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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réponses immunitaires du grand prématuré à la vaccination contre la coqueluche

Vermeulen, Françoise 27 June 2013 (has links)
Les enfants nés prématurément, et plus particulièrement les grands prématurés nés avant<p>31 semaines d’âge gestationnel, sont à haut risque de contracter des infections. La<p>vaccination peut prévenir certaines infections, dont la coqueluche qui est causée par la<p>bactérie Bordetella pertussis (Bp). Cependant, cette maladie infectieuse hautement<p>contagieuse est en recrudescence depuis plusieurs années malgré une bonne couverture<p>vaccinale. La morbidité et surtout la mortalité de la coqueluche affectent plus<p>particulièrement les jeunes enfants, incomplètement ou non encore vaccinés.<p>Il existe deux types de vaccins contre B. pertussis :les vaccins de première génération à<p>cellules entières et les vaccins acellulaires, plus récents. Suite à l’apparition d’effets<p>secondaires causés par le vaccin à cellules entières, les vaccins acellulaires, comprenant<p>seulement un certain nombre d’antigènes purifiés de B. pertussis, sont utilisés en Belgique<p>comme dans de nombreux autres pays industrialisés.<p>L’immunité protectrice contre B. pertussis fait appel tant à l’immunité cellulaire qu‘à<p>l’immunité humorale. De nombreuses études ont démontré une production d’anticorps<p>spécifiques aux antigènes de B. pertussis suite à l’administration des différents types de<p>vaccins. Par contre, peu d’entre elles ont analysé la réponse d’immunité cellulaire spécifique<p>caractérisée, entre autres, par une sécrétion d’Interféron-gamma (IFN-& / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Inducering av interferon-gamma och tumörnekrosfaktor-alfa i helsaliv : En icke-invasiv metod för att diagnostisera celiaki

Kokrehel, Dorina January 2022 (has links)
Celiaki (glutenintolerans) är en kronisk, autoimmun sjukdom med diffusa symtom. Vid förtäring av glutenhaltig mat uppstår en allergisk reaktion hos glutenintoleranta individer. Gluten kan inte fullständigt brytas ned av kroppens enzymer, vilket betyder att icke nedbrutna peptidfragment (såsom glutamin) absorberas i tarmslemhinnan. Enzymet transglutaminas katalyserar omvandlingen av glutamin till glutamat. Glutenkänsliga T-celler aktiveras av glutamat att utsöndra proinflammatoriska cytokiner såsom interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) och tumörnekrosfaktor-alfa (TNF-⍺). Syftet med studien var att undersöka om gluten- och gliadinstimulering av celler i helsaliv in vitro kan inducera produktion av IFN-γ och TNF-⍺. Pilotstudier med 2 försökspersoner utfördes, där celler i salivprover stimulerades med enzymatiskt nedbrutet gliadin (&lt;40 mg gliadin), samt PHA (5 µg/mL), PMA (50 ng/mL) och LPS (1 µg/mL) 20 timmar vid 37 ˚C. Cytokinproduktionen i salivproverna kvantifierades med ELISA och uppreglering av IFN-γ och TNF-⍺ undersöktes med RT-qPCR. Efter metodutveckling upprepades stimulering och ELISA med salivprov från 12 försökspersoner (6 individer med och utan celiaki). Immunreaktionen som uppstår hos glutenintoleranta individer in vivo kunde inte återskapas i saliv in vitro med den framtagna metoden. Hos övervägande delen av salivproverna var cytokinproduktionen under detektionsgränsen, 4 pg/mL för IFN-γ och 15,6 pg/mL för TNF-⍺. Det finns risk för att outforskade detaljer eller agens saknades från reaktionskedjan och därmed kunde den förväntade immunreaktionen inte återskapas. En annan felkälla kan vara för låg koncentration av immunceller i saliven. / Celiac disease is a chronic, autoimmune disease that has diffuse symptoms. Upon consuming gluten containing food, an allergic reaction occurs in gluten-sensitive individuals. Gluten cannot be fully digested by human enzymes, which leads to non-digested peptide fragments (such as glutamine) to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal wall. The transglutaminase enzyme catalyzes the conversion of glutamine to glutamate. Glutamate activates gluten-specific T-lymphocytes to produce proinflammatory cytokines e.g., interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-⍺). The aim of this study was to investigate whether stimulation of cells in whole saliva in vitro with gluten and gliadin can induce production of IFN-γ and TNF-⍺. Pilot studies were conducted, where cells in saliva from 2 subjects was stimulated with enzymatically digested gliadin (&lt;40 mg gliadin) together with PHA (5 µg/mL), PMA (50 ng/mL) and LPS (1 µg/mL) for 20 hours at 37 ˚C. The production of cytokines was quantified by ELISA, and the upregulation of IFN-γ and TNF-⍺ was analyzed by RT-qPCR. After method development, the stimulations and ELISA quantifications of the proinflammatory cytokines were repeated in saliva samples from 12 subjects (6 individuals with and without celiac disease). The immune reaction that occurs in people with celiac disease could not be recreated in saliva in vitro with the developed method. In most of the samples the production of cytokines was under the detection range, 4 pg/mL for IFN-γ and 15,6 pg/mL for TNF-⍺. There is risk of unstudied details or agents missing from the reaction chain, and therefore the expected immune reaction could not be recreated. Another source of error could be low concentration of immune cells in saliva.

Functional Genomics of Mammalian Innate Immunity

Kiritsy, Michael C. 31 August 2020 (has links)
The breadth of genetic diversity in the mammalian immune response stands out amongst the ubiquity of variation seen in the genome, evidence that microbial infections have been a major driver of evolution. As technology has facilitated an understanding of the etiology of immunological diversity, so too has it enabled the assessment of its varied functions. Functional genomics, with its ability to assess both cause and effect, has revolutionized our understanding of fundamental biological phenomena and recalibrated our hypotheses. We build upon the model of host immunity established by rare genetic variants that are causative of immunodeficiencies, but that incompletely consider the complexities of the genome. To expand our understanding, we performed a series of forward genetic screens to identify regulators of distinct functions of the innate immune system. Our studies discovered genes with novel functions in antigen presentation and immunoregulation, including several involved in central metabolism. Studies in macrophages and dendritic cells identified mitochondrial respiration as a positive regulator of the interferon-gamma response, and cells incapable of respiration failed to activate T cells. Notably, human mutations in several of these genes are responsible for immune dysfunction. In summary, this work uses new methods in genetic engineering to systematically assess the regulation of innate immunity. Our results suggest that variation in these regulatory pathways is likely to alter immunity in states of health and disease. Thus, our work validates a new approach to identify candidate genes relevant to immune dysfunction.

Cytokine capture with beads in cytotoxicity assays in microwells / Cytokinfångning med kulor i cytotoxicitetsanalyser i mikrobrunnar

Simon, Maxime January 2023 (has links)
Cytokines are small, secreted proteins that are important for cell signalling in theimmune system. Interferon gamma (IFN-γ) is one of the most potent cytokines thatnatural killer (NK) cells of the innate immune system secrete with both antiviral,antibacterial, and antitumoral activity. Analysis of NK cells, such as that of secretionof IFN-γ, is important for studying the immune response to cancer and for developingeffective immunotherapies. In this master thesis project, a method was developedfor determining the amount of IFN-γ secreted by NK cells when being confinedwith cancer cells in deep microwells. Antibody-coated microbeads was used tocapture secreted IFN-γ, which was fluorescently labeled and detected by imaging usingfluorescence microscopy. Microbead seeding into small microwells for single cellassays and into large microwells for embedding of beads into 3D tumor spheroidswas investigated. An analytical model based on experimental standard curves wasdeveloped for straightforward quantification of the amount of bound IFN-γ, with ademonstrated detection down to 2.10−18 moles per bead. The detection of IFN-γ wasevaluated for primary NK cells stimulated by PMA/ionomycin for different incubationtimes. The secretion rate of IFN-γ by IL-2 activated NK cells under PMA/ionomycinstimulation was estimated at 184 molecules per second. IFN-γ detection was alsoevaluated in cell cytotoxicity assays where NK cells were confined over time togetherwith cancer cells in microwells. Both assays showed a successful detection of IFN-γ secretion, demonstrating the potential of the developed method for immune cellanalysis. / Cytokiner är små proteiner som är viktiga för cellsignalering inom immunförsvaret.Interferon gamma (IFN-γ) är en av de mest potenta cytokinerna som naturligamördarceller (NK) i det medfödda immunsystemet utsöndrar med både antiviral,antibakteriell och antitumoral aktivitet. Analys av NK-celler, av till exempelutsöndring av IFN-γ, är viktigt för att studera immunsvaret vid cancer och för attutveckla effektiva immunterapier. I detta examensarbete har en metod utvecklatsför att bestämma mängden IFN-γ som utsöndras av NK-celler när de är tillsammansmed cancerceller i djupa mikrobrunnar. Antikroppsbelagda mikrokulor användesför att fånga utsöndrat IFN-γ, som sedan fluorescensinmärktes och detekteradesgenom fluorescensmikroskopi. Distributionen av dessa kulor studerades i småmikrobrunnar för encellsanalyser och i stora mikrobrunnar för inbäddning av kulornai 3D-tumörsfäroider. En analytisk modell baserad på experimentella standardkurvorutvecklades för enkel kvantifiering av mängden bunden IFN-γ, med en påvisaddetektion ner till 2.10−18 mol per kula. Detektionen av IFN-γ utvärderades för primäraNK-celler stimulerade med PMA/ionomycin för olika inkubationstider. Sekretionenav IFN-γ från IL-2-aktiverade NK-celler vid stimulering med PMA/ionomycinuppskattades till 184 molekyler per sekund. IFN-γ-detektion utvärderades ocksåför analyser av cell-cytotoxicitet där NK-celler var placerade tillsammans medcancerceller i mikrobrunnar över tid. Båda analyserna visade en framgångsrikdetektering av utsöndrad IFN-γ, vilket visar potentialen hos den utvecklade metodenför immuncellsanalys.

Bioinformatics approaches to studying immune processes associated with immunity to <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> infection in the lung and blood

Thiel, Bonnie Arlene 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Strukturelle und funktionelle Anpassung des Ubiquitin-Proteasomsystems an IFN-gamma

Rieger, Melanie 16 February 2009 (has links)
Das Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System ist an der Degradation cytosolischer Proteine und der Generierung von Antigenen beteiligt, die über MHC Klasse I Moleküle CD8+ T Zellen präsentiert werden. Die Antigenprozessierung wird durch Typ I und II Interferone beeinflusst, welche die Formierung des Immunoproteasoms und des Proteasomen-Aktivators PA28 induzieren und so die katalytische Aktivität des Ubiquitin-Proteasom-Systems qualitativ verändern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde im Zellkulturmodell unter dem Einfluss von IFN gamma die zunehmende Inkorporation der Immunountereinheiten in de novo assemblierende 20S Proteasomen und die daraus resultierende Veränderung der proteolytische Aktivität untersucht. Die Inkorporation der Immunountereinheiten wurde mittels 2D Gelelektrophorese und Western Blots von 20S Proteasomen untersucht, die nach unterschiedlicher Stimulationsdauer mit IFN gamma aus HeLa Zellen isoliert wurden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass innerhalb der ersten 24h einer IFN gamma Stimulation die strukturelle Heterogenität des zellulären Proteasomenpools zunimmt, indem sowohl intermediäre als auch Immunoproteasomen assemblieren. In der Nativ-PAGE von Lysaten IFN gamma stimulierter Zellen wurde eine Zunahme des 20S Proteasoms als freier Komplex und in Assoziation mit PA28 beobachtet, während die Menge des zum ATP-abhängigen Abbau von polyubiquitinierten Proteinen notwendigen 26S Proteasoms unverändert blieb. Die Stimulation mit IFN gamma hatte eine Steigerung der gesamtproteasomalen Aktivität zur Folge, die unter Inhibition der Interaktion zwischen 20S Proteasom und PA28 verzögert erfolgte. Die katalytischen Eigenschaften isolierter Proteasomen wurden anhand der Generierung eines immunrelevanten Hepatitis C CTL Epitops des viralen Core Proteins in vitro untersucht. Im Verlauf der IFN gamma Stimulation de novo assemblierte Proteasomen wiesen jeweils unterschiedliche Präferenzen für die Generierung des untersuchten CTL Epitops auf. Eine weitere, proteasomen-spezifische Änderung der katalytischen Aktivität bewirkte die Assoziation des Proteasomen-Aktivators. Innerhalb der ersten zwölf Stunden einer IFN gamma Stimulation wurde das Epitop vermehrt mit der Unterstützung des Proteasomen-Aktivators generiert, nach 24 Stunden zunehmend durch freies 20S Proteasom. Die Ergebnisse der vorgestellten Arbeit zeigen, dass Strukturvarianten des Proteasoms zusammen mit PA28 redundant funktionieren und eine hohe proteolytische Plastizität des UPS gewährleisten. / The ubiquitin proteasome system is responsible for the degradation of cytosolic proteins and the processing of MHC class I restricted antigens. The generation of these antigens is influenced by type I and II interferons which induce the expression of immunoproteasomes and the proteasome activator PA28; and thereby impact the quality of peptides processed by the proteasome system. The adoption of the proteasome system to a proinflammatory environment has been investigated in a cell culture model by isolating proteasomes after different stages of IFN gamma stimulation. The composition of isolated proteasomes was analysed by 2D PAGE and western blot approach. The presented work shows that within 24h of IFN gamma stimulation an increasing heterogeneity of the cellular proteasome pool is observed, resulting from the assembly of both intermediate type proteasomes and immunoproteasomes at the early stage of IFN gamma stimulation. It could be shown by native PAGE of HeLa cell lysates that IFN gamma induces increasing amounts of 20S proteasomes and PA28 associated proteasomes without decreasing the amount of 26S proteasomes that are necessary for the ATP dependent degradation of ubiquitinated proteins; and resulting in an enhanced total proteasomal activity in vitro. This increase in activity was delayed when the interaction of 20S proteasomes and PA28 was inhibited. A comparative analysis of the ability of isolated 20S proteasomes to generate a known hepatitis C virus derived CTL epitope in vitro proved that during early IFN gamma stimulation de novo assembled proteasomes exhibited a structure specific preference to generate the HCV CTL epitope either alone or in combination with the proteasome activator PA28. Within the first 12h of IFN gamma stimulation the epitope was generated with higher efficiency by 20S proteasomes in association with PA28, whereas after 24h the impact of PA28 on the proteasome pool was less pronounced. The presented work shows that IFN gamma induces a heterogeneity of 20S proteasomes in the early stage of stimulation, acting in combination with the proteasome activator in a redundant manner; and provides a high proteolytic placticity of the proteasome system.

Cytokine Profiles of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Undergoing Dual Immunotherapy With Cetuximab and Pembrolizumab Identify Interferon Gamma-Induced Protein 10 as Novel Biomarker

Berszin, Michael, Michaelides, Ioannis, Siemert, Julia, Röhl, Louisa, Wellhausen, Jana, Wald, Theresa, Bohr, Christopher, Künzel, Julian, Gradistanac, Tanja, Dietz, Andreas, Zebralla, Veit, Pirlich, Markus, Wiegand, Susanne, Wichmann, Gunnar 05 April 2023 (has links)
Background: Pembrolizumab and cetuximab are antibodies under investigation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) either as single agents or combined with cisplatin and other chemotherapeutic drugs, e.g., 5-fluorouracil and/or docetaxel. However, also the combination of both antibodies may have potential in recurrent/ metastatic (R/M) HNSCC, in particular in cisplatin-resistant or -refractory cases or patients with comorbid disease, e.g. patients with impaired renal function. Methods: To clarify potential benefit that may result from such combination, we used the FLAVINO assay, a short-time ex vivo assay to compare responsiveness of HNSCC to pembrolizumab, cetuximab and both combined regarding colony formation of epithelial cells of biopsy-derived tumor samples and their cytokine production within three days either without or with stimulation with 10 ng/mL interferon gamma (IFN-g). Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1 or CCL2), interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-8, IFN-g, and interferon gamma-induced protein 10 (IP-10 or CXCL10) in supernatants were measured by ELISA. Results: We detected huge heterogeneity in response to cetuximab, pembrolizumab and both combined with and without IFN-g stimulation. Moreover, we detected a link between IFN-g induced IP-10 release and improved outcome in those HNSCC patients who were capable to respond to IFN-g and pembrolizumab, cetuximab and both combined with a further increase in IP-10 production. We derived an “IP-10 score” that independent from clinical characteristics of HNSCC patients and therapy regimens applied was able to predict their outcome. Conclusions: The heterogeneity in the ex vivo response of cetuximab, pembrolizumab and both combined with and without IFN-g stimulation identifies subgroups of HNSCC patients with deviating OS.

Development of Cell Penetrating Bax Inhibiting Peptides (BIP)

Gomez, Jose A. 23 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação do papel da imunidade adaptativa na obesidade: estudo experimental em animais / Evaluation of the role of adaptative immunity in obesity: study in animals

Giraldez, Viviane Zorzanelli Rocha 23 July 2014 (has links)
O desenvolvimento gradual e recente de uma epidemia mundial de obesidade alavancou sobremaneira o estudo dessa condição e de suas comorbidades metabólicas. No âmbito fisiopatológico, múltiplos estudos demonstraram a expressão aumentada de mediadores inflamatórios no tecido adiposo de animais e humanos obesos, o acúmulo local de macrófagos, e um papel central da inflamação no desequilíbrio da homeostase metabólica local e sistêmica na obesidade. A definição de um papel ativo dos macrófagos, e portanto da imunidade inata, na rede inflamatória do tecido adiposo, evocou a hipótese de que, similarmente a outras condições inflamatórias crônicas como a aterosclerose, a obesidade também contaria com a importante participação de elementos da imunidade adaptativa, como as células T e suas citocinas, em sua fisiopatologia. Com base nessas considerações, os objetivos principais desse estudo foram: 1) avaliar a presença das células T e o papel do interferon-gama (IFNy), clássica citocina T-helper 1 (ou Th1), na inflamação do tecido adiposo; e 2) estudar mecanismos de acúmulo das células T no tecido adiposo na obesidade, particularmente a participação do receptor CXCR3 nesse processo. Experimentos de citometria de fluxo mostraram que o tecido adiposo visceral de camundongos C57BL/6 obesos após consumo de dieta rica em gorduras apresentou maior número de macrófagos e também de células T, CD4+ e CD8+, em comparação a controles que receberam dieta pobre em gorduras. A expressão de I-Ab, marcador do complexo de histocompatibilidade principal classe II (MHC II) murino, também foi maior no tecido adiposo dos animais obesos, sugerindo a presença local da atividade de apresentação de antígeno com consequente ativação das células T. Quando estimuladas in vitro, células T derivadas do tecido adiposo de camundongos obesos produziram mais IFNy do que aquelas isoladas de controles, novamente sugerindo a ativação dessas células em um contexto de obesidade. Na análise das possíveis funções do IFNy no tecido adiposo, a estimulação da linhagem de células 3T3-L1 diferenciadas em adipócitos com IFNy recombinante resultou na produção aumentada de quimiocinas de macrófagos, como a proteína quimiotática de monócito (MCP-1), e de quimiocinas de células T, como a proteína 10 induzida por IFNy (IP-10) e monocina induzida por IFNy (MIG). A estimulação de adipócitos com o sobrenadante de células Th1 cultivadas in vitro, com abundante concentração de IFNy, também levou à produção aumentada de IP-10. Em análise mais ampla, através de microarray, dos possíveis efeitos do IFNy na expressão gênica de adipócitos, o tratamento dessas células com 100 U/ml de IFNy resultou na expressão aumentada de diversas quimiocinas e seus receptores em comparação ao grupo tratado com placebo. Similarmente à estimulação de células isoladas com IFNy, a incubação de tecido adiposo ex vivo de camundongos com essa citocina também resultou em secreção aumentada de IP-10, MIG e fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNFy). A investigação do papel do IFNy na inflamação do tecido adiposo in vivo envolveu camundongos com deficiência de IFNy e controles, ambos os grupos submetidos a dieta rica em gorduras (obesos) ou pobre em gorduras (não obesos). Camundongos obesos deficientes em IFNy apresentaram expressão reduzida de mRNA de genes inflamatórios como TNFalfa e MCP-1 no tecido adiposo; acúmulo local reduzido de macrófagos; e melhor tolerância à glicose em comparação aos controles sob mesma dieta. Animais com deficiência de apolipoproteína E (ApoE) e também do receptor de IFNy também apresentaram em seu tecido adiposo a expressão reduzida de mRNA de genes inflamatórios, particularmente relacionados às células T, como IP-10, MIG, e o receptor CXCR3, em comparação aos controles com deficiência única de ApoE. Resultados in vitro e in vivo sugerem conjuntamente um importante papel do IFNy, e portanto, das células T e da imunidade adaptativa, na rede inflamatória do tecido adiposo na obesidade, com consequente impacto metabólico sistêmico. A presença de células T ativadas no tecido adiposo e seu acúmulo diferencial na obesidade motivaram também a pesquisa de potenciais mecanismos quimiotáticos reguladores desse processo. CXCR3, receptor das quimiocinas de células T, IP-10, MIG e quimiocina alfa de células T IFNy-induzida (I-TAC), é expresso preferencialmente em células T ativadas, e detém papel central na migração dessas células em outras condições inflamatórias crônicas, como a aterosclerose. Em camundongos com deficiência de CXCR3 e que receberam dieta rica em gorduras por 8 ou 16 semanas, o tecido adiposo apresentou significativamente menos células T, incluindo as células CD4+ e CD8+, em comparação a controles submetidos a mesma dieta. Os números similares de células T e outras populações de leucócitos no baço e sangue periférico dos animais deficientes em CXCR3 e controles fortalecem o conceito de um efeito do CXCR3 sobre o acúmulo de células T no tecido adiposo, independentemente do número de células circulantes e periféricas. Os camundongos deficientes em CXCR3 apresentaram também maior tolerância à glicose e expressão reduzida de mRNA de mediadores inflamatórios em seu tecido adiposo em comparação aos controles após 8 semanas de dieta rica em gorduras. No entanto, a diferença na tolerância à glicose entre os dois grupos tornou-se não significativa após 16 semanas de dieta gordurosa, coincidindo com redução substancial na expressão de mRNA de mediadores anti-inflamatórios (como interleucina-10 [IL-10] e Arginase 1), e número reduzido de células T regulatórias no tecido adiposo de camundongo s deficientes em CXCR3 em relação a controles. Esses resultados sugerem que o CXCR3 é capaz de regular o acúmulo de células T de diferentes subtipos, com perfil proinflamatório ou anti-inflamatório. Em conclusão, nossos resultados revelam um importante papel da citocina Th1 IFNy na rede inflamatória do tecido adiposo na obesidade em camundongos, sugerindo a participação fundamental das células T e portanto, da imunidade adaptativa nesse cenário. Além disso, o receptor CXCR3 contribui significativamente para o acúmulo das células T, incluindo as células T regulatórias, no tecido adiposo desses animais / The gradual and recent development of a worldwide epidemic of obesity greatly leveraged the study of this condition and its metabolic comorbidities. In the pathophysiologic context, multiple studies have demonstrated increased expression of inflammatory mediators in adipose tissue of obese animals and humans, the local macrophage accumulation, and a central role of inflammation in the imbalance of local or systemic metabolic homeostasis in obesity. The concept of an active role of macrophages and thus of innate immunity in the inflammatory network of adipose tissue, suggested the hypothesis that, similar to other chronic inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis, obesity also count on the participation of important elements of adaptive immunity such as T cells and their cytokines in its pathophysiology. Based on these considerations, the main objectives of this study were: 1) to evaluate the presence of T cells and the role of interferon-gamma (IFNy), classic T-helper 1 (Th1) cytokine, in adipose tissue inflammation, and 2) to study mechanisms of T cell accumulation in adipose tissue in the context of obesity, particularly the involvement of CXCR3 receptor in this process. Flow cytometry experiments showed that the visceral fat tissue of C57BL/6 obese mice fed a high fat diet showed a greater number of macrophages and also T cells, including CD4+ and CD8+ cells, compared to controls fed a low-fat diet. The expression of I-Ab, murine marker of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC II), was also higher in adipose tissue of obese animals, suggesting the presence of local antigen presentation and consequent T cell activation. When stimulated in vitro, T cells derived from adipose tissue of obese mice produced more IFNy than those isolated from controls, again suggesting the activation of these cells in the context of obesity. In the analysis of possible functions of IFNy in adipose tissue, stimulation of 3T3 -L1 cells differentiated into adipocytes with recombinant IFNy resulted in enhanced production of macrophage chemokines, such as monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and T-cell chemokines, such as interferon gamma-induced protein 10 (IP-10) and monokine induced by gamma interferon (MIG). The stimulation of adipocytes with the supernatant of in vitro cultured Th1 cells, with abundant levels of IFNy, has also led to increased IP-10 production. In a broader analysis, by microarray, of the possible effects of IFNy on adipocyte gene expression, treatment of these cells with 100 U/ml of IFNy resulted in increased expression of chemokines and their receptors in comparison to the placebo group. Similarly to the stimulation of isolated cells with IFNy, incubation of ex vivo adipose tissue with this cytokine also resulted in increased IP-10, MIG and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) secretion

Resposta imune contra HERV-K em pacientes com câncer de próstata localizado e metastático / Imune response against HERV-K in patients with localized and metastatic prostate cancer

Dzik, Carlos 27 September 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Retrovirus Endógeno Humano (HERV) compreende ao redor de 8% do genoma humano. Apesar do fato de que em sua maioria são genes não-funcionais devido a processos de mutação ou perda de material genético no processo de retrotransposição, existem evidências do aumento da expressão de HERVs em tecido de câncer de próstata. Nós estudamos e comparamos a imunogenicidade de peptídeos da família HERV em 2 coortes de pacientes com câncer de próstata. Posteriormente examinamos o estado de ativação e senescência linfocitária nestas coortes. Desenho Experimental: Células Mononucleares de Sangue Periférico (CMSP) de 65 pacientes com câncer localizado da próstata em situação de hormônio-sensibilidade e de 24 pacientes com câncer de próstata metastático e em situação de resistência à castração, comparados a um grupo controle de 12 indivíduos normais foram avaliados em relação ao seu estado de resposta imune pela técnica de ELISPOT contra um conjunto de peptídeos derivados dos exons gag e env do gene da família HERV-K HML-2. Como parte de nosso estudo, foi realizado de forma preliminar uma análise genômica in silico de 500 pacientes com câncer de próstata sequenciados e disponíveis para análise pública do banco de dados TCGA, com o objetivo de reforçar o racional de nossa interrogação científica. Além disso , como estudo de correlação, fizemos uma análise por citometria de fluxo da ativação celular de linfócitos T de nossas coortes para determinarmos a imunofenotipagem e ontogenia linfocitária em nossos indivíduos investigados, no momento de nossa pesquisa de sua resposta imune. Resultados: Nossa análise da resposta imune contra peptídeos de HERV-K HML-2 por ELISPOT-Interferon Gama não mostrou nenhum resultado significativo. Nenhum paciente apresentou dados significativos de resposta de acordo com nossos critérios, apesar de nossos dados preliminares de expressão gênica terem mostrado expressão gênica em torno de 17% em pacientes com doença localizada. Nossos dados de ativação linfocitária mostraram maior ativação e senescência nos pacientes com doença disseminada e resistente à castração. Conclusões: Este parece ser o primeiro estudo a interrogar a presença de resposta celular imune contra peptídeos de HERV-K em pacientes com câncer de próstata. Nosso achados não mostraram resposta imune relevante em doença localizada ou disseminada e em diferentes estados de ativação linfocitária ou status de integridade hormonal. Apesar destes resultados, pesquisa posterior poderia utilizar diferente metodologia, como por exemplo a utilização de citometria de fluxo bem como a busca de diferentes citoquinas envolvidas, tais como as relacionadas a resposta Th2, ao invés de Th1 / Purpose: Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) comprises 8% of human genome. Despite the fact that most of it is non-functional due to mutations or loss of genetic material in the process of retrotransposition, there are some evidence of increased expression of HERV in prostate cancer tissue. We studied the cellular immunogenicity of peptides from HERV-K family in 2 cohorts of prostate cancer patients. Experimental Design: PBMCs from 65 patients with hormone-intact localized prostate cancer and 24 patients with castrate-metastatic disease, matched with 12 normal controls were evaluated for cellular immune response by ELLISPOT against a pool of gag and env peptides from HERV-K family of HML-2 type. As an independent supportive study we did in silico genomic analysis of 500 prostate cancer patients from TCGA database to give another evidence of the prevalence of HERV-K gene expression in prostate cancer genome, reinforcing the rational of our questions. Results: Our analysis of cellular immune response against HERV-K HML-2 peptides by Interferon-gama ELISPOT did not show any meaningful results. No patient showed any minimal criteria of response, despite the fact that in our preliminary genomic analysis we obtained HERV expression in about 17% of a cohort of 500 patients with localized prostate cancer. In regards to the flow cytometry data of the lymphocytes we showed stronger activation and senescence status in the cohort of patients with castration sensitive and resistant disseminated disease, compared to the localized disease cohort. Conclusions: To the authors\'s knowledge this is the first study to look for cellular immune response against peptides derived from coding HERV-K transcripts in prostate cancer patients. Our findings did not show relevant immune response in neither localized nor metastatic castrate prostate cancer patients. Despite those results, further research could continue using different methodology, like flow cytometry as well as looking for different cytokines involved, such as those related to a Th2 response, instead of Th1

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