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Räddaren i nöden : En studie om inividens upplevelser av socialbidrag / Catcher in the rye : A study about the individuals experiences of social assistanceSönnerfors, Madelene January 2005 (has links)
This essay is about persons who have had social assistance and the individual’s experiences of social assistance. The focus is on how the individual develops in a new life situation and if and how they are motivated to get out of it. The essay has an individual perspective where the relation between society and the individual is important. The result is based on four qualitative interviews with a hermeneutic perspective. The result is also based on the individual’s subjective apprehensions and experiences of the social assistance. Those circumstances withdraws that there can not be any general conclusions made of the result that could be representative for a larger number of people. Important theoretical conceptions are social problems and divergent behaviour, stigmatization, labour and faithful moments. What I have wished to express in this essay is the people behind the social assistance conception and the numbers in studies about social assistance. It is about people with individual life destiny’s that in the Swedish sociality today have not been able to provide themselves and had to use society’s last safety net, social assistance. The society looks on people with social assistance have a historical negative background. Social assistance was developed from welfare and help to the poor. The historical stigma still exists in the Swedish society and it is still considered shameful not to be able to provide yourself. As an unemployed person with social assistance one can need more support and help than just to be paid money because these often have a weak connection to the labour market. The social studies in Sweden describes that the social services assignment is to liberate and develop the individuals and groups own recourses. This means that the social worker should not only make payments. They should also have an interest in the client in some other way. In this essay it is clear that this is not always the case. The most evident result about the individual’s motivation not to have social assistance is the will to support oneself and labour is an important part of the self image and identity.
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Upplevelser av hippoterapi som behandling för funktionshindrade barn i IndienPettersson, Therese, Regberg, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Hippoterapi är en sjukgymnastisk behandlingsform där man använder hästen som ett hjälpmedel i behandlingen. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka upplevelserna av hippoterapi som behandling för funktionshindrade barn i Indien. Studien grundas på intervjuer av fyra barn och tre lärare. Intervjuerna genomfördes med tolk på tamil och engelska. Barnen intervjuades med fokus på deras egna upplevelser av hippoterapin och lärarintervjuerna fokuserade på huruvida de upplevt några förändringar hos barnen sedan de började med hippoterapi. Två intervjuguider med öppna frågor användes vid intervjuerna som spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att barnen hade en positiv upplevelse av hippoterapin och belyste flera fysiska förbättringar. Lärarna upplevde förbättringar gällande barnens motoriska förmåga, språkliga utveckling och inlärningsförmåga. Konklusionen, baserad på överenstämmelser mellan barnens och lärarnas upplevelser, är att hippoterapi är en positiv behandlingsform för dessa barn med avseende på såväl fysiska som psykiska aspekter. / Hippotherapy is a form of physiotherapy where the horse is used as a part of the treatment. The aim with this qualitative study is to investigate Indian disabled children's experiences of hippotherapy. The study is based on interviews with four children and three teachers. The interviews were conducted with an interpreter in English and Tamil. The children’s interviews were focused on their personal experiences, and the teachers’ interviews focused on their observations of the children. Two guides based on open questions were formed for the interviews witch were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. The results show that the children were positive regarding the hippotherapy and had experienced physical improvement. The teachers experienced that the children had improved regarding motor skills, speech and learning ability. The conclusion based on agreement between children and teachers, is that hippotherapy is a positive form of therapy for these children in both physical and psychological aspects.
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Connected to ‘the world’ : An explorative inquiry about audience relations towards news media / Förbunden med 'världen' : En undersökning om publikens relationer till nyhetsmedierRöhl, Vivian January 2009 (has links)
Due to the nature of human experience every person is deemed to understand ‘reality’ in relative terms. Even though one might not always realize that in everyday life I think the appreciation of that phenomenon is vital to a study about audience relations towards the newsmedia. Abstract information may be felt to be different from concrete experiences. It can nevertheless become part of our convictions about reality.The present study asks the following questions: How do we relate to the news media as provider of such information? Are we aware of the impact a news source can have on our understanding of the world? Why do we attend to news media in the first place? In this study I will present social psychological theories which help to understand why ‘reality’ is a relative phenomenon connected to human experience, shaped by depictions and grasped selectively. The interview study with ten voluntary participants shall shed some light on real persons’ attempts to nevertheless try to come to terms with things “going on in the world.” The findings suggest that the relation towards the news media is marked by a focus on a specific aspect of the relation: the information given, the position of the attending person wanting to be informed, or the news media conduct which can be seen quite critical.The reasons for gathering information are also diverse. For example personal grounds can be prevailing, interest in other people, or the conviction that information is the foundation for joint action, while aiming towards change for the better. Accordingly some evidence was found that it would be preferable if the news media cut down on negativity concerning their reporting that could for instance lead to feelings of apathy. Sometimes elaborate opinions were uttered about in how far events reported about could be seen as ‘representative’ in comparison to what is felt to be the underlying ‘reality’. Regarding ideas about the news media audience in general, no greater trust in other people’s willingness to make an effort to see beyond the immediate information given was found. This mentally distancing from other people could in turn contribute to the feeling of not being ableto (collectively) impact ‘the reality’ that is communicated via the news media. / Människan upplever verkligheten på ett relativt sätt. Även om man inte alltid är medveten om det i det vardagliga livet är det viktigt att förstå detta fenomen om man har att göra med en studie kring publikens relation till nyhets medier. Information från abstrakta källor kan upplevas vara annorlunda än konkreta erfarenheter. Men denna information kan ändå bli endel av ens uppfattningar om verkligheten. Denna studie ställer följande frågor: Hur relaterar vi till nyhets medier som förmedlare av sådan abstrakt information? Är vi medvetna om våra nyhetskällors inflytande på vår förståelse av världen? Varför ägnar vi oss överhuvud taget åt inhämtandet av nyheter? Studien är både teoretisk och empirisk till sin karaktär. Den presenterar socialpsykologiska teorier som kan bidra till en förståelse av varför ’verkligheten’ är ett relativt fenomen, förbunden med människors erfarenheter, utformad enligt (media)rapporteringens formgivning och logik och förstådd på ett selektivt sätt. En intervjustudie med tio frivilliga deltagare syftar till att belysa verkliga personers försök att hantera ”vad som pågår i världen”. Resultaten visar att olika aspekter är viktiga för förståelsen av människors relation till nyhets medierna: informationen som ges, förväntningar av den som letar efter information, eller en kritisk syn på hur nyhets medier sköter sitt jobb. Enligt de intervjuade finns olika skäl till att samla in information om omvärlden. Huvudanledningen uppgavs vara personliga anledningar, intresse för andra personer, eller övertygelsen att information är basen för gemensam handling, om man vill åstadkomma positiv förändring. I intervjuerna framkom det även att många intervjupersoner var kritiska till att nyhets medier ofta fokuserar på negativa händelser. Detta ansågs kunna leda till känslor av apati. Några av de intervjuade uttryckte även genomtänkta idéer om hur pass ’representativa’ de rapporterade nyhetsinslagen är (eller kan vara) för vad som anses vara den bakomliggande ’verkligheten’. Nyhets mediernas publik ansågs inte vara kritiskt nog för att mer djupgående kunna tänka igenom nyhetsinslagen. Denna åsikt uttrycktes oftast i samband med reflektioner om andra personer. Detta mentala fjärmandet från andra personer sades i sin tur kunna bidra till känslan av att inte vara i stånd att (gemensamt) kunna påverka ’verkligheten’ som kommuniceras till oss via nyhets medierna.
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Recognition of Brand Equity and Advertising in the Banking Industry in Cameroon. Case study Citibank N.A. : MBA-thesis in marketingAbangma, Ferdinand Enoayuk January 2009 (has links)
PURPOSEThe main purpose of this research is to determine the consumer level approach of brand equity in Citibank N.A using empirical information based on its brand awareness. The awareness of a brand would show the level of the brand recognition. A telephone interview was conducted to explain the different aspects that constitute the recognition of brand equity and brand awareness of Citibank N.A-Cameroon in addition to its ads. RESEARCH QUESTIONHow can Citibank N.A, Cameroon subsidiary, measure the level of its brand equity from its brand awareness? RESEARCH APPROACH/METHODOLOGYIn order to answer the research question and achieve the research objective established for this research, a structured research method was required. In this research a qualitative research approach was applied to suit the content of the research. A telephone interview was conducted to give a qualitative view of this research. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONSAwareness (aided, unaided), contributes to the recognition of brand equity. In the empirical part of the thesis brand recognition and awareness can be facilitated by Citibank-Cameroon subsidiary being participative in its social corporate responsibility plan to develop the community by planting trees and organizing football competition every summer holidays. This brand strategy has been used for several years to keep a positive brand image of the bank.
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They see it… it´s real : Hur fem kenyanska life skills lärare resonerar kring hiv- och aidsundervisningLundborg, Björn January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this degree project is to clarify how five Kenyan Life Skills teachers discuss about hiv and aids education. Furthermore, to reveal whether the validity claims in their verbal communication refers to facts, morality or personal experiences. This, I will study by examine the teachers knowledge of, and attitudes towards, the disease. The teaching methods they are using and the basis of their validity claims. I have chosen to use semi-structured interviews as method and the theoretical framework is based on Jürgen Habermas theory of universal pragmatics. My result shows that there is a dilemma about whether the respondents knowledge is sufficient or insufficient. Moreover, the attitudes towards the disease indication that all the respondents consider schools and religious institutions to have an important role in reducing or preventing the spread of hiv or aids. But when it comes to stigmatization there is a dividing line concerning if stigma exist at the school or not. The respondents teaching methods vary, but a common method is that external persons are invited to school to give lectures. Another common method is that students teach their classmates about the virus. In matter of how the students can protect themselves against the disease, abstinence seems to be the primary and overarching message while condom use tends to be the secondary and subordinating message in classroom. Furthermore, my result shows that the respondents validity claims mainly refers to moral and to personal experiences.
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Vad kännetecknar en bra röst? : En studie om röster i kommersiella sammanhangFranzén, Jerker, Wijkmark, Hannes January 2012 (has links)
Vad kännetecknar en bra röst? Denna studie syftar till att utröna huruvida det finns något i den akustiska talsignalen som kan säga något om vilken uppfattning lyssnaren bildar sig om talaren. I kommersiella sammanhang är sättet att förmedla viktigt för att ge lyssnaren rätt budskap och i detta är rösten ett viktigt redskap. Grunden till föreliggande studie var att låta en grupp lyssnare bedöma några olika röster samt att analysera rösterna akustiskt, varefter en jämförelse mellan resultat från lyssnarbedömning och akustisk analys gjordes. En kvinna och en man i grupperna professionella samt icke-professionella röstanvändare läste in en standardtext. Inspelningarna analyserades akustiskt och bedömdes perceptuellt av en lyssnargrupp, omfattande 10 individer utan röstprofessionell kompetens. En intervju genomfördes även med de två professionella röstanvändarna. Resultaten visar att olika akustiska parametrar hos de studerade kvinnornas respektive männens röster hade samband med lyssnarnas uppfattning om rösterna. Männens röster med ett lågt F0 skattades som intresseväckande och förtroendeingivande. Samma egenskaper hos kvinnorna samförekom med en stor variabilitet i F0. På grund av det begränsade urvalet kunde inga generella slutsatser om vad som kännetecknar en bra röst dras. Intervjun gav att det i radioreklamsammanhang inte finns en ofelbar röst som kan anlitas till alla uppdrag, utan att olika rösttyper passar till olika sammanhang. / What makes a good voice? The present study seeks to determine whether there is something in the acoustic speech signal that may tell us something about how the listener perceives the speaker. In a commercial context, the way in which the message is constructed is important so the listener receives the message in the way the producer of the commercial intended. In this process the voice is an important tool. In the present study audio recordings were made of two professional and two non-professional voice users, one man and one woman in each group, reading a standard text. The recordings were analyzed acoustically and evaluated by a group of listeners. The results were summarized and compared. In addition, an interview was conducted with two professional speakers. Results of the analysis show that women's and men's voices differ in which acoustic parameters affect the listener's perception of the voice. A low mean F0 among men co-occured with the estimation of an interesting and trustful voice by the group of listeners. Among women, a high standard deviation of F0 was the parameter that co-occured with an estimate of an interesting and trustful voice. Due to the limited sample size, no general conclusions could be made. The answers from the interview indicated that there is no such thing as an infallible voice that can be hired for any assignment, but that different types of voices are suitable for different contexts.
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Wetland Public Trust and Management Model in Taiwan¡G A Case Study of the Aogu Wetland, Chiayi, TaiwanShang, Shu-Ting 06 July 2010 (has links)
Wetlands cover a broad of areas, including aquatic and terrestrial ecological systems. Many people and agencies are attracted the natural resources value and begin the action to protect it. In 2007, the Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior¡]CPAMI¡^in Taiwan announced 75 sites as ¡§National Wetlands of Importance¡¨. Currently the Wetland Conservation Law draft completed of 2010. In the future the wetlands conservation and mitigation mechanism will be definite. Wetland conservation is not only a government duty but also the resporsibility of the Private Sector and Citizen. Sometimes non-government organization and community often face private land ownership, lack of income and problems with Taiwan¡¦s current laws and regulation. Many wildlife habitats and critical wetlands are not owned by government, such as Aogu Wetland, therefore many researchers begin to promote the idea of "public trust" as one of the models for wetland sustainable management. In this study use public trust management model to combine wetland conservation maintain wetland ¡§no net loss¡¨. The common consensus and co-management mechanism between public and private sectors become crucial issues. Major research methods used Depth-Interview with different field experts to find the solution and feasibility of the proposed framework. Wetland public trust is a tool advocating the collaboration and cooperation among public, non-profit organizations, enterprise, government to improve the outcomes of environmental conservation, which can be oversee by particular authorities This study proposes wetland public trust as an appropriate framework and integrates tax system to improve the wetland conservation models in Taiwan.
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Operating target therapy for cancer drugs, key success factors.Hung, Kuo-Yao 12 August 2010 (has links)
Cancer has been a big issue in the medical science. Many scientists in the world have been trying so hard to find the effective drugs or therapies for different kinds of cancers. However, cancer is till so hard to cure. Until these days targeted therapies show up and give cancer patient a new hope to cure cancer. Targeted therapies are drugs which can block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules involved in tumor growth and progression. By focusing on molecular and cellular changes that are specific to cancer, targeted therapies are more effective than other types of treatment, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and less harmful to normal cells. Targeted therapies have been known by reducing side effects and improving quality life as well. Therefore, many drug manufactures have been investing money on investigating targeted therapies. Target therapy market is rapidly expending, and the competition among the drug manufactures has been more and fiercer. The key or critical success factors to the business of target cancer drugs are the most important issue for the drug manufactures to get the most profit from target drugs. The key success factors can be analyzed by sell strategy, research, development strategy, price strategy and government policy. This paper is trying to find the key success factors for business of target cancer drugs by deep interviewing the top sells managers in the industry and the top doctors in the hospital. Then these interview contents are analyzed by SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) to find the key success factors for business of target cancer drugs. With these key success factors, hopefully it can help the drug manufactures make good business on target cancer drug market.
Keywords: target drug, target therapy, key success factor, critical success factor, SWOT, deep interview.
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Study on Establishing the Cold Logistics Center in Kaohsiung Free Trade ZoneHuang, Te-cheng 09 August 2011 (has links)
¡@The Port of Kaohsiung is an international commercial port, situated in the geographic center of Southeast Asia, linking China as a key hub. It links Japan and Korea to the north, and the Emerging ASEAN Market ¡V 10 nations in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations down south. There is no doubt that Port of Kaohsiung is now playing the key role as a worldwide Transshipment Center. Though there are many logistic related firms surrounded by the Port of Kaohsiung, most of them are running Container Storage and Freight Distribution business only. Lacking big logistic center of cold chain, marine products cannot be processed efficiently after unloading from refrigerators on ships. These seafood, needed to be packaging and exporting after processing, must be unloaded at general cargo berths and then moved to the frozen warehouses outside the harbor.
¡@This research applies a qualitative method of focus group interview. Through the comments given by VIP, professionals, and other members of focus groups in the selected firms, this research was hence capable of analyzing the problem and policy of creating a logistic center of seafood cold chain in the Kaohsiung Free Trade Zone.
¡@Kaohsiung is a main fishing port with numerous large ocean vessels and plenty marine products, it cannot be too far to assume that the creation of the logistic center for the cold chain would have huge contribution to attract customer, reduce operation cost, and enrich the competitive niches of related industry. As a result, the center will ultimately help to develop the ocean fishing business and to increase the trading volume of Kaohsiung.
¡@Finally, the conclusion of this research is expected to be applied in practice, all the issues found and suggestions made are for the references of both public and private sectors to help establishing the logistic center for cold chain as the ultimate goal of the research.
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The Research of Insurance Brokers¡¦ Industry entering Mainland China - Case of Tai-Yung Insurance BrokerTseng, Nien-Cheng 22 August 2011 (has links)
The research uses reference materials from the insurance industry and the insurance brokerer industry, to do further study and analysis. Then we use a business case study ¡V Tai-yung Insurance Broker (Beijing) Co., to understand the past development of the company.
After further study, a qualitative analysis is used through interviews with several insurance industry¡¦s experts and managers. In addition to understanding the differences between the past and the present conditions of the industry, but to explore the opportunities and impacts the insurance brokerage industry in Taiwan might encountered to entering the mainland market after running the ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement). Finally comes up with conclusions and recommendations.
Keywords¡GThe Insurance Broker Industry¡BMainland China¡BTai-yung Insurance Broker¡BExpert Interview( Delphi technique)¡BCase Study
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