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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anàlisi de les relacions entre els trets de personalitat i la disfonia

Vila Rovira, Josep Maria 15 December 2011 (has links)
En l'experiència clínica, els foniatres i logopedes especialitzats en trastorns de la veu han afirmat que les disfonies tenen relació amb la personalitat del pacient. Estudis previs de Roy i Bless indiquen una relació entre els trets de personalitat neuroticisme i extraversió, definits per Eysenck, i les disfonies funcionals i els nòduls vocals. Aquests estudis proposen que les teories de Gray poden explicar aquesta relació. Gray proposa l'existència de dos sistemes biològics d'activació i d'inhibició conductual que responen a una major sensibilitat del subjecte a les recompenses i els càstigs, respectivament. El 2011, Torrubia et al. presenten, un qüestionari per a la valoració d'aquests dos sistemes. Partint dels treballs de Roy i Bless, l'estudi que presentem pretén aportar evidències sobre la influència dels trets de personalitat en la presència d'alteracions de la veu. S'han administrat els qüestionaris EPQ-RS d'Eysenck i SCSRQ de Torrubia a un grup experimental de 141 pacients atesos per alteracions de la veu i ha un grup control de 99 persones sense alteracions vocals. A tots ells se'ls va administrar també el qüestionari Voice Handicap Index-10 i es van recollir diverses mostres de la seva veu que van ser analitzades amb el programa MDVP per obtenir el paràmetre Dysphonia Severity Index descrit per Wuyts, i van ser valorades amb el paràmetre Grade del GRBAS d'Hirano per cinc logopedes experts en alteracions vocals. Els resultats han estat analitzats amb el paquet estadístic PASW 18. Els resultats mostren diferències estadísticament significatives entre el grup experimental i el grup control en relació al tret neuroticisme en el test EPQ (z = 6.951, p <.01) i en relació a la sensibilitat al càstig en el test SCSRQ (z = 2.207; p <.05). Les dades mostren també diferències estadísticament significatives entre els dos grups pel que fa als valors del DSI (z = 9.320, p <.01). Per a aquesta mesura s'ha establert un valor de tall, amb la corba ROC, en la puntuació 3.7. També s'han obtingut diferències significatives en les puntuacions totals del VHI-10 (z = 10.351, p <.001) i un valor de tall de 7. El paràmetre G ha presentat diferències significatives (z = 10.959, p <.001) i un valor de tall en la puntuació 1. Les tres mesures de la disfonia correlacionen amb els resultats dels qüestionaris de personalitat per als trets neuroticisme (DSI rs = -. 437, p> .001; VHI-10 rs =.416, p> .001; paràmetre G rs = .446, p> .001) i sensibilitat al càstig (VHI-10 rs = .231, p> .01; paràmetre G rs = .144, p> .05). Els resultats confirmen les informacions aportades per investigacions anteriors respecte a la influència del neuroticisme en la disfonia. En el mateix sentit, podem concloure que el tret introversió està més present en la població amb alteracions de la veu. Els resultats de l'escala de sensibilitat al càstig permeten pensar que les teories de Gray poden orientar sobre els factors emocionals en les alteracions vocals. Així mateix, els resultats permeten concloure que els instruments de mesura de la qualitat vocal són fiables, complementaris i vàlids per a la discriminació de persones que pateixen alteracions de la veu. / En la experiencia clínica, los foniatras y logopedas especializados en trastornos de la voz han afirmado que las disfonías tienen relación con la personalidad del paciente. Estudios previos de Roy y Bless indican una relación entre los rasgos de personalidad neuroticismo y extroversión, definidos por Eysenck, y las disfonías funcionales y los nódulos vocales. Estos estudios proponen que las teorías de Gray pueden explicar esta relación. Gray propone la existencia de dos sistemas biológicos de activación y de inhibición conductual que responden a una mayor sensibilidad del sujeto a las recompensas y los castigos, respectivamente. En 2011, Torrubia et al. presentaron un cuestionario para la valoración de estos dos sistemas. Partiendo de los trabajos de Roy y Bless, el estudio que presentamos pretende aportar evidencias sobre la influencia de los rasgos de personalidad en la presencia de alteraciones de la voz. Se han administrado los cuestionarios EPQ-RS de Eysenck y SCSRQ de Torrubia a un grupo experimental de 141 pacientes atendidos por alteraciones de la voz y a un grupo control de 99 personas sin alteraciones vocales. A todos ellos se les administró también el cuestionario Voice Handicap Index-10 y se recogieron diversas muestras de su voz que fueron analizadas con el programa MDVP para la obtención del parámetro Dysphonia Severity Index descrito por Wuyts, y fueron valoradas con el parámetro Grade del GRBAS de Hirano por cinco logopedas expertos en alteraciones vocales. Los resultados han sido analizados con el paquete estadístico PASW 18. Los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo experimental y el grupo control en relación al rasgo neuroticismo en el test EPQ (z = 6.951; p< .01) y en relación a la sensibilidad al castigo en el test SCSRQ (z = 2.207; p< .05). Los datos muestran también diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos con respecto a los valores del DSI (z = 9.320, p < .01). Para esta medida se ha establecido un valor de corte, con la curva ROC, en la puntuación 3.7. También se han obtenido diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones totales del VHI-10 (z = 10.351; p< .001) y un valor de corte de 7. El parámetro G ha presentado diferencias significativas (z = 10.959; p< .001) y un valor de corte en la puntuación 1. Las tres mediciones de la disfonía correlacionan con los resultados de los cuestionarios de personalidad para los rasgos neuroticismo (DSI rs = -.437, p>.001; VHI-10 rs = .416, p>0.001; parámetro G rs = .446, p>0.001) y sensibilidad al castigo (VHI-10 rs = .231, p>.01; parámetro G rs = .144, p>.05). Los resultados confirman las informaciones aportadas por investigaciones anteriores respecto a la influencia del neuroticismo en la disfonía. En el mismo sentido, podemos concluir que el rasgo introversión está más presente en la población con alteraciones de la voz. Los resultados de la escala de sensibilidad al castigo permiten pensar que las teorías de Gray pueden orientar sobre los factores emocionales en las alteraciones vocales. Asimismo, los resultados permiten concluir que los instrumentos de medida de la calidad vocal son fiables, complementarios y válidos para la discriminación de personas que sufren alteraciones de la voz. / In clinical experience, phoniatricians and speech therapists who specialize in voice disorders have argued that dysphonia is related to the patient's personality. Previous studies by Roy and Bless indicate a relationship between the personality traits neuroticism and extraversion, defined by Eysenck, and functional dysphonia and vocal nodules. These studies suggest that Gray's theories can explain this relationship. Gray proposes the existence of two biological systems of activation and behavioral inhibition, which respond to increased sensitivity of the subject to reward and punishment, respectively. In 2011, Torrubia et al. presented a questionnaire for the assessment of these two systems. Based on the work of Roy and Bless, the study presented aims to provide evidence on the influence of personality traits in the presence of voice disorders. Administered questionnaires were Eysenck's EPQ-RS and SCSRQ of Torrubia to an experimental group of 141 patients with voice disorders and a control group of 99 people with no vocal alterations. All of them answered the Voice Handicap Index-10 questionnaire and several samples of their voices were analyzed with the MDVP program so as to obtain Dysphonia Severity Index parameter described by Wuyts. These samples were evaluated with the parameter Grade of Hirano’s GRBAS by five speech pathologists specialized in voice disorders. The results were analyzed using the statistical package PASW 18. The results showed statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in relation to trait neuroticism on the EPQ test (z = 6951, p <.01) and in relation to sensitivity to punishment in SCSRQ test (z = 2207; p <.05). The data also showed statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding DSI values (z = 9320, p <.01). For this measure cutoff with ROC curve has been established in the score 3.7. Significant differences were also obtained in total scores of HIV-10 (z = 10,351, p <.001) and a cutoff value of 7. The parameter G has presented significant differences (z = 10,959, p <.001) and a cutoff in the score 1. All three measures of dysphonia correlated with the results of the questionnaires of personality traits neuroticism (r = -. 437 DSI, p> .001; VHI-10 r = .416, p> .001; parameter G r = .446, p <.001) and sensitivity to punishment (VHI-10 r = .231, p> 0.01; parameter G r = .144, p> .05). The results confirm the information provided by previous research on the influence of neuroticism in dysphonia. Also, we can conclude that introversion trait is more present in people with voice disorders. The relationship between the results of the sensitivity scale to punishment suggests that Gray's theories can shed some light on emotional factors in voice disorders. Finally, the results suggest that measurement instruments used for voice quality are reliable, complementary and valid for the discrimination of people with voice disorders.

Gender differences in mirror-tracing task performance

Fowler, Kathleen M. 22 November 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to examine the gender differences that exist when male and female participants complete the mirror-tracing task. This task was chosen because it requires both spatial and psychomotor abilities and is unusual in the sense that it has a far higher correlation with standard spatial ability measures than do most other psychomotor tests. This research will focus on looking at gender differences in speed, accuracy, and practice effects. It will also investigate two personality traits that correlate with performance on the task: introversion and anxiety. Data will be collected from three studies: Experiment 2 of Ackerman&Cianciolo's (1999) study, Experiment 3 of Ackerman&Cianciolo's (2000) study, and Experiment 1 of Field's (1998) study. The results are expected to show that males complete the mirror-tracing task quicker than females during initial, intermediate, and final assessments; however, females will exhibit greater practice effects than males. The results are also anticipated to show there is no significant gender difference in the number of errors made during initial, intermediate, or final assessment. Finally, the number of errors made during initial assessment on the mirror-tracing task is expected to be negatively correlated with introversion and positively correlated with anxiety.

Prekinio ženklo suvokimo sąsajos su vartotojo asmenybės savybėmis / The Connection between the Perception of Brand and Consumer Personality Traits

Ragelskytė, Inga 25 June 2008 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamos vartotojo asmenybės savybių (ektraversijos, intraversijos, emocinio labilumo ir emocinio stabilumo) bei prekinio ženklo „asmenybės“ savybių (nuoširdumas, jaudinimas, kompetencija, rafinuotumas ir stiprumas) rodiklių sąsajos, atsižvelgiant į 3 prekinio ženklo pateikimo modelius (simbolinis, materialus ir asociatyvus). Siekiant sumažinti šalutinių kintamųjų įtaką rezultatams, stimulu buvo pasirinktas neutralus (nei aukšto, nei žemo įsitraukimo), neegzistuojančio prekinio ženklo produktas – mineralinis vanduo. Tyrime dalyvavo 300 tiriamųjų (227 moterys ir 73 vyrai). Amžiaus ribos 18 – 36 metų (vidurkis 20,39). Nustatyta, jog prekinio ženklo „asmenybės“ simbolinio modelio pateikimo atveju savybių suvokimas nesiskiria ekstravertų ir intravertų grupėse, t.y. ekstravertai ir intravertai šias savybes suvokia vienodai. Materialaus modelio pateikimo atveju prekinio ženklo suvokimo skirtumų tarp ekstravertų ir intravertų taip pat nepastebėta. Tokia pati tendencija stebima ir asociatyvaus prekinio ženklo pateikimo modelio atveju. Nagrinėjant vartotojų neurotiškumą nustatyta, jog simbolinio prekinio ženklo pateikimo modelio atveju statistiškai reikšmingai skyrėsi prekinio ženklo jaudinimo, kompetencijos ir rafinuotumo savybių suvokimas, t.y. emociškai labilūs vartotojai šias savybes suvokė kaip labiau išreikštas lyginant su emociškai stabiliais. Materialaus prekinio ženklo pateikimo modelio atveju emociškai labilūs vartotojai prekinio ženklo jaudinimo ir stiprumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present thesis focuses on the connection between the consumer personality traits (extroversion, introversion, emotional stability and emotional lability) and perception of brand personality traits (sincere, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness, according to three brand presentation models (symbolic, material and associative). Stimulus was neutral (neither low, neither high involvement), unknown brand product – mineral water, with the purpose to reduce the effects of secondary variables. 300 respondents participated in the research. The distribution of respondents according to the gender was 227 women and 73 men, the boundaries of age were from 18 to 36 (20,39 on average). It has been determinated that there are no differences in the brand personality perception between extroverts and introverts when brand is presented in the symbolic model, i.e. the perception of brand personality is the same among extroverts and introverts. There were no differences in the perception of brand personality among extroverts and introverts when the brand was presented in material model. The same tendency was observed when brand was presented in associative model. Examining consumers’ neuroticism it was developed that emotional label consumers brand personality perceived as more exciting, competence and sophisticated in comparison with emotional stable consumers when brand was presented in the symbolic model. When brand was presented in the material model emotional label... [to full text]

Factors contributing to withdrawal behaviour in early adolescents

Singh, Nandkissor 07 1900 (has links)
The researcher is concerned about the lack of attention given to withdrawn early adolescents (WEAs) at school. During early adolescence, the foundations for lasting character, personality traits and social interaction are laid. Learners exhibiting withdrawal behaviour are described as being quiet, reserved, removed or distant. Attempts by educators to get them involved in lessons often end in failure and this causes educators to become frustrated and confused about how to deal with these learners. The aim of this study is therefore to establish the factors that contribute to withdrawal behaviour in early adolescents. The researcher devised an identification instrument that makes the identification of WEAs much easier for educators. He also established the deep seated fears and anxieties of WEAs and ascertained how they would like to be treated by their educators. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Identificação da tipologia psicológica em pacientes com câncer de esôfago / Identification of psychological type in patients with esophageal cancer

Stela Duarte Pinto 29 November 2016 (has links)
O Câncer de Esôfago é uma das neoplasias mais agressivas do trato gastrointestinal; é considerado como a nona neoplasia mais comum no mundo, além de ter altas taxas de mortalidade. A doença pode ser desencadeada por hábitos de vida, tais como etilismo e tabagismo, e também por fatores intrínsecos ao indivíduo. De todo modo, interfere significativamente em vários setores da vida do sujeito. Uma doença como o câncer pode conter uma tentativa simbólica para compensar uma atitude unilateral do indivíduo, ao relacionar-se com o ambiente e consigo mesmo. Acredita-se que conhecer aspectos do funcionamento e da dinâmica psíquica do sujeito pode contribuir para o foco do tratamento psicológico, de forma a propiciar intervenções psicológicas precoces e a auxiliar as demais equipes assistenciais nos cuidados e no modo de interação com o paciente. Entre elementos da estrutura psíquica do sujeito, buscou-se a tipologia psicológica dos referidos pacientes; para tanto, foi utilizado o Questionário de avaliação tipológica - QUATI (Zacharias, 2003). Além disso, valemo-nos de aspectos contidos na avaliação psicológica, rotina da instituição, com a finalidade de acessarmos as particularidades de cada um dos pacientes, especialmente no que se refere à reação ao diagnóstico e ao significado atribuído à doença. O estudo pode ser considerado como transversal, exploratório e descritivo. Foram incluídos 90 pacientes, derivados de análise estatística. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa pacientes maiores de 18 anos com diagnóstico de câncer de esôfago; com ensino fundamental completo; virgens de tratamento; atendidos em primeira consulta, no ambulatório de cirurgia do aparelho digestivo, do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP-HCFMUSP). Encontramos esses pacientes em sala de espera da consulta médica, onde foram informados sobre o objetivo da pesquisa; e, àqueles que aceitaram participar, foi aplicado o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, seguido da avaliação psicológica (rotina da instituição) e aplicação do instrumento. Os resultados indicaram que a maior parte da nossa amostra tem uma atitude introvertida. O tipo psicológico mais comum foi o introvertido sensação, com função auxiliar sentimento. A partir da avaliação psicológica, constatou-se uma variedade de mecanismos defensivos para minimização da angústia. A grande parte dos pacientes valeu-se de defesas adaptativas diante do processo de adoecimento. Conclui-se que, no atendimento com esses pacientes, torna-se necessária uma postura prática e objetiva dos profissionais de saúde, em que se busque fornecer orientações com base na realidade dos pacientes, assim como ter um modo de agir empático, com o estabelecimento de vínculo significativo, mas respeitando os limites dos pacientes, sobretudo ao que se refere à forma reservada e introspectiva de interagirem com o mundo e com as pessoas que os cercam / Esophageal cancer is one of the most aggressive neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, and can be triggered by life habits such as alcoholism and smoking and factors intrinsic to the individual. A disease such as cancer can hold a symbolic attempt to compensate for a onesided attitude of the individual. It is believed that knowing aspects of the psychic dynamics of the person, can contribute to the focus of a psychological treatment, in order to provide early psychological interventions, as well as assisting other attending teams in the care of and interaction with the patient. Among the psychic structure elements of a subject, we looked for the psychological typology of these patients. Typological Assessment Questionnaire was used to evaluate the psychological typology. In addition, we drew on aspects from within the psychological assessment, routine of the institution, in order to access the particularities of each one of the patients, especially concerning their reaction to the diagnosis and the meaning attributed to the disease. Ninety patients were included. They were over 18 years old, having completed middle-school education, diagnosed with esophageal cancer, and interviewed during their first medical appointment at the Digestive Surgery Clinic at the Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo (ICESP-HCFMUSP). We met these patients in the waiting room, where they were informed of the purpose of the survey. Those who agreed to participate, were given the terms of free and informed consent, followed by a psychological evaluation and the application of the instrument used. The results indicated a predominant introverted attitude. The most common psychological type was the introverted feeling, with feeling as a secondary function. From this psychological evaluation, we found a variety of defensive mechanisms to minimize the anguish. Most of the patients made use of adaptive defenses when facing the illness process. Therefore, when attending these patients, health professionals must have a practical and objective posture, seeking to guide the patients according to their reality. In addition, they should be empathetic in their manner, establishing significant bond, but respecting the patients\' limits, especially when it comes to their reserved and introspective way of interacting with the world and the people around them

The Relationship of Temperament and Extraversion-Introversion to Selected Group counseling Outcome Measures

Hays, Donald G. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was the determination of the relationship between Myers-Briggs personality temperament and extraversion-introversion, and group counseling norms, as reflected by the group counseling outcome measures: Survey of Attraction to Group, self and leader-report Interpersonal Relationship Rating Scale (IRRS), and Sociometric Choice Status Survey. The Mvers-Briggs Temperament Indicator (MBTI) and the four outcome measures were administered to a sample population of 103 graduate and undergraduate counselor education students after completion of a semester-long group counseling experience. Fifteen groups of five to nine members were surveyed. It was expected that group members whose temperaments were compatible with group counseling norms would be more likely to receive confirmation, support, and acceptance in the group, be attracted to the group, receive higher leader and self-report ratings of interpersonal skills, and be more highly valued by other members than would members whose temperaments were incompatible with group norms. It was also thought that extraverts were more likely to be attracted to the group, receive higher self and leader ratings of interpersonal skills, and to be more highly valued by other members than were introverts. No significant relationship was found between temperament and the four outcome measures. Possible explanations for this finding were discussed. However, mean scores for extraverts were significantly higher than mean scores for introverts on the Survey of Attraction to Group and leader-report interpersonal Relationship Rating Scale instruments. A related finding was that the NF temperament was overrepresented in the sample population of counselor education students by a factor of four. The INFP type was overrepresented by a factor of 16.5, and the ENFP type had the highest frequency of occurrence. Together, INFPs and ENFPs constituted 34 percent of the sample. In the general population, INFPs and ENFPs would be expected to account for only six percent of the total.

內向僅為外向之相反嗎?­ –「內外向性多向度量表」之編製及驗證 / Is Introversion Merely the Opposite of Extraversion? – The Development and Validation of Multi-dimensional Inventory of Introversion-Extraversion

周穎琦 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在挑戰常見的內外向性單向度思維。首先,提出一個替代性假設:內外向性為雙向度之構念 ; 再者,發展出內外向性雙向度量表,並以全台北、中、南三區共1,011位大學生為施測對象。最後,透過試題分析刪減題目,並以結構方程模式(SEM)進行假設模式之驗證。 結果發現:(1)內外向性乃多向度之構念,共分為正面外向性、負面外向性、正面內向性、負面內向性四個向度。(2)「自我導向性」乃為正面內向性因素之核心構念,「活躍性」則為正面外向性因素之核心構念,有別於傳統認為「社交性」為外向性因素之核心構念。此外,本量表乃具可接受之信效度,唯效標關連效度尚待進一步驗證。 / The purpose of the study was contesting the prevailing view of the one-dimensional construct of Introversion-Extraversion ( I-E ). The researcher first proposed an alternative hypothesis that I-E is a bi-dimensional construct and developed a new type of I-E inventory treating I-E as independent dimensions. The inventory was administered to 1,011 college students form Taiwan’s 3 geographical regions and then refined by item analysis. Finally, the data was analyzed through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to verify the hypothetic model. The major findings are: (1) I-E is a Multi-dimensional construct including Positive Extraversion (PE), Negative Extraversion (NE), Positive Introversion (PI), and Negative Introversion (NI) as four facets. (2) The core construct of PI is “Self-orientation” and that of PE is “Activeness” which is in contrast to the conventional view of “Sociability” as the core construct of extraversion. Besides, the Multi-dimensional Inventory of Introversion-Extraversion has acceptable reliability and validity; however, the criterion-related validity remains to be verified.

Koncept extraverze-introverze na pozadí umělecky tvořivé osobnosti / Extraversion-introversion concept based on an artistic-creative personality

Heinová, Dana January 2017 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is to investigate the dimensions of extraversion-introversion as one of the fundamental characteristics of human personality. In the theoretical part, we are bringing a brief history of efforts to define and describe this dimension, and we also introduce some current concepts and appropriate diagnostic methods. Furthermore, in the theoretical part, we briefly focus on the specifics of personality dimensions of extraversion in the context of artistically creative personality. The aim of this work is not to contribute to answering the question about the existence of a relationship between the creative artistic process and a creator's introversion or extraversion. Artists are a psychologically widely studied group so we decided to use some specific knowledge about their extraversion or introversion in our research. The aim of the practical part of our thesis is to contribute to the search for the possible connections between personality theories of H. Rorschach and H. J. Eysenck. Both theories and methods (the Rorschach test and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - EPQ-R) are based on the neurobiological characteristics of the individual and typical ways of responding but they differ in their approach. H. J. Eysenck's assumption of rather less extraversion of artists, as well...

Osobnostní typologie při volbě povolání / Personality typology during the choice of career

Buriánková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
My dissertation is focused on analysing the importance of personality typology during the choice of career. The theoretical part is aimed at the clarification of related key concepts, summary of knowledge concerning the personality typology and explanation of chosen theories dealing with personality typology. I paid particular attention to the type indicator MBTI, which is subsequently used in the practical part. The methodological part follows the theoretical part. The methodological part delimits the particular phases of the research and together with the theoretical part serves as a basis for the practical part. Within the practical part the personality typology issues used during the choice of career are analysed through the research and subsequently the interpretation of ascertained results is mentioned.

Introvertní učitel na prvním stupni ZŠ / Introverted teacher in the primary school

Schreierová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The thesis examines the personality of an introverted teacher at elementary school. In the theoretical part, it shows the profession of teacher through the professional competences and activities of which the profession of teacher consists. Following is a brief overview of personality theories, which aims towards a deeper understanding of the personality of man and a closer understanding of the concepts of introversion and extraversion. It also addresses the strengths and weaknesses of introversion and lists four types of introverted perception of the world. The empirical part examines how the introverted type express itself in the role of teacher and what are his strengths and weaknesses. Both men and women currently working as teachers at elementary school were approached for the research. An online personality questionnaire was used to identify the personality type of individual respondents. Method of in-depth interview was chosen for the data collection itself. Only respondents with an introverted personality type were selected for in-depth interviews. The results of the research brought a deeper understanding of the personality of the introverted teacher. It describes the specific needs, which are important for an introverted person of a teacher in relation to the performance of his work....

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