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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Vichy regime and its National Revolution in the political writings of Robert Brasillach, Marcel Déat, Jacques Doriot, and Pierre Drieu La Rochelle.

Hickey, Sean January 1991 (has links)
This thesis examines the campaign waged against Vichy's National Revolution by Robert Brasillach, Marcel Deat, Jacques Doriot, and Pierre Drieu La Rochelle. It explores the particular issues of contention separating Vichy and the Paris ultras as well as shedding light on the final evolution of a representative segment of the fascist phenomenon in France.

L'influence caravagesque dans l'art de Jacques-Louis David

Dupuis, Patrik 10 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise est consacré à un aspect peu étudié de l'art de Jacques-Louis David, c'est-à-dire l'influence caravagesque dans les œuvres de l'artiste. Les différentes périodes de la production de l'artiste sont étudiées en fonction d'identifier cette influence et la façon dont elle s'est manifestée. Cette influence est apparue à partir de la deuxième moitié du 18e siècle dans la peinture française pendant une période de réforme de l'art pictural. Jacques-Louis David n'est pas le seul artiste à s'être intéressé au caravagisme. L'intérêt pour Caravage et ses suiveurs coïncidait aussi avec un intérêt pour le naturalisme et le dessin d'après nature. Le maître de David, Joseph-Marie Vien, a joué un rôle important dans la promotion de ces deux notions. C'est lors de son premier voyage en Italie avec son maître Vien que Jacques-Louis David entra pour la première fois en contact avec le caravagisme. C'est à partir de ce moment que son oeuvre commença à se transformer alors que l'artiste s'affranchit de l'influence de la peinture rococo. Le Salon de 1781 qui suivra ce voyage sera un moment très important dans sa carrière et les œuvres qu'il y présenta étaient grandement marquées par le caravagisme, ce qui se manifeste par la couleur, la lumière et par le rendu naturaliste du corps. Le jumelage entre le naturalisme et l'idéalisme joue un rôle important dans la formation de l'esthétique davidienne. Après ce Salon, l'influence caravagesque s'exprimait de façon moins évidente dans son œuvre, mais elle était toujours présente et se manifestait plutôt par l'emprunt de motifs. Nous avons identifié cette influence jusqu'à la fin de la carrière de l'artiste. Nous voyons aussi dans ce mémoire que le rapport entre David et Caravage peut aussi être effectué par le biais d'une manifestation d'homosexualité et d'androgynie dans le travail des deux artistes. Ce mémoire n'est pas axé sur l'interprétation des œuvres, mais plutôt sur des analyses qui permettent de mettre en évidence l'influence caravagesque / This Master's Thesis deals with the influence of Caravaggio and his followers on french artist Jacques-Louis David, an aspect of his work that has not been studied much. The different periods of the artist's production are discussed in terms of identifying this influence and how it manifested itself. This influence has emerged from the second half of the 18th century in French painting during a reform period. Jacques-Louis David is not the only artist who got interested in the Caravaggesque tradition. The interest for Caravaggio and his followers coincides with an interest for naturalism and drawing from nature. David's master, Joseph-Marie Vien, played an important role in the promotion of these concepts. It is during his first trip to Italy with his master Vien that Jacques-Louis David first came into contact with Caravaggism. It is from that moment that a transformation could be observed in his work, as the artist was liberating himself from the rococo style. The 1781 Salon following his trip in Italy has been an important moment in his career and the Caravaggesque style greatly influenced the works he then presented. This influence could be observed in terms of colors, luminosity, and the naturalistic rendering of the body. The juxtaposition of naturalism and idealism played an important role in the shaping of the Davidian aesthetic. After this Salon, the influence of Caravaggism would not be has apparent in David's work, but still present, has designs and motifs were borrowed by the artist. We have identified this influence till the end of the artist's career. We also demonstrate in this thesis that the relationship between David and Caravaggio can also be established through a manifestation of homosexuality and androgyny in the work of both artists. This thesis is not based on the interpretation of the works, but rather on analyses that highlights the Caravaggesque style's influence.

From constellations to autoprohibition: everything you wanted to know about Adorno's ethics (but were afraid to ask Zizek)

Webb, Dan 06 1900 (has links)
This project is centered on two primary concerns. First, to reformulate Adornos notion of ethical subjectivity in a way that allows for a clearer articulation of his normative position, and second, to make it more relevant to our contemporary social context and advances in social theory. My claim is that we can achieve this by rejecting Adornos philosophical method (negative dialectics and constellations) by reading his ethics through the lens of ieks method which I am calling autoprohibition. As I will show, autoprohibition is ieks strategy for breaking the deadlock of the dialectic of enlightenment and its accompanying defeatist politics by developing a dialectical theory that neither rests on pure negation nor falls into the totalising and reifying trap of orthodox Marxism. It is in the context of autoprohibition that one can rearticulate Adornos normative imperatives (specifically, the imperative to end suffering, and to recognise the truth-content of the body) without these imperatives being negated by the totalising dictates of the dialectic of enlightenment. The best way to redeem the important normative components of Adornos formulation of ethical subjectivity is to reject its underlying philosophical method and resituate it in another. I frame this methodological shift as one from constellations to autoprohibition, which allows for a more positive articulation of Adornos ethics; a plan for actively practising an ethical life vs. one premised on the rejection of participating in an unethical system (which Adornos ethics amounts to on my account).

<紐約三部曲>中走入迷宮的偵探 / The Detective in the Maze of The New York Trilogy

黃筱茵, Sharon Huang, Hsiao-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
保羅•奧斯特的〈紐約三部曲〉被歸類為「反偵探小說」(anti-detective novel)。在這三個故事裡,因緣際會背負了偵探角色的主角們,試圖還原事件的真相,卻個個受挫,甚至迷失在糾纏的線索與沈重的身份認同的遊戲中。他們像是一腳踏進了令人暈眩的泥沼,非但沒法用理智脫困,還愈陷愈深,隨著迷宮裡的音樂瘋狂起舞。 鈴鈴鈴不時搖著鈴鼓迷惑他們的聲響來自一串一串的文字:當他們想藉語言探求「真實」時,才發現無論語言或是理智都從來不是靜止與透明的。此外,與偵探行為息息相關的「命名」(naming)問題,也是〈紐約三部曲〉中的一個焦點。主角們的名字彷彿細軟的藤蔓般糾結在一塊,命名的議題以有趣的方式被呈現在這部小說中。本篇論文還要探討這部小說如何處理讀者與作者的辯證關係,因為讀者一走進這本小說便參與了作者精心設計的巨大遊戲。 本篇論文將研討〈紐約三部曲〉反映的三個問題:再現的問題、命名的侷限性,以及讀者與作者耐人尋味的關係。再現的問題會放到德希達(Jacques Derrida)提出的「延異」(differance)觀念下解釋—事物的意義不可能立即被揭露,而是永遠處在一種「延異」的狀況下。小說中主角們對唯一真實的追尋因而不可能被應許,而是遭遇一而再、再而三的延遲。另一方面,〈紐約三部曲〉對命名的功能性有所保留。本論文將疊合本小說中對命名的質疑與波赫士短篇小說裡對命名的不信任,說明奧斯特對命名的解構。〈紐約三部曲〉對命名抱持矛盾的態度:命名既幫助人們架構他們的世界,卻又滑溜溜的歪曲了人們的自我認識,讓他們被自身的自主性的假象蒙蔽。此外,讀者和作者究竟是不是維繫著一種同盟關係呢?本論文試圖闡釋存在〈紐約三部曲〉中,他們之間相互依存、卻又競逐對文意的解釋權的關係。只不過,躲在文字的簾幕後偷看著的黑影,始終是作者的吧?! 〈紐約三部曲〉訴說的是一個追尋的故事。這個歷程沒有終結、沒有絕對的答案,只有故事拖長了腳步的身影。這個反偵探故事否定了許多關於理智的邏輯,但是它為書寫開闢了另一種可能:書寫與閱讀可以是無限延長的生命肌理。文字從不直接給予人們他們孜孜尋找的解答,他們只告訴你你將在文字中漂流的命運。 / Labelled as an anti-detective novel, The New York Trilogy defies the traditional detective process and instead renders the experience for man to distill and to locate meaning as an agonizing one. The protagonists in The Trilogy undertake the roles of the detective, hoping to reveal a sole truth behind the entangled situation. Yet they are not only frustrated in disclosing meaning, but thrown into extreme bafflement. Their identities fall apart, wriggling in the maze built by spiral words, crossed names and the ongoing efforts to define the relations. The protagonists find everything they used to hold as truth shudder. Language no longer stands for a limpid means to represent the real but rather shakes their beliefs. When they try to name and to draw their realm of autonomy over the flowing phenomena, they find naming a problematic strategy to define the world. Furthermore, as detective-readers who attempt to decode the text, the protagonists are desperate to comprehend their relations with the “writer” of their books, as the reader does in reading The Trilogy. This thesis attempts to probe into three prominent issues raised in The New York Trilogy: dubious representation, problematic naming strategy, and the peculiar bond between the reader and the writer. The doubtful representation in the novel will be examined under what Derrida suggests in “Differance”: Meaning can never be fully present, but remains in a state of differance. The protagonists in the three stories cannot disclose an overriding truth, but float in such a wave of doubts, uncertainties, and changing phenomena of the world. Also, the problematic strategy of naming will be compared with Borges’suspicion towards naming. Under both cases, naming serves as an extreme yet slippery means for man to draw his territory. In addition, the relation between the reader and the writer in the novel is investigated. The detecting process in the novel embodies the pursuit of the reader out of the text. Thus reading and writing are delineated as an everlasting journey. When the detective and the criminal as well as the reader and the writer seem to be in contest for the power of explanation, the pairing relation actually forms a close tie: The detective cannot live without the criminal; the reader and the writer need the eyesight of each other to survive. The New York Trilogy is not a journey providing answers but a whirl to disrupt the truth. Declining any definite inspiration, it nevertheless obliquely affirms the value of reading and writing. After exhausting complexities of the cases, only the reader remains. And what is heard even after one closes the pages is the voice of the reader encircling within the space. And the voice keeps telling and telling until the story belongs to him. We as readers will keep narrating the story with our little voice.

The Politics of Friends in Modern Architecture : 1949-1987

Troiani, Igea Santina January 2005 (has links)
This thesis aims to reveal paradigms associated with the operation of Western architectural oligarchies. The research is an examination into "how" dominant architectural institutions and their figureheads are undermined through the subversive collaboration of younger, unrecognised architects. By appropriating theories found in Jacques Derrida's writings in philosophy, the thesis interprets the evolution of post World War II polemical architectural thinking as a series of political friendships. In order to provide evidence, the thesis involves the rewriting of a portion of modern architectural history, 1949-1987. Modern architectural history is rewritten as a series of three friendship partnerships which have been selected because of their subversive reaction to their respective establishments. They are English architects, Alison Smithson and Peter Smithson; South African born architect and planner, Denise Scott Brown and North American architect, Robert Venturi; and Greek architect, Elia Zenghelis and Dutch architect, Rem Koolhaas. Crucial to the undermining of their respective enemies is the friends' collaboration on subversive projects. These projects are built, unbuilt and literary. Warring publicly through the writing of seminal texts is a significant step towards undermining the dominance of their ideological opponents. It also appears that through the making of these projects, the unrecognised architects are able to convert themselves to being recognised as new figureheads. This thesis contends that as a consequence of the power within each of the three friendship partnerships, the architects are enabled to collaborate against the dominant ideology of their respective enemies and gain status. It also contends that a cycle of friendship and warring is the political system by which the institution of modern architecture has historically reengineered itself to suit the times.

A survey of contemporary flute solo literature with analyses of representative compositions

Mellott, George K., January 1964 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--State University of Iowa, 1964. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 373-380).

Gilles Deleuze and the apolitical production of being

Paugh, Tim 15 May 2008 (has links)
Gilles Deleuze’s ontology is often understood to ground a kind of radical pluralism, the political defense of which is thought to be articulated most strongly in the Capitalism and Schizophrenia books. It is clear, however, that this “politics” is defined in a wholly negative way, and that the revolutionary dimension of these books is animated by a strictly ethical logic. In my view, if there is a politics in Deleuze it must be understood in relation to the central problem of his ontology: namely, the problem of understanding how Being is produced. To grasp politics as a singularity, as a mode of ontological production, has a number of radical consequences – consequences, however, that Deleuze himself did not embrace. Ultimately, Deleuze’s conception of ontological production appears marked by an apolitics, in that any effective mobilization of Being’s transformative potential requires that we stand posed to sacrifice anything of the integrity and organizational capacity of political existence that limits the expression of Being itself.

'The Proust of painting' : Jacques-Émile Blanche, the 'neurasthenic portrait' and the nervous elite of Paris, 1900

Sexton, Siobhan January 2017 (has links)
Jacques-Émile Blanche (1861-1942) is rarely included in histories of late nineteenth-century French art, despite his prolific career as an artist who produced over 2,000 paintings. A portraitist, Blanche’s upbringing as the son of an eminent psychiatrist provided him with a wealth of sitters connected to his father’s fashionable clinic and, I argue, a distinctive approach to their representation. These relatively unstudied portraits of famous Parisian intellectuals and socialites deserve our attention as works of ‘psychological impressionism’. Combining penetrating observation with painterly execution, Blanche’s methods emphasised the ‘nervous’ disposition of his sitters. Blanche’s practice as a portraitist is one of the reasons for his neglect. His contemporaries were evasive when it came to writing about the genre, uncertain of how to evaluate it – a critical apprehension that has persisted to this day. Art historians are as implicated in what may be thought of as a hesitation around the status and significance of portraiture in late-nineteenth-century French art. The thesis seeks in part to redress this through its examination of Blanche’s portraits as intuitive works of art that not only reflected but also, more actively, produced particular forms of knowledge about the ‘nervous’ condition of Parisian high society. With a focus on Blanche’s depictions of Marcel Proust (1871-1922) and the Comtesse de Castiglione (1837-1899), the thesis considers Blanche’s ‘neurasthenic portraits’ in relation to discourses on modern psychiatry, modernity, and modern art, drawing attention to how they enrich our understanding of the social, cultural and artistic contexts in which Blanche lived and worked. By situating Blanche’s artistic practice within his father’s clinical practice, and by embracing a methodology that draws upon both the histories of art and psychiatry, I argue that the language of Blanche’s portraiture was environmentally connected to the language of nervous disorder. As such this thesis will provide an original contribution to the scholarship on Blanche and offer significant insights into the entanglement of art, culture and nerves in nineteenth-century Paris.

E por falar em povos indígenas... quais narrativas contam em práticas pedagógicas?

Bonin, Iara Tatiana January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo dedica-se à análise de discursos sobre povos indígenas que, circulando em diferentes meios, são articulados em narrativas de estudantes do ensino superior. Para isso, investiguei narrativas produzidas por 68 estudantes de duas instituições situadas na Grande Porto Alegre, em cursos que preparam para o magistério. Foram realizados momentos específicos para a produção de narrativas, em quatro grupos distintos, sendo um organizado a partir de um curso de extensão e três outros, programados em momentos específicos, dentro do cronograma de disciplinas oferecidas nos cursos de Pedagogia. Considerei, nesta pesquisa, o conjunto de narrativas orais produzidas nos quatro grupos, os textos escritos e/ou desenhos feitos pelos estudantes e outros materiais trazidos para os encontros, bem como minhas anotações em um caderno de campo. As questões que mobilizaram o meu pensar durante esse processo de investigação foram as seguintes: quais discursos estão produzindo povos indígenas em narrativas de estudantes do ensino superior? Quais narrativas adquirem visibilidade para estes estudantes e que efeitos de verdade são produzidos? A partir de que fontes de informação e de que saberes os povos indígenas são nomeados e descritos no contexto escolar? Quais significados articulam-se nessas narrativas? Quais marcadores sociais são mobilizados e quais oposições binárias servem para caracterizar os povos indígenas? Como os estudantes se inserem e como são posicionados/ posicionam-se na produção dessas narrativas? Situo minha pesquisa na perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais pós-estruturalistas, problematizando práticas de significação que constituem e posicionam diferentemente os sujeitos em relações de poder/saber. Adquirem relevância, neste estudo, noções como cultura, linguagem, sujeito, poder, verdade, identidade e diferença, que problematizo tomando como referência estudos de Michel Foucault, Stuat Hall, Homi Bhabha, Zygmunt Bauman, Jacques Derrida, Jorge Larrosa, Carlos Skliar, Núria Ferre, Kathryn Woodward, Rosa Hessel Silveira, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, Marisa Costa e Alfredo Veiga-Neto, entre outros. Tomando o conjunto de narrativas produzidas sobre povos indígenas na pesquisa, defini três eixos de análise: discursos que participam na produção de nacionalidades; discursos que produzem sujeitos em práticas escolarizadas e discursos que operam estratégias de narrar por estereótipos. Estas unidades serviram como pontos de convergência de sentidos e possibilitaram o exame de práticas diversas, ancoradas em determinados regimes deverdade. No primeiro eixo estabeleci algumas relações entre maneiras utilizadas pelos estudantes para narrar os povos indígenas e discursos históricos, literários, iconográficos, didáticos. Interessaram-me, nesta parte do trabalho, os efeitos da articulação entre povos indígenas e identidade nacional. Discuti também alguns deslocamentos nos sentidos de nação na atualidade. No segundo eixo examinei determinadas práticas institucionalizadas em currículos escolares para a abordagem da temática indígena. As práticas analisadas foram aquelas narradas pelos estudantes, especialmente nas experiências de escola básica, e meu interesse era investigar efeitos desses discursos, que conferem certo tipo de visibilidade aos povos indígenas. Chamou minha atenção a recorrência de relatos sobre a comemoração do Dia do Índio, abordagem da temática que adquire contornos específicos, colaborando para marcar o que deve ser lembrado e o que, em decorrência, deve ser esquecido. No terceiro eixo discuti a produção de estereótipos como estratégia discursiva ou seja, como uma forma de conhecimento e de identificação que imprime certa ordem, produzindo práticas e posicionando sujeitos. Analisei efeitos de articulações estabelecidas entre índio-natureza e entre práticas indígenas-pensamento mágico, abordando também maneiras de narrar a presença indígena em centros urbanos. A articulação produzida entre índio e natureza funciona como uma espécie de chave de leitura, sendo os povos indígenas narrados como habitantes naturais da floresta, lugar geográfico e social que produz também um conjunto de atributos, colados ao corpo, apresentados como sendo próprios da natureza indígena. É possível dizer que as narrativas estereotipadas sobre povos indígenas são movimentos de captura, para tornar a diferença semelhante, para marcá-la nos corpos, responsabilizando o outro pelo que nele se estranha e fixando atributos e lugares sociais. Argumento que, na produção de sujeitos indígenas e não-indígenas, operam discursos múltiplos que se enlaçam, se fortalecem, se opõem e, desse modo, constituem e engendram identidades e diferenças, em relações de poder e saber. Analisar as narrativas dos estudantes possibilitou entender identidades e diferenças como produções na cultura, operadas cotidianamente, no entrelaçamento de distintas práticas de significação, que fabricam, posicionam e governam sujeitos. Os significados são produzidos e se instituem em negociações, embates, jogos de força cotidianamente realizados. Nestas práticas, vão sendo construídos aqueles que são narrados, como também aqueles que narram. / This study is devoted to analysing discourses on Indigenous folks who, circulating in different environments, are articulated in higher education students’ narratives. So I investigated narratives by 68 students from institutions located in Porto Alegre City in courses preparing future teachers. There were special moments for the production of narratives in four different groups, in which one of them was organised from an extension course, and the other three were designed in specific moments within the curriculum provided by teaching courses. I considered in this research the set of oral narratives produced in all four groups, the written texts and/or drawings by students and other materials brought to the meetings as well as my notes in a field notebook. The issues caused me to ponder during this investigative process were the following: which discourses are producing Indigenous folks in higher education students’ narratives? Which narratives get visibility for these students and which true effects are produced? Which information and knowledge sources Indigenous folks are named and depicted from in the school context? Which meanings are articulated in these narratives? Which social markers are used and which binary oppositions characterise the Indigenous folks? How students are embedded and how they position/are positioned in producing these narratives? My research is located in the poststructuralist Cultural Studies perspective, problematising meaning making practices which constitute and position differently subjects in relation to power/knowledge. In this approach, notions such as culture, language, subject, power, truth, identity and difference are very important. Authors like Michel Foucault, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha, Zygmunt Bauman, Jacques Derrida, Jorge Larrosa, Carlos Skliar, Núria Ferre, Kathryn Woodward, Rosa Hessel Silveira, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, Marisa Costa, Alfredo Veiga-Neto, among others, from their productions in this field, hep us to analyse. Taking into consideration the set of narratives about Indigenous folks in the research, I have defined three analysis axes: discourses shaping the nationalities; discourses inventing subjects in school practices and discourses operating narrating strategies by stereotypes. These units have been used as meaning convergence points and have allowed analysing many practices anchored in particular regimes of truth. In the first axis, I have established relationships between ways students have recounted Indigenous folks and historical, literary, iconographical and didactical discourses. In this part of the work I am concerned with the effects from the articulation between Indigenous folks and the national identity. I have also discussed some displacements in nation meanings in the globalisation era. In the second axis, I have examined particular established practices in curriculum to approach the Indigenous theme. The analysed practices were those recounted by students, especially in primary school experiences, and I have been concerned with effects of these discourses, which provide a kind of visibility for Indigenous folks. What has attracted my attention was recurrence of certain narratives about the Indigenous Day celebration, an approach of a theme having particular contours in classroom, helping to highlight what should be recollected and what should remain in oblivion. In the final axis, I have discussed stereotype making as a discursive strategy, that is, as a way of knowledge and identification that provides a particular order, producing practices and positioning subjects. I have analysed effects of articulations established between the Indigenous and nature, and between Indigenous practices and the magician thought, approaching also ways to recount the Indigenous presence in the urban centres. The articulation made between the Indigenous and nature works as a kind of reading key, the Indigenous folks being recounted as natural inhabitants from the forest, a social and geographical place also producing a set of characteristics, attached to the body, provided as belonging to the Indigenous nature. It is possible to say that stereotyped narratives about Indigenous folks are capturing movements to make difference similar, stamp it on the bodies, blaming on the other for what is strange in him/her and establishing characteristics and social places. I argue that in inventing Indigenous and non-Indigenous subjects, multiple discourses work by entwining, strengthening, resisting and so shaping and inventing identities and differences in power and knowledge relationships. Analysing the students’ narratives allowed understanding identities and differences as productions daily working in the culture, in the entwining of different meaning makings, which invent, position and govern subjects. Meanings are made and established in daily trades, clashes and power games. In these practices, those who are recounted and those who recount are both constructed.

Sentidos da função paterna na educação

Cabistani, Roséli Maria Olabarriaga January 2007 (has links)
Esta tese investiga os discursos atuais, presentes no campo da educação e da sociedade em geral, que denunciam, ao mesmo tempo que promovem, a “carência do pai” no exercício da autoridade e nos cuidados da prole.Tais discursos emergem impulsionados pelas novas configurações familiares, recebidas como estranhas e ameaçadoras, podendo causar ruptura nos laços sociais. É possível perceber aí o efeito fantasmático que opera no discurso educativo, que acaba denunciando um fracasso antecipado, como efeito da nostalgia da família tradicional, cada vez mais distanciada de nossa realidade. Para investigar o que produz essa posição de reivindicação de um “pai forte”, nossa pesquisa foi buscar na teoria essas respostas. Buscamos recortar interpretantes do laço social e suas expressões sintomáticas. Para tal, expusemos o tema da função paterna, como surge nas obras de Freud e Lacan, buscando acompanhar sua incidência na estruturação do sujeito, desde o desamparo primordial. Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica, que tem como questão os sentidos que as novas formas de exercício da função paterna têm para a educação, considerada como laço social. Com Freud, acompanhamos os desdobramentos da função paterna no complexo de Édipo e a abordagem da temporalidade do Édipo em Lacan permitiu situar o pai a partir do registro do imaginário, do simbólico e do real, em referência ao conceito de falo, como significante da falta no Outro. Tematizar a função paterna a partir desses registros permitiu diferenciar a função paterna simbólica da fantasmática presente na dimensão imaginária do pai, esse que é significado como “carente”. Usamos como dado empírico, alguns casos, tomados em sua exemplaridade, na perspectiva do tema da função paterna. A tese indica que, o diálogo da psicanálise com a educação, permite desmistificar construções fantasmáticas, indutoras de uma interpretação última dos sintomas sociais, como essa do discurso da carência paterna. Valer-se da pluralidade dos sentidos da função paterna na educação, é uma forma dos educadores responsabilizarem-se pelo ato educativo, numa posição de abertura às contingências históricas que as vicissitudes dos laços sociais produzem. / This thesis investigates the current discourses present in the education field and in the society in general, that denounce at the same time they promote the “lack of the father” in the authority exercise and the cares of the offspring. Such speeches emerge stimulated for the new familiar configurations, received as strange and threatening, being able to cause break in the social ties. It is possible to note there the fantasized effect that operates in the educative speech denouncing an anticipated failure, as effect of nostalgia of the traditional family, more and more distant from our reality. To investigate what produces this position of claim of a “strong father”, the author searches in the theory these answers. We elect interpreters of the social tie and its symptomatic expressions. For such, we displayed the issue of the paternal function, as it appears in Freud and Lacan works, searching to follow its incidence in the subject structuring, since the primordial abandonment.This work is a theoretical research that focus the senses that the new forms of exercise of the paternal function have for education, considered as social tie. With Freud, we follow the implications of the paternal function in the Oedipus complex and the approach of the temporality of the Oedipus in Lacan allowed to situate the father from the registers of the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real , in reference to the concept of phallus, as significant of the lack in the Other. Establishing as a theme the paternal function from these registers allowed to differentiate the symbolic paternal function, of the present fantasized in the imaginary dimension of the father, this that is meant as “lacking”. We use as empirical data, some cases, taken in their exemplarity, in the perspective of the subject of the paternal function. The thesis indicates that, the dialogue of psychoanalysis with education, allows demystifying fantasized inductive constructions of a last interpretation of the social symptoms, as this of the speech of the paternal lack. To use itself the plurality of the directions of the paternal function in education, is a form of the educators to make responsible for the educative act, in a position of opening to the historical contingencies that the vicissitudes of the social ties produce.

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