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Ansökningshandlingar : Vilka blir intressanta för en anställningsintervju? / Work applications : Who becomes interesting for a job interview?Persson, Helen January 2006 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att undersöka vad det är i en persons ansökningshandlingar som är attraktivt för en arbetsgivare samt vad som skiljer dessa åt från dem som inte blir kallade till en anställningsintervju. Undersökningen genomfördes genom ett tillfällighets urval där tio personer med kunskap inom området intervjuades. Data transkriberades sedan från ljudfilerna och en tematisering skedde därefter av det utskrivna materialet. Resultatet av undersökningen blev att den sökande allra först måste uppfylla de grundläggande krav som ställs på tjänsten men därutöver är det en subjektiv bedömning som sker. Utifrån ansökningshandlingarna, och eventuella telefonsamtal, skapar rekryterarna sig en bild av personen vilket sedan ligger till grund för urvalet. / This study aims to explore what it is in a persons work application that are attractive for an employer and what separates the attractive applications from those who isn’t called for a job interview. The study was conducted through opportunity sampling where ten persons with first hand knowledge from the area were interviewed. The data was then transcribed from the sound files and a thematic analysis where thereafter conducted on the written material. The results from this study are that the applicants first have to meet the basic demands for the job but after that is a subjective judgement taking place. From the applications, and phone calls, the employer creates an image of the applicants witch will be the foundation for the selection.
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Genuskommunikation genom design : - En studie av form, färg och typsnitt på parfymflaskorDicksen, Sophie January 2007 (has links)
Uppsala Universitet Sophie Dicksen Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap C-uppsats Abstract Title: Communication of gender through design -A study of shapes and colors of perfumebottles and of the fonts on their labels. (Genuskommunikation genom design -En studie av form, färg och typsnitt på parfymflaskor) Number of pages: 39 (82 including enclosures) Author: Sophie Dicksen Tutor: Mats Lind Course: Media- and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn 2006 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of information Science,Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: To study whether gender is communicated through design, and if so is the case, the aim is also to see by which aspects gender is communicated. Material/Method: 40 perfumebottles, 20 for women and 20 for men has been studied, and attributes such as their shapes, colors as well as the fonts on their labels has been analyzed in search of gender differences. An art director has also been interwiewed to receive information about genderdesign from a practical wiew. Main results: There is no difference out of a gender perspective between the colors on the bottles in aspect of lightness but colors on ladieperfumes are generally more saturated and they are also more often located among yellow, orange and red shades on the color chart while perfumesbottles for men tend to consist of yellow, green and blue colors in more unsaturated versions. The results of the study of shapes showes that there are more cubes among the male perfumes than there are in the group of womensperfumes. Concidering the study of fonts does results prove that fonts on labels of male perfumes mostly belong to the most common group of fontfamilies. This compared to perfumes for ladies where the the fonts varied between the two current fontgroups of the study, and therefore are bort rare and common. The interwiew with the art director gave that he sees differences between products for women and products for men out of a gender perspective. He claims that most perfumes for women generally have soft shapes, warm colors and scriptlike fonts with the opposite of attributes for men and he argues that those products not fitting in these genderframes are products for women looking more masculine. According to the art director,products for men are more limited when it comes to design as they would rarely approach areas that would be considered as feminine. Keywords: perfume, design, shape, color, font, gender, communication, interview
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Socialisationen av kvinnlig sexualitet på behandlingshem för unga kvinnor : ett symbolisk interaktionistiskt perspektivLarsson, Magdalena January 2006 (has links)
Using a symbolic interactionistic analytical approach, this essay aims to study the socialisation of young women’s sexuality in treatment institutions for young women. Through qualitative interviews with staff members at said institutions, concerning their views on young female sexuality, and how they discuss sexuality with the young women in the institutions, my aim was to identify the socialisation of young women’s sexuality. I have also investigated how the staff experiences their own sex as an important factor in conversations about sexuality with young women, as well as the possible effect sexually mixed or sexually segregated institutions exert upon conversations about sexuality. I have therefore interviewed both male and female staff, as well as staff of both sexually mixed and sexually segregated treatment institutions. The results indicate that the staff does talk about sexuality with the young women, but in varying degree and form. Treatment ideology seems to have an impact on the conversations of sexuality. The staff perceives their sex to be of importance for the conversations about sexuality but they also emphasise the importance of trusting relationships. They believe that sexuality as a subject arises more often in sexually mixed treatment institutions than in sexually segregated institutions. The staffs’ view on young female sexuality is not characterized by a discourse of desire, but rather by concern for the young women’s vulnerability, triggered by their own behaviour, as well as doubts about the young women’s own sexual desire.
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Living in Place On the Globe: Analyzing Narrative and Opinion Responses of Sixteen Tropical Interviewees to Understand Environmental RealitiesBril, Aleksandra 01 April 2013 (has links)
This undergraduate thesis analyzes the narrative and opinion responses of sixteen tropical interviewees to understand environmental realities and argue for the necessity of developing a deep connection to one's place in order to attain true sustainability. Trending themes that influenced this conclusion were: participant reproduction of stereotypes commonly attributed to tropical regions; the emergence of religious doctrine in descriptions of human's role in nature and spiritual depictions of interactions with the unbuilt environment; and explanations of extra-classroom environmental education. I argue that the best way to live sustainably on this planet is to integrate place-based environmental education that fosters both personal comfort with the natural world and a means to understand the global implications of individual actions.
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Förskollärares erfarenheter av särskilt stöd i förskolan / Pre-school teachers' opinions about special support in the pre-schoolBjörnström, Alice January 2013 (has links)
Much of the everyday work of teachers in pre-schools, schools and youth centers is based on experience. This study is a qualitative interview study intended to make visible the experiences of pre-school teachers in situations when children are considered to be in need of special support. I have looked at pre-school teachers’ descriptions of the kinds of situations in which a child is estimated to be in need of special support, what teachers look for in a child to identify it as a child in need of special support in a specific situation, and how the teachers define special support. Both this study and previous research show that children’s estimated need of support depends on the situation and context the child is in. The pre-school teachers in this study identify common situations where children are estimated to be in need of special support, namely: in interaction with others, in structured situations, during changes of activities and during free play. The study found that the pre-school teachers saw all children as requiring more or less support during certain periods of time. They didn’t identify a particular, generalizable group of “special needs” children that requires special support more frequently. The pre-school teachers in this study struggled to define special support, stating that the definition depends on the individual that is in need of support and the situation in which support is seen to be necessary. Two of three informants in this study said that if special support needs a definition, they consider it to be support from outside the pre-school, such as provision of competencies the pre-school teachers do not possess, or reorganization. / Många delar av lärarnas dagliga arbete och agerande på förskola, skola och fritidshem grundar sig i erfarenhet. Denna studie är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med syfte att göra förskollärares erfarenheter av situationer där barn bedöms vara i behov av särskilt stöd mer synliga. Jag har studerat förskollärares erfarenheter av vilka situationer barn bedöms vara i behov av särskilt stöd, vilka barn som är i behov av särskilt stöd i en specifik situation och på vilket sätt definierar förskollärarna vad som är särskilt stöd. Både denna studie och tidigare forskning visar att barns bedömda behov av stöd beror på situationen och sammanhanget barnet är i. Förskollärarna i denna studie menar att vanliga situationer där barn bedöms vara i behov av någon form av stöd är i samspelet med andra, i strukturerade situationer, i skiftet mellan aktiviteter och i den fria leken. I studien framkommer att förskollärarna anser att barn kan vara i mer eller mindre behov av någon form av stöd under en längre eller kortare tid och de kan inte säga att det är någon generaliserbar grupp barn som oftare bedöms vara i behov av särskilt stöd. Det var svårt för förskollärarna i denna studie att definiera särskilt stöd, de menar att det beror på vilken individ som är i behov av stödet och i vilken situation stödet bedöms behövas. Två av tre informanter i denna studie uttrycker att om det särskilda stödet måste definieras handlar det om stöd utifrån i form av kompetens förskollärarna inte har, omorganisation eller liknande.
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”JAG BLIR LIKSOM SOM FÖRR I TIDEN” : Upplevelse av hydroterapi hos personer med reumatisk sjukdomGarpelin, Maja, Byhlin, Emmelie January 2013 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Hydroterapi har under en längre tid använts som behandlingsform, men det är brist på forskning inom området. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka upplevelsen av hydroterapi hos personer med reumatisk sjukdom. En kvalitativ ansats anlades och enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer användes. Deltagarna rekryterades genom bekvämlighetsurval via en kontakt på en reumatologklinik. Sex personer inkluderades: fem hade reumatoid artrit och en hade pelvospondylit. Resultatet tolkades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, som visade på att deltagarna i denna studie var positivt inställda till hydroterapi. Deltagarna upplevde att hydroterapin ledde till minskad smärta, ökad rörlighet samt ett ökat välmående. Utöver de upplevda positiva effekterna återfanns även upplevda negativa effekter i form av träningsvärk och en ökad stelhet under sommaruppehållen. Det sociala samspel som uppstod i samband med hydroterapin upplevdes av de flesta deltagare ha haft positiv betydelse. Deltagarnas upplevelser kunde i diskussionen kopplas till operant och respondent inlärningsteori, där tänkbara konsekvenser och stimulin identifierades. Slutsatsen som drogs var att deltagarna upplevde hydroterapin som ett sätt att få tillbaka sin friska kropp genom att symtomen minskade. Då deltagarna upplevde att uppehåll orsakade försämring behövs hydroterapi som kontinuerlig behandlingsform för dem. Vidare forskning inom området bör fokuseras på enskilda patientgrupper samt inkludera ett större antal deltagare per patientgrupp. Nyckelord: hydroterapi, intervju, kvalitativ, pelvospondylit, reumatoid artrit.
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Las condiciones de interacción comunicativa en las técnicas lingüísticas de obtención de información y sus efectos en la elaboración discursiva sobre el cuerpo y la educaciónPerera, Santiago 26 May 1995 (has links)
El método de encuesta es un método de investigación de naturaleza lingüística y buena parte de las líneas de investigación elaboradas acerca de este método parecen haber obviado en buena medida esta característica. La relegación de la naturaleza lingüística del método de encuesta ha comportado un importante nivel de reificación de los elementos que se consideran implicados en él. Nos referimos fundamentalmente a las preguntas, a los entrevistadores y entrevistadoras, a las respuestas, a las personas encuestadas y a los propios instrumentos de las técnicas de investigación. Esta reificación ha transformado dichos elementos, en elementos objetivables y manipulables, y en cierta forma, desnudos de su principal característica: su significado y dimensión lingüística.Las repercusiones de este enfoque del método de encuesta han sido varias, entre ellas podemos destacar, por ejemplo, la reducción de lo lingüístico en los cuestionarios a meros enunciados casi métricos de preguntas, y la reducción de las respuestas a tan sólo marcas en diversas casillas. Este enfoque también ha propiciado que la figura del/de la entrevistador/a se convierta, por definición, en una fuente de sesgo, principalmente por sus características sociodemográficas, negándole una participación lingüística de interacción social en el método de encuesta. Igualmente, bajo esta perspectiva, la forma conversacional de la entrevista ha relegado a los cuestionarios a un mero intercambio de interrogaciones y monosílabos, o a un simple intercambio de papeles, olvidando precisamente que ni la entrevista es una conversación, ni los cuestionarios son elementos neutros en relación a la interacción lingüística de las personas implicadas en una situación de encuesta.Las hipótesis formuladas proponen en líneas generales, la recuperación de la naturaleza lingüística del método de encuesta, no tanto porque este método funcione a través de la palabra oral o escrita, como porque el lenguaje comporta una elaboración de significados compartidos en función de los mucho elementos que lo dimensionalizan. Entre estos elementos hemos destacado, en relación al método de encuesta, la propia situación de interacción condicionada por la técnica de investigación que se utilice (cuestionario autoadministrado, cuestionario entrevistado, entrevista), la persona encuestada, el/la interlocutor/a con el que la persona entra en contacto y con el que desarrol1ará la encuesta y el objeto sobre el cual va a ser preguntada la persona encuestada. En definitiva se trata de recuperar la importancia del contexto comunicativo y del "otro" simbólico en el proceso de obtención de información a través del método de encuesta. De forma más concreta las hipótesis tratan de poner de manifiesto la incidencia del objeto de interlocución, no tanto sobre los contenidos, sino sobre los procesos implicados en la interlocución. Igualmente las hipótesis sugieren que el modo de administración tiene efectos sobre los contenidos de respuesta, ya que los modos de administración son, en realidad, elementos contextuales de interlocución. Finalmente, las hipótesis tratan de otro elemento, el entrevistador o la entrevistadora sugiriendo que las interacciones de género, con sus puestas en juego de estereotipos, representaciones y prácticas tienen incidencia sobre los contenidos discursivos en función del contexto de interlocución y de la relevancia del tema. En este trabajo se han desarrollado dos investigaciones. En la primera investigación hemos tratado del tema del cuerpo y en la segunda de la educación. Se eligió el tema del cuerpo porque las hipótesis proponen la relevancia del contenido de interlocución en relación a la interacción comunicativa entre géneros, y consideramos que es una temática relativamente amenazante, ya que en la representación de lo público y lo privado pertenece más al dominio de lo privado que de lo público. La segunda investigación aborda el tema de la educación en contraste con la primera, es decir, su discurso pertenece al orden de lo público, de lo no amenazante y su interlocución está menos condicionada por las interacciones de género. Los resultados de las investigaciones nos permiten afirmar que la forma de administración no sólo es un medio de interrogación sino un contexto de interlocución, y que si bien el sexo como variable independiente tiene pocos efectos, el género está relacionado con los contenidos discursivos que se evidencian en la interlocución si existe una vinculación entre tema y contexto de género / In general lines, the investigations elaborated about enquiry method appear have obviate in a good measure the nature of this method, and this nature, more than metric -bow you can deduce through the psychometry and the sociometry- it is linguistics. The exile of this linguistics nature about enquiry method has beared a reification of the questions and the interviewers and have transformed them in objectivables elements despoid of its principal characteristic: its meaning and linguistic dimension. The repercussions of this focussing of enquiry method have been diverse, and we can detach, for example, the reduction of the linguistic in the questionnaires in simple enunciations almost metrics of questions, and the reduction of the answers in only marks in different options. This focussing has propitiate too that the figure of the interviewers is converted for definition in a potential source of error, refusing its linguistic participation in the social interaction in enquiry method. Equally the conversational form of interview has relegated the questionnaires in a simple interchange of interrogations and monosyllabic, or in a simple interchange of papers, forgetting precisely that the interview isn't a conversation, and the questionnaires aren't neutral elements to the linguistic and social interaction of the people implicated in a enquiry situation. The hypothesis formulated in this work propose, fundamentally, the recuperation of the linguistic nature of enquiry method because we thing that the language bears elaboration of share significations in function of very elements that give them dimension. Between this elements we have detached the situation of interaction, that has been conditioned for the techniques of investigations that it is used - auto administrate questionnaire, interviewed questionnaire and interview-, the inquire person, the interlocutor that talk with the interviewed person and the degree of relevance of the object or the theme about we will make questions to the interviewed person. We have to recuperate the importance of communicative context and "the other" symbolical in the process of getting information through the enquiry method.
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An Exploration of Pathological Gambling Among Diverse PopulationsPerkins, Ayana N. 14 December 2011 (has links)
This study used an ecological perspective to identify pathological gambling (PG) risk and protective factors, nonclinical resources, and prevention strategies based on the perceptions of Georgia stakeholders. With an ecological perspective, human behavior is perceived as an outcome of the interaction between the individual and various factors in their social environment. The ecological perspective is especially suitable for examining the higher PG prevalence among ethnic minority groups since these populations have been documented as encountering greater exposure to PG social and environmental risk factors (Smedley & Syme, 2000). To assess prevention needs, data were obtained from a 2008 needs assessment where diverse perspectives were collected through semi structured focus groups and interviews. A qualitative approach was used to address the study's aims. Grounded theory was used to guide the data analysis. Findings indicated that community perceptions of risk and protective factors, nonclinical resources, and prevention strategies were present at multiple levels of analyses. Furthermore, data trends also indicated that charitable gambling and other social norms should be considered in prevention.
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Ett utmanande möte : Alkohol- och narkotikapåverkade patienter på akutmottagningMace, Katarina, Isacson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor som arbetar på akutmottagningar möter dagligen patienter som är alkohol- eller narkotikapåverkade. När patienter kommer till akutmottagningen och är påverkade av alkohol eller narkotika förekommer det ofta våld. Det vårdvetenskapliga perspektivet i examensarbetet är Kaséns syn på vårdrelationen och delaktighet. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter som är påverkade av alkohol eller narkotika på akutmottagning. Metod: Sex narrativa intervjuer har genomförts med sjuksköterskor som arbetar på en akutmottagning i mellersta Sverige. Intervjuerna har analyserats enligt Lundman och Graneheims metod för kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter från mötet med patienter med missbruksproblematik är att de kan vara våldsamma och framförallt är det viktigt att tänka på hur man bemöter dem. De ständigt återkommande mötena med dessa patienter på akutmottagningen tar mycket av sjuksköterskornas tid. Blandmissbrukare som är påverkade av både alkohol och narkotika anses vara mest våldsamma och det finns ett uttalat behov av utbildning främst av nya narkotikapreparat som finns på marknaden. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor bör eftersträva ett professionellt bemötande av patienter med missbruksproblematik. Däremot kan det vara svårt att finna tiden för samtal med dessa patienter. Sjuksköterskor utsätts ibland för våld och trakasserier i mötet med patienter med missbruksproblematik. Därför bör det ställas högre krav på säkerheten på akutmottagningar, för både vårdpersonal och patienter. / Background: Nurses working in emergency departments encounter patients that under the influence of alcohol or narcotics on a daily basis. When patients come to the emergency department under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, there is often violence involved. As the caring science perspective used Kaséns view of the caring relationship and the participation. Aim: The aim is to describe the nurses’ experiences of encountering patients that are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, in the emergency department. Method: Six narrative interviews were conducted with nurses working in an emergency department in mid-central Sweden. The interviews were analyzed according to Lundman and Graneheim method for qualitative manifest content analysis. Results: The nurses’ experiences of encountering patients with substance abuse problems are that they can be violent and above all it's important to consider their response. These constant and reoccurring encounters with patients in the emergency department are time consuming for the nurses. Among the patients under the influence of both alcohol and drugs are considered to be the most violent and there is a clear and present need for training in narcotics available currently in society. Conclusion: Nurses should seek to respond professionally to patients with substance abuse problems. However, it can be challenging to find the time to talk with these patients. Sometimes nurses are subjected to violence and harassment in the encounters with patients with substance abuse problems. Therefore, higher standards should be set regarding the safety of emergency departments, for both health professionals and patients.
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Går det att lära gamla hundar att sitta? : En studie om att ändra på en verksamhets utskriftsvanor. / Is it possible to teach an old dog how to sit? : A study about changing the printout habits at work.Do, MyNa, Vardanian, Zaruhi January 2009 (has links)
The consumer society exploits the earth’s resources more than the earth itself has capability to produce. This over-consumption causes a mass production of products, which mean that more greenhouse gases are being emitted to the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why the earth’s temperature is rising, where the result of it is worldwide disasters. The paper consumption is part of the causes to climate change, but this is something we can prevent by just changing little things in our everyday lives. Our question is: What does it actually take for us to stop wasting paper as we do? Is it possible at all? We decided to study what the IT-center of Jonkoping county council need to do to reduce their office paper printing. A survey and interviews were made to get to know the employees way to work. Many are very positive towards electronic documents and do not mind a change, as we can see in the results. But many admitted that they have a way to work that is hard to break. With these studies and previous cases, we found a solution for the IT-center. The solutions are reported in an electronic brochure.
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