni, kroz različit i raznovrstan pedagoški materijal, pogotovo s obzirom na to da ih je moguće uklopiti u već postojeće udžbenike, za šta dajemo primere na samom kraju rada.<br />U našem svetu višejezičnosti, mulitkulturalnosti i interkulturalnosti, budućnost francuskog jezika jeste u prihvatanju svih njegovih raznovrsnosti i različitosti.</p> / <p>Our dissertation deals with elements of the Francophone civilization in teaching the French language. While teaching students with the French language knowledge (level A1-B2), we noticed that they are less familiar with elements of Francophone culture, and more familiar with elements of French culture, meaning the culture of the territory of present-day France. That led us to perform an analysis of Francophone elements in textbooks used for teaching French as a foreign language which are used on the territory of Serbia. Our corpus was extracted from a hundred and twenty textbooks and methods used for teaching the French language, starting from the period of World War Two up to 2013. These methods were published on the territory of former Yugoslavia, present-day Serbia, and present-day France.<br />The first part of the dissertation explains the reasons behind the choice of the topic, the aims of dissertation and its structure. This part also indicates the position of learning French as a foreign language in the current educational system of Serbia.<br />This is followed by a theoretical overview of perspectives on the notions of civilization, culture, and language which are inseparable in learning a foreign language, including the notion of interculturality which is one of the mandatory competencies in teaching foreign languages today. After that, a look at the French and Francophone civilization in teaching the French language from the perspectives of the former and present-day territory of our country is provided.<br />The third part of the dissertation explains the notion of Francophony, provides the reasons why it is significant in teaching the French language, what its role is and what it represents today. The notion of a Francophone element is also defined with a description of French language textbooks used from the period of World War Two on the territory of present-day Serbia, including thematic categories according to which the Francophone elements are classified.<br />The fourth chapter is dedicated to analyzing the corpus which has previously been divided into the following thematic categories: &ldquo;language varieties&rdquo;, &ldquo;geography&rdquo;, &ldquo;famous persons, cultural monuments, history&rdquo;, &ldquo;graphic arts, sculpting, and architecture&rdquo;, &ldquo;literature&rdquo;, &ldquo;music&rdquo;, &ldquo;film&rdquo;, &ldquo;press and documentary texts&rdquo;, and &ldquo;comic books&rdquo;. This part of the dissertation displays Francophone elements through basic pedagogical material, their use, as well as language competencies they are prescribed for.<br />The last phase of the dissertation suggests additional pedagogical material, several authentic Francophone documents, as well as their application in teaching French as a foreign language, all with the aim of maximizing their use.<br />X<br />Based on the performed analysis, a conclusion can be made that the Francophone elements are underrepresented in teaching the French language and that their presence should be increased through various and diverse pedagogical material, especially when it is taken into consideration that they can be fitted into already existing textbooks which is displayed by examples at the very end of the dissertation.</p>

Approche discursive et interculturelle comparée : se déplacer à Khartoum et à Besançon / Comparative discursive and intercultural approach : to move in Khartoum and in Besançon

Mohamed El Agab, Abdelhamid 15 December 2018 (has links)
Les déplacements dans l’espace urbain et l’expression de ces déplacements sont liées à la réalité géographique et sociale des villes, à des données culturelles et à des données linguistiques. C’est pourquoi un cadre pluridisciplinaire empruntant à la psychosociologie de l’espace, à la linguistique et à l’analyse de discours est nécessaire pour les aborder. Notre champ d’étude est la ville de Khartoum au Soudan et la ville de Besançon en France et les langues concernées sont l’arabe et le français car des relations académiques et universitaires unissent ces deux univers linguistiques et culturels. Dans une perspective comparative d’analyse des discours et des représentations, nous avons constitué des corpus oraux relevant de différents genres en arabe et en français à partir de plusieurs démarches méthodologiques : réponses à un questionnaire, micro-récits rétrospectifs d’itinéraire, communications d’itinéraire piéton. Nous avons précisé le contexte géographique, historique et sociolinguistique de l’étude et nous avons analysé nos corpus de points de vue différents : un angle psycho-culturel et psycho-cognitif portant sur les représentations et les images mentales des villes, un angle linguistique (sémantique et syntaxique) portant sur les verbes de déplacement en arabe et en français,un angle discursif portant sur les descriptions d’itinéraire et nous avons complété notre analyse avec notre expérience vécue à Khartoum. Les résultats de l’analyse des corpus ont jeté la lumière sur la diversité des expressions de déplacement et ont montré certains phénomènes qui y sont attachés. En effet, cette étude nous confirme par exemple que les personnes appartenant à un même groupe se font une image collective identique de l’espace urbain, que dans les communications d’itinéraire, les itinéraires séquentiels dominent sur les indications générales. En ce qui concerne les représentations de la capitale Khartoum elles sont plutôt positives chez les Soudanais que nous avons interrogés et la plupart d’entre eux ont des sentiments d’appartenance très forts vis-à-vis de leur village ou ville d’origine. En décrivant leurs déplacements, les locuteurs privilégient les verbes de polarité médiane et l’effacement énonciatif. / The displacements in the urban space and the expression of these displacements are related to the geographical and social reality of cities, to cultural and linguistic data. This is why a multidisciplinary framework borrowing from psychosociology of space, linguistics and discourse analysis is necessary to tackle them. Our field of study is the city of Khartoum in Sudan and the city of Besançonin France and the languages concerned are Arabic and French because academic and university relations unite these two linguistic and cultural universes. In a comparative perspective of analysis of discourse and representations, we have created oral corpus of different genres in Arabic and French from several methodological approaches : answers to a questionnaire, retrospective micro-narratives of itinerary, communications of pedestrian itinerary. We specified the geographic, historical and sociolinguistic context of the study and we analyzed our corpus of different points of view: a psychocultural and psycho-cognitive angle on representations and mental images of cities, a linguistic angle (semantic and syntactical) on displacement verbs in Arabic and French, a discursive angle on itinerary descriptions and we completed our analysis with our experience in Khartoum.The results of the corpus analysis shed light on the diversity of the expressions of displacement and showed some phenomena that are attached to them. In fact, this study confirms, for example, that people belonging to the same group have an identical collective image of urban space, that in itinerary communications, sequential itineraries dominate over general indications. Regarding the representations of the capital Khartoum they are rather positive among the Sudanese we interviewed and most of them have strong feelings of belonging to their village or city of origin. By describing their displacements, the speakers favor medial polarity verbs and enunciative erasure

Skönlitteratur som kunskapsfrämjande verktyg i undervisningen : En effektstudie som prövar hur elever diskuterar och reflekterar kring sina uppfattningar om jämställdhet utifrån lästa texter.

Olofsson, Line, Filipsson, Marie-Therése January 2009 (has links)
<p>Teachers' perception of equality should reflect the fiction they choose and what effect this will have in school teaching. The general aim is to investigate how reading literary text can be used as a means to influence and change students' perception of equality. Our school essay intends to answer the following questions,</p><p>- What is the students' perception of equality?</p><p>- How does the meeting with the fiction influence the students' perceptions of equality on the basis of culture and gender?</p><p>The method we have used in this study is a qualitative research method with group discussion as a tool. Through the impact study, we examine how students discuss and reflect about their thoughts from reading fiction. We have listened to and transcribed for the essay important details of the talks. Our theoretical connection consists of the Russian language philosopher and literary theorist, Mikhail Bakhtin, which assumes that human existence is fundamentally dialogic and argue that the individual exists and develops in communicating with other people.</p><p>Our results from group discussions show that fictions can usefully be used as an educational adjunct in school teaching to promote students' perception and understanding within a given topic. Fiction texts animate life situations and problems that make it possible for students to familiarize themselves in.</p><p>Our results of the impact study also indicates that students' perceptions can be changed through discussion around the reading. The individual reading arouses students' thoughts and understanding of both themselves as to the world that in the latter interaction with other team members demonstrate advanced abilities to highlight new knowledge. We also found examples where either explicitly confirm or deny the talks so as to develop students understanding and ability to reflect on the experience of reading in relation to reality. The results also show that talks about the reading helps students to develop an understanding of both the text's meaning as its content and purpose.</p><p>It therefore leads us into the knowledge of the text value and importance of the choice of lit erature. To allow such a practical purpose as possible with the reading of literature requires both experience and planning of the election in order to achieve the greatest possible knowledge for the students'.</p>

En monokulturell eller interkulturell utbildning? : En studie om hinder och möjligheter för interkulturalitet i den svenska skolans integrationsarbete / A monocultural or intercultural education? : A studie about obstecals and opportunities for interculturality in the swedish schools integration work

Karlsson, Tiina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats belyser hur vi kan hantera etnisk och kulturell olikhet i svensk skola. Detta kan ske genom att det interkulturella perspektivet är utgångspunkt för lärandet och undervisningen. Syftet är således att beskriva och analysera begreppet interkulturalitet i anknytning till det integrativa arbetet i svensk skola. För att nå uppsatsens syfte har jag tre frågeställningar:</p><p> </p><ul type="disc"><li><p>Vad innebär ett interkulturellt perspektiv?</p></li><li><p>Hur kan interkulturalitet komma till uttryck i lärandet och undervisningen?</p></li><li><p>Hur kommer det interkulturella perspektivet till uttryck i några olika skolors verksamhetsplaner? </p></li></ul><p> </p><p>Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ textanalys för att ta mig an de preciserade frågeställningarna ovan och uppsatsens syfte. Analysen är uppdelad i två delar – en litteraturgenomgång och en dokumentanalys. Litteraturgenomgången söker svar på de två förstnämnda frågeställningarna. Ur denna genomgång har åtta frågor växt fram som ligger till grund för analysen av olika skolors verksamhetsplaner.</p><p>Det finns mycket skrivet om det interkulturella lärandet och undervisningen. Resultatet visar att det går att hantera interkulturalitet i skolan oavsett om etnisk eller kulturell olikhet är rådande. Men skolans organisationsnivå med avgränsning till verksamhetsplanerna är uppenbart monokulturell i min undersökning. Vidare är det interkulturella perspektivet begränsat till skolor som har mycket hög andel elever med utländsk bakgrund. Det interkulturella perspektivet är därmed svårt att finna i de undersökta skolornas verksamhetsplaner.  Hanteringen av etnisk och kulturell olikhet måste utvecklas, då vi i ett samhälle är beroende av varandra. Det krävs också att skolan blir den sociala mötesplatsen för denna olikhet.</p> / <p>The essay will illustrate how we could handle the ethnic and cultural differences in the swedish school. This could be done by using un intercultural perspective as a starting point when teaching and educating. Therefore the purpose is to describe and analyze interculturality in association to the integrational work in the swedish school. To reach the purpose with this essay I have three questionings:</p><p> </p><p>What is the meaning of an intercultural perspective?</p><p>How can the interculturality be expressed within the teaching and education?</p><p>In what ways are the intercultural perspective expressed in local documents from schools in which they describe their aims, the purpose of them and how to go about it?</p><p> </p><p>I have used a qualitative way in which to analyze text regarding the questions above, and the purpose of this essay. The analysis is split into two parts.  The first part is concentrating on texts concerning literature which elaborates the first two research questions above.  In the second part I analyze documents from schools which elaborate what the schools aim to do, why and how.  This analysis will answer the third question above.</p><p> </p><p>There has been a lot written about the intercultural teaching and education. The result shows that it is possible to handle interculturality in the schools regardless of an ethnic or cultural difference. However, the organization levels, being restricted to the school planning documents, are obviously monocultural by large. The intercultural perspective is limited to schools with a high level of students with a foreign background. The intercultural perspective is therefore difficult to find in the examined. The handling of ethnic and cultural differences must be developed, as in a community we are dependant upon each other. That would also mean that the school would have to be the social gathering point for the differences in an increasingly intercultural world.</p><p> </p>

The Winka call it cancer: that is the difference : Intercultural health and ethnic community relations among the Mapuche people in Chile

Bendel, Maria January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

En monokulturell eller interkulturell utbildning? : En studie om hinder och möjligheter för interkulturalitet i den svenska skolans integrationsarbete / A monocultural or intercultural education? : A studie about obstecals and opportunities for interculturality in the swedish schools integration work

Karlsson, Tiina January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats belyser hur vi kan hantera etnisk och kulturell olikhet i svensk skola. Detta kan ske genom att det interkulturella perspektivet är utgångspunkt för lärandet och undervisningen. Syftet är således att beskriva och analysera begreppet interkulturalitet i anknytning till det integrativa arbetet i svensk skola. För att nå uppsatsens syfte har jag tre frågeställningar:   <ul type="disc">Vad innebär ett interkulturellt perspektiv? Hur kan interkulturalitet komma till uttryck i lärandet och undervisningen? Hur kommer det interkulturella perspektivet till uttryck i några olika skolors verksamhetsplaner?    Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ textanalys för att ta mig an de preciserade frågeställningarna ovan och uppsatsens syfte. Analysen är uppdelad i två delar – en litteraturgenomgång och en dokumentanalys. Litteraturgenomgången söker svar på de två förstnämnda frågeställningarna. Ur denna genomgång har åtta frågor växt fram som ligger till grund för analysen av olika skolors verksamhetsplaner. Det finns mycket skrivet om det interkulturella lärandet och undervisningen. Resultatet visar att det går att hantera interkulturalitet i skolan oavsett om etnisk eller kulturell olikhet är rådande. Men skolans organisationsnivå med avgränsning till verksamhetsplanerna är uppenbart monokulturell i min undersökning. Vidare är det interkulturella perspektivet begränsat till skolor som har mycket hög andel elever med utländsk bakgrund. Det interkulturella perspektivet är därmed svårt att finna i de undersökta skolornas verksamhetsplaner.  Hanteringen av etnisk och kulturell olikhet måste utvecklas, då vi i ett samhälle är beroende av varandra. Det krävs också att skolan blir den sociala mötesplatsen för denna olikhet. / The essay will illustrate how we could handle the ethnic and cultural differences in the swedish school. This could be done by using un intercultural perspective as a starting point when teaching and educating. Therefore the purpose is to describe and analyze interculturality in association to the integrational work in the swedish school. To reach the purpose with this essay I have three questionings:   What is the meaning of an intercultural perspective? How can the interculturality be expressed within the teaching and education? In what ways are the intercultural perspective expressed in local documents from schools in which they describe their aims, the purpose of them and how to go about it?   I have used a qualitative way in which to analyze text regarding the questions above, and the purpose of this essay. The analysis is split into two parts.  The first part is concentrating on texts concerning literature which elaborates the first two research questions above.  In the second part I analyze documents from schools which elaborate what the schools aim to do, why and how.  This analysis will answer the third question above.   There has been a lot written about the intercultural teaching and education. The result shows that it is possible to handle interculturality in the schools regardless of an ethnic or cultural difference. However, the organization levels, being restricted to the school planning documents, are obviously monocultural by large. The intercultural perspective is limited to schools with a high level of students with a foreign background. The intercultural perspective is therefore difficult to find in the examined. The handling of ethnic and cultural differences must be developed, as in a community we are dependant upon each other. That would also mean that the school would have to be the social gathering point for the differences in an increasingly intercultural world.

The Winka call it cancer: that is the difference : Intercultural health and ethnic community relations among the Mapuche people in Chile

Bendel, Maria January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Man måste anpassa sig hela tiden : Två föräldrars livsberättelser / You have to adapt all the time : Two parents´ life histories

Lundmark, Jessica, Gyllspång, Ingela January 2010 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att, med hjälp av life-history metoden, bidra med en fördjupad förståelse av hur föräldrar med utländsk bakgrund upplever och erfar sitt liv under ankomsten till Sverige och hur de minns och konstruerar sin egen migrationshistoria och sönernas skolgång.   Livshistorierna baseras på intervjuer med två föräldrar från Irak och Iran. Föräldrarnas utsagor visar att de livsval som föräldrarna har gjort har haft betydelse för sönernas skolgång. De har valt att undvika att bosätta sig i segregerade områden och de har strävat efter att bli integrerade i det svenska samhället. Familjer med utländsk bakgrund genomgår en ackultureringsprocess och de båda informanterna tillhör assimilerade familjer vilket betyder att de har anammat majoritetskulturens normer. I informanternas utsagor belyses de erfarenheter de har av maktförhållandet mellan minoritetskulturer och majoritetskulturer vilket leder vidare till begreppet intersektionalitet. Föräldrarnas livshistorier lyfter även fram de olika referensramarna av skolans innehåll som föräldrar med utländsk bakgrund kan bära med sig och det är viktigt att skolan kan bemöta det på ett bra sätt och det interkulturella perspektivet bör genomsyra skolans verksamhet. Modersmålsundervisning har visat sig har liten betydelse för sönernas studieresultat däremot har föräldrarnas olika livsval haft desto större betydelse. / The aim of this study is by using life-history method, to provide a deeper understanding of how parents of foreign origin experience their arrival to Sweden and how they remember and reconstruct their own migration history and their sons schooling.   The life­ histories are based on interviews with two parents from Iraq and Iran. The parents’ statements show that the parents’ life choices have influenced the sons’ schooling. They have chosen to avoid living in segregated areas and they have been trying to get integrated into the Swedish society. The integration of families with foreign origin varies and the two informants belong to assimilated families which mean they have embraced the dominant culture norms.   The informants’ statements show the experiences of power between majority and minority cultures, cultures which brings us to the concept of intersectionality. The parents’ life histories also show the different references of the school’s content that parents of foreign origin can carry around and it is important that the school can address it in a good way and the intercultural dimension should influence the school’s activities. To study native language has proven to have little impact on the sons’ academic performances, however, the parents’ different life choices had more impact.

Betydelsen av interkulturell kompetens : En undersökning om lärarens reflektion kring elever med ett annat kulturellt påbrå inom skolor i Hong Kong / The meaning of intercultural competence : A study about teacher’s reflection of students with other cultural background in schools in Hong Kong

Wong, Cindy January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sju lärares reflektioner om elever med en annan kulturell bakgrund i Hong Kong, vilken betydelse har interkulturell kompetens och vilka effekter skolsystemet i Hong Kong gör som påverkar elever med en annan kulturellbakgrund, lärare samt föräldrarna. För att få svar på mina frågeställningar har jag därför åkt till Hong Kong och vistats där i två veckor. Jag besökte två skolor och gjorde totalt sju intervjuer. Utifrån intervjuerna kan man se att de lärare som är mindre interkulturell kompetenta känner en svårighet och oro i möten med elever med en annan kulturell bakgrund. De ansåg även att orsaken till att elever med en annan kulturell bakgrund inte kunde hinna ikapp med skolgången berodde på deras kulturella bakgrund och deras föräldrar. I uppsatsen diskuteras om lärarnas reflektioner genom teorier om interkulturell kompetens och tidigare forskning om bland annat lärare i Hong Kong. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate seven teachers’ reflections about students with other cultural backgrounds in Hong Kong, which importance does intercultural competence have and what effect does the Hong Kong school system make. Therefore, I went to Hong Kong and spent two weeks there to search the answer to my questions. I visited two schools in Hong Kong and did seven interviews. Through the interview, it appeared that the teachers were less intercultural competent and thus felt difficulties and concerns about when meeting students with other cultural backgrounds. The teachers though that the cause that the students with other cultural backgrounds could not catch up with the language skills and the development on school subject, which they mean, could be because of their cultural backgrounds and parents. In this thesis were I discuss about teachers reflection through theory about intercultural competence, earlier research’s and studies about for example teachers in Hong Kong

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