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Jean-Baptiste Isabey (1767-1855) : l'artiste et son tempsLecosse, Cyril 25 May 2012 (has links)
Jean-Baptiste Isabey (1767-1855) connaît une carrière exceptionnellement longue qui s’étend de la Révolution au Second Empire. Après avoir exposé ses premières œuvres au Salon de 1791, cet élève de Jacques-Louis David s’impose sur la scène artistique du Directoire comme le premier dessinateur et miniaturiste de son temps. En s'inscrivant dans un contexte favorable à la diffusion de portraits de moindre coût et de moindre format, sa réussite peu commune rend compte de l'évolution des critères de la reconnaissance artistique à la fin du XVIIIe. Elle témoigne également de la promotion du statut social de l'artiste autour de 1800. Lié aux proches du clan Bonaparte sous la Consulat, Isabey est un des portraitistes de la période les mieux introduits auprès des élites. Son habileté à exploiter des sujets qui répondent aux goûts de ses contemporains permets de mesurer l'importance des relations mondaines dans la naissance et la diffusion des réputations artistiques au tournant du XIXe siècle. Entre 1800 et 1805, Isabey est l'auteur de plusieurs grands dessins de propagande qui scandent les principales étapes de la consolidation du nouveau pouvoir. Familier de la noblesse impériale, l'artiste accumule honneurs et commandes officielles au lendemain du Sacre. Sa réputation est associée aux portraits miniatures de l’Empereur destinés à la caisse des présents diplomatiques et à quelques-unes des plus célèbres représentations officielles de Marie-Louise et du roi de Rome. Ses responsabilités sont extrêmement variées et sa production considérable : il est à la fois peintre des relations extérieures, dessinateur du cabinet et des cérémonies et décorateur en chef de l'Opéra. L'étude de ce parcours pluridisciplinaire offre un champ d'étude remarquable, qui nous fournit bien des clefs pour comprendre la carrière et le statut des artistes de cour sous l'Empire. Après Waterloo, Isabey est mis à l’écart du pouvoir en raison de ses engagements bonapartistes. L'artiste exécute alors plusieurs caricatures et portraits qui le montrent prompt à critiquer la monarchie restaurée. L'analyse des effets de la résistance au régime royaliste dans le monde des arts entre 1815 et 1820 aide à saisir le sens de son engagement dans l'opposition. La période qui s’ouvre au lendemain des Cent-Jours est également fondamentale pour comprendre le parcours artistique d'Isabey et pour apprécier la place que lui assignèrent ses contemporains dans l’art de la première partie du XIXe siècle. Son abondante production, qui se décline en miniatures sur vélin, dessins, lithographies, aquarelles et peintures à l’huile le montre soucieux de l'évolution du goût. Elle met aussi en lumière la difficulté qu'il éprouve à conserver sa réputation de portraitiste après 1820. Cette thèse fournit pour la première fois un catalogue de l’œuvre d'Isabey / Jean-Baptiste Isabey (1767-1855) had an exceptionally long career that spanned from the French Revolution until the Second French Empire. After his early works' exhibition at the Salon of 1791, this student of Jacques-Louis David rapidly became, on the art scene of the French Directory, the finest artist and miniaturist of his time. In a context that made the dissemination of low-cost and small-sized portraits easier, his unusual success reflects the change of artistic recognition criteria in the late eighteenth century. It also reflects the improvement of the social status of artists around 1800. Linked to people that were close to Bonaparte under the French Consulate, Isabey is one of the period's best introduced portraitists. His cleverness in using themes that meet his contemporaries' tastes clearly shows how important social relationships can be in the making and spreading of artistic reputations at the turn of the nineteenth century. Between 1800 and 1805, Isabey is the author of several large propaganda drawings that punctuate the main steps of the new power's consolidation. Familiar with the imperial nobility, the artist collects honours and official commissions in the wake of the Coronation. His reputation is associated with miniature portraits of the Emperor made for the fund of diplomatic presents and with some of the most famous official representations of Marie-Louise and of the King of Rome. His responsibilities are manifold and he produces a lot: he is the official painter for external relations, designer of the Cabinet, designer of Ceremonies and chief decorator of the Opera. The study of this multidisciplinary career gives many keys to a better understanding of the career and status of court artists under the Empire. After Waterloo, Isabey is sidelined because of his bonapartist commitments. At this time the artist performs several caricatures and portraits where he clearly criticizes the freshly restored monarchy. Analysing the effects of this resistance to the royalist regime in the world of arts between 1815 and 1820 helps in understanding his commitment to the opposition. The period opening in the aftermath of the Hundred Days is also fundamental to understanding Isabey's artistic career and to appreciate the place he was assigned by his contemporaries in the art of the first part of the nineteenth century. His prolific output, which comes in miniature on vellum, drawings, lithographs, watercolours and oil paintings shows his constant concern about changing tastes. It also highlights the difficulty he has to maintain his reputation as a portraitist after 1820.This thesis provides for the first time a catalogue of Isabey's works
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Det odödas analys : En studie av centralproblematiken i Slavoj Zizeks samhällsanalys / Undead-analysis : Observing the Social Theory of Slavoj ZizekPalm, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the social theory of Lacanian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. It focuses on Žižek’s work between 1989 and 2006, and offers an interpretation based on a reading of three central concepts: the Other, fantasy, and the act. All these concepts occupy the intersection between Lacan’s three orders (Imaginary, Real, Symbolic), which in Žižek’s theory means that they express a tension shared by all social order. The first chapter approaches Žižek’s conception of “the social” through an introduction of the Lacanian concept of "the Other." Attention is paid to how (a) the Other is constitutively split between its role as a Symbolic network of signifiers, and its enigmatic (Real and Imaginary) capacity to support this Symbolic network; (b) a similar split marks several of Žižek’s Lacanian and Hegelian concepts. Moreover, the chapter contrasts Žižekian sociality with those of Giddens, Luhmann and Althusser. The second chapter gives an account of the topological place of fantasy in Žižek’s theory. Relating Žižek’s theory to Critical Theory, deconstruction and Deleuzian philosophy, fantasy is presented as a concept countering new forms of “bad infinity” (Hegel) in modern social theory. The third chapter links Žižek’s theory of the act to the theories of Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, and Alain Badiou. Commenting on Rex Butler’s brilliant reading of Žižek, the thesis argues that Butler’s definition of the act is too negative. Instead, the thesis proposes a definition which emphasises the act's productive dimension, insisting on how the act ultimately involves the transformation from masculine to feminine enjoyment. The last chapter critically observes the different treatments Lacan and Derrida receive in Žižek’s text. The argument concludes that the Žižekian text relapses into a "masculine logic of exception", insofar as it leaves Derrida’s phallus untouched, while treating Lacan as the only one lacking phallus.</p>
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Trends in radical propaganda on the eve of the French Revolution (1782-1788)Darnton, Robert Choate January 1964 (has links)
The pamphleteers popularized the mythology of despotism by denouncing lettres de cachet and other supposed abuses of power that had little effect on most people. Historians like Funck-Brentano may be correct in arguing that the government was really moderate at this time, but it is important to show that radical propagandists were quite successful in convincing Frenchmen that thousands of innocent victims huddled miserably in <em >cachots for having inflamed the despotic passions of a minister. Moreover the prisons that were mythological for most Frenchmen had been terribly real for Brissot, Carra, Gorsas and many other writers, and this consideration also suggests the importance of the biographical approach. The Bastille may have been nearly empty, but it was a powerful symbol, effectively exploited by pamphleteers who dealt in symbols, declamation and distortions of political realities. They were highly successful in dominating public opinion, which exerted an influence on events that has been unappreciated in relation to the weak, irresolute rule of Louis XVI. The thesis attempts to develop this interprettion of the political importance of radical propaganda with reference to the scientific, financial and literary history of the period. It may seem weak on some ponts of these specialized fields, but it is hoped that it assimilates them successfully in its main attempt to contribute to an understanding of the last years of the Ancien Regime: its analysis of the character of radical propaganda in relation to the men who created it.
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The nature of the marvelous in René Depestre’s Hadriana dans tous mes rêvesBelleroche, Jean Élie, 1968- 26 July 2011 (has links)
My goal is to study the nature of the Marvelous in René Depestre's Hadriana dans tous mes rêves. I want to demonstrate that René Depestre, in his novel, combines a number of surrealist or neo-surrealist premises that have influenced him as a Haitian writer. This goes beyond differences that can be discerned between the "Surrealist marvelous" endorsed by André Breton and the surrealists, and Alejo Capentier's "marvelous real"later proposed by Jacques Stephen Alexis as "marvelous realism" Depestre adapts Haitian natives' perceptions deep-rooted in their historical and social, cultural and religious past and ever-existing political and economical struggle. Taking into account both the surrealist perspective and the Haitian context, I shall address the complexity of the concept of the Marvelous and discuss Depestre's use of "zombification"as a form of metamorphosis, which preserves the mystical nature of Vodou as a religion that syncretizes the Roman Catholic ritual of exorcism of the Christian West and the animist and magical practices inherited from Africa. Scholars have explored the Marvelous and marvelous realism in Depestre's works as a whole, but not in Hadriana dans tous mes rêves specifically. The exclusive nature of this study will show that Depestre draws from Haiti's complex cultural ethos as well as from surrealism'es key principles, to create a hybrid Marvelous typical of Haiti and Depestre'es aesthetic as a writer. / text
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La place de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans la philosophie kantienne de l'éducationSarbazevatan, Sourena 03 1900 (has links)
En vue de saisir la pensée kantienne dans toute sa virulence, on ne peut jamais faire abstraction de la place éminente de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans cette philosophie qui ne cesse pas à marquer, à définir et à poser des jalons de la pensée moderne. À cet égard, si le Genevois communique les grandes leçons de sa théorie de l’homme sous la guise d’une éducation, il s’agit ici non pas d’une philosophie de l’éducation mais bien plus d’une philosophie comme éducation.
C’est effectivement cette thèse que Kant reprend, suit et enrichie d’une manière sui generis pour renverser l’ordre théorique mais surtout pratique de religion-moralité-devoir et libérer une fois pour toutes la morale des dogmes théologiques et finalement pour édifier une philosophie pratique comme l’éducation de l’espèce humaine. Le but de cette étude est de jeter quelques lumières sur la place sans pareille de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans la philosophie kantienne de l’éducation. / The decisive influence of Immanuel Kant in the course of modern philosophy is incontrovertible. In a sense, had it not been for this monumental figure of the 18th century, philosophy would have never reached the flair to convey the existential, analytical and phenomenological questions of modernity.
However, if Kant set the agenda for any posterior thought, he was not himself Kantian until Jean-Jacques Rousseau disenchanted him. In this regard, if the Genevois philosopher communicated his philosophy in the guise of an education, philosophy in itself is defined by the education of humanity. It is indeed this perspective of Rousseau that put the German philosopher on the right track to find the ultimate goal of philosophy in the moral education as the sum and substance of the practical philosophy. The objective of this study is to shed some lights on the unparalleled role of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Kant’s philosophy of education as the harbinger of the universal ethics beyond the dogmas of a blind theology: the question which still remains crucial today.
1546 |
Det odödas analys : En studie av centralproblematiken i Slavoj Zizeks samhällsanalys / Undead-analysis : Observing the Social Theory of Slavoj ZizekPalm, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the social theory of Lacanian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. It focuses on Žižek’s work between 1989 and 2006, and offers an interpretation based on a reading of three central concepts: the Other, fantasy, and the act. All these concepts occupy the intersection between Lacan’s three orders (Imaginary, Real, Symbolic), which in Žižek’s theory means that they express a tension shared by all social order. The first chapter approaches Žižek’s conception of “the social” through an introduction of the Lacanian concept of "the Other." Attention is paid to how (a) the Other is constitutively split between its role as a Symbolic network of signifiers, and its enigmatic (Real and Imaginary) capacity to support this Symbolic network; (b) a similar split marks several of Žižek’s Lacanian and Hegelian concepts. Moreover, the chapter contrasts Žižekian sociality with those of Giddens, Luhmann and Althusser. The second chapter gives an account of the topological place of fantasy in Žižek’s theory. Relating Žižek’s theory to Critical Theory, deconstruction and Deleuzian philosophy, fantasy is presented as a concept countering new forms of “bad infinity” (Hegel) in modern social theory. The third chapter links Žižek’s theory of the act to the theories of Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, and Alain Badiou. Commenting on Rex Butler’s brilliant reading of Žižek, the thesis argues that Butler’s definition of the act is too negative. Instead, the thesis proposes a definition which emphasises the act's productive dimension, insisting on how the act ultimately involves the transformation from masculine to feminine enjoyment. The last chapter critically observes the different treatments Lacan and Derrida receive in Žižek’s text. The argument concludes that the Žižekian text relapses into a "masculine logic of exception", insofar as it leaves Derrida’s phallus untouched, while treating Lacan as the only one lacking phallus.
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A return to Kristeva: reconstructing female voice in contemporary consumer societyBouwer-Nirenstein, Athena Vanessa 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / There has been considerable debate amongst feminist scholars as to whether the
normalization of cosmetic surgery positively impacts women, empowers women by promoting
agency and choice (Gimlin 2002, Kuczynski 2006), or oppresses women by propagating
patriarchal ideologies that confine women’s bodies and consequently inhibit their voice (Blum
2003, Blood 2005, Heinricy 2006, Clarke and Griffin 2007, Tait, 2007). Rather than entering this
debate my argument proceeds from a premise that the normalization of cosmetic surgery is a
form of implicit and exclusive violence. Using a selection of post‐structuralist, feminist, and
psychoanalytic theories, I analyze the manner in which this form of violence confines women’s
bodies and structures the psyche. Using Jacques Lacan, Judith Butler, and Michel Foucault’s
argument on pastoral power, I deconstruct the formation of the normalized self, the conscience,
and the act of confession as it translates in the context of the cosmetic surgical body itself.
Furthermore, I highlight liberal feminism’s role in this form of oppression. In so doing, I
theoretically show the continual and effective functioning of pastoral power in the context of an
individualization technique that oppresses women in the second decade of the twenty‐first
century. I argue that the normalization of cosmetic surgery provokes a silencing of woman’s
voices, an exploitation and oppression of the individual’s psyche, and an invalidation of the living
body by a less visible, less explicit, mode of incarceration that is concealed by an aesthetic and
moral veil.
It is in this context that I present a counter discourse to the oppression that underlies the
normalizing discourses promoted by the cosmetic surgical industry, a destabilization of
patriarchal norms embedded within cosmetic surgical discourses, and a theoretical
reconstruction that involves an inscription of what I refer to as an authentic feminist voice in
contemporary consumer culture – a mode of intimate unconscious insurgence.
I advocate a return to Julia Kristeva’s theory and the intimate revolt promoted by her
ethical approach. Furthermore, I present a voice that demonstrates an intimate revolt – a voice
that challenges patriarchal norms and is not exclusively confined by the mechanisms of
normalization that shape the twenty‐first century woman with emphasis on the cosmetic surgical industry and its superincumbent discourses – the South African poet Antjie Krog. It is Krog’s
skillfully structured poetic texts that facilitate my theoretical reconstruction.
Applying Kristeva’s theory on semanalysis, I theoretically show that Krog’s work fabricates
an excess to the confines of the law of the Father and the mechanisms of normalization itself. In
addition, I present an “originary attachment” as an adaption of Kristeva’s argument on the chora
and my proposal of an “originary ideal” challenges Kristeva’s emphasis on phonetic grams in the
context of that which underlies the realm of the paternal metaphor.
Using Louise Viljoen’s analysis of Krog’s work and Bridget Garnham’s research on
emerging designer cosmetic surgical discourses as support, I then present Krog’s poetic texts as
a counter discourse to the “moral” cosmetic surgical discourses that exploit the ageing individual
in the second decade of the twenty‐first century. In addition, applying Kristeva’s theory on
paragrams to Krog’s poetic text(s), I present a destabilization of the patriarchal norms implicit
within cosmetic surgical discourses. Furthermore, I extend Kristeva’s theory on the principle of
negativity to present a re‐translation of the act‐of‐confession in Krog’s poetic text(s), an
extension of Foucault’s pastoral power and Butler’s argument on the exclusivity of normalization,
and a reclamation of her ageing body in Verweersrkrif/Body Bereft (Krog 2006). / Feministiese geleerdes voer al geruime tyd 'n warm debat oor die kwessie of die
normalisering van kosmetiese chirurgie vroue positief beïnvloed, vroue bemagtig deurdat dit
volmag en keuse vir hulle in die hand werk (Gimlin 2002; Kuczynski 2006), of vroue onderdruk
deurdat dit patriargale ideologieë voorstaan wat die vroueliggaam inperk en gevolglik die
vrou inhibeer om haar stem te laat hoor (Blood 2005; Blum 2005; Clarke en Griffin 2007;
Heinricy 2006; Tait 2007). In plaas daarvan om by hierdie debat betrokke te raak, gaan ek van
die veronderstelling uit dat die normalisering van kosmetiese chirurgie 'n vorm van implisiete
en eksklusiewe geweld is.
Aan die hand van post-strukturalistiese, feministiese en psigoanalitiese teorieë
ontleed ek die manier waarop hierdie vorm van geweld vroue se liggaam onderwerp en hul
psige vorm. Ek dekonstrueer die vorming van die genormaliseerde self, die bewussyn en die
daad van belydenis, soos dit in die konteks oorgebring word, aan die hand van Jacques Lacan,
Judith Butler en Michel Foucault se beskouings van herderlike oftewel pastorale mag.
Hierbenewens onderstreep ek die rol wat liberale feminisme in hierdie vorm van
onderwerping speel. Sodoende demonstreer ek teoreties hoe die voortdurende en
effektiewe funksionering van pastorale mag in die konteks van ’n individualiseringstegniek
vroue in die tweede dekade van die een-en-twintigste eeu onderdruk. Ek maak die aanname
dat die normalisering van kosmetiese chirurgie daartoe bydra dat vroue die swye opgelê
word, die individu se psige uitgebuit en onderdruk word en die lewende liggaam ontkragtig
word deur middel van ’n inkerkering wat minder sigbaar en minder eksplisiet is en agter ’n estetiese en morele sluier verdoesel word.
In hierdie konteks bied ek ’n teendiskoers aan vir die onderwerping wat onderliggend
is aan die normaliseringsdiskoerse wat die kosmetiesechirurgiebedryf ondersteun, en ek
bepleit dat die patriargale norme wat in diskoerse oor kosmetiese chirurgie vassit,
gedestabiliseer word. Ek demonstreer verder ’n teoretiese rekonstruksie wat ’n inskripsie
insluit van wat ek ’n geloofwaardige feministiese stem in die eietydse verbruikerskultuur
noem – ’n modus van intieme, onbewuste opstandigheid.
Ek bepleit 'n terugkeer na Julia Kristeva se teorie en die intieme oproer wat deur haar
etiese benadering voorgestaan word. Afgesien hiervan stel ek ’n stem voor wat ’n intieme opstand demonstreer – ’n stem wat patriargale norme uitdaag en nie uitsluitlik onderdruk
word deur die normaliseringsmeganismes wat vorm gee aan die vrou van die een-entwintigste
eeu nie, waar die klem op die kosmetiesechirurgiebedryf en die boliggende
diskoerse daarvan val – Antjie Krog, Suid-Afrikaanse digter. Dit is juis Krog se kunstig
gestruktureerde digterlike tekste wat my teoretiese rekonstruksie fasiliteer.
Aan die hand van Kristeva se teorie oor semanalise toon ek teoreties dat Krog se werk
’n ruimte daarstel wat "uitstyg" bo die grense wat die wet van die Vader en die
normaliseringsmeganismes stel. Hierbenewens stel ek ’n "originêre gehegtheid" as
aanpassing van Kristeva se beskouing van die chora voor, en my voorstel van ’n "originêre
ideaal" daag Kristeva se opvating oor paragramme uit in die konteks van dit wat ten grondslag
lê aan die gebied van die paternalistiese metafoor.
Op grond van Louise Viljoen se ontleding van Krog se werk en Bridget Garnham se
navorsing oor opkomende diskoerse oor ontwerpers- kosmetiese chirurgie bied ek Krog se
digterlike tekste aan as ’n teendiskoers vir die "morele" diskoerse oor kosmetiese chirurgie
wat die verouderende individu in die tweede dekade van die een-en-twintigste eeu uitbuit.
Daarby, deur Kristeva se teorie oor paragramme op Krog se digterlike teks(te) toe te pas,
demonstreer ek 'n destabilisering van die patriargale norme wat implisiet in diskoerse oor
kosmetiese chirurgie teenwoordig is. Hierbenewens brei ek Kristeva se teorie oor die
negatiwiteitsbeginsel uit deur middel van ’n heroorsetting van die belydenisdaad in Krog se
digwerk(e), ’n uitbreiding van Foucault se pastorale mag en Butler se opvatting oor die
eksklusiwiteit van normalisering, en ’n opeising van Krog se verouderende liggaam in
Verweerskrif/Body Bereft (Krog 2006). / Sekubekhona izingxoxo-mpikiswano eziningi kwizifundiswa zama-feminist ukuthi
ngabe ukwenza isurgery yohlinzo olungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka ngokwemvelo
(cosmetic plastic surgery) kunomphumela omuhle yini kwabesimame, ngabe kuhlinzeka
ngamandla kwabesimame ngokuphakamisela phezulu ukuthi umuntu azenzele akufunayo
kanye nokuzikhethela (Grimlin 2002, Kuczynski 2006) noma kuyinto ecindezela abesimame
ngokuqhubela phambili indlela nama-idiyoloji abekwa ngabesilisa ukuthi imizimba
yabesimame kumele ibukeke kanjani, kanti lokhu kucindezela izwi labesimame (Blum 2003,
Blood 2005, Heinricy 2006, Clarke and Griffin 2007, Tait, 2007). Kunokuthi iphuzu nami
ngingenele kule ngxoxo-mpikiswano, elami iphuzu lona liqhubeka ukusukela kwisimo
sokuthi ukwamukela uhlujzo olungajulile lokuzitshintsha ukubukeka kwabesimame
(cosmetic surgery) kuyindlela yodlame olungaqondile ngqo kanye nolukhipha inyumbazane
abesimame. Ngokusebenzisa amathiyori epost-structuralist, awe-feminist kanye nawepsychoanalytical,
ngihlaziya indlela le nhlobo yalolu dlame ecindezela ngayo imizimba
yabesimame kanye nokuhlela indlela okumele bacabange nokuzibona ngayo.
Ngokusebenzisa iphuzu likaJacques Lacan, Judith Buttle kanye noMichel Foucault lamandla
okukhokhela ngokomoya, ngiqhaqha indlela okubumbeka ngayo isithombe sokuzibona,
unembeza kanye nomoya wokuhlambulula ngokuzidalula (confession) lapho kubhekwa
izinto ngaphansi kwesimo somzimba wokuhlinzwa okungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka
ngokwakho. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ngigqamisa indima ye-liberal feminism ngokwayo kule
nhlobo yencindezelo. Ngokwenza lokho, ngikhombisa ngokwethiyori ukuqhubeka
nokusebenza kwamandla esikhokhelo ngokomoya ngaphansi kwethekniki yokuzazi komuntu
eyedwa okucindezela abesimame kwiminyaka elishumi yesibili, yesenshuri yamashumi
amabili nanye . Ngiqhubela phambili iphuzu lokuthi ukwenziwa kohlinzo olungajulile
lokuzishintsha ukubukeka kuqala umoya wokucindezela izwi labesimame, ukuxhashazwa
kwabo, kanye nendlela umuntu azibona ngayo ngokwengqondo, kanye nokucindezela
umzimba ophilayo ngezindlela ezingazibonakalisi obala, ezifihlekile, indlela yokubopha
efihlwa yindlela yokubukeka kanye nokwembozwa umoya.
Kungaphansi kwalesi simo lapho ngethula khona i-discourse yencindezelo eyenza
ukuthi imboni yohlinzo olungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka kwabesimame kube yinto
ephakanyiswayo nokubonwa iyinhle, ukuphazamiseka kwama-norm endlela yengcindezi
yabesilisa, ngaphansi kwama-discourse okuhlinzwa okungajulile ukushintsha ukubukeka,
kanye nokwakha ithiyori ebandakanya ukubona izinto ngendlela ethize, engikuchaza
njengezwi okuyilo elifanele le-feminism, kwisimo sosiko esiphila ngaphansi kwaso samanje -
okuyindlela abantu abazibuka ngayo ezingqondweni ngendlela engekho obala.
Ngigcizelela ukubuyela kwithiyori kaKristeva, kanye nokuthi abantu babhoke
indlobana ngezindlela eziphansi, okuyinto ayiphakamisayo yenkambiso yokwazi okulungile
nokungalunganga (ethical approach). Naphezu kwalokho, ngiveza izwi elibonisa ukubhoka
indlobana kwabesimame ngendlela engekho sobala - izwi elifaka inselele kuma-norm
okubhozomelwa ngumqondo wokulawula kwabesilisa, kanti futhi leli zwi aligcinanga nje
kuphela umumo wabesimame ngendlela ejwayelekile njengowesimame wesenshuri
yamashumi amabili-nanye ngokugcizelela kwimboni yohlinzo olungajulile lokuzishintsha
ukubukeka, kanye nendlela lokhu okuyisihibe ngayo – ngokusho kukasonkondlo waseNingizimu Afrika, u-Antjie Krog. Imibhalo yezinkondlo zikaKrog ezinobungcweti yiyo
eyenze ukwakha kwami kabusha ithiyori.
Ngokusebenzisa ithiyori kaKristeva ye-semanalysis, ngibonisa ngokwethiyori ukuthi
umsebenzi kaKrog uqambe okweqele ngaleya kwizihibe zomthetho kubaba kanye nezindlela
zokwenza izinto zibukeke ngendlela evamile noma zingavamile. Nangaphezu kwalokho,
ngifakela i-"originary attachment" njengokwenza ukuthi kube kwesinye isimo, iphuzu
likaKristeva ku-chora kanti isiphakamiso sami se-"originary ideal" sifaka inselele kusigcizelelo
sikaKristeva ngamagremu efonethiki ngaphansi kwesimo esigcizelela umfanekiso
ngasohlangothini lobaba.
Ngokusebenzisa ukuhlaziya kukaLouise Viljoen kumsebenzi kaKrog kanye nocwaningo
lukaBridget Garnham ngokuvela kwama-discourse ohlinzo olungajulile ukuzishintsha
ukubukeka njengesisekelo, ngase ngethula imibhalo yezinkondlo zikaKrog njenge-discourse
yokuphikisa ama-discourse e-"moral" yama-discourse ohlinzo olungajulile lokuzishintsha
ukubukeka, elixhaphaza abantu abagugayo ngeminyaka eyishumi yesibili kwisenshuri
yamashumi amabili-nanye. Naphezu kwalokho, ngisebenzise ithiyori kaKristeva
kumapharagramu kwimibhalo yezinkondlo zikaKrog, ngaphazamisa imibono yokuphatha
kwabesilisa equkethwe kuma-discourse ohlinzo ulungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka.
Ukuqhubekela phambili, nginwebe ithiyori kaKristeva ngesimiso se-negativity ukwethula
ukuhumusha kabusha umoya wokuzihlambulula ngokuzidalula otholakala kwizinkondlozikaKrog, ukuwukunweba amandla umbono kaFaucault wamandla okuthi abantu bazibone
ngenye indlela kanye nephuzu likaButler wlkuthi into engavamile engaphandle ibonwe
njengento efanele, kanye nokwamukela umzimba ogugayo kwinkondlo ye-
Verweerskrif/Body Bereft (Krog 2006). / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.(Theory of Literature)
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Le devenir-imperceptible de l'urbaniste : une lecture de l'éthique chez Gilles Deleuze : expérimentation sensible du pont Jacques-Cartier à MontréalBanville, Marie-Sophie 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Le Morceau de sucre et la fleur de papier. Écrire avec et contre Bergson, 1890-1940 / The Piece of Sugar and the Flower of Paper. Writing Literature with and against Bergson, 1890-1940Girardi, Clément 21 June 2018 (has links)
Nous considérons quelques écrivains et critiques littéraires chez qui la lecture de la philosophie d'Henri Bergson, du vivant de celui-ci, a fait naître une réflexion intense et rigoureuse quant à sa signification et à son avenir. Charles Péguy, Marcel Proust, Jacques Rivière, Albert Thibaudet et Jean Paulhan – l'antibergsonien Julien Benda leur servant de contrepoint – éprouvent la nécessité de contester la quiétude de Bergson ou la manière qu'il a de refermer son problème. Ils restent néanmoins fidèles à ce problème, apparaissant dès lors surtout soucieux de recommencer le bergsonisme, de repartir de sa table rase. Bergson leur semble trahir inconsciemment ses propres principes : soit qu'il échoue à faire attention aux découpages propres du réel et qu'il cède à de faux problèmes, soit qu'il cède plutôt à de fausses solutions et laisse ses lecteurs dans l'incertitude, initiant malgré lui une « crise de la durée ». Ils ont le sentiment de pouvoir être bergsoniens mieux que Bergson, indissociablement avec et contre lui. Il leur semble surtout que l'accomplissement du bergsonisme comme philosophie ne puisse se faire que dans une œuvre de littérature : soit qu'ils trouvent dans Bergson une théorie inattendue de l'urgence d'écrire, soient qu'ils voient dans la littérature, notamment romanesque, la réalisation vraie de l'intention bergsonienne, ou le moyen d'atteindre une philosophie enfin durable. L'heure n'est plus à mettre la vérité du morceau de sucre dans sa dissolution, mais bien à laisser l'eau du temps gonfler les arêtes de la fleur de papier japonais – et refaire d'elle l'occasion de retrouvailles, de soi avec soi et de soi avec tous les autres. / I consider a few literary writers and critics whose reading of Henri Bergson's philosophy was careful and passionate enough to make them reflect on its true meaning and possible future. Each in their own way, Charles Péguy, Marcel Proust, Jacques Rivière, Albert Thibaudet and Jean Paulhan – Julien Benda working here as a counterpoint – needed to criticize Bergson's tranquillity and rejected part of the solutions he offered. They nevertheless stayed true to his fundamental problem, thus offering more of a new beginning to bergsonism than a condemnation. They felt that Bergson unconsciously betrayed his own principles: either because he failed to pay attention to the true divisions of reality and was led to the formulation of fake problems, or because he accepted fake solutions on the contrary, and therefore left his readers in distress. In the latter case, they argued, the philosophy of duration did nothing but increase the destructive effect of time. They felt that they could be better bergsonians than Bergson. More importantly, they came to the idea that bergsonism as a philosophy could only be accomplished within the pages of a literary work. Some discovered in Bergson an unexpectedly positive theory of language. Some saw in the writing of novels the true realization of Bergson's intention. Others understood literature as the only way to escape the anguish created by philosophy and to slow down the pace of history. The truth of sugar lies not in its dissolving, unlike Bergson suggested, and one should rather let the water of time swell the edges of Proust's flower of japanese paper. In it lies the possibility of finding oneself again, as well as regaining a community.
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La performance au miroir des médiations. Enjeux théoriques et critiques / Performance and its Relations to MediationsFourgeaud, Nicolas 12 May 2012 (has links)
À l’orée des années soixante, la performance a cherché à imposer un art de l’action éphémère que n’entraverait aucun type de médiation, qu’il soit symbolique (la distance acteur/spectateur), technique (les médias), ou même linguistique (le langage, les signes). Enjeu de nombreux débats entre les années 1960 et 1990, ces tentatives ont trouvé de multiples formulations théoriques s’appuyant sur les outils du poststructuralisme en particulier, mais aussi sur des cadres de pensée différents, directement hérités du modernisme de Greenberg. On explore ici les étapes et enjeux de ce croisement, jusqu’à la rupture apportée dans les années 1990 et 2000 où les débats théoriques, toujours dirigés par des schémas poststructuralistes, redonnèrent une place centrale aux médiations, tout particulièrement au document. Or, la figure importante de la pratique artistique qu’est devenu le document depuis les années soixante s’avère mettre en question l’ontologie traditionnelle de la performance, orientée sur l’événement, autant que son épistémologie, qui valorise l’expérience directe. La prise en compte des dimensions instrumentales et artistiques du document nous conduit à réviser la poïétique traditionnelle de la performance et les théories de la communication qui lui sont liées, et à repenser par là même l’opposition entre objet et événement qui fonde la définition de la performance. C’est ainsi qu’on interroge le rapport de celle-ci à l’inscription, pour la redéfinir comme un art irréductible à son contexte d’exécution et travaillé en profondeur par la reproduction et la représentation, au travers notamment de l’étude de certaines figures exemplaires, Allan Kaprow, Chris Burden ou Tino Sehgal. / On the edge of the 1960’s, performance looked after imposing an art of ephemeral action that no kind of mediation would impede, be it symbolic (the distance between actor and spectator), technical (the medias), or even linguistical (language, signs). Those attempts led to numerous discussions between the 1960’s and the 1990’s, and have found numerous theoretical formulations using particularly the tools of poststructuralism, but also frames of thought directly inherited from Greenberg modernism. We explore here the stages and issues of this cross-over until the break of the 1990’s and 2000’s where the theoretical debates, always using poststructuralist schemes, gave a central role to mediations, particularly to the document. Documents have become an important figure of artistic practice since the 1960’s and turned out to question the traditional ontology of performance, based on the event, as well as its epistemology that promotes live experience. We try to consider the instrumental and artistic dimensions of the document ; this leads us to revise the traditional poetics of performance and theories of communication that are related to it, and to consider anew the opposition between object and event on which the definition of performance is based. Thus, we question the links between performance and inscription, redefined as an art that is irreducible to its context of execution and worked in depth by reproduction and representation, through the study of certain figureheads : Allan Kaprow, Chris Burden or Tino Sehgal.
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