1171 |
Drivers' Speed and Attention in Alternative Designs of an IntersectionKronqvist, Linda January 2005 (has links)
<p>The Road Administration wants to improve safety at a hazardous, rural road intersection near Åkersberga, Stockholm by changing the design of the intersection. The intersection today is a three-way connection with a small road connecting to a four-lane main road, much similar to a motorway with high speeds although with a speed limit of 90km/h. Drivers’ attention and velocity in different designs of the intersection are analysed in this thesis with data from two experiments, ordered by the Road Administration and conducted by the Swedish National Road and Research Institute (VTI). Four alternative designs of the intersection were tested using the VTI-simulator; a narrowing from two to one lane through the intersection, rumble strips, a wooden fence and trees at the road side, and a portal framing the intersection. In addition, the original intersection design, both with and without speed limit signs of 70km/h, were tested for comparisons. In the first of the two experiments, the four alternative intersection designs all had speed limit signs of 70km/h, and in the second experiment the alternative intersection designs were tested without the influence of the speed limit signs of 70km/h. Data used in the analyses are velocity data, lateral position, eye movements, brake data and subjective estimations.</p><p>Subjects were found to look at the critical areas of the intersection in time, independent of intersection design. Only small differences between the intersection designs were found, probably due to width of the main road being a larger design-influence than the measures tested. The results are in favour of the narrowing from two to one lane through the intersection, but traffic density and rhythm make a narrowing difficult to realise at the real intersection. Instead, rumble strips in addition to a speed limit of 70km/h can be recommended, although rumble strips are most likely to increase inattentive drivers’ readiness.</p>
1172 |
Do's and Dont's in Applications for Co-surfing NewsRimbark, Magnus January 2002 (has links)
<p>When more than one user uses a system with a single input device, the person in charge of the control is often active, and the by-sitters become passive. This situation can lead to frustration and boredom among the by-sitters. One way to solve this problem could be to distribute the con-trol over the system so that more than one user can control the system simultaneously. These systems, where many users can work simultane-ously with separate input devices connected to the same, shared screen, are called Single Display Groupwares. In this report, a single display groupware prototype for surfing news co-operatively was developed. The purpose of the prototype was to find out if the use of SDGs is likely to be a successful way to engage by-sitters and support co-operation while surfing news through a media terminal. The system was tested on pairs of users. The subjects of thestudy were observed while using the system, and a number of patterns in the users’ strategies in dealing with the si-multaneous input situation emerged. The main conclusions that were drawn from the study were that multiple input can be a good solution when the system is so complex that the use can be divided into several parallel sub-activities. When the use of the system can’t be split into parallel sub-activities, the users will only hinder each other, and the ex-tra input device will just make the division of control unclear without giving any benefit.</p>
1173 |
Digital Narrativitet: En analys av Zeldas utveckling som berättande medietext / Digital Narrativity: An analysis of the development of Zelda as storytelling mediatextGustafsson, Anders January 2002 (has links)
<p>For many people, a good game is synonymous with good graphics. One thing that is often forgotten, is that the graphics only makes up one part of the games. An aspect of the games that is far to often forgotten, is the game’s content and ability to tell stories. Through analyses of the games of the Zelda series, the development of content and storytelling aspects of computer- and video games, since the later half of the 1980:s and up till today, are examined.</p> / <p>Bra spel är för många synonymt med bra grafik. Något som allt för ofta glöms bort är att grafiken bara är en del av det hela. En aspekt av spelen som ofta glöms bort, är dess innehåll och möjligheter att berätta historier. Genom grundliga analyser av spelen i Zelda-serien undersöks hur berättandet inom TV-spelen sett ut, och förändrats sedan andra halvan av 1980-talet och fram tills idag. </p>
1174 |
”Jag skriver begripligt” : hur, varför och till vem förmedlas forskningen? / ”Understanding what I write” : How, why and for whom is research presented?Almqvist, Elin, Winquist, Emma January 2002 (has links)
<p>"Understanding what I write" is a study of university-scientists’ work concerning science-information, with the basis in Pedagogical Theory. The empirical material is collected through an inquiry and several interviews with scinentists at the ten universities of Sweden. This inquiry was done within the timeframe of November 2000 to Janurary 2001. The purpose is to find out wich methods scientists use to spread their knowledge to the society and what possibilities there are to improve these.</p> / <p>"Jag skriver begripligt "är en studie av universitetsforskares arbete med forskningsinformation med utgångspunkt i pedagogisk teori. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat i form av en enkät och ett flertal intervjuer med forskare på Sveriges tio universitet, under tidsperioden första november 2000 till sista januari 2001. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på vilka metoder forskare använder för att sprida sin kunskap till det omgivande samhället och vilka möjligheter det finns att förbättra dessa.</p>
1175 |
Arvet : Om återväxt inom hembygdsföreningar och arbetslivsmuseer / The legacy : Coming generations in local folklore societies and museums of workBlomquist, Malin January 2002 (has links)
<p>A study of the generations problematic in museums of work and local folklore societies, principally run through volunteer work. Illustrative examples are Ödestugu local folklore society and Husqvarna Factory Museum in Småland (Sweden). The empirical study consists of interviews with active people and inquiry among societymembers and workers at the factory. An analysis of interest, engagement and the view of the future is made and concepts like professionalisation and change are discussed. By way of conclusion the coming generation problem is discussed in relation to professionalisation, the historical development, volunteer work, economy and national projects.</p> / <p>En undersökning av återväxten inom arbetslivsmuseer och hembygdsföreningar, vilka främst drivs utifrån ideellt arbete. Fallstudier är Ödestugu hembygdsförening och Husqvarna Fabriksmuseum i Småland. Den empiriska undersökningen utgörs av intervjuer med aktiva samt enkätundersökningar bland föreningsmedlemmar och fabriksanställda. En analys av intresse, engagemang och synen på verksamheternas framtid sker utifrån begrepp som professionalisering och förändring. Avslutningsvis diskuteras återväxtproblematiken i relation till professionalisering, den historiska utvecklingen, ideellt arbete, ekonomi och nationella projekt. </p>
1176 |
Tillämpningen av Gröna Bokslut. En fallstudie av Linköpings, Mjölbys och Norrköpings kommuner / The Application of Green Accounting. A Casestudy of Linköping, Mjölby and Norrköping municipalitiesTekkeden, Janin January 2002 (has links)
<p>Det är viktigt att kommunpolitiker och tjänstemän i kommuner använder sig av de verktyg som finns tillgängliga i kommunen. Det fungerar inte alltid, vilket det finns en rad olika orsaker till. Gröna bokslut är ett dokument som visar trender i samhället, den pekar på hur kommunen lyckas främja en hållbar utveckling på valda områden om. Det är till för att användas som beslutsunderlag vid olika beslut. </p><p>Syftet med fallstudien är att se hur stor kännedomen är om det gröna bokslutet bland kommunpolitiker och tjänstemän, och om de använder sig av boksluten. De frågeställningar som studerades är: </p><p>1. Hur stor kännedom har kommunpolitiker och tjänstemän om de gröna boksluten? </p><p>2. Använder de sig av det gröna bokslutet som beslutsunderlag för att främja den hållbara utvecklingen? </p><p>För den teoretiska anknytningen valdes implementeringsteori. Det man valde att titta på är ramen för olika implementeringsprocesser, exempel på det är nätverksimplementering och top - down - bottom - up användande processer för gröna boksluten. </p><p>Studien utfördes i kommunerna Linköping, Mjölby och Norrköping. Som metod för undersökningen valdes öppna kvalitativ intervjuer. Respondenterna blev sammanlagt nio stycken, två ledamöter i kommunfullmäktige och miljöcheferna för de olika miljökontoren i respektive kommun. Ett frågeunderlag användes vid intervjuerna. I analysen var de frågor som ställdes under intervjuerna utgångspunkten. Det som kom fram i analysen var att alla har kännedom om boksluten, det som skiljer dem åt är i vilken omfattning. Likaså skiljer sig användningen. Bland ledamöterna i kommunfullmäktige är det blandat, vissa använder det mycket medan andra knappt tittar i boksluten. Miljöcheferna använder inte bokslutet, då de anser att de inte har användning för det i sitt arbete. </p><p>Inte att förglömmas är att denna studie är väldigt smal och bara ger en bild utifrån de intervjuade om problematiken. Om studien hade utökats med fler eller med andra respondenter hade kanske ett annat resultat uppnåtts.</p>
1177 |
Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt / The Politics of Biotechnology and the Transformative Power of NarrativesJohansson, Anders January 2002 (has links)
<p>This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden’s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden’s politics of GMO through a narrative approach. I have reconstructed and carried out a Comparative analyzes of these narratives. This was the first of two objectives with this thesis. The other objective was to relate the political practice with the contribution and insights of Paul Ricoeur as a point of departure. My effort has been to build upon his contribution of narrative philosophy and fruitful conceptual resources and to reach an understanding of the advantage of a narrative approach in politics. This advantage lies in that it can provide an understanding of the narrative aspects in our daily lives. This would bring sensitivity and reflexivity to the political context. With this sensitivity and reflexivity it hopefully can separate irresponsible politics from responsible politics. This could be done by incorporate the result from this study. A responsible environmental politics departs from the precautionary principle in decision-making, gaining knowledge from interdisciplinary research and tries to correspond to the narrative structures in people’s daily lives. The narrative approach brings a deeper understanding for that political thought and practice is not reducible to other forms of human action.</p>
1178 |
How to get personas to conform : A case study of design method compatibilityRyman, Anders January 2000 (has links)
<p>This master’s thesis is built around a design case and aims to explore the possibility of combining three methods in the design process: contextual inquiry in the pre-study phase, the creation of personas to guide the design, and cooperative evaluation to test the prototype. The methods were used in a design project proposed by EssNet AB in Stockholm, an international company in the gaming business, for whom a prototype for their touchscreen interface was developed. The contextual inquiry consisted in visits to four different vendors, where the work situation and the current use of computer systems for game registration were studied. The results from the inquiry lay ground for the creation of two personas, one primary and one secondary. These personas then guided the design of both Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi prototypes. The design ideas of the Lo-Fi design phase were evaluated in several discussion sessions and the Hi-Fi prototype was finally tested by six participants, using the cooperative evaluation method. The conclusion drawn from the study is that although the three methods are indeed compatible, there is still a creative leap to make between the data gathered in the contextual inquiry and the creation of the personas. It is also of importance that the participants in the cooperative evaluation match the personas to some degree in order to confirm the personas’ validity.</p>
1179 |
The Power of EU Transportand Environmental Policy-making : a study on how affected and committed a freight transport company is by the political intentionsPaulin, Stina January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis analysis four different sides of policy-making on EU-level: the Cardiff process, the white paper “European transport policy for 2010: time to decide”, the sixth Environmental Action Programme and the Sustainable Development Strategy. In those documents measures proposed for the freight transport sector are identified and used for interviews with key persons at Schenker AG. The aim with the interviews was to examine how Schenker AG was affected and felt committed by the proposed political measures. Following the arguments above the thesis discusses the role of Schenker AG in a society characterized by ecological modernization.</p>
1180 |
Drivers' Speed and Attention in Alternative Designs of an IntersectionKronqvist, Linda January 2005 (has links)
The Road Administration wants to improve safety at a hazardous, rural road intersection near Åkersberga, Stockholm by changing the design of the intersection. The intersection today is a three-way connection with a small road connecting to a four-lane main road, much similar to a motorway with high speeds although with a speed limit of 90km/h. Drivers’ attention and velocity in different designs of the intersection are analysed in this thesis with data from two experiments, ordered by the Road Administration and conducted by the Swedish National Road and Research Institute (VTI). Four alternative designs of the intersection were tested using the VTI-simulator; a narrowing from two to one lane through the intersection, rumble strips, a wooden fence and trees at the road side, and a portal framing the intersection. In addition, the original intersection design, both with and without speed limit signs of 70km/h, were tested for comparisons. In the first of the two experiments, the four alternative intersection designs all had speed limit signs of 70km/h, and in the second experiment the alternative intersection designs were tested without the influence of the speed limit signs of 70km/h. Data used in the analyses are velocity data, lateral position, eye movements, brake data and subjective estimations. Subjects were found to look at the critical areas of the intersection in time, independent of intersection design. Only small differences between the intersection designs were found, probably due to width of the main road being a larger design-influence than the measures tested. The results are in favour of the narrowing from two to one lane through the intersection, but traffic density and rhythm make a narrowing difficult to realise at the real intersection. Instead, rumble strips in addition to a speed limit of 70km/h can be recommended, although rumble strips are most likely to increase inattentive drivers’ readiness.
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