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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Am eigenen Leib : Überlegungen zum Thema Gender, Disziplin und Körperlichkeit im Roman Die Schmerzmacherin. (2011) von Marlene Streeruwitz / Gender, discipline, and visceral feeling in the novel Die Schmerzmacherin. by Marlene Streeruwitz

Tengberg, Piia Susanna January 2024 (has links)
This study concerns the novel Die Schmerzmacherin. by Marlene Streeruwitz and analyzes the narrative as a story about gender as felt on and through the body. The theoretical framework employed in the analysis includes a look at the gender economy; this is done through a presentation of the different actors involved and their contribution to the dynamic. The gender economy itself is characterized as a phallogocentric forum where the possibilities of participation and effecting change are unequally distributed. The study goes on to argue that disciplinary power is how the actors in the novel are taught to engage with and submit to the rules of the gender economy, and different arenas or spaces of disciplinary power are described through text-based examples. It is further suggested that the power of engaging differently also lies within reach of the actors, and that this is accomplished through attuning to the affectively felt knowledge of the effects of the gender economy. Affective knowledge, the study argues, is gained through aesthetics, by which is meant an overcoming of sensory or affective numbness and a regaining of a sense of bodily reality. As a final note, the study briefly considers the role of art in such acts of re-sensitization. / Diese Studie behandelt den Roman Die Schmerzmacherin. von Marlene Streeruwitz und analysiert die Erzählung als eine Geschichte über Gender so wie es am und durch den Körper erlebt wird. In der Studie wird als Teil des theoretischen Rahmens die Gender-Ökonomie näher betrachtet; die Analyse erfolgt durch eine Darstellung der verschiedenen Akteur*innen und deren Beitrag zur Dynamik. Die Gender-Ökonomie an sich wird als eine phallogozentrische Bühne verstanden, auf welcher Möglichkeiten der Teilnahme und der Veränderung ungleich umgesetzt werden können. Die Studie wird auch zeigen, wie Disziplinarmacht den Akteur*innen die Regeln der Gender-Ökonomie beibringt und diese in verschiedenen Milieus durchsetzt. Es wird nahegelegt, dass die Akteur*innen auch andere Handlungsmöglichkeiten entdecken können, insoweit sie imstande sind, die affektiv erfahrenen Folgen der Gender-Ökonomie wahrzunehmen. In der Studie wird dafür argumentiert, dass ein derartiges Wissen über die körperliche Wirklichkeit auch entwickelt werden kann; anschließend wird die Rolle von Kunst kurz berücksichtigt.

Kunst. Politik. Wirksamkeit. / Betrachtungen zwischen Niklas Luhmann und Jacques Rancière

Vilc, Sonja 08 August 2017 (has links)
Die historischen Avantgardebewegungen haben mit dem Angriff auf die Autonomie der Kunst ein Erdbeben erzeugt, das sowohl die zeitgenössische Kunstpraxis als auch die ästhetische Theorie nachhaltig bewegt. Das Vermächtnis der historischen Avantgarden bleibt insofern als the Living Dead bestehen, als die Forderung, politisch wirksame Kunst zu schaffen, seit dem Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts immer wieder begraben und wiederbelebt wird. Auf der Ebene der Theorie pendeln diese Debatten zwischen der Konzeption einer autonomen Kunst einerseits und einer heteronomen Kunst andererseits, wobei Erstere einer philosophischen und Letztere einer soziologischen Kontextualisierung von Kunst entspricht. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt diese beiden Perspektiven – einmal die ästhetische Theorie von Jacques Rancière und einmal die Gesellschaftstheorie von Niklas Luhmann – nebeneinander und zeigt, wie ein künstlerisches Schaffen – hier Marko Peljhans Projekt Makrolab – zugleich politisch wirksam und politisch unwirksam sein kann. Mit diesem Schritt wird die Diskussion über politische Kunst auf die Diskussion über die Wirksamkeit verschoben. Es wird festgestellt, dass die Frage nach politisch wirksamer Kunst nur im Rahmen einer kulturhistorisch spezifischen Vorstellung von Wirksamkeit möglich ist. Wird diese Vorstellung von Wirksamkeit durch eine andere ersetzt, verliert die Frage nach politischer Kunst ihren Sinn, es erschließt sich jedoch ein neues Verständnis des gesellschaftlichen Wandels, das weit über die Themen der Kunst hinausgeht. / By attacking the autonomy of the arts, the historical avant-gardes caused an upheaval which has resonated in the contemporary artistic practices as well as in art theory to this day. The legacy of the historical avant-gardes remains in the state of the living dead, since the demands to make political art have since the beginning of the 20th century repeatedly been buried and resuscitated. On the level of theory, these debates have been oscillating between the concept of an autonomous sphere of art on the one side and the heteronomous sphere of art on the other, whereas the former corresponds to a philosophical and the latter to a sociological contextualisation of the arts. This text combines both of these perspectives, putting Jacques Rancière’s philosophy of art and Niklas Luhmann’s social theory side by side in order to show how a singular artwork – here Marko Peljhan’s project Makrolab – can be understood as politically efficient and not politically efficient at the same time. With this step the discussion about political art is shifted to a discussion about efficacy and brought to the conclusion that the question of political art is only possible within a frame of a culturally and historically specific conception of efficacy. When this specific conception of efficacy is replaced by another, the question about political art loses its meaning. However, it is exactly at this point that a new understanding of social change opens up, which reaches far beyond the domain of art theory.

Wordsworth and the French Enlightenment

Ray, Mrinalkanti 19 April 2018 (has links)
Consacrée au rapport idéologique entre le romantisme anglais et les Lumières françaises (aboutissant à la Révolution de 1789), cette thèse entend combler une lacune critique sur des échanges intellectuels reconnus et méconnus. Parmi les auteurs anglais, ces liens entre les cultures lettrées anglaises et françaises se sont très clairement manifestés sous la plume de William Wordsworth (1770-1850), initié à la pensée des Lumières par le capitaine militaire français Michel Beaupuy (1755-1796). Notre recherche évalue la dette contractée par Wordsworth envers des auteurs majeurs des Lumières dans le traitement de quatre sujets clés : la démocratie, la sensibilité, la religion et le langage. Cette thèse vise également à mettre en évidence le développement original de ces thèmes dans les oeuvres poétiques de Wordsworth. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi d'articuler notre étude autour de comparaisons et d'analyses de textes. Le premier chapitre est consacré au Contrat social (1762) de Rousseau, le second à La Nouvelle Héloïse (1761) de Rousseau, le troisième à Zadig (1747) de Voltaire, et le dernier chapitre à VEssai sur l'origine des connaissances humaines (1746) de Condillac. Bien que les sujets et les oeuvres abordés soient apparemment disparates, l'ensemble est intimement lié à l'épanouissement de l'oeuvre poétique de Wordsworth : cette contribution effective sous-tend et justifie leur traitement dans une même étude. Sur le plan théorique, l'argumentaire de cette thèse se base sur la théorie poétique de Harold Bloom, telle qu'exposée dans The Anxiety of Influence (1973). Faisant appel à la notion freudienne du complexe d'OEdipe, fondée sur la rivalité palpable entre père et fils pour l'amour de la mère, Bloom constate qu'une rivalité semblable existe entre les poètes et leurs modèles d'inspiration poétiques. Cette opposition permet à terme de se distinguer comme poète ou, pour reprendre le terme de Bloom, comme poète « fort ». L'étude intertextuelle menée ici montrera comment Wordsworth s'établit comme « poète fort », via ses sources d'inspiration.

Sans crier gare : suivi de Les interludes et les personnages récurrents : créateurs de ponts entre les textes d'un recueil de nouvelles

Boutillier, Cynthia 02 October 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire comporte deux parties. La première consiste en un recueil de nouvelles, intitulé Sans crier gare, composé d’un prélude, de deux interludes et de sept nouvelles. Le fil conducteur du recueil tient dans l’idée d’aider son prochain et dans la reprise d’un personnage, soit le protagoniste de la première nouvelle. Son évolution dans sa propre histoire, laquelle se répercute chronologiquement dans les six autres, dévoile les multiples facettes de sa personnalité, justifie en quelque sorte la quête des autres personnages, tous différents, mais à la recherche d’un sens à leur vie, et offre des contrastes entre les nouvelles en même temps qu’elle permet de les rapprocher. Les récits exposent des personnages évoluant dans un univers contemporain, quotidien et imprégné par la vitesse et le stress de la ville, donc propice aux bouleversements et à l’inattendu. La partie critique, Les interludes et les personnages récurrents : créateurs de ponts entre les textes d’un recueil de nouvelles, porte sur l’analyse des interludes et des personnages récurrents dans Les aurores montréales de Monique Proulx, L’assassiné de l’intérieur de Jean-Jacques Pelletier, La mort en friche d’Éric Fourlanty et Sans cœur et sans reproche de Monique Proulx. Elle s’intéresse à leur contribution dans la création d’un effet de continuité et, donc, à la façon dont ils peuvent être envisagés en tant que modalités de communication entre les textes. / This master thesis has two parts. The first one is a short story collection, entitled Sans crier gare, which consists of a prelude, two interludes and seven short stories. The common thread lies in the idea of helping others and the repetition of a character: the first story’s protagonist. His evolution in his own story, which is chronologically reflected into the six others, reveals the many facets of his personality, somehow justifies the aim of the other characters, all different, but looking for meaning in their lives, and offers contrasts and creates links between short stories. These stories expose characters that are evolving in a contemporary and everyday world, marked by the speed and stress of the city, thus conducive to the upheavals and the unexpected. The research project, Les interludes et les personnages récurrents: créateurs de ponts entre les textes d’un recueil de nouvelles, focuses on the analysis of interludes and recurring characters in Les aurores montréales by Monique Proulx, L’assassiné de l’intérieur by Jean-Jacques Pelletier, La mort en friche by Éric Fourlanty and Sans cœur et sans reproche by Monique Proulx. This part aims at showing the impact of these processes in the creation of a continuity effect and how they can be considered as modalities of communication between texts.

"Lighting his way home" : pastoral conversations with a missing child's mother

Brink, Anna Margaretha 30 November 2003 (has links)
Missing children is one of the horrors that we are confronted with in today's society. The case study method, a feminist co-search methodology, is used to give a missing child's mother the opportunity to tell and re-tell the painful story. During this co-search process the following aspects of doing ethics and pastoral care and counselling with the mother are constantly negotiated. The term "missing child" is defined and the relevance between the distinction of "missing children" and "run-away children" is discussed. Furthermore, this study explores the many diverse practices of narrative pastoral care and counselling with parents of missing children within an economically disadvantaged community. The conceptualisations regarding loss, hope and meaning-making and how these are utilised in the life of a missing child's mother is discussed. / Practical Theology / M.Th.

The concept of human nature in five vernacular writers of the French Renaissance

Lemon, Joanne Vivian January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Being, eating and being eaten : deconstructing the ethical subject

Vrba, Minka 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Philosophy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This study constitutes a conceptual analysis and critique of the notion of the subject, and the concomitant notion of responsibility, as it has developed through the philosophical history of the modern subject. The aim of this study is to present the reader with a critical notion of responsibility. This study seeks to divorce such a position from the traditional, normative view of the subject, as typified by the Cartesian position. Following Derrida, a deconstructive reading of the subject’s conceptual development since Descartes is presented. What emerges from this reading is that, despite various re-conceptualisations of the subject by philosophers as influential and diverse as Nietzsche, Heidegger and Levinas, their respective positions continue to affirm the subject as human. The position presented in this study challenges this notion of the subject as human, with the goal of opening-up and displacing the ethical frontier between human and non-human. It is argued that displacing this ethical frontier introduces complex responsibilities. These complex responsibilities resist the violence inherent to normative positions that typically exclude the non-human – particularly the animal – from the sphere of responsibility.

Van moi tot je : die verband tussen die ontwikkeling van die subjek en die kunsmaakproses

Roux, Susan Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (VA)(Visual Arts))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The purpose of this study was to develop an academic approach towards my own work. The main objective was to determine my position as the subject in the art-making process and, in doing so, to find a way in which to discuss my own work more readily. My underlying assumption was that identity is formed through a visual rather than a verbal process. I realised however that language played an important role, especially since the metonymic and metaphoric characteristics of my art flow from language. The study therefore focuses on the forming of identity, on the road to self-identity, but takes this factor into consideration. Lacan’s theory on the mirror phase offered me the opportunity to investigate the inseparable relationship between subjectivity and visuality. His work on the intrinsic interaction between image and language, the conscious and the unconscious, being human as a “lack of being” and the endeavour towards completion in a broken world, culminates in the construction that language originates from the moment at which the conscious makes an appearance at the end of the mirror phase and that the unconscious is structured like a language. For Lacan the subject is not mono-dimensional, but occupies two positions, one in the imaginary, known as the moi, and the other in the symbolic, known as the je. Based on this view, Lacan demonstrates that the symbols artists use should not only be understood as icons, but should be seen as signifiers in which the subject comes to the fore. What I have drawn from the theoretical part of my research is the fact that the composition of factors that determine the meeting of subjects in the viewing process are extremely complex. The core of the gaze is however that the gazing subject always experiences something of itself in the gaze. This insight not only helped me to describe some of the work of my favourite artists better, but to identify myself in my work. The experience of unravelling and restructuring my thoughts in the writing process was most liberating.

Mind and language : evolution in contemporary theories of cognition

De Villiers, Tanya 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Philosophy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This thesis gives an historical overview of some of the issues connecting philosophy of mind and philosophy of langauge in the twentieth century, especially with regard to the relevance of both disciplines to theories of cognition. Specifically, the interrelation between the theories of Peirce,Chomsky, Derrida, and Deacon are discussed. Furthermore, an overview of twentieth century views on mind in both philosophy and the cognitive sciences is given. The argument is made that many of the apparently insurmountable issues that plague theories on mind and cognition today can be traced back to the metaphysical mould into which the philosophical questions at issue here were cast. Also, despite current resistance to the idea from many philosophical quarters, a case is made for approaching language and mind in terms of neo-Darwinist evolutionary theory.

Économie de la perversité baudelairienne. Une lecture de Donner le temps de Jacques Derrida

Cotton Lizotte, Nicholas 08 1900 (has links)
Jacques Derrida n’a écrit qu’un seul ouvrage sur Baudelaire : Donner le temps I. La fausse monnaie (1991). Dans cette étude, il s’agit de préciser, notamment autour de la question de la perversité, les liens unissant le poète au philosophe en accordant une attention particulière aux textes « Le mauvais vitrier » (Baudelaire), « The Imp of the Perverse » (Edgar Poe), « La fausse monnaie » (Baudelaire) et Mémoires d’aveugle (Derrida). Imbriquées dans une logique de l’événement, les deux notions de perversité et de don peuvent s’éclairer mutuellement et ont des répercussions jusque dans les textes et pour la littérature elle-même. / Jacques Derrida only wrote one book on Baudelaire, entitled Given Time: I. Counterfeit Money (1991). With special focus on a number of other texts, including “The Bad Glazier” (Baudelaire), The Imp of the Perverse (Edgar Allan Poe), “Counterfeit Money” (Baudelaire) and Memoirs of the Blind (Derrida), this analysis clarifies the relations linking the poet to the philosopher, particularly with regard to the question of perversity, or rather, in Poe’s words, perverseness. Bound up in event logic, the two notions of perversity and gift can explain one another and their repercussions are far-reaching both in the texts and in literature itself.

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