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Examensarbete Moelven Valåsen AB. / Thesis Moelven Valasen ABAlexandersson, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
The Moelven Valåsen AB sawmill will within a 5-year period increase production from 375,000 𝑚3to approximately 500,000 𝑚3per year by building a new saw line. This has more led to the company going up from 2 shifts to 3 shifts to be able to meet this demand. This has led to the finished goods inventory before the customer has become full, and as a result the company has had to stand still. To investigate this, this thesis has investigated what the flow of the finished goods inventory looks like with the help of some tools to analyze the flow but at the same time develop the problems that may be the basis for this problem of the inventory becoming full. What has been concluded is that there are many different challenges to solving this problem. This thesis has provided an overview of where the problem may be in the flow and what it is due to. What has also been developed are some improvement proposals that could benefit the company and be developed so that the capacity of the warehouse can increase and become more efficient. / Sågverket Moelven Valåsen AB kommer inom en 5 års period att utöka produktionen från 375 000 𝑚3 till ca 500 000 𝑚3 per år genom att bygga en ny såglinje. Detta har mer fört att företaget har gått upp från 2 skift till 3 skift för att kunna möta denna efterfrågan. Det har lett till att färdigvarulagret innan kund har blivit fullt, och resultera i att företaget har behövt stått stilla. För att undersöka detta har detta examensarbete undersökt hur flödet på färdigvarulagret ser ut med hjälp av en del verktyg för att analysera flödet men samtidigt ta fram problematiken som kan tänkas ligga till grund till detta problem med att lagret blir fullt. Det som har kommit fram till är att det finns många olika utmaningar för att lösa detta problem. Detta examensarbete har gett en överblick vart problematiken kan tänkas ligga i flödet och vad det beror på. Det som också har tagits fram är en del förbättringsförslag som skulle kunna gynna företaget och utvecklas till att kapaciteten på lagret kan öka och effektiviseras.
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Processeffektivisering av kantpressar / Streamlining of a press brake operationLoodin-Ek, Hanna, Schalin, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Studien undersöker processen i plåthallen vid kantpressarna på Systemair Sverige AB i kommunen Skinnskatteberg. Systemair Sverige AB är ett företag som tillverkar luftridåer, ventilationssystem och luftaggregat och är ledande på marknaden inom sitt område. Systemair Sverige AB anser att processen sker ineffektivt vid kantpress vilket ger oönskade och långa ställtider. Målbilden för studien var då att hitta relationer mellan artiklar som går igenom kantpressarnas flöde och därefter dela in verktygen för att få ner ställtiderna. Tillvägagångsättet är av analyserande karaktär och följer en PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) struktur där ett antal frågor formulerades i början och som diskuteras i rapportens gång. Studien inleds med en grundlig nulägesanalys där verktyg inom Lean identifierades för att bemöta och hantera det uttalade problemet. Exempel på verktyg som användes är flödeskarta, produktionsflöde och produktfamiljer. Metoderna anpassades utefter studien och resulterade i en verktygsindelning. Utifrån verktygsindelningen har en procentuell indelning kunnat göras vilket ger upphov till nya flöden och som presenteras i rapporten. Projektgruppen har berört artiklar som behandlats av standardverktyg inom Prägling och Luftbock samt verktyg inom dessa områden utöver standard. För att få ner ställtiden så har en SMED-analys (Single-digit Minute Exchange of Die) utförts varav det har plockats ut en tidsstudie. Den längsta uppmätta ställtiden var på 43 minuter vilket projektgruppen tror går att reducera till 16 minuter genom verktygsindelningen. Då detta inte var i enlighet med SMED, där målet är att ställtiden ska vara under 10 minuter, så gavs indikationer på att fler faktorer spelade in varav en Ishikawa (rotorsaksanalys) upprättades. För att nå detta SMED-mål så gavs fortsatta rekommendationer varav ett är standardiserat arbetssätt. Slutligen presenterades tre förslag gällande effektiviseringen av kantpress, alla inom verktygsindelningen, och de frågeställningarna besvarades i slutsatsen. / The report studies the process by the press brakes at Systemair Sweden AB in the county of Skinnskatteberg. Systemair Sweden AB is a company that produce air curtains, residential ventilation, air conditioning devices and is leading within its own market of products. Systemair Sweden AB consider the press brake process to be inefficient which result in unwanted and long set up time. The intention of the report was to find the relations between products that are being processed in the press brake and thereafter sort each individual product stream by similarities in the equipment being used to reduce the set-up time. The approach of the report is of analyzing character and has a PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) framework where a few questions are enunciated in the beginning of the report and discussed throughout the report. The report initiates in a thorough status analysis where tools within the theory of Lean is identified and used to handle the mentioned problem. Examples of tools being used is a production map, production flow and production families. The methods are adapted for this problem and report which resulted in a classification in equipment. A percental division was established by the classification which sourced new defined production flows and are presented in the report. The project group has focused on products produced with standard equipment in the two most used press types and a few products being processed by other equipment. To reduce the press brakes long set-up times a SMED analysis (Single-digit Minute Exchange of Die) has been implemented and a clock study. The longest set-up time in this study was in 43 minutes which the project group think can be reduced till 16 minutes by classifying equipment. According to SMED, a set-up time under 10 minutes is achievable, which is not the case here which indicated that there are more factors having to be in consideration. Therefore an Ishikawa (analysis of causes) was made in order to acknowledge these factors and recommendations was given to continue the work whereof one recommendation was standardized work methods. In the final of the report three suggestions are presented to streamline the press-brake process, all formed through classification of equipment, and lastly the questions from the beginning are answered.
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Snižování nákladů společnosti za použití nástrojů kvality / Cost Savings in Company with Tools of QualityKoláček, Luděk January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with application of quality tools in production plant. Theoretical part deal with history of quality, current situation in quality management and describe some of quality tools. In practical part will be applied some of described quality tools. Some of them are already implemented in production but only partially and they are not used in full for more flexible and efficient production. Conclusions and results of this diploma thesis should prove that if we are using these tools in full, we can decrease extra cost in production.
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[pt] Grandes desafios surgiram para as organizações devido ao avanço tecnológico ocorrido nos últimos tempos. Qualidade no produto não é mais um meio para se obter vantagem competitiva, mas sim uma necessidade para as organizações manterem seus clientes. Deste modo, formas para que a qualidade esteja cada vez mais presente nas organizações se fazem necessárias. Neste contexto, os objetivos do presente trabalho são estudar os principais métodos de análise de causa raiz da literatura, apresentando suas etapas, características, peculiaridades, comparação, e exemplificar a aplicação desses métodos. Uma vez conhecidos pelas organizações, a aplicação de tais métodos pode prevenir recorrência de falhas, levando às organizações a um nível superior de qualidade, aumento de produtividade, e consequentemente maior satisfação dos clientes. A pesquisa foi iniciada pelo levantamento e estudo dos métodos apontados em referências acadêmicas, Método dos 5 por quês, Diagrama de Ishikawa, Análise de Barreira de Controle, Gráfico de Fator Causal e Evento (GFCE), Análise de Árvore de Falhas (AAF) e Mapa de Causa Raiz, seguidos da apresentação de um exemplo de falha elaborado no contexto de uma indústria manufatureira metal-mecânica. Cada método foi aplicado ao problema de não conformidade. Os resultados dos métodos foram comparados e em seguida as vantagens e desvantagens dos métodos foram destacadas. Os Métodos 5 por quês, Diagrama de Ishikawa e Análise de Barreira de Controle foram considerados mais adequados para problemas considerados simples em uma organização industrial. Já para problemas considerados complexos, cujas causas raízes não são facilmente identificadas, os métodos GFCE, AAF e Mapa de Causa Raiz foram considerados os mais indicados. / [en] Great challenges emerged for organizations due to technological advance occurred in recent times. Product quality is no longer a means to gain competitive advantage, but a necessity for organizations to keep their customers. Thus, ways in which quality is increasingly present in organizations are necessary to facilitate its implementation. In this context, the objectives of this work are to study the major methods of root cause analysis of the literature, with its stages, features, peculiarities, comparison, and exemplify the application of these methods. Once known by the organizations, the application of such methods can prevent recurrence of failures, leading organizations to a higher level of quality, increased productivity, and thus increased customer satisfaction. This research was initiated by the survey and study of methods aimed at academic references, 5 Whys, Ishikawa Diagram, Control Barrier Analysis, Event and Causal Factor Charting, Fault Tree Analysis and Root Cause Map, followed by the presentation of an example fault developed in the context of a metalworking manufacturing. Each method was applied to the problem of non-compliance. The results of both methods are compared and then the advantages and disadvantages of both methods are highlighted. 5 Whys, Ishikawa Diagram and Control Barrier Analysis were considered appropriated to simple problems in an industrial organization. In complex problems cases, which root causes are not easily identified, Event and Causal Factor Charting, Fault Tree Analysis and Root Cause Map were considered more appropriated.
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Rediseño del proceso de recepción de demanda de un intermediador de abastecimientoArias Hernández, Mauricio Eduardo January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Reducering av ledtiden vid utleverans hos EJOT Sverige ABIdrizovic, Namik January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport utreder möjligheterna till att reducera ledtiden, med en uppskattning av minst 10%, för plockprocessen på den utlevererande avdelningen som kallas den ”avgående avdelningen” hos EJOT Sverige AB i Örebro. Företaget vill i dagsläget skapa sig en tydlig helhetsbild av processen samt få underlag, för eventuell framtida implementering, i form av förbättringsförslag för en ledtidsreducering. Under arbetets gång beskrivs nuläget utifrån datainsamling, intervjuer och observationer, i kombination med ett spagettidiagram som presenteras. De möjliga rotorsakerna till problemen kartläggs genom att skapa ett fiskbensdiagram som sedan analyseras. Analyserna visar på att processen är komplex och därmed även problemen. Orsaker som valts för vidare analys är: layout, körslinga och placering av låga gods. Tre förbättringsförslag har tagits fram utifrån analyserna och dessa handlar om att skapa en ny optimerad layout, en ny optimerad körslinga samt att eliminera placeringen av låga gods. Det fortsatta arbetet bör vara att optimera en ny lagerlayout samt se över och standardisera en ny körslinga. Företaget bör också se över möjligheterna att eliminera placeringen av gods på markplan. / This report investigates the possibilities of reducing the lead time, with an estimate of at least 10%, for the picking process at the delivery unit called the “outgoing department” at EJOT Sverige AB in Örebro. The company currently wants to create an overall picture of the process and get a basis, for possible future implementation, in the form of improvement proposals for a lead time reduction. During the work, the current situation is described based on data collection, interviews and observations, in combination with a spaghetti diagram that is presented. The possible root causes of the problems are mapped by creating an Ishikawa diagram which is then analyzed. The analyses show that the process is complex and thus also the problems. Reasons chosen for further analysis are: layout, driving loop and placement of low goods. Three improvement proposals have been developed based on the analyses and these are about creating a new optimized layout, a new optimized driving loop and eliminating the placement of low goods. The continued work should be to optimize a new warehouse layout and review and standardize a new driving loop. The company should also review the possibilities of eliminating the placement of goods on the ground floor.
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Effects of C-14 or C-16 Phosphorylation on the toxicity of zearalenoneAsaduzzaman, Muhammad 12 1900 (has links)
Les mycotoxines sont des métabolites fongiques toxiques qui contaminent une variété d’aliments destinés à l’alimentation humaine et animale, notamment les céréales. Les porcs et les humains sont très sensibles aux mycotoxines. La mycotoxine zéaralénone (ZEN) se retrouve dans les aliments pour animaux et dans l'alimentation humaine principalement la suite d’une contamination fongique des céréales par Fusarium spp. la ZEA peut se fixer au 17-β-estradiol récepteur en raison de sa flexibilité, explique ses effets délétères sur les fonctions reproductives. Différentes stratégies de décontamination ont été développées pour réduire l’exposition des animaux d’élevage aux mycotoxines, parmi lesquelles des méthodes de conversion enzymatique de ZEN par certains micro-organismes. Cependant, les données préliminaires indiquent que certains de ces produits de biotransformation peuvent être reconvertis en ZEN.
Des données récentes indiquent que Bacillus spp. S62-W peut phosphoryler ZEN sur ses 14e ou 16e carbones, la convertissant respectivement en ZEN-14-phosphate (ZEN-14-P) ou en ZEN-16-phosphate (ZEN-16-P). Cependant, la toxicité résiduelle et la stabilité de ZEN-14-P et de ZEN-16-P par rapport à ZEN sont encore inconnues.
Cette étude visait à étudier la cytotoxicité, le stress oxydatif, l'activité pro-inflammatoire et l'activité œstrogénique des ZEN phosphorylés en utilisant des cellules épithéliales intestinales et endométriales porcines et humaines, ainsi que des explants d’utérus de cochettes prépubères. Nous avons également analysé les voies métaboliques de biotransformation des ZEN phosphorylés par les cellules porcines et humaines.
Nos résultats ont démontré que l’exposition à ZEN-14-P ou à ZEN-16-P diminue significativement la viabilité des cellules intestinales porcines IPEC-J2 et des cellules endométriales humaines d’Ishikawa. ZEN, les produits de phosphorylation ont induit de manière significative un stress oxydatif dans les cellules IPEC-J2 à 10 µM. De même, 5 μM ou 25 μM de ZEN-14-P et ZEN-16-P ont activé de manière significative l'expression de cytokines pro-inflammatoires TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 et IL-8 dans les cellules IPEC-J2 différenciées. Pour ce qui est des effets œstrogéniques, de manière similaire à ZEN, l'activité intracellulaire de la phosphatase alcaline a été augmentée de façon significative et dose dépendante par ZEN-14-P et ZEN-16-P, dans les cellules d'Ishikawa. Ces produits de phosphorylation ont également, à l’image de ZEN, activé de manière significative l'expression de gènes sensibles aux œstrogènes ALPP, ALPG, PGR, ESR1, ESR2 et GPER1 dans les cellules d'Ishikawa. Enfin, l’exposition à ZEN ou aux ZEN phosphorylés a induit la prolifération des glandes endométriales dans les explants utérins de cochettes prépubères.
L'analyse LC-MS/MS des surnageants de culture cellulaire de IPEC-J2 et Ishikawa indique que, bien que les ZEN phosphorylés aient été partiellement hydrolysés en ZEN, leurs métabolites de phase I et de phase II sont différents de ceux de ZEN.
Globalement, ces résultats indiquent que la phosphorylation ne réduit pas la toxicité de ZEN pour les lignées cellulaires porcine et humaine. De plus, les voies métaboliques impliquées dans la biotransformation de ZEN et celle des produits de phosphorylation sont différentes, ce qui suggère une toxicité intrinsèque des ZEN phosphorylés. / Pigs and humans are highly susceptible to mycotoxins, which are toxic fungal metabolites that contaminate a variety of food and feedstuffs. Among these, Zearalenone (ZEN) is found in the feed and food supply from Fusarium fungal contamination in cereals. ZEN is functionally similar to 17-β estradiol, and therefore exerts deleterious effects on reproductive functions. Different decontamination strategies are developed to reduce the exposure of farm animals to mycotoxins. At many of these, there are methods of biotransformation of ZEN by the enzymatic activity of certain microorganisms. Bacillus sp. S62 reportedly phosphorylates ZEN on its 14th or 16th carbons, yielding, ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P. However, the residual toxicity and stability of ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P compared to ZEN are still unknown. This study aimed to investigate the cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory activity, and estrogenic activity of phosphorylated ZENs, as well as its metabolic fate when incubated either with intestinal or reproductive cells.
Our results showed that ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P did not decrease the cytotoxic effect of ZEN in porcine intestinal IPEC-J2 cells and human endometrial Ishikawa cells. ZEN and both phosphorylated ZENs significantly induced oxidative stress in IPEC-J2 cells at 10 µM. Likewise, 5 μM or 25 μM ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P altered the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 in differentiated IPEC-J2 cells. In addition, intracellular activity of alkaline phosphatase increased by ZEN, ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P in Ishikawa cells. ZEN, ZEN-14-P and ZEN-16-P activated the expression of estrogen-responsive genes ALPP, ALPG, PGR, ESR1, ESR2, and GPER1 at 10 μM in Ishikawa cells. Furthermore, ZEN and phosphorylated ZENs induced the proliferation of endometrial glands in prepubertal gilt uterine explants at 30 µM. Finally, LC-MS/MS analysis of the supernatant of IPEC-J2 and Ishikawa cell cultures exposed to ZEN or its phosphorylated metabolites showed that the latter were partially hydrolyzed back to ZEN, but their phase-I and phase-II metabolites still differ from the ones of ZEN. Overall, these results suggest that phosphorylation does not reduce the toxicity of ZEN for pigs and humans. Moreover, different metabolic fate is involved in the biotransformation of ZEN and phosphorylation products.
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Metoder för identifiering av grundorsaker till kvalitetsfel inomproduktionsindustrin / Methods to identify the root cause of quality issues in the production industryBahmani, Bina, Ly, Amy January 2016 (has links)
Detta examensarbete handlar om hur man kan gå tillväga för att finna orsaken till att kvalitetsfel uppstår i en tillverkningsprocess och hur man kan förhindra att samma kvalitetsproblem fortsätter att existera. En central del i examensarbetet har även varit att belysa vikten av att identifiera ett problems grundorsak. Syftet med studien är att belysa några av flera metoder som kan användas för att hitta orsaker till kvalitetsrelaterade fel inom tillverkningsindustrin. De data som samlats in och står i grund för resultatet och slutsatserna har bestått av litteraturstudier, observationer och intervjuer. De kvalitetsverktygen som framfördes i studien är ”Fem varför” och Ishikawadiagram, vilket är två verktyg som bland annat gör det möjligt att upptäcka grundorsaken till ett problems uppkomst. De praktiska tillämpningarna av kvalitetsverktygen är presenterade i en fallstudie som har utförts på Johnson Controls AB i Göteborg, Sverige. Fallstudien är gjord på en av flera produktionslinor där ett rådande problem med kvalitet ansågs vara kritiskt. Slutsatserna som har dragits av detta examenarbete är att det är viktigt att identifiera grundorsaken till ett problems uppkomst för att kunna implementera en långsiktig åtgärd. Risken med att endast lindra ett problems symptom (och inte roten till dess uppkomst) är att det aldrig elimineras utan existerar och ständigt kräver resurser för att lindras. Genom att identifiera ett problems grundorsak kan man därmed se till att det inte uppstår igen, eftersom det då kan elimineras. Det finns olika metoder och verktyg som kan användas för att identifiera grundorsaken till ett problem, två stycken som nämns i rapporten är ”Fem varför” och Ishikawadiagram. Det är viktigt att fokus och resurser läggs på ett sådant långsiktigt arbete. / This thesis is about how you can find the cause of quality defects in manufacturing processes and how to prevent that the same issue continue to exist. A part of the thesis illuminate the importance of identifying the root cause of a problem. The purpose of the study is to highlight some of the many methods that can be used to fins the causes for defects concerning quality in the industrial sector. The data that is collected and are the basis for the result and conclusions of the case study consisted of literature studies, observations and interviews. The quality tools that are presented in the study are “Five Whys” and the Ishikawa chart, which are two tools that, among others, makes it possible to find the root cause of a problems occurrence. The practical applications of the quality tools are presented in a case study that was conducted at Johnson Controls AB in Gothenburg, Sweden. The case study was based on observations concerning one of several production lines, where the current quality problem was critical. The conclusions drawn from this thesis is that it is important to identify the root cause of the occurrence of a problem in order to implement long-term actions and measures. The risk that comes with only reliving the symptom of a problem (and not the root of it) is that it will not be eliminated but exists and constantly requires resources to be alleviated. By identifying the root cause of a problem, one can be assure that it will not occur again, since it will be eliminated. There are various methods and tools that can be used to identify the root cause of a problem; two of them that are mentioned in the report is “Five Whys” and the Ishikawa chart. It is important to focus and resources are spent on such a long-term actions and efforts.
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Melhoria contínua do sistema de controlo da qualidadeCunha, Vera Lídia Soares January 2011 (has links)
Trabalho realizado na Empresa Caetanobus, orient. pela Engenheira Catarina Leal / Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2010
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Zavedení managementu čistých komponent / Cleanliness of components management implementationSojáková, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
Presented thesis entitled “Cleanliness of components management implementation” with analysis of the currently applied cleanliness management system in the organization, identification of the root causes of contamination in production, suggestion of the possible solution and recommendation of actions. All material presented in this thesis were collected in Mann+Hummel (CZ) s.r.o., a producer of filters and fluid circuits for automotive industry.
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