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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

BR 1500: o caminho da construção do Brasil / BR 1500: the path of build of Brazil

Jair de Almeida Junior 17 April 2017 (has links)
Esta tese é sobre a mobilidade que construiu o Brasil desde o período anterior à colonização: é o que chamamos de trans-formação. O trabalho percorre a cronologia da construção do país tal qual o conhecemos hoje. Inicia-se com uma abordagem teórica, tratando das culturas em movimento, destacando a mobilidade como básica para a própria existência humana em sua relação com o ambiente. O caminho da trans-formação do Brasil começa com as várias culturas ameríndias, de forma especial, os tupis, devido à marcha nacional que empreenderam mesmo antes da chegada por portugueses. Os europeus encontraram um país já descoberto. Percebem-se que elementos ecológicos/ambientais e as guerras foram preponderantes para a mobilidade tupi. Então, chega a invasão portuguesa. Aborda-se a interculturalidade lusitana a partir dos fatores que levaram à sua formação. Os portugueses trazem os escravos africanos. Analisam-se as diversas áfricas que desembarcaram no Brasil pelo tráfico de escravos. Dessa forma se evidenciará um dos mais importantes produtos das três matrizes multiculturais (as ameríndias, a portuguesa e as africanas) que trans-formaram o Brasil: o bandeirante. As bandeiras dependiam essencialmente das três vertentes culturais, mestiçadas e/ou separadamente. Percorreram quase toda a extensão do território nacional. Seguiram-nos os monçoneiros, especialmente no ressuprimento de vilas estabelecidas pela exploração do ouro. Também os missionários católicos, de forma especial, os jesuítas, colaboraram com a trans-formação do Brasil. Por fim, toma-se o lócus Sorocaba como exemplo de uma interculturalidade brasileira já trans-formada, destacando o tropeirismo, a feira de muares, e a experiência intercultural de dois ilustres personagens: o primeiro pastor protestante brasileiro, Rev. José Manoel da Conceição, e o primeiro dos monges do Contestado, João Maria de Agostini. / This thesis is about the mobility that built Brazil from the period before colonization: this is what we call transformation. The work goes through the construction chronology of the country as we know it today. It begins with a theoretical approach, dealing with the cultures in movement, highlighting the mobility as basic for the human existence itself in its relationship with the environment. The path of Brazil\'s transformation begins with the various Amerindian cultures, especially the Tupi, because of the \"national\" march they undertook even before the arrival of the Portuguese. Europeans have found an already \"discovered\" country, with all geographical landscape already named. It is perceived that ecological / environmental elements and wars were preponderant for Tupi mobility. Then, the Portuguese invasion arrives. The Lusitanian interculturality is approached from the factors that led to its formation. The Portuguese bring the African slaves. It\'s possible to analyze the various \"Áfricas\" that have landed in Brazil for the slave traffic. In this way, one of the most important products of the three multicultural matrices (Amerindian, Portuguese and African) that transforms Brazil will become evident: the bandeirante. The bandeiras depended essentially on the three cultural strands, mestizo and / or separately. They traveled almost the entire length of the national territory. Monsoons followed us, especially in the resupply of villages established by the exploitation of gold. Also, the Catholic missionaries, especially the Jesuits, collaborated in the transformation of Brazil. Finally, the Sorocaba locus is taken as an example of an already trans- formed Brazilian interculturality, highlighting the tropeirismo, the muares fair, and the intercultural experience of two illustrious characters: the first Protestant Brazilian pastor, Rev. José Manoel da Conceição, and the first of the \"monks\" of the Contestado, João Maria de Agostini.

Do local para o global: a influência da comunicação organizacional e da cultura nacional no processo de internacionalização de multinacionais brasileiras / From local to global: the impact of organizational communication and national culture in the process of Brazilian multinational companies internationalization.

Denise Pragana Videira 14 October 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como propósito conhecer os impactos da cultura brasileira e dos processos de comunicação organizacional na trajetória de internacionalização das multinacionais brasileiras. O objetivo foi entender se o estilo brasileiro de administrar e os processos de comunicação organizacional adotados influenciam de forma positiva (lado sol) ou negativa (lado sombra) o posicionamento dessas empresas como players globais, numa arena de competição internacional em que as empresas brasileiras são consideradas entrantes tardias. Para responder a pergunta central foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa para investigar se o estilo brasileiro de administrar e os processos de comunicação organizacional conduzem as multinacionais a manterem um posicionamento local/doméstico ou se já evoluíram para um modelo de gestão global. Como recorte desta análise, foram avaliadas cinco organizações de destacada atuação entre as multinacionais brasileiras: Braskem, Embraer, Gerdau, Itaú-Unibanco e Vale. O estudo revelou que os processos comunicacionais e o estilo brasileiro de administrar exercem influência positiva para a internacionalização das empresas pesquisadas. Para tanto, a condição ideal baseia-se em um modelo de gestão forte, característica positiva do traço cultural \'concentração do poder\', aliada à alta \'capacidade relacional\' do brasileiro, capaz de construir as pontes necessárias para a quebra das barreiras culturais entre as várias culturas de país, facilitando a coesão interna e a eficácia dos negócios internacionais. Atuar de acordo com o paradigma de gestão comportamental estratégica nos processos de comunicação é o caminho mais efetivo para influenciar as estratégias das multinacionais brasileiras na obtenção de resultados positivos em diferentes contextos internacionais. Como contribuição acadêmica, este estudo deu origem a um esquema conceitual que pode ajudar a ampliar as pesquisas sobre o tema e/ou servir como referencial teórico sobre como impactam os traços culturais brasileiros e os processos de comunicação na trajetória de internacionalização das multinacionais brasileiras. / This research aims to learn the impacts of Brazilian culture and organizational communication processes in the internationalization path of Brazilian multinational companies. The purpose was to understand whether the Brazilian management style and adopted organizational communication processes have a positive (sunny side) or negative (shadow side) effect on the placement of such companies as global players in the international competition arena in which Brazilian enterprises are considered late movers. A qualitative research was conducted to answer the central question and investigate whether Brazilian management style and organizational communication processes lead multinational companies to maintain a local/domestic positioning, or if they have developed into a global management model. The analysis assessed five organizations of prominence performance among Brazilian multinational companies: Braskem, Embraer, Gerdau, Itaú-Unibanco and Vale. The study revealed that the communication processes and the Brazilian management style have a positive influence into the internationalization of surveyed companies and the ideal circumstance is based on a strong management model - a positive feature and cultural trait of \'concentration of power\' - along the high \'relational capacity\' of Brazilians, enabling the construction of necessary bridges to break cultural barriers among various cultures within countries, allowing internal cohesion and effectiveness of international businesses. Playing according to the paradigm of strategic behavioral management in the communication process is the most effective path to impact Brazilian multinational companies strategies in achieving positive results in different international contexts. As an academic contribution, this study gave rise to a conceptual framework that can help expand research on the subject and/or deliver a theoretical background on how Brazilian cultural traits and communication processes impact the path of internationalization of Brazilian multinational companies.

"Det är väldigt flummigt" : Pedagogers möte med förskolans läroplan.

Xanthoulidou, Theodora January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the study is to illuminate and clarify how educators with foreign backgrounds, pedagogical education and/or educational experience interpret the curriculum and how the curriculum is implemented at multicultural preschools. To visualize this, I ask the following questions: How do the educators experience the Swedish curriculum? What do the educators regard as multiculturalism based on the curriculum? What are the educators views concerning democracy based on the curriculum? What significance do the educators believe the verbal language has in their work? The study is based on interviews with four informants. The interviews have thereafter been transcribed to be analyzed using previous research and theory. The theoretical perspectives of the study are social constructivism, culture, multiculturalism and interculturalism. Based on social constructivism which is the overall viewpoint of this study, the informants' experiences have been highlighted. The perspective of social constructivism implies that people are formed in social contexts that contribute to the understanding of our surrounding world. By highlighting the informants' experiences, I furthermore take in consideration the cultural aspect that involves people's typical behaviors such as norms and traditions. In order to observe and gain an understanding of people's different norms and traditions, the term interculturalism becomes relevant in the study, as it is, among other things, about communicating and responding to these differences. All informants work at preschools in multicultural areas where there is a variety of different cultures, religions and ethnicities. The main findings found in the study are that the informants' encounter with the Swedish curriculum has varied. Most informants have come in contact with the curriculum through their employment at preschools while one informant came in contact with it during university studies. All informants emphasize the importance of communication and, furthermore the importance of trying to interpret the curriculum, together with colleagues, in order to give the children the same fundamental ground at preschool. However, colleagues' varying skills in the Swedish language can complicate the communication and the interpretation of the Swedish curriculum. The results of the study show that the informants view the 2 curriculum's basic democratic values, as something positive to work with in the multicultural areas, as they work interculturally to highlight everyone's differences to something positive and find similarities in order to make interactions between different cultures.

Témoignages littéraires sur l'intégration des femmes de religion musulmane dans la société allemande / The integration of muslim women in Germany : literary Accounts

Lingani, Ganda 01 December 2017 (has links)
Dans l’optique de combler un déficit en main d’oeuvre, l’Allemagne a signé des accords avec la Turquie en 1961 entraînant l’arrivée de nombreux Turcs sur son territoire. Depuis cette période la question de l’intégration reste au centre des préoccupations de ce pays. Ce processus n’est possible que lorsque la population immigrante surmonte toutes sortes d’obstacles pour embrasser les représentations socioculturelles, économiques, politiques et linguistiques d’une société qui n’est pas la sienne. Ce phénomène « majeur » semble atteindre le stade de réussite lorsque les communautés non autochtones choisissent d’adopter la culture de la société d’accueil. Dans les recherches empiriques sociodémographiques, l’intégration se structure en différentes étapes. C’est un procédé qui englobe l’interculturalité, l’interaction sociale, l’acculturation, le biculturalisme et nécessite la prise en compte de la notion d’identité. Pourquoi parler d’intégration de la femme turque ? Les questions relatives au statut de la femme musulmane provoquent des débats houleux qui ne sont pas négligeables. La femme turque qui migre le plus souvent en Allemagne est originaire des campagnes. Le choc culturel auquel elle est confrontée pose d’emblée le problème de son intégration sociale. L’objectif de cette thèse est de s’intéresser à la vie sociale, politique, économique et religieuse de l’immigrée musulmane en s’appuyant sur la littérature germano-turque. Le but de cette étude est donc d’établir le rapport entre l’essence même de l’immigration et les enjeux de l’intégration dans les oeuvres Ich wollte nur frei sein d’Hülya Kalkan, Einmal Hans mit scharfer Soβe de Hatice Akyün, So wie ich will de Melda Akbas et Das Geheimnis meiner türkischen Groβmutter de Dilek Güngör. L’analyse des textes fait appel à l’esthétique de la réception, théorie qui se fonde d’ailleurs sur la démarche herméneutique. On constate également à la lecture des ouvrages de nombreux phénomènes d’intertextualité dans la mesure où les thèmes sont similaires. Le roman et l’autobiographie sont les moyens d’expression les plus courants qui enveloppent les multiples couleurs de l’intégration. L’acculturation ou la non-adaptation à l’altérité apparaissent comme le point focal de la littérature germano-turque. Les ouvrages qui font l’objet de notre étude sont pris en compte comme des génériques qui viennent mettre en lumière le thème de l’intégration développé par les précurseurs germano-turcs. Frappés tous par la volonté d’oeuvrer positivement, les auteurs germano-turcs ne se lassent pas d’agir par l’écriture ou le verbe. / For the purpose of addressing the labour shortage, Germany signed in 1961 agreements with Turkey leading to massive arrivals of Turks on the country. Since this time the integration issue remains at the heart of concerns of this country. This integration process is only possible when immigrant population overcomes all kind of obstacles to embrace social, economic, political and linguistic representations of the receiving society. This major phenomenon seems to be successful when non-native communities choose to adopt the culture of the host country. Within empirical socio-demographic research, Integration is structured into different steps. This process encompasses interculturality, social interaction, acculturation, biculturalism and requires the consideration of the identity. Why talking about integration of Turkish women? Questions related to the status of Muslim women set off heated debate to be considered. The Turkish woman who usually immigrates in Germany comes originally from campaigns. The culture shock she deals with immediately raises the problem of her integration. The expected aim is to take an interest in the social, political, economic and religious life of Muslim immigrant woman by being based on German-Turkish literature. The objective of this study is therefore to establish a relationship between the essence of immigration and integration issues from works Ich wollte nur frei sein by Hülya Kalkan, Einmal Hans mit scharferSoβe by Hatice Akyün, So wie ich will by Melda Akbas and Das Geheimnis meiner türkischen Groβmutter by Dilek Güngör. The analysis of texts requires the aesthetic of reception, theory that is based on the hermeneutical approach. Upon reading works, we also notice many phenomena of intertextuality insofar as themes are similar.Novel and Autobiography are the common means of expression that envelop the multiple colours of integration.Acculturation or the non-adaptation to the alterity appears as the focal point of the German-Turkish literature. The works under our study are taken into account as generic books which highlight the theme of integration developed by the precursors of the German-Turkish literature while making a few modifications. Fortified by the will to positively work on, the German-Turkish authors never get tired of acting through the writing or the language.

Il n'y a pas de rapport interculturel : vers une approche psycho-socio-pragmatique et dialogique de l'enseignement des langues / There's no such thing as an intercultural relationship : a psycho-socio-pragmatic and dialogic approach of language teaching

Polge-Loï, Virginie 23 November 2015 (has links)
L'approche interculturelle en didactique des langues connaît actuellement une crise. Les praticiens rencontrent des difficultés quant à sa mise en place et à son évaluation. En outre, elle montre son incapacité à sortir d'une dérive culturaliste.Cette thèse propose d'abord de clarifier la définition de l'interculturalité, de son rôle dans les échanges verbaux et dans la constitution du sujet parlant.Pour cela, elle s'attache aux relations qui unissent les trois pôles déterminants de la situation de communication : la langue, la culture et le sujet. Une analyse de corpus d'interactions écrites asynchrones tente de déterminer quelles influences les uns peuvent avoir sur les autres. Au final, cela pose la question de la liberté laissée au sujet parlant lors de la genèse du discours.C'est à travers une approche psycho-socio-pragmatique et la considération de la dimension dialogique du langage que des solutions didactiques semblent apparaître. Cette étude suggère de recentrer l'enseignement des langues sur les compétences linguistiques et communicatives et sur un accès indirect à l'interculturalité par la maîtrise de l'intersubjectivité discursive. / The intercultural approach to foreign language teaching is currently undergoing a crisis. It has encountered implementation and assessment difficulties and the major risk is that of falling into the downward spiral of culturalism.This thesis aims to clarify the definition of interculturality, its role in verbal interaction and in the construction of the speaker.It then addresses the relations between the three areas of communicative situations : language, culture and subject. Analysis of a corpus of written asynchronous interaction attempts to determine how these three poles influence each other. More precisely, the question is : how much liberty is left to the subject during speech processing?According to this study, a psycho-socio-pragmatic approach and consideration taken into the dialogic dimension of language would be helpful for some didactic purposes. This study suggests re-focussing language teaching on language and communicative competence and indirect access to interculturality by the mastery of discursive intersubjectivity.

Poétique du roman féminin : Écrivaines mauriciennes francophones, Nathacha Appanah, Ananda Devi, Shenaz Patel / Poetics of the feminine novel : Mauritian French speaking women writers, Nathacha Appanah, Ananda Devi, Shenaz Patel

Vallee Jest, Cécile 20 May 2016 (has links)
Les trois auteures du corpus de notre thèse sont très souvent regroupées par la critique et leur œuvre romanesque envisagée sous l'angle de leur origine – ce sont trois femmes indo-mauriciennes – et de leur prédilection pour la représentation de la femme noire subalterne. Si les axes de recherche de cette thèse – qui embrasse l’ensemble de leurs trois productions romanesques – reprennent cette question essentielle du statut de la femme opprimée dans un contexte patriarcal – lui-même ancré dans la communauté indo-mauricienne insulaire – toutefois, ces outils incontournables et éclairants ont été inscrits dans une analyse plus systématique de la poétique de leurs romans afin qu'ils ne soient pas définis par des catégories externes au projet d’écriture et donc restrictives mais appréciés sur le plan esthétique, mettant en analyse leurs qualités littéraires plus que « l’originalité » de leur origine et de leur « francophonie ».Les termes du sujet, qui sont souvent traités avec une certaine condescendance – le genre romanesque est toujours suspect, d'autant plus s'il est écrit par une femme et qu'il est contemporain et périphérique –, doivent permettre de montrer la richesse et l'originalité de chacune des auteures. Comment racontent-elles ? Comment définir leur style ? Que font-elles de leur héritage littéraire ? Quel rapport au réel ? Comment s’inscrivent-elles dans le double champ littéraire de leur origine et de leur langue d’écriture : le champ littéraire mauricien et le champ littéraire français et francophone ? Ces axes de recherche ont été explorés en menant parallèlement le travail de mise en contextes et l'analyse des romans des trois écrivaines, liant analyse socio-historique et analyse interne des textes, plus strictement littéraire.Le corpus est d’abord inscrit dans l’Histoire de Maurice qui est celle de la grande majorité des romans : il permet de comprendre le choix de la langue d'écriture ainsi que la présence du plurilinguisme dans les œuvres. Il explique aussi l'essor et la position centrale de la culture française qui ont permis la création d'un véritable champ littéraire mauricien, principalement francophone, auquel appartiennent nos trois auteures.L'insularité est également un élément essentiel aussi bien dans la problématique des personnages féminins que dans celle de la représentation littéraire de l'île. Ces écrivaines doivent en effet se positionner vis-à-vis de sa représentation exotique, la détropicalisation sur laquelle on a beaucoup insisté n'est pas leur seule réponse. Cet axe d'analyse nord/sud est enrichi par un axe sud/sud, par l’appréciation des rapports de Maurice et de l'Inde car la communauté indo-mauricienne a marqué en partie le paysage mauricien. Nos auteures s'opposent à cet ancrage dans une tradition importée, imposée qui crée une île dans l'île.Ce refus du communautarisme va de pair avec la défense d'une hybridité qui est portée par les voix féminines. Elle s'ancre à la fois dans la relation entre les personnages mis en scène et dans la poétique des romans par le mélange des genres, des voix et une riche intertextualité. La place du féminin dans notre corpus ne se résume donc pas à la représentation de la femme de couleur opprimée des Suds. Elle interroge de façon plus complexe la société mauricienne et au-delà le monde postcolonial auquel nord et sud appartiennent. / The three writers of our thesis corpus are very often associated by the critics, and their fiction writing considered from the point of view of their origin – the three women are Indo-Mauritian – and of their predilection for representing the subordinate black woman. Indeed the research areas of this thesis – that embraces the whole of the three works of fiction – tackle the essential matter of the status of the oppressed woman in a patriarcal context, itself anchored into the insular Indo-Mauritian community. However these inescapable enlightening tools fit in a more systematic analysis of the poetics in their novels in order for these tools not to be defined by categories both external to the writing project and restrictive, but appreciated on an aesthetic level that would analyse their literary qualities more than the originality of their origin and their « French language character ». The words of the subject, which is sometimes looked down upon, – the genre of the novel always being suspicious, all the more if written by contemporary women from overseas –, should reveal the wealth and originality of each of our women writers. What is their story-telling like ? How could we define their style ? How do they deal with their literary legacy ? What of their link with reality ? How do they fit in the double literary field of their origin and their writing language : the Mauritian field on the one hand, the French on the other ? These research directions have been explored by carrying out both the contextualization and the analysis of the novels of the three writers, linking socio-historical and internal, more strictly literary, analysis of the texts. First of all, the corpus lies within the framework of the History of Mauritius, being the framework of the great majority of the novels. It enables to understand the choice of the written language as well as the presence of multilingualism in the works. It explains the development and the central position of French culture that allowed the creation of a Mauritian literary field, mainly in French, to which our three writers belong. Insularity is also an essential element as regards the problematic of the feminine characters as well as the literary representation of the island. Indeed these writers must position themselves vis-a-vis its exotic representation, and the detropicalization which has been insisted upon is not their only answer.This analytical north/south axis is enriched by a south/south axis, through the appreciation of the relationship between Mauritius and India since the Indo-Mauritian community has partly influenced the Mauritian landscape. Our writers oppose this rooting in an imported, compulsory tradition, which creates an island within the island. This refusal of communitarianism goes hand in hand with the defense of hybridity carried by the feminine voices. It lies both within the relationship between the characters and the poetic of the novels through the mix of genres, the voices, and a rich intertextuality. Thus the place of the feminine in our corpus does not amount to the representation of the oppressed southern colored woman. It questions in a more complex way the Mauritian society and further, the post-colonial world to which north and south belong.

Os estereótipos culturais no ensino-aprendizagem do FLE: teoria e prática / The stereotypes in FFL teaching process: theory and practice

Isandréia Girotto dos Santos 26 October 2012 (has links)
Antes mesmo de entrar em contato com outro grupo social ou com uma língua estrangeira, já formamos desse outro certa imagem, a qual se propaga através de representações individuais e coletivas, passando também pelo processo de estereotipagem. Os estereótipos atuam na geração do sentido e, por isso, tornam-se foco de interesse no ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Nessa perspectiva, o objeto desta pesquisa é o estudo de tais construções sociais no discurso da mídia, com o objetivo de promover um entendimento mais aprofundado da questão e analisar uma melhor maneira de aplicação didática dos estereótipos, nos cursos de língua. O estudo sobre estereótipos se baseou principalmente nos trabalhos de Ruth Amossy e Anne Herschberg Pierrot, que desenvolveram a noção de estereótipo e outros termos ligados a esse campo semântico nas várias disciplinas das ciências da linguagem. A abordagem desta pesquisa repousa, sobretudo, nos estereótipos culturais associados às imagens francesas e brasileiras que, geralmente, são transmitidas pelos meios de comunicação e reconstruídas por um grupo social. Alguns documentos midiáticos foram selecionados e analisados, para promover uma discussão em torno dessas imagens e propiciar um tratamento em direção a uma didática do estereótipo fundamentada numa perspectiva que envolve a imaginação, o humor e o senso crítico. / Before getting in touch with another social group or with a foreign language, we already have an image which travels through individual or collective representations and also faces the stereotype process. The stereotypes act in the generation of the meaning and for that reason they become the focus of interest in the learning-teaching process of a language. Under this perspective, the object of this research is studying such social constructions in the media discourse aiming at promoting a deeper knowledge about this issue and analyzing a better method to didactically apply the stereotypes in language courses. The study about stereotypes was based mainly on Ruth Amossys and Anne Herschberg Pierrots works, who have developed the notion of stereotypes and another terms linked to this semantic field in many subjects of the language sciences. The approach of this research lies mainly on the cultural stereotypes associated to French and Brazilian images which are often transmitted through the media and rebuilt by a social group. Some documents in the media were selected and analyzed in order to promote a discussion concerning these images and originate a way to handle it towards a didacticism of the stereotype instantiated in a perspective involving imagination, humor and critical sense.

Interkulturell känslighet och solidaritet i skolan : - En studie om minoritetindividers skolupplevelser

Suleiman Abdu, Romana January 2021 (has links)
This study highlights the experiences of minority individuals who have attended the Swedish primary and/or secondary school. The aim has been to describe their situated experiences with regards to intercultural sensitivity and solidarity. Previous research presents different findings that are related to the social and value-based aspect of schools. One study found that integration and respect among a diverse student group is achieved through intended strategies that seek to promote student interactions and collaborative inquiry across various types of boundaries. Another study found that children with minority backgrounds generally have poorer experiences of school climates. Through narrative interviewing, six women told stories of their school experiences. The stories were then analysed through Schütze’s methodology for narrative data analysis, explained by Jovchelovitch and Martin (2000). Theories of interculturality, transculturality and different conceptions of solidarity were used as frameworks for a thematic analysis. The results show that the majority of the interviewees experienced a general lack of intercultural sensitivity and solidarity in interaction with both peers and adults, and that their ethnic backgrounds made them targets for racial ostracism or prejudiced understanding. The interviewees also told stories of the individuals who made a difference in their lives because of the intercultural sensitivity and solidarity they had cultivated and the care they had for making the students feel respected as they are. This study shows that more awareness and understanding of intercultural sensitivity and solidarity in schools is needed and that the goals of inter- and transculturality are useful paradigms in multiple ways. One of them is that it can be used to create a deeper understanding of the unique ways that individuals interpret intercultural sensitivity and solidarity with regards to their intersectional experiences and perspectives in the world.

Samarbetets relation till inskolningen och interkulturalitet : Baserat på vad yrkesverksamma på förskolan anser / Collaborations relation to preschool introduction and interculturality : Based on the opinions of the preschool professionals

Iburg, Linus January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka samarbetets relation till inskolning och interkulturalitet. Dataunderlaget för att undersöka denna relation var en enkät, som besvarades av yrkesverksamma på olika förskolor i en medelstor kommun i södra Sverige. Enkätfrågorna baserades på ämnesrelevant litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar om samarbete, inskolning och interkulturalitet. Syftet med enkäten var att identifiera vad de yrkesverksammas åsikter var i relation till litteraturkopplingarna. Resultatet var att respondenternas (n:55) generella åsikt bekräftade flertalet av litteraturkopplingarna. Respondenternas gemensamma svar var ständigt över den neutrala gränsen. I de flesta frågor var respondenternas åsikter väldigt lika medan i några få frågor var det en större variation.

L’Hybridité des personnages dans le roman Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer de Dany Laferrière

Mousa, Fadya January 2021 (has links)
L’identité est un concept très complexe qui peut se décliner en quatre catégories : l’identité ethnique, l’identité culturelle, l’identité sociale et l’identité personnelle. Alors que l’identité ethnique sera difficilement changée, les trois autres catégories peuvent muter, peuvent se combiner à d’autres éléments, on parle d’hybridation de l’identité. L’identité hybride est une identité ayant plusieurs composantes et se présente en fonction de la situation vécue par une personne. Dany Laferrière nous montre une manifestation de cette identité hybride dans son ouvrage Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer. L’hybridité est constatée chez les jeunes filles blanches fréquentant les personnages noirs issus de la migration à Montréal. Elles bravent des interdits pour passer le temps avec ces personnages quitte à avoir une double vie, témoignant alors de la multiplicité de leurs identités en fonction de la situation.L’identité unique n’existe plus, mais pourra se manifester à l’issue d’interactions répétées formant alors une nouvelle identité. L’interculturel est alors à la base de l’identité hybride. Cette dernière ne pourra cependant être qu’éphémère. / The hybridity of the characters in the novel Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer by Dany LaferrièreIdentity is a very complex concept that can be broken down into four categories: ethnic identity, cultural identity, social identity and personal identity. While the ethnic identity will hardly be changed, the other three categories can mutate, can combine with other elements, we speak of hybridization of identity. Hybrid identity is an identity with several components and presents itself according to the situation experienced by a person. Dany Laferrière shows us a manifestation of this hybrid identity in his novel How to make love to a negro without getting tired. Hybridity is seen in young white girls dating black characters from migrant backgrounds in Montreal. They brave prohibitions to spend time with these characters even if it means having a double life, testifying then to the multiplicity of their identity depending on the situation.The single identity no longer exists, but may manifest itself at the end of repeated interactions then forming a new identity. Interculturality is therefore the basis of hybrid identity. The latter, however, can only be ephemeral.

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